Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords):
        super(wxPreviewArea, self).__init__(*arguments, **keywords)
        self.currentDaysItems = []
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)

        charStyle = Styles.CharacterStyle()

        #see Bug 3625
        charStyle.fontSize = 11
        self.font = Styles.getFont(charStyle)
        self.fontHeight = Styles.getMeasurements(self.font).height

        self.text = ""
 def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords):
     super(wxPreviewArea, self).__init__(*arguments, **keywords)
     self.currentDaysItems = []
     self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
     charStyle = Styles.CharacterStyle()
     #see Bug 3625
     charStyle.fontSize = 11
     self.font = Styles.getFont(charStyle)
     self.fontHeight = Styles.getMeasurements(self.font).height
     self.text = ""
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self,
                 style=wx.LB_NEEDED_SB | wx.LB_SINGLE | defaultBorderStyle):
        self.choices = []
        self.completionCallback = completionCallback
        self.adjacentControl = adjacentControl

        super(wxAutoCompleter, self).__init__(parent,
                                              size=wx.Size(0, 0),
        theFont = adjacentControl.GetFont()
        self.lineHeight = Styles.getMeasurements(theFont).height

        # self.SetFont(theFont)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onListClick)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.onListClick)
        eatEvent = lambda event: None
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, eatEvent)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK, eatEvent)

        self.Raise()  # make us appear on top
 def getTextFont(self):
     font = getattr(self, 'font', None)
     if font is None:
         fontsize = styles.cfg.get('triagebuttons', 'FontSize.%s' % wx.Platform) or \
                        styles.cfg.get('triagebuttons', 'FontSize') or "10"
         fontweight = styles.cfg.get('triagebuttons', 'FontWeight.%s' % wx.Platform) or \
                        styles.cfg.get('triagebuttons', 'FontWeight') or wx.BOLD
         font = self.font = Styles.getFont(size=int(fontsize), weight=int(fontweight))
     return font
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, parent, id, timeCharStyle, eventCharStyle, linkCharStyle, *arguments, **keywords):
        super(wxPreviewArea, self).__init__(parent, id, *arguments, **keywords)
        self.visibleEvents = []
        self._avoidDrawing = False
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnDClick)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnClick)
        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
            self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)


        self.useToday = True
        self.maximized = False
        self.titleFont = Styles.getFont(timeCharStyle)

        self.timeFont = Styles.getFont(timeCharStyle)
        self.eventFont = Styles.getFont(eventCharStyle)
        self.linkFont = Styles.getFont(linkCharStyle)
        self.labelPosition = -1  # Note that we haven't measured things yet.
    def __init__(self, parent, id, timeCharStyle, eventCharStyle,
                 linkCharStyle, *arguments, **keywords):
        super(wxPreviewArea, self).__init__(parent, id, *arguments, **keywords)
        self.visibleEvents = []
        self._avoidDrawing = False
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnDClick)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnClick)
        if wx.Platform == '__WXMAC__':
            self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)


        self.useToday = True
        self.maximized = False
        self.titleFont = Styles.getFont(timeCharStyle)

        self.timeFont = Styles.getFont(timeCharStyle)
        self.eventFont = Styles.getFont(eventCharStyle)
        self.linkFont = Styles.getFont(linkCharStyle)
        self.labelPosition = -1  # Note that we haven't measured things yet.
    def __init__(self, parent, adjacentControl, completionCallback, 
                 style=wx.LB_NEEDED_SB | wx.LB_SINGLE | defaultBorderStyle):
        self.choices = []
        self.completionCallback = completionCallback
        self.adjacentControl = adjacentControl
        super(wxAutoCompleter, self).__init__(parent, id=wx.ID_ANY,
        theFont = adjacentControl.GetFont()
        self.lineHeight = Styles.getMeasurements(theFont).height
        # self.SetFont(theFont)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onListClick)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.onListClick)
        eatEvent = lambda event: None
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, eatEvent)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK, eatEvent)

        self.Raise() # make us appear on top
        # they're contracted together... so erase a one-pixel-high rectangle at
        # the bottom of our rect, then make ours a little smaller,
        x, y, w, h = rect.Get()
        rect.height -= 1
        h -= 1
        dc.DrawRectangleRect((x, y + h, w, 1))

        # Draw the background
        brush = wx.Brush(sectionBackgroundColor, wx.SOLID)

        # We'll center the 12-point text on the row, not counting descenders.
        labelFont = Styles.getFont(grid.blockItem.sectionLabelCharacterStyle)
        (labelWidth, labelHeight, labelDescent,
         ignored) = dc.GetFullTextExtent(label)
        labelTop = y + ((h - labelHeight) / 2)

        # Draw the expando triangle
        (triBitmap, triWidth, triHeight) = self._getTriangle(expanded)
        triTop = y + ((h - triHeight) / 2)
        dc.DrawBitmap(triBitmap, margin, triTop, True)

        # Draw the text label, if it overlaps the rect to be updated
        labelPosition = margin + triWidth
        dc.DrawText(label, labelPosition, labelTop)
        prefix, theText, isSample = self.GetTextToDraw(item, attributeName)

        # We'll draw the sample or prefix in gray (unless it's part of the
        # selection, in which case we'll leave it white)
        if not isInSelection and (isSample or prefix is not None):
            oldForeground = dc.GetTextForeground()
            dc.SetTextForeground (wx.SystemSettings.GetColour (wx.SYS_COLOUR_GRAYTEXT))

        haveText = len(theText) > 0
        if (prefix is not None) or haveText:
            # Draw inside the lines.
            dc.SetBackgroundMode (wx.TRANSPARENT)
            rect.Inflate (-1, -1)
            dc.SetClippingRect (rect)
            textFont = Styles.getFont(grid.blockItem.characterStyle)
            textMeasurements = Styles.getMeasurements(textFont)
            textHeight = textMeasurements.height
            textTop = (rect.GetHeight() - textHeight) / 2
            if prefix is not None:
                # Match up baselines
                prefixFont = Styles.getFont(grid.blockItem.prefixCharacterStyle)
                prefixMeasurements = Styles.getMeasurements(prefixFont)
                prefixHeight = prefixMeasurements.height
                prefixTop = textTop + ((textHeight - textMeasurements.descent) -
                                       (prefixHeight - prefixMeasurements.descent))
                width = DrawingUtilities.DrawClippedTextWithDots(dc, prefix, 
    def CreateControl(self, forEditing, readOnly, parentWidget, 
                       id, parentBlock, font):
        # logger.debug("StringAE.CreateControl")
        # We'll use a DragAndDropTextCtrl, unless we're an edit-in-place 
        # control in 'edit' mode.
        useStaticText = self.EditInPlace() and not forEditing
        # We'll do autocompletion if someone implements the get-matches method
        doAutoCompletion = bigAutocompletionSwitch \
                         and getattr(type(self), 'generateCompletionMatches',  
                                     None) is not None

        # Figure out the size we should be
        # @@@ There's a wx catch-22 here: The text ctrl on Windows will end up
        # horizonally scrolled to expose the last character of the text if this
        # size is too small for the value we put into it. If the value is too
        # large, the sizer won't ever let the control get smaller than this.
        # For now, use 200, a not-too-happy medium that doesn't eliminate either problem.
        if parentBlock is None:
            # This is the case when we're used from the grid - the grid's gonna 
            # resize us, so just use the default.
            size = wx.DefaultSize
            # This is the case when we're used from AEBlock. We still could be 
            # resized by our sizer, but if we're too small initially, the widget
            # might show up horizontally scrolled, so we try to avoid that.
            # First, base our height on our font:
            if font is not None:
                measurements = Styles.getMeasurements(font)
                height = measurements.textCtrlHeight
                staticHeight = measurements.height
                height = wx.DefaultSize.GetHeight()
                staticHeight = height
            # Next, do width... pick one:
            # - our block's value if it's not default
            # - our parent's width (less our own border), if we have a parent widget
            # - 200, a value that has survived numerous rewritings of this 
            #   algorigthm, and whose original meaning is lost to history.
            if parentBlock.stretchFactor == 0.0 and parentBlock.size.width != 0:
                width = parentBlock.size.width
                    width = parentWidget.GetRect().width - (parentBlock.border.left + parentBlock.border.right)
                    width = 200
            size = wx.Size(width, height)

        style = 0
        if readOnly: style |= wx.TE_READONLY
        if useStaticText:
            style |= (parentWidget.GetWindowStyle() & wx.SIMPLE_BORDER)
                maxLineCount = self.presentationStyle.maxLineCount
            except AttributeError:
                maxLineCount = 1
            control = AETypeOverTextCtrl(parentWidget, id, '', wx.DefaultPosition, 
                                         size, maxLineCount, style, staticControlDelegate = self.staticControlDelegate,
                                         staticSize=wx.Size(width, staticHeight))
            bindToControl = control.editControl
            style |= wx.TE_AUTO_SCROLL
                lineStyleEnum = parentBlock.presentationStyle.lineStyleEnum
            except AttributeError:
                lineStyleEnum = ""
            if lineStyleEnum == "MultiLine":
                # Enable auto-url-ification in multiline textctrls only
                style |= (wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_AUTO_URL)

                style |= wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER

            control = AENonTypeOverTextCtrl(parentWidget, id, '', wx.DefaultPosition, 
                                            size, style)
            bindToControl = control
            bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onClick)

            if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__": 
                if style & wx.TE_MULTILINE:
                    logger.info("Enabling spell checking for %s", control)

                # hack to work around bug 5669 until the underlying
                # wx bug is fixed.
                def showhide(ctrl):
                    if ctrl and ctrl.IsShown():
                wx.CallAfter(showhide, control)

        bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.onKeyDown)
        if doAutoCompletion: # We only need these if we're autocompleting:
            bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.onKeyUp)
            bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.onResize)
            bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_MOVE, self.onMove)
        bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.onTextChanged)
        bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.onGainFocus)
        bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.onLoseFocus)
        bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_URL, self.onTextUrl)

        return control
Exemple #11
    def Draw(self, dc):
        Draw all the items, based on what's in self.visibleEvents

        @return the height of all the text drawn
        view = self.blockItem.itsView

        # Set up drawing & clipping
        unselectedColor = styles.cfg.get("preview", "UnSelectedText")

        unselectedBackground = styles.cfg.get("preview", "UnSelectedTextBackground")

        brush = wx.Brush(unselectedBackground, wx.SOLID)

        r = self.GetRect()

        dc.SetClippingRegion(self.hMargin, self.vMargin, r.width - (2 * self.hMargin), r.height - (2 * self.vMargin))

        if self.labelPosition == -1:
            # First time - do a little measuring
            # Each line is going to be:
            # (hMargin)(12:00 AM)(midMargin)(Event name)
            # and we'll draw the time aligned with the colon.
            # If the locale doesn't use AM/PM, it won't show; so, format a
            # generic time and see how it looks:
            genericTime = pim.shortTimeFormat.format(view, datetime(2005, 1, 1, 12, 00))
            self.genericTime = genericTime
            self.timeSeparator = ":"
            for c in genericTime:  # @@@ This might need work
                # [i18n]: The list of time separators may need to
                #         be expanded as more localizations of
                #         Chandler are performed.
                if c in (u":."):  # Which time separator actually got used?
                    self.timeSeparator = c
            self.preSep = genericTime[: genericTime.find(self.timeSeparator)]

        self.colonPosition = dc.GetTextExtent(self.preSep)[0] + self.hMargin
        self.labelPosition = dc.GetTextExtent(self.genericTime)[0] + self.hMargin + self.midMargin

        self.timeFontHeight = Styles.getMeasurements(self.timeFont).height
        self.eventFontHeight = Styles.getMeasurements(self.eventFont).height
        self.lineHeight = max(self.timeFontHeight, self.eventFontHeight)
        self.timeFontOffset = self.lineHeight - self.timeFontHeight
        self.eventFontOffset = self.lineHeight - self.eventFontHeight

        y = self.vMargin
        # Draw title if appropriate
        times = []
        timesCoords = []
        if self.useToday and self.visibleEvents:
            times.append(_(u"Today's events"))
            timesCoords.append((self.hMargin, y))
            y += self.lineHeight

        # Draw each event
        previewPrefs = schema.ns("osaf.framework.blocks.calendar", view).previewPrefs
        events = []
        eventsCoords = []
        for i, event in enumerate(self.visibleEvents):
            if isDead(event.itsItem):
                # This is to fix bug 4322, after removing recurrence,
                # OnPaint gets called before wxSynchronizeWidget, so
                # self.visibleEvents has deleted items in it.

            if not self.maximized and i == previewPrefs.maximumEventsDisplayed - 1 and len(self.visibleEvents) - i > 1:

            if not (event.allDay or event.anyTime):
                # Draw the time
                formattedTime = pim.shortTimeFormat.format(view, event.startTime)
                preSep = formattedTime[: formattedTime.find(self.timeSeparator)]
                prePos = self.colonPosition - dc.GetTextExtent(preSep)[0]
                timesCoords.append((prePos, y + self.timeFontOffset))
                # Draw the event text to the right of the time.
                x = self.labelPosition
                # Draw allDay/anyTime events at the left margin
                x = self.hMargin

            # Draw the event text. It'll be clipped automatically because we
            # set a clipregion above.
            eventsCoords.append((x, y + self.eventFontOffset))

            y += self.lineHeight
            # bug 9021, hard-coded max preview items to avoid taking over
            # the whole sidebar
            if i >= MAX_PREVIEW_ITEMS:

        # Actual drawing here...
        if times:
            dc.DrawTextList(times, timesCoords)

        if events:
            dc.DrawTextList(events, eventsCoords)

        if len(self.visibleEvents) > previewPrefs.maximumEventsDisplayed:
            if self.maximized:
                expandText = _(u"- minimize")
                # this is the number of events that are not displayed
                # in the preview pane because there wasn't enough room
                numEventsLeft = len(self.visibleEvents) - (previewPrefs.maximumEventsDisplayed - 1)
                expandText = _(u"+ %(numberOfEvents)d more...") % {"numberOfEvents": numEventsLeft}

            dc.DrawText(expandText, self.hMargin, y + self.eventFontOffset)
            y += self.lineHeight

        return y - self.vMargin
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords):
        super(wxMultiWeekCanvas, self).__init__(*arguments, **keywords)
        # default to showing 7 days -- HELPME is there a better idiom for this?
        self._weeks = [
        # how many days are visible for each week
        self._visibleDaysPerWeek = 7
        # what day is at the left side of a week (0=Sun, 1=Mon, ... 6=Sat)
        self._firstVisibleDay = 0
        # how many weeks to display - will always be < self.visibleWeeks
        self._visibleWeekCount = 6
        self._dayMargin = (3, 2)
        # turn off editor
        self.editor = None
        # track multi-day events
        self._multiDayEvents = []
        # keep track of available "slots" for drawing events
        self._eventSlots = SparseMatrix()
        # should we use the multiWeekControl's column positions, or
        # calculate our own?
        self._shouldCalculateColumnPositions = False

        # rendering
        self.styles = Block.Block.findBlockByName("MultiWeekCalendarView")
        self._dayPen = self.styles.minorLinePen
        self._weekPen = self._dayPen
        self._noonStrokePen = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(100, 100, 100, 255), 1)
        self._weekBrush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255,
                                             128))  # 128 == half transparent
        self._eraseBrush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255))
        self._erasePen = wx.Pen("white", 1)
        self._zeroPen = wx.Pen("white", 0)
        self._thisMonthColour = wx.Colour(0, 0, 0, 255)
        self._otherMonthColour = wx.Colour(128, 128, 128, 128)
        self._otherMonthBrush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(0, 0, 0, 128))
        self._otherMonthAllDayBrush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(225, 225, 225, 128))
        self._textBrush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255,
                                             128))  # 128 == half transparent
        self._textPen = self._dayPen

        self._font = self.styles.eventLabelFont
        self._timeFont = self.styles.eventTimeFont
        self._textFont = self.styles.eventLabelFont  # eventTimeFont
        # set up superscript
        size = self.styles.eventTimeStyle.fontSize * .7
        if IS_MAC:
            # on the Mac anti-aliasing stops at 8px by default (user can change to be lower)
            size = max(size, 9)
        self._superscriptFont = Styles.getFont(size=size)

        self._todayBrush = self.styles.todayBrush

        self.multiWeekControl = Block.Block.findBlockByName(
        # the widget's block isn't fully baked yet, initialize to None
        self._rangeStart = self._rangeEnd = self._month = None

        # initialize bitmaps
        self.weekdayBitmaps = None
        self.weekNumberBitmaps = {}

        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnClick)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnDClick)

        self.measure = wx.ClientDC(self)
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords):
        super (wxMultiWeekCanvas, self).__init__ (*arguments, **keywords)
        # default to showing 7 days -- HELPME is there a better idiom for this?
        self._weeks = [MultiWeekWeek(), MultiWeekWeek(), MultiWeekWeek(), MultiWeekWeek(), MultiWeekWeek(), MultiWeekWeek()]
        # how many days are visible for each week
        self._visibleDaysPerWeek = 7
        # what day is at the left side of a week (0=Sun, 1=Mon, ... 6=Sat)
        self._firstVisibleDay = 0
        # how many weeks to display - will always be < self.visibleWeeks
        self._visibleWeekCount = 6
        self._dayMargin = (3, 2)
        # turn off editor
        self.editor = None
        # track multi-day events
        self._multiDayEvents = []
        # keep track of available "slots" for drawing events
        self._eventSlots = SparseMatrix()
        # should we use the multiWeekControl's column positions, or
        # calculate our own?
        self._shouldCalculateColumnPositions = False

        # rendering
        self.styles = Block.Block.findBlockByName("MultiWeekCalendarView")
        self._dayPen = self.styles.minorLinePen
        self._weekPen = self._dayPen
        self._noonStrokePen = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(100, 100, 100, 255), 1)
        self._weekBrush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255, 128)) # 128 == half transparent
        self._eraseBrush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255))
        self._erasePen = wx.Pen("white", 1)
        self._zeroPen = wx.Pen("white", 0)
        self._thisMonthColour = wx.Colour(0, 0, 0, 255)
        self._otherMonthColour = wx.Colour(128, 128, 128, 128)
        self._otherMonthBrush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(0, 0, 0, 128))
        self._otherMonthAllDayBrush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(225, 225, 225, 128))
        self._textBrush = wx.Brush(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255, 128)) # 128 == half transparent
        self._textPen = self._dayPen

        self._font = self.styles.eventLabelFont
        self._timeFont = self.styles.eventTimeFont
        self._textFont = self.styles.eventLabelFont # eventTimeFont
        # set up superscript
        size = self.styles.eventTimeStyle.fontSize * .7
        if IS_MAC:
            # on the Mac anti-aliasing stops at 8px by default (user can change to be lower)
            size = max(size, 9)
        self._superscriptFont = Styles.getFont(size=size)

        self._todayBrush = self.styles.todayBrush
        self.multiWeekControl = Block.Block.findBlockByName("MainMultiWeekControl")
        # the widget's block isn't fully baked yet, initialize to None
        self._rangeStart = self._rangeEnd = self._month = None

        # initialize bitmaps
        self.weekdayBitmaps = None
        self.weekNumberBitmaps = {}
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnClick)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnDClick)
        self.measure = wx.ClientDC(self)
Exemple #14
        # We'll draw the sample or prefix in gray (unless it's part of the
        # selection, in which case we'll leave it white)
        if not isInSelection and (isSample or prefix is not None):
            oldForeground = dc.GetTextForeground()

        haveText = len(theText) > 0
        if (prefix is not None) or haveText:
            # Draw inside the lines.
            rect.Inflate(-1, -1)

            textFont = Styles.getFont(grid.blockItem.characterStyle)
            textMeasurements = Styles.getMeasurements(textFont)
            textHeight = textMeasurements.height
            textTop = (rect.GetHeight() - textHeight) / 2

            if prefix is not None:
                # Match up baselines
                prefixFont = Styles.getFont(
                prefixMeasurements = Styles.getMeasurements(prefixFont)
                prefixHeight = prefixMeasurements.height
                prefixTop = textTop + (
                    (textHeight - textMeasurements.descent) -
                    (prefixHeight - prefixMeasurements.descent))
                width = DrawingUtilities.DrawClippedTextWithDots(dc,
Exemple #15
        # they're contracted together... so erase a one-pixel-high rectangle at
        # the bottom of our rect, then make ours a little smaller, 
        x, y, w, h = rect.Get()
        rect.height -= 1
        h -= 1
        dc.DrawRectangleRect((x, y + h, w, 1))
        # Draw the background
        brush = wx.Brush(sectionBackgroundColor, wx.SOLID)

        # We'll center the 12-point text on the row, not counting descenders.
        labelFont = Styles.getFont(grid.blockItem.sectionLabelCharacterStyle)
        (labelWidth, labelHeight, labelDescent, ignored) = dc.GetFullTextExtent(label)
        labelTop = y + ((h - labelHeight) / 2)
        # Draw the expando triangle
        (triBitmap, triWidth, triHeight) = self._getTriangle(expanded)
        triTop = y + ((h - triHeight) / 2)
        dc.DrawBitmap(triBitmap, margin, triTop, True)
        # Draw the text label, if it overlaps the rect to be updated
        labelPosition = margin + triWidth
        dc.DrawText(label, labelPosition, labelTop)
        # Draw the item count, if it overlaps the rect to be updated
    def Draw(self, dc):
        Draw all the items, based on what's in self.visibleEvents

        @return the height of all the text drawn
        view = self.blockItem.itsView

        # Set up drawing & clipping
        unselectedColor = styles.cfg.get('preview', 'UnSelectedText')

        unselectedBackground = styles.cfg.get('preview',

        brush = wx.Brush(unselectedBackground, wx.SOLID)

        r = self.GetRect()

        dc.SetClippingRegion(self.hMargin, self.vMargin,
                             r.width - (2 * self.hMargin),
                             r.height - (2 * self.vMargin))

        if self.labelPosition == -1:
            # First time - do a little measuring
            # Each line is going to be:
            # (hMargin)(12:00 AM)(midMargin)(Event name)
            # and we'll draw the time aligned with the colon.
            # If the locale doesn't use AM/PM, it won't show; so, format a
            # generic time and see how it looks:
            genericTime = pim.shortTimeFormat.format(
                view, datetime(2005, 1, 1, 12, 00))
            self.genericTime = genericTime
            self.timeSeparator = ':'
            for c in genericTime:  # @@@ This might need work
                # [i18n]: The list of time separators may need to
                #         be expanded as more localizations of
                #         Chandler are performed.
                if c in (u':.'):  # Which time separator actually got used?
                    self.timeSeparator = c
            self.preSep = genericTime[:genericTime.find(self.timeSeparator)]

        self.colonPosition = dc.GetTextExtent(self.preSep)[0] + self.hMargin
        self.labelPosition = dc.GetTextExtent(self.genericTime)[0] \
                             + self.hMargin + self.midMargin

        self.timeFontHeight = Styles.getMeasurements(self.timeFont).height
        self.eventFontHeight = Styles.getMeasurements(self.eventFont).height
        self.lineHeight = max(self.timeFontHeight, self.eventFontHeight)
        self.timeFontOffset = (self.lineHeight - self.timeFontHeight)
        self.eventFontOffset = (self.lineHeight - self.eventFontHeight)

        y = self.vMargin
        # Draw title if appropriate
        times = []
        timesCoords = []
        if self.useToday and self.visibleEvents:
            times.append(_(u"Today's events"))
            timesCoords.append((self.hMargin, y))
            y += self.lineHeight

        # Draw each event
        previewPrefs = schema.ns("osaf.framework.blocks.calendar",
        events = []
        eventsCoords = []
        for i, event in enumerate(self.visibleEvents):
            if isDead(event.itsItem):
                # This is to fix bug 4322, after removing recurrence,
                # OnPaint gets called before wxSynchronizeWidget, so
                # self.visibleEvents has deleted items in it.

            if (not self.maximized
                    and i == previewPrefs.maximumEventsDisplayed - 1
                    and len(self.visibleEvents) - i > 1):

            if not (event.allDay or event.anyTime):
                # Draw the time
                formattedTime = pim.shortTimeFormat.format(
                    view, event.startTime)
                preSep = formattedTime[:formattedTime.find(self.timeSeparator)]
                prePos = self.colonPosition - dc.GetTextExtent(preSep)[0]
                timesCoords.append((prePos, y + self.timeFontOffset))
                # Draw the event text to the right of the time.
                x = self.labelPosition
                # Draw allDay/anyTime events at the left margin
                x = self.hMargin

            # Draw the event text. It'll be clipped automatically because we
            # set a clipregion above.
            eventsCoords.append((x, y + self.eventFontOffset))

            y += self.lineHeight
            # bug 9021, hard-coded max preview items to avoid taking over
            # the whole sidebar
            if i >= MAX_PREVIEW_ITEMS: break

        # Actual drawing here...
        if times:
            dc.DrawTextList(times, timesCoords)

        if events:
            dc.DrawTextList(events, eventsCoords)

        if len(self.visibleEvents) > previewPrefs.maximumEventsDisplayed:
            if self.maximized:
                expandText = _(u"- minimize")
                # this is the number of events that are not displayed
                # in the preview pane because there wasn't enough room
                numEventsLeft = (len(self.visibleEvents) -
                                 (previewPrefs.maximumEventsDisplayed - 1))
                expandText = _(u"+ %(numberOfEvents)d more...") %  \
                                  {'numberOfEvents': numEventsLeft}

            dc.DrawText(expandText, self.hMargin, y + self.eventFontOffset)
            y += self.lineHeight

        return y - self.vMargin
Exemple #17
    def CreateControl(self, forEditing, readOnly, parentWidget, id,
                      parentBlock, font):
        # logger.debug("StringAE.CreateControl")

        # We'll use a DragAndDropTextCtrl, unless we're an edit-in-place
        # control in 'edit' mode.
        useStaticText = self.EditInPlace() and not forEditing

        # We'll do autocompletion if someone implements the get-matches method
        doAutoCompletion = bigAutocompletionSwitch \
                         and getattr(type(self), 'generateCompletionMatches',
                                     None) is not None

        # Figure out the size we should be
        # @@@ There's a wx catch-22 here: The text ctrl on Windows will end up
        # horizonally scrolled to expose the last character of the text if this
        # size is too small for the value we put into it. If the value is too
        # large, the sizer won't ever let the control get smaller than this.
        # For now, use 200, a not-too-happy medium that doesn't eliminate either problem.
        if parentBlock is None:
            # This is the case when we're used from the grid - the grid's gonna
            # resize us, so just use the default.
            size = wx.DefaultSize
            # This is the case when we're used from AEBlock. We still could be
            # resized by our sizer, but if we're too small initially, the widget
            # might show up horizontally scrolled, so we try to avoid that.
            # First, base our height on our font:
            if font is not None:
                measurements = Styles.getMeasurements(font)
                height = measurements.textCtrlHeight
                staticHeight = measurements.height
                height = wx.DefaultSize.GetHeight()
                staticHeight = height

            # Next, do width... pick one:
            # - our block's value if it's not default
            # - our parent's width (less our own border), if we have a parent widget
            # - 200, a value that has survived numerous rewritings of this
            #   algorigthm, and whose original meaning is lost to history.
            if parentBlock.stretchFactor == 0.0 and parentBlock.size.width != 0:
                width = parentBlock.size.width
                    width = parentWidget.GetRect().width - (
                        parentBlock.border.left + parentBlock.border.right)
                    width = 200
            size = wx.Size(width, height)

        style = 0
        if readOnly: style |= wx.TE_READONLY

        if useStaticText:
            style |= (parentWidget.GetWindowStyle() & wx.SIMPLE_BORDER)
                maxLineCount = self.presentationStyle.maxLineCount
            except AttributeError:
                maxLineCount = 1
            control = AETypeOverTextCtrl(
                staticSize=wx.Size(width, staticHeight))
            bindToControl = control.editControl
            style |= wx.TE_AUTO_SCROLL
                lineStyleEnum = parentBlock.presentationStyle.lineStyleEnum
            except AttributeError:
                lineStyleEnum = ""
            if lineStyleEnum == "MultiLine":
                # Enable auto-url-ification in multiline textctrls only
                style |= (wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_AUTO_URL)

                style |= wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER

            control = AENonTypeOverTextCtrl(parentWidget, id, '',
                                            wx.DefaultPosition, size, style)
            bindToControl = control
            bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onClick)

            if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
                if style & wx.TE_MULTILINE:
                    logger.info("Enabling spell checking for %s", control)

                # hack to work around bug 5669 until the underlying
                # wx bug is fixed.
                def showhide(ctrl):
                    if ctrl and ctrl.IsShown():

                wx.CallAfter(showhide, control)

        bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.onKeyDown)
        if doAutoCompletion:  # We only need these if we're autocompleting:
            bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_UP, self.onKeyUp)
            bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.onResize)
            bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_MOVE, self.onMove)
        bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.onTextChanged)
        bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.onGainFocus)
        bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.onLoseFocus)
        bindToControl.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_URL, self.onTextUrl)

        return control