Exemple #1
def literal(value, typename, complex=False):

    if complex:
        # Parse real and imaginary components
        real, imag = parseComplexString(value, typename)
        # Convert real and imaginary into type-specific literals
        real, imag = (literal(str(x), typename) for x in (real, imag))
        return "%s(%s,%s)" % (cppType(typename, complex), real, imag)
    elif typename == CorbaTypes.STRING:
        if type(value) == list:
            return stringLiteral(value)
    elif typename == CorbaTypes.BOOLEAN:
        if parseBoolean(value):
            return TRUE
            return FALSE
    elif typename in (CorbaTypes.LONGLONG, CorbaTypes.ULONGLONG):
        # Explicitly mark the literal as a 'long long' for 32-bit systems
        if not isinstance(value, list):
            return value + 'LL'
    elif typename == CorbaTypes.CHAR:
        return charLiteral(value)
        return value
Exemple #2
def literal(value, typename, complex=False):

    if complex:
        # Parse real and imaginary components
        real, imag = parseComplexString(value, typename)
        # Convert real and imaginary into type-specific literals
        real, imag = (literal(str(x), typename) for x in (real, imag))
        return "%s(%s,%s)" % (cppType(typename, complex), real, imag)
    elif typename == CorbaTypes.STRING:
        if type(value) == list:
            return stringLiteral(value)
    elif typename == CorbaTypes.BOOLEAN:
        if parseBoolean(value):
            return TRUE
            return FALSE
    elif typename in (CorbaTypes.LONGLONG, CorbaTypes.ULONGLONG):
        # Explicitly mark the literal as a 'long long' for 32-bit systems
        if not isinstance(value, list):
            return value + 'LL'
    elif typename == CorbaTypes.CHAR:
        return charLiteral(value)
        return value
Exemple #3
def _convertType(propType, val):
    Convert value from string form to the appropriate numeric type. 
    if propType in ['long', 'longlong', 'octet', 'short', 'ulong', 'ulonglong', 'ushort']: 
        # If value contains an x, it is a hex value (base 16) 
        if val.find('x') != -1:
            newValue = int(val,16)
            newValue = int(val)
    elif propType in ['double', 'float']:
        newValue = float(val)
    elif propType in ['char', 'string']:
        newValue = str(val)
    elif propType == 'boolean':
        newValue = {"TRUE": True, "FALSE": False}[val.strip().upper()]
    elif propType.find('complex') == 0:
        baseType = getMemberType(propType) 
        real, imag = _prop_helpers.parseComplexString(val, baseType)
        if isinstance(real, basestring):
            real = int(real)
            imag = int(imag)
        newValue = complex(real, imag)
        newValue = None
    return newValue    
def literal(value, typename, complex=False):
    if typename in _typeMap:
        if complex:
            real, imag = parseComplexString(value, typename)
            value = 'complex({0},{1})'.format(real, imag)
            value = _typeMap[typename](value)
    return value
def literal(value, typename, complex=False):
    if isinstance(value, (list,tuple)):
        return '[%s]' % ','.join(literal(v, typename, complex) for v in value)
    if typename in _typeMap:
        if complex:
            real, imag = parseComplexString(value, typename)
            value = 'complex({0},{1})'.format(real, imag)
            value = _typeMap[typename](value)
    return value
def literal(value, typename, complex=False):
    if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
        return '[%s]' % ','.join(literal(v, typename, complex) for v in value)
    if typename in _typeMap:
        if complex:
            real, imag = parseComplexString(value, typename)
            value = 'complex({0},{1})'.format(real, imag)
            value = _typeMap[typename](value)
    return value
def literal(value, typename, complex=False):

    if complex:
        real, imag = parseComplexString(value, 
        return cppType(typename, complex) + "(" + str(real) + "," + str(imag) + ")"
    elif typename == CorbaTypes.STRING:
        return stringLiteral(value)
    elif typename == CorbaTypes.BOOLEAN:
        if parseBoolean(value):
            return TRUE
            return FALSE  
    elif typename == CorbaTypes.CHAR:
        return charLiteral(value)
        return value
Exemple #8
def _complexLiteral(value, typename):
    memberType = properties.getMemberType(typename)
    real, imag = parseComplexString(value, memberType)
    if typename == "complexBoolean":
        real = translateBoolean(real)
        imag = translateBoolean(imag)
    elif typename == "complexFloat":
        real = str(real) + "F"
        imag = str(imag) + "F"
    elif typename in ["complexShort", "complexUShort"]:
        real = '(short)%d' % int(real)
        imag = '(short)%d' % int(imag)
    elif typename == "complexChar":
        real = charLiteral(str(real))
        imag = charLiteral(str(imag))
    elif typename == "complexOctet":
        real = '(byte)%d' % int(real)
        imag = '(byte)%d' % int(imag)

    return "new CF." + typename + "(" + str(real) +  "," + str(imag) + ")"
Exemple #9
def _complexLiteral(value, typename):
    memberType = properties.getMemberType(typename)
    real, imag = parseComplexString(value, memberType)
    if typename == "complexBoolean":
        real = translateBoolean(real)
        imag = translateBoolean(imag)
    elif typename == "complexFloat":
        real = str(real) + "F"
        imag = str(imag) + "F"
    elif typename in ["complexShort", "complexUShort"]:
        real = '(short)%d' % int(real)
        imag = '(short)%d' % int(imag)
    elif typename == "complexChar":
        real = charLiteral(str(real))
        imag = charLiteral(str(imag))
    elif typename == "complexOctet":
        real = '(byte)%d' % int(real)
        imag = '(byte)%d' % int(imag)

    return "new CF." + typename + "(" + str(real) +  "," + str(imag) + ")"
def stringToComplex(value, type):
    real, imag = parseComplexString(value, type)
    if isinstance(real, basestring):
        real = int(real)
        imag = int(imag)
    return complex(real, imag)
def stringToComplex(value, type):
    real, imag = parseComplexString(value, type)
    if isinstance(real, basestring):
        real = int(real)
        imag = int(imag)
    return complex(real, imag)