Exemple #1
def test_ows_interfaces_wms():
    wmsxml = open(resource_file('wms_JPLCapabilities.xml'), 'rb').read()
    service = WebMapService('url', version='1.1.1', xml=wmsxml)
    # Check each service instance conforms to OWSLib interface
    service.alias = 'WMS'
    isinstance(service, owslib.map.wms111.WebMapService_1_1_1)
    # URL attribute
    assert service.url == 'url'
    # version attribute
    assert service.version == '1.1.1'
    # Identification object
    assert hasattr(service, 'identification')
    # Check all ServiceIdentification attributes
    assert service.identification.type == 'OGC:WMS'
    for attribute in ['type', 'version', 'title', 'abstract', 'keywords', 'accessconstraints', 'fees']:
        assert hasattr(service.identification, attribute)
    # Check all ServiceProvider attributes
    for attribute in ['name', 'url', 'contact']:
        assert hasattr(service.provider, attribute)
    # Check all operations implement IOperationMetadata
    for op in service.operations:
        for attribute in ['name', 'formatOptions', 'methods']:
            assert hasattr(op, attribute)
    # Check all contents implement IContentMetadata as a dictionary
    isinstance(service.contents, OrderedDict)
    # Check any item (WCS coverage, WMS layer etc) from the contents of each service
    # Check it conforms to IContentMetadata interface
    # get random item from contents dictionary -has to be a nicer way to do this!
    content = service.contents[list(service.contents.keys())[0]]
    for attribute in ['id', 'title', 'boundingBox', 'boundingBoxWGS84', 'crsOptions', 'styles', 'timepositions']:
        assert hasattr(content, attribute)