def select_pairs_delaunay(date_list, pbase_list, norm=True): '''Select Pairs using Delaunay Triangulation based on temporal/perpendicular baselines Inputs: date_list : list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format pbase_list : list of float, perpendicular spatial baseline norm : normalize temporal baseline to perpendicular baseline Key points 1. Define a ratio between perpendicular and temporal baseline axis units (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS). 2. Pairs with too large perpendicular / temporal baseline or Doppler centroid difference should be removed after this, using a threshold, to avoid strong decorrelations (Zebker and Villasenor, 1992, TGRS). Reference: Pepe, A., and R. Lanari (2006), On the extension of the minimum cost flow algorithm for phase unwrapping of multitemporal differential SAR interferograms, IEEE TGRS, 44(9), 2374-2383. Zebker, H. A., and J. Villasenor (1992), Decorrelation in interferometric radar echoes, IEEE TGRS, 30(5), 950-959. ''' # Get temporal baseline in days date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date_list) date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list) tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0] # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS) if norm: temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_list)-min(pbase_list)) / (max(tbase_list)-min(tbase_list)) tbase_list = [tbase*temp2perp_scale for tbase in tbase_list] # Generate Delaunay Triangulation date12_idx_list = Triangulation(tbase_list, pbase_list).edges.tolist() date12_idx_list = [sorted(idx) for idx in sorted(date12_idx_list)] # Convert index into date12 date12_list = [date6_list[idx[0]]+'-'+date6_list[idx[1]] for idx in date12_idx_list] return date12_list
def select_master_date(date_list, pbase_list=[]): '''Select super master date based on input temporal and/or perpendicular baseline info. Return master date in YYYYMMDD format. ''' date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list) if not pbase_list: # Choose date in the middle m_date8 = date8_list[int(len(date8_list)/2)] else: # Get temporal baseline list tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0] # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS) temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_list)-min(pbase_list)) / (max(tbase_list)-min(tbase_list)) tbase_list = [tbase*temp2perp_scale for tbase in tbase_list] # Get distance matrix ttMat1, ttMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(tbase_list), np.array(tbase_list)) ppMat1, ppMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(pbase_list), np.array(pbase_list)) ttMat = np.abs(ttMat1 - ttMat2) # temporal distance matrix ppMat = np.abs(ppMat1 - ppMat2) # spatial distance matrix disMat = np.sqrt(np.square(ttMat) + np.square(ppMat)) # 2D distance matrix in temp/perp domain # Choose date minimize the total distance of temp/perp baseline disMean = np.mean(disMat, 0) m_idx = np.argmin(disMean) m_date8 = date8_list[m_idx] return m_date8
def select_master_interferogram(date12_list, date_list, pbase_list, m_date=None): '''Select reference interferogram based on input temp/perp baseline info If master_date is specified, select its closest slave_date; otherwise, choose the closest pair among all pairs as master interferogram. Example: master_date12 = pnet.select_master_ifgram(date12_list, date_list, pbase_list) ''' pbase_array = np.array(pbase_list, dtype='float64') # Get temporal baseline date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list) date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list) tbase_array = np.array(ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0], dtype='float64') # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS) temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_array)-min(pbase_array)) / (max(tbase_array)-min(tbase_array)) tbase_array *= temp2perp_scale # Calculate sqrt of temp/perp baseline for input pairs idx1 = np.array([date6_list.index(date12.split('-')[0]) for date12 in date12_list]) idx2 = np.array([date6_list.index(date12.split('-')[1]) for date12 in date12_list]) base_distance = np.sqrt((tbase_array[idx2] - tbase_array[idx1])**2 + (pbase_array[idx2] - pbase_array[idx1])**2) # Get master interferogram index if not m_date: # Choose pair with shortest temp/perp baseline m_date12_idx = np.argmin(base_distance) else: m_date = ptime.yymmdd(m_date) # Choose pair contains m_date with shortest temp/perp baseline m_date12_idx_array = np.array([date12_list.index(date12) for date12 in date12_list if m_date in date12]) min_base_distance = np.min(base_distance[m_date12_idx_array]) m_date12_idx = np.where(base_distance == min_base_distance)[0][0] m_date12 = date12_list[m_date12_idx] return m_date12
def threshold_temporal_baseline(date12_list, btemp_max, keep_seasonal=True, btemp_min=0.0): '''Remove pairs/interferograms out of min/max/seasonal temporal baseline limits Inputs: date12_list : list of string for date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format btemp_max : float, maximum temporal baseline btemp_min : float, minimum temporal baseline keep_seasonal : keep interferograms with seasonal temporal baseline Output: date12_list_out : list of string for date12 in YYMMDD-YYMMDD format Example: date12_list = threshold_temporal_baseline(date12_list, 200) date12_list = threshold_temporal_baseline(date12_list, 200, False) ''' if not date12_list: return [] # Get date list and tbase list m_dates = [date12.split('-')[0] for date12 in date12_list] s_dates = [date12.split('-')[1] for date12 in date12_list] date8_list = sorted(ptime.yyyymmdd(list(set(m_dates + s_dates)))) date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list) tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0] # Threshold date12_list_out = [] for date12 in date12_list: date1, date2 = date12.split('-') idx1 = date6_list.index(date1) idx2 = date6_list.index(date2) tbase = int(abs(tbase_list[idx1] - tbase_list[idx2])) if btemp_min <= tbase <= btemp_max: date12_list_out.append(date12) elif keep_seasonal and tbase/30 in [11,12]: date12_list_out.append(date12) return date12_list_out
def select_pairs_mst(date_list, pbase_list): '''Select Pairs using Minimum Spanning Tree technique Connection Cost is calculated using the baseline distance in perp and scaled temporal baseline (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS) plane. Inputs: date_list : list of date in YYMMDD/YYYYMMDD format pbase_list : list of float, perpendicular spatial baseline References: Pepe, A., and R. Lanari (2006), On the extension of the minimum cost flow algorithm for phase unwrapping of multitemporal differential SAR interferograms, IEEE TGRS, 44(9), 2374-2383. Perissin D., Wang T. (2012), Repeat-pass SAR interferometry with partially coherent targets. IEEE TGRS. 271-280 ''' # Get temporal baseline in days date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date_list) date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(date_list) tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0] # Normalization (Pepe and Lanari, 2006, TGRS) temp2perp_scale = (max(pbase_list) - min(pbase_list)) / (max(tbase_list) - min(tbase_list)) tbase_list = [tbase * temp2perp_scale for tbase in tbase_list] # Get weight matrix ttMat1, ttMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(tbase_list), np.array(tbase_list)) ppMat1, ppMat2 = np.meshgrid(np.array(pbase_list), np.array(pbase_list)) ttMat = np.abs(ttMat1 - ttMat2) # temporal distance matrix ppMat = np.abs(ppMat1 - ppMat2) # spatial distance matrix weightMat = np.sqrt( np.square(ttMat) + np.square(ppMat)) # 2D distance matrix in temp/perp domain weightMat = csr_matrix(weightMat) # compress sparse row matrix # MST path based on weight matrix mstMat = minimum_spanning_tree(weightMat) # Convert MST index matrix into date12 list [s_idx_list, m_idx_list ] = [date_idx_array.tolist() for date_idx_array in find(mstMat)[0:2]] date12_list = [ date6_list[m_idx_list[i]] + '-' + date6_list[s_idx_list[i]] for i in range(len(m_idx_list)) ] return date12_list
def Baseline_timeseries(igramsFile): h5file = h5py.File(igramsFile,'r') k=h5file.keys() if 'interferograms' in k: k[0] = 'interferograms' elif 'coherence' in k: k[0] = 'coherence' igramList = h5file[k[0]].keys() Bp_igram=[] for igram in igramList: Bp_igram.append((float(h5file[k[0]][igram].attrs['P_BASELINE_BOTTOM_HDR'])+\ float(h5file[k[0]][igram].attrs['P_BASELINE_TOP_HDR']))/2) A,B=design_matrix(h5file) dateList = ptime.date_list(igramsFile) tbase,dateDict = ptime.date_list2tbase(dateList) dt = np.diff(tbase),Bp_igram) zero = np.array([0.],np.float32) Bperp = np.concatenate((zero,np.cumsum([Bp_rate*dt]))) h5file.close() return Bperp
def correct_lod_file(File, outFile=None): # Check Sensor Type print 'input file: ' + File atr = readfile.read_attribute(File) k = atr['FILE_TYPE'] platform = atr['PLATFORM'] print 'platform: ' + platform if not platform.lower() in ['env', 'envisat']: print 'No need to correct LOD for ' + platform sys.exit(1) # Output Filename if not outFile: ext = os.path.splitext(File)[1] outFile = os.path.splitext(File)[0] + '_LODcor' + ext # Get LOD phase ramp from empirical model width = int(atr['WIDTH']) length = int(atr['FILE_LENGTH']) range_resolution = float(atr['RANGE_PIXEL_SIZE']) r = np.linspace(0, width - 1, width) R = range_resolution * r * (3.87e-7) Ramp = np.tile(R, [length, 1]) yref = int(atr['ref_y']) xref = int(atr['ref_x']) Ramp -= Ramp[yref][xref] # Correct LOD Ramp for Input File if k in multi_group_hdf5_file + multi_dataset_hdf5_file: h5 = h5py.File(File, 'r') epochList = sorted(h5[k].keys()) h5out = h5py.File(outFile, 'w') group = h5out.create_group(k) if k in ['interferograms', 'wrapped']: print 'number of interferograms: ' + str(len(epochList)) wvl = float(atr['WAVELENGTH']) Ramp *= -4 * np.pi / wvl for epoch in epochList: print epoch data = h5[k][epoch].get(epoch)[:] atr = h5[k][epoch].attrs dates = ptime.yyyymmdd(atr['DATE12'].split('-')) dates = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(dates) dt = date[1] - date[0] data -= Ramp * dt gg = group.create_group(epoch) dset = gg.create_dataset(epoch, data=data, compression='gzip') for key, value in atr.iteritems(): gg.attrs[key] = value elif k == 'timeseries': print 'number of acquisitions: ' + str(len(epochList)) tbase = [ float(dy) / 365.25 for dy in ptime.date_list2tbase(epochList)[0] ] for i in range(len(epochList)): epoch = epochList[i] print epoch data = h5[k].get(epoch)[:] data -= Ramp * tbase[i] dset = group.create_dataset(epoch, data=data, compression='gzip') for key, value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value else: print 'No need to correct for LOD for ' + k + ' file' sys.exit(1) h5.close() h5out.close() else: data, atr = data -= Ramp writefile.write(data, atr, outFile) return outFile
def ifgram_inversion(ifgramFile='unwrapIfgram.h5', coherenceFile='coherence.h5', meta=None): '''Implementation of the SBAS algorithm. modified from written by scott baker, 2012 Inputs: ifgramFile - string, HDF5 file name of the interferograms coherenceFile - string, HDF5 file name of the coherence meta - dict, including the following options: weight_function chunk_size - float, max number of data (ifgram_num*row_num*col_num) to read per loop; to control the memory Output: timeseriesFile - string, HDF5 file name of the output timeseries tempCohFile - string, HDF5 file name of temporal coherence Example: meta = dict() meta['weight_function'] = 'variance' meta['chunk_size'] = 0.5e9 meta['timeseriesFile'] = 'timeseries_var.h5' meta['tempCohFile'] = 'temporalCoherence_var.h5' ifgram_inversion('unwrapIfgram.h5', 'coherence.h5', meta) ''' if 'tempCohFile' not in meta.keys(): meta['tempCohFile'] = 'temporalCoherence.h5' meta['timeseriesStdFile'] = 'timeseriesDecorStd.h5' total = time.time() if not meta: meta = vars(cmdLineParse()) if meta['update_mode'] and not ut.update_file(meta['timeseriesFile'], ifgramFile): return meta['timeseriesFile'], meta['tempCohFile'] ##### Basic Info # length/width atr = readfile.read_attribute(ifgramFile) length = int(atr['FILE_LENGTH']) width = int(atr['WIDTH']) meta['length'] = length meta['width'] = width # ifgram_list h5ifgram = h5py.File(ifgramFile,'r') ifgram_list = sorted(h5ifgram['interferograms'].keys()) #if meta['weight_function'] in ['no','uniform']: # ifgram_list = ut.check_drop_ifgram(h5ifgram) ifgram_list = ut.check_drop_ifgram(h5ifgram) meta['ifgram_list'] = ifgram_list ifgram_num = len(ifgram_list) # date12_list/date8_list/tbase_diff date12_list = ptime.list_ifgram2date12(ifgram_list) m_dates = [i.split('-')[0] for i in date12_list] s_dates = [i.split('-')[1] for i in date12_list] date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(sorted(list(set(m_dates + s_dates)))) date_num = len(date8_list) meta['date8_list'] = date8_list meta['date12_list'] = date12_list tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0] tbase_diff = np.diff(tbase_list).reshape((-1,1)) meta['tbase_diff'] = tbase_diff print 'number of interferograms: %d' % (ifgram_num) print 'number of acquisitions : %d' % (date_num) print 'number of columns: %d' % (width) print 'number of lines : %d' % (length) ##### ref_y/x/value try: ref_x = int(atr['ref_x']) ref_y = int(atr['ref_y']) print 'reference pixel in y/x: [%d, %d]' % (ref_y, ref_x) ref_value = np.zeros((ifgram_num,1), np.float32) for j in range(ifgram_num): ifgram = ifgram_list[j] dset = h5ifgram['interferograms'][ifgram].get(ifgram) ref_value[j] = dset[ref_y,ref_x] meta['ref_y'] = ref_y meta['ref_x'] = ref_x meta['ref_value'] = ref_value except: if meta['skip_ref']: meta['ref_value'] = 0.0 print 'skip checking reference pixel info - This is for SIMULATION ONLY.' else: print 'ERROR: No ref_x/y found! Can not invert interferograms without reference in space.' print 'run '+ifgramFile+' --mark-attribute for a quick referencing.' sys.exit(1) h5ifgram.close() ##### Rank of Design matrix for weighted inversion A, B = ut.design_matrix(ifgramFile, date12_list) print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' if meta['weight_function'] in ['no','uniform']: print 'generic least square inversion with min-norm phase velocity' print ' based on Berardino et al. (2002, IEEE-TGRS)' print ' OLS for pixels with fully connected network' print ' SVD for pixels with partially connected network' if np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) < date_num-1: print 'WARNING: singular design matrix! Inversion result can be biased!' print 'continue using its SVD solution on all pixels' else: print 'weighted least square (WLS) inversion with min-norm phase, pixelwise' if np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) < date_num-1: print 'ERROR: singular design matrix!' print ' Input network of interferograms is not fully connected!' print ' Can not invert the weighted least square solution.' print 'You could try:' print ' 1) Add more interferograms to make the network fully connected:' print ' a.k.a., no multiple subsets nor network islands' print " 2) Use '-w no' option for non-weighted SVD solution." sys.exit(-1) print '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ##### Invert time-series phase ##Check parallel environment if meta['weight_function'] in ['no','uniform']: meta['parallel'] = False if meta['parallel']: num_cores, meta['parallel'], Parallel, delayed = ut.check_parallel(1000, print_msg=False) ##Split into chunks to reduce memory usage r_step = meta['chunk_size']/ifgram_num/width #split in lines if meta['weight_function'] not in ['no','uniform']: #more memory usage (coherence) for WLS r_step /= 2.0 if meta['parallel']: r_step /= num_cores r_step = int(ceil_to_1(r_step)) meta['row_step'] = r_step chunk_num = int((length-1)/r_step)+1 if chunk_num > 1: print 'maximum chunk size: %.1E' % (meta['chunk_size']) print 'split %d lines into %d patches for processing' % (length, chunk_num) print ' with each patch up to %d lines' % (r_step) if meta['parallel']: print 'parallel processing using %d cores ...' % (min([num_cores,chunk_num])) ##Computing the inversion box_list = [] for i in range(chunk_num): r0 = i*r_step r1 = min([length, r0+r_step]) box = (0,r0,width,r1) box_list.append(box) box_num = len(box_list) if not meta['parallel']: timeseries = np.zeros((date_num, length, width), np.float32) timeseriesStd = np.zeros((date_num, length, width), np.float32) tempCoh = np.zeros((length, width), np.float32) for i in range(box_num): if box_num > 1: print '\n------- Processing Patch %d out of %d --------------' % (i+1, box_num) box = box_list[i] ts, tcoh, tsStd = ifgram_inversion_patch(ifgramFile, coherenceFile, meta, box) tempCoh[box[1]:box[3],box[0]:box[2]] = tcoh timeseries[:,box[1]:box[3],box[0]:box[2]] = ts timeseriesStd[:,box[1]:box[3],box[0]:box[2]] = tsStd else: ##Temp file list meta['ftemp_base'] = 'timeseries_temp_' temp_file_list = [meta['ftemp_base']+str(i)+'.h5' for i in range(chunk_num)] ##Computation Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(ifgram_inversion_patch)\ (ifgramFile, coherenceFile, meta, box) for box in box_list) ##Concatenate temp files print 'concatenating temporary timeseries files ...' timeseries = np.zeros((date_num, length, width), np.float32) tempCoh = np.zeros((length, width), np.float32) rmCmd = 'rm' for i in range(chunk_num): fname = temp_file_list[i] box = box_list[i] print 'reading '+fname h5temp = h5py.File(fname, 'r') dset = h5temp['timeseries'].get('timeseries') timeseries[:,box[1]:box[3],box[0]:box[2]] = dset[0:-1,:,:] tempCoh[box[1]:box[3],box[0]:box[2]] = dset[-1,:,:] h5temp.close() rmCmd += ' '+fname print rmCmd os.system(rmCmd) print 'converting phase to range' phase2range = -1*float(atr['WAVELENGTH'])/(4.*np.pi) timeseries *= phase2range timeseriesStd *= abs(phase2range) ##### Calculate time-series attributes print 'calculating perpendicular baseline timeseries' pbase, pbase_top, pbase_bottom = ut.perp_baseline_ifgram2timeseries(ifgramFile, ifgram_list) pbase = str(pbase.tolist()).translate(None,'[],') # convert np.array into string separated by white space pbase_top = str(pbase_top.tolist()).translate(None,'[],') pbase_bottom = str(pbase_bottom.tolist()).translate(None,'[],') atr['P_BASELINE_TIMESERIES'] = pbase atr['P_BASELINE_TOP_TIMESERIES'] = pbase_top atr['P_BASELINE_BOTTOM_TIMESERIES'] = pbase_bottom atr['ref_date'] = date8_list[0] atr['FILE_TYPE'] = 'timeseries' atr['UNIT'] = 'm' ##### Output ## 1. Write time-series file meta['timeseriesFile'] = write_timeseries_hdf5_file(timeseries, date8_list, atr,\ timeseriesFile=meta['timeseriesFile']) if not np.all(timeseriesStd == 0.): meta['timeseriesStdFile'] = write_timeseries_hdf5_file(timeseriesStd, date8_list, atr,\ timeseriesFile=meta['timeseriesStdFile']) ## 2. Write Temporal Coherence File print 'writing >>> '+meta['tempCohFile'] atr['FILE_TYPE'] = 'temporal_coherence' atr['UNIT'] = '1' meta['tempCohFile'] = writefile.write(tempCoh, atr, meta['tempCohFile']) print 'Time series inversion took ' + str(time.time()-total) +' secs\nDone.' return meta['timeseriesFile'], meta['tempCohFile']
def main(argv): try: timeseries_file = argv[0] except: usage() sys.exit(1) # Basic info atr = readfile.read_attribute(timeseries_file) k = atr['FILE_TYPE'] length = int(atr['FILE_LENGTH']) width = int(atr['WIDTH']) ##### Read time-series print "loading time series: " + timeseries_file h5 = h5py.File(timeseries_file) date_list = sorted(h5[k].keys()) date_num = len(date_list) pixel_num = length * width tbase = np.array(ptime.date_list2tbase(date_list)[0], np.float32) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num) timeseries = np.zeros((date_num, pixel_num), np.float32) for i in range(date_num): date = date_list[i] d = h5[k].get(date)[:] timeseries[i, :] = d.flatten(0) prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date) prog_bar.close() del d h5.close() ##### Calculate 1st and 2nd temporal derivatives print "calculating temporal 1st derivative ... " timeseries_1st = np.zeros((date_num - 1, pixel_num), np.float32) for i in range(date_num - 1): timeseries_1st[i][:] = timeseries[i + 1][:] - timeseries[i][:] print "calculating temporal 2nd derivative" timeseries_2nd = np.zeros((date_num - 2, pixel_num), np.float32) for i in range(date_num - 2): timeseries_2nd[i][:] = timeseries_1st[i + 1][:] - timeseries_1st[i][:] ##### Write 1st and 2nd temporal derivatives outfile1 = os.path.splitext(timeseries_file)[0] + '_1stDerivative.h5' print 'writing >>> ' + outfile1 h5out = h5py.File(outfile1, 'w') group = h5out.create_group(k) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num - 1) for i in range(date_num - 1): date = date_list[i + 1] dset = group.create_dataset(date, data=np.reshape(timeseries_1st[i][:], [length, width]), compression='gzip') prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date) for key, value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value prog_bar.close() h5out.close() outfile2 = os.path.splitext(timeseries_file)[0] + '_2ndDerivative.h5' print 'writing >>> ' + outfile2 h5out = h5py.File(outfile2, 'w') group = h5out.create_group(k) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num - 2) for i in range(date_num - 2): date = date_list[i + 2] dset = group.create_dataset(date, data=np.reshape(timeseries_2nd[i][:], [length, width]), compression='gzip') prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date) for key, value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value prog_bar.close() h5out.close() print 'Done.' return outfile1, outfile2
def main(argv): ##### Read Inputs inps = cmdLineParse() inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file) date12_orig = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.file[0]) print 'input file(s) to be modified: ' + str(inps.file) print 'number of interferograms: ' + str(len(date12_orig)) atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.file[0]) # Update inps if template is input if inps.template_file: inps = read_template2inps(inps.template_file, inps) if all(not i for i in [inps.reference_file, inps.max_temp_baseline, inps.max_perp_baseline,\ inps.exclude_ifg_index, inps.exclude_date, inps.coherence_based,\ inps.start_date, inps.end_date, inps.reset]): # Display network for manually modification when there is no other modification input. print 'No input option found to remove interferogram' if inps.template_file: print 'Keep all interferograms by enable --reset option' inps.reset = True else: print 'To manually modify network, please use --manual option ' return if inps.reset: print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' for file in inps.file: reset_pairs(file) mean_coh_txt_file = os.path.splitext( inps.coherence_file)[0] + '_spatialAverage.txt' if os.path.isfile(mean_coh_txt_file): rmCmd = 'rm ' + mean_coh_txt_file print rmCmd os.system(rmCmd) return # Convert index : input to continous index list if inps.exclude_ifg_index: ifg_index = list(inps.exclude_ifg_index) inps.exclude_ifg_index = [] for index in ifg_index: index_temp = [int(i) for i in index.split(':')] index_temp.sort() if len(index_temp) == 2: for j in range(index_temp[0], index_temp[1] + 1): inps.exclude_ifg_index.append(j) elif len(index_temp) == 1: inps.exclude_ifg_index.append(int(index)) else: print 'Unrecoganized input: ' + index inps.exclude_ifg_index = sorted(inps.exclude_ifg_index) if max(inps.exclude_ifg_index) > len(date12_orig): raise Exception('Input index out of range!\n'+\ 'input index:'+str(inps.exclude_ifg_index)+'\n'+\ 'index range of file: '+str(len(date12_orig))) ##### Get date12_to_rmv date12_to_rmv = [] # 1. Update date12_to_rmv from reference file if inps.reference_file: date12_to_keep = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.reference_file, check_drop_ifgram=True) print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'use reference pairs info from file: ' + inps.reference_file print 'number of interferograms in reference: ' + str( len(date12_to_keep)) print 'date12 not in reference file:' date12_to_rmv_temp = [] for date12 in date12_orig: if date12 not in date12_to_keep: date12_to_rmv.append(date12) date12_to_rmv_temp.append(date12) print date12_to_rmv_temp # 2.1 Update date12_to_rmv from coherence file if inps.coherence_based and os.path.isfile(inps.coherence_file): print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'use coherence-based network modification from coherence file: ' + inps.coherence_file # check mask AOI in lalo if inps.aoi_geo_box and inps.lookup_file: print 'input AOI in (lon0, lat1, lon1, lat0): ' + str( inps.aoi_geo_box) inps.aoi_pix_box = subset.bbox_geo2radar(inps.aoi_geo_box, atr, inps.lookup_file) if inps.aoi_pix_box: # check mask AOI within the data coverage inps.aoi_pix_box = subset.check_box_within_data_coverage( inps.aoi_pix_box, atr) print 'input AOI in (x0,y0,x1,y1): ' + str(inps.aoi_pix_box) # Calculate spatial average coherence coh_list, coh_date12_list = ut.spatial_average(inps.coherence_file, inps.mask_file,\ inps.aoi_pix_box, saveList=True) # MST network if inps.keep_mst: print 'Get minimum spanning tree (MST) of interferograms with inverse of coherence.' print 'date12 with 1) average coherence < ' + str( inps.min_coherence) + ' AND 2) not in MST network: ' mst_date12_list = pnet.threshold_coherence_based_mst( coh_date12_list, coh_list) else: print 'date12 with average coherence < ' + str(inps.min_coherence) mst_date12_list = [] date12_to_rmv_temp = [] for i in range(len(coh_date12_list)): date12 = coh_date12_list[i] if coh_list[ i] < inps.min_coherence and date12 not in mst_date12_list: date12_to_rmv.append(date12) date12_to_rmv_temp.append(date12) print date12_to_rmv_temp # 2.2 Update date12_to_rmv from temp baseline threshold if inps.max_temp_baseline: print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Drop pairs with temporal baseline > ' + str( inps.max_temp_baseline) + ' days' date8_list = ptime.ifgram_date_list(inps.file[0]) date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list) tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0] date12_to_rmv_temp = [] for i in range(len(date12_orig)): date1, date2 = date12_orig[i].split('-') idx1 = date6_list.index(date1) idx2 = date6_list.index(date2) t_diff = tbase_list[idx2] - tbase_list[idx1] if t_diff > inps.max_temp_baseline: date12 = date12_orig[i] date12_to_rmv.append(date12) date12_to_rmv_temp.append(date12) print 'number of pairs to drop: %d' % (len(date12_to_rmv_temp)) print date12_to_rmv_temp # 2.3 Update date12_to_rmv from perp baseline threshold if inps.max_perp_baseline: print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Drop pairs with perpendicular spatial baseline > ' + str( inps.max_perp_baseline) + ' meters' ifg_bperp_list = pnet.igram_perp_baseline_list(inps.file[0]) date12_to_rmv_temp = [] for i in range(len(ifg_bperp_list)): if abs(ifg_bperp_list[i]) > inps.max_perp_baseline: date12 = date12_orig[i] date12_to_rmv.append(date12) date12_to_rmv_temp.append(date12) print 'number of pairs to drop: %d' % (len(date12_to_rmv_temp)) print date12_to_rmv_temp # 2.4 Update date12_to_rmv from exclude_ifg_index if inps.exclude_ifg_index: print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'drop date12/pair with the following index number:' for index in inps.exclude_ifg_index: date12 = date12_orig[index - 1] date12_to_rmv.append(date12) print str(index) + ' ' + date12 # 2.5 Update date12_to_rmv from exclude_date if inps.exclude_date: inps.exclude_date = ptime.yymmdd(inps.exclude_date) print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Drop pairs including the following dates: \n' + str( inps.exclude_date) date12_to_rmv_temp = [] for i in range(len(date12_orig)): date1, date2 = date12_orig[i].split('-') if (date1 in inps.exclude_date) or (date2 in inps.exclude_date): date12 = date12_orig[i] date12_to_rmv.append(date12) date12_to_rmv_temp.append(date12) print date12_to_rmv_temp # 2.6 Update date12_to_rmv from start_date if inps.start_date: inps.start_date = ptime.yymmdd(inps.start_date) print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Drop pairs with date earlier than start-date: ' + inps.start_date min_date = int(ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.start_date)) date12_to_rmv_temp = [] for i in range(len(date12_orig)): date12 = date12_orig[i] if any( int(j) < min_date for j in ptime.yyyymmdd(date12.split('-'))): date12_to_rmv.append(date12) date12_to_rmv_temp.append(date12) print date12_to_rmv_temp # 2.7 Update date12_to_rmv from end_date if inps.end_date: inps.end_date = ptime.yymmdd(inps.end_date) print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Drop pairs with date earlier than end-date: ' + inps.end_date max_date = int(ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.end_date)) date12_to_rmv_temp = [] for i in range(len(date12_orig)): date12 = date12_orig[i] if any( int(j) > max_date for j in ptime.yyyymmdd(date12.split('-'))): date12_to_rmv.append(date12) date12_to_rmv_temp.append(date12) print date12_to_rmv_temp # 3. Manually drop pairs if inps.disp_network: date12_click = manual_select_pairs_to_remove(inps.file[0]) for date12 in list(date12_click): if date12 not in date12_orig: date12_click.remove(date12) print 'date12 selected to remove:' print date12_click date12_to_rmv += date12_click # 4. drop duplicate date12 and sort in order date12_to_rmv = sorted(list(set(date12_to_rmv))) date12_keep = sorted(list(set(date12_orig) - set(date12_to_rmv))) print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'number of interferograms to remove: ' + str(len(date12_to_rmv)) print 'number of interferograms kept : ' + str(len(date12_keep)) ##### Calculated date12_to_drop v.s. existing date12_to_drop # Get list of date12 of interferograms already been marked to drop k = readfile.read_attribute(inps.file[0])['FILE_TYPE'] h5 = h5py.File(inps.file[0], 'r') ifgram_list_all = sorted(h5[k].keys()) ifgram_list_keep = ut.check_drop_ifgram(h5, print_msg=False) ifgram_list_dropped = sorted( list(set(ifgram_list_all) - set(ifgram_list_keep))) date12_list_dropped = ptime.list_ifgram2date12(ifgram_list_dropped) h5.close() if date12_to_rmv == date12_list_dropped and inps.mark_attribute: print 'Calculated date12 to drop is the same as exsiting marked input file, skip update file attributes.' date12_to_rmv = [] ##### Update date12 to drop if date12_to_rmv: ##### Update Input Files with date12_to_rmv Modified_CoherenceFile = 'Modified_coherence.h5' for File in inps.file: Modified_File = modify_file_date12_list(File, date12_to_rmv, inps.mark_attribute) k = readfile.read_attribute(File)['FILE_TYPE'] # Update Mask File if k == 'interferograms' and inps.update_aux: print 'update mask file for input ' + k + ' file based on ' + Modified_File inps.mask_file = 'mask.h5' print 'writing >>> ' + inps.mask_file ut.nonzero_mask(Modified_File, inps.mask_file) elif k == 'coherence' and inps.update_aux: inps.coherence_file = Modified_File print 'update average spatial coherence for input ' + k + ' file based on: ' + Modified_File outFile = 'averageSpatialCoherence.h5' print 'writing >>> ' + outFile ut.temporal_average(Modified_File, outFile) # Touch spatial average txt file of coherence if it's existed coh_spatialAverage_file = os.path.splitext( Modified_File)[0] + '_spatialAverage.txt' if os.path.isfile(coh_spatialAverage_file): touchCmd = 'touch ' + coh_spatialAverage_file print touchCmd os.system(touchCmd) # Plot result if inps.plot: print '\nplot modified network and save to file.' plotCmd = ' ' + inps.coherence_file + ' --coherence ' + inps.coherence_file + ' --nodisplay' if inps.template_file: plotCmd += ' --template ' + inps.template_file print plotCmd os.system(plotCmd) print 'Done.' return
def main(argv): inps = cmdLineParse() suffix = '_demErr' if not inps.outfile: inps.outfile = os.path.splitext( inps.timeseries_file)[0] + suffix + os.path.splitext( inps.timeseries_file)[1] # 1. template_file if inps.template_file: print 'read option from template file: ' + inps.template_file inps = read_template2inps(inps.template_file, inps) # Read Time Series print "loading time series: " + inps.timeseries_file atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.timeseries_file) length = int(atr['FILE_LENGTH']) width = int(atr['WIDTH']) h5 = h5py.File(inps.timeseries_file) date_list = sorted(h5['timeseries'].keys()) date_num = len(date_list) print 'number of acquisitions: ' + str(date_num) # Exclude date info #inps.ex_date = ['20070115','20100310'] if inps.ex_date: inps = get_exclude_date(inps, date_list) if inps.ex_date: inps.ex_flag = np.array([i not in inps.ex_date for i in date_list]) timeseries = np.zeros((len(date_list), length * width), np.float32) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num, prefix='loading: ') for i in range(date_num): date = date_list[i] d = h5['timeseries'].get(date)[:] timeseries[i][:] = d.flatten('F') prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date) del d h5.close() prog_bar.close() # Perpendicular Baseline print 'read perpendicular baseline' try: inps.pbase = ut.perp_baseline_timeseries(atr, dimension=0) if inps.pbase.shape[1] > 1: print '\tconsider P_BASELINE variation in azimuth direction' else: pbase = inps.pbase except: print '\tCannot find P_BASELINE_TIMESERIES from timeseries file.' print '\tTrying to calculate it from interferograms file' if inps.ifgram_file: inps.pbase = np.array( ut.perp_baseline_ifgram2timeseries( inps.ifgram_file)[0]).reshape(date_num, 1) else: message = 'No interferogram file input!\n'+\ 'Can not correct for DEM residula without perpendicular base info!' raise Exception(message) # Temporal Baseline print 'read temporal baseline' inps.tbase = np.array(ptime.date_list2tbase(date_list)[0]).reshape( date_num, 1) # Incidence angle (look angle in the paper) if inps.incidence_angle: if os.path.isfile(inps.incidence_angle): print 'reading incidence angle from file: ' + inps.incidence_angle inps.incidence_angle =[0] else: try: inps.incidence_angle = np.array(float(inps.incidence_angle)) print 'use input incidence angle : ' + str( inps.incidence_angle) except: raise ValueError('Can not read input incidence angle: ' + str(inps.incidence_angle)) else: print 'calculate incidence angle using attributes of time series file' if inps.pbase.shape[1] > 1: inps.incidence_angle = ut.incidence_angle(atr, dimension=2) else: inps.incidence_angle = ut.incidence_angle(atr, dimension=1) inps.incidence_angle *= np.pi / 180.0 # Range distance if inps.range_dis: if os.path.isfile(inps.range_dis): print 'reading range distance from file: ' + inps.range_dis inps.range_dis =[0] else: try: inps.range_dis = np.array(float(inps.range_dis)) print 'use input range distance : ' + str(inps.range_dis) except: raise ValueError('Can not read input incidence angle: ' + str(inps.range_dis)) else: print 'calculate range distance using attributes from time series file' if inps.pbase.shape[1] > 1: inps.range_dis = ut.range_distance(atr, dimension=2) else: inps.range_dis = ut.range_distance(atr, dimension=1) # Design matrix - temporal deformation model using tbase print '-------------------------------------------------' if inps.phase_velocity: print 'using phase velocity history' A1 = np.ones((date_num - 1, 1)) A2 = (inps.tbase[1:date_num] + inps.tbase[0:date_num - 1]) / 2.0 A3 = (inps.tbase[1:date_num]**3 - inps.tbase[0:date_num - 1]** 3) / np.diff(inps.tbase, axis=0) / 6.0 #A3 = (inps.tbase[1:date_num]**2 + inps.tbase[1:date_num]*inps.tbase[0:date_num-1] +\ # inps.tbase[0:date_num-1]**2) / 6.0 else: print 'using phase history' A1 = np.hstack((np.ones((date_num, 1)), inps.tbase)) A2 = inps.tbase**2 / 2.0 A3 = inps.tbase**3 / 6.0 # Polynomial order of model print "temporal deformation model's polynomial order = " + str( inps.poly_order) if inps.poly_order == 1: A_def = A1 elif inps.poly_order == 2: A_def = np.hstack((A1, A2)) elif inps.poly_order == 3: A_def = np.hstack((A1, A2, A3)) # step function if inps.step_date: print "temporal deformation model's step function step at " + inps.step_date step_yy = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(inps.step_date) yy_list = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(date_list) flag_array = np.array(yy_list) >= step_yy A_step = np.zeros((date_num, 1)) A_step[flag_array] = 1.0 A_def = np.hstack((A_def, A_step)) # Heresh's original code for phase history approach #A_def = np.hstack((A2,A1,np.ones((date_num,1)))) print '-------------------------------------------------' ##---------------------------------------- Loop for L2-norm inversion -----------------------------------## delta_z_mat = np.zeros([length, width], dtype=np.float32) resid_n = np.zeros([A_def.shape[0], length * width], dtype=np.float32) constC = np.zeros([length, width], dtype=np.float32) #delta_a_mat = np.zeros([length, width]) if inps.incidence_angle.ndim == 2 and inps.range_dis.ndim == 2: print 'inversing using L2-norm minimization (unweighted least squares)'\ ' pixel by pixel: %d loops in total' % (length*width) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=length * width, prefix='calculating: ') for i in range(length * width): row = i % length col = i / length range_dis = inps.range_dis[row, col] inc_angle = inps.incidence_angle[row, col] # Consider P_BASELINE variation within one interferogram if inps.pbase.shape[1] > 1: pbase = inps.pbase[:, row].reshape(date_num, 1) # Design matrix - DEM error using pbase, range distance and incidence angle A_delta_z = pbase / (range_dis * np.sin(inc_angle)) if inps.phase_velocity: pbase_v = np.diff(pbase, axis=0) / np.diff(inps.tbase, axis=0) A_delta_z_v = pbase_v / (range_dis * np.sin(inc_angle)) A = np.hstack((A_delta_z_v, A_def)) else: A = np.hstack((A_delta_z, A_def)) # L-2 norm inversion if inps.ex_date: A_inv = np.linalg.pinv(A[inps.ex_flag, :]) else: A_inv = np.linalg.pinv(A) # Get unknown parameters X = [delta_z, vel, acc, delta_acc, ...] ts_dis = timeseries[:, i] if inps.phase_velocity: ts_dis = np.diff(ts_dis, axis=0) / np.diff(inps.tbase, axis=0) if inps.ex_date: X =, ts_dis[inps.ex_flag]) else: X =, ts_dis) # Residual vector n resid_n[:, i] = ts_dis -, X) # Update DEM error / timeseries matrix delta_z = X[0] delta_z_mat[row, col] = delta_z if inps.update_timeseries: timeseries[:, i] -=, delta_z).flatten() prog_bar.update(i + 1, every=length * width / 100) prog_bar.close() elif inps.incidence_angle.ndim == 1 and inps.range_dis.ndim == 1: print 'inversing using L2-norm minimization (unweighted least squares)'\ ' column by column: %d loops in total' % (width) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=width, prefix='calculating: ') for i in range(width): range_dis = inps.range_dis[i] inc_angle = inps.incidence_angle[i] # Design matrix - DEM error using pbase, range distance and incidence angle A_delta_z = pbase / (range_dis * np.sin(inc_angle)) if inps.phase_velocity: pbase_v = np.diff(pbase, axis=0) / np.diff(inps.tbase, axis=0) A_delta_z_v = pbase_v / (range_dis * np.sin(inc_angle)) A = np.hstack((A_delta_z_v, A_def)) else: A = np.hstack((A_delta_z, A_def)) # L-2 norm inversion if inps.ex_date: A_inv = np.linalg.pinv(A[inps.ex_flag, :]) else: A_inv = np.linalg.pinv(A) # Get unknown parameters X = [delta_z, vel, acc, delta_acc, ...] ts_dis = timeseries[:, i * length:(i + 1) * length] if inps.phase_velocity: ts_dis = np.diff(ts_dis, axis=0) / np.diff(inps.tbase, axis=0) if inps.ex_date: X =, ts_dis[inps.ex_flag, :]) else: X =, ts_dis) # Residual vector n resid_n[:, i * length:(i + 1) * length] = ts_dis -, X) constC[:, i] = X[1].reshape((1, length)) # Update DEM error / timeseries matrix delta_z = X[0].reshape((1, length)) delta_z_mat[:, i] = delta_z if inps.update_timeseries: timeseries[:, i * length:(i + 1) * length] -= A_delta_z, delta_z) prog_bar.update(i + 1, every=width / 100) prog_bar.close() elif inps.incidence_angle.ndim == 0 and inps.range_dis.ndim == 0: print 'inversing using L2-norm minimization (unweighted least squares) for the whole area' # Design matrix - DEM error using pbase, range distance and incidence angle A_delta_z = pbase / (inps.range_dis * np.sin(inps.incidence_angle)) if inps.phase_velocity: pbase_v = np.diff(pbase, axis=0) / np.diff(inps.tbase, axis=0) A_delta_z_v = pbase_v / (inps.range_dis * np.sin(inps.incidence_angle)) A = np.hstack((A_delta_z_v, A_def)) else: A = np.hstack((A_delta_z, A_def)) # L-2 norm inversion if inps.ex_date: A_inv = np.linalg.pinv(A[inps.ex_flag, :]) else: A_inv = np.linalg.pinv(A) # Get unknown parameters X = [delta_z, vel, acc, delta_acc, ...] if inps.phase_velocity: timeseries = np.diff(timeseries, axis=0) / np.diff(inps.tbase, axis=0) if inps.ex_date: X =, timeseries[inps.ex_flag, :]) else: X =, timeseries) # Residual vector n resid_n = ts_dis -, X) # Update DEM error / timeseries matrix delta_z_mat = X[0].reshape((1, length * width)) if inps.update_timeseries: timeseries -=, delta_z_mat) delta_z_mat = np.reshape(delta_z_mat, [length, width], order='F') else: print 'ERROR: Script only support same dimension for both incidence angle and range distance matrix.' print 'dimension of incidence angle: ' + str(inps.incidence_angle.ndim) print 'dimension of range distance: ' + str(inps.range_dis.ndim) sys.exit(1) ##------------------------------------------------ Output --------------------------------------------## # DEM error file if 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys(): dem_error_file = 'demGeo_error.h5' else: dem_error_file = 'demRadar_error.h5' #if inps.phase_velocity: suffix = '_pha_poly'+str(inps.poly_order) #else: suffix = '_vel_poly'+str(inps.poly_order) #dem_error_file = os.path.splitext(dem_error_file)[0]+suffix+os.path.splitext(dem_error_file)[1] print 'writing >>> ' + dem_error_file atr_dem_error = atr.copy() atr_dem_error['FILE_TYPE'] = 'dem' atr_dem_error['UNIT'] = 'm' writefile.write(delta_z_mat, atr_dem_error, dem_error_file) ## Phase Constant C = resid_n[0,:] #atrC = atr.copy() #atrC['FILE_TYPE'] = 'mask' #atrC['UNIT'] = 'm' #writefile.write(constC, atrC, 'constD.h5') ## Corrected DEM file #if inps.dem_file: # inps.dem_outfile = os.path.splitext(inps.dem_file)[0]+suffix+os.path.splitext(inps.dem_file)[1] # print '--------------------------------------' # print 'writing >>> '+inps.dem_outfile # dem, atr_dem = # writefile.write(dem+delta_z_mat, atr_dem, inps.dem_outfile) #outfile = 'delta_acc.h5' #print 'writing >>> '+outfile #atr_dem_error = atr.copy() #atr_dem_error['FILE_TYPE'] = 'velocity' #atr_dem_error['UNIT'] = 'm/s' #writefile.write(delta_a_mat, atr_dem_error, outfile) #print '**************************************' # Corrected Time Series if inps.update_timeseries: print 'writing >>> ' + inps.outfile print 'number of dates: ' + str(len(date_list)) h5out = h5py.File(inps.outfile, 'w') group = h5out.create_group('timeseries') prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num, prefix='writing: ') for i in range(date_num): date = date_list[i] d = np.reshape(timeseries[i][:], [length, width], order='F') dset = group.create_dataset(date, data=d, compression='gzip') prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date) prog_bar.close() for key, value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value h5out.close() outFile = os.path.splitext(inps.outfile)[0] + 'InvResid.h5' print 'writing >>> ' + outFile print 'number of dates: ' + str(A_def.shape[0]) h5out = h5py.File(outFile, 'w') group = h5out.create_group('timeseries') prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=A_def.shape[0], prefix='writing: ') for i in range(A_def.shape[0]): date = date_list[i] d = np.reshape(resid_n[i][:], [length, width], order='F') dset = group.create_dataset(date, data=d, compression='gzip') prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date) prog_bar.close() # Attribute for key, value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value if A_def.shape[0] == date_num: group.attrs['UNIT'] = 'm' else: group.attrs['UNIT'] = 'm/yr' h5out.close() return
def main(argv): inps = cmdLineParse() suffix = '_demErr' if not inps.outfile: inps.outfile = os.path.splitext(inps.timeseries_file)[0]+suffix+os.path.splitext(inps.timeseries_file)[1] if inps.template_file: print 'read option from template file: '+inps.template_file inps = read_template2inps(inps.template_file, inps) ##### Read Data atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.timeseries_file) coordType = 'radar' if 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys(): coordType = 'geo' # 1. Incidence angle try: inps.inc_angle_file = ut.get_file_list(inps.inc_angle_file, coord=coordType)[0] except ValueError: print 'No incidence angle file found!\nRun to generate it.' print 'read incidence angle from file: '+str(inps.inc_angle_file) inps.inc_angle =, epoch='incidenceAngle')[0].flatten() inps.inc_angle *= np.pi/180.0 # 2. Slant Range distance try: inps.range_dist_file = ut.get_file_list(inps.range_dist_file, coord=coordType)[0] except ValueError: print 'No range distance file found!\nRun to generate it.' print 'read slant range distance from file: '+str(inps.range_dist_file) inps.range_dist =, epoch='slantRangeDistance')[0].flatten() # 3. Perp Baseline - 1D in time, 0D/1D in space (azimuth) print 'read perpendicular baseline' try: inps.pbase = ut.perp_baseline_timeseries(atr, dimension=1) if inps.pbase.shape[1] > 1: print 'consider perp baseline variance in azimuth direction' except valueError: print 'No P_BASELINE_TIMESERIES found in timeseries file.\n'+\ 'Can not correct for DEM residula without it!' # 4. Time Series - 1D in time, 1D in space (flattened) print "read time series file: " + inps.timeseries_file h5 = h5py.File(inps.timeseries_file) date_list = sorted(h5['timeseries'].keys()) date_num = len(date_list) inps.tbase = np.array(ptime.date_list2tbase(date_list)[0]).reshape(-1,1) #Mark dates used in the estimation inps.ex_date = check_exclude_date(inps.ex_date, date_list) inps.date_flag = np.array([i not in inps.ex_date for i in date_list], dtype=np.bool_) if inps.poly_order > np.sum(inps.date_flag): raise ValueError("ERROR: input polynomial order=%d is larger than number of acquisition=%d used in estimation!" %\ (inps.poly_order, np.sum(inps.date_flag))) length = int(atr['FILE_LENGTH']) width = int(atr['WIDTH']) pixel_num = length*width timeseries = np.zeros((date_num, pixel_num),np.float32) for i in range(date_num): timeseries[i] = h5['timeseries'].get(date_list[i])[:].flatten() sys.stdout.write('\rreading acquisition %3d/%3d ...' % (i+1, date_num)) sys.stdout.flush() h5.close() print '' ##### Design matrix - temporal deformation model print '-------------------------------------------------' print 'Correct topographic phase residual using Fattahi and Amelung (2013, IEEE-TGRS)' msg = 'minimum-norm constrain on: phase' if inps.phase_velocity: msg += ' velocity' print msg # Heresh's original code for phase history approach #A1 = np.hstack((np.ones((date_num, 1)), inps.tbase)) #A2 = inps.tbase**2 / 2.0 #A_def = np.hstack((A2,A1,np.ones((date_num,1)))) # 1. Polynomial - 2D matrix in size of (date_num, polyOrder+1) print "temporal deformation model: polynomial order = "+str(inps.poly_order) A_def = np.ones((date_num, 1), np.float32) for i in range(inps.poly_order): Ai = inps.tbase**(i+1) / gamma(i+2) Ai = np.array(Ai, np.float32).reshape(-1,1) A_def = np.hstack((A_def, Ai)) # 2. Step function - 2D matrix in size of (date_num, stepNum) if inps.step_date: print "temporal deformation model: step functions at "+str(inps.step_date) yySteps = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(inps.step_date) yyList = np.array(ptime.yyyymmdd2years(date_list)).reshape(-1,1) for yyStep in yySteps: Ai = yyList > yyStep Ai = np.array(Ai, np.float32).reshape(-1,1) A_def = np.hstack((A_def, Ai)) inps.step_num = len(inps.step_date) print '-------------------------------------------------' ##---------------------------------------- Loop for L2-norm inversion -----------------------------------## ## Output estimated steps print 'ordinal least squares (OLS) inversion using L2-norm minimization' timeseriesCor = np.zeros((date_num, pixel_num), dtype=np.float32) timeseriesRes = np.zeros((date_num, pixel_num), dtype=np.float32) topoRes = np.zeros(pixel_num, dtype=np.float32) constC = np.zeros(pixel_num, dtype=np.float32) if inps.step_num > 0: stepModel = np.zeros((inps.step_num, pixel_num), dtype=np.float32) print 'skip pixels with zero/nan value in geometry files - incidence angle and range distance' mask = np.multiply(~np.isnan(inps.inc_angle), ~np.isnan(inps.range_dist)) mask[inps.inc_angle == 0.] = 0 mask[inps.range_dist == 0.] = 0 pixel_num2inv = np.sum(mask) pixel_idx2inv = np.where(mask)[0] print 'number of pixels in the file: %d' % (pixel_num) print 'number of pixels to inverse: %d' % (pixel_num2inv) if inps.pbase.shape[1] == 1: pbase = inps.pbase prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=pixel_num) for i in range(pixel_num2inv): prog_bar.update(i+1, every=1000, suffix='%s/%s pixels'%(str(i+1), str(pixel_num2inv))) idx = pixel_idx2inv[i] r = inps.range_dist[idx] inc_angle = inps.inc_angle[idx] if inps.pbase.shape[1] > 1: pbase = inps.pbase[:, int(idx/width)].reshape(-1,1) A_deltaZ = pbase / (r * np.sin(inc_angle)) A = np.hstack((A_deltaZ, A_def)) ts = timeseries[:,idx].reshape(date_num,-1) deltaZ, tsCor, tsRes, stepEst = topographic_residual_inversion(ts, A, inps) topoRes[idx:idx+1] = deltaZ timeseriesCor[:,idx:idx+1] = tsCor timeseriesRes[:,idx:idx+1] = tsRes if inps.step_num > 0: stepModel[:,idx:idx+1] = stepEst prog_bar.close() ##------------------------------------------------ Output --------------------------------------------## # 1. DEM error file if 'Y_FIRST' in atr.keys(): deltaZFile = 'demGeo_error.h5' else: deltaZFile = 'demRadar_error.h5' print 'writing >>> '+deltaZFile atrDeltaZ = atr.copy() atrDeltaZ['FILE_TYPE'] = 'dem' atrDeltaZ['UNIT'] = 'm' writefile.write(topoRes.reshape(length, width), atrDeltaZ, deltaZFile) # 2. Topo Residual Corrected Time Series print 'writing >>> '+inps.outfile h5 = h5py.File(inps.outfile,'w') group = h5.create_group('timeseries') for i in range(date_num): sys.stdout.write('\rwriting acquisition %3d/%3d ...' % (i+1, date_num)) sys.stdout.flush() dset = group.create_dataset(date_list[i], data=timeseriesCor[i].reshape(length, width), compression='gzip') print '' for key,value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value h5.close() # 3. Inversion residual Time Series tsResFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inps.outfile), 'timeseriesResidual.h5') print 'writing >>> '+os.path.basename(tsResFile) h5 = h5py.File(tsResFile,'w') group = h5.create_group('timeseries') for i in range(date_num): sys.stdout.write('\rwriting acquisition %3d/%3d ...' % (i+1, date_num)) sys.stdout.flush() dset = group.create_dataset(date_list[i], data=timeseriesRes[i].reshape(length, width), compression='gzip') print '' # Attribute for key,value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value h5.close() # 4. Step temporal Model estimation if inps.step_num > 0: stepFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(inps.outfile), 'timeseriesStepModel.h5') print 'writing >>> '+os.path.basename(stepFile) h5 = h5py.File(stepFile,'w') group = h5.create_group('timeseries') for i in range(inps.step_num): sys.stdout.write('\rwriting acquisition %3d/%3d ...' % (i+1, inps.step_num)) sys.stdout.flush() dset = group.create_dataset(inps.step_date[i], data=stepModel[i].reshape(length, width), compression='gzip') print '' # Attribute for key,value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value group.attrs.pop('ref_date') h5.close() print 'Done.' return
def main(argv): ## Default value phase_velocity = 'no' # 'no' means use 'phase history' update_timeseries = 'yes' if len(sys.argv) > 2: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv, 'h:f:F:o:v:', ['phase-velocity', 'no-timeseries-update']) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'Error in reading input options!' usage() sys.exit(1) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ['-h', '--help']: usage() sys.exit() elif opt == '-f': timeSeriesFile = arg elif opt == '-F': igramsFile = arg elif opt == '-o': outname = arg elif opt == '--phase-velocity': phase_velocity = 'yes' elif opt == '--no-timeseries-update': update_timeseries = 'no' elif len(sys.argv) == 2: if argv[0] in ['-h', '--help']: usage() sys.exit(1) else: timeSeriesFile = argv[0] else: usage() sys.exit(1) try: outname except: outname = timeSeriesFile.replace('.h5', '') + '_demCor.h5' ##### Read Time Series #print '\n*************** Topographic Error Correction ****************' print "Loading time series: " + timeSeriesFile atr = readfile.read_attribute(timeSeriesFile) h5timeseries = h5py.File(timeSeriesFile) dateList = sorted(h5timeseries['timeseries'].keys()) lt = len(dateList) print 'number of epochs: ' + str(lt) dateIndex = {} for ni in range(len(dateList)): dateIndex[dateList[ni]] = ni nrows = int(atr['FILE_LENGTH']) ncols = int(atr['WIDTH']) timeseries = np.zeros((len(dateList), nrows * ncols), np.float32) for i in range(lt): date = dateList[i] ut.print_progress(i + 1, lt, prefix='loading:', suffix=date) d = h5timeseries['timeseries'].get(date)[:] timeseries[dateIndex[date]][:] = d.flatten('F') del d h5timeseries.close() print '**************************************' ##### Temporal Baseline print 'read temporal baseline' tbase, date_dict = ptime.date_list2tbase(dateList) tbase = np.array(tbase).reshape(lt, 1) ##### Perpendicular Baseline try: Bp = [float(i) for i in atr['P_BASELINE_TIMESERIES'].split()] Bp = np.array(Bp).reshape(lt, 1) except: print 'Cannot find P_BASELINE_TIMESERIES from timeseries file.' print 'Trying to calculate it from interferograms file' try: Bp = ut.Baseline_timeseries(igramsFile) Bp = np.array(Bp).reshape(lt, 1) except: print 'Error in calculating baseline time series!' sys.exit(1) Bp_v = (Bp[1:lt] - Bp[0:lt - 1]) / (tbase[1:lt] - tbase[0:lt - 1]) ##### Cubic Temporal Deformation Model ## Formula (10) in (Fattahi and Amelung, 2013, TGRS) if phase_velocity == 'yes': print 'using phase velocity history' M1 = np.ones((lt - 1, 1)) M2 = (tbase[1:lt] + tbase[0:lt - 1]) / 2 M3 = (tbase[1:lt]**2 + tbase[1:lt] * tbase[0:lt - 1] + tbase[0:lt - 1]**2) / 6 M = np.hstack((M1, M2, M3)) else: print 'using phase history' M = np.hstack((.5 * tbase**2, tbase, np.ones((lt, 1)))) ## Testing #teta = (tetaN+tetaF)/2 #r = (rN+rF)/2 #teta=19.658799999999999*np.pi/180 #r=846848.2 #Bperp=1000*np.random.random((lt,1)) ##### Range and Look Angle near_range = float(atr['STARTING_RANGE1']) dR = float(atr['RANGE_PIXEL_SIZE']) r = float(atr['EARTH_RADIUS']) H = float(atr['HEIGHT']) far_range = near_range + dR * (ncols - 1) incidence_n = np.pi - np.arccos( (r**2 + near_range**2 - (r + H)**2) / (2 * r * near_range)) incidence_f = np.pi - np.arccos( (r**2 + far_range**2 - (r + H)**2) / (2 * r * far_range)) various_range = 'yes' if various_range == 'yes': range_x = np.linspace(near_range, far_range, num=ncols, endpoint='FALSE') look_angle_x = np.linspace(incidence_n, incidence_f, num=ncols, endpoint='FALSE') else: print 'using center range and look angle to represent the whole area' center_range = (near_range + far_range) / 2 center_look_angle = np.pi - np.arccos( (r**2 + center_range**2 - (r + H)**2) / (2 * r * center_range)) range_x = np.tile(center_range, ncols) look_angle_x = np.tile(center_look_angle, ncols) #C1_v = Bp_v / (center_range * np.sin(center_look_angle)) #C1 = Bp / (center_range * np.sin(center_look_angle)) #timeseries_v = (timeseries[1:lt,:] - timeseries[0:lt-1,:]) / (tbase[1:lt] - tbase[0:lt-1]) ##### Inversion column by column print 'inversing using L2-norm minimization (unweighted least squares)...' dz = np.zeros([1, nrows * ncols]) for i in range(ncols): ## Design Matrix Inversion C1_v = Bp_v / (range_x[i] * np.sin(look_angle_x[i])) C1 = Bp / (range_x[i] * np.sin(look_angle_x[i])) if phase_velocity == 'yes': C = np.hstack((M, C1_v)) else: C = np.hstack((M, C1)) #print ' rank of the design matrix : '+str(np.linalg.matrix_rank(C)) #if np.linalg.matrix_rank(C) == 4: print ' design matrix has full rank' Cinv = np.linalg.pinv(C) ## (Phase) Velocity History ts_x = timeseries[:, i * nrows:(i + 1) * nrows] ts_xv = (ts_x[1:lt, :] - ts_x[0:lt - 1, :]) / (tbase[1:lt] - tbase[0:lt - 1]) ## DEM error if phase_velocity == 'yes': par =, ts_xv) else: par =, ts_x) dz_x = par[3].reshape((1, nrows)) ## Update DEM error matrix and timeseries matrix dz[0][i * nrows:(i + 1) * nrows] = dz_x timeseries[:, i * nrows:(i + 1) * nrows] -=, dz_x) ut.print_progress(i + 1, ncols) #dz[0][:] = par[3][:] dz = np.reshape(dz, [nrows, ncols], order='F') ########## Output - DEM error ####################### #print '**************************************' #print 'writing DEM_error.hgt' #writefile.write_float32(dz,'DEM_error.hgt') #f = open('DEM_error.hgt.rsc','w') #f.write('FILE_LENGTH '+str(int(nrows))+'\n') #f.write('WIDTH '+str(int(ncols))+'\n') #print '**************************************' h5fileDEM = 'DEM_error.h5' print 'writing >>> ' + h5fileDEM h5rmse = h5py.File(h5fileDEM, 'w') group = h5rmse.create_group('dem') dset = group.create_dataset(os.path.basename('dem'), data=dz, compression='gzip') for key, value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value group.attrs['UNIT'] = 'm' print '**************************************' ########### Output - Corrected Time Series ########## if update_timeseries == 'yes': print 'writing >>> ' + outname print 'number of dates: ' + str(len(dateList)) h5timeseriesDEMcor = h5py.File(outname, 'w') group = h5timeseriesDEMcor.create_group('timeseries') for i in range(lt): date = dateList[i] ut.print_progress(i + 1, lt, prefix='writing:', suffix=date) d = np.reshape(timeseries[i][:], [nrows, ncols], order='F') dset = group.create_dataset(date, data=d, compression='gzip') #for date in dateList: # print date # if not date in h5timeseriesDEMcor['timeseries']: # d = np.reshape(timeseries[dateIndex[date]][:],[nrows,ncols],order='F') # dset = group.create_dataset(date, data=d, compression='gzip') for key, value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value h5timeseriesDEMcor.close()
def main(argv): # Read inputs inps = cmdLineParse() inps = read_template2inps(inps.template_file, inps) log(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) + ' ' + inps.template_file) project_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inps.template_file))[0] print 'project name: ' + project_name if not inps.sensor: inps.sensor = project_name2sensor(project_name) # Auto path setting for Miami user if not inps.baseline_file and pysar.miami_path and 'SCRATCHDIR' in os.environ: if pysar.miami_path and 'SCRATCHDIR' in os.environ: try: inps.baseline_file = glob.glob( os.getenv('SCRATCHDIR') + '/' + project_name + '/SLC/bl_list.txt')[0] except: inps.baseline_file = None # Pair selection from reference if inps.reference_file: print 'Use pairs info from reference file: ' + inps.reference_file date12_list = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.reference_file) date12_list = [i.replace('_', '-') for i in date12_list] if inps.baseline_file: date8_list, pbase_list, dop_list = pnet.read_baseline_file( inps.baseline_file)[0:3] date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list) tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0] # Pair selection from temp/perp/dop baseline info else: if not inps.baseline_file: raise Exception('ERROR: No baseline file found!') # Check start/end/exclude date date8_list = pnet.read_baseline_file(inps.baseline_file)[0] inps.exclude_date = ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.exclude_date) if not inps.exclude_date: inps.exclude_date = [] else: print 'input exclude dates: ' + str(inps.exclude_date) if inps.start_date: print 'input start date: ' + inps.start_date inps.exclude_date += [ i for i in date8_list if float(i) < float(ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.start_date)) ] inps.exclude_date = sorted(inps.exclude_date) if inps.end_date: print 'input end date: ' + inps.end_date inps.exclude_date += [ i for i in date8_list if float(i) > float(ptime.yyyymmdd(inps.end_date)) ] inps.exclude_date = sorted(inps.exclude_date) if inps.exclude_date: print 'exclude dates: ' print inps.exclude_date # Read baseline list file: bl_list.txt inps.exclude_date = ptime.yymmdd(inps.exclude_date) date8_list, pbase_list, dop_list = pnet.read_baseline_file( inps.baseline_file, inps.exclude_date)[0:3] date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list) tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0] # Initial network using input methods inps.method = inps.method.lower().replace('-', '_') if inps.method in ['star', 'ps']: inps.method = 'star' elif inps.method.startswith('seq'): inps.method = 'sequential' elif inps.method.startswith('hierar'): inps.method = 'hierarchical' elif inps.method in [ 'mst', 'min_spanning_tree', 'minimum_spanning_tree' ]: inps.method = 'mst' print 'select method: ' + inps.method if inps.method == 'all': date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_all(date6_list) elif inps.method == 'delaunay': date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_delaunay(date6_list, pbase_list, inps.norm) elif inps.method == 'star': date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_star(date6_list) elif inps.method == 'sequential': date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_sequential(date6_list, inps.increment_num) elif inps.method == 'hierarchical': date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_hierarchical( date6_list, pbase_list, inps.temp_perp_list) elif inps.method == 'mst': date12_list = pnet.select_pairs_mst(date6_list, pbase_list) else: raise Exception('Unrecoganized select method: ' + inps.method) print 'initial number of interferograms: ' + str(len(date12_list)) # Filter pairs (optional) using temp/perp/doppler baseline threshold if inps.method in ['star', 'hierarchical', 'mst']: inps.threshold = False if inps.threshold: # Temporal baseline date12_list = pnet.threshold_temporal_baseline(date12_list, inps.temp_base_max,\ inps.keep_seasonal, inps.temp_base_min) print 'number of interferograms after filtering of <%d, %d> days in temporal baseline: %d'\ % (inps.temp_base_min, inps.temp_base_max, len(date12_list)) if inps.keep_seasonal: print '\tkeep seasonal pairs, i.e. pairs with temporal baseline == N*years +/- one month' # Perpendicular spatial baseline date12_list = pnet.threshold_perp_baseline(date12_list, date6_list, pbase_list, inps.perp_base_max) print 'number of interferograms after filtering of max %d meters in perpendicular baseline: %d'\ % (inps.perp_base_max, len(date12_list)) # Doppler Overlap Percentage if inps.sensor: bandwidth_az = pnet.azimuth_bandwidth(inps.sensor) date12_list = pnet.threshold_doppler_overlap(date12_list, date6_list, dop_list,\ bandwidth_az, inps.dop_overlap_min/100.0) print 'number of interferograms after filtering of min '+str(inps.dop_overlap_min)+'%'+\ ' overlap in azimuth Doppler frequency: '+str(len(date12_list)) # Write ifgram_list.txt if not date12_list: print 'WARNING: No interferogram selected!' return None # date12_list to date_list m_dates = [ date12.replace('_', '-').split('-')[0] for date12 in date12_list ] s_dates = [ date12.replace('_', '-').split('-')[1] for date12 in date12_list ] try: print 'number of acquisitions input : ' + str(len(date6_list)) except: pass print 'number of acquisitions selected: ' + str( len(list(set(m_dates + s_dates)))) print 'number of interferograms selected: ' + str(len(date12_list)) # Output directory/filename if not inps.outfile: if pysar.miami_path and 'SCRATCHDIR' in os.environ: inps.out_dir = os.getenv( 'SCRATCHDIR') + '/' + project_name + '/PROCESS' else: try: inps.out_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inps.reference_file)) except: inps.out_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(inps.baseline_file)) inps.outfile = inps.out_dir + '/ifgram_list.txt' inps.outfile = os.path.abspath(inps.outfile) inps.out_dir = os.path.dirname(inps.outfile) if not os.path.isdir(inps.out_dir): os.makedirs(inps.out_dir) print 'writing >>> ' + inps.outfile if not inps.baseline_file: np.savetxt(inps.outfile, date12_list, fmt='%s') return inps.outfile ## Calculate Bperp, Btemp and predicted coherence ifgram_num = len(date12_list) ifgram_pbase_list = [] ifgram_tbase_list = [] for i in range(ifgram_num): m_date, s_date = date12_list[i].split('-') m_idx = date6_list.index(m_date) s_idx = date6_list.index(s_date) pbase = pbase_list[s_idx] - pbase_list[m_idx] tbase = tbase_list[s_idx] - tbase_list[m_idx] ifgram_pbase_list.append(pbase) ifgram_tbase_list.append(tbase) try: inps.coherence_list = pnet.simulate_coherence( date12_list, inps.baseline_file, sensor=inps.sensor).flatten().tolist() inps.cbar_label = 'Simulated coherence' except: inps.coherence_list = None ##### Write txt file fl = open(inps.outfile, 'w') fl.write('#Interferograms configuration generated by\n') fl.write('# Date12 Btemp(days) Bperp(m) sim_coherence\n') for i in range(len(date12_list)): line = '%s %6.0f %6.1f' % ( date12_list[i], ifgram_tbase_list[i], ifgram_pbase_list[i]) if inps.coherence_list: line += ' %1.4f' % (inps.coherence_list[i]) fl.write(line + '\n') fl.close() ##### Plot network info if not inps.disp_fig: plt.switch_backend('Agg') out_fig_name = 'BperpHistory.pdf' print 'plotting baseline history in temp/perp baseline domain to file: ' + out_fig_name fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots() ax2 = pnet.plot_perp_baseline_hist(ax2, date8_list, pbase_list) plt.savefig(inps.out_dir + '/' + out_fig_name, bbox_inches='tight') out_fig_name = 'Network.pdf' print 'plotting network / pairs in temp/perp baseline domain to file: ' + out_fig_name fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1 = pnet.plot_network(ax1, date12_list, date8_list, pbase_list, plot_dict=vars(inps), print_msg=False) plt.savefig(inps.out_dir + '/' + out_fig_name, bbox_inches='tight') out_fig_name = 'CoherenceMatrix.pdf' if inps.coherence_list: print 'plotting predicted coherence matrix to file: ' + out_fig_name fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots() ax3 = pnet.plot_coherence_matrix(ax3, date12_list, inps.coherence_list, plot_dict=vars(inps)) plt.savefig(inps.out_dir + '/' + out_fig_name, bbox_inches='tight') if inps.disp_fig: return inps.outfile
def main(argv): ##### Read Inputs inps = cmdLineParse() inps.file = ut.get_file_list(inps.file) date12_orig = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.file[0]) #print '\n****************** Network Modification ********************' if (not inps.reference_file and not inps.template_file and\ not inps.max_temp_baseline and not inps.max_perp_baseline and\ not inps.drop_ifg_index and not inps.drop_date and \ not inps.coherence_file): # Display network for manually modification when there is no other modification input. print 'No input found to remove interferogram, continue by display the network to select it manually ...' inps.disp_network = True # Update inps if template is input if inps.template_file: inps = update_inps_with_template(inps, inps.template_file) # Convert index : input to continous index list if inps.drop_ifg_index: ifg_index = list(inps.drop_ifg_index) inps.drop_ifg_index = [] for index in ifg_index: index_temp = [int(i) for i in index.split(':')] index_temp.sort() if len(index_temp) == 2: for j in range(index_temp[0], index_temp[1] + 1): inps.drop_ifg_index.append(j) elif len(index_temp) == 1: inps.drop_ifg_index.append(int(index)) else: print 'Unrecoganized input: ' + index inps.drop_ifg_index = sorted(inps.drop_ifg_index) if max(inps.drop_ifg_index) > len(date12_orig): raise Exception('Input index out of range!\n'+\ 'input index:'+str(inps.drop_ifg_index)+'\n'+\ 'index range of file: '+str(len(date12_orig))) ##### Get date12_to_rmv date12_to_rmv = [] # 1. Update date12_to_rmv from reference file if inps.reference_file: date12_to_keep = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.reference_file) print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'use reference pairs info from file: ' + inps.reference_file print 'number of interferograms in reference: ' + str( len(date12_to_keep)) print 'date12 not in reference file:' for date12 in date12_orig: if date12 not in date12_to_keep: date12_to_rmv.append(date12) print date12 # 2.1 Update date12_to_rmv from coherence file if inps.coherence_file: print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'use coherence-based network modification from coherence file: ' + inps.coherence_file # Calculate spatial average coherence if not inps.mask_file: mask =[0] print 'mask coherence with file: ' + inps.mask_file else: mask = None cohTextFile = os.path.splitext( inps.coherence_file)[0] + '_spatialAverage.list' if os.path.isfile(cohTextFile): print 'average coherence in space has been calculated before and store in file: ' + cohTextFile print 'read it directly, or delete it and re-run the script to re-calculate the list' cohTxt = np.loadtxt(cohTextFile, dtype=str) mean_coherence_list = [float(i) for i in cohTxt[:, 1]] coh_date12_list = [i for i in cohTxt[:, 0]] else: print 'calculating average coherence of each interferogram ...' mean_coherence_list = ut.spatial_average(inps.coherence_file, mask, saveList=True) coh_date12_list = pnet.get_date12_list(inps.coherence_file) print 'date12 with average coherence < ' + str( inps.min_coherence) + ': ' for i in range(len(coh_date12_list)): if mean_coherence_list[i] < inps.min_coherence: date12 = coh_date12_list[i] date12_to_rmv.append(date12) print date12 # 2.2 Update date12_to_rmv from perp baseline threshold if inps.max_perp_baseline: print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Drop pairs with perpendicular spatial baseline > ' + str( inps.max_perp_baseline) + ' meters' ifg_bperp_list = pnet.igram_perp_baseline_list(inps.file[0]) for i in range(len(ifg_bperp_list)): if ifg_bperp_list[i] > inps.max_perp_baseline: date12 = date12_orig[i] date12_to_rmv.append(date12) print date12 # 2.3 Update date12_to_rmv from temp baseline threshold if inps.max_temp_baseline: print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Drop pairs with temporal baseline > ' + str( inps.max_temp_baseline) + ' days' date8_list = ptime.igram_date_list(inps.file[0]) date6_list = ptime.yymmdd(date8_list) tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0] for i in range(len(date12_orig)): date1, date2 = date12_orig[i].split('-') idx1 = date6_list.index(date1) idx2 = date6_list.index(date2) t_diff = tbase_list[idx2] - tbase_list[idx1] if t_diff > inps.max_temp_baseline: date12 = date12_orig[i] date12_to_rmv.append(date12) print date12 # 2.4 Update date12_to_rmv from drop_ifg_index if inps.drop_ifg_index: print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'drop date12/pair with the following index number:' for index in inps.drop_ifg_index: date12 = date12_orig[index - 1] date12_to_rmv.append(date12) print str(index) + ' ' + date12 # 2.5 Update date12_to_rmv from drop_date if inps.drop_date: inps.drop_date = ptime.yymmdd(inps.drop_date) print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'Drop pairs including the following dates: \n' + str( inps.drop_date) for i in range(len(date12_orig)): date1, date2 = date12_orig[i].split('-') if (date1 in inps.drop_date) or (date2 in inps.drop_date): date12 = date12_orig[i] date12_to_rmv.append(date12) print date12 # 3. Manually drop pairs if inps.disp_network: date12_click = manual_select_pairs_to_remove(inps.file[0]) for date12 in list(date12_click): if date12 not in date12_orig: date12_click.remove(date12) print 'date12 selected to remove:' print date12_click date12_to_rmv += date12_click # 4. drop duplicate date12 and sort in order date12_to_rmv = list(set(date12_to_rmv)) date12_to_rmv = sorted(date12_to_rmv) print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' print 'number of interferograms to remove: ' + str(len(date12_to_rmv)) print 'list of interferograms to remove:' print date12_to_rmv if date12_to_rmv: ##### Update Input Files with date12_to_rmv Modified_CoherenceFile = 'Modified_coherence.h5' for File in inps.file: Modified_File = modify_file_date12_list(File, date12_to_rmv) k = readfile.read_attribute(File)['FILE_TYPE'] # Update Mask File if k == 'interferograms': print 'update mask file for input ' + k + ' file based on ' + Modified_File outFile = 'Modified_Mask.h5' print 'writing >>> ' + outFile ut.nonzero_mask(Modified_File, outFile) elif k == 'coherence': print 'update average spatial coherence for input ' + k + ' file based on: ' + Modified_File outFile = 'Modified_average_spatial_coherence.h5' print 'writing >>> ' + outFile ut.temporal_average(Modified_File, outFile) Modified_CoherenceFile = Modified_File # Plot result if inps.plot: print '\nplot modified network and save to file.' plotCmd = ' ' + Modified_File + ' --coherence ' + Modified_CoherenceFile + ' --nodisplay' print plotCmd os.system(plotCmd) print 'Done.' return else: print 'No interferogram dropped, skip update.' return
def correct_lod_file(File, rangeDistFile=None, outFile=None): # Check Sensor Type print 'correct Local Oscilator Drift for Envisat using an empirical model (Marinkovic and Larsen, 2013)' print 'input file: ' + File atr = readfile.read_attribute(File) k = atr['FILE_TYPE'] platform = atr['PLATFORM'] print 'platform: ' + platform if not platform.lower() in ['env', 'envisat']: print 'No need to correct LOD for ' + platform sys.exit(1) # Output Filename if not outFile: ext = os.path.splitext(File)[1] outFile = os.path.splitext(File)[0] + '_LODcor' + ext # Get LOD phase ramp from empirical model if not rangeDistFile: print 'calculate range distance from input file attributes' width = int(atr['WIDTH']) length = int(atr['FILE_LENGTH']) range_resolution = float(atr['RANGE_PIXEL_SIZE']) rangeDist1D = range_resolution * np.linspace(0, width - 1, width) rangeDist = np.tile(rangeDist1D, (length, 1)) else: print 'read range distance from file: %s' % (rangeDistFile) rangeDist =, epoch='slantRangeDistance')[0] yref = int(atr['ref_y']) xref = int(atr['ref_x']) rangeDist -= rangeDist[yref][xref] Ramp = np.array(rangeDist * 3.87e-7, np.float32) # Correct LOD Ramp for Input File if k in multi_group_hdf5_file + multi_dataset_hdf5_file: h5 = h5py.File(File, 'r') epochList = sorted(h5[k].keys()) epochNum = len(epochList) print 'writing >>> %s' % (outFile) h5out = h5py.File(outFile, 'w') group = h5out.create_group(k) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=epochNum) if k in ['interferograms', 'wrapped']: Ramp *= -4 * np.pi / float(atr['WAVELENGTH']) print 'number of interferograms: ' + str(epochNum) date12List = ptime.list_ifgram2date12(epochList) for i in range(epochNum): epoch = epochList[i] data = h5[k][epoch].get(epoch)[:] atr = h5[k][epoch].attrs dates = ptime.yyyymmdd(atr['DATE12'].split('-')) dates = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(dates) dt = dates[1] - dates[0] data -= Ramp * dt gg = group.create_group(epoch) dset = gg.create_dataset(epoch, data=data, compression='gzip') for key, value in atr.iteritems(): gg.attrs[key] = value prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date12List[i]) elif k == 'timeseries': print 'number of acquisitions: ' + str(len(epochList)) tbase = [ float(dy) / 365.25 for dy in ptime.date_list2tbase(epochList)[0] ] for i in range(epochNum): epoch = epochList[i] data = h5[k].get(epoch)[:] data -= Ramp * tbase[i] dset = group.create_dataset(epoch, data=data, compression='gzip') prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=epoch) for key, value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value else: print 'No need to correct for LOD for ' + k + ' file' sys.exit(1) prog_bar.close() h5.close() h5out.close() elif k in ['.unw']: data, atr = Ramp *= -4 * np.pi / float(atr['WAVELENGTH']) dates = ptime.yyyymmdd(atr['DATE12'].split('-')) dates = ptime.yyyymmdd2years(dates) dt = dates[1] - dates[0] data -= Ramp * dt print 'writing >>> %s' % (outFile) writefile.write(data, atr, outFile) else: print 'No need to correct for LOD for %s file' % (k) return outFile
def main(argv): ## Default value phase_velocity = "no" # 'no' means use 'phase history' update_timeseries = "yes" if len(sys.argv) > 2: try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "h:f:F:o:v:", ["phase-velocity", "no-timeseries-update"]) except getopt.GetoptError: print "Error in reading input options!" Usage() sys.exit(1) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ["-h", "--help"]: Usage() sys.exit() elif opt == "-f": timeSeriesFile = arg elif opt == "-F": igramsFile = arg elif opt == "-o": outname = arg elif opt == "--phase-velocity": phase_velocity = "yes" elif opt == "--no-timeseries-update": update_timeseries = "no" elif len(sys.argv) == 2: if argv[0] in ["-h", "--help"]: Usage() sys.exit(1) else: timeSeriesFile = argv[0] else: Usage() sys.exit(1) try: outname except: outname = timeSeriesFile.replace(".h5", "") + "_demCor.h5" ##### Read Time Series print "\n*************** Topographic Error Correction ****************" print "Loading time series: " + timeSeriesFile atr = readfile.read_attributes(timeSeriesFile) h5timeseries = h5py.File(timeSeriesFile) dateList = h5timeseries["timeseries"].keys() dateList = sorted(dateList) lt = len(dateList) print "number of epochs: " + str(lt) dateIndex = {} for ni in range(len(dateList)): dateIndex[dateList[ni]] = ni nrows = int(atr["FILE_LENGTH"]) ncols = int(atr["WIDTH"]) timeseries = np.zeros((len(dateList), nrows * ncols), np.float32) for date in dateList: print date d = h5timeseries["timeseries"].get(date)[:] timeseries[dateIndex[date]][:] = d.flatten("F") del d h5timeseries.close() print "**************************************" ##### Temporal Baseline print "read temporal baseline" tbase, date_dict = ptime.date_list2tbase(dateList) tbase = np.array(tbase).reshape(lt, 1) ##### Perpendicular Baseline try: Bp = [float(i) for i in atr["P_BASELINE_TIMESERIES"].split()] Bp = np.array(Bp).reshape(lt, 1) except: print "Cannot find P_BASELINE_TIMESERIES from timeseries file." print "Trying to calculate it from interferograms file" try: Bp = ut.Baseline_timeseries(igramsFile) Bp = np.array(Bp).reshape(lt, 1) except: print "Error in calculating baseline time series!" sys.exit(1) Bp_v = (Bp[1:lt] - Bp[0 : lt - 1]) / (tbase[1:lt] - tbase[0 : lt - 1]) ##### Cubic Temporal Deformation Model ## Formula (10) in (Fattahi and Amelung, 2013, TGRS) if phase_velocity == "yes": print "using phase velocity history" M1 = np.ones((lt - 1, 1)) M2 = (tbase[1:lt] + tbase[0 : lt - 1]) / 2 M3 = (tbase[1:lt] ** 2 + tbase[1:lt] * tbase[0 : lt - 1] + tbase[0 : lt - 1] ** 2) / 6 M = np.hstack((M1, M2, M3)) else: print "using phase history" M = np.hstack((0.5 * tbase ** 2, tbase, np.ones((lt, 1)))) ## Testing # teta = (tetaN+tetaF)/2 # r = (rN+rF)/2 # teta=19.658799999999999*np.pi/180 # r=846848.2 # Bperp=1000*np.random.random((lt,1)) ##### Range and Look Angle near_range = float(atr["STARTING_RANGE1"]) dR = float(atr["RANGE_PIXEL_SIZE"]) r = float(atr["EARTH_RADIUS"]) H = float(atr["HEIGHT"]) far_range = near_range + dR * (ncols - 1) incidence_n = np.pi - np.arccos((r ** 2 + near_range ** 2 - (r + H) ** 2) / (2 * r * near_range)) incidence_f = np.pi - np.arccos((r ** 2 + far_range ** 2 - (r + H) ** 2) / (2 * r * far_range)) various_range = "yes" if various_range == "yes": range_x = np.linspace(near_range, far_range, num=ncols, endpoint="FALSE") look_angle_x = np.linspace(incidence_n, incidence_f, num=ncols, endpoint="FALSE") else: print "using center range and look angle to represent the whole area" center_range = (near_range + far_range) / 2 center_look_angle = np.pi - np.arccos((r ** 2 + center_range ** 2 - (r + H) ** 2) / (2 * r * center_range)) range_x = np.tile(center_range, ncols) look_angle_x = np.tile(center_look_angle, ncols) # C1_v = Bp_v / (center_range * np.sin(center_look_angle)) # C1 = Bp / (center_range * np.sin(center_look_angle)) # timeseries_v = (timeseries[1:lt,:] - timeseries[0:lt-1,:]) / (tbase[1:lt] - tbase[0:lt-1]) ##### Inversion column by column print "inversing using L2-norm minimization (unweighted least squares)..." dz = np.zeros([1, nrows * ncols]) for i in range(ncols): ## Design Matrix Inversion C1_v = Bp_v / (range_x[i] * np.sin(look_angle_x[i])) C1 = Bp / (range_x[i] * np.sin(look_angle_x[i])) if phase_velocity == "yes": C = np.hstack((M, C1_v)) else: C = np.hstack((M, C1)) # print ' rank of the design matrix : '+str(np.linalg.matrix_rank(C)) # if np.linalg.matrix_rank(C) == 4: print ' design matrix has full rank' Cinv = np.linalg.pinv(C) ## (Phase) Velocity History ts_x = timeseries[:, i * nrows : (i + 1) * nrows] ts_xv = (ts_x[1:lt, :] - ts_x[0 : lt - 1, :]) / (tbase[1:lt] - tbase[0 : lt - 1]) ## DEM error if phase_velocity == "yes": par =, ts_xv) else: par =, ts_x) dz_x = par[3].reshape((1, nrows)) ## Update DEM error matrix and timeseries matrix dz[0][i * nrows : (i + 1) * nrows] = dz_x timeseries[:, i * nrows : (i + 1) * nrows] -=, dz_x) ut.printProgress(i + 1, ncols) # dz[0][:] = par[3][:] dz = np.reshape(dz, [nrows, ncols], order="F") ########## Output - DEM error ####################### # print '**************************************' # print 'writing DEM_error.hgt' # writefile.write_float32(dz,'DEM_error.hgt') # f = open('DEM_error.hgt.rsc','w') # f.write('FILE_LENGTH '+str(int(nrows))+'\n') # f.write('WIDTH '+str(int(ncols))+'\n') # print '**************************************' h5fileDEM = "DEM_error.h5" print "writing >>> " + h5fileDEM h5rmse = h5py.File(h5fileDEM, "w") group = h5rmse.create_group("dem") dset = group.create_dataset(os.path.basename("dem"), data=dz, compression="gzip") for key, value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value group.attrs["UNIT"] = "m" print "**************************************" ########### Output - Corrected Time Series ########## if update_timeseries == "yes": print "writing >>> " + outname print "number of dates: " + str(len(dateList)) h5timeseriesDEMcor = h5py.File(outname, "w") group = h5timeseriesDEMcor.create_group("timeseries") for i in range(len(dateList)): print dateList[i] d = np.reshape(timeseries[i][:], [nrows, ncols], order="F") dset = group.create_dataset(dateList[i], data=d, compression="gzip") # for date in dateList: # print date # if not date in h5timeseriesDEMcor['timeseries']: # d = np.reshape(timeseries[dateIndex[date]][:],[nrows,ncols],order='F') # dset = group.create_dataset(date, data=d, compression='gzip') for key, value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value h5timeseriesDEMcor.close()
def main(argv): inps = cmdLineParse() # Basic info atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.timeseries_file) k = atr['FILE_TYPE'] if k not in ['timeseries']: sys.exit('ERROR: only timeseries file supported, input is ' + k + ' file!') h5 = h5py.File(inps.timeseries_file, 'r') date_list = sorted(h5[k].keys()) date_num = len(date_list) length = int(atr['FILE_LENGTH']) width = int(atr['WIDTH']) pixel_num = length * width tbase = np.array(ptime.date_list2tbase(date_list)[0], np.float32).reshape( (date_num, 1)) tbase /= 365.25 # Read timeseries print 'loading time-series ...' timeseries = np.zeros((date_num, pixel_num)) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num) for i in range(date_num): date = date_list[i] d = h5[k].get(date)[:] timeseries[i, :] = d.flatten(0) prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date) del d h5.close() prog_bar.close() # Smooth timeseries with moving window in time print 'smoothing time-series using moving gaussian window with size of %.1f years' % inps.time_win timeseries_filt = np.zeros((date_num, pixel_num)) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num) for i in range(date_num): date = date_list[i] # Weight from Gaussian (normal) distribution in time t_diff = tbase[i] - tbase weight = np.exp(-0.5 * (t_diff**2) / (inps.time_win**2)) weight /= np.sum(weight) weightMat = np.tile(weight, (1, pixel_num)) # Smooth the current acquisition - moving window in time one by one timeseries_filt[i, :] = np.sum(timeseries * weightMat, 0) prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date) del weightMat del timeseries prog_bar.close() # Write smoothed timeseries file try: ref_date = atr['ref_date'] except: ref_date = date_list[0] ref_date_idx = date_list.index(ref_date) print 'reference date: ' + ref_date print 'reference date index: ' + str(ref_date_idx) ref_data = np.reshape(timeseries_filt[ref_date_idx, :], [length, width]) if not inps.outfile: inps.outfile = os.path.splitext(inps.timeseries_file)[0] + '_smooth.h5' print 'writing >>> ' + inps.outfile print 'number of acquisitions: ' + str(date_num) h5out = h5py.File(inps.outfile, 'w') group = h5out.create_group(k) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num) for i in range(date_num): date = date_list[i] data = np.reshape(timeseries_filt[i, :], [length, width]) dset = group.create_dataset(date, data=data - ref_data, compression='gzip') prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date) for key, value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value h5out.close() prog_bar.close() print 'Done.' return inps.outfile
def timeseries_inversion(ifgramFile='unwrapIfgram.h5', coherenceFile='coherence.h5', inps_dict=None): '''Implementation of the SBAS algorithm. modified from written by scott baker, 2012 Inputs: ifgramFile - string, HDF5 file name of the interferograms coherenceFile - string, HDF5 file name of the coherence inps_dict - dict, including the following options: weight_function min_coherence max_coherence Output: timeseriesFile - string, HDF5 file name of the output timeseries tempCohFile - string, HDF5 file name of temporal coherence ''' total = time.time() if not inps_dict: inps_dict = vars(cmdLineParse()) weight_func = inps_dict['weight_function'] min_coh = inps_dict['min_coherence'] max_coh = inps_dict['max_coherence'] # Basic Info atr = readfile.read_attribute(ifgramFile) length = int(atr['FILE_LENGTH']) width = int(atr['WIDTH']) pixel_num = length * width h5ifgram = h5py.File(ifgramFile, 'r') ifgram_list = sorted(h5ifgram['interferograms'].keys()) if inps_dict['weight_function'] == 'no': ifgram_list = ut.check_drop_ifgram(h5ifgram, atr, ifgram_list) ifgram_num = len(ifgram_list) # Convert ifgram_list to date12/8_list date12_list = ptime.list_ifgram2date12(ifgram_list) m_dates = [i.split('-')[0] for i in date12_list] s_dates = [i.split('-')[1] for i in date12_list] date8_list = ptime.yyyymmdd(sorted(list(set(m_dates + s_dates)))) date_num = len(date8_list) tbase_list = ptime.date_list2tbase(date8_list)[0] tbase_diff = np.diff(tbase_list).reshape((date_num - 1, 1)) print 'number of interferograms: ' + str(ifgram_num) print 'number of acquisitions : ' + str(date_num) print 'number of pixels: ' + str(pixel_num) # Reference pixel in space try: ref_x = int(atr['ref_x']) ref_y = int(atr['ref_y']) print 'reference pixel in y/x: [%d, %d]' % (ref_y, ref_x) except: print 'ERROR: No ref_x/y found! Can not inverse interferograms without reference in space.' print 'run ' + ifgramFile + ' --mark-attribute for a quick referencing.' sys.exit(1) ##### Read Interferograms print 'reading interferograms ...' ifgram_data = np.zeros((ifgram_num, pixel_num), np.float32) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=ifgram_num) for j in range(ifgram_num): ifgram = ifgram_list[j] d = h5ifgram['interferograms'][ifgram].get(ifgram)[:] #d[d != 0.] -= d[ref_y, ref_x] d -= d[ref_y, ref_x] ifgram_data[j] = d.flatten() prog_bar.update(j + 1, suffix=date12_list[j]) h5ifgram.close() prog_bar.close() #####---------------------- Inversion ----------------------##### # Design matrix A, B = ut.design_matrix(ifgramFile, date12_list) if weight_func == 'no': print 'generalized inversion using SVD (Berardino et al., 2002, IEEE-TGRS)' print 'inversing time series ...' B_inv = np.array(np.linalg.pinv(B), np.float32) ts_rate =, ifgram_data) ts1 = ts_rate * np.tile(tbase_diff, (1, pixel_num)) ts0 = np.array([0.] * pixel_num, np.float32) ts_data = np.vstack((ts0, np.cumsum(ts1, axis=0))) del ts_rate, ts0, ts1 # Temporal coherence print 'calculating temporal coherence (Tizzani et al., 2007, RSE)' temp_coh = np.zeros((1, pixel_num), np.float32) + 0j prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=ifgram_num) for i in range(ifgram_num): ifgram_est =[i, :], ts_data[1:, :]) ifgram_diff = ifgram_data[i, :] - ifgram_est temp_coh += np.exp(1j * ifgram_diff) prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date12_list[i]) prog_bar.close() del ifgram_data, ifgram_est, ifgram_diff temp_coh = np.array((np.absolute(temp_coh) / ifgram_num).reshape( (length, width)), dtype=np.float32) else: print 'weighted least square (WLS) inversion using coherence pixel by pixel' if np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) < date_num - 1: print 'ERROR: singular design matrix!' print ' Input network of interferograms is not fully connected!' print ' Can not inverse the weighted least square solution.' print 'You could try:' print ' 1) Add more interferograms to make the network fully connected:' print ' a.k.a., no multiple subsets nor network islands' print " 2) Use '-w no' option for non-weighted SVD solution." sys.exit(-1) pixel_mask = np.ones(pixel_num, np.bool_) print 'reading coherence: ' + os.path.basename(coherenceFile) h5coh = h5py.File(coherenceFile, 'r') coh_list = sorted(h5coh['coherence'].keys()) coh_data = np.zeros((ifgram_num, pixel_num), np.float32) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=ifgram_num) for j in range(ifgram_num): ifgram = coh_list[j] d = h5coh['coherence'][ifgram].get(ifgram)[:].flatten() d[np.isnan(d)] = 0. pixel_mask[d == 0.] = 0 coh_data[j] = d prog_bar.update(j + 1, suffix=date12_list[j]) h5coh.close() prog_bar.close() # Get mask of valid pixels to inverse print 'skip pixels with zero coherence in at least one interferogram' print 'skip pixels with zero phase in all interferograms' ifgram_stack = ut.get_file_stack(ifgramFile).flatten() pixel_mask[ifgram_stack == 0.] = 0 pixel_num2inv = np.sum(pixel_mask) pixel_idx2inv = np.where(pixel_mask)[0] ifgram_data = ifgram_data[:, pixel_mask] coh_data = coh_data[:, pixel_mask] print 'number of pixels to inverse: %d' % (pixel_num2inv) ##### Calculate Weight matrix weight = coh_data if weight_func.startswith('var'): print 'convert coherence to weight using inverse of variance: x**2/(1-x**2) from Hanssen (2001, for 4.2.32)' weight[weight > 0.999] = 0.999 if weight_func == 'variance-max-coherence': print 'constrain the max coherence to %f' % max_coh weight[weight > max_coh] = max_coh weight = np.square(weight) weight *= 1. / (1. - weight) if weight_func == 'variance-log': print 'use log(1/variance)+1 as weight' weight = np.log(weight + 1) elif weight_func.startswith('lin'): print 'use coherence as weight directly (Tong et al., 2016, RSE)' elif weight_func.startswith('norm'): print 'convert coherence to weight using CDF of normal distribution: N(%f, %f)' % ( mu, std) mu = (min_coh + max_coh) / 2.0 std = (max_coh - min_coh) / 6.0 chunk_size = 1000 chunk_num = int(pixel_num2inv / chunk_size) + 1 prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=chunk_num) for i in range(chunk_num): i0 = (i - 1) * chunk_size i1 = min([pixel_num2inv, i0 + chunk_size]) weight[:, i0:i1] = norm.cdf(weight[:, i0:i1], mu, std) prog_bar.update(i + 1, every=10) prog_bar.close() #weight = norm.cdf(weight, mu, std) else: print 'Un-recognized weight function: %s' % weight_func sys.exit(-1) ##### Weighted Inversion pixel by pixel print 'inversing time series ...' ts_data = np.zeros((date_num, pixel_num), np.float32) temp_coh = np.zeros(pixel_num, np.float32) prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=pixel_num2inv) for i in range(pixel_num2inv): # Inverse timeseries ifgram_pixel = ifgram_data[:, i] weight_pixel = weight[:, i] W = np.diag(weight_pixel) ts = np.linalg.inv( A.T).dot(W).dot(ifgram_pixel) ts_data[1:, pixel_idx2inv[i]] = ts # Calculate weighted temporal coherence ifgram_diff = ifgram_pixel -, ts) temp_coh_pixel = np.abs( np.sum(np.multiply(weight_pixel, np.exp(1j * ifgram_diff)), axis=0)) / np.sum(weight_pixel) temp_coh[pixel_idx2inv[i]] = temp_coh_pixel prog_bar.update(i + 1, every=2000, suffix=str(i + 1) + ' pixels') prog_bar.close() del ifgram_data, weight #####---------------------- Outputs ----------------------##### ## 1.1 Convert time-series phase to displacement print 'converting phase to range' phase2range = -1 * float(atr['WAVELENGTH']) / (4. * np.pi) ts_data *= phase2range ## 1.2 Write time-series data matrix timeseriesFile = 'timeseries.h5' print 'writing >>> ' + timeseriesFile print 'number of acquisitions: ' + str(date_num) h5timeseries = h5py.File(timeseriesFile, 'w') group = h5timeseries.create_group('timeseries') prog_bar = ptime.progress_bar(maxValue=date_num) for i in range(date_num): date = date8_list[i] dset = group.create_dataset(date, data=ts_data[i].reshape(length, width), compression='gzip') prog_bar.update(i + 1, suffix=date) prog_bar.close() ## 1.3 Write time-series attributes print 'calculating perpendicular baseline timeseries' pbase, pbase_top, pbase_bottom = ut.perp_baseline_ifgram2timeseries( ifgramFile, ifgram_list) pbase = str(pbase.tolist()).translate( None, '[],') # convert np.array into string separated by white space pbase_top = str(pbase_top.tolist()).translate(None, '[],') pbase_bottom = str(pbase_bottom.tolist()).translate(None, '[],') atr['P_BASELINE_TIMESERIES'] = pbase atr['P_BASELINE_TOP_TIMESERIES'] = pbase_top atr['P_BASELINE_BOTTOM_TIMESERIES'] = pbase_bottom atr['ref_date'] = date8_list[0] atr['FILE_TYPE'] = 'timeseries' atr['UNIT'] = 'm' for key, value in atr.iteritems(): group.attrs[key] = value h5timeseries.close() del ts_data ## 2. Write Temporal Coherence File tempCohFile = 'temporalCoherence.h5' print 'writing >>> ' + tempCohFile atr['FILE_TYPE'] = 'temporal_coherence' atr['UNIT'] = '1' writefile.write(temp_coh.reshape(length, width), atr, tempCohFile) print 'Time series inversion took ' + str(time.time() - total) + ' secs\nDone.' return timeseriesFile, tempCohFile