Exemple #1
 def test_get_bond_order(self):
     site1 = Site("C", [0, 0, 0])
     site2 = Site("H", [0, 0, 1.08])
     self.assertAlmostEqual(CovalentBond(site1, site2).get_bond_order(), 1)
     bond = CovalentBond(Site("C", [0, 0, 0]), Site("Br", [0, 0, 2]))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(bond.get_bond_order(0.5, 1.9),
Exemple #2
 def setUp(self):
     self.ordered_site = Site("Fe", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
     self.disordered_site = Site({"Fe": 0.5, "Mn": 0.5},
                                 [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
     self.propertied_site = Site("Fe2+", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45],
                                 {'magmom': 5.1, 'charge': 4.2})
     self.dummy_site = Site("X", [0, 0, 0])
Exemple #3
 def setUp(self):
     self.ordered_site = Site("Fe", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
     self.disordered_site = Site({"Fe": 0.5, "Mn": 0.5}, [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
     self.propertied_site = Site("Fe2+", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45], {
         'magmom': 5.1,
         'charge': 4.2
Exemple #4
    def get_size(self, cell):
        Returns the diameter of a wire structure, defined as the maximum
        distance between atoms projected to the x-y plane.

        Precondition: the cell has already been put into wire format (c
            lattice vector is parallel to z-axis and a and b lattice vectors in
            the x-y plane), and all sites are located inside the cell (i.e.,
            have fractional coordinates between 0 and 1).

            cell: the Cell whose size to get

        max_distance = 0
        for site_i in cell.sites:
            # make Site versions of each PeriodicSite so that the computed
            # distance won't include periodic images
            non_periodic_site_i = Site(
                [site_i.coords[0], site_i.coords[1], 0.0])
            for site_j in cell.sites:
                non_periodic_site_j = Site(
                    [site_j.coords[0], site_j.coords[1], 0.0])
                distance = non_periodic_site_i.distance(non_periodic_site_j)
                if distance > max_distance:
                    max_distance = distance
        return max_distance
Exemple #5
class SiteTest(PymatgenTest):
    def setUp(self):
        self.ordered_site = Site("Fe", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
        self.disordered_site = Site({"Fe": 0.5, "Mn": 0.5}, [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
        self.propertied_site = Site("Fe2+", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45], {
            'magmom': 5.1,
            'charge': 4.2
        self.dummy_site = Site("X", [0, 0, 0])

    def test_properties(self):
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, self.disordered_site,
        self.assertIsInstance(self.ordered_site.specie, Element)
        self.assertEqual(self.propertied_site.properties["magmom"], 5.1)
        self.assertEqual(self.propertied_site.properties["charge"], 4.2)

    def test_to_from_dict(self):
        d = self.disordered_site.as_dict()
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site, self.disordered_site)
        self.assertNotEqual(site, self.ordered_site)
        d = self.propertied_site.as_dict()
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site.properties["magmom"], 5.1)
        self.assertEqual(site.properties["charge"], 4.2)
        d = self.dummy_site.as_dict()
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site.species, self.dummy_site.species)

    def test_hash(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ordered_site.__hash__(), 26)
        self.assertEqual(self.disordered_site.__hash__(), 51)

    def test_cmp(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.ordered_site > self.disordered_site)

    def test_distance(self):
        osite = self.ordered_site
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm([0.25, 0.35, 0.45]),
                               osite.distance_from_point([0, 0, 0]))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(osite.distance(self.disordered_site), 0)

    def test_pickle(self):
        o = pickle.dumps(self.propertied_site)
        self.assertEqual(pickle.loads(o), self.propertied_site)

    def test_setters(self):
        self.disordered_site.species = "Cu"
        self.assertEqual(self.disordered_site.species, Composition("Cu"))
        self.disordered_site.x = 1.25
        self.disordered_site.y = 1.35
        self.assertEqual(self.disordered_site.coords[0], 1.25)
        self.assertEqual(self.disordered_site.coords[1], 1.35)

        def set_bad_species():
            self.disordered_site.species = {"Cu": 0.5, "Gd": 0.6}

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, set_bad_species)
Exemple #6
class SiteTest(PymatgenTest):

    def setUp(self):
        self.ordered_site = Site("Fe", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
        self.disordered_site = Site({"Fe": 0.5, "Mn": 0.5},
                                    [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
        self.propertied_site = Site("Fe2+", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45],
                                    {'magmom': 5.1, 'charge': 4.2})
        self.dummy_site = Site("X", [0, 0, 0])

    def test_properties(self):
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, self.disordered_site,
        self.assertIsInstance(self.ordered_site.specie, Element)
        self.assertEqual(self.propertied_site.properties["magmom"], 5.1)
        self.assertEqual(self.propertied_site.properties["charge"], 4.2)

    def test_to_from_dict(self):
        d = self.disordered_site.as_dict()
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site, self.disordered_site)
        self.assertNotEqual(site, self.ordered_site)
        d = self.propertied_site.as_dict()
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site.properties["magmom"], 5.1)
        self.assertEqual(site.properties["charge"], 4.2)
        d = self.dummy_site.as_dict()
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site.species, self.dummy_site.species)

    def test_hash(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ordered_site.__hash__(), 26)
        self.assertEqual(self.disordered_site.__hash__(), 51)

    def test_cmp(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.ordered_site > self.disordered_site)

    def test_distance(self):
        osite = self.ordered_site
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm([0.25, 0.35, 0.45]),
                               osite.distance_from_point([0, 0, 0]))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(osite.distance(self.disordered_site), 0)

    def test_pickle(self):
        o = pickle.dumps(self.propertied_site)
        self.assertEqual(pickle.loads(o), self.propertied_site)

    def test_setters(self):
        self.disordered_site.species = "Cu"
        self.assertEqual(self.disordered_site.species, Composition("Cu"))
        self.disordered_site.x = 1.25
        self.disordered_site.y = 1.35
        self.assertEqual(self.disordered_site.coords[0], 1.25)
        self.assertEqual(self.disordered_site.coords[1], 1.35)

        def set_bad_species():
            self.disordered_site.species = {"Cu": 0.5, "Gd": 0.6}
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, set_bad_species)
Exemple #7
 def test_to_from_dict(self):
     d = self.disordered_site.to_dict
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site, self.disordered_site)
     self.assertNotEqual(site, self.ordered_site)
     d = self.propertied_site.to_dict
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.magmom, 5.1)
     self.assertEqual(site.charge, 4.2)
Exemple #8
 def test_is_bonded(self):
     site1 = Site("C", [0, 0, 0])
     site2 = Site("H", [0, 0, 1])
     self.assertTrue(CovalentBond.is_bonded(site1, site2))
     site2 = Site("H", [0, 0, 1.5])
     self.assertFalse(CovalentBond.is_bonded(site1, site2))
     site1 = Site("U", [0, 0, 0])
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, CovalentBond.is_bonded, site1, site2)
     self.assertTrue(CovalentBond.is_bonded(site1, site2, default_bl=2))
Exemple #9
 def setUp(self):
     self.ordered_site = Site("Fe", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
     self.disordered_site = Site({"Fe": 0.5, "Mn": 0.5},
                                 [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
     self.propertied_site = Site("Fe2+", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45],
                                 {'magmom': 5.1, 'charge': 4.2})
     self.propertied_magmomvector_site = Site("Fe2+", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45],
                                              {'magmom': Magmom([2.6, 2.6, 3.5]), 'charge': 4.2})
     self.dummy_site = Site("X", [0, 0, 0])
Exemple #10
 def test_to_from_dict(self):
     d = self.disordered_site.to_dict
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site, self.disordered_site)
     self.assertNotEqual(site, self.ordered_site)
     d = self.propertied_site.to_dict
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.magmom, 5.1)
     self.assertEqual(site.charge, 4.2)
Exemple #11
 def test_to_from_dict(self):
     d = self.disordered_site.as_dict()
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site, self.disordered_site)
     self.assertNotEqual(site, self.ordered_site)
     d = self.propertied_site.as_dict()
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.magmom, 5.1)
     self.assertEqual(site.charge, 4.2)
     d = self.dummy_site.as_dict()
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.species_and_occu, self.dummy_site.species_and_occu)
Exemple #12
 def test_to_from_dict(self):
     d = self.disordered_site.as_dict()
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site, self.disordered_site)
     self.assertNotEqual(site, self.ordered_site)
     d = self.propertied_site.as_dict()
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.properties["magmom"], 5.1)
     self.assertEqual(site.properties["charge"], 4.2)
     d = self.dummy_site.as_dict()
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.species, self.dummy_site.species)
Exemple #13
 def test_to_from_dict(self):
     d = self.disordered_site.as_dict()
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site, self.disordered_site)
     self.assertNotEqual(site, self.ordered_site)
     d = self.propertied_site.as_dict()
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.magmom, 5.1)
     self.assertEqual(site.charge, 4.2)
     d = self.dummy_site.as_dict()
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.species_and_occu, self.dummy_site.species_and_occu)
Exemple #14
 def test_to_from_dict(self):
     d = self.disordered_site.as_dict()
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site, self.disordered_site)
     self.assertNotEqual(site, self.ordered_site)
     d = self.propertied_site.as_dict()
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.properties["magmom"], 5.1)
     self.assertEqual(site.properties["charge"], 4.2)
     d = self.dummy_site.as_dict()
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.species, self.dummy_site.species)
Exemple #15
 def get_site_location_by_key(psites: [PeriodicSite], key='label'):
     loc[key] = 'bone'/'sidechain'
     must have 'imol' 'disg' 'siteid' and <key> assigned
     res = {}
     k = lambda x: x.properties['imol']
     for imol, group in groupby(psites, key=k):
         obc_sites = []
         for ps in group:
             molconformer = MolConformer.from_sites(
                 siteids=[s.properties['siteid'] for s in obc_sites])
         except ConformerError:
             raise DisorderParserError(
                 'cannot init legit conformer to identify site location')
         for sid in molconformer.siteids:
             site = molconformer.get_site_byid(sid)
             if molconformer.backbone is None:
                 res[site.properties[key]] = 'sidechain'
                 if sid in molconformer.backbone.siteids:
                     res[site.properties[key]] = 'bone'
                     res[site.properties[key]] = 'sidechain'
     return res
Exemple #16
    def insert_site(self,
        Insert a site to the structure.

                Index to insert site.
                Species of inserted site.
                Coordinates of inserted site.
                Whether to check if inserted site is too close to an existing
                site. Defaults to True.
        new_site = Site(species, coords, properties=properties)

        if validate_proximity:
            for site in self._sites:
                if site.distance(new_site) < self.DISTANCE_TOLERANCE:
                    raise ValueError("New site is too close to an existing "
        self._sites.insert(i, new_site)
Exemple #17
class SiteTest(PymatgenTest):
    def setUp(self):
        self.ordered_site = Site("Fe", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
        self.disordered_site = Site({"Fe": 0.5, "Mn": 0.5}, [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
        self.propertied_site = Site("Fe2+", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45], {
            'magmom': 5.1,
            'charge': 4.2
        self.dummy_site = Site("X", [0, 0, 0])

    def test_properties(self):
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, self.disordered_site,
        self.assertIsInstance(self.ordered_site.specie, Element)
        self.assertEqual(self.propertied_site.magmom, 5.1)
        self.assertEqual(self.propertied_site.charge, 4.2)

    def test_to_from_dict(self):
        d = self.disordered_site.as_dict()
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site, self.disordered_site)
        self.assertNotEqual(site, self.ordered_site)
        d = self.propertied_site.as_dict()
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site.magmom, 5.1)
        self.assertEqual(site.charge, 4.2)
        d = self.dummy_site.as_dict()
        site = Site.from_dict(d)

    def test_hash(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ordered_site.__hash__(), 26)
        self.assertEqual(self.disordered_site.__hash__(), 51)

    def test_cmp(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.ordered_site > self.disordered_site)

    def test_distance(self):
        osite = self.ordered_site
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm([0.25, 0.35, 0.45]),
                               osite.distance_from_point([0, 0, 0]))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(osite.distance(self.disordered_site), 0)

    def test_pickle(self):
        o = pickle.dumps(self.propertied_site)
        self.assertEqual(pickle.loads(o), self.propertied_site)
Exemple #18
class SiteTest(PymatgenTest):

    def setUp(self):
        self.ordered_site = Site("Fe", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
        self.disordered_site = Site({"Fe": 0.5, "Mn": 0.5},
                                    [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
        self.propertied_site = Site("Fe2+", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45],
                                    {'magmom': 5.1, 'charge': 4.2})
        self.dummy_site = Site("X", [0, 0, 0])

    def test_properties(self):
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, self.disordered_site,
        self.assertIsInstance(self.ordered_site.specie, Element)
        self.assertEqual(self.propertied_site.magmom, 5.1)
        self.assertEqual(self.propertied_site.charge, 4.2)

    def test_to_from_dict(self):
        d = self.disordered_site.as_dict()
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site, self.disordered_site)
        self.assertNotEqual(site, self.ordered_site)
        d = self.propertied_site.as_dict()
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site.magmom, 5.1)
        self.assertEqual(site.charge, 4.2)
        d = self.dummy_site.as_dict()
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site.species_and_occu, self.dummy_site.species_and_occu)

    def test_hash(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ordered_site.__hash__(), 26)
        self.assertEqual(self.disordered_site.__hash__(), 51)

    def test_cmp(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.ordered_site > self.disordered_site)

    def test_distance(self):
        osite = self.ordered_site
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm([0.25, 0.35, 0.45]),
                               osite.distance_from_point([0, 0, 0]))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(osite.distance(self.disordered_site), 0)

    def test_pickle(self):
        o = pickle.dumps(self.propertied_site)
        self.assertEqual(pickle.loads(o), self.propertied_site)
Exemple #19
class SiteTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.ordered_site = Site(Element("Fe"), [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
        self.disordered_site = Site({Element("Fe"): 0.5, Element("Mn"): 0.5},
                                    [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
        self.propertied_site = Site(Specie("Fe", 2), [0.25, 0.35, 0.45],
                                    {'magmom': 5.1, 'charge': 4.2})

    def test_init(self):
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, Site, Specie("Fe", 2),
                          [0.25, 0.35, 0.45], {'mag': 5.1})

    def test_properties(self):
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, self.disordered_site,
        self.assertIsInstance(self.ordered_site.specie, Element)
        self.assertEqual(self.propertied_site.magmom, 5.1)
        self.assertEqual(self.propertied_site.charge, 4.2)

    def test_to_from_dict(self):
        d = self.disordered_site.to_dict
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site, self.disordered_site)
        self.assertNotEqual(site, self.ordered_site)
        d = self.propertied_site.to_dict
        site = Site.from_dict(d)
        self.assertEqual(site.magmom, 5.1)
        self.assertEqual(site.charge, 4.2)

    def test_hash(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.ordered_site.__hash__(), 26)
        self.assertEqual(self.disordered_site.__hash__(), 25.5)

    def test_cmp(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.ordered_site > self.disordered_site)

    def test_distance(self):
        osite = self.ordered_site
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.linalg.norm([0.25, 0.35, 0.45]),
                               osite.distance_from_point([0, 0, 0]))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(osite.distance(self.disordered_site), 0)

    def test_pickle(self):
        o = pickle.dumps(self.propertied_site)
        self.assertEqual(pickle.loads(o), self.propertied_site)
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, fname):
        Initialize the cube object and store the data as self.data

            fname (str): filename of the cube to read
        f = zopen(fname, "rt")

        # skip header lines
        for i in range(2):

        # number of atoms followed by the position of the origin of the volumetric data
        line = f.readline().split()
        self.natoms = int(line[0])
        self.origin = np.array(list(map(float, line[1:])))

        # The number of voxels along each axis (x, y, z) followed by the axis vector.
        line = f.readline().split()
        self.NX = int(line[0])
        self.X = np.array([bohr_to_angstrom * float(l) for l in line[1:]])
        self.dX = np.linalg.norm(self.X)

        line = f.readline().split()
        self.NY = int(line[0])
        self.Y = np.array([bohr_to_angstrom * float(l) for l in line[1:]])
        self.dY = np.linalg.norm(self.Y)

        line = f.readline().split()
        self.NZ = int(line[0])
        self.Z = np.array([bohr_to_angstrom * float(l) for l in line[1:]])
        self.dZ = np.linalg.norm(self.Z)

        self.voxel_volume = abs(np.dot(np.cross(self.X, self.Y), self.Z))
        self.volume = abs(np.dot(np.cross(self.X.dot(self.NZ), self.Y.dot(self.NY)), self.Z.dot(self.NZ)))

        # The last section in the header is one line for each atom consisting of 5 numbers,
        # the first is the atom number, second is charge,
        # the last three are the x,y,z coordinates of the atom center.
        self.sites = []
        for i in range(self.natoms):
            line = f.readline().split()
            self.sites.append(Site(line[0], np.multiply(bohr_to_angstrom, list(map(float, line[2:])))))

        self.structure = Structure(
            lattice=[self.X * self.NX, self.Y * self.NY, self.Z * self.NZ],
            species=[s.specie for s in self.sites],
            coords=[s.coords for s in self.sites],

        # Volumetric data
        self.data = np.reshape(np.array(f.read().split()).astype(float), (self.NX, self.NY, self.NZ))
Exemple #21
 def reset_positions(self, coors):
     reset the coordinates
     from pymatgen.core.sites import Site
     if len(coors) != len(self.mol._sites):
         raise ValueError("number of atoms is inconsistent!")
         for i, coor in enumerate(coors):
             _site = self.mol._sites[i]
             new_site = Site(_site.species, coor, properties=_site.properties)
             self.mol._sites[i] = new_site
Exemple #22
 def test_to_from_dict(self):
     d = self.site2.to_dict
     site = PeriodicSite.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site, self.site2)
     self.assertNotEqual(site, self.site)
     d = self.propertied_site.to_dict
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.magmom, 5.1)
     self.assertEqual(site.charge, 4.2)
     site3 = PeriodicSite({"Si": 0.5, "Fe": 0.5}, [0, 0, 0], self.lattice)
     d = site3.to_dict
     site = PeriodicSite.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.species_and_occu, site3.species_and_occu)
Exemple #23
 def test_to_from_dict(self):
     d = self.site2.to_dict
     site = PeriodicSite.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site, self.site2)
     self.assertNotEqual(site, self.site)
     d = self.propertied_site.to_dict
     site = Site.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.magmom, 5.1)
     self.assertEqual(site.charge, 4.2)
     site3 = PeriodicSite({"Si": 0.5, "Fe": 0.5}, [0, 0, 0], self.lattice)
     d = site3.to_dict
     site = PeriodicSite.from_dict(d)
     self.assertEqual(site.species_and_occu, site3.species_and_occu)
Exemple #24
    def replace_site(self, index, species_n_occu):
        Replace a single site. Takes either a species or a dict of occus.

                The index of the site in the _sites list
                A species object.
        self._sites[index] = Site(species_n_occu,
Exemple #25
    def get_size(self, cell):
        Returns the diameter of a cluster structure, defined as the maximum
        distance between atoms in the cell.

        Precondition: all sites are located inside the cell (i.e., have
            fractional coordinates between 0 and 1)

            cell: the Cell whose size to get

        max_distance = 0
        for site_i in cell.sites:
            # make Site versions of each PeriodicSite so that the computed
            # distance won't include periodic images
            non_periodic_site_i = Site(site_i.species_and_occu, site_i.coords)
            for site_j in cell.sites:
                non_periodic_site_j = Site(site_j.species_and_occu,
                distance = non_periodic_site_i.distance(non_periodic_site_j)
                if distance > max_distance:
                    max_distance = distance
        return max_distance
Exemple #26
    def translate_sites(self, indices, vector):
        Translate specific sites by some vector, keeping the sites within the
        unit cell.

                List of site indices on which to perform the translation.
                Translation vector for sites.
        for i in indices:
            site = self._sites[i]
            new_site = Site(site.species_and_occu,
                            site.coords + vector,
            self._sites[i] = new_site
Exemple #27
    def remove_species(self, species):
        Remove all occurrences of a species from a molecule.

                Species to remove.
        new_sites = []
        for site in self._sites:
            new_sp_occu = {
                sp: amt
                for sp, amt in site.species_and_occu.items()
                if sp not in species
            if len(new_sp_occu) > 0:
                    Site(new_sp_occu, site.coords, properties=site.properties))
        self._sites = new_sites
Exemple #28
    def add_site_property(self, property_name, values):
        Adds a property to a site.

                The name of the property to add.
                A sequence of values. Must be same length as number of sites.
        if len(values) != len(self._sites):
            raise ValueError("Values must be same length as sites.")
        for i in xrange(len(self._sites)):
            site = self._sites[i]
            props = site.properties
            if not props:
                props = {}
            props[property_name] = values[i]
            self._sites[i] = Site(site.species_and_occu,
Exemple #29
 def mod_site(site):
     new_atom_occu = dict()
     for sp, amt in site.species_and_occu.items():
         if sp in species_mapping:
             if isinstance(species_mapping[sp], (Element, Specie)):
                 if species_mapping[sp] in new_atom_occu:
                     new_atom_occu[species_mapping[sp]] += amt
                     new_atom_occu[species_mapping[sp]] = amt
             elif isinstance(species_mapping[sp], dict):
                 for new_sp, new_amt in species_mapping[sp].items():
                     if new_sp in new_atom_occu:
                         new_atom_occu[new_sp] += amt * new_amt
                         new_atom_occu[new_sp] = amt * new_amt
             if sp in new_atom_occu:
                 new_atom_occu[sp] += amt
                 new_atom_occu[sp] = amt
     return Site(new_atom_occu, site.coords, properties=site.properties)
Exemple #30
 def test_str(self):
     site1 = Site("C", [0, 0, 0])
     site2 = Site("H", [0, 0.7, 0.6])
     self.assertIsNotNone(CovalentBond(site1, site2))
Exemple #31
 def setUp(self):
     self.ordered_site = Site("Fe", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
     self.disordered_site = Site({"Fe": 0.5, "Mn": 0.5}, [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
     self.propertied_site = Site("Fe2+", [0.25, 0.35, 0.45], {"magmom": 5.1, "charge": 4.2})
Exemple #32
 def test_length(self):
     site1 = Site("C", [0, 0, 0])
     site2 = Site("H", [0, 0.7, 0.6])
         CovalentBond(site1, site2).length, 0.92195444572928864)
Exemple #33
 def setUp(self):
     self.ordered_site = Site(Element("Fe"), [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
     self.disordered_site = Site({Element("Fe"): 0.5, Element("Mn"): 0.5},
                                 [0.25, 0.35, 0.45])
     self.propertied_site = Site(Specie("Fe", 2), [0.25, 0.35, 0.45],
                                 {'magmom': 5.1, 'charge': 4.2})
Exemple #34
 def test_is_bonded(self):
     site1 = Site("C", [0, 0, 0])
     site2 = Site("H", [0, 0, 1])
     self.assertTrue(CovalentBond.is_bonded(site1, site2))
     site2 = Site("H", [0, 0, 1.5])
     self.assertFalse(CovalentBond.is_bonded(site1, site2))