Exemple #1
    def parseExistingInstallation(self):
        results = {}
        if len(self.nodelist.getElementsByTagName('existing-installation')) == 0:
            raise AnswerfileError, "No existing installation specified."
        ei = getText(self.nodelist.getElementsByTagName('existing-installation')[0].childNodes)

        if ei.startswith('iscsi:'):
            # ei is a rfc4173 spec identifying a LUN in the iBFT.  
            # We should be logged into this already.  
            # Convert this spec into a disk location.
            disk = diskutil.rfc4173_to_disk(ei)
            disk = normalize_disk(ei)

        # If answerfile names a multipath replace with the master!
        master = disktools.getMpathMaster(disk)
        if master:
            disk = master

        results['primary-disk'] = disk

        installations = product.findXenSourceProducts()
        installations = filter(lambda x: x.primary_disk == disk or diskutil.idFromPartition(x.primary_disk) == disk, installations)
        if len(installations) == 0:
            raise AnswerfileError, "Could not locate the installation specified to be reinstalled."
        elif len(installations) > 1:
            xelogging.log("Warning: multiple paths detected - recommend use of --device_mapper_multipath=yes")
            xelogging.log("Warning: selecting 1st path from %s" % str(map(lambda x: x.primary_disk, installations)))
        results['installation-to-overwrite'] = installations[0]
        return results
    def parseExistingInstallation(self):
        results = {}

        inst = getElementsByTagName(self.top_node, ['existing-installation'],
        disk = normalize_disk(getText(inst[0]))
        xelogging.log("Normalized disk: %s" % disk)
        disk = disktools.getMpathMasterOrDisk(disk)
        xelogging.log('Primary disk: ' + disk)
        results['primary-disk'] = disk

        installations = product.findXenSourceProducts()
        installations = filter(
            lambda x: x.primary_disk == disk or diskutil.idFromPartition(
                x.primary_disk) == disk, installations)
        if len(installations) == 0:
            raise AnswerfileException, "Could not locate the installation specified to be reinstalled."
        elif len(installations) > 1:
            # FIXME non-multipath case?
                "Warning: multiple paths detected - recommend use of --device_mapper_multipath=yes"
            xelogging.log("Warning: selecting 1st path from %s" %
                          str(map(lambda x: x.primary_disk, installations)))
        results['installation-to-overwrite'] = installations[0]
        return results
Exemple #3
def main(args):

    dest_url = None
    answer_device = 'all'
    answer_config = 'dhcp'
    init_network = False
    reboot = False
    xelogging.log("Command line args: %s" % str(args))

    for (opt, val) in args.items():
        if opt in ['--answerfile_device', '--network_device']:
            answer_device = val.lower()
            init_network = True
        elif opt == '--network_config':
            answer_config = val.lower()
        elif opt == "--reboot":
            reboot = True
        elif opt == "--dest":
            dest_url = val

    if init_network:
        configureNetworking(answer_device, answer_config)

    # probe for XS installations
    insts = product.findXenSourceProducts()
    if len(insts) == 0:
        xcp.logger.log("No installations found.")

    if not dest_url:
        xcp.logger.log("Destination directory not specified.")

    for inst in insts:
        bugtool(inst, dest_url)

    return reboot
Exemple #4
def main(args):

    dest_url = None
    answer_device = 'all'
    answer_config = 'dhcp'
    init_network = False
    reboot = False
    xelogging.log("Command line args: %s" % str(args))

    for (opt, val) in args.items():
        if opt in ['--answerfile_device', '--network_device']:
            answer_device = val.lower()
            init_network = True
        elif opt == '--network_config':
            answer_config = val.lower()
        elif opt == "--reboot":
            reboot = True
        elif opt == "--dest":
            dest_url = val

    if init_network:
        configureNetworking(answer_device, answer_config)

    # probe for XS installations
    insts = product.findXenSourceProducts()
    if len(insts) == 0:
        xcp.logger.log("No XenServer installations found.")

    if not dest_url:
        xcp.logger.log("Destination directory not specified.")

    for inst in insts:
        bugtool(inst, dest_url)

    return reboot