def setUp(self):
     self.C = get_reference_composition("Chondrite_PON")
     els = [i for i in REE() if not i == "Pm"]
     vals = self.C[els]
     self.df = pd.DataFrame({k: v for (k, v) in zip(els, vals)}, index=[0])
     self.df.loc[1, :] = self.df.loc[0, :]
     self.default_degree = 3
Exemple #2
 def setUp(self):
     self.fromdir = temp_path() / ("testmelts" + self.__class__.__name__)
     Gale_MORB = get_reference_composition("MORB_Gale2013")
     majors = [
     MORB = Gale_MORB.comp.loc[:, majors].apply(pd.to_numeric)
     MORB = MORB.append(MORB).reset_index().drop(columns="index")
     MORB["Title"] = [
         "{}_{}".format(, ix).replace("_", "")
         for ix in MORB.index.values.astype(str)
     MORB["Initial Temperature"] = 1300
     MORB["Final Temperature"] = 800
     MORB["Initial Pressure"] = 5000
     MORB["Final Pressure"] = 5000
     MORB["Log fO2 Path"] = "FMQ"
     MORB["Increment Temperature"] = -5
     MORB["Increment Pressure"] = 0
     self.df = MORB
     self.env = ENV
Exemple #3
def isobaricGaleMORBexample(T0=1300, T1=800, P0=5000, P1=5000, fO2="FMQ", title=None):
    Gale_MORB = get_reference_composition("MORB_Gale2013")
    majors = [
    MORB = Gale_MORB.comp[majors].reset_index(drop=True)
    if title is not None:
        MORB["Title"] = title
    MORB["Initial Temperature"] = T0
    MORB["Final Temperature"] = T1
    MORB["Initial Pressure"] = P0
    MORB["Final Pressure"] = P1
    MORB["Log fO2 Path"] = fO2
    MORB["Increment Temperature"] = -5
    MORB["Increment Pressure"] = 0
    return MORB
    def setUp(self):
        self.C = get_reference_composition("PM_PON")
        els = [i for i in REE() if not i == "Pm"]
        vals = self.C[els]
        self.df = pd.DataFrame({k: v for (k, v) in zip(els, vals)}, index=[0])

        self.df = self.df.pyrochem.normalize_to("Chondrite_PON", units="ppm")
        self.df.loc[1, :] = self.df.loc[0, :]
        self.default_degree = 3
    def test_norm_n_normto(self):
        """Check that norm indicator _n can be used with a specific norm."""
        df = self.df.copy()
        ratio = "Li/B_n"

        for norm_to in [
            (1.0, 2.0),
            with self.subTest(norm_to=norm_to):
                r = get_ratio(df, ratio=ratio, norm_to=norm_to)
Exemple #6
    def test_norm_n_normto(self):
        """Check that norm indicator _n can be used with a specific norm."""
        df = self.df.copy()
        ratio = "Li/B_n"
        values = df["Li"].values / df["B"].values

        for norm_to in [
            (1.0, 2.0),
            with self.subTest(norm_to=norm_to):
                r = get_ratio(df, ratio=ratio, norm_to=norm_to)
                self.assertFalse(np.isclose(values, r.values).any())
Exemple #7
 def test_pyrochem_denormalize_from_composition(self):
     obj = self.df.copy(deep=True).pyrochem.compositional
     out = obj.pyrochem.denormalize_from(
Exemple #8
Spiderplots & Density Spiderplots
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 4

# Here we'll set up an example which uses EMORB as a starting point:
from pyrolite.geochem.norm import get_reference_composition

ref = get_reference_composition(
    "EMORB_SM89")  # EMORB composition as a starting point
df = ref.comp.pyrochem.compositional
# Basic spider plots are straightforward to produce:
import pyrolite.plot

# Typically we'll normalise trace element compositions to a reference composition
# to be able to link the diagram to 'relative enrichement' occuring during geological
# processes:
normdf = df.pyrochem.normalize_to("PM_PON", units="ppm")
normdf.pyroplot.spider(color="k", unity_line=True)

A selection of reference compositions are included in pyrolite, and can be easily
accessed with :func:`pyrolite.geochem.norm.get_reference_composition` (see the list
at the bottom of the page for a complete list):
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyrolite.plot
from pyrolite.geochem.ind import REE
from pyrolite.geochem.norm import get_reference_composition, all_reference_compositions

chondrite = get_reference_composition("Chondrite_PON")
# To use the compositions with a specific set of units, you can change them with
# :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.norm.Composition.set_units`:
CI = chondrite.set_units("ppm")
# The :func:`~pyrolite.geochem.pyrochem.normalize_to` method can be used to
# normalise DataFrames to a given reference (e.g. for spiderplots):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)

for name, ref in list(all_reference_compositions().items())[::2]:
    if name != "Chondrite_PON":
        df = ref.comp.pyrochem.REE.pyrochem.normalize_to(CI, units="ppm")
Exemple #10
 def test_default(self):
     rc = "Chondrite_PON"
     out = get_reference_composition(rc)
     self.assertIsInstance(out, Composition)
 def test_pyrochem_normalize_to_composition(self):
     obj = self.df.copy(deep=True)
     out = obj.pyrochem.normalize_to(