Exemple #1
if __name__ == '__main__':

	if len(sys.argv) < 2:
		sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s <ovc_dump> [<ovc_dump_2> [...]]\n'%sys.argv[0])

	for fn in sys.argv[1:]:
		inp = open(fn, 'rb')
		data = inp.read()

		if len(data) == 4096:	# mifare classic 4k
			# card details
			# TODO make the card an object in itself with fixed-position templates
			# note that these data areas are not yet fully understood
			cardid = getbits(data[0:4], 0, 4*8)
			cardtype = OvcCardType(getbits(data[0x10:0x36], 18*8+4, 19*8))
			validuntil = OvcDate(getbits(data[0x10:0x36], 11*8+6, 13*8+4))
			s = 'OV-Chipkaart id %d, %s, valid until %s'%(cardid, cardtype, validuntil)
			if cardtype==2:
				birthdate = OvcBcdDate(getbits(mfclassic_getsector(data, 22), 14*8, 18*8))
				s += ', birthdate %s'%birthdate
			print s

			# transactions
			for sector in range(32, 35):
				sdata = mfclassic_getsector(data, sector)[:-0x10]
				for chunk in range(0, len(sdata), 0x30):
					if ord(sdata[chunk]) == 0: continue
					print OvcClassicTransaction(sdata[chunk:chunk+0x30])
			for sector in range(35, 39):
Exemple #2
    def printit(self):
	data = self.data

	# card details
	# note that these data areas are not yet fully understood
	cardid = getbits(data[0:4], 0, 4*8)
	cardtype = OvcCardType(getbits(data[0x10:0x36], 18*8+4, 19*8))
	validuntil = OvcDate(getbits(data[0x10:0x36], 11*8+6, 13*8+4))
	s = 'OV-Chipkaart id %d, %s, valid until %s'%(cardid, cardtype, validuntil)
	#if cardtype==2:
	#	birthdate = OvcBcdDate(getbits(mfclassic_getsector(data, 22), 14*8, 18*8))
	#	s += ', birthdate %s'%birthdate
	print s

	for sector in range(22, 24):
		sdata = mfclassic_getsector(data, sector)[:-0x10]
		offset,size = mfclassic_getoffset(sector)
		sector22 = OvcSector22(sdata, ovc=self, cardtype=cardtype)
		print ("%3x:" % offset), sector22

	print ""

	# subscriptions
	# Print the slot number value for this subscription before it and the idsubs after it.
	print "Subscriptions:"
	log_entry = 0
	for sector in range(32, 35):
		sdata = mfclassic_getsector(data, sector)[:-0x10]
		offset,size = mfclassic_getoffset(sector)
		for chunk in range(0, len(sdata), 0x30):
			l = log_entry
			log_entry += 1
			if ord(sdata[chunk]) == 0: continue
			addr = offset + chunk
			sys.stdout.write(('#%x=%03x: ' % (l, addr)))
			#Oldest method:
			#print OvcClassicTransaction(sdata[chunk:chunk+0x30])
			#sys.stdout.write('      : ')
			#Method #2:
			#print OvcSubscriptionRecord.make(sdata[chunk:chunk+0x30], ovc=self)
			#sys.stdout.write('      : ')
			#Method #3:
			s = OvcVariableSubscription(sdata[chunk:chunk+0x30], ovc=self)
			print s
			aux_addr = OvcSubscriptionAux.addr(l)
			aux_sdata = data[aux_addr:aux_addr+0x10]
			sys.stdout.write(('   %03x: ' % (aux_addr)))
			s_aux = OvcSubscriptionAux(aux_sdata, ovc=self)
			print s_aux, OvcSubscriptionId(self.find_subscr_id(l))

			self.subscr[l] = s
			self.subscr_aux[l] = s_aux
	# transactions
	print "Transaction logs: (history, checkin/out, credit)"
	# Entries  0-10: for User, chronologic, may be erased?
	# Entries 11-23: for Conductor, not chronologic, only one check-in
	# Entries 24-27: add Credit transactions
	start_log_0 = 0
	start_log_1 = 11
	start_log_2 = 24
	log_entry = 0
	for sector in range(35, 39):
		sdata = mfclassic_getsector(data, sector)[:-0x10]
		offset,size = mfclassic_getoffset(sector)
		for chunk in range(0, len(sdata), 0x20):
			if (chunk + 0x20) > len(sdata): continue	# last few bytes, not big enough
			l = log_entry
			log_entry += 1
			if l == start_log_1 or l == start_log_2: print "--"
			if ord(sdata[chunk]) == 0: continue
			if   l >= start_log_2: l = OvcMostRecentCreditIndex.map[l - start_log_2 - 1]
			elif l >= start_log_1: l = l - start_log_1
			sys.stdout.write(('#%x=%03x: ' % (l, offset + chunk)))
			#print OvcClassicTransaction(sdata[chunk:chunk+0x20])
			print OvcVariableTransaction(sdata[chunk:chunk+0x20], ovc=self)

	print "Credit: (current and previous)"
	print self.saldo_curr_prefix, str(self.saldo_curr)
	print self.saldo_prev_prefix, str(self.saldo_prev)
	if not self.saldo_prev.id <= self.saldo_curr.id:
	    print "Order bit 250 in 0xFB0/FD0 contradicted by id order"
	print "Main index (current and previous):"
	print self.FB0_curr_prefix, str(self.FB0_curr)
	print self.FB0_prev_prefix, str(self.FB0_prev)
	print "Check-in and check-out indexes (current and previous):"
	print self.F50_curr_prefix, str(self.F50_curr)
	print self.F50_prev_prefix, str(self.F50_prev)
	print "Most recent subscription (current and previous):"
	print self.F10_curr_prefix, str(self.F10_curr)
	print self.F10_prev_prefix, str(self.F10_prev)
	if not self.F10_prev.size <= self.F10_curr.size:
	    # Maybe this will also occur if nearly all slots are taken
	    # and they are being re-used
	    print "Order bit 248 in 0xFB0/FD0 contradicted by subscription order (list getting full?)"
Exemple #3
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        sys.stderr.write('Usage: %s <ovc_dump> [<ovc_dump_2> [...]]\n' %

    for fn in sys.argv[1:]:
        inp = open(fn, 'rb')
        data = inp.read()

        if len(data) == 4096:  # mifare classic 4k
            # card details
            # TODO make the card an object in itself with fixed-position templates
            # note that these data areas are not yet fully understood
            cardid = getbits(data[0:4], 0, 4 * 8)
            cardtype = OvcCardType(getbits(data[0x10:0x36], 18 * 8 + 4,
                                           19 * 8))
            validuntil = OvcDate(
                getbits(data[0x10:0x36], 11 * 8 + 6, 13 * 8 + 4))
            s = 'OV-Chipkaart id %d, %s, valid until %s' % (cardid, cardtype,
            if cardtype == 2:
                birthdate = OvcBcdDate(
                    getbits(mfclassic_getsector(data, 22), 14 * 8, 18 * 8))
                s += ', birthdate %s' % birthdate
            print s

            # transactions
            for sector in range(32, 35):
                sdata = mfclassic_getsector(data, sector)[:-0x10]