def _calculate_optimal_operating_voltage(self, xs, ys):
             find the flattest region of the grad

            1. smooth the signal
            2. calculate the gradient 
            3. get x of min y
            @todo: this algorithm may not work properly. need to collect a real scan to test on

        # 1. smooth
        smoothed = smooth(ys, window_len=100)

        # truncate the smooth to elimate edge artifacts
        trunc = 20
        xs = xs[trunc:-trunc]
        smoothed = smoothed[trunc:-trunc]

        self.graph.new_series(xs, smoothed)

        # 2. gradient
        grads = np.gradient(smoothed)

        # 3. get min
        cp = xs[np.argmin(grads)]

        return cp
    def _calculate_optimal_operating_voltage(self, xs, ys):
             find the flattest region of the grad

            1. smooth the signal
            2. calculate the gradient 
            3. get x of min y
            @todo: this algorithm may not work properly. need to collect a real scan to test on

        # 1. smooth
        smoothed = smooth(ys, window_len=100)

        # truncate the smooth to elimate edge artifacts
        trunc = 20
        xs = xs[trunc:-trunc]
        smoothed = smoothed[trunc:-trunc]

        self.graph.new_series(xs, smoothed)

        # 2. gradient
        grads = np.gradient(smoothed)

        # 3. get min
        cp = xs[np.argmin(grads)]

        return cp
Exemple #3
    def _gc(self, p, det, kind):
        g = Graph(container_dict=dict(padding=5), window_width=1000, window_height=800, window_x=40, window_y=20)
        with open(p, "r") as rfile:
            # gather data
            reader = csv.reader(rfile)
            header =
            groups = self._parse_data(reader)
                groups= [data,]
                data shape = nrow,ncols
            data = groups[0]
            x = data[0]
            y = data[header.index(det)]

        sy = smooth(y, window_len=120)  # , window='flat')

        x = x[::50]
        y = y[::50]
        sy = sy[::50]

        # smooth

        # plot
        g.new_plot(zoom=True, xtitle="Time (s)", ytitle="{} Baseline Intensity (fA)".format(det))
        g.new_series(x, y, type=kind, marker="dot", marker_size=2)
        g.new_series(x, sy, line_width=2)
        #        g.set_x_limits(500, 500 + 60 * 30)
        #        g.edit_traits()
        return g
Exemple #4
    def run(self):
        ages = [(1, 0.1), (1.5, 0.4), (1.7, 0.1), (1.8, 0.2), (2.1, 0.5)]
        pool = Pool(processes=10)
        n = 1e5

        #         st = time.time()
        #         aa = ((ai, ages) for ai in arange(n))
        #         print 'a"', time.time() - st
        age_gen = age_generator(ages, n)
        st = time.time()
        results =, age_gen)
        print 'a', time.time() - st

        st = time.time()
        results = vstack((ri for ri in results if ri is not None))
        print 'b', time.time() - st

        for xx, (ai, ei) in zip(results.T, ages):
            #             print 'dev ', abs(xx.mean() - ai) / ai * 100, abs(xx.std() - ei) / ei * 100
            #             print xx

            f, v = histogram(xx, 40)
            lp = plot(v[:-1], f)[0]
            c = lp.get_color()

            nf = smooth(f, window='flat')
            plot(v[:-1], nf, c=c, ls='--', lw=2)

            axvline(ai, c=c)
            #             print f, v
            idx = argmax(nf)
            #             axvline(xx.mean(), c=c, ls='--')
            axvline(v[idx], c=c, ls='--')

    def new_series(self, x=None, y=None, plotid=0, normalize=False,
                   time_series=True, timescale=False, downsample=None,
                   use_smooth=False, scale=None, ** kw):
        if not time_series:
            return super(TimeSeriesGraph, self).new_series(x=x, y=y, plotid=plotid, **kw)

        xd = x
        if x is not None:
            if isinstance(x[0], str):
                # convert the time stamp into seconds since the Epoch
                # Epoch = 12:00 am 1/1/1970
                fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

                args = x[0].split(' +')
                timefunc = lambda xi, fmt: time.mktime(time.strptime(xi, fmt))

                if len(args) > 1:

                    xd = [timefunc(xi.split(' +')[0], fmt) + float(xi.split(' +')[1]) / 1000.0 for xi in x]
                    fmt = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'
                    xd = [timefunc(xi, fmt) for xi in x]

        if downsample:
            xd = downsample_1d(x, downsample)
            y = downsample_1d(y, downsample)

        if use_smooth:
            y = smooth(y)

        if xd is not None:
            xd = array(xd)
            if normalize:
                xd = xd - xd[0]

            if scale:
                xd = xd * scale

        plot, names, rd = self._series_factory(xd, y, plotid=plotid, **kw)
        if 'type' in rd:
            if rd['type'] == 'line_scatter':
                plot.plot(names, type='scatter', marker_size=2,
                rd['type'] = 'line'

        plota = plot.plot(names, **rd)[0]

#        plota.unified_draw = True
#        plota.use_downsampling = True
        # if the plot is not visible dont remove the underlays
        if plota.visible:
            self._set_bottom_axis(plota, plot, plotid, timescale=timescale)

        return plota, plot
Exemple #6
    def new_series(self, x=None, y=None, plotid=0, normalize=False,
                   time_series=True, timescale=False, downsample=None,
                   use_smooth=False, scale=None, ** kw):
        if not time_series:
            return super(TimeSeriesGraph, self).new_series(x=x, y=y, plotid=plotid, **kw)

        xd = x
        if x is not None:
            if isinstance(x[0], str):
                # convert the time stamp into seconds since the Epoch
                # Epoch = 12:00 am 1/1/1970
                fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

                args = x[0].split(' +')
                timefunc = lambda xi, fmt: time.mktime(time.strptime(xi, fmt))

                if len(args) > 1:

                    xd = [timefunc(xi.split(' +')[0], fmt) + float(xi.split(' +')[1]) / 1000.0 for xi in x]
                    fmt = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'
                    xd = [timefunc(xi, fmt) for xi in x]

        if downsample:
            xd = downsample_1d(x, downsample)
            y = downsample_1d(y, downsample)

        if use_smooth:
            y = smooth(y)

        if xd is not None:
            xd = array(xd)
            if normalize:
                xd = xd - xd[0]

            if scale:
                xd = xd * scale

        plot, names, rd = self._series_factory(xd, y, plotid=plotid, **kw)
        if 'type' in rd:
            if rd['type'] == 'line_scatter':
                plot.plot(names, type='scatter', marker_size=2,
                rd['type'] = 'line'

        plota = plot.plot(names, **rd)[0]

#        plota.unified_draw = True
#        plota.use_downsampling = True
        # if the plot is not visible dont remove the underlays
        if plota.visible:
            self._set_bottom_axis(plota, plot, plotid, timescale=timescale)

        return plota, plot
Exemple #7
    def _calculate_nominal_focal_point(self, fms, focussteps):
        if fms:
            sfms = smooth(fms)
            if sfms is not None:

                self.graph.new_series(focussteps, sfms)

                fmi = focussteps[argmin(sfms)]
                fma = focussteps[argmax(sfms)]

                mi = min(sfms)
                ma = max(sfms)

                return mi, fmi, ma, fma
    def _calculate_nominal_focal_point(self, fms, focussteps):
        if fms:
            sfms = smooth(fms)
            if sfms is not None:

                self.graph.new_series(focussteps, sfms)

                fmi = focussteps[argmin(sfms)]
                fma = focussteps[argmax(sfms)]

                mi = min(sfms)
                ma = max(sfms)

                return mi, fmi, ma, fma
Exemple #9
    def _gc(self, p, det, kind):
        g = Graph(container_dict=dict(padding=5),
        with open(p, 'r') as rfile:
            # gather data
            reader = csv.reader(rfile)
            header =
            groups = self._parse_data(reader)
                groups= [data,]
                data shape = nrow,ncols
            data = groups[0]
            x = data[0]
            y = data[header.index(det)]

        sy = smooth(y, window_len=120)  # , window='flat')

        x = x[::50]
        y = y[::50]
        sy = sy[::50]

        # smooth

        # plot
                   xtitle='Time (s)',
                   ytitle='{} Baseline Intensity (fA)'.format(det))
        g.new_series(x, y, type=kind, marker='dot', marker_size=2)
        g.new_series(x, sy, line_width=2)
        #        g.set_x_limits(500, 500 + 60 * 30)
        #        g.edit_traits()
        return g
    def run(self):
        ages = [(1, 0.1), (1.5, 0.4), (1.7, 0.1), (1.8, 0.2), (2.1, 0.5)]
        pool = Pool(processes=10)
        n = 1e5

#         st = time.time()
#         aa = ((ai, ages) for ai in arange(n))
#         print 'a"', time.time() - st
        age_gen = age_generator(ages, n)
        st = time.time()
        results =, age_gen)
        print 'a', time.time() - st

        st = time.time()
        results = vstack((ri for ri in results if ri is not None))
        print 'b', time.time() - st

        for xx, (ai, ei)in zip(results.T, ages):
#             print 'dev ', abs(xx.mean() - ai) / ai * 100, abs(xx.std() - ei) / ei * 100
#             print xx

            f, v = histogram(xx, 40)
            lp = plot(v[:-1], f)[0]
            c = lp.get_color()

            nf = smooth(f, window='flat')
            plot(v[:-1], nf, c=c, ls='--', lw=2)

            axvline(ai, c=c)
#             print f, v
            idx = argmax(nf)
#             axvline(xx.mean(), c=c, ls='--')
            axvline(v[idx], c=c, ls='--')

 def smooth(self, x, **kw):
     return smooth(x, **kw)
Exemple #12
 def smooth(self, x, **kw):
     return smooth(x, **kw)