Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, name, pcmodule):
        @type name:     str
        @type pcmodule: L{PyCheckerModule}
        self.name = name
        module = pcmodule.module
        self.classObject = getattr(module, name)

        modname = getattr(self.classObject, '__module__', None)
        if modname is None:
            # hm, some ExtensionClasses don't have a __module__ attribute
            # so try parsing the type output
            typerepr = repr(type(self.classObject))
            mo = re.match("^<type ['\"](.+)['\"]>$", typerepr)
            if mo:
                modname = ".".join(mo.group(1).split(".")[:-1])

        # TODO(nnorwitz): this check for __name__ might not be necessary
        # any more.  Previously we checked objects as if they were classes.
        # This problem is fixed by not adding objects as if they are classes.

        # zope.interface for example has Provides and Declaration that
        # look a lot like class objects but do not have __name__
        if not hasattr(self.classObject, '__name__'):
            if modname not in utils.cfg().blacklist:
                sys.stderr.write("warning: no __name__ attribute "
                                 "for class %s (module name: %s)\n" %
                                 (self.classObject, modname))
            self.classObject.__name__ = name
        # later pychecker code uses this
        self.classObject__name__ = self.classObject.__name__

        self.module = sys.modules.get(modname)
        # if the pcmodule has moduleDir, it means we processed it before,
        # and deleted it from sys.modules
        if not self.module and pcmodule.moduleDir is None:
            self.module = module
            if modname not in utils.cfg().blacklist \
                and not modname.startswith('_'):
                sys.stderr.write("warning: couldn't find real module "
                                 "for class %s (module name: %s)\n" %
                                 (self.classObject, modname))
        self.ignoreAttrs = 0
        self.methods = {}
        self.members = {
            '__class__': types.ClassType,
            '__doc__': types.StringType,
            '__dict__': types.DictType,
        self.memberRefs = {}
        self.statics = {}
        self.lineNums = {}
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, name, pcmodule):
        @type name:     str
        @type pcmodule: L{PyCheckerModule}
        self.name = name
        module = pcmodule.module
        self.classObject = getattr(module, name)

        modname = getattr(self.classObject, '__module__', None)
        if modname is None:
            # hm, some ExtensionClasses don't have a __module__ attribute
            # so try parsing the type output
            typerepr = repr(type(self.classObject))
            mo = re.match("^<type ['\"](.+)['\"]>$", typerepr)
            if mo:
                modname = ".".join(mo.group(1).split(".")[:-1])

        # TODO(nnorwitz): this check for __name__ might not be necessary
        # any more.  Previously we checked objects as if they were classes.
        # This problem is fixed by not adding objects as if they are classes.

        # zope.interface for example has Provides and Declaration that
        # look a lot like class objects but do not have __name__
        if not hasattr(self.classObject, '__name__'):
            if modname not in utils.cfg().blacklist:
                sys.stderr.write("warning: no __name__ attribute "
                                 "for class %s (module name: %s)\n"
                                 % (self.classObject, modname))
            self.classObject.__name__ = name
        # later pychecker code uses this
        self.classObject__name__ = self.classObject.__name__

        self.module = sys.modules.get(modname)
        # if the pcmodule has moduleDir, it means we processed it before,
        # and deleted it from sys.modules
        if not self.module and pcmodule.moduleDir is None:
            self.module = module
            if modname not in utils.cfg().blacklist \
                and not modname.startswith('_'):
                sys.stderr.write("warning: couldn't find real module "
                                 "for class %s (module name: %s)\n"
                                 % (self.classObject, modname))
        self.ignoreAttrs = 0
        self.methods = {}
        self.members = { '__class__': types.ClassType,
                         '__doc__': types.StringType,
                         '__dict__': types.DictType, }
        self.memberRefs = {}
        self.statics = {}
        self.lineNums = {}
    def addMembersFromMethod(self, method) :
        if not hasattr(method, 'func_code') :

        func_code, code, i, maxCode, extended_arg = OP.initFuncCode(method)
        stack = []
        while i < maxCode :
            op, oparg, i, extended_arg = OP.getInfo(code, i, extended_arg)
            if op >= OP.HAVE_ARGUMENT :
                operand = OP.getOperand(op, func_code, oparg)
                if OP.LOAD_CONST(op) or OP.LOAD_FAST(op) or OP.LOAD_GLOBAL(op):
                elif OP.LOAD_DEREF(op):
                        operand = func_code.co_cellvars[oparg]
                    except IndexError:
                        index = oparg - len(func_code.co_cellvars)
                        operand = func_code.co_freevars[index]
                elif OP.STORE_ATTR(op) :
                    if len(stack) > 0 :
                        if stack[-1] == utils.cfg().methodArgName:
                            value = None
                            if len(stack) > 1 :
                                value = type(stack[-2])
                            self.members[operand] = value
                            self.memberRefs[operand] = None
                        stack = []

    def addMembersFromMethod(self, method):
        if not hasattr(method, 'func_code'):

        func_code, code, i, maxCode, extended_arg = OP.initFuncCode(method)
        stack = []
        while i < maxCode:
            op, oparg, i, extended_arg = OP.getInfo(code, i, extended_arg)
            if op >= OP.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                operand = OP.getOperand(op, func_code, oparg)
                if OP.LOAD_CONST(op) or OP.LOAD_FAST(op) or OP.LOAD_GLOBAL(op):
                elif OP.LOAD_DEREF(op):
                        operand = func_code.co_cellvars[oparg]
                    except IndexError:
                        index = oparg - len(func_code.co_cellvars)
                        operand = func_code.co_freevars[index]
                elif OP.STORE_ATTR(op):
                    if len(stack) > 0:
                        if stack[-1] == utils.cfg().methodArgName:
                            value = None
                            if len(stack) > 1:
                                value = type(stack[-2])
                            self.members[operand] = value
                            self.memberRefs[operand] = None
                        stack = []

Exemple #5
    def load(self, allowImportError=False):
        @param allowImportError: if True, do not catch ImportError but
                                 reraise them, so caller can know this module
                                 does not exist.
            # there's no need to reload modules we already have if no moduleDir
            # is specified for this module
            # NOTE: self.moduleDir can be '' if the module tested lives in
            # the current working directory
            if self.moduleDir is None:
                module = sys.modules.get(self.moduleName)
                if module:
                    pcmodule = getPCModule(self.moduleName)
                    if not pcmodule.module:
                        return self._initModule(module)
                    return 1

            return self._initModule(self.setupMainCode())
        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            raise exc_type, exc_value
        except Exception, e:
            if allowImportError:
            utils.importError(self.moduleName, self.moduleDir)
            return utils.cfg().ignoreImportErrors
Exemple #6
    def load(self, allowImportError=False):
        @param allowImportError: if True, do not catch ImportError but
                                 reraise them, so caller can know this module
                                 does not exist.
        try :
            # there's no need to reload modules we already have if no moduleDir
            # is specified for this module
            # NOTE: self.moduleDir can be '' if the module tested lives in
            # the current working directory
            if self.moduleDir is None:
                module = sys.modules.get(self.moduleName)
                if module:
                    pcmodule = getPCModule(self.moduleName)
                    if not pcmodule.module:
                        return self._initModule(module)
                    return 1

            return self._initModule(self.setupMainCode())
        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            raise exc_type, exc_value
        except Exception, e:
            if allowImportError:
            utils.importError(self.moduleName, self.moduleDir)
            return utils.cfg().ignoreImportErrors
 def addMembers(self, classObject) :
     if not utils.cfg().onlyCheckInitForMembers :
         for classToken in _getClassTokens(classObject) :
             method = getattr(classObject, classToken, None)
             if type(method) == types.MethodType :
         except AttributeError:
 def addMembers(self, classObject):
     if not utils.cfg().onlyCheckInitForMembers:
         for classToken in _getClassTokens(classObject):
             method = getattr(classObject, classToken, None)
             if type(method) == types.MethodType:
         except AttributeError:
 def addClass(self, name):
     self.classes[name] = c = Class(name, self)
         objName = utils.safestr(c.classObject)
     except TypeError:
         # this can happen if there is a goofy __getattr__
         c.ignoreAttrs = 1
         packages = string.split(objName, '.')
         c.ignoreAttrs = packages[0] in utils.cfg().blacklist
     if not c.ignoreAttrs :
         self.__addAttributes(c, c.classObject)
 def addClass(self, name):
     self.classes[name] = c = Class(name, self)
         objName = utils.safestr(c.classObject)
     except TypeError:
         # this can happen if there is a goofy __getattr__
         c.ignoreAttrs = 1
         packages = string.split(objName, '.')
         c.ignoreAttrs = packages[0] in utils.cfg().blacklist
     if not c.ignoreAttrs:
         self.__addAttributes(c, c.classObject)
    def load(self):
        try :
            # there's no need to reload modules we already have if no moduleDir
            # is specified for this module
            # NOTE: self.moduleDir can be '' if the module tested lives in
            # the current working directory
            if self.moduleDir is None:
                module = sys.modules.get(self.moduleName)
                if module:
                    pcmodule = getPCModule(self.moduleName)
                    if not pcmodule.module:
                        return self._initModule(module)
                    return 1

            return self._initModule(self.setupMainCode())
        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            raise exc_type, exc_value
            utils.importError(self.moduleName, self.moduleDir)
            return utils.cfg().ignoreImportErrors
    def load(self):
            # there's no need to reload modules we already have if no moduleDir
            # is specified for this module
            # NOTE: self.moduleDir can be '' if the module tested lives in
            # the current working directory
            if self.moduleDir is None:
                module = sys.modules.get(self.moduleName)
                if module:
                    pcmodule = getPCModule(self.moduleName)
                    if not pcmodule.module:
                        return self._initModule(module)
                    return 1

            return self._initModule(self.setupMainCode())
        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
            raise exc_type, exc_value
            utils.importError(self.moduleName, self.moduleDir)
            return utils.cfg().ignoreImportErrors
    def _initModule(self, module):
        self.module = module
        self.attributes = dir(self.module)

        # interpret module-specific suppressions
        pychecker_attr = getattr(module, Config.CHECKER_VAR, None)
        if pychecker_attr is not None :
            utils.updateCheckerArgs(pychecker_attr, 'suppressions', 0, [])

        # read all tokens from the real module, and register them
        for tokenName in _getModuleTokens(self.module):
            if EVIL_C_OBJECTS.has_key('%s.%s' % (self.moduleName, tokenName)):

            # README if interpreter is crashing:
            # Change 0 to 1 if the interpretter is crashing and re-run.
            # Follow the instructions from the last line printed.
            if utils.cfg().findEvil:
                print "Add the following line to EVIL_C_OBJECTS or the string to evil in a config file:\n" \
                      "    '%s.%s': None, " % (self.moduleName, tokenName)

            token = getattr(self.module, tokenName)
            if isinstance(token, types.ModuleType) :
                # get the real module name, tokenName could be an alias
            elif isinstance(token, types.FunctionType) :
            elif isinstance(token, types.ClassType) or \
                 hasattr(token, '__bases__') and \
                 issubclass(type(token), type):
            else :
                self.addVariable(tokenName, type(token))

        if pychecker_attr is not None :
        return 1
    def _initModule(self, module):
        self.module = module
        self.attributes = dir(self.module)

        # interpret module-specific suppressions
        pychecker_attr = getattr(module, Config.CHECKER_VAR, None)
        if pychecker_attr is not None:
            utils.updateCheckerArgs(pychecker_attr, 'suppressions', 0, [])

        # read all tokens from the real module, and register them
        for tokenName in _getModuleTokens(self.module):
            if EVIL_C_OBJECTS.has_key('%s.%s' % (self.moduleName, tokenName)):

            # README if interpreter is crashing:
            # Change 0 to 1 if the interpretter is crashing and re-run.
            # Follow the instructions from the last line printed.
            if utils.cfg().findEvil:
                print "Add the following line to EVIL_C_OBJECTS or the string to evil in a config file:\n" \
                      "    '%s.%s': None, " % (self.moduleName, tokenName)

            token = getattr(self.module, tokenName)
            if isinstance(token, types.ModuleType):
                # get the real module name, tokenName could be an alias
            elif isinstance(token, types.FunctionType):
            elif isinstance(token, types.ClassType) or \
                 hasattr(token, '__bases__') and \
                 issubclass(type(token), type):
                self.addVariable(tokenName, type(token))

        if pychecker_attr is not None:
        return 1
Exemple #15
def cfg():
    return utils.cfg()
Exemple #16
def cfg() :
    return utils.cfg()