Exemple #1
 def forward_backward(self, x):
     """forward backward implementation"""
     with mx.autograd.record():
         (ls, next_sentence_label, classified, masked_id, decoded, \
          masked_weight, ls1, ls2, valid_length) = forward(x, self._model, self._mlm_loss,
                                                           self._nsp_loss, self._vocab_size,
         ls = ls / self._rescale_factor
     if args.dtype == 'float16':
     return ls, next_sentence_label, classified, masked_id, decoded, \
            masked_weight, ls1, ls2, valid_length
def train(data_train, data_eval, model, nsp_loss, mlm_loss, vocab_size, ctx):
    """Training function."""
    hvd.broadcast_parameters(model.collect_params(), root_rank=0)

    mlm_metric = nlp.metric.MaskedAccuracy()
    nsp_metric = nlp.metric.MaskedAccuracy()

    logging.debug('Creating distributed trainer...')
    lr = args.lr
    optim_params = {'learning_rate': lr, 'epsilon': 1e-6, 'wd': 0.01}
    if args.dtype == 'float16':
        optim_params['multi_precision'] = True

    dynamic_loss_scale = args.dtype == 'float16'
    if dynamic_loss_scale:
        loss_scale_param = {'scale_window': 2000 / num_workers}
        loss_scale_param = None
    trainer = hvd.DistributedTrainer(model.collect_params(), 'bertadam', optim_params)
    fp16_trainer = FP16Trainer(trainer, dynamic_loss_scale=dynamic_loss_scale,

    if args.start_step:
        state_path = os.path.join(args.ckpt_dir, '%07d.states.%02d'%(args.start_step, local_rank))
        logging.info('Loading trainer state from %s', state_path)
        nlp.utils.load_states(trainer, state_path)

    accumulate = args.accumulate
    num_train_steps = args.num_steps
    warmup_ratio = args.warmup_ratio
    num_warmup_steps = int(num_train_steps * warmup_ratio)
    params = [p for p in model.collect_params().values() if p.grad_req != 'null']
    param_dict = model.collect_params()

    # Do not apply weight decay on LayerNorm and bias terms
    for _, v in model.collect_params('.*beta|.*gamma|.*bias').items():
        v.wd_mult = 0.0
    if accumulate > 1:
        for p in params:
            p.grad_req = 'add'

    train_begin_time = time.time()
    begin_time = time.time()
    running_mlm_loss, running_nsp_loss = 0, 0
    running_num_tks = 0
    batch_num = 0
    step_num = args.start_step

    logging.debug('Training started')
    while step_num < num_train_steps:
        for _, dataloader in enumerate(data_train):
            if step_num >= num_train_steps:

            # create dummy data loader if needed
            if args.dummy_data_len:
                target_shape = (args.batch_size, args.dummy_data_len)
                dataloader = get_dummy_dataloader(dataloader, target_shape)

            for _, data_batch in enumerate(dataloader):
                if step_num >= num_train_steps:
                if batch_num % accumulate == 0:
                    step_num += 1
                    # if accumulate > 1, grad_req is set to 'add', and zero_grad is required
                    if accumulate > 1:
                    # update learning rate
                    if step_num <= num_warmup_steps:
                        new_lr = lr * step_num / num_warmup_steps
                        offset = lr * step_num / num_train_steps
                        new_lr = lr - offset
                    if args.profile:
                        profile(step_num, 10, 14, profile_name=args.profile + str(rank))

                # load data
                if args.use_avg_len:
                    data_list = [[seq.as_in_context(context) for seq in shard]
                                 for context, shard in zip([ctx], data_batch)]
                    data_list = list(split_and_load(data_batch, [ctx]))
                data = data_list[0]

                # forward
                with mx.autograd.record():
                    (ls, ns_label, classified, masked_id, decoded, \
                     masked_weight, ls1, ls2, valid_len) = forward(data, model, mlm_loss,
                                                                   nsp_loss, vocab_size, args.dtype)
                    ls = ls / accumulate
                    # backward
                    if args.dtype == 'float16':

                running_mlm_loss += ls1.as_in_context(mx.cpu())
                running_nsp_loss += ls2.as_in_context(mx.cpu())
                running_num_tks += valid_len.sum().as_in_context(mx.cpu())

                # update
                if (batch_num + 1) % accumulate == 0:
                    # step() performs 3 things:
                    # 1. allreduce gradients from all workers
                    # 2. checking the global_norm of gradients and clip them if necessary
                    # 3. averaging the gradients and apply updates
                    fp16_trainer.step(1, max_norm=1*num_workers)

                nsp_metric.update([ns_label], [classified])
                mlm_metric.update([masked_id], [decoded], [masked_weight])

                # logging
                if (step_num + 1) % (args.log_interval) == 0 and (batch_num + 1) % accumulate == 0:
                    log(begin_time, running_num_tks, running_mlm_loss / accumulate,
                        running_nsp_loss / accumulate, step_num, mlm_metric, nsp_metric,
                        trainer, args.log_interval)
                    begin_time = time.time()
                    running_mlm_loss = running_nsp_loss = running_num_tks = 0

                # saving checkpoints
                if (step_num + 1) % args.ckpt_interval == 0 and (batch_num + 1) % accumulate == 0:
                    if is_master_node:
                        save_states(step_num, trainer, args.ckpt_dir, local_rank)
                        if local_rank == 0:
                            save_parameters(step_num, model, args.ckpt_dir)
                    if data_eval:
                        # eval data is always based on a fixed npz file.
                        dataset_eval = get_pretrain_data_npz(data_eval, args.batch_size_eval, 1,
                                                             False, False, 1)
                        evaluate(dataset_eval, model, nsp_loss, mlm_loss, len(vocab), [ctx],
                                 args.log_interval, args.dtype)

                batch_num += 1

    if is_master_node:
        save_states(step_num, trainer, args.ckpt_dir, local_rank)
        if local_rank == 0:
            save_parameters(step_num, model, args.ckpt_dir)
    train_end_time = time.time()
    logging.info('Train cost={:.1f}s'.format(train_end_time - train_begin_time))