def main(pdb_filename, residues, output_filename):
    '''writes residues from a PDB file to an output file.'''
    pdb = open(pdb_filename)
    outfile = open(output_filename, "w")
    for line in pdb:
        if line.startswith("ATOM"):
            chain, res_type, res_num, atom, x, y, z = parse_atom_line(line)
            for aa, num in residues:
                if res_type == aa and res_num == num:
def main(pdb_filename, residues, output_filename):
    '''writes residues from a PDB file to an output file.'''
    pdb = open(pdb_filename)
    outfile = open(output_filename, "w")
    for line in pdb:
        if line.startswith("ATOM"):
            chain, res_type, res_num, atom, x, y, z = parse_atom_line(line)
            for aa, num in residues:
                if res_type == aa and res_num == num:
Exemple #3
def get_ca_atoms(pdb_filename):
    '''returns a list of all C-alpha atoms in chain A'''
    pdb_file = open(pdb_filename, "r")
    ca_list = []
    for line in pdb_file:
        if line.startswith('ATOM'):
            data = parse_atom_line(line)
            chain, res_type, res_num, atom, x, y, z = data
            if atom == 'CA' and chain == 'A':
    return ca_list
def get_ca_atoms(pdb_filename):
    '''returns a list of all C-alpha atoms in chain A'''
    pdb_file = open(pdb_filename, "r")
    ca_list = []
    for line in pdb_file:
        if line.startswith('ATOM'):
            data = parse_atom_line(line)
            chain, res_type, res_num, atom, x, y, z = data
            if atom == 'CA' and chain == 'A': 
    return ca_list
Exemple #5

Find two alpha-C atoms in a PDB structure and calculate their distance.

(c) 2013 Allegra Via and Kristian Rother
    Licensed under the conditions of the Python License

    This code appears in section 10.4.4 of the book
    "Managing Biological Data with Python".

from math import sqrt
from distance import calc_dist
from parse_pdb import parse_atom_line

pdb = open('3G5U.pdb')
points = []

while len(points) < 2:
    line = pdb.readline()
    if line.startswith("ATOM"):
        chain, res_type, res_num, atom, x, y, z = parse_atom_line(line)
        if res_num == '123' and chain == 'A' and atom == 'CA':
            points.append((x, y, z))
        if res_num == '209' and chain == 'A' and atom == 'CA':
            points.append((x, y, z))

print(calc_dist(points[0], points[1]))

Find two alpha-C atoms in a PDB structure and calculate their distance.

(c) 2013 Allegra Via and Kristian Rother
    Licensed under the conditions of the Python License

    This code appears in section 10.4.4 of the book
    "Managing Biological Data with Python".

from math import sqrt
from distance import calc_dist
from parse_pdb import parse_atom_line

pdb = open('3G5U.pdb')
points = []

while len(points) < 2:
    line = pdb.readline()
    if line.startswith("ATOM"):
        chain, res_type, res_num, atom, x, y, z = parse_atom_line(line)
        if res_num == '123' and chain == 'A' and atom == 'CA':
            points.append((x, y, z))
        if res_num == '209' and chain == 'A' and atom == 'CA':
            points.append((x, y, z))

print calc_dist(points[0], points[1])