def get_state_features(state): nof = len(state) po = 600 pfds = np.zeros((4, int(nof / po))) ap_entropy = np.zeros((4, int(nof / po))) hursts = np.zeros((4, int(nof / po))) hfd = np.zeros((4, int(nof / po))) bins = np.zeros(((int(nof / po), 4, 2, 5))) lastnum = 0 for i in range(0, (int(nof / po))): channels = np.zeros((4, po)) for x in range(0, po): for y in range(0, 4): channels[y, x] = float(state[lastnum + x, y]) for x in range(0, 4): channels[x] = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(channels[x], 11, 3, deriv=0, delta=1.0, axis=-1, mode='interp', cval=0.0) #alpha=[] if ((nof - lastnum) != 0): for x in range(0, 4): hursts[x, i] = pyeeg.hurst(channels[x]) pfds[x, i] = pyeeg.pfd(channels[x]) #ap_entropy[x,i] = pyeeg.ap_entropy(X, M, R) hfd[x, i] = pyeeg.hfd(channels[x], 15) bins[i, x] = pyeeg.bin_power(channels[x], [0.5, 4, 7, 12, 15, 18], 200) k = 1 lastnum = lastnum + po return pfds, hursts, bins, hfd
def getdata(num,): global lastnum global pfds global dfas global hursts global bins global nof global po #file = 'C:\\Users\\Ammar Raufi\\Desktop\\openbci\\software\\application.windows64\\SavedData\\OpenBCI-RAW-2017-03-18_18-46-49.txt' #fid = open(file, 'r') #lines = fid.readlines() #numberOfFrames = len(lines)-6 #print(numberOfFrames-lastnum) channels = np.zeros((4,po)) #alpha = np.zeros(4) for x in range(0,po): #numberOfFrames-lastnum-6 for y in range(0,4): channels[y,x] = float(lines[lastnum+x+6].split(',')[y+1]) #alpha=[] if((nof-lastnum)!=0): for x in range(0,4): hursts[x,num] = pyeeg.hurst(channels[x]) #pfds[x,num] = pyeeg.pfd(channels[x]) #dfas[x,num] = pyeeg.dfa(channels[x]) bins[num,x] = pyeeg.bin_power(channels[x], [0.5,4,7,12,30], 200) k=1 print (lastnum) #print (alpha) lastnum=lastnum+po return channels[0]
def get_features(signal): #print(signal) freq_cutoffs = [3, 8, 12, 27, 50] features = [] features.append(rms(signal)) s = lpf(signal, SAMPLING_RATE, freq_cutoffs[0]) features.append(rms(s)) for i in range(len(freq_cutoffs) - 1): s = bp(signal, SAMPLING_RATE, freq_cutoffs[i], freq_cutoffs[i + 1]) features.append(rms(s)) fourier = np.fft.rfft(signal * np.hamming(signal.size)) features.extend(abs(fourier)) wsize = 64 X = mne.time_frequency.stft(signal, wsize, verbose=False) freqs = np.reshape(abs(X), X.size) features.extend(freqs) features.append(pyeeg.hurst(signal)) features.append(pyeeg.hfd(signal, 10)) e = pyeeg.spectral_entropy(signal, np.append(0.5, freq_cutoffs), SAMPLING_RATE) features.append(e) features.extend(pyeeg.hjorth(signal)) features.append(pyeeg.pfd(signal)) features.append(pyeeg.mean(signal)) features.append(scipy.stats.skew(signal)) features.append(scipy.stats.kurtosis(signal)) #features.extend(signal) return features
def get_features(signal): #print(signal) freq_cutoffs = [3, 8, 12, 27, 50] features = [] features.append(rms(signal)) s = lpf(signal, SAMPLING_RATE, freq_cutoffs[0]) features.append(rms(s)) for i in range(len(freq_cutoffs)-1): s = bp(signal, SAMPLING_RATE, freq_cutoffs[i], freq_cutoffs[i+1]) features.append(rms(s)) fourier = np.fft.rfft(signal * np.hamming(signal.size)) features.extend(abs(fourier)) wsize = 64 X = mne.time_frequency.stft(signal, wsize, verbose=False) freqs = np.reshape(abs(X), X.size) features.extend(freqs) features.append(pyeeg.hurst(signal)) features.append(pyeeg.hfd(signal, 10)) e = pyeeg.spectral_entropy(signal, np.append(0.5, freq_cutoffs), SAMPLING_RATE) features.append(e) features.extend(pyeeg.hjorth(signal)) features.append(pyeeg.pfd(signal)) features.append(pyeeg.mean(signal)) features.append(scipy.stats.skew(signal)) features.append(scipy.stats.kurtosis(signal)) #features.extend(signal) return features
def eeg_features(data): data = np.asarray(data) res = np.zeros([22]) Kmax = 5 # M = 10 # R = 0.3 Band = [1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25] Fs = 256 power, power_ratio = pyeeg.bin_power(data, Band, Fs) f, P = welch(data, fs=Fs, window='hanning', noverlap=0, nfft=int(256.)) # Signal power spectrum area_freq = cumtrapz(P, f, initial=0) res[0] = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(data, 2)) / data.shape[0]) # amplitude RMS res[1] = statistics.stdev(data)**2 # variance res[2] = kurtosis(data) # kurtosis res[3] = skew(data) # skewness res[4] = max(data) # max amplitude res[5] = min(data) # min amplitude res[6] = len(argrelextrema( data, np.greater)[0]) # number of local extrema or peaks res[7] = ((data[:-1] * data[1:]) < 0).sum() # number of zero crossings res[8] = pyeeg.hfd(data, Kmax) # Higuchi Fractal Dimension res[9] = pyeeg.pfd(data) # Petrosian Fractal Dimension res[10] = pyeeg.hurst(data) # Hurst exponent res[11] = pyeeg.spectral_entropy( data, Band, Fs, Power_Ratio=power_ratio) # spectral entropy (1.21s) res[12] = area_freq[-1] # total power res[13] = f[np.where(area_freq >= res[12] / 2)[0][0]] # median frequency res[14] = f[np.argmax(P)] # peak frequency res[15], res[16] = pyeeg.hjorth(data) # Hjorth mobility and complexity res[17] = power_ratio[0] res[18] = power_ratio[1] res[19] = power_ratio[2] res[20] = power_ratio[3] res[21] = power_ratio[4] # res[22] = pyeeg.samp_entropy(data, M, R) # sample entropy # res[23] = pyeeg.ap_entropy(data, M, R) # approximate entropy (1.14s) return (res)
def StatisticalFeatures(self, data): mean = np.mean(data) # Mean of data std = np.std(data) # std of data pfd = pyeeg.pfd(data) # Petrosian Fractal Dimension hurst = pyeeg.hurst(data) # Hurst Exponent Feature dfa = pyeeg.dfa(data) # Detrended Fluctuation Analysis corr = nolds.corr_dim(data, 1) # Correlation Dimension Feature power = np.sum(np.abs(data)**2) / len(data) # Power feature FD = hfda(data, 5) # fractal dimension statistics = { "mean": mean, "std": std, "pfd": pfd, "hurst": hurst, "hjorth": hjorth, "dfa": dfa, "corr": corr, "power": power } return (statistics)
def get_state_features(channel): nof = len(channel) pfds = np.zeros((4)) ap_entropy = np.zeros((4)) hursts = np.zeros((4)) hfd = np.zeros((4)) bins = np.zeros(((4, 2, 5))) lastnum = 0 #alpha=[] if ((nof - lastnum) != 0): for x in range(0, 4): hursts[x] = pyeeg.hurst(channel[x]) pfds[x] = pyeeg.pfd(channel[x]) #ap_entropy[x,i] = pyeeg.ap_entropy(X, M, R) hfd[x] = pyeeg.hfd(channel[x], 15) bins[x] = pyeeg.bin_power(channel[x], [0.5, 4, 7, 12, 15, 18], 200) delta = np.zeros((4)) beta = np.zeros((4)) alpha = np.zeros((4)) theta = np.zeros((4)) dfas = np.zeros((4)) bt = np.zeros((4)) for y in range(0, 4): delta[y] = bins[y, 0, 0] theta[y] = bins[y, 0, 1] alpha[y] = bins[y, 0, 2] beta[y] = bins[y, 0, 4] bt[y] = theta[y] / beta[y] lastnum = lastnum + nof return pfds, dfas, hursts, bins, bt, hfd
def Hurst(self): resp = pyeeg.hurst(self.channel_data) return [np.array([resp]), ['hurst']]
def feature_wave(self, toolName=None, Fs=256): if (toolName == None): print('please select a tool') return if toolName in self.FeatureSet.dict[0]: index = self.FeatureSet.dict[0][toolName] else: index = -1 print(toolName) if toolName == 'DWT': answer_train = DWT(self.DataSet.trainSet_data[0], 'db4') answer_test = DWT(self.DataSet.testSet_data[0], 'db4') print('DWT feature extraction succeed db4') elif toolName == 'hurst': answer_train = [ pyeeg.hurst(i) for i in self.DataSet.trainSet_data[0] ] answer_test = [ pyeeg.hurst(i) for i in self.DataSet.testSet_data[0] ] print('hurst feature extraction succeed') elif toolName == 'dfa': answer_train = [ pyeeg.dfa(i, L=[4, 8, 16, 32, 64]) for i in self.DataSet.trainSet_data[0] ] answer_test = [ pyeeg.dfa(i, L=[4, 8, 16, 32, 64]) for i in self.DataSet.testSet_data[0] ] print('dfa feature extraction succeed') elif toolName == 'fisher_info': answer_train = [ pyeeg.fisher_info(i, 2, 20) for i in self.DataSet.trainSet_data[0] ] answer_test = [ pyeeg.fisher_info(i, 2, 20) for i in self.DataSet.testSet_data[0] ] print('fisher_info feature extraction succeed') elif toolName == 'svd_entropy': answer_train = [ pyeeg.svd_entropy(i, 2, 20) for i in self.DataSet.trainSet_data[0] ] answer_test = [ pyeeg.svd_entropy(i, 2, 20) for i in self.DataSet.testSet_data[0] ] print('svd_entropy feature extraction succeed') elif toolName == 'spectral_entropy': bandlist = [0.5, 4, 7, 12, 30, 100] answer_train = [ pyeeg.spectral_entropy(i, bandlist, Fs) for i in self.DataSet.trainSet_data[0] ] answer_test = [ pyeeg.spectral_entropy(i, bandlist, Fs) for i in self.DataSet.testSet_data[0] ] print('spectral_entropy feature extraction succeed') elif toolName == 'hjorth': # 得到两个量 第一个是 mobility 第二个是 complexity answer_train = [ pyeeg.hjorth(i) for i in self.DataSet.trainSet_data[0] ] answer_test = [ pyeeg.hjorth(i) for i in self.DataSet.testSet_data[0] ] answer_train = np.array(answer_train) answer_test = np.array(answer_test) for i in answer_train: i[1] = i[1] / 100 for i in answer_test: i[1] = i[1] / 100 #只取Mobility answer_train = np.array(answer_train[:, 0]) answer_test = np.array(answer_test[:, 0]) print('hjorth feature extraction succeed') elif toolName == 'hfd': answer_train = [ pyeeg.hfd(i, 8) for i in self.DataSet.trainSet_data[0] ] answer_test = [ pyeeg.hfd(i, 8) for i in self.DataSet.testSet_data[0] ] print('hfd feature extraction succeed') elif toolName == 'pfd': answer_train = [ pyeeg.pfd(i) for i in self.DataSet.trainSet_data[0] ] answer_test = [pyeeg.pfd(i) for i in self.DataSet.testSet_data[0]] print('pfd feature extraction succeed') elif toolName == 'bin_power': bandlist = [0.5, 4, 7, 12] #,30,100] answer_train = [ pyeeg.bin_power(i, bandlist, Fs) for i in self.DataSet.trainSet_data[0] ] answer_test = [ pyeeg.bin_power(i, bandlist, Fs) for i in self.DataSet.testSet_data[0] ] print('bin_power feature extraction succeed') else: print('does not have this kind of mode') answer_train = np.array(answer_train) answer_train = answer_train.reshape(len(answer_train), -1) answer_test = np.array(answer_test) answer_test = answer_test.reshape(len(answer_test), -1) if index == -1: #print(len(self.FeatureSet.feature.trainSet_feat[0]),len(answer_train)) self.FeatureSet.feature.trainSet_feat[0] = np.column_stack( (self.FeatureSet.feature.trainSet_feat[0], answer_train)) self.FeatureSet.feature.testSet_feat[0] = np.column_stack( (self.FeatureSet.feature.testSet_feat[0], answer_test)) self.FeatureSet.dict[0][toolName] = [ self.FeatureSet.size[0], self.FeatureSet.size[0] + len(answer_train[0]) ] self.FeatureSet.size[0] += len(answer_train[0]) else: self.FeatureSet.feature.trainSet_feat[0][:, index[0]:index[1]] = [ i for i in answer_train ] self.FeatureSet.feature.testSet_feat[0][:, index[0]:index[1]] = [ i for i in answer_test ]
def Hurst(x): resp = pyeeg.hurst(x) return resp
reqs_escala=[] soma = 0 while (indice < len(reqs)): soma = 0 for i in range(indice, indice + escala): try: soma += reqs[i] except: pass reqs_escala.append(soma) indice += escala H=pyeeg.hurst(reqs_escala) print escala, H #calcula requisições acumuladas (A_t) entre t1 e t2 #para escala 1s t2 - t1 = 86400 A_t = [] A_t_acumulado = 0 for i in reqs_escala: A_t_acumulado += i A_t.append(A_t_acumulado) E = 0.9999
import pyeeg as pyeeg from numpy.random import randn f = open('array_dia2','r') lines=f.readlines() reqs=[] for i in lines: reqs.append(i.split(" ")[1]) for i in range(len(reqs)): reqs[i]=float(reqs[i]) pyeeg.hurst(reqs)
while len(vibration_list) != 90: vibration_list.append(0) #print vibration_list #vibration_array = np.zeros(fft_size) #for i in range(len(vibration_list)): # index = (vibration_list[i]-1) * sampling_rate # vibration_array[index:index+sampling_rate] = 1 (power_xf, power_xf_filtered, freqs, xfp) = return_filtered_epoch(time_series) dominant_f = return_dominant_freq(freqs, power_xf_filtered) (delta_ratio, theta_ratio, alpha_ratio, sigma_ratio, beta_ratio) = return_power_ratio(freqs, power_xf_filtered) (A5_mean, D5_mean, D4_mean, D3_mean, A5_std, D5_std, D4_std, D3_std, A5_pm, D5_pm, D4_pm, D3_pm, \ A5_ratio_mean, D5_ratio_mean, D4_ratio_mean, D3_ratio_mean) = return_DWT_feature(time_series) hurst_index = pyeeg.hurst(time_series) pfd_index = pyeeg.pfd(time_series) sp_entropy = pyeeg.spectral_entropy(time_series, [0.5, 3, 8, 12, 16, 30], sampling_rate, Power_Ratio = None) hj_activity, hj_mobility, hj_complexity = pyeeg.hjorth(time_series) fmax=getfmax(time_series) fmin=getfmin(time_series) fmean=getfmean(time_series) fstd=getfstd(time_series) fvar=getfvar(time_series) fskew=getfskew(time_series) fkur=getfkur(time_series) fmd=getfmd(time_series) zcnum=getzcnum(time_series) print [fmax, fmin, fmean, fstd, fvar, fskew, fkur, fmd, zcnum, dominant_f[0], delta_ratio, \
def myFeaturesExtractor( X, myM, myV): # X has to be a matrix where each row is a channel N = len(X) # number of channels L = len(X[0]) maxtLyap = min(500, L // 2 + L // 4) lyapLags = np.arange(maxtLyap) / Fs # get number of features nFeatures = nMono * N + N * (N - 1) / 2 # here we initialize the list of features // We will transform it to an array later featList = np.zeros((int(nFeatures))) # deal with monovariate features first for kChan in range(N): kFeat = 0 mySig = X[kChan, :] #========== Stats ======================== myMean = myM[kChan] featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = myMean kFeat += 1 myMax = max(mySig) featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = myMax kFeat += 1 myMin = min(mySig) featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = myMin kFeat += 1 peak = max(abs(np.array([myMin, myMax]))) featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = peak kFeat += 1 myVar = myV[kChan] featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = myVar kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = sp.skew(mySig) kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = sp.kurtosis(mySig) kFeat += 1 myRMS = rms(mySig) featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = myRMS kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = peak / myRMS kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = totVar(mySig) kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = pyeeg.dfa(mySig) kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = pyeeg.hurst(mySig) kFeat += 1 hMob, hComp = pyeeg.hjorth(mySig) featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = hMob kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = hComp kFeat += 1 ## ======== fractal ======================== # Now we need to get the embeding time lag Tau and embeding dmension ac = delay.acorr(mySig, maxtau=maxTauLag, norm=True, detrend=True) Tau = firstTrue(ac < corrThresh) # embeding delay f1 , f2 , f3 = dimension.fnn(mySig, dim=dim, tau=Tau, R=10.0, A=2.0, metric='euclidean',\ window=10,maxnum=None, parallel=True) myEmDim = firstTrue(f3 < fracThresh) # Here we construct the Embeding Matrix Em Em = pyeeg.embed_seq(mySig, Tau, myEmDim) U, s, Vh = linalg.svd(Em) W = s / np.sum(s) # list of singular values in decreasing order FInfo = pyeeg.fisher_info(X, Tau, myEmDim, W=W) featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = FInfo kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = Tau kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = myEmDim kFeat += 1 #======================================== PFD = pyeeg.pfd(mySig, D=None) hfd6 = pyeeg.hfd(mySig, 6) hfd10 = pyeeg.hfd(mySig, 10) # Now we fit aline and get its slope to have Lyapunov exponent divAvg = lyapunov.mle(Em, maxt=maxtLyap, window=3 * Tau, metric='euclidean', maxnum=None) poly = np.polyfit(lyapLags, divAvg, 1, rcond=None, full=False, w=None, cov=False) LyapExp = poly[0] featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = PFD kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = hfd6 kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = hfd10 kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = LyapExp kFeat += 1 ## ======== Entropy ======================== tolerance = 1 / 4 entropyDim = max([myEmDim, PFD]) featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = pyeeg.samp_entropy( mySig, entropyDim, tolerance) kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = pyeeg.svd_entropy(mySig, Tau, myEmDim, W=W) kFeat += 1 # here we compute bin power power, power_Ratio = pyeeg.bin_power(mySig, freqBins, Fs) featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = pyeeg.spectral_entropy( mySig, freqBins, Fs, Power_Ratio=power_Ratio) kFeat += 1 ## ======== Spectral ======================== for kBin in range(len(freqBins) - 1): featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = power[kBin] kFeat += 1 featList[nMono * kChan + kFeat] = power_Ratio[kBin] kFeat += 1 # deal with multivariate features first #============ connectivity ================== corrList = connectome(X) nConnect = len(corrList) if N * (N - 1) / 2 != nConnect: raise ValueError('incorrect number of correlation coeffs') for kC in range(nConnect): featList[-nConnect + kC] = corrList[kC] return featList
def Hurst(self): resp = pyeeg.hurst(self.channel_data) return [np.array([resp]),['hurst']]
def myFeaturesExtractor(X): # X has to be a matrix where each row is a channel N = len(X) # L = len(X[0]) # here we initialize the list of features // We will transform it to an array later featList = list() timeList =list () featName =list() for kChan in range(1): mySig = X[kChan , :] if kChan == 0: start=time.perf_counter_ns() #========== Stats ======================== myMean = np.mean(mySig) featList.append(myMean) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append("mean") start=end featList.append(max(mySig)) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" max") start=end featList.append(min(mySig)) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" min") start=end peak =max(abs(mySig)) featList.append(peak) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" peak") start=end myVar = np.var(mySig) featList.append(myVar) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" var") start=end myVar = np.var(mySig) myStd = np.sqrt(myVar) featList.append(myStd) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" std") start=end featList.append(sp.skew(mySig)) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" skew") start=end featList.append(sp.kurtosis(mySig)) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" kurt") start=end myRMS = rms(mySig) featList.append(myRMS) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" rms") start=end myRMS = rms(mySig) featList.append(peak/myRMS) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" fact") start=end myRMS = rms(mySig) featList.append(myRMS/myMean) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" papr") start=end featList.append(totVar(mySig)) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" totVar") start=end featList.append(pyeeg.dfa(mySig)) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" dfa") start=end featList.append(pyeeg.hurst(mySig)) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" hurst") start=end hMob , hComp = pyeeg.hjorth(mySig ) featList.append(hMob) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" Hmob") timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" Hcomp") start=end featList.append(hComp) # ## ======== fractal ======================== # # Now we need to get the embeding time lag Tau and embeding dmension # ac=delay.acorr(mySig, maxtau=maxTauLag, norm=True, detrend=True) # Tau = firstTrue(ac < corrThresh) # embeding delay # featList.append(Tau) # if kChan == 0: # end=time.perf_counter_ns() # # timeList.append(end -start) # featName.append(" dCorrTime") # start=end # f1 , f2 , f3 = dimension.fnn(mySig, dim=dim, tau=Tau, R=10.0, A=2.0, metric='chebyshev', window=10,maxnum=None, parallel=True) # myEmDim = firstTrue(f3 < fracThresh) ## if kChan == 0: ## end=time.perf_counter_ns() ## timeList.append(end -start) ## featName.append(" embDim") ## start=end # # Here we construct the Embeding Matrix Em # Em = pyeeg.embed_seq(mySig, Tau, myEmDim) # U, s, Vh = linalg.svd(Em) # W = s/np.sum(s) # list of singular values in decreasing order # # FInfo = pyeeg.fisher_info(X, Tau, myEmDim , W=W) # featList.append(FInfo) # if kChan == 0: # end=time.perf_counter_ns() # # timeList.append(end -start) # featName.append(" FInfo") # start=end # # featList.append(myEmDim) PFD = pyeeg.pfd(mySig, D=None) featList.append(PFD) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" pfd") start=end hfd6 = pyeeg.hfd(mySig , 6) featList.append(hfd6) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" hfd6") start=end hfd10 = pyeeg.hfd(mySig , 10) featList.append(hfd10) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" hfd10") start=end # Now we fit aline and get its slope to have Lyapunov exponent # divAvg = lyapunov.mle(Em, maxt=maxtLyap, window= 3 * Tau, metric='euclidean', maxnum=None) # poly = np.polyfit(lyapLags, divAvg, 1, rcond=None, full=False, w=None, cov=False) # LyapExp = poly[0] # featList.append(np.mean(LyapExp)) # if kChan == 0: # end=time.perf_counter_ns() # # timeList.append(end -start) # featName.append("Lyapunov") # start=end ## ======== Entropy ======================== # here we compute bin power power, power_Ratio = pyeeg.bin_power(mySig , freqBins , Fs ) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append("Spectral") start=end featList.append( pyeeg.spectral_entropy(mySig, freqBins, Fs, Power_Ratio=power_Ratio)) if kChan == 0: end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append(end -start) featName.append(" specEn") start=end # tolerance = myStd / 4 # entropyDim = max([myEmDim , PFD]) # featList.append( pyeeg.samp_entropy(mySig , entropyDim , tolerance ) ) # if kChan == 0: # end=time.perf_counter_ns() # # timeList.append(end -start) # featName.append(" sampEn") # start=end # featList.append( pyeeg.svd_entropy(mySig, Tau, myEmDim , W=W) ) # if kChan == 0: # end=time.perf_counter_ns() # # timeList.append(end -start) # featName.append(" svdEn") # start=end ## ======== Spectral ======================== appendArray2List(featList , power ) appendArray2List(featList , power_Ratio ) start=time.perf_counter_ns() connectome(X , featList) end=time.perf_counter_ns() timeList.append((end -start)/N/(N-1)*2) featName.append("connectivity") ll=list() ll.append(featName) ll.append(timeList) return np.asarray(featList) , ll
def calculate_features(samples): data = samples if not samples: print("no samples") return [] band = [0.5, 4, 7, 12, 30] a = randn(4097) # approx = pyeeg.ap_entropy(data, 5, 1) approx = 0 DFA = pyeeg.dfa(data) first_order_diff = [data[i] - data[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(data))] fisher_info = pyeeg.fisher_info(data, 1, 1, W=None) embed_seq = pyeeg.embed_seq(data, 1, 1) hfd = pyeeg.hfd(data, 6) hjorth = pyeeg.hjorth(data, D=None) hurst = pyeeg.hurst(data) PFD = pyeeg.pfd(data) sam_ent = pyeeg.samp_entropy(data, 1, 2) spectral_entropy = pyeeg.spectral_entropy(data, band, 256, Power_Ratio=None) svd = pyeeg.svd_entropy(data, 6, 4, W=None) PSI = pyeeg.bin_power(data, band, 256) # # Power Spectral Intensity (PSI) and Relative Intensity Ratio (RIR) Two 1- D v ec t o rs # # print("bin_power = ", PSI) # # Petrosian Fractal Dimension (PFD) Ascalar # print("PFD = ", PFD) # # Higuchi Fractal Dimension (HFD) Ascalar # print("hfd = ", hfd) # # Hjorth mobility and complexity Two s c a la rs # print("hjorth = ", hjorth) # # Spectral Entropy (Shannon’s entropy of RIRs) Ascalar # print("spectral_entropy = ", spectral_entropy) # # SVD Entropy Ascalar # print("svd = ", svd) # # Fisher Information Ascalar # print("fisher_info = ", fisher_info) # # Approximate Entropy (ApEn) Ascalar # print("approx entrophy = ", approx) # # Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) Ascalar # print("DFA = ", DFA) # # HurstExponent(Hurst) Ascalar # print("Hurst_Exponent = ", hurst) # # Build a set of embedding sequences from given time series X with lag Tau and embedding dimension # print("embed_seq = ", embed_seq) # # Compute the first order difference of a time series. # print("first_order_diff = ", first_order_diff) return { 'approximate': approx, 'DFA': DFA, 'fisher_info': fisher_info, 'embed_seq': embed_seq, 'hfd': hfd, 'hjorth': hjorth, 'hurst': hurst, 'PFD': PFD, 'sam_ent': sam_ent, 'spectral_entropy': spectral_entropy, 'svd': svd, 'PSI': PSI, 'first_order_diff': first_order_diff }
def get_state_features(state): nof = len(state) po = 600 pfds = np.zeros((4,int(nof/po))) ap_entropy = np.zeros((4,int(nof/po))) hursts = np.zeros((4,int(nof/po))) hfd = np.zeros((4,int(nof/po))) bins = np.zeros(((int(nof/po),4,2,5))) lastnum=0 for i in range (0,(int(nof/po))): channels = np.zeros((4,po)) channels2 = np.zeros((4,po)) channels3 = np.zeros((4,po)) channels4 = np.zeros((4,po)) channels5 = np.zeros((4,po)) for x in range(0,po): for y in range(0,4): channels[y,x] = float(state[lastnum+x,y]) for y in range(0,4): channels[y] = scipy.signal.savgol_filter(channels[y], 11, 3, deriv=0, delta=1.0, axis=-1, mode='interp', cval=0.0) #for y in range(0,4): #nyq = 0.5 * 200 #low = 1 / nyq #high = 50 / nyq #high2 = 70 / nyq #high3 = 90 / nyq #high4 = 95 / nyq #b, a = butter(5, [low, high], btype='band') #b2, a2 = butter(5, [low, high2], btype='band') #b3, a3 = butter(5, [low, high3], btype='band') #b4, a4 = butter(5, [low, high4], btype='band') #channels2[y] = lfilter(b, a, channels[y]) #channels3[y] = lfilter(b2, a2, channels[y]) #channels4[y] = lfilter(b3, a3, channels[y]) #channels5[y] = lfilter(b4, a4, channels[y]) #x = np.linspace(0,len(channels[1]),len(channels[1])) #f, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='col', sharey='row') #f.suptitle("Time Series") #ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude (uV)') #ax1.plot(x, channels2[0],color='red') #ax1.plot(x, channels3[0],color='blue') #ax1.plot(x, channels4[0],color='blue') #ax1.plot(x, channels[0]) #ax1.plot(x, channels5[0],color='yellow') #ax1.plot(x, y4) #ax1.plot(x, y5,color='red') #ax1.plot(x, y4,color='green') #ax1.set_title('Fp1') #ax2.plot(x, channels2[1],color='red') #ax2.plot(x, channels3[1],color='blue') #ax2.plot(x, channels4[1],color='blue') #ax2.plot(x, channels[1]) #ax2.plot(x, y5) #ax2.set_title('Fp2') #ax3.plot(x, channels2[2],color='red') #ax3.plot(x, channels3[2],color='blue') #ax3.plot(x, channels4[2],color='blue') #ax3.plot(x,channels[2]) #ax3.plot(x,y6) #ax3.set_title('O1') #ax3.set_xlabel('sample') #ax3.set_ylabel('Amplitude (uV)') #ax4.plot(x, channels2[3],color='red') #ax4.plot(x, channels3[3],color='blue') #ax4.plot(x, channels4[3],color='blue') #ax4.plot(x,channels[3]) #ax4.plot(x,y6) #ax4.set_title('O2') #ax4.set_xlabel('sample') if((nof-lastnum)!=0): for x in range(0,4): hursts[x,i] = pyeeg.hurst(channels[x]) pfds[x,i] = pyeeg.pfd(channels[x]) #ap_entropy[x,i] = pyeeg.ap_entropy(X, M, R) hfd[x,i] = pyeeg.hfd(channels[x],15) bins[i,x] = pyeeg.bin_power(channels[x], [0.5,4,7,12,15,18], 200) k=1 lastnum=lastnum+po return pfds,dfas,hursts,bins,hfd
def feature_extraction(data): features = [] for values in data.T: features.append(hurst(values)) return features
import pyeeg as pyeeg import numpy as np entrada=open('array_dia2','r') lines=entrada.readlines() reqs=[] times=[] tamanho=86400 dreqs={} for i in lines: dreqs[float(i.split(" ")[0])]=float(i.split(" ")[1]) for i in range(tamanho): if i not in dreqs.keys(): dreqs[float(i)]=0.0 reqs=dreqs.values() H=pyeeg.hurst(reqs) print H
def find_hurst_exponent(self): self.hurst_exponent = pyeeg.hurst(self.filtered_signal)
A_t.append(A_t_acumulado) E = 0.1 var = np.var(reqs_escala) media=np.mean(reqs_escala) kapa =np.sqrt((-2)*np.log(E)) def A_ep_t(t, var, media, kapa): A_ep_t = media*t + kapa*np.sqrt(var)*t**H return A_ep_t inicio = 0 for i in range(div_dia): fim = (i+1)*(86400/4) - 1 array_tmp = reqs[inicio:fim] Hs.append(pyeeg.hurst(array_tmp)) medias.append(np.mean(array_tmp)) variancias.append(np.var(array_tmp)) inicio = fim + 1 A_ep_t_plot=[] inicio = 0 for i in range(div_dia): fim = (i+1)*(86400/4) - 1 for j in range(inicio,fim): A_ep_t_plot.append(A_ep_t(j, variancias[i], medias[i], kapa)) taxa.append((A_ep_t_plot[len(A_ep_t_plot) - 1] - A_ep_t_plot[inicio])/(fim - inicio)) inicio = fim + 1 #A_ep_t_plot=[] #for i in range(86400):