Exemple #1
    def _makeCoordList(self, path, steps, length):
        # absolute position
        ap = Point()
        # path origin
        po = Point()
        points = []
        p = []

        # TODO: legacy
        pd = path
        last_bezier_control_point = Point()
        for i in range(0, len(pd)):
            cmd = pd[i][0]
            # 'move to' command
            if re.match('m', cmd):
                if i == 0:
                    coord = Point(pd[i][1][0], pd[i][1][1])
                    ap.assign(coord.x, coord.y)
                    po.assign(coord.x, coord.y)
                    coord_tmp = Point(pd[i][1][0], pd[i][1][1])
                    ap += coord_tmp
                    # a marker that a new path is starting after a previous one closed
                    p = []
                    po = ap
                for coord_tmp in pd[i][2:]:
                    coord = Point(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                    ap += coord
            # cubic (two control points) Bezier curve command 
            elif re.match('c', cmd):
                bezier_curve_path = []
                for n in range(1, len(pd[i])-1, 3):
                    for m in range(0, 3):
                        coord = pd[i][n+m]
                        point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
                        bezier_curve_path.append(ap + point)
                    new_point = Point(pd[i][n+m][0], pd[i][n+m][1])
                    ap += new_point 
                for n in range(0, len(bezier_curve_path), 4):
                    # clear bezier point arrays 
                    bezier_points_x = []
                    bezier_points_y = []
                    # split points of bezier into 'x' and 'y' coordinate arrays
                    # as this is what the point array function expects
                    for m in range(0, 4):
                    # caluclate the individual points along the bezier curve for 'x'
                    # and 'y'
                    points_x = self._linearizeCubicBezier(bezier_points_x, steps)
                    points_y = self._linearizeCubicBezier(bezier_points_y, steps)

                    path_length = self._getCubicBezierLength(points_x, points_y)

                    if path_length == 0:
                        steps_tmp = 1
                        steps_tmp = ceil(path_length / length)
                    skip = int(ceil(steps / steps_tmp))
                    bezier_point_array = []
                    # put thos points back into a Point type array
                    for n in range(0, len(points_x), skip):
                        bezier_point_array.append(Point(points_x[n], points_y[n]))
                    bezier_point_array.append(Point(points_x[len(points_x)-1], points_y[len(points_x)-1]))
                    p += bezier_point_array
            # quadratic (single control point) Bezier curve command 
            elif re.match('q', cmd):
                bezier_curve_path = []
                for n in range(1, len(pd[i])-1, 2):
                    for m in range(0, 2):
                        coord = pd[i][n+m]
                        point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
                        bezier_curve_path.append(ap + point)
                        # inject a second, identical control point so this quadratic
                        # bezier looks like a cubic one
                        if m == 1:
                        if m == 0:
                            last_bezier_control_point = ap + point
                    new_point = Point(pd[i][n+m][0], pd[i][n+m][1])
                    ap += new_point   
                for n in range(0, len(bezier_curve_path), 4):
                    # clear bezier point arrays 
                    bezier_points_x = []
                    bezier_points_y = []
                    # split points of bezier into 'x' and 'y' coordinate arrays
                    # as this is what the point array function expects
                    for m in range(0, 4):
                    # caluclate the individual points along the bezier curve for 'x'
                    # and 'y'
                    points_x = self._linearizeCubicBezier(bezier_points_x, steps)
                    points_y = self._linearizeCubicBezier(bezier_points_y, steps)

                    path_length = self._getCubicBezierLength(points_x, points_y)
                    skip = int(ceil(steps / (path_length / length)))
                    bezier_point_array = []
                    # put those points back into a Point type array
                    for n in range(0, len(points_x), skip):
                        bezier_point_array.append(Point(points_x[n], points_y[n]))            
                    bezier_point_array.append(Point(points_x[len(points_x)-1], points_y[len(points_x)-1]))
                    p += bezier_point_array
            # simple cubic Bezier curve command 
            elif re.match('t', cmd):
                bezier_curve_path = []
                for n in range(1, len(pd[i])):
                    coord = pd[i][n]
                    point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
                    end_point = ap + point
                    diff = Point(ap.x - last_bezier_control_point.x, ap.y - last_bezier_control_point.y)
                    control_point = ap + diff
                    last_bezier_control_point = control_point
                    new_point = Point(pd[i][n][0], pd[i][n][1])
                    ap += new_point
                for n in range(0, len(bezier_curve_path), 4):
                    # clear bezier point arrays 
                    bezier_points_x = []
                    bezier_points_y = []
                    # split points of bezier into 'x' and 'y' coordinate arrays
                    # as this is what the point array function expects
                    for m in range(0, 4):
                    # caluclate the individual points along the bezier curve for 'x'
                    # and 'y'
                    points_x = self._linearizeCubicBezier(bezier_points_x, steps)
                    points_y = self._linearizeCubicBezier(bezier_points_y, steps)

                    path_length = self._getCubicBezierLength(points_x, points_y)
                    skip = int(ceil(steps / (path_length / length)))
                    bezier_point_array = []
                    # put those points back into a Point type array
                    for m in range(0, len(points_x), skip):
                        bezier_point_array.append(Point(points_x[m], points_y[m]))
                    bezier_point_array.append(Point(points_x[len(points_x)-1], points_y[len(points_x)-1]))
                    p += bezier_point_array
    #        elif re.match('s', cmd):
    #            pass
            # 'line to'  command
            elif re.match('l', cmd):
                for coord_tmp in pd[i][1:]:
                    coord = Point(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                    ap += coord
            # 'horizontal line' command
            elif re.match('h', cmd):
                for coord_tmp in pd[i][1:]:
                    coord = Point(coord_tmp[0], 0)
                    ap += coord
            # 'vertical line' command
            elif re.match('v', cmd):
                for coord_tmp in pd[i][1:]:
                    coord = Point(0, coord_tmp[0])
                    ap += coord
            # 'close shape' command
            elif re.match('z', cmd):
                ap = ap + (po - ap)
                msg.error("Found an unsupported SVG path command, '%s'" % cmd)

        return points
Exemple #2
    def _getDimensions(self, path):

        last_point = Point()
        abs_point = Point()
        bbox_top_left = Point()
        bbox_bot_right = Point()
        # for the t/T (shorthand bezier) command, we need to keep track
        # of the last bezier control point from previous Q/q/T/t command
        last_bezier_control_point = Point()
        for i in range(0, len(path)):
            # 'move to' command
            if re.match('m', path[i][0]):
                if i == 0:
                    # the first coordinate is the start of both top left and bottom right
                    abs_point.assign(path[i][1][0], path[i][1][1])
                    bbox_top_left.assign(path[i][1][0], path[i][1][1])
                    bbox_bot_right.assign(path[i][1][0], path[i][1][1])
                    new_point = Point(path[i][1][0], path[i][1][1])
                    abs_point += new_point
                    bbox_top_left, bbox_bot_right = svg.boundary_box_check(bbox_top_left, 
                # for the rest of the coordinates
                for coord in path[i][2:]:
                    new_point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
                    abs_point += new_point
                    bbox_top_left, bbox_bot_right = svg.boundary_box_check(bbox_top_left, 
            # cubic Bezier curve command 
            elif re.match('c', path[i][0]):
                bezier_curve_path = []
                for n in range(1, len(path[i])-1, 3):
                    for m in range(0, 3):
                        coord = path[i][n+m]
                        point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
                        bezier_curve_path.append(abs_point + point)
                    new_point = Point(path[i][n+m][0], path[i][n+m][1])
                    abs_point += new_point 
                for n in range(0, len(bezier_curve_path), 4):
                    # clear bezier point arrays 
                    bezier_points_x = []
                    bezier_points_y = []
                    # split points of bezier into 'x' and 'y' coordinate arrays
                    # as this is what the point array function expects
                    for m in range(0, 4):
                    # caluclate the individual points along the bezier curve for 'x'
                    # and 'y'
                    points_x = svg.calculate_points_of_cubic_bezier(bezier_points_x, 100)
                    points_y = svg.calculate_points_of_cubic_bezier(bezier_points_y, 100)
                    bezier_point_array = []
                    # put those points back into a Point type array
                    for n in range(0, len(points_x)):
                        bezier_point_array.append(Point(points_x[n], points_y[n]))
                    # check each point if it extends the boundary box
                    for n in range(0, len(bezier_point_array)):
                        bbox_top_left, bbox_bot_right = svg.boundary_box_check(
            # quadratic Bezier curve command 
            elif re.match('q', path[i][0]):
                bezier_curve_path = []
                for n in range(1, len(path[i])-1, 2):
                    for m in range(0, 2):
                        coord = path[i][n+m]
                        point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
                        bezier_curve_path.append(abs_point + point)
                        # inject a second, identical control point so this quadratic
                        # bezier looks like a cubic one
                        if m == 1:
                            bezier_curve_path.append(abs_point + point)
                        if m == 0:
                            last_bezier_control_point = abs_point + point
                    new_point = Point(path[i][n+m][0], path[i][n+m][1])
                    abs_point += new_point   
                for n in range(0, len(bezier_curve_path), 4):
                    # clear bezier point arrays 
                    bezier_points_x = []
                    bezier_points_y = []
                    # split points of bezier into 'x' and 'y' coordinate arrays
                    # as this is what the point array function expects
                    for m in range(0, 4):
                    # caluclate the individual points along the bezier curve for 'x'
                    # and 'y'
                    points_x = svg.calculate_points_of_cubic_bezier(bezier_points_x, 100)
                    points_y = svg.calculate_points_of_cubic_bezier(bezier_points_y, 100)
                    bezier_point_array = []
                    # put those points back into a Point type array
                    for n in range(0, len(points_x)):
                        bezier_point_array.append(Point(points_x[n], points_y[n]))
                    # check each point if it extends the boundary box
                    for n in range(0, len(bezier_point_array)):
                        bbox_top_left, bbox_bot_right = svg.boundary_box_check(
            # simple cubic Bezier curve command 
            elif re.match('t', path[i][0]):
                bezier_curve_path = []
                for n in range(1, len(path[i])):
                    coord = path[i][n]
                    point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
                    end_point = abs_point + point
                    diff = Point(abs_point.x - last_bezier_control_point.x, 
                                 abs_point.y - last_bezier_control_point.y)
                    control_point = abs_point + diff
                    last_bezier_control_point = control_point
                    new_point = Point(path[i][n][0], path[i][n][1])
                    abs_point += new_point
                for n in range(0, len(bezier_curve_path), 4):
                    # clear bezier point arrays 
                    bezier_points_x = []
                    bezier_points_y = []
                    # split points of bezier into 'x' and 'y' coordinate arrays
                    # as this is what the point array function expects
                    for m in range(0, 4):
                    # caluclate the individual points along the bezier curve for 'x'
                    # and 'y'
                    points_x = svg.calculate_points_of_cubic_bezier(bezier_points_x, 100)
                    points_y = svg.calculate_points_of_cubic_bezier(bezier_points_y, 100)
                    bezier_point_array = []
                    # put those points back into a Point type array
                    for n in range(0, len(points_x)):
                        bezier_point_array.append(Point(points_x[n], points_y[n]))
                    # check each point if it extends the boundary box
                    for m in range(0, len(bezier_point_array)):
                        bbox_top_left, bbox_bot_right = svg.boundary_box_check(
    #        elif re.match('S', path[i][0], re.I):
    #            pass
            # 'line to'  command
            elif re.match('l', path[i][0]):
                for coord in path[i][1:]:
                    new_point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
                    abs_point += new_point
                    bbox_top_left, bbox_bot_right = svg.boundary_box_check(bbox_top_left, 
            # 'horizontal line' command
            elif re.match('h', path[i][0]):
                for coord in path[i][1:]:
                    new_point = Point(coord[0], 0)
                    abs_point += new_point
                    bbox_top_left, bbox_bot_right = svg.boundary_box_check(bbox_top_left, 
            # 'vertical line' command
            elif re.match('v', path[i][0]):
                for coord in path[i][1:]:
                    new_point = Point(0, coord[0])
                    abs_point += new_point
                    bbox_top_left, bbox_bot_right = svg.boundary_box_check(bbox_top_left, 
            # 'close shape' command
            elif re.match('Z', path[i][0], re.I):
                print "ERROR: found an unsupported SVG path command " + str(path[i][0])

        self._bbox_top_left = bbox_top_left
        self._bbox_bot_right = bbox_bot_right        
        #self._width = (bbox_bot_right.x - bbox_top_left.x)
        #self._height = abs(bbox_bot_right.y - bbox_top_left.y)
        return (bbox_bot_right.x - bbox_top_left.x), abs(bbox_bot_right.y - bbox_top_left.y)
Exemple #3
    def transform(self, scale=1, rotate_angle=0, rotate_point=Point(), mirror=False, center=True):
        Transforms a path

        path = self._relative_parsed

        string = "%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (path,scale,rotate_angle,rotate_point,mirror,center)
        digest = utils.digest(string)

        record = self._record.get(digest)
        if record != None:
            self._transformed = record['path']
            self._transformed_mirrored = record['mirrored']
            self._width = record['width']
            self._height = record['height']
            width, height = self._getDimensions(path)
            #width = self._width
            #height = self._height
            # first point of path
            first_point = Point(path[0][1][0], path[0][1][1])
            if center is True:
                # center point of path
                origin_point = Point(self._bbox_top_left.x+width/2, self._bbox_top_left.y-height/2)
                # caluclate what's the new starting point of path based on the new origin
                new_first_point = Point(first_point.x - origin_point.x, first_point.y - origin_point.y)
                new_first_point = Point(first_point.x, first_point.y)
            new_first_point.rotate(rotate_angle, rotate_point)
            new_p = "m %f,%f " % (new_first_point.x, new_first_point.y)
            tmpp = Point()
            origin = Point()
            for n in range(0, len(path)):
                if path[n][0] == 'm' and n == 0:
                    for m in range(2, len(path[n])):
                        tmpp.assign(path[n][m][0], path[n][m][1])
                        tmpp.rotate(rotate_angle, rotate_point)
                        new_p += str(tmpp.x) + "," + str(tmpp.y) + " "   
                    if path[n][0] == 'h' or path[n][0] == 'v':
                        new_p += "l "
                        new_p += path[n][0] + " "
                    for m in range(1, len(path[n])):
                        if path[n][0] == 'h':
                            tmpp.assign(path[n][m][0], 0)
                        elif path[n][0] == 'v':
                            tmpp.assign(0, path[n][m][0])
                            tmpp.assign(path[n][m][0], path[n][m][1])
                        tmpp.rotate(rotate_angle, rotate_point)
                        new_p += str(tmpp.x) + "," + str(tmpp.y) + " "
            self._transformed = new_p
            parsed = self._svgGrammar.parseString(new_p)
            self._transformed_mirrored = self._mirrorHorizontally(parsed)

            width, height = self._getDimensions(parsed)
            self._width = width
            self._height = height

            self._record[digest] = {}
            self._record[digest]['path'] = self._transformed
            self._record[digest]['mirrored'] = self._transformed_mirrored
            self._record[digest]['width'] = self._width
            self._record[digest]['height'] = self._height

Exemple #4
    def _makeRelative(self, path):

        p = ''
        # This variable stores the absolute coordinates as the path is converted;
        abspos = Point()
        patho = Point()
        for i in range(0, len(path)):
            # 'move to' command
            if re.match('M', path[i][0], re.I):
                # TODO: write this code more concisely
                coord = Point(path[i][1][0], path[i][1][1])
                p += 'm '
                # if this is the start of the path, the first M/m coordinate is
                # always absolute
                if i == 0:
                    abspos.assign(coord.x, coord.y)
                    p += str(abspos.x) + ',' + str(abspos.y) + ' '
                    patho.assign(coord.x, coord.y)
                    if path[i][0] == 'm':
                        p += str(coord.x) + ',' + str(coord.y) + ' '
                        abspos += coord
                        patho = abspos
                        p += str(coord.x - abspos.x) + ',' + str(coord.y - abspos.y) + ' '
                        abspos.assign(coord.x, coord.y)
                        patho.assign(coord.x, coord.y)
                # do the rest of the coordinates
                for coord_tmp in path[i][2:]:
                    coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                    if path[i][0] == 'm':
                        p += str(coord.x) + ',' + str(coord.y) + ' '
                        abspos += coord 
                        p += str(coord.x - abspos.x) + ',' + str(coord.y - abspos.y) + ' '
                        abspos.assign(coord.x, coord.y)
            # cubic Bezier (PCCP) curve command 
            elif re.match('C', path[i][0], re.I):
                p += path[i][0].lower()+' '
                if path[i][0] == 'c':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                        p += str(coord.x) + ',' + str(coord.y) +' '
                    # for keeping track of the absolute position, we need to add up every
                    # *third* coordinate of the cubic Bezier curve
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][3::3]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                        abspos += coord 
                if path[i][0] == 'C':
                    for n in range(1, len(path[i])-1, 3):
                        for m in range(0, 3):
                            coord.assign(path[i][n+m][0], path[i][n+m][1]) 
                            p += str(coord.x - abspos.x) + ',' + str(coord.y - abspos.y)+' '
                        abspos.assign(coord.x, coord.y)
            # quadratic Bezier (PCP) curve command 
            elif re.match('Q', path[i][0], re.I):
                p += path[i][0].lower() + ' '
                if path[i][0] == 'q':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                        p += str(coord.x) + ',' + str(coord.y) +' '
                    # for keeping track of the absolute position, we need to add up every
                    # *third* coordinate of the cubic Bezier curve
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][2::2]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                        abspos += coord 
                if path[i][0] == 'Q':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                        p += str(coord.x - abspos.x) + ',' + str(coord.y - abspos.y) + ' '
                    abspos.assign(coord.x, coord.y)
            # simple cubic Bezier curve command 
            elif re.match('T', path[i][0], re.I):
                p += path[i][0].lower()+' '
                if path[i][0] == 't':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                        p += str(coord.x) + ',' + str(coord.y) + ' '
                    # for keeping track of the absolute position, we need to add up every
                    # *third* coordinate of the cubic Bezier curve
                    #for coord in path[i][2::2]:
                        abspos += coord 
                if path[i][0] == 'T':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                        p += str(float(coord[0]) - abspos['x']) + ',' + str(float(coord[1]) - abspos['y']) + ' '
                    abspos.assign(coord.x, coord.y)
            elif re.match('S', path[i][0], re.I):
                p += path[i][0].lower()+' '
                if path[i][0] == 's':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                        p += str(coord.x)+','+str(coord.y)+' '
                        abspos += coord 
                if path[i][0] == 'S':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                        p += str(coord.x - abspos.x) + ',' + str(coord.y - abspos.y) + ' '
                    abspos.assign(coord.x, coord.y)
            # 'line to'  command
            elif re.match('L', path[i][0], re.I):
                p += path[i][0].lower()+' '
                if path[i][0] == 'l':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                        p += str(coord.x) + ',' + str(coord.y) + ' '
                        abspos += coord 
                if path[i][0] == 'L':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                        p += str(coord.x - abspos.x) + ',' + str(coord.y - abspos.y) + ' '
                        abspos.assign(coord.x, coord.y)
            # 'horizontal line' command
            elif re.match('H', path[i][0], re.I):
                p += path[i][0].lower()+' '
                if path[i][0] == 'h':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], 0)
                        p += str(coord.x) + ' '
                    abspos.x += coord.x
                if path[i][0] == 'H':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(coord_tmp[0], coord_tmp[1])
                        p += str(coord.x - abspos.x) + ' '
                        abspos.x = coord.x
            # 'vertical line' command
            elif re.match('V', path[i][0], re.I):
                p += path[i][0].lower() + ' '
                if path[i][0] == 'v':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(0, coord_tmp[0])
                        p += str(coord.y) + ' '
                        abspos.y += coord.y
                if path[i][0] == 'V':
                    for coord_tmp in path[i][1:]:
                        coord.assign(0, coord_tmp[0])
                        p += str(coord.y - abspos.y) + ' '
                        abspos.y = coord.y
            # 'close shape' command
            elif re.match('Z', path[i][0], re.I):
                p += path[i][0].lower() + ' '
                abspos = abspos + (patho - abspos)
                msg.error("Found an unsupported SVG path command '%s'" % path[i][0])
        return p