Exemple #1
 def run(self, env):
     for i in range(len(self.args[1::2])):  # Initialize all our variables
         env.vars[self.args[1::2][i]] = (self.args[i * 2], '0')
     env.funcs[self.name] = self.args  # Put our function in the dictionary
     env.write('jmp e%s' %
               self.name)  # Jump over our function until it is called
     env.write('%s:' % self.name)  # Add our label
     env.indent += 1
     env.pos += 1
     level = 1  # The bracket level
     while level != 0:
         if parser.end(env.lines[env.pos]
                       ):  # A statement ended, decrement the bracket level
             level -= 1
             start = '{' in env.lines[
                 env.pos]  # Check if a statement started
             stream = lexer.lex(env.lines[env.pos])  # Lex the current line
             func, stream = parser.parse(stream)  # Parse it
             stream = [token[0] for token in stream]  # Remove the tags
             func = mapping[func](stream)
             func.run(env)  # Run the function, this adds stuff to the file
         if '{' in env.lines[
                 env.pos]:  # A statement began, increment the bracket level
             level += 1
         if level == 0:
             env.pos += 1
     env.write('ret')  # Return
     env.indent -= 1
     env.write('e%s:' % self.name)  # Label used to jump over our function
     env.indent += 1
     env.write('nop')  # Do nothing
     env.indent -= 1
Exemple #2
 def run(self, env):
     env.pos += 1
     for i in range(env.pos, len(env.lines)):
         if parser.end(env.lines[i]):  # The statement ended
             env.pos = i + 1
             if '}' not in env.lines[
                     i]:  #  Write the current line directly to the file
Exemple #3
 def run(self, env):
     if self.a in env.vars:  # A is a variable, get its value
         self.a = '%s [%s]' % (env.vars[self.a][0], self.a)
     if self.b in env.vars:  # B is a variable, get its value
         self.b = env.vars[self.b]
     self.name = 'i%d:' % env.ifs  # Get the name for our label
     env.ifs += 1  # Increment the number of labels
     env.write('cmp %s, %s' % (self.a, self.b))  # Compare our two values
     env.write(jmps[self.op] + ' ' + self.name.rstrip(':')
               )  # If they match the operator, jump to our label
     env.write('jmp ' + self.name.rstrip(':') + 'e')  # Jump over our label
     env.write(self.name)  # Create our label
     env.indent += 1  # Indent
     env.pos += 1
     level = 1  # The bracket level
     while level != 0:
         if parser.end(
         ):  # We just ended a statement, so decrement the bracket level
             level -= 1
             stream = lexer.lex(env.lines[env.pos])  # Lex the current line
             func, stream = parser.parse(stream)  # Parse it
             stream = [token[0] for token in stream]  # Remove the tag
             func = mapping[func](stream)
                 env)  # Run it, this causes stuff to be written to the file
             env.pos -= 1
         if '{' in env.lines[
                 pos]:  # We began a statement, so increment the bracket level
             level += 1
         if level == 0:
             env.pos += 1
     env.indent -= 1
     env.write(self.name.rstrip(':') +
               'e:')  # The label used to jump over our label
     env.indent += 1
     env.write('nop')  # Our label should not do anything
     env.indent -= 1
Exemple #4
 def run(self, file):
     The run method.
     Iterate over every line in the file, lex, parse, and run it.
     code = pre.pre(file.read())  # Preprocess the input code
     lines = code.split('\n')  # Split the code into lines
     self.lines = lines  # Store the lines so functions can access them
     while '' in lines:
         lines.remove('')  # Remove empty lines
     while self.pos < len(lines):
         line = lines[self.pos]  # Get the current line
         stream = lexer.lex(line)  # Lex the line
         if parser.end(
         ):  # The line is a } (used for ending statements), so we should skip it
             self.pos += 1
         elif stream:
             func, stream = parser.parse(stream)  # Parse the lexed stream
             stream = [
                 token[0] for token in stream
             ]  # We don't need the tag part of the stream, only the text
             func = mapping[func](stream)
             func.run(self)  # Run the function we got
             self.pos += 1
     )  # Return from main function, needed to avoid segmenation fault
     self.indent = 1
     self.write('section .data',
                False)  # The data section, store variables here
     for var in self.vars:
         type = 'd' + self.vars[var][0][
             0]  # Define a variable of the right type
         if self.vars[var][1][0] == '"':
             self.write('%s: %s %s' % (var, type, self.vars[var][1]))
             self.write('%s: %s 0' % (var, type))
Exemple #5
 def run(self, env):
     self.var = '%s [%s]' % (
         env.vars[self.var][0], self.var
     )  # Make sure we take the value, not the address, of our variable
     self.name = 'f%d:' % env.loops  # The name of our loop
     env.loops += 1
     env.write('mov %s, %s' %
               (self.var, self.min))  # Set the variable to our minimum
     env.write(self.name)  # Add our label
     env.indent += 1
     env.pos += 1
     level = 1  # The bracket level
     while level != 0:  # While the statement is still going
         if parser.end(env.lines[env.pos]
                       ):  # A statement ended, decrement the bracket level
             level -= 1
             start = '{' in env.lines[
                 env.pos]  # Check whether a statement has started
             stream = lexer.lex(env.lines[env.pos])  # Lex the current line
             func, stream = parser.parse(stream)  # Parse it
             stream = [token[0] for token in stream]  # Remove the tags
             func = mapping[func](stream)
             func.run(env)  # Run the function, this adds stuff to the file
             if start:
                 env.pos -= 1
         if '{' in env.lines[
                 env.pos]:  # A statement ended, increment the bracket level
             level += 1
         if level == 0:
             env.pos += 1
     env.write('inc %s' % self.var)  # Increment our variable
     env.write('cmp %s, %s' % (self.var, self.max))  # Compare it to the max
     env.write('jl ' + self.name.rstrip(':')
               )  # If it is less than it, jump back to our loop
     env.indent -= 1
Exemple #6
 def run(self, env):
     if self.b in env.vars:
         self.b = env.vars[self.b][1]  # B is a variable, get its value
     eval = 0
     self.name = 'w%d:' % env.loops  # The name of our loop
     env.loops += 1  # Increment the number of loops
     env.write(self.name)  # Add our label
     env.indent += 1
     env.pos += 1
     level = 1  # The bracket level
     while level != 0:  # While the statement is not over
         if parser.end(
         ):  # A statement ended, so decrement the bracket level
             level -= 1
             stream = lexer.lex(env.lines[env.pos])  # Lex the current line
             func, stream = parser.parse(stream)  # Parse it
             stream = [token[0] for token in stream]  # Remove the tags
             func = mapping[func](stream)
             func.run(env)  # Run it, this adds stuff to the file
             env.pos -= 1
         if '{' in env.lines[
                 pos]:  # A statement began, so increment the bracket level
             level += 1
         if level == 0:
             env.pos += 1
     if self.a2 in env.vars:  # A is a variable, so take its value
         self.a2 = '%s [%s]' % (env.vars[self.a2][0], self.a2)
     env.write('cmp %s, %s' %
               (self.a2, self.b))  # Compare the a and b values
     env.write(jmps[self.op] + ' ' +
               self.name.rstrip(':'))  # Jump to our loop
     env.indent -= 1