def set_random_configs(self):
        randomly sample initial and goal configuration :
        self.q_init[:3] = [0, 0, 0.465]
        self.q_init[3:7] = [0, 0, 0, 1]
        self.q_init[-6] = self.v_init

        alpha = random.uniform(0., 2. * np.pi)
        #alpha = 4.
        print("Test on a circle, alpha = ", alpha)
        self.q_goal = self.q_init[::]
        self.q_goal[:3] = [
            self.radius * np.sin(alpha), -self.radius * np.cos(alpha), 0.465
        # set final orientation to be along the circle :
        vx = np.matrix([1, 0, 0]).T
        v_goal = np.matrix([self.q_goal[0], self.q_goal[1], 0]).T
        quat = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(vx, v_goal)
        self.q_goal[3:7] = quat.coeffs().tolist()
        # set final velocity to fix the orientation :
        self.q_goal[-6] = self.v_goal * np.sin(alpha)
        self.q_goal[-5] = -self.v_goal * np.cos(alpha)
        print("initial root position : ", self.q_init)
        print("final root position : ", self.q_goal)
        self.alpha = alpha
        # write problem in files :
        with open(self.status_filename, "w") as f:
            f.write("q_init= " + str(self.q_init) + "\n")
            f.write("q_goal= " + str(self.q_goal) + "\n")
 def set_transform(origin, a, b):
     from pinocchio import rpy, Quaternion
     length = np.linalg.norm(b - a)
     z = (b - a) / length
     R = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(np.array([0, 0, 1]), z).matrix()
     origin.attrib['xyz'] = " ".join([str(v) for v in ((a + b) / 2)])
     origin.attrib['rpy'] = " ".join([str(v) for v in rpy.matrixToRpy(R)])
def createPhaseFromRBPRMState(fb, stateId, t_init=-1):
    Create a multicontact_api ContactPhase object from an rbprm state
    :param fb: an instance of rbprm.FullBody
    :param stateId: the Id of the state
    :param t_init: the initial time of the contact phase
    :return: a multicontact_api.ContactPhase with the same contacts as the rbprm state
    q = fb.getConfigAtState(stateId)
    limbs_contact = fb.getAllLimbsInContact(stateId)
    cp = createPhaseFromConfig(fb, q, limbs_contact, t_init)
    if fb.cType == "_3_DOF":
        # update the contact normal from the data in fullbody
        for limbId in limbs_contact:
            eeName = fb.dict_limb_joint[limbId]
            [p, n] = fb.clientRbprm.rbprm.computeCenterOfContactAtStateForLimb(
                stateId, False, limbId)
            normal = np.array(n)
            print("New normal : ", normal)
            quat = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(np.array(fb.dict_normal[eeName]),
            placement = cp.contactPatch(eeName).placement
            placement.rotation = quat.matrix()
            cp.contactPatch(eeName).placement = placement
            print("New placement : ", normal)
    return cp
def rotationFromNormal(n):
    return a rotation matrix corresponding to the given contact normal
    :param n: the normal of the surface (as a numpy array)
    :return: a rotation matrix
    z_up = np.array([0., 0., 1.])
    q = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(z_up, n)
    return q.matrix()
Exemple #5
def contactPlacementFromRBPRMState(fb, stateId, eeName):
    # get limbName from effector name :
    placement = SE3FromConfig(fb.getJointPosition(eeName))
    if fb.cType == "_3_DOF":
        limbId = list(fb.dict_limb_joint.keys())[list(fb.dict_limb_joint.values()).index(eeName)]
        [p, n] = fb.clientRbprm.rbprm.computeCenterOfContactAtStateForLimb(stateId, False, limbId)
        normal = np.array(n)
        quat = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(np.array(fb.dict_normal[eeName]), normal)
        placement.rotation = quat.matrix()
    return placement
Exemple #6
def createPhaseFromRBPRMState(fb, stateId, t_init = -1):
    q = fb.getConfigAtState(stateId)
    limbs_contact = fb.getAllLimbsInContact(stateId)
    cp = createPhaseFromConfig(fb, q, limbs_contact, t_init)
    if fb.cType == "_3_DOF":
        # update the contact normal from the data in fullbody
        for limbId in limbs_contact:
            eeName = fb.dict_limb_joint[limbId]
            [p, n] = fb.clientRbprm.rbprm.computeCenterOfContactAtStateForLimb(stateId, False, limbId)
            normal = np.array(n)
            print("New normal : ", normal)
            quat = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(np.array(fb.dict_normal[eeName]), normal)
            placement = cp.contactPatch(eeName).placement
            placement.rotation = quat.matrix()
            cp.contactPatch(eeName).placement = placement
            print("New placement : ", normal)
    return cp
    def set_random_configs(self):
        Generate random init and goal position.
        these position will be on the flat part of the environment,
        with an orientation such that they can be connected by a straight line,
        and an angle between +- 25 degree from the x axis
        # select randomly the initial and final plateform, they cannot be the same
        # end plateform is always after the init plateform on the x axis
        init_plateform_id = random.randint(0, 3)
        end_plateform_id = random.randint(init_plateform_id + 1, 4)
        #if end_plateform_id >= init_plateform_id:
        #  end_plateform_id+=1

        # set x position from the plateform choosen :
        x_init = 0.16 + 0.925 * init_plateform_id
        x_goal = 0.16 + 0.925 * end_plateform_id

        # uniformly sample y position
        y_init = random.uniform(self.Y_BOUNDS[0], self.Y_BOUNDS[1])
        self.q_init[:3] = [x_init, y_init, self.Z_VALUE]

        # y_goal must be random inside Y_BOUNDS but such that the line between q_init and q_goal is between +- MAX_ANGLE radian from the x axis
        y_bound_goal = self.Y_BOUNDS[::]
        y_angle_max = math.sin(self.MAX_ANGLE) * abs(x_init - x_goal) + y_init
        y_angle_min = math.sin(-self.MAX_ANGLE) * abs(x_init - x_goal) + y_init
        y_bound_goal[0] = max(y_angle_min, y_bound_goal[0])
        y_bound_goal[1] = min(y_angle_max, y_bound_goal[1])
        y_goal = random.uniform(y_bound_goal[0], y_bound_goal[1])

        # compute the orientation such that q_init face q_goal :
        # set final orientation to be along the circle :
        vx = np.matrix([1, 0, 0]).T
        v_init = np.matrix([x_goal - x_init, y_goal - y_init, 0]).T
        quat = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(vx, v_init)
        self.q_init[3:7] = quat.coeffs().tolist()

        self.q_goal = self.q_init[::]
        self.q_goal[:2] = [x_goal, y_goal]

        print("q_init= " + str(self.q_init))
        print("q_goal= " + str(self.q_goal))
        # write problem in files :
        with open(self.status_filename, "w") as f:
            f.write("q_init= " + str(self.q_init) + "\n")
            f.write("q_goal= " + str(self.q_goal) + "\n")
Exemple #8
def setContactPlacementFromRBPRMState(phase, fb, stateId, limbs=None):
    if limbs == None:
        limbs = fb.limbs_names
    for limbId in limbs:
        eeName = fb.dict_limb_joint[limbId]
        if fb.isLimbInContact(limbId, stateId):
            [p, n] = fb.clientRbprm.rbprm.computeCenterOfContactAtStateForLimb(
                stateId, False, limbId)
            placement = SE3.Identity()
            placement.translation = np.matrix(p).T
            if fb.cType == "_3_DOF":
                normal = np.matrix(n).T
                quat = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(
                    np.matrix(fb.dict_normal[eeName]).T, normal)
                q_r = fb.getJointPosition(eeName)
                quat = quatFromConfig(q_r)
            placement.rotation = quat.matrix()
            patch = contactPatchForEffector(phase, eeName)
            patch.placement = placement
    def set_random_configs(self):
        randomly sample initial and goal configuration :
        # init position at the origin, facing x axis
        self.q_init[:3] = [0, 0, 1.]
        self.q_init[-6] = self.v_init
        # sample random position on a circle of radius random in [MIN_ROOT_DIST; MAX_ROOT_DIST]
        radius = random.uniform(self.MIN_ROOT_DIST, self.MAX_ROOT_DIST)
        alpha = random.uniform(0., 2. * np.pi)
        print("Test on a circle, alpha = ", alpha)
        print("Radius = ", radius)
        self.q_goal = self.q_init[::]
        self.q_goal[:3] = [radius * np.sin(alpha), -radius * np.cos(alpha), 1.]

            alpha = random.uniform(
                2. * np.pi)  # sample new random yaw value for the orientation
            v_goal = np.matrix(
                [radius * np.sin(alpha), -radius * np.cos(alpha), 0]).T
            v_goal = np.matrix([self.q_goal[0], self.q_goal[1],
                                0]).T  # direction root_init -> root_goal

        # set final orientation to be along the circle :
        vx = np.matrix([1, 0, 0]).T
        quat = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(vx, v_goal)
        self.q_goal[3:7] = quat.coeffs().tolist()
        # set final velocity to fix the orientation :
        self.q_goal[-6] = self.v_goal * np.sin(alpha)
        self.q_goal[-5] = -self.v_goal * np.cos(alpha)
        print("q_init= " + str(self.q_init))
        print("q_goal= " + str(self.q_goal))
        # write problem in files :
        with open(self.status_filename, "w") as f:
            f.write("q_init= " + str(self.q_init) + "\n")
            f.write("q_goal= " + str(self.q_goal) + "\n")
def contactPlacementFromRBPRMState(fb, stateId, eeName):
    Compute the placement of eeName for the given stateId
    :param fb: an instance of rbprm.FullBody
    :param stateId: the Id of the state
    :param eeName: the name of the effector
    :return: the placement represented as a pinocchio.SE3 object
    # get limbName from effector name :
    placement = SE3FromConfig(fb.getJointPosition(eeName))
    if fb.cType == "_3_DOF":
        limbId = list(fb.dict_limb_joint.keys())[list(
        [p, n] = fb.clientRbprm.rbprm.computeCenterOfContactAtStateForLimb(
            stateId, False, limbId)
        normal = np.array(n)
        quat = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(np.array(fb.dict_normal[eeName]),
        placement.rotation = quat.matrix()
    return placement
Exemple #11
def sampleRandomTranstionFromState(fullBody, s0, limbsInContact, movingLimb,
    it = 0
    success = False
    n = [0, 0, 1]
    vz = np.matrix(n).T
    while not success and it < 10000:
        it += 1
        # sample a random position for movingLimb and try to project s0 to this position
        qr = fullBody.shootRandomConfig()
        q1 = s0.q()[::]
        q1[limb_ids[movingLimb][0]:limb_ids[movingLimb][1]] = qr[
        s1 = State(fullBody, q=q1, limbsIncontact=limbsInContact)
        p = fullBody.getJointPosition(
        p[0] += random.uniform(eff_x_range[0], eff_x_range[1])
        p[1] += random.uniform(eff_y_range[0], eff_y_range[1])
        p[2] = z
        s1, success = StateHelper.addNewContact(s1, movingLimb, p, n)
        # force root orientation : (align current z axis with vertical)
        if success:
            quat_1 = Quaternion(s1.q()[6], s1.q()[3], s1.q()[4], s1.q()[5])
            v_1 = quat_1.matrix() * vz
            align = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(v_1, vz)
            rot = align * quat_1
            q_root = s1.q()[0:7]
            q_root[3:7] = rot.coeffs().T.tolist()[0]
            success = s1.projectToRoot(q_root)
        # check if new state is in static equilibrium
        if success:
            # check stability
            success = fullBody.isStateBalanced(s1.sId, 3)
        # check if transition is feasible according to CROC
        if success:
            #success = fullBody.isReachableFromState(s0.sId,s1.sId) or (len(fullBody.isDynamicallyReachableFromState(s0.sId,s1.sId, numPointsPerPhases=0)) > 0)
            success = fullBody.isReachableFromState(s0.sId, s1.sId)
    return success, s1
    def set_random_configs(self):
        randomly sample initial and goal configuration :
        self.q_init[:3] = [
            random.uniform(self.X_BOUNDS[0], self.X_BOUNDS[1]),
            random.uniform(self.Y_BOUNDS[0], self.Y_BOUNDS[1]), self.Z_VALUE
        self.q_goal = self.q_init[::]
        for i in range(random.randint(0, 1000)):
            random.uniform(0., 1.)
        self.q_goal[:3] = [
            random.uniform(self.X_BOUNDS[0], self.X_BOUNDS[1]),
            random.uniform(self.Y_BOUNDS[0], self.Y_BOUNDS[1]), self.Z_VALUE

        # compute the orientation such that q_init face q_goal :
        # set final orientation to be along the circle :
        vx = np.matrix([1, 0, 0]).T
        v_init = np.matrix([
            self.q_goal[0] - self.q_init[0], self.q_goal[1] - self.q_init[1], 0
        quat = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(vx, v_init)
        self.q_init[3:7] = quat.coeffs().tolist()
        self.q_goal[3:7] = self.q_init[3:7]
        print("initial root position : ", self.q_init[:3])
        print("final root position : ", self.q_goal[:3])

        # write problem in files :
        with open(self.status_filename, "w") as f:
            f.write("q_init= " + str(self.q_init) + "\n")
            f.write("q_goal= " + str(self.q_goal) + "\n")
Exemple #13
q_init[3:7] = [0, 0, 0, 1]
q_init[-6] = vInit
# sample random position on a circle of radius 2m

radius = 1.
import random
#alpha = random.uniform(0.,2.*np.pi)
alpha = random.uniform(0., 2. * np.pi)
print "Test on a circle, alpha = ", alpha
q_goal = q_init[::]
q_goal[0:3] = [radius * np.sin(alpha), -radius * np.cos(alpha), 1.]
# set final orientation to be along the circle :
vx = np.matrix([1, 0, 0]).T
v_goal = np.matrix([q_goal[0], q_goal[1], 0]).T
quat = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(vx, v_goal)
q_goal[3:7] = quat.coeffs().T.tolist()[0]
# set final velocity to fix the orientation :
q_goal[-6] = vGoal * np.sin(alpha)
q_goal[-5] = -vGoal * np.cos(alpha)
print "initial root position : ", q_init
print "final root position : ", q_goal

# write problem in files :
f = open(statusFilename, "w")
f.write("q_init= " + str(q_init) + "\n")
f.write("q_goal= " + str(q_goal) + "\n")
# y_goal must be random inside Y_BOUNDS but such that the line between q_init and q_goal is between +- MAX_ANGLE radian from the x axis 
y_bound_goal = Y_BOUNDS[::]
y_angle_max = math.sin(MAX_ANGLE)*abs(x_init-x_goal) + y_init
y_angle_min = math.sin(-MAX_ANGLE)*abs(x_init-x_goal) + y_init
y_bound_goal[0] = max(y_angle_min,y_bound_goal[0])
y_bound_goal[1] = min(y_angle_max,y_bound_goal[1])
y_goal = random.uniform(y_bound_goal[0],y_bound_goal[1])

# compute the orientation such that q_init face q_goal :
# set final orientation to be along the circle : 
vx = np.matrix([1,0,0]).T
v_init = np.matrix([x_goal-x_init,y_goal-y_init,0]).T
quat = Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(vx,v_init)
q_init[3:7] = quat.coeffs().T.tolist()[0]

q_goal[0:2] = [x_goal,y_goal]

print "initial root position : ",q_init
print "final root position : ",q_goal
ps.setInitialConfig (q_init)
ps.addGoalConfig (q_goal)

# write problem in files : 
f = open(statusFilename,"w")
f.write("q_init= "+str(q_init)+"\n")
f.write("q_goal= "+str(q_goal)+"\n")
Exemple #15
def quatFromAlpha(alpha):
    vx = np.matrix([1, 0, 0]).T
    v = Vector3FromAlpha(alpha)
    return Quaternion.FromTwoVectors(vx, v)