Exemple #1
def many_with_pumps(settings, init_steps=tpid_cool_start):
    Make a LongRecipe for temp PID testing using the given settings.
    Settings is an iterable yielding valid inputs to full_test_with_pumps.
    A long recipe start is added to initialize the test.

    Settings must be 2-5 ints (or floats) long, yielding (Pgain, Itime, [Dtime,
    [set-point, [start_temp]]]), and will be passed to full_test_with_pumps directly
    without error checking.

    @param settings: list of settings to pass
    @type settings: collections.Iterable[collections.Iterable[int | float]]
    @return: recipe
    @rtype: LongRecipe

    long_recipe = LongRecipe()

    for settings in settings:
        recipe = full_test_with_pumps(*settings)

    return long_recipe
Exemple #2
def make_long_recipe(settings, init_steps=tpid_cool_start):
    @param settings: iterable of tuples of (p, i, d) settings.
    @type settings: collections.Iterable[(int | float, int | float, int | float)]
    @param init_steps: A recipe with steps used to initialize the test. This defaults to
                        a short recipe warming water to ~29 before allowing it to settle at
                        28 degrees, the standard test start temp. If using many recipes
                        in a row on a pbs bioreactor, it may be useful to use
                        custom init steps to re-initialize behavior more quickly
                        than the standard recipe does.
    @type init_steps: T <= Recipe
    @return: Recipe
    @rtype: LongRecipe

    recipes = [make_full_test_body(p, i, d, 37) for p, i, d in settings]

    long = LongRecipe()

    return long