Exemple #1
    def _apply(self):
        # Do not execute sections that were part of the original
        # anaconda kickstart file (== have .seen flag set)

        log.info("applying changes")

        sections = [self.data.keyboard, self.data.lang, self.data.timezone]

        # data.selinux
        # data.firewall

        log.info("executing kickstart")
        for section in sections:
            section_msg = "%s on line %d" % (repr(section), section.lineno)
            if section.seen:
                log.debug("skipping %s", section_msg)
            log.debug("executing %s", section_msg)
            section.execute(None, self.data, None)

        # Prepare the user database tools
        u = Users()

        sections = [self.data.group, self.data.user, self.data.rootpw]
        for section in sections:
            section_msg = "%s on line %d" % (repr(section), section.lineno)
            if section.seen:
                log.debug("skipping %s", section_msg)
            log.debug("executing %s", section_msg)
            section.execute(None, self.data, None, u)

        # Configure all addons
        log.info("executing addons")
        self.data.addons.execute(None, self.data, None, u, None)

        if self.external_reconfig:
            # prevent the reconfig flag from being written out
            # to kickstart if neither /etc/reconfigSys or /.unconfigured
            # are present
            self.data.firstboot.firstboot = None

        # Write the kickstart data to file
        log.info("writing the Initial Setup kickstart file %s",
        with open(OUTPUT_KICKSTART_PATH, "w") as f:
        log.info("finished writing the Initial Setup kickstart file")

        # Remove the reconfig files, if any - otherwise the reconfig mode
        # would start again next time the Initial Setup service is enabled.
        if self.external_reconfig:
            for reconfig_file in RECONFIG_FILES:
                if os.path.exists(reconfig_file):
                    log.debug("removing reconfig trigger file: %s" %

        # and we are done with applying changes
        log.info("all changes have been applied")
Exemple #2
def doConfiguration(storage, payload, ksdata, instClass):
    from pyanaconda.kickstart import runPostScripts

    step_count = 6
    # if a realm was discovered,
    # increment the counter as the
    # real joining step will be executed
    if ksdata.realm.discovered:
        step_count += 1

    # Now run the execute methods of ksdata that require an installed system
    # to be present first.
    with progress_report(_("Configuring installed system")):
        ksdata.authconfig.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.selinux.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.firstboot.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.services.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.keyboard.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.timezone.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.lang.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.firewall.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.xconfig.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.skipx.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    if not flags.flags.imageInstall and not flags.flags.dirInstall:
        with progress_report(_("Writing network configuration")):
            ksdata.network.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    # Creating users and groups requires some pre-configuration.
    with progress_report(_("Creating users")):
        u = Users()
        ksdata.rootpw.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.group.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.user.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)

    with progress_report(_("Configuring addons")):
        ksdata.addons.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.configured_spokes.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)

    with progress_report(_("Generating initramfs")):

    if ksdata.realm.discovered:
        with progress_report(_("Joining realm: %s") % ksdata.realm.discovered):
            ksdata.realm.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    with progress_report(_("Running post-installation scripts")):

    # Write the kickstart file to the installed system (or, copy the input
    # kickstart file over if one exists).

Exemple #3
def doConfiguration(storage, payload, ksdata):
    """Configure the installed system."""

    configuration_queue = TaskQueue("Configuration queue")
    # connect progress reporting
        lambda x: progress_message(x.status_message))
    configuration_queue.task_completed.connect(lambda x: progress_step(x.name))

    # schedule the execute methods of ksdata that require an installed system to be present
    os_config = TaskQueue("Installed system configuration",
                          N_("Configuring installed system"))
    os_config.append(Task("Configure authselect", ksdata.authselect.execute))
    os_config.append(Task("Configure SELinux", ksdata.selinux.execute))
        Task("Configure first boot tasks", ksdata.firstboot.execute))
    os_config.append(Task("Configure services", ksdata.services.execute))
    os_config.append(Task("Configure keyboard", ksdata.keyboard.execute))
    os_config.append(Task("Configure timezone", ksdata.timezone.execute))
    os_config.append(Task("Configure language", ksdata.lang.execute))
    os_config.append(Task("Configure firewall", ksdata.firewall.execute))
    os_config.append(Task("Configure X", ksdata.xconfig.execute))

    # schedule network configuration (if required)
    if conf.system.provides_network_config:
        network_config = TaskQueue("Network configuration",
                                   N_("Writing network configuration"))
            Task("Network configuration", ksdata.network.execute, (payload, )))

    # creating users and groups requires some pre-configuration.
    u = Users()
    user_config = TaskQueue("User creation", N_("Creating users"))
        Task("Configure root", ksdata.rootpw.execute, (storage, ksdata, u)))
        Task("Configure user groups", ksdata.group.execute,
             (storage, ksdata, u)))
        Task("Configure user", ksdata.user.execute, (storage, ksdata, u)))
        Task("Configure SSH key", ksdata.sshkey.execute, (storage, ksdata, u)))

    # Anaconda addon configuration
    addon_config = TaskQueue("Anaconda addon configuration",
                             N_("Configuring addons"))
        Task("Configure Anaconda addons", ksdata.addons.execute,
             (storage, ksdata, u, payload)))

    # Initramfs generation
    generate_initramfs = TaskQueue("Initramfs generation",
                                   N_("Generating initramfs"))
        Task("Generate initramfs", payload.recreate_initrds))

    # This works around 2 problems, /boot on BTRFS and BTRFS installations where the initrd is
    # recreated after the first writeBootLoader call. This reruns it after the new initrd has
    # been created, fixing the kernel root and subvol args and adding the missing initrd entry.
    boot_on_btrfs = isinstance(storage.mountpoints.get("/"), BTRFSDevice)

    bootloader_proxy = STORAGE.get_proxy(BOOTLOADER)
    bootloader_enabled = bootloader_proxy.BootloaderMode != BOOTLOADER_DISABLED

    if isinstance(payload,
                  LiveImagePayload) and boot_on_btrfs and bootloader_enabled:
            Task("Write BTRFS bootloader fix", write_boot_loader,
                 (storage, payload)))

    # Invoking zipl should be the last thing done on a s390x installation (see #1652727).
    if arch.is_s390() and not conf.target.is_directory and bootloader_enabled:
            Task("Rerun zipl", lambda: util.execInSysroot("zipl", [])))


    # join a realm (if required)
    if ksdata.realm.discovered:
        join_realm = TaskQueue(
            "Realm join",
            N_("Joining realm: %s") % ksdata.realm.discovered)
        join_realm.append(Task("Join a realm", ksdata.realm.execute))

    post_scripts = TaskQueue("Post installation scripts",
                             N_("Running post-installation scripts"))
        Task("Run post installation scripts", runPostScripts,
             (ksdata.scripts, )))

    # setup kexec reboot if requested
    if flags.flags.kexec:
        kexec_setup = TaskQueue("Kexec setup", N_("Setting up kexec"))
        kexec_setup.append(Task("Setup kexec", setup_kexec))

    # write anaconda related configs & kickstarts
    write_configs = TaskQueue("Write configs and kickstarts",
                              N_("Storing configuration files and kickstarts"))

    # Write the kickstart file to the installed system (or, copy the input
    # kickstart file over if one exists).
    if flags.flags.nosave_output_ks:
        # don't write the kickstart file to the installed system if this has
        # been disabled by the nosave option
            "Writing of the output kickstart to installed system has been disabled"
            " by the nosave option.")
        # write anaconda related configs & kickstarts
        write_configs.append(Task("Store kickstarts", _writeKS, (ksdata, )))

    # Write out the user interaction config file.
    # But make sure it's not written out in the image and directory installation mode,
    # as that might result in spokes being inadvertently hidden when the actual installation
    # starts from the generate image or directory contents.
    if conf.target.is_image:
            "Not writing out user interaction config file due to image install mode."
    elif conf.target.is_directory:
            "Not writing out user interaction config file due to directory install mode."
            Task("Store user interaction config",

    # only add write_configs to the main queue if we actually store some kickstarts/configs
    if write_configs.task_count:

    # notify progress tracking about the number of steps
    # log contents of the main task queue

    # log tasks and queues when they are started
    # - note that we are using generators to add the counter
    queue_counter = util.item_counter(configuration_queue.queue_count)
    task_started_counter = util.item_counter(configuration_queue.task_count)
    task_completed_counter = util.item_counter(configuration_queue.task_count)
    configuration_queue.queue_started.connect(lambda x: log.info(
        "Queue started: %s (%s)", x.name, next(queue_counter)))
    configuration_queue.task_started.connect(lambda x: log.info(
        "Task started: %s (%s)", x.name, next(task_started_counter)))
        lambda x: log.debug("Task completed: %s (%s) (%1.1f s)", x.name,
                            next(task_completed_counter), x.elapsed_time))
    # start the task queue
    # done
Exemple #4
def doConfiguration(storage, payload, ksdata, instClass):
    willWriteNetwork = not flags.flags.imageInstall and not flags.flags.dirInstall
    willRunRealmd = ksdata.realm.discovered

    # configure base, create users, configure addons, initramfs, post-install
    step_count = 5

    # network, maybe
    if willWriteNetwork:
        step_count += 1

    # if a realm was discovered,
    # increment the counter as the
    # real joining step will be executed
    if willRunRealmd:
        step_count += 1


    # Now run the execute methods of ksdata that require an installed system
    # to be present first.
    with progress_report(_("Configuring installed system")):
        ksdata.authconfig.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.selinux.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.firstboot.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.services.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.keyboard.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.timezone.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.lang.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.firewall.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.xconfig.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.skipx.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    if willWriteNetwork:
        with progress_report(_("Writing network configuration")):
            ksdata.network.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    # Creating users and groups requires some pre-configuration.
    with progress_report(_("Creating users")):
        u = Users()
        ksdata.rootpw.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.group.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.user.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.sshkey.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)

    with progress_report(_("Configuring addons")):
        ksdata.addons.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)

    with progress_report(_("Generating initramfs")):

    # Work around rhbz#1200539, grubby doesn't handle grub2 missing initrd with /boot on btrfs
    # So rerun writing the bootloader if this is live and /boot is on btrfs
    boot_on_btrfs = isinstance(
        storage.mountpoints.get("/boot", storage.mountpoints.get("/")),
    if flags.flags.livecdInstall and boot_on_btrfs \
                                 and (not ksdata.bootloader.disabled and ksdata.bootloader != "none"):
        writeBootLoader(storage, payload, instClass, ksdata)

    if willRunRealmd:
        with progress_report(_("Joining realm: %s") % ksdata.realm.discovered):
            ksdata.realm.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    with progress_report(_("Running post-installation scripts")):

    # setup kexec reboot if requested
    if flags.flags.kexec:

    # Write the kickstart file to the installed system (or, copy the input
    # kickstart file over if one exists).

Exemple #5
def doConfiguration(storage, payload, ksdata, instClass):
    willWriteNetwork = not flags.flags.imageInstall and not flags.flags.dirInstall
    willRunRealmd = ksdata.realm.discovered

    # configure base, create users, configure addons, initramfs, post-install
    step_count = 5

    # network, maybe
    if willWriteNetwork:
        step_count += 1

    # if a realm was discovered,
    # increment the counter as the
    # real joining step will be executed
    if willRunRealmd:
        step_count += 1

    if ksdata.snapshot and ksdata.snapshot.has_snapshot(SNAPSHOT_WHEN_POST_INSTALL):
        step_count += 1


    # Now run the execute methods of ksdata that require an installed system
    # to be present first.
    with progress_report(_("Configuring installed system")):
        ksdata.authconfig.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.selinux.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.firstboot.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.services.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.keyboard.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.timezone.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.lang.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.firewall.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.xconfig.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.skipx.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    if willWriteNetwork:
        with progress_report(_("Writing network configuration")):
            ksdata.network.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    # Creating users and groups requires some pre-configuration.
    with progress_report(_("Creating users")):
        createLuserConf(iutil.getSysroot(), algoname=getPassAlgo(ksdata.authconfig.authconfig))
        u = Users()
        ksdata.rootpw.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.group.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.user.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.sshkey.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)

    with progress_report(_("Configuring addons")):
        ksdata.addons.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u, payload)

    with progress_report(_("Generating initramfs")):

    if willRunRealmd:
        with progress_report(_("Joining realm: %s") % ksdata.realm.discovered):
            ksdata.realm.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    with progress_report(_("Running post-installation scripts")):

    # setup kexec reboot if requested
    if flags.flags.kexec:

    # Write the kickstart file to the installed system (or, copy the input
    # kickstart file over if one exists).
    if flags.flags.nosave_output_ks:
        # don't write the kickstart file to the installed system if this has
        # been disabled by the nosave option
        log.warning("Writing of the output kickstart to installed system has been disabled"
                    " by the nosave option.")

    # write out the user interaction config file

    if ksdata.snapshot and ksdata.snapshot.has_snapshot(SNAPSHOT_WHEN_POST_INSTALL):
        with progress_report(N_("Creating snapshots")):
            ksdata.snapshot.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

def doConfiguration(storage, payload, ksdata, instClass):
    willWriteNetwork = not flags.flags.imageInstall and not flags.flags.dirInstall
    willRunRealmd = ksdata.realm.discovered

    # configure base, create users, configure addons, initramfs, post-install
    step_count = 5

    # network, maybe
    if willWriteNetwork:
        step_count += 1

    # if a realm was discovered,
    # increment the counter as the
    # real joining step will be executed
    if willRunRealmd:
        step_count += 1


    # Now run the execute methods of ksdata that require an installed system
    # to be present first.
    with progress_report(N_("Configuring installed system")):
        ksdata.authconfig.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.selinux.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.firstboot.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.services.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.keyboard.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.timezone.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.lang.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.firewall.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.xconfig.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)
        ksdata.skipx.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    if willWriteNetwork:
        with progress_report(N_("Writing network configuration")):
            ksdata.network.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    # Creating users and groups requires some pre-configuration.
    with progress_report(N_("Creating users")):
        u = Users()
        ksdata.rootpw.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.group.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.user.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)
        ksdata.sshkey.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u)

    with progress_report(N_("Configuring addons")):
        ksdata.addons.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass, u, payload)

    with progress_report(N_("Generating initramfs")):

    # This works around 2 problems, /boot on BTRFS and BTRFS installations where the initrd is
    # recreated after the first writeBootLoader call. This reruns it after the new initrd has
    # been created, fixing the kernel root and subvol args and adding the missing initrd entry.
    boot_on_btrfs = isinstance(storage.mountpoints.get("/"), BTRFSDevice)
    if flags.flags.livecdInstall and boot_on_btrfs \
                                 and (not ksdata.bootloader.disabled and ksdata.bootloader != "none"):
        writeBootLoader(storage, payload, instClass, ksdata)

    if willRunRealmd:
        with progress_report(
                N_("Joining realm: %s") % ksdata.realm.discovered):
            ksdata.realm.execute(storage, ksdata, instClass)

    with progress_report(N_("Running post-installation scripts")):

    # setup kexec reboot if requested
    if flags.flags.kexec:

    # Write the kickstart file to the installed system (or, copy the input
    # kickstart file over if one exists).
    if flags.flags.nosave_output_ks:
        # don't write the kickstart file to the installed system if this has
        # been disabled by the nosave option
            "Writing of the output kickstart to installed system has been disabled"
            " by the nosave option.")

    # Write out the user interaction config file.
    # But make sure it's not written out in the image and directory installation mode,
    # as that might result in spokes being inadvertedly hidden when the actual installation
    # startes from the generate image or directory contents.
    if flags.flags.imageInstall:
            "Not writing out user interaction config file due to image install mode."
    elif flags.flags.dirInstall:
            "Not writing out user interaction config file due to directory install mode."

Exemple #7
sections = [data.keyboard, data.lang, data.timezone]

# data.selinux
# data.firewall

log.info("executing kickstart")
for section in sections:
    section_msg = "%s on line %d" % (repr(section), section.lineno)
    if section.seen:
        log.debug("skipping %s", section_msg)
    log.debug("executing %s", section_msg)
    section.execute(None, data, None)

# Prepare the user database tools
u = Users()

sections = [data.group, data.user, data.rootpw]
for section in sections:
    section_msg = "%s on line %d" % (repr(section), section.lineno)
    if section.seen:
        log.debug("skipping %s", section_msg)
    log.debug("executing %s", section_msg)
    section.execute(None, data, None, u)

# Configure all addons
log.info("executing addons")
data.addons.execute(None, data, None, u)

# Write the kickstart data to file