Exemple #1
    def performGET(self, request):

        :param request:
        response = Response(codes.RESP_CONTENT)
        response.payload = self.time
        response.contentType = mediaCodes.text
        response.maxAge = 5
        request.respond(response)  # complete the request
Exemple #2
def large_create():
    Large resource that can be created using POST method (>1024 bytes)
    Large resources used in TD_COAP_BLOCK tests shall not exceed 2048 bytes

    This resource implements a test of specification for the
    ETSI IoT CoAP Plugtests.


    data = None
    dataCt = -1

    if request.method == "GET":
        response = Response()
    #        if not self.data:
    #            response = Response(codes.content)
    #            response.setPayload("Nothing posted yet", mediaCodes.text)
    #        else:
    #            #  content negotiation
    #            self.supported.add(self.dataCt)
    #            if ct = mediaCodes.contentNegotiation(self.dataCt, self.supported, request.getOptions(options.ACCEPT))) == var = MediaTypeRegistry.UNDEFINED
    #            :
    #            request.respond(codes.RESP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "Accept %s" % mediaCodes.toString(self.dataCt))
    #            return
    #            response = Response(codes.RESP_CONTENT)
    #            response.payload = self.data  # load data into payload
    #            response.setContentType(ct)  # set content type
        return response  # complete the request

    if request.method == "POST":

        if request.contentType == mediaCodes.undefined:
            return Reponse(codes.bad_request, "Content-Type not set")
            #  store payload
        #  create new response
        response = Response(codes.RESP_CREATED)
        #  inform client about the location of the new resource
        #  complete the request

    if request.method == "DELETE":
        # DELETE the data and act as resouce was deleted.

        self.data = None
        #  complete the request
        return Response(codes.deleted)