def test_knot_candidates():
    m = 1000
    x = np.random.normal(size=m)
    p = np.random.normal(size=m)
    p[np.random.binomial(p=.1, n=1,size=m)==1] = 0.
    x[np.random.binomial(p=.1, n=1,size=m)==1] = 0.
    predictor = PredictorDependentData.alloc(x)
    candidates, candidates_idx = predictor.knot_candidates(p, 5, 10, 0, 0, set())
    assert_array_equal(candidates, x[candidates_idx])
    assert_equal(len(candidates), len(set(candidates)))
def test_knot_candidates():
    m = 1000
    x = np.random.normal(size=m)
    p = np.random.normal(size=m)
    p[np.random.binomial(p=.1, n=1, size=m) == 1] = 0.
    x[np.random.binomial(p=.1, n=1, size=m) == 1] = 0.
    predictor = PredictorDependentData.alloc(x)
    candidates, candidates_idx = predictor.knot_candidates(
        p, 5, 10, 0, 0, set())
    assert_array_equal(candidates, x[candidates_idx])
    assert_equal(len(candidates), len(set(candidates)))
def form_inputs(x, B, p, knot, candidates, y, w):
    # Formulate the inputs for the fast version
    m, q = B.shape
    max_terms = q + 2
    workings = []
    n_outcomes = w.shape[1]
    for _ in range(n_outcomes):
        working = KnotSearchWorkingData.alloc(max_terms)
    outcome = MultipleOutcomeDependentData.alloc(y, w, m, n_outcomes, max_terms, 1e-16)
    for j in range(B.shape[1]):
        outcome.update_from_array(B[:, j])
    predictor = PredictorDependentData.alloc(x)
    constant = KnotSearchReadOnlyData(predictor, outcome)
    return KnotSearchData(constant, workings, q)
def form_inputs(x, B, p, knot, candidates, y, w):
    # Formulate the inputs for the fast version
    m, q = B.shape
    max_terms = q + 2
    workings = []
    n_outcomes = w.shape[1]
    for _ in range(n_outcomes):
        working = KnotSearchWorkingData.alloc(max_terms)
    outcome = MultipleOutcomeDependentData.alloc(
        y, w, m, n_outcomes, max_terms, 1e-16)
    for j in range(B.shape[1]):
        outcome.update_from_array(B[:, j])
    predictor = PredictorDependentData.alloc(x)
    constant = KnotSearchReadOnlyData(predictor, outcome)
    return KnotSearchData(constant, workings, q)