Exemple #1
def _get_max_options_to_select(element, default_val):
    Given an HTML fragment containing a pl-checkbox element, returns the maximum number of options that can be selected in
    the checkbox element for a submission to be valid. In order of descending priority, the returned value equals:
        1. The value of the "max-select" attribute, if specified.
        2. The value of the "max-correct" attribute, if the "detailed-help-text" attribute is set to True.
        3. default_val otherwise.

    Note: this function should only be called from within this file.
    detailed_help_text = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'detailed-help-text', DETAILED_HELP_TEXT_DEFAULT)

    if pl.has_attrib(element, 'max-select'):
        max_options_to_select = pl.get_integer_attrib(element, 'max-select')
    elif pl.has_attrib(element, 'max-correct') and detailed_help_text:
        max_options_to_select = pl.get_integer_attrib(element, 'max-correct')
        max_options_to_select = default_val

    return max_options_to_select
Exemple #2
def render(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)

    # Get file name or raise exception if one does not exist
    file_name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'file-name')

    # Get type (default is static)
    file_type = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'type', 'static')

    # Get directory (default is clientFilesQuestion)
    file_directory = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'directory',

    # Get label (default is file_name)
    file_label = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'label', file_name)

    # Get whether to force a download or open in-browser
    force_download = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'force-download', True)

    # Get base url, which depends on the type and directory
    if file_type == 'static':
        if file_directory == 'clientFilesQuestion':
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_question_url']
        elif file_directory == 'clientFilesCourse':
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_course_url']
            raise ValueError(
                'directory "{}" is not valid for type "{}" (must be "clientFilesQuestion" or "clientFilesCourse")'
                .format(file_directory, file_type))
    elif file_type == 'dynamic':
        if pl.has_attrib(element, 'directory'):
            raise ValueError(
                'no directory ("{}") can be provided for type "{}"'.format(
                    file_directory, file_type))
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_question_dynamic_url']
        raise ValueError(
            'type "{}" is not valid (must be "static" or "dynamic")'.format(

    # Get full url
    file_url = os.path.join(base_url, file_name)

    # Create and return html
    if force_download:
        return '<a href="' + file_url + '" download>' + file_label + '</a>'
        return '<a href="' + file_url + '" target="_blank">' + file_label + '</a>'
def render(element_html, element_index, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)

    # Get file name or raise exception if one does not exist
    file_name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'file_name')

    # Get type (default is static)
    file_type = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'type', 'static')

    # Get directory (default is clientFilesQuestion)
    file_directory = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'directory',

    # Get base url, which depends on the type and directory
    if file_type == 'static':
        if file_directory == 'clientFilesQuestion':
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_question_url']
        elif file_directory == 'clientFilesCourse':
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_course_url']
            raise ValueError(
                'directory "{}" is not valid for type "{}" (must be "clientFilesQuestion" or "clientFilesCourse")'
                .format(file_directory, file_type))
    elif file_type == 'dynamic':
        if pl.has_attrib(element, 'directory'):
            raise ValueError(
                'no directory ("{}") can be provided for type "{}"'.format(
                    file_directory, file_type))
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_question_dynamic_url']
        raise ValueError(
            'type "{}" is not valid (must be "static" or "dynamic")'.format(

    # Get full url
    file_url = os.path.join(base_url, file_name)

    # Get width (optional)
    width = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'width', None)

    # Create and return html
    html_params = {'src': file_url, 'width': width}
    with open('pl_figure.mustache', 'r') as f:
        html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    return html
Exemple #4
def render(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)

    # Get file name or raise exception if one does not exist
    file_name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'file-name')

    # Get type (default is static)
    file_type = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'type', TYPE_DEFAULT)

    # Get directory (default is clientFilesQuestion)
    file_directory = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'directory', DIRECTORY_DEFAULT)

    # Get inline (default is false)
    inline = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'inline', INLINE_DEFAULT)

    # Get alternate-text text (default is PrairieLearn Image)
    alt_text = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'alt', ALT_TEXT_DEFAULT)

    # Get base url, which depends on the type and directory
    if file_type == 'static':
        if file_directory == 'clientFilesQuestion':
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_question_url']
        elif file_directory == 'clientFilesCourse':
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_course_url']
            raise ValueError('directory "{}" is not valid for type "{}" (must be "clientFilesQuestion" or "clientFilesCourse")'.format(file_directory, file_type))
    elif file_type == 'dynamic':
        if pl.has_attrib(element, 'directory'):
            raise ValueError('no directory ("{}") can be provided for type "{}"'.format(file_directory, file_type))
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_question_dynamic_url']
        raise ValueError('type "{}" is not valid (must be "static" or "dynamic")'.format(file_type))

    # Get full url
    file_url = os.path.join(base_url, file_name)

    # Get width (optional)
    width = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'width', WIDTH_DEFAULT)

    # Create and return html
    html_params = {'src': file_url, 'width': width, 'inline': inline, 'alt': alt_text}
    with open('pl-figure.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    return html
def render(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)

    # Get file name or raise exception if one does not exist
    file_name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'file-name')

    # Get type (default is static)
    file_type = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'type', 'static')

    # Get directory (default is clientFilesQuestion)
    file_directory = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'directory', 'clientFilesQuestion')

    # Get label (default is file_name)
    file_label = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'label', file_name)

    # Get whether to force a download or open in-browser
    force_download = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'force-download', True)

    # Get base url, which depends on the type and directory
    if file_type == 'static':
        if file_directory == 'clientFilesQuestion':
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_question_url']
        elif file_directory == 'clientFilesCourse':
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_course_url']
            raise ValueError('directory "{}" is not valid for type "{}" (must be "clientFilesQuestion" or "clientFilesCourse")'.format(file_directory, file_type))
    elif file_type == 'dynamic':
        if pl.has_attrib(element, 'directory'):
            raise ValueError('no directory ("{}") can be provided for type "{}"'.format(file_directory, file_type))
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_question_dynamic_url']
        raise ValueError('type "{}" is not valid (must be "static" or "dynamic")'.format(file_type))

    # Get full url
    file_url = os.path.join(base_url, file_name)

    # Create and return html
    if force_download:
        return '<a href="' + file_url + '" download>' + file_label + '</a>'
        return '<a href="' + file_url + '" target="_blank">' + file_label + '</a>'
Exemple #6
def render(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)

    # Get file name or raise exception if one does not exist
    file_name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'file-name')

    # Get type (default is static)
    file_type = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'type', 'static')

    # Get directory (default is clientFilesQuestion)
    file_directory = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'directory', 'clientFilesQuestion')

    # Get base url, which depends on the type and directory
    if file_type == 'static':
        if file_directory == 'clientFilesQuestion':
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_question_url']
        elif file_directory == 'clientFilesCourse':
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_course_url']
            raise ValueError('directory "{}" is not valid for type "{}" (must be "clientFilesQuestion" or "clientFilesCourse")'.format(file_directory, file_type))
    elif file_type == 'dynamic':
        if pl.has_attrib(element, 'directory'):
            raise ValueError('no directory ("{}") can be provided for type "{}"'.format(file_directory, file_type))
            base_url = data['options']['client_files_question_dynamic_url']
        raise ValueError('type "{}" is not valid (must be "static" or "dynamic")'.format(file_type))

    # Get full url
    file_url = os.path.join(base_url, file_name)

    # Get width (optional)
    width = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'width', None)

    # Create and return html
    html_params = {'src': file_url, 'width': width}
    with open('pl-figure.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    return html
Exemple #7
def render(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    name = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'answers-name')
    partial_credit = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'partial-credit', PARTIAL_CREDIT_DEFAULT)
    partial_credit_method = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'partial-credit-method', PARTIAL_CREDIT_METHOD_DEFAULT)
    hide_score_badge = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'hide-score-badge', HIDE_SCORE_BADGE_DEFAULT)

    editable = data['editable']
    # answer feedback is not displayed when partial credit is True
    # (unless the question is disabled)
    show_answer_feedback = True
    if (partial_credit and editable) or hide_score_badge:
        show_answer_feedback = False

    display_answers = data['params'].get(name, [])
    inline = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'inline', INLINE_DEFAULT)
    submitted_keys = data['submitted_answers'].get(name, [])

    # if there is only one key then it is passed as a string,
    # not as a length-one list, so we fix that next
    if isinstance(submitted_keys, str):
        submitted_keys = [submitted_keys]

    correct_answer_list = data['correct_answers'].get(name, [])
    correct_keys = [answer['key'] for answer in correct_answer_list]

    if data['panel'] == 'question':
        partial_score = data['partial_scores'].get(name, {'score': None})
        score = partial_score.get('score', None)
        feedback = partial_score.get('feedback', None)

        answerset = []
        for answer in display_answers:
            answer_html = {
                'key': answer['key'],
                'checked': (answer['key'] in submitted_keys),
                'html': answer['html'].strip(),
                'display_score_badge': score is not None and show_answer_feedback and answer['key'] in submitted_keys,
                'display_feedback': answer['key'] in submitted_keys and feedback and feedback.get(answer['key'], None) is not None,
                'feedback': feedback.get(answer['key'], None) if feedback else None
            if answer_html['display_score_badge']:
                answer_html['correct'] = (answer['key'] in correct_keys)
                answer_html['incorrect'] = (answer['key'] not in correct_keys)

        info_params = {'format': True}
        # Adds decorative help text per bootstrap formatting guidelines:
        # http://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/forms/#help-text
        # Determine whether we should add a choice selection requirement
        hide_help_text = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'hide-help-text', HIDE_HELP_TEXT_DEFAULT)
        if not hide_help_text:
            # Should we reveal the depth of the choice?
            detailed_help_text = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'detailed-help-text', DETAILED_HELP_TEXT_DEFAULT)
            show_number_correct = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'show-number-correct', SHOW_NUMBER_CORRECT_DEFAULT)

            if show_number_correct:
                if len(correct_answer_list) == 1:
                    number_correct_text = ' There is exactly <b>1</b> correct option in the list above.'
                    number_correct_text = f' There are exactly <b>{len(correct_answer_list)}</b> correct options in the list above.'
                number_correct_text = ''

            min_options_to_select = _get_min_options_to_select(element, MIN_SELECT_DEFAULT)
            max_options_to_select = _get_max_options_to_select(element, len(display_answers))

            # Now we determine what the help text will be.
            # If detailed_help_text is True, we reveal the values of min_options_to_select and max_options_to_select.
            # If detailed_help_text is False, we reveal min_options_to_select if the following conditions are met (analogous
            # conditions are used for determining whether or not to reveal max_options_to_select):
            # 1. The "min-select" attribute is specified.
            # 2. min_options_to_select != MIN_SELECT_DEFAULT.

            show_min_select = pl.has_attrib(element, 'min-select') and min_options_to_select != MIN_SELECT_DEFAULT
            show_max_select = pl.has_attrib(element, 'max-select') and max_options_to_select != len(display_answers)

            if detailed_help_text or (show_min_select and show_max_select):
                # If we get here, we always reveal min_options_to_select and max_options_to_select.
                if min_options_to_select != max_options_to_select:
                    insert_text = f' between <b>{min_options_to_select}</b> and <b>{max_options_to_select}</b> options.'
                    insert_text = f' exactly <b>{min_options_to_select}</b> options.'
                # If we get here, at least one of min_options_to_select and max_options_to_select should *not* be revealed.
                if show_min_select:
                    insert_text = f' at least <b>{min_options_to_select}</b> options.'
                elif show_max_select:
                    insert_text = f' at most <b>{max_options_to_select}</b> options.'
                    # This is the case where we reveal nothing about min_options_to_select and max_options_to_select.
                    insert_text = ' at least 1 option.'

            insert_text += number_correct_text

            if detailed_help_text or show_min_select or show_max_select:
                helptext = '<small class="form-text text-muted">Select ' + insert_text + '</small>'
                # This is the case where we reveal nothing about min_options_to_select and max_options_to_select.
                helptext = '<small class="form-text text-muted">Select all possible options that apply.' + number_correct_text + '</small>'

            if partial_credit:
                if partial_credit_method == 'PC':
                    gradingtext = 'You must select' + insert_text + ' You will receive a score of <code>100% * (t - f) / n</code>, ' \
                        + 'where <code>t</code> is the number of true options that you select, <code>f</code> ' \
                        + 'is the number of false options that you select, and <code>n</code> is the total number of true options. ' \
                        + 'At minimum, you will receive a score of 0%.'
                elif partial_credit_method == 'EDC':
                    gradingtext = 'You must select' + insert_text + ' You will receive a score of <code>100% * (t + f) / ' + str(len(display_answers)) + '</code>, ' \
                        + 'where <code>t</code> is the number of true options that you select and <code>f</code> ' \
                        + 'is the number of false options that you do not select.'
                elif partial_credit_method == 'COV':
                    gradingtext = 'You must select' + insert_text + ' You will receive a score of <code>100% * (t / c) * (t / n)</code>, ' \
                        + 'where <code>t</code> is the number of true options that you select, <code>c</code> is the total number of true options, ' \
                        + 'and <code>n</code> is the total number of options you select.'
                    raise ValueError(f'Unknown value for partial_credit_method: {partial_credit_method}')
                gradingtext = 'You must select' + insert_text + ' You will receive a score of 100% ' \
                    + 'if you select all options that are true and no options that are false. ' \
                    + 'Otherwise, you will receive a score of 0%.'

            info_params.update({'gradingtext': gradingtext})

        with open('pl-checkbox.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            info = chevron.render(f, info_params).strip()

        html_params = {
            'question': True,
            'name': name,
            'editable': editable,
            'uuid': pl.get_uuid(),
            'info': info,
            'answers': answerset,
            'inline': inline,
            'hide_letter_keys': pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'hide-letter-keys', HIDE_LETTER_KEYS_DEFAULT)

        if not hide_help_text:
            html_params['helptext'] = helptext

        if score is not None:
                score = float(score)
                if score >= 1:
                    html_params['correct'] = True
                elif score > 0:
                    html_params['partial'] = math.floor(score * 100)
                    html_params['incorrect'] = True
            except Exception:
                raise ValueError('invalid score' + score)

        with open('pl-checkbox.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    elif data['panel'] == 'submission':
        parse_error = data['format_errors'].get(name, None)
        if parse_error is None:
            partial_score = data['partial_scores'].get(name, {'score': None})
            feedback = partial_score.get('feedback', None)
            score = partial_score.get('score', None)

            answers = []
            for submitted_key in submitted_keys:
                submitted_answer = next(filter(lambda a: a['key'] == submitted_key, display_answers), None)
                answer_item = {
                    'key': submitted_key,
                    'html': submitted_answer['html'],
                    'display_score_badge': score is not None and show_answer_feedback
                if answer_item['display_score_badge']:
                    answer_item['correct'] = (submitted_key in correct_keys)
                    answer_item['incorrect'] = (submitted_key not in correct_keys)
                answer_item['display_feedback'] = feedback and feedback.get(submitted_key, None) is not None
                answer_item['feedback'] = feedback.get(submitted_key, None) if feedback else None

            html_params = {
                'submission': True,
                'display_score_badge': (score is not None),
                'answers': answers,
                'inline': inline,
                'hide_letter_keys': pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'hide-letter-keys', HIDE_LETTER_KEYS_DEFAULT)

            if html_params['display_score_badge']:
                    score = float(score)
                    if score >= 1:
                        html_params['correct'] = True
                    elif score > 0:
                        html_params['partial'] = math.floor(score * 100)
                        html_params['incorrect'] = True
                except Exception:
                    raise ValueError('invalid score' + score)

            with open('pl-checkbox.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()
            html_params = {
                'submission': True,
                'uuid': pl.get_uuid(),
                'parse_error': parse_error,
                'inline': inline,
            with open('pl-checkbox.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    elif data['panel'] == 'answer':

        if not pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'hide-answer-panel', HIDE_ANSWER_PANEL_DEFAULT):
            correct_answer_list = data['correct_answers'].get(name, [])
            if len(correct_answer_list) == 0:
                raise ValueError('At least one option must be true.')
                html_params = {
                    'answer': True,
                    'inline': inline,
                    'answers': correct_answer_list,
                    'hide_letter_keys': pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'hide-letter-keys', HIDE_LETTER_KEYS_DEFAULT)
                with open('pl-checkbox.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                    html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()
            html = ''

        raise ValueError('Invalid panel type: %s' % data['panel'])

    return html
Exemple #8
def render(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    digits = pl.get_integer_attrib(element, 'digits', DIGITS_DEFAULT)
    show_matlab = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'show-matlab',
    show_mathematica = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'show-mathematica',
    show_python = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'show-python',
    default_tab = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'default-tab',

    tab_list = ['matlab', 'mathematica', 'python']
    if default_tab not in tab_list:
        raise Exception(f'invalid default-tab: {default_tab}')

    # Setting the default tab
    displayed_tab = [show_matlab, show_mathematica, show_python]
    if not any(displayed_tab):
        raise Exception(
            'All tabs have been hidden from display. At least one tab must be shown.'

    default_tab_index = tab_list.index(default_tab)
    # If not displayed, make first visible tab the default
    if not displayed_tab[default_tab_index]:
        first_display = displayed_tab.index(True)
        default_tab = tab_list[first_display]
    default_tab_index = tab_list.index(default_tab)

    # Active tab should be the default tab
    default_tab_list = [False, False, False]
    default_tab_list[default_tab_index] = True
    [active_tab_matlab, active_tab_mathematica,
     active_tab_python] = default_tab_list

    # Process parameter data
    matlab_data = ''
    mathematica_data = ''
    python_data = 'import numpy as np\n\n'
    for child in element:
        if child.tag == 'variable':
            # Raise exception if variable does not have a name
                             optional_attribs=['comment', 'digits'])

            # Get name of variable
            var_name = pl.get_string_attrib(child, 'params-name')

            # Get value of variable, raising exception if variable does not exist
            var_data = data['params'].get(var_name, None)
            if var_data is None:
                raise Exception(
                    'No value in data["params"] for variable %s in pl-variable-output element'
                    % var_name)

            # If the variable is in a format generated by pl.to_json, convert it
            # back to a standard type (otherwise, do nothing)
            var_data = pl.from_json(var_data)

            # Get comment, if it exists
            var_matlab_comment = ''
            var_mathematica_comment = ''
            var_python_comment = ''
            if pl.has_attrib(child, 'comment'):
                var_comment = pl.get_string_attrib(child, 'comment')
                var_matlab_comment = f' % {var_comment}'
                var_mathematica_comment = f' (* {var_comment} *)'
                var_python_comment = f' # {var_comment}'

            # Get digit for child, if it exists
            if not pl.has_attrib(child, 'digits'):
                var_digits = digits
                var_digits = pl.get_string_attrib(child, 'digits')

            # Assembling Python array formatting
            if np.isscalar(var_data):
                prefix = ''
                suffix = ''
                # Wrap the variable in an ndarray (if it's already one, this does nothing)
                var_data = np.array(var_data)
                # Check shape of variable
                if var_data.ndim > 2:
                    raise Exception(
                        'Value in data["params"] for variable %s in pl-variable-output element must be a scalar, a vector, or a 2D array'
                        % var_name)
                # Create prefix/suffix so python string is np.array( ... )
                prefix = 'np.array('
                suffix = ')'

            # Mathematica reserved letters: C D E I K N O
            mathematica_reserved = ['C', 'D', 'E', 'I', 'K', 'N', 'O']
            if pl.inner_html(child) in mathematica_reserved:
                mathematica_suffix = 'm'
                mathematica_suffix = ''

            # Create string for matlab and python format
            var_name_disp = pl.inner_html(child)
            var_matlab_data = pl.string_from_numpy(var_data,
            var_mathematica = pl.string_from_numpy(var_data,
            var_python_data = pl.string_from_numpy(var_data,

            matlab_data += f'{var_name_disp} = {var_matlab_data};{var_matlab_comment}\n'
            mathematica_data += f'{var_name_disp}{mathematica_suffix} = {var_mathematica};{var_mathematica_comment}\n'
            python_data += f'{var_name_disp} = {prefix}{var_python_data}{suffix}{var_python_comment}\n'

    html_params = {
        'active_tab_matlab': active_tab_matlab,
        'active_tab_mathematica': active_tab_mathematica,
        'active_tab_python': active_tab_python,
        'show_matlab': show_matlab,
        'show_mathematica': show_mathematica,
        'show_python': show_python,
        'matlab_data': matlab_data,
        'mathematica_data': mathematica_data,
        'python_data': python_data,
        'uuid': pl.get_uuid()

    with open('pl-variable-output.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    return html
def render(element_html, data):
    element = lxml.html.fragment_fromstring(element_html)
    digits = pl.get_integer_attrib(element, 'digits', 2)
    show_matlab = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'show-matlab', True)
    show_mathematica = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'show-mathematica', True)
    show_python = pl.get_boolean_attrib(element, 'show-python', True)
    default_tab = pl.get_string_attrib(element, 'default-tab', 'matlab')

    tab_list = ['matlab', 'mathematica', 'python']
    if default_tab not in tab_list:
        raise Exception(f'invalid default-tab: {default_tab}')

    # Setting the default tab
    displayed_tab = [show_matlab, show_mathematica, show_python]
    if not any(displayed_tab):
        raise Exception('All tabs have been hidden from display. At least one tab must be shown.')

    default_tab_index = tab_list.index(default_tab)
    # If not displayed, make first visible tab the default
    if not displayed_tab[default_tab_index]:
        first_display = displayed_tab.index(True)
        default_tab = tab_list[first_display]
    default_tab_index = tab_list.index(default_tab)

    # Active tab should be the default tab
    default_tab_list = [False, False, False]
    default_tab_list[default_tab_index] = True
    [active_tab_matlab, active_tab_mathematica, active_tab_python] = default_tab_list

    # Process parameter data
    matlab_data = ''
    mathematica_data = ''
    python_data = 'import numpy as np\n\n'
    for child in element:
        if child.tag == 'variable':
            # Raise exception if variable does not have a name
            pl.check_attribs(child, required_attribs=['params-name'], optional_attribs=['comment', 'digits'])

            # Get name of variable
            var_name = pl.get_string_attrib(child, 'params-name')

            # Get value of variable, raising exception if variable does not exist
            var_data = data['params'].get(var_name, None)
            if var_data is None:
                raise Exception('No value in data["params"] for variable %s in pl-variable-output element' % var_name)

            # If the variable is in a format generated by pl.to_json, convert it
            # back to a standard type (otherwise, do nothing)
            var_data = pl.from_json(var_data)

            # Get comment, if it exists
            var_matlab_comment = ''
            var_mathematica_comment = ''
            var_python_comment = ''
            if pl.has_attrib(child, 'comment'):
                var_comment = pl.get_string_attrib(child, 'comment')
                var_matlab_comment = f' % {var_comment}'
                var_mathematica_comment = f' (* {var_comment} *)'
                var_python_comment = f' # {var_comment}'

            # Get digit for child, if it exists
            if not pl.has_attrib(child, 'digits'):
                var_digits = digits
                var_digits = pl.get_string_attrib(child, 'digits')

            # Assembling Python array formatting
            if np.isscalar(var_data):
                prefix = ''
                suffix = ''
                # Wrap the variable in an ndarray (if it's already one, this does nothing)
                var_data = np.array(var_data)
                # Check shape of variable
                if var_data.ndim > 2:
                    raise Exception('Value in data["params"] for variable %s in pl-variable-output element must be a scalar, a vector, or a 2D array' % var_name)
                # Create prefix/suffix so python string is np.array( ... )
                prefix = 'np.array('
                suffix = ')'

            # Mathematica reserved letters: C D E I K N O
            mathematica_reserved = ['C', 'D', 'E', 'I', 'K', 'N', 'O']
            if pl.inner_html(child) in mathematica_reserved:
                mathematica_suffix = 'm'
                mathematica_suffix = ''

            # Create string for matlab and python format
            var_name_disp = pl.inner_html(child)
            var_matlab_data = pl.string_from_numpy(var_data, language='matlab', digits=var_digits)
            var_mathematica = pl.string_from_numpy(var_data, language='mathematica', digits=var_digits)
            var_python_data = pl.string_from_numpy(var_data, language='python', digits=var_digits)

            matlab_data += f'{var_name_disp} = {var_matlab_data};{var_matlab_comment}\n'
            mathematica_data += f'{var_name_disp}{mathematica_suffix} = {var_mathematica};{var_mathematica_comment}\n'
            python_data += f'{var_name_disp} = {prefix}{var_python_data}{suffix}{var_python_comment}\n'

    html_params = {
        'active_tab_matlab': active_tab_matlab,
        'active_tab_mathematica': active_tab_mathematica,
        'active_tab_python': active_tab_python,
        'show_matlab': show_matlab,
        'show_mathematica': show_mathematica,
        'show_python': show_python,
        'matlab_data': matlab_data,
        'mathematica_data': mathematica_data,
        'python_data': python_data,
        'uuid': pl.get_uuid()

    with open('pl-variable-output.mustache', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        html = chevron.render(f, html_params).strip()

    return html