Exemple #1
 def __init__(self):
     # Get it started
     super(VLTXShooterSpectrograph, self).__init__()
     self.spectrograph = 'vlt_xshooter_base'
     self.telescope = telescopes.VLTTelescopePar()
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self):
     # Get it started
     super(VLTFORSSpectrograph, self).__init__()
     self.spectrograph = 'vlt_fors_base'
     self.telescope = telescopes.VLTTelescopePar()
Exemple #3
class VLTSINFONISpectrograph(spectrograph.Spectrograph):
    Child to handle VLT/SINFONI specific code
    ndet = 1
    name = 'vlt_sinfoni'
    telescope = telescopes.VLTTelescopePar()
    camera = 'SINFONI'
    header_name = 'SINFONI'
    supported = True
    comment = 'Gratings tested: K'

    def get_detector_par(self, det, hdu=None):
        Return metadata for the selected detector.

            det (:obj:`int`):
                1-indexed detector number.
            hdu (`astropy.io.fits.HDUList`_, optional):
                The open fits file with the raw image of interest.  If not
                provided, frame-dependent parameters are set to a default.

            Object with the detector metadata.
        # Detector 1
        detector_dict = dict(
            saturation=1e9,  # ADU, this is hacked for now
            1.00,  # docs say linear to 90,000 but our flats are usually higher
            oscansec=None,  #np.atleast_1d('[:,:]')
        return detector_container.DetectorContainer(**detector_dict)

    def default_pypeit_par(cls):
        Return the default parameters to use for this instrument.

            :class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`: Parameters required by
            all of ``PypeIt`` methods.
        par = super().default_pypeit_par()

        # Wavelengths
        # 1D wavelength solution
            'rms_threshold'] = 0.30  #0.20  # Might be grating dependent..
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['sigdetect'] = 5.0
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['fwhm'] = 5.0
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['n_final'] = 4
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['OH_FIRE_Echelle']
        #par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['nonlinear_counts'] = self.detector[0]['nonlinear'] * self.detector[0]['saturation']
        #par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['method'] = 'holy-grail'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['method'] = 'full_template'
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['reid_arxiv'] = 'vlt_sinfoni_K.fits'

        # Reidentification parameters
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['edge_thresh'] = 50.
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['sync_predict'] = 'nearest'
            'rm_slits'] = '1:1024:983'  # Remove the center slit that is not illuminated

        # Tilts parameters
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['tracethresh'] = 5.0

        # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['exprng'] = [None, 20]
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]
        par['calibrations']['darkframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]
        par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]

        # TODO: We need to implement dark subtraction for the arcframe and
        # tiltframe. Currently the pypeit file won't let me do this.
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 20.0
        #par['calibrations']['arcframe']['process']['combine'] = 'median'
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['process']['mask_cr'] = True

        par['calibrations']['tiltframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 20.0
        #par['calibrations']['tiltframe']['process']['combine'] = 'median'
        par['calibrations']['tiltframe']['process']['mask_cr'] = True

        par['calibrations']['skyframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 20.0
        #par['calibrations']['skyframe']['process']['combine'] = 'median'
        par['calibrations']['skyframe']['process']['mask_cr'] = True

        # Flats
        turn_off = dict(use_biasimage=False,

        # # Require dark images to be subtracted from the flat images used for tracing, pixelflats, and illumflats
        # par['calibrations']['pixelflatframe']['process']['use_darkimage'] = True
        # par['calibrations']['illumflatframe']['process']['use_darkimage'] = True
        # par['calibrations']['traceframe']['process']['use_darkimage'] = True
        # TODO: `mask_cr` now defaults to True for darks.  Should this be turned off?

        # Extraction
        par['reduce']['skysub']['bspline_spacing'] = 0.9
        par['reduce']['extraction']['sn_gauss'] = 5.0
            'model_full_slit'] = True  # local sky subtraction operates on entire slit

        # Object finding
        par['reduce']['findobj']['find_fwhm'] = 10
        par['reduce']['findobj']['skip_second_find'] = True

        # Sky subtraction
            'global_sky_std'] = False  # Do not perform global sky subtraction for standard stars

        # Flexure
        par['flexure']['spec_method'] = 'skip'

        par['scienceframe']['process']['sigclip'] = 20.0
        par['scienceframe']['process']['satpix'] = 'nothing'

        # Set the default exposure time ranges for the frame typing
        par['calibrations']['standardframe']['exprng'] = [None, 20]
        par['calibrations']['arcframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]
        par['calibrations']['darkframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]
        par['scienceframe']['exprng'] = [20, None]

        # Sensitivity function parameters
        par['sensfunc']['algorithm'] = 'IR'
        par['sensfunc']['polyorder'] = 7
            'telgridfile'] = 'TelFit_Paranal_NIR_9800_25000_R25000.fits'

        return par

    def init_meta(self):
        Define how metadata are derived from the spectrograph files.

        That is, this associates the ``PypeIt``-specific metadata keywords
        with the instrument-specific header cards using :attr:`meta`.
        self.meta = {}
        # Required (core)
        self.meta['ra'] = dict(ext=0,
                                   'science', 'standard'
                               ])  # Need to convert to : separated
        self.meta['dec'] = dict(ext=0,
                                required_ftypes=['science', 'standard'])
        self.meta['target'] = dict(ext=0, card='OBJECT')
        self.meta['binning'] = dict(ext=0, card=None, default='1,1')
        self.meta['mjd'] = dict(ext=0, card='MJD-OBS')
        self.meta['exptime'] = dict(ext=0, card='EXPTIME')
        self.meta['airmass'] = dict(ext=0,
                                    card='HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START',
                                    required_ftypes=['science', 'standard'])
        # Extras for config and frametyping
        self.meta['decker'] = dict(ext=0, card='HIERARCH ESO INS OPTI1 NAME')
        self.meta['filter1'] = dict(ext=0, card='HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 NAME')
        self.meta['dispname'] = dict(ext=0, card='HIERARCH ESO INS GRAT1 NAME')
        self.meta['idname'] = dict(ext=0, card='HIERARCH ESO OCS DET IMGNAME')
        self.meta['instrument'] = dict(ext=0, card='INSTRUME')
        # self.meta['idname'] = dict(ext=0, card='HIERARCH ESO DPR CATG')
        # Dithering
        self.meta['dither'] = dict(ext=0,
                                   card='HIERARCH ESO SEQ CUMOFFSETY',
                                   required_ftypes=['science', 'standard'])

    def compound_meta(self, headarr, meta_key):
        Methods to generate metadata requiring interpretation of the header
        data, instead of simply reading the value of a header card.

            headarr (:obj:`list`):
                List of `astropy.io.fits.Header`_ objects.
            meta_key (:obj:`str`):
                Metadata keyword to construct.

            object: Metadata value read from the header(s).
        if meta_key == 'decker':
            try:  # Science
                decker = headarr[0]['HIERARCH ESO INS SLIT NAME']
            except KeyError:  # Standard!
                    decker = headarr[0]['HIERARCH ESO SEQ SPEC TARG']
                except KeyError:
                    return None
            return decker
            msgs.error("Not ready for this compound meta")

    def configuration_keys(self):
        Return the metadata keys that define a unique instrument

        This list is used by :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` to
        identify the unique configurations among the list of frames read
        for a given reduction.

            :obj:`list`: List of keywords of data pulled from file headers
            and used to constuct the :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData`
        return ['decker', 'dispname', 'filter1']

    def pypeit_file_keys(self):
        Define the list of keys to be output into a standard ``PypeIt`` file.

            :obj:`list`: The list of keywords in the relevant
            :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` instance to print to the
        pypeit_keys = super().pypeit_file_keys()
        # TODO: Why are these added here? See
        # pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData.set_pypeit_cols
        pypeit_keys += ['calib', 'comb_id', 'bkg_id']
        return pypeit_keys

    def check_frame_type(self, ftype, fitstbl, exprng=None):
        Check for frames of the provided type.

            ftype (:obj:`str`):
                Type of frame to check. Must be a valid frame type; see
                frame-type :ref:`frame_type_defs`.
            fitstbl (`astropy.table.Table`_):
                The table with the metadata for one or more frames to check.
            exprng (:obj:`list`, optional):
                Range in the allowed exposure time for a frame of type
                ``ftype``. See

            `numpy.ndarray`_: Boolean array with the flags selecting the
            exposures in ``fitstbl`` that are ``ftype`` type frames.
        good_exp = framematch.check_frame_exptime(fitstbl['exptime'], exprng)
        # TODO: Allow for 'sky' frame type, for now include sky in
        # 'science' category
        if ftype == 'science':
            return good_exp & ((fitstbl['idname'] == 'SINFONI_IFS_OBS')
                               | (fitstbl['target'] == 'STD,TELLURIC')
                               | (fitstbl['target'] == 'SKY,STD'))
        if ftype == 'standard':
            return good_exp & ((fitstbl['target'] == 'STD') |
                               (fitstbl['target'] == 'SKY,STD'))
        #if ftype == 'bias':
        #    return good_exp & (fitstbl['target'] == 'BIAS')
        if ftype == 'dark':
            return good_exp & (fitstbl['target'] == 'DARK')
        if ftype in ['pixelflat', 'trace']:
            # Flats and trace frames are typed together
            return good_exp & (fitstbl['target'] == 'FLAT,LAMP')
        #if ftype == 'pinhole':
        #    # Don't type pinhole
        #    return np.zeros(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool)
        if ftype in ['arc', 'tilt']:
            return good_exp & ((fitstbl['target'] == 'WAVE,LAMP') |
                               (fitstbl['idname'] == 'SINFONI_IFS_OBS') |
                               (fitstbl['idname'] == 'SINFONI_IFS_SKY'))
        # Putting this in now in anticipation of the sky class
        if ftype in ['sky']:
            return good_exp & (fitstbl['idname'] == 'SINFONI_IFS_SKY')

        msgs.warn('Cannot determine if frames are of type {0}.'.format(ftype))
        return np.zeros(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool)

    def lamps(self, fitstbl, status):
        Check the lamp status.

            fitstbl (`astropy.table.Table`_):
                The table with the fits header meta data.
            status (:obj:`str`):
                The status to check. Can be ``'off'``, ``'arcs'``, or

            `numpy.ndarray`_: A boolean array selecting fits files that meet
            the selected lamp status.

                Raised if the status is not one of the valid options.
        if status == 'off':
            # Check if all are off
            return np.all(np.array(
                [fitstbl[k] == 0 for k in fitstbl.keys() if 'lampstat' in k]),
        if status == 'arcs':
            # Check if any arc lamps are on
            arc_lamp_stat = ['lampstat{0:02d}'.format(i) for i in range(1, 6)]
            return np.any(np.array([
                fitstbl[k] == 1 for k in fitstbl.keys() if k in arc_lamp_stat
        if status == 'dome':
            return fitstbl['lampstat01'] == '1'

        raise ValueError('No implementation for status = {0}'.format(status))
Exemple #4
class VLTXShooterSpectrograph(spectrograph.Spectrograph):
    Child to handle VLT/XSHOOTER specific code
    ndet = 1
    telescope = telescopes.VLTTelescopePar()
    pypeline = 'Echelle'
    header_name = 'XSHOOTER'

    def init_meta(self):
        Define how metadata are derived from the spectrograph files.

        That is, this associates the ``PypeIt``-specific metadata keywords
        with the instrument-specific header cards using :attr:`meta`.
        self.meta = {}
        # Required (core)
        self.meta['ra'] = dict(ext=0,
                                   'science', 'standard'
                               ])  # Need to convert to : separated
        self.meta['dec'] = dict(ext=0,
                                required_ftypes=['science', 'standard'])
        self.meta['target'] = dict(ext=0, card='OBJECT')
        self.meta['binning'] = dict(card=None, compound=True)

        self.meta['mjd'] = dict(ext=0, card='MJD-OBS')
        self.meta['exptime'] = dict(ext=0, card='EXPTIME')
        self.meta['airmass'] = dict(ext=0,
                                    card='HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START',
                                    required_ftypes=['science', 'standard'])
        # Extras for config and frametyping
        self.meta['dispname'] = dict(ext=0, card=None, default='default')
        self.meta['idname'] = dict(ext=0, card='HIERARCH ESO DPR CATG')
        self.meta['arm'] = dict(ext=0, card='HIERARCH ESO SEQ ARM')
        self.meta['instrument'] = dict(ext=0, card='INSTRUME')
        # Dithering -- Not required for redux
        self.meta['dither'] = dict(
            ext=0, card='HIERARCH ESO SEQ CUMOFF Y', required=False
        )  # This header card is *not* always present in science/standard frames

    def compound_meta(self, headarr, meta_key):
        Methods to generate metadata requiring interpretation of the header
        data, instead of simply reading the value of a header card.

            headarr (:obj:`list`):
                List of `astropy.io.fits.Header`_ objects.
            meta_key (:obj:`str`):
                Metadata keyword to construct.

            object: Metadata value read from the header(s).
        if meta_key == 'binning':
            if 'HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 BINX' in headarr[0]:
                binspatial = headarr[0]['HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 BINX']
                binspatial = 1
            if 'HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 BINY' in headarr[0]:
                binspec = headarr[0]['HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 BINY']
                binspec = 1
            return parse.binning2string(binspec, binspatial)
        msgs.error("Not ready for this compound meta")

    def configuration_keys(self):
        Return the metadata keys that define a unique instrument

        This list is used by :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` to
        identify the unique configurations among the list of frames read
        for a given reduction.

            :obj:`list`: List of keywords of data pulled from file headers
            and used to constuct the :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData`
        return ['arm']

    def pypeit_file_keys(self):
        Define the list of keys to be output into a standard ``PypeIt`` file.

            :obj:`list`: The list of keywords in the relevant
            :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` instance to print to the
        return super().pypeit_file_keys() + ['dither']

    def check_frame_type(self, ftype, fitstbl, exprng=None):
        Check for frames of the provided type.

            ftype (:obj:`str`):
                Type of frame to check. Must be a valid frame type; see
                frame-type :ref:`frame_type_defs`.
            fitstbl (`astropy.table.Table`_):
                The table with the metadata for one or more frames to check.
            exprng (:obj:`list`, optional):
                Range in the allowed exposure time for a frame of type
                ``ftype``. See

            `numpy.ndarray`_: Boolean array with the flags selecting the
            exposures in ``fitstbl`` that are ``ftype`` type frames.
        good_exp = framematch.check_frame_exptime(fitstbl['exptime'], exprng)
        # TODO: Allow for 'sky' frame type, for now include sky in
        # 'science' category
        if ftype == 'science':
            return good_exp & ((fitstbl['idname'] == 'SCIENCE')
                               | (fitstbl['target'] == 'STD,TELLURIC')
                               | (fitstbl['target'] == 'STD,SKY'))
        if ftype == 'standard':
            return good_exp & (fitstbl['target'] == 'STD,FLUX')
        if ftype == 'bias':
            return good_exp & (fitstbl['target'] == 'BIAS')
        if ftype == 'dark':
            return good_exp & (fitstbl['target'] == 'DARK')
        if ftype in ['pixelflat', 'trace', 'illumflat']:
            # Flats and trace frames are typed together
            return good_exp & ((fitstbl['target'] == 'LAMP,DFLAT')
                               | (fitstbl['target'] == 'LAMP,QFLAT')
                               | (fitstbl['target'] == 'LAMP,FLAT'))
        if ftype == 'pinhole':
            # Don't type pinhole
            return np.zeros(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool)
        if ftype in ['arc', 'tilt']:
            return good_exp & (fitstbl['target'] == 'LAMP,WAVE')

        msgs.warn('Cannot determine if frames are of type {0}.'.format(ftype))
        return np.zeros(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool)
Exemple #5
class VLTFORSSpectrograph(spectrograph.Spectrograph):
    Child of Spectrograph to handle VLT/FORS specific code
    Parent for FORS1 and FORS2
    ndet = 1  # Because each detector is written to a separate FITS file
    telescope = telescopes.VLTTelescopePar()

    def default_pypeit_par(cls):
        Return the default parameters to use for this instrument.
            :class:`~pypeit.par.pypeitpar.PypeItPar`: Parameters required by
            all of ``PypeIt`` methods.
        par = super().default_pypeit_par()

        # Always correct for flexure, starting with default parameters
        par['flexure']['spec_method'] = 'boxcar'

        # Median overscan
        for key in par['calibrations'].keys():
            if 'frame' in key:
                par['calibrations'][key]['process']['overscan_method'] = 'median'

        # Adjustments to slit and tilts for NIR
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['edge_thresh'] = 50.
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['fit_order'] = 3
        par['calibrations']['slitedges']['max_shift_adj'] = 0.5

        # Tilt parameters
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['tracethresh'] = 25.0
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['spat_order'] = 3
        par['calibrations']['tilts']['spec_order'] = 4

        # 1D wavelength solution
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['lamps'] = ['HeI', 'ArI']  # Grating dependent
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['rms_threshold'] = 0.25
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['sigdetect'] = 10.0
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['fwhm'] = 4.0  # Good for 2x binning
        par['calibrations']['wavelengths']['n_final'] = 4

        # Flats
        par['calibrations']['flatfield']['tweak_slits_thresh'] = 0.90
        par['calibrations']['flatfield']['tweak_slits_maxfrac'] = 0.10

        # Sensitivity function parameters
        par['sensfunc']['algorithm'] = 'IR'
        par['sensfunc']['polyorder'] = 8
        par['sensfunc']['IR']['telgridfile'] = 'TelFit_Paranal_NIR_9800_25000_R25000.fits'

        return par

    def init_meta(self):
        Define how metadata are derived from the spectrograph files.

        That is, this associates the ``PypeIt``-specific metadata keywords
        with the instrument-specific header cards using :attr:`meta`.
        self.meta = {}
        # Required (core)
        self.meta['ra'] = dict(ext=0, card='RA', required_ftypes=['science', 'standard'])  # Need to convert to : separated
        self.meta['dec'] = dict(ext=0, card='DEC', required_ftypes=['science', 'standard'])
        self.meta['target'] = dict(ext=0, card='OBJECT')
        self.meta['binning'] = dict(card=None, compound=True)

        self.meta['mjd'] = dict(ext=0, card='MJD-OBS')
        self.meta['exptime'] = dict(ext=0, card='EXPTIME')
        self.meta['airmass'] = dict(ext=0, card='HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START', required_ftypes=['science', 'standard'])
        self.meta['decker'] = dict(card=None, compound=True, required_ftypes=['science', 'standard'])
        # Extras for config and frametyping
        self.meta['dispname'] = dict(ext=0, card='HIERARCH ESO INS GRIS1 NAME', required_ftypes=['science', 'standard'])
        self.meta['dispangle'] = dict(ext=0, card='HIERARCH ESO INS GRIS1 WLEN', rtol=2.0, required_ftypes=['science', 'standard'])
        self.meta['idname'] = dict(ext=0, card='HIERARCH ESO DPR CATG')
        self.meta['detector'] = dict(ext=0, card='EXTNAME')
        self.meta['instrument'] = dict(ext=0, card='INSTRUME')

    def compound_meta(self, headarr, meta_key):
        Methods to generate metadata requiring interpretation of the header
        data, instead of simply reading the value of a header card.

            headarr (:obj:`list`):
                List of `astropy.io.fits.Header`_ objects.
            meta_key (:obj:`str`):
                Metadata keyword to construct.

            object: Metadata value read from the header(s).
        if meta_key == 'binning':
            binspatial = headarr[0]['HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 BINX']
            binspec = headarr[0]['HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 BINY']
            binning = parse.binning2string(binspec, binspatial)
            return binning
        elif meta_key == 'decker':
            try:  # Science
                decker = headarr[0]['HIERARCH ESO INS SLIT NAME']
            except KeyError:  # Standard!
                    decker = headarr[0]['HIERARCH ESO SEQ SPEC TARG']
                except KeyError:
                    return None
            return decker
            msgs.error("Not ready for this compound meta")

    def configuration_keys(self):
        Return the metadata keys that define a unique instrument

        This list is used by :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData` to
        identify the unique configurations among the list of frames read
        for a given reduction.

            :obj:`list`: List of keywords of data pulled from file headers
            and used to constuct the :class:`~pypeit.metadata.PypeItMetaData`
        return []

    def check_frame_type(self, ftype, fitstbl, exprng=None):
        Check for frames of the provided type.

            ftype (:obj:`str`):
                Type of frame to check. Must be a valid frame type; see
                frame-type :ref:`frame_type_defs`.
            fitstbl (`astropy.table.Table`_):
                The table with the metadata for one or more frames to check.
            exprng (:obj:`list`, optional):
                Range in the allowed exposure time for a frame of type
                ``ftype``. See

            `numpy.ndarray`_: Boolean array with the flags selecting the
            exposures in ``fitstbl`` that are ``ftype`` type frames.
        good_exp = framematch.check_frame_exptime(fitstbl['exptime'], exprng)
        # TODO: Allow for 'sky' frame type, for now include sky in
        # 'science' category
        if ftype == 'science':
            return good_exp & ((fitstbl['idname'] == 'SCIENCE')
                                | (fitstbl['target'] == 'STD,TELLURIC')
                                | (fitstbl['target'] == 'STD,SKY'))
        if ftype == 'standard':
            return good_exp & ((fitstbl['target'] == 'STD,FLUX')
                               | (fitstbl['target'] == 'STD'))
        if ftype == 'bias':
            return good_exp & (fitstbl['target'] == 'BIAS')
        if ftype == 'dark':
            return good_exp & (fitstbl['target'] == 'DARK')
        if ftype in ['pixelflat', 'trace', 'illumflat']:
            # Flats and trace frames are typed together
            return good_exp & ((fitstbl['target'] == 'LAMP,DFLAT')
                               | (fitstbl['target'] == 'LAMP,QFLAT')
                               | (fitstbl['target'] == 'FLAT,LAMP')
                               | (fitstbl['target'] == 'LAMP,FLAT'))
        if ftype == 'pinhole':
            # Don't type pinhole
            return np.zeros(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool)
        if ftype in ['arc', 'tilt']:
            return good_exp & ((fitstbl['target'] == 'LAMP,WAVE')
                               | (fitstbl['target'] == 'WAVE,LAMP'))

        msgs.warn('Cannot determine if frames are of type {0}.'.format(ftype))
        return np.zeros(len(fitstbl), dtype=bool)