Exemple #1
def createSceneGraph(arguments):

    node = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments)
    if  not node : return 0

    group = osg.Group()
    spacing = node.getBound().radius() * 2.0

    position = osg.Vec3d(0.0,0.0,0.0)

    sa1 = NULL

        stateset = group.getOrCreateStateSet()
        sa = osg.ShaderAttribute()
        sa1 = sa

            vertex_shader = osg.Shader(osg.Shader.VERTEX)
            vertex_shader.addCodeInjection(-1,"varying vec4 color\n")
            vertex_shader.addCodeInjection(-1,"varying vec4 texcoord\n")
            vertex_shader.addCodeInjection(0,"color = gl_Color\n")
            vertex_shader.addCodeInjection(0,"texcoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0\n")
            vertex_shader.addCodeInjection(0,"gl_Position = ftransform()\n")

            fragment_shader = osg.Shader(osg.Shader.FRAGMENT)
            fragment_shader.addCodeInjection(-1,"varying vec4 color\n")
            fragment_shader.addCodeInjection(-1,"varying vec4 texcoord\n")
            fragment_shader.addCodeInjection(-1,"uniform sampler2D baseTexture \n")
            fragment_shader.addCodeInjection(0,"gl_FragColor = color * texture2DProj( baseTexture, texcoord )\n")

Exemple #2
def createShader():

    pgm = osg.Program()
    pgm.setName( "osgshader2 demo" )

    pgm.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.VERTEX,   vertSource ) )
    pgm.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT, fragSource ) )

    pgm.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.GEOMETRY, geomSource ) )
    pgm.setParameter( GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_EXT, 4 )

    return pgm
def createProgram():


  vp = strstream()
  vp, "#version 420 compatibility\n", "\n", "void main(void)\n", "\n", "    gl_Position = ftransform()\n", "\n"
  vpShader = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.VERTEX, vp.str() )

  fp = strstream()
  fp, "#version 420 compatibility\n", "\n", "layout(binding = 0) uniform atomic_uint acRed\n", "layout(binding = 0, offset = 4) uniform atomic_uint acGreen\n", "layout(binding = 2) uniform atomic_uint acBlue\n", "\n", "uniform float invNumPixel\n", "\n", "void main(void)\n", "\n", "    float r = float(atomicCounterIncrement(acRed)) * invNumPixel\n", "    float g = float(atomicCounterIncrement(acGreen)) * invNumPixel\n", "    float b = float(atomicCounterIncrement(acBlue)) * invNumPixel\n", "    gl_FragColor = vec4(r, g, b, 1.0)\n", "\n", "\n"
  fpShader = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT, fp.str() )

  program = osg.Program()

  return program
Exemple #4
def main(argv):

    arguments = osg.ArgumentParser( argc, argv )
    # Create the texture as both the output of compute shader and the input of a normal quad
    tex2D = osg.Texture2D()
    tex2D.setTextureSize( 512, 512 )
    tex2D.setFilter( osg.Texture2D.MIN_FILTER, osg.Texture2D.LINEAR )
    tex2D.setFilter( osg.Texture2D.MAG_FILTER, osg.Texture2D.LINEAR )
    tex2D.setInternalFormat( GL_R32F )
    tex2D.setSourceFormat( GL_RED )
    tex2D.setSourceType( GL_FLOAT )
    tex2D.bindToImageUnit( 0, osg.Texture.WRITE_ONLY )  # So we can use 'image2D' in the compute shader
    # The compute shader can't work with other kinds of shaders
    # It also requires the work group numbers. Setting them to 0 will disable the compute shader
    computeProg = osg.Program()
    computeProg.setComputeGroups( 512/16, 512/16, 1 )
    computeProg.addShader( osg.Shader(osg.Shader.COMPUTE, computeSrc) )
    # Create a node for outputting to the texture.
    # It is OK to have just an empty node here, but seems inbuilt uniforms like osg_FrameTime won't work then.
    # TODO: maybe we can have a custom drawable which also will implement  sourceNode = osgDB: if (glMemoryBarrier) else readNodeFile("axes.osgt")
    if   not sourceNode  : sourceNode = osg.Node()
    sourceNode.setDataVariance( osg.Object.DYNAMIC )
    sourceNode.getOrCreateStateSet().setAttributeAndModes( computeProg )
    sourceNode.getOrCreateStateSet().addUniform( osg.Uniform("targetTex", (int)0) )
    sourceNode.getOrCreateStateSet().setTextureAttributeAndModes( 0, tex2D )
    # Display the texture on a quad. We will also be able to operate on the data if reading back to CPU side
    geom = osg.createTexturedQuadGeometry(
        osg.Vec3(), osg.Vec3(1.0,0.0,0.0), osg.Vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0) )
    quad = osg.Geode()
    quad.addDrawable( geom )
    quad.getOrCreateStateSet().setMode( GL_LIGHTING, osg.StateAttribute.OFF )
    quad.getOrCreateStateSet().setTextureAttributeAndModes( 0, tex2D )
    # Create the scene graph and start the viewer
    scene = osg.Group()
    scene.addChild( sourceNode )
    scene.addChild( quad )
    viewer = osgViewer.Viewer()
    viewer.addEventHandler( osgGA.StateSetManipulator(viewer.getCamera().getOrCreateStateSet()) )
    viewer.addEventHandler( osgViewer.StatsHandler )()
    viewer.addEventHandler( osgViewer.WindowSizeHandler )()
    viewer.setSceneData( scene )
    return viewer.run()

        program = osg.Program()

        vertex_shader = osg.Shader(osg.Shader.VERTEX, vertexShaderSource)

#if 0
        # fragment shader
        char fragmentShaderSource[] = 
            "void main(void) \n"
            " \n"
            "    gl_FragColor = gl_Color \n"

        fragment_shader = osg.Shader(osg.Shader.FRAGMENT, fragmentShaderSource)

    return viewer.run()

if __name__ == "__main__":
        "void main(void) \n"
        " \n"
        "   vec4 finalColor = texture2D( baseTexture, texcoord) \n"
        "   vec4 color = finalColor * intensity\n"
        "   color.w = finalColor.w\n"
        "   color.x *= red_intensity\n"
        "   gl_FragColor = color\n"

    pgm = osg.Program()
    pgm.setName( "osgshader2 demo" )

    pgm.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.VERTEX,   vertSource ) )
    pgm.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT, fragSource ) )

    pgm.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.GEOMETRY, geomSource ) )
    pgm.setParameter( GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_EXT, 8 )
    pgm.setParameter( GL_GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_EXT, GL_LINES )

    return pgm

void ForestTechniqueManager.CollectTreePositions(Cell* cell, std.vector< osg.Vec3 > positions)
    needGroup = not (cell._cells.empty())
    needTrees = not (cell._trees.empty())

    if needTrees :
        for(TreeList.iterator itr=cell._trees.begin()
    # Attach shader, glFragData is used to create data for multiple render targets

    if useHDR : 
        static  char *shaderSource = 
            "uniform int width"
            "void main(void)\n"
            "    gl_FragData[0] = vec4(-1e-12,0,0,1)\n"
            "    gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0,1e-12,0,1)\n"
            "    gl_FragData[2] = vec4(0,0,1e-12,1)\n"
            "    gl_FragData[3] = vec4(0,0,1e-12,1)\n"

        fshader = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT , shaderSource)
        program = osg.Program()
        stateset.setAttributeAndModes(program, osg.StateAttribute.ON | osg.StateAttribute.OVERRIDE )
        static  char *shaderSource = 
            "uniform int width"
            "void main(void)\n"
            "    gl_FragData[0] = vec4(1,0,0,1)\n"
            "    gl_FragData[1] = vec4(0,1,0,1)\n"
            "    gl_FragData[2] = vec4(0,0,1,1)\n"
            "    gl_FragData[3] = vec4(0,0,1,1)\n"
Exemple #8

        static  char *shaderSourceTexture2D = 
            "uniform vec4 cutoff_color\n"
            "uniform sampler2D movie_texture\n"
            "void main(void)\n"
            "    vec4 texture_color = texture2D(movie_texture, gl_TexCoord[0].st) \n"
            "    if all(lessThanEqual(texture_color,cutoff_color)) : discard \n"
            "    gl_FragColor = texture_color\n"

        program = osg.Program()

                                            shaderSourceTextureRec if (useTextureRectangle) else  shaderSourceTexture2D))



    pos = osg.Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)
    topleft = pos
    bottomright = pos

    xyPlane = fullscreen
    useAudioSink = False
    while arguments.read("--audio") :  useAudioSink = True 

        ss = rootNode.getOrCreateStateSet()
        ss.addUniform( OffsetUniform )
        ss.addUniform( SineUniform )
        ss.addUniform( Color1Uniform )
        ss.addUniform( Color2Uniform )

    # the simple Microshader (its source appears earlier in this file)
        ss = ModelInstance()
        program = osg.Program()
        program.setName( "microshader" )
        _programList.push_back( program )
        program.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.VERTEX, microshaderVertSource ) )
        program.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT, microshaderFragSource ) )
        ss.setAttributeAndModes( program, osg.StateAttribute.ON )

    # the "blocky" shader, a simple animation test
        ss = ModelInstance()
        BlockyProgram = osg.Program()
        BlockyProgram.setName( "blocky" )
        _programList.push_back( BlockyProgram )
        BlockyVertObj = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.VERTEX )
        BlockyFragObj = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT )
        BlockyProgram.addShader( BlockyFragObj )
        BlockyProgram.addShader( BlockyVertObj )
        ss.setAttributeAndModes(BlockyProgram, osg.StateAttribute.ON)

    # the "eroded" shader, uses a noise texture to discard fragments
def SetVirtualProgramShader(virtualProgram, shader_semantics, shader_type, shader_name, shader_source):
    shader = osg.Shader( shader_type )
    shader.setName( shader_name )
    shader.setShaderSource( shader_source )
    virtualProgram.setShader( shader_semantics, shader )
Exemple #11
            i = 0 for (unsigned int x=0 x < O*K x++)  indices[i++] = base2+x indices[i++] = base+x
            indices[i++] = base2+O*K
            meshGeom.addPrimitiveSet(osg.DrawElementsUInt(osg.PrimitiveSet.TRIANGLE_STRIP, i, indices))
            base = (y/2) * (O*K+O*K+1) + O*K
            base2 = (y/2) * (O*K+O*K+1) + O*K + O*K+1
            i = 0 for (unsigned int x=0 x < O*K x++)  indices[i++] = base+x indices[i++] = base2+x
            indices[i++] = base+O*K
            meshGeom.addPrimitiveSet(osg.DrawElementsUInt(osg.PrimitiveSet.TRIANGLE_STRIP, i, indices))
    delete[] indices

    # create vertex and fragment shader
    program = osg.Program()
    program.setName( "mesh" )
    program.addBindAttribLocation("xypos", 6)
    program.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.VERTEX, VertexShader ) )
    program.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT, DepthPeeling.PeelingShader ) )
    program.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT, FragmentShader ) )

    # create a 1D texture for color lookups
    colorimg = osg.Image()
    colorimg.allocateImage(5, 1, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
    data = colorimg.data()
    *data++ =   0 *data++ =   0 *data++ = 255 *data++ =   0  # fully transparent blue
    *data++ =   0 *data++ = 255 *data++ = 255 *data++ = 255  # turquoise
    *data++ =   0 *data++ = 255 *data++ =   0 *data++ = 255  # green
    *data++ = 255 *data++ = 255 *data++ =   0 *data++ = 255  # yellow
    *data++ = 255 *data++ =   0 *data++ =   0 *data++ = 255  # red
    colortex = osg.Texture1D(colorimg)
    colortex.setFilter(osg.Texture.MIN_FILTER, osg.Texture.LINEAR)
    colortex.setFilter(osg.Texture.MAG_FILTER, osg.Texture.LINEAR)
Exemple #12

        pat = osg.PositionAttitudeTransform()

        position.x() += spacing

        stateset = pat.getOrCreateStateSet()
        stateset.setMode(GL_BLEND, osg.StateAttribute.ON)

        sa = osg.ShaderAttribute()

            fragment_shader = osg.Shader(osg.Shader.FRAGMENT)
            fragment_shader.addCodeInjection(0.9,"gl_FragColor.a = gl_FragColor.a*0.5\n")



    # resuse the first ShaderAttribute's type and ShaderComponent, just use uniform
        pat = osg.PositionAttitudeTransform()

        position.x() += spacing

        stateset = pat.getOrCreateStateSet()
        sa = osg.ShaderAttribute(*sa1)
def main(argv):


    # use an ArgumentParser object to manage the program arguments.
    arguments = osg.ArgumentParser(argv)
    # set up the usage document, in case we need to print out how to use this program.
    arguments.getApplicationUsage().setDescription(arguments.getApplicationName()+" example provides an interactive viewer for visualising point clouds..")
    arguments.getApplicationUsage().setCommandLineUsage(arguments.getApplicationName()+" [options] filename ...")
    arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("-h or --help","Display this information")
    arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("--sprites","Point sprites.")
    arguments.getApplicationUsage().addCommandLineOption("--points","Sets the polygon mode to GL_POINT for front and back faces.")

    # construct the viewer.
    viewer = osgViewer.Viewer()

    shader = False
    while arguments.read("--shader") : shader = True

    # if user request help write it out to cout.
    if arguments.read("-h")  or  arguments.read("--help") :
        return 1
    usePointSprites = False
    while arguments.read("--sprites") :  usePointSprites = True 

    forcePointMode = False
    while arguments.read("--points") :  forcePointMode = True 

    if arguments.argc()<=1 :
        return 1

    # read the scene from the list of file specified commandline args.
    loadedModel = osgDB.readNodeFiles(arguments)

    # if no model has been successfully loaded report failure.
    if  not loadedModel : 
        print arguments.getApplicationName(), ": No data loaded"
        return 1

    # optimize the scene graph, remove redundant nodes and state etc.
    optimizer = osgUtil.Optimizer()

    # set the scene to render

    stateset = loadedModel.getOrCreateStateSet()
    if usePointSprites :    
        #/ Setup cool blending
        fn = osg.BlendFunc()
        stateset.setAttributeAndModes(fn, osg.StateAttribute.ON)

        #/ Setup the point sprites
        sprite = osg.PointSprite()
        stateset.setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, sprite, osg.StateAttribute.ON)

        #/ The texture for the sprites
        tex = osg.Texture2D()
        stateset.setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, tex, osg.StateAttribute.ON)

    if  forcePointMode  :
        #/ Set polygon mode to GL_POINT
        pm = osg.PolygonMode(
            osg.PolygonMode.FRONT_AND_BACK, osg.PolygonMode.POINT )
        stateset.setAttributeAndModes( pm, osg.StateAttribute.ON | osg.StateAttribute.OVERRIDE)

    # register the handler for modifying the point size

    if shader :
        stateset = loadedModel.getOrCreateStateSet()
        # vertex shader using just Vec4 coefficients
        char vertexShaderSource[] = 
            "void main(void) \n"
            " \n"
            "    gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex\n"

        program = osg.Program()

        vertex_shader = osg.Shader(osg.Shader.VERTEX, vertexShaderSource)

#if 0
        # fragment shader
        char fragmentShaderSource[] = 
            "void main(void) \n"
            " \n"
            "    gl_FragColor = gl_Color \n"
def CreateSimpleHierarchy(node):
    if   not node  : return NULL
    r = node.getBound().radius() # diameter
    root = osg.Group()
    group = osg.Group()

    # Create four matrices for translated instances of the cow
    transform0 = osg.MatrixTransform( )
    transform0.setMatrix( osg.Matrix.translate( 0,0,r ) )

    transform1 = osg.MatrixTransform( )
    transform1.setMatrix( osg.Matrix.translate( 0,0,0 ) )

    transform2 = osg.MatrixTransform( )
    transform2.setMatrix( osg.Matrix.translate( -r,0,-r ) )

    transform3 = osg.MatrixTransform( )
    transform3.setMatrix( osg.Matrix.translate(  r,0,-r ) )

    root.addChild( transform0 )
    root.addChild( group )
    group.addChild( transform1 )
    group.addChild( transform2 )
    group.addChild( transform3 )

    transform0.addChild( node )
    transform1.addChild( node )
    transform2.addChild( node )
    transform3.addChild( node )

    # At the scene root apply standard program 
    if  1  :
        program = osg.Program()
        main = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT )

            "uniform sampler2D base \n"
            "void main(void) \n"
            "    gl_FragColor = gl_Color * texture2DProj( base, gl_TexCoord[0] )\n"
            "    gl_FragColor *= vec4( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5 ) \n"
        program.addShader( main )

        main.setName( "White" ) 

        root.getOrCreateStateSet( ).setAttributeAndModes( program )

    # Now override root program with default VirtualProgram for three bottom cows
    if  1  :
        virtualProgram = VirtualProgram( )

        # Create main shader which declares and calls ColorFilter function 
        main = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT )

            "vec4 ColorFilter( in vec4 color ) \n"
            "uniform sampler2D base \n"
            "void main(void) \n"
            " \n"
            "    gl_FragColor = gl_Color * texture2DProj( base, gl_TexCoord[0] ) \n"
            "    gl_FragColor = ColorFilter( gl_FragColor ) \n"

        virtualProgram.setShader( "main", main )

        main.setName( "Virtual Main" )

        # Create filter shader which implements greem ColorFilter function 
        colorFilter = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT )

            "vec4 ColorFilter( in vec4 color ) \n"
            " \n"
            "    return color * vec4( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) \n"

        colorFilter.setName( "Virtual Green" )

        virtualProgram.setShader( "ColorFilter", colorFilter )

        group.getOrCreateStateSet( ).setAttributeAndModes( virtualProgram )

    # Create "incomplete" VirtualProgram overriding ColorFilter function
    # Lower left cow drawn will be red
    if  1  :
        virtualProgram = VirtualProgram()
        redFilter = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT )
            "vec4 ColorFilter( in vec4 color ) \n"
            " \n"
            "    return color * vec4( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) \n"
        virtualProgram.setShader( "ColorFilter", redFilter )

        redFilter.setName( "Virtual Red" )

        transform2.getOrCreateStateSet( ).setAttribute( virtualProgram )

    # Create "incomplete" VirtualProgram overriding ColorFilter function
    # Lower right cow will be drawn with grid pattern on yellow background
    if  1  :
        virtualProgram = VirtualProgram()

        gridFilter = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT )
            "vec4 ColorFilter( in vec4 color ) \n"
            " \n"
            "    vec2 grid = clamp( mod( gl_FragCoord.xy, 16.0 ), 0.0, 1.0 ) \n"
            "    return color * vec4( grid, 0.0, 1.0 ) \n"
        virtualProgram.setShader( "ColorFilter", gridFilter )

        gridFilter.setName( "Virtual Grid" )
        transform3.getOrCreateStateSet( ).setAttribute( virtualProgram )

    return root
Exemple #15
            "vec4 pos = vec4( tC.s * 48., 0., tC.t * 48., 1. ) \n"

            # Compute a rotation angle from the instanceID and elapsed time.
            "float timeOffset = gl_InstanceID / (32. * 32.) \n"
            "float angle = ( osg_SimulationTime - timeOffset ) * 6.283 \n"
            "float sa = sin( angle ) \n"
            "float ca = cos( angle ) \n"
            # New orientation, rotate around z axis.
            "vec4 newX = vec4( ca, sa, 0., 0. ) \n"
            "vec4 newY = vec4( sa, ca, 0., 0. ) \n"
            "vec4 newZ = vec4( 0., 0., 1., 0. ) \n"
            "mat4 mV = mat4( newX, newY, newZ, pos ) \n"
            "gl_Position = ( gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * mV * gl_Vertex ) \n"
        " \n"

     vertexShader = osg.Shader()
    vertexShader.setType( osg.Shader.VERTEX )
    vertexShader.setShaderSource( vertexSource )

     program = osg.Program()
    program.addShader( vertexShader )

    ss.setAttribute( program,
        osg.StateAttribute.ON | osg.StateAttribute.PROTECTED )

     iLogo = osgDB.readImageFile( "Images/osg128.png" )
    if   not iLogo.valid()  :
        osg.notify( osg.ALWAYS ), "Can't open image file osg128.png"
        return( NULL )
    texLogo = osg.Texture2D( iLogo )
    texLogo.setFilter( osg.Texture2D.MIN_FILTER, osg.Texture2D.LINEAR )
        "uniform mat3 osg_NormalMatrix \n"
        "uniform vec3 ecLightDir \n"
        " \n"
        "in vec4 osg_Vertex \n"
        "in vec3 osg_Normal \n"
        "out vec4 color \n"
        " \n"
        "void main() \n"
        " \n"
        "    vec3 ecNormal = normalize( osg_NormalMatrix * osg_Normal ) \n"
        "    float diffuse = max( dot( ecLightDir, ecNormal ), 0. ) \n"
        "    color = vec4( vec3( diffuse ), 1. ) \n"
        " \n"
        "    gl_Position = osg_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * osg_Vertex \n"
        " \n"
    vShader = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.VERTEX, vertexSource )

    fragmentSource = "#version 140 \n"
        " \n"
        "in vec4 color \n"
        "out vec4 fragData \n"
        " \n"
        "void main() \n"
        " \n"
        "    fragData = color \n"
        " \n"
    fShader = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT, fragmentSource )

    program = osg.Program()
    program.addShader( vShader )
    program.addShader( fShader )
Exemple #17
    stateset = osg.StateSet()

    program = osg.Program()

    fragSource = 
        "uniform sampler2D baseTexture\n"
        "uniform mat4 colorMatrix\n"
        "void main(void)\n"
        "    vec4 color = texture2D( baseTexture, gl_TexCoord[0].st )\n"
        "    gl_FragColor = colorMatrix * color\n"
    program.addShader(osg.Shader(osg.Shader.FRAGMENT, fragSource))


    colorMatrix = osg.Matrixf(
        0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0,
        0.59, 0.59, 0.59, 0.0,
        0.11, 0.11, 0.11, 0.0,
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0


    return stateset

Exemple #18
def createModel(shader, textureFileName, terrainFileName, dynamic, useVBO):

    geode = osg.Geode()
    geom = osg.Geometry()
    # dimensions for ~one million triangles :-)
    num_x = 708
    num_y = 708

    # set up state
        stateset = geom.getOrCreateStateSet()

        program = osg.Program()

        if shader=="simple" :
            vertex_shader = osg.Shader(osg.Shader.VERTEX, vertexShaderSource_simple)

            coeff = osg.Uniform("coeff",osg.Vec4(1.0,-1.0,-1.0,1.0))

            if dynamic :
        elif shader=="matrix" :
            vertex_shader = osg.Shader(osg.Shader.VERTEX, vertexShaderSource_matrix)

            origin = osg.Uniform("origin",osg.Vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0))

            coeffMatrix = osg.Uniform("coeffMatrix",

        elif shader=="texture" :
            vertex_shader = osg.Shader(osg.Shader.VERTEX, vertexShaderSource_texture)

            image = 0

            if terrainFileName.empty() :
                image = osg.Image()
                tx = 38
                ty = 39
                for(unsigned int r=0r<ty++r)
                    for(unsigned int c=0c<tx++c)
                        *((float*)image.data(c,r)) = vertex[r+c*39][2]*0.1

                num_x = tx
                num_y = tx
Exemple #19
        _operation = Operation()

int main(int, char **)
    # construct the viewer.
    viewer = osgViewer.Viewer()

    # use a geode with a Box ShapeDrawable
    basicModel = osg.Geode()

    # create the "blocky" shader, a simple animation test
    ss = basicModel.getOrCreateStateSet()
    program = osg.Program()
    program.setName( "blocky" )
    program.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.VERTEX, blockyVertSource ) )
    program.addShader( osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT, blockyFragSource ) )
    ss.setAttributeAndModes(program, osg.StateAttribute.ON)

    # attach some animated Uniform variable to the state set
    SineUniform = osg.Uniform( "Sine", 0.0 )
    ss.addUniform( SineUniform )

    # run the osg.Viewer using our model
    viewer.setSceneData( basicModel )
    return viewer.run()


        # Texture states applied
        ss.setTextureAttributeAndModes( 1, texGen, osg.StateAttribute.ON )

    # Top center model usues osg.Program overriding VirtualProgram in model
    if  1  : 
        AddLabel( transformCenterTop, "Fixed Vertex + Simple Fragment osg.Program", offset )
        program = osg.Program()
        program.setName( "Trivial Fragment + Fixed Vertex Program" )

        transformCenterTop.getOrCreateStateSet( ).setAttributeAndModes
            ( program, osg.StateAttribute.ON | osg.StateAttribute.OVERRIDE )

        shader = osg.Shader( osg.Shader.FRAGMENT )
        shader.setName( "Trivial Fragment Shader" )
            "uniform sampler2D baseTexture                                          \n"
            "void main(void)                                                         \n"
            "                                                                       \n"
            "    gl_FragColor = gl_Color * texture2D( baseTexture,gl_TexCoord[0].xy)\n"
            "                                                                       \n"

        program.addShader( shader )

    return transformCenterMiddle

# Shders not used in the example but left for fun if anyone wants to play