Exemple #1
 def test_get_fingerprint(self):
     Test that PublicKey.get_fingerprint() always returns the same 
     fingerprint for the same PublicKey object and a different one for 
     another object.
     # Create two public keys from the same cryptosystem
     public_key1 = self.cryptosystem.new_key_pair().public_key
     public_key2 = self.cryptosystem.new_key_pair().public_key
     # And a third from a different (insecure, 128bit) cryptosystem
     insecure_cryptosys = EGCryptoSystem.new(nbits=128)
     public_key3 = insecure_cryptosys.new_key_pair().public_key
     # Get each key's fingerprint
     pk1_fingerprint = public_key1.get_fingerprint()
     pk2_fingerprint = public_key2.get_fingerprint()
     pk3_fingerprint = public_key3.get_fingerprint()
     # Test that multiple calls to get_fingerprint() for the same PublicKey 
     # object always return the same fingerprint
     for i in range(0, 20):
         self.assertEqual(public_key1.get_fingerprint(), pk1_fingerprint)
         self.assertEqual(public_key2.get_fingerprint(), pk2_fingerprint)
         self.assertEqual(public_key3.get_fingerprint(), pk3_fingerprint)
     # Check that fingerprints from different PublicKey objects are 
     # different
     self.assertFalse(pk1_fingerprint == pk2_fingerprint)
     self.assertFalse(pk1_fingerprint == pk3_fingerprint)
     self.assertFalse(pk2_fingerprint == pk3_fingerprint)
Exemple #2
 def test_decryption_incompatible_cyphertext_error_cryptosys_bits(self):
     Test that attempting to decrypt a ciphertext with a private key 
     generated using a cryptosystem of a different bit size (nbits) than the 
     one of the public key used to encrypt the ciphertext raises an 
     IncompatibleCiphertextError exception.
     # For coverage completeness (A different error message is raised when 
     # the problem is an incompatible size for the cryptosystem than for any 
     # other incompatible private key).
     # Use the public key to encrypt the message
     ciphertext = self.public_key.encrypt_text(self.message)
     # Construct a new 128 bits (terribly unsafe) cryptosystem
     other_cryptosys = EGCryptoSystem.new(nbits=128)
     # Generate a new key pair using this cryptosystem and take its private 
     # key
     other_key_pair = other_cryptosys.new_key_pair()
     other_private_key = other_key_pair.private_key
     # This key should no be capable of decrypting the ciphertext and an 
     # error should be raised
                       other_private_key.decrypt_to_text, ciphertext)
def run_tool(nbits, filename, name, description):
	Runs the plonevote.gen_cryptosys tool and generates a new cryptosystem.

    # Define callbacks for the TaskMonitor for progress monitoring
    def cb_task_start(task):
        print task.task_name + ":"

    def cb_task_progress(task):

    def cb_task_end(task):
        print ""

    # Create new TaskMonitor and register the callbacks
    taskmon = TaskMonitor()

    # Generate a new cryptosystem of the requested size
        cryptosys = EGCryptoSystem.new(nbits, task_monitor=taskmon)
    except KeyLengthTooLowError:
        print "ERROR: The given bit size does not meet PloneVoteCryptoLib "\
           "minimum security requirements (too short)."
    except KeyLengthNonBytableError:
        print "ERROR: The given bit size must be a multiple of 8."

    # Save the cryptosystem to file
    print "\nSaving cryptosystem to %s..." % filename,

    cryptosys.to_file(name, description, filename)

    print "SAVED.\n"
def run_tool(nbits, filename, name, description):
	Runs the plonevote.gen_cryptosys tool and generates a new cryptosystem.
	# Define callbacks for the TaskMonitor for progress monitoring
	def cb_task_start(task):
		print task.task_name + ":"

	def cb_task_progress(task):

	def cb_task_end(task):
		print ""
	# Create new TaskMonitor and register the callbacks
	taskmon = TaskMonitor()
	# Generate a new cryptosystem of the requested size
		cryptosys = EGCryptoSystem.new(nbits, task_monitor = taskmon)
	except KeyLengthTooLowError:
		print "ERROR: The given bit size does not meet PloneVoteCryptoLib "\
			  "minimum security requirements (too short)."
	except KeyLengthNonBytableError:
		print "ERROR: The given bit size must be a multiple of 8."
	# Save the cryptosystem to file
	print "\nSaving cryptosystem to %s..." % filename,
	cryptosys.to_file(name, description, filename)
	print "SAVED.\n"
Exemple #5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ToDo: Turn this into an actual test case / doctest

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from plonevotecryptolib.EGCryptoSystem import EGCryptoSystem as egcs
from plonevotecryptolib.Threshold.ThresholdEncryptionSetUp import ThresholdEncryptionSetUp as tesu
from plonevotecryptolib.Threshold.ThresholdDecryptionCombinator import ThresholdDecryptionCombinator
from six.moves import range

cs = egcs.new()

class Trustee:
	def __init__(self, cs):
		kp = cs.new_key_pair()
		self.private_key = kp.private_key
		self.public_key = kp.public_key
		self.commitment = None
		self.tesu_fingerprint = None
		self.threshold_public_key = None
		self.threshold_private_key = None

trustees = [Trustee(cs) for i in range(0,5)]

tesetup = tesu(cs, 5, 3)

for i in range(0,5):
	tesetup.add_trustee_public_key(i, trustees[i].public_key)

for i in range(0,5):
Exemple #6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ToDo: Turn this into an actual test case / doctest

from plonevotecryptolib.EGCryptoSystem import EGCryptoSystem as egcs
from plonevotecryptolib.Threshold.ThresholdEncryptionSetUp import ThresholdEncryptionSetUp as tesu
from plonevotecryptolib.Threshold.ThresholdDecryptionCombinator import ThresholdDecryptionCombinator

cs = egcs.new()

class Trustee:
	def __init__(self, cs):
		kp = cs.new_key_pair()
		self.private_key = kp.private_key
		self.public_key = kp.public_key
		self.commitment = None
		self.tesu_fingerprint = None
		self.threshold_public_key = None
		self.threshold_private_key = None

trustees = [Trustee(cs) for i in range(0,5)]

tesetup = tesu(cs, 5, 3)

for i in range(0,5):
	tesetup.add_trustee_public_key(i, trustees[i].public_key)

for i in range(0,5):
	trustees[i].commitment = tesetup.generate_commitment()

for i in range(0,5):