Exemple #1
def producthandling(row, namemapping):
    from datetime import datetime

    date = pygrametl.getvalue(row, 'date', namemapping)
    # Convert the date from a string to a python `Date` object.
    date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
    row['product_year'] = date.year

    product_name = pygrametl.getvalue(row, 'product_name', namemapping)
    # Set the nutrition values
    if product_name in NUTRITION_DATA:
        product = NUTRITION_DATA[product_name]
        row['category'] = product['category']
        row['energy'] = product['energy']
        row['carbohydrates'] = product['carbohydrates']
        row['fat'] = product['fat']
        row['protein'] = product['protein']
        row['category'] = None
        row['energy'] = None
        row['carbohydrates'] = None
        row['fat'] = None
        row['protein'] = None

    return row
Exemple #2
def locationhandling(row, namemapping):
    from datetime import datetime

    country = row['Country']

    # Set the population value
    if country in POP_DATA:
        row['population'] = POP_DATA[country]
        row['population'] = None

    # Set the life expectancy value
    if country in LIFE_EXPECTANCY_DATA:
        row['life_expectancy'] = LIFE_EXPECTANCY_DATA[country]
        row['life_expectancy'] = None

    # Set the annual average income value
    if country in GNI_DATA:
        row['anav_income'] = GNI_DATA[country]
        row['anav_income'] = None

    date = pygrametl.getvalue(row, 'date', namemapping)
    # Convert the date from a string to a python `Date` object.
    date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d').date()
    row['location_year'] = date.year

    # The year for which to retrieve the GDP is hard-coded to simplify the ETL
    # process, and because the data only covers 2012.
    row['gdp'] = pygrametl.getvalue(row, '2012', namemapping)

    return row
Exemple #3
def TimeExpander(row, namemapping):
    if VERBOSE:
        print('TimeExpander:', namemapping, row)
    ts = pygrametl.getvalue(row, 'timestamp', namemapping)
    date = TimestampToDateTime(ts)
    timerow = TimeToRow(date)
    if VERBOSE:
        print('Expended row:', row)
    # row[namemapping['timestamp']] = str(date)
    return row
def datehandling(row, namemapping):
    # This method is called from ensure(row) when the lookup of a date fails.
    # We have to calculate all date related fields and add them to the row.
    date = pygrametl.getvalue(row, "date", namemapping)
    (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, dayinyear, dst) = time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")
    (isoyear, isoweek, isoweekday) = datetime.date(year, month, day).isocalendar()
    # We could use row[namemapping.get('day') or 'day'] = X to support name map.
    row["day"] = day
    row["month"] = month
    row["year"] = year
    row["week"] = isoweek
    row["weekyear"] = isoyear
    row["dateid"] = dayinyear + 366 * (year - 1990)  # Allow dates from 1990-01-01
    return row
def datehandling(row, namemapping):
    # This method is called from ensure(row) when the lookup of a date fails.
    # We have to calculate all date related fields and add them to the row.
    date = pygrametl.getvalue(row, 'date', namemapping)
    (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, dayinyear, dst) = \
        time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")
    (isoyear, isoweek, isoweekday) = \
        datetime.date(year, month, day).isocalendar()
    # We could use row[namemapping.get('day') or 'day'] = X to support name map.
    row['day'] = day
    row['month'] = month
    row['year'] = year
    row['week'] = isoweek
    row['weekyear'] = isoyear
    row['dateid'] = dayinyear + 366 * (year - 1990
                                       )  #Allow dates from 1990-01-01
    return row
Exemple #6
def datehandling(row, namemapping):
    # This method is called from ensure(row) when the lookup of a date fails.
    # In the Real World, you would probably prefill the date dimension, but
    # we use this to illustrate "rowexpanders" that make it possible to
    # calculate derived attributes on demand (such that the - possibly
    # expensive - calculations only are done when needed and not for each
    # seen data row).
    # Here, we calculate all date related fields and add them to the row.
    date = pygrametl.getvalue(row, 'date', namemapping)
    (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, dayinyear, dst) = \
        time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")
    (isoyear, isoweek, isoweekday) = \
        datetime.date(year, month, day).isocalendar()
    row['day'] = day
    row['month'] = month
    row['year'] = year
    row['week'] = isoweek
    row['weekyear'] = isoyear
    row['dateid'] = dayinyear + 366 * (year - 1990) #Support dates from 1990
    return row
Exemple #7
def datehandling(row, namemapping):
    # This method is called from ensure(row) when the lookup of a date fails.
    # In the Real World, you would probably prefill the date dimension, but
    # we use this to illustrate "rowexpanders" that make it possible to
    # calculate derived attributes on demand (such that the - possibly
    # expensive - calculations only are done when needed and not for each
    # seen data row).
    # Here, we calculate all date related fields and add them to the row.
    date = pygrametl.getvalue(row, 'date', namemapping)
    (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, dayinyear, dst) = \
        time.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")
    (isoyear, isoweek, isoweekday) = \
        datetime.date(year, month, day).isocalendar()
    row['day'] = day
    row['month'] = month
    row['year'] = year
    row['week'] = isoweek
    row['weekyear'] = isoyear
    row['dateid'] = dayinyear + 366 * (year - 1990)  #Support dates from 1990
    return row