Exemple #1
def lineify_fileobjs(ifo, ofo, strip=False):
	from pyutil.strutil import pop_trailing_newlines, split_on_newlines
	for l in ifo:
		for sl in split_on_newlines(pop_trailing_newlines(l)):
			if strip:
				sl = sl.strip()
			ofo.write(pop_trailing_newlines(sl) + '\n')
Exemple #2
    def _find_missing_names(self, fname):
        f = open(fname, 'r')
        names = dictutil.NumDict()
        for line in f.xreadlines():
            mo = CARDNAME_FIELD_RE.match(strutil.pop_trailing_newlines(line))
            if mo:
                if mo.group(5):
                    names.add_num(_fixnames(mo.group(2)), int(mo.group(5)))

        for k, v, in names.items():
            if v != 1:
                print "k: %s, v: %s" % (k, v,)
        for card in self.cards():
            if card['Card Name'] not in names:
                print "%s in db and not in file" % card['Card Name']
        for name in names.keys():
            if not self.has_key(name):
                print "%s in file and not in db" % name
Exemple #3
 def test_short_input(self):
     self.assertTrue(strutil.pop_trailing_newlines("\r\n") == "")
     self.assertTrue(strutil.pop_trailing_newlines("\r") == "")
     self.assertTrue(strutil.pop_trailing_newlines("x\r\n") == "x")
     self.assertTrue(strutil.pop_trailing_newlines("x\r") == "x")
Exemple #4
 def test_short_input(self):
     self.failUnless(strutil.pop_trailing_newlines("\r\n") == "")
     self.failUnless(strutil.pop_trailing_newlines("\r") == "")
     self.failUnless(strutil.pop_trailing_newlines("x\r\n") == "x")
     self.failUnless(strutil.pop_trailing_newlines("x\r") == "x")
Exemple #5
    def import_list(self, fname):
        This reads in a spoiler list in any currently known Wizards of the Coast text format and populates self.
        f = open(fname, 'r')
        id2cs = dictutil.UtilDict() # k: tuple of (set name, card number,), v: list of card objects
        setname = None
        cardstotal = None # a self-check to see if we got them all
        namesfound = dictutil.NumDict() # a self-check to see if we got them all
        incard = false
        thiscard = None
        thiskey = None
        thisval = None
        prevline = None # just for debugging
        for line in f.xreadlines():
            print line
            line = strutil.pop_trailing_newlines(line)
            mo = CARDNAME_FIELD_RE.match(line)
            if mo:
                if mo.group(5):
                    namesfound.add_num(_fixnames(mo.group(2)), int(mo.group(5)))
                incard = true
                thiscard = Card()
                if setname:
                    thiscard['Set Name'] = setname
            if incard:
                if len(line) == 0:
                    if thiskey == 'Rarity':
                        incard = false
                        thiscard[thiskey] = thisval
                elif (line[0] in string.whitespace) or ((line.find(":") == -1) and (line.find("\t") == -1) and (line.find("  ") == -1) and ((thisval and len(thisval) > 50) or (thiskey == 'Flavor Text') or ((line[0] in string.ascii_uppercase) and (thiskey == 'Card Text')))) or (thisval and (thisval.strip()[0] == '"') and (thisval.strip()[-1] != '"') and (thiskey == 'Card Text') and (line.find("Flavor Text:") == -1)):
                    # Some spoiler lists have typos in which continued lines don't start with white space.  We'll assume that if this line doesn't have a separator (none of ':', '\t', or '  '), *and* if the previous line was more than 50 chars, that this is one of those typos.
                    # Some spoiler lists have typos in which attributions of quotes start on the line after the quote (in a Flavor Text field) but have no start with white space.  We'll assume that if this line begins with '-', doesn't have a separator (none of ':', '\t', or '  '), *and* if the previous line was a Flavor Text field, then this is one of those typos.
                    # Some older spoiler lists have linebreaks between lines of Card Text.  We'll assume that if the previous line was a Card Text field, and this line doesn't have a separator (none of ':', '\t', or '  '), *and* if the first character of the line is a capital letter, that this is one of those.  In addition, we'll assume that if the previous line was a Card Text field, and it began with a quote character but didn't end with one, that this is one of those.
                    # Some spoiler lists (e.g. le_spoiler_en.txt in Chromeshell Crab) have typos where multilines are begun with a double-quote but not terminated with a double-quote!  So if the line contains "Flavor Text:" then we don't follow the "keep going til you find a double-quote since you started with a double-quote" rule.
                    assert thiskey is not None
                    assert thisval is not None
                    thisval += ' ' + line.strip()
                elif (line.find(":") == -1) and (line.find("\t") == -1) and (line.find("  ") == -1) and (line[0] in string.ascii_uppercase) and (not thiscard.has_key('Card Text')):
                    # Some spoiler lists (e.g. "Dry Spell" in homelands.txt), have typos where the "Card Text:" param name is missing!  We'll assume that if this line doesn't have a separator (none of ':', '\t', or '  '), *and* none of the previous assumptions have been taken, *and* if the first character of the line is a capital letter, *and* if there has not been any 'Card Text' field processed for this card yet, then this is one of those.
                    if thiskey:
                        self._process_key_and_val(thiskey, thisval, thiscard)
                        thiskey = None
                        thisval = None
                    thiskey = 'Card Text'
                    thisval = line
                elif RARITY_RE.match(strip_whitespace_and_quotes(line)):
                    # Some spoiler lists (e.g. "Gaea's Touch" in the_dark.txt), have typos where the "Rarity:" param name is missing!  We'll assume that if this val matches the RARITY_RE then this is one of those.
                    if thiskey:
                        self._process_key_and_val(thiskey, thisval, thiscard)
                        thiskey = None
                        thisval = None
                    thiskey = 'Rarity'
                    thisval = line
                    self._process_key_and_val(thiskey, thisval, thiscard)
                    thiskey = None
                    thisval = None

                    # on to the next key and val!
                    sepindex = line.find(':')
                    if sepindex == -1:
                        # Some spoiler lists have typos in which the ':' is missing...  So we'll break on the first occurence of two-spaces or a tab.
                        twospaceindex = line.find('  ')
                        tabindex = line.find('\t')
                        if (twospaceindex != -1) and ((twospaceindex <= tabindex) or (tabindex == -1)):
                            sepindex = twospaceindex
                        elif (tabindex != -1) and ((tabindex <= twospaceindex) or (twospaceindex == -1)):
                            sepindex = tabindex
                    assert sepindex != -1, "line: %s, line.find('\t'): %s, line.find('  '): %s" % (`line`, line.find('\t'), line.find('  '),)
                    thiskey = strip_whitespace_and_quotes(line[:sepindex])
                    thisval = line[sepindex+1:].strip()
                if thiskey == "Card #":
                    id2cs.setdefault((thiscard['Set Name'], thisval,), []).append(thiscard)
                    incard = false
                    thiscard[thiskey] = thisval
            elif (not setname) and SPOILER_NAME_RE.match(line):
                assert (SPOILER_NAME_RE.match(line).group(1) is None) != (SPOILER_NAME_RE.match(line).group(2) is None)
                if SPOILER_NAME_RE.match(line).group(1):
                    setname = SPOILER_NAME_RE.match(line).group(1)
                    setname = SPOILER_NAME_RE.match(line).group(2)
            elif CARDS_TOTAL_RE.match(line):
                cardstotal = int(CARDS_TOTAL_RE.match(line).group(1))

            prevline = line # just for debugging

        if setname == "Antiquities":
            cardstotal -= 1 # error in antiquities.txt cardstotal, AFAICT

        if setname == "Urza's Legacy":
            # whoops -- this one is in a completely different format.

        # Okay now fix up any obsolete or inconsistent bits.
        map(Card._update, self.cards())

        # Okay now merge any "double cards" into a single entry.
        for ((setname, cardnum,), cs,) in id2cs.items():
            if len(cs) > 1:
                assert len(cs) == 2, "len(cs): %s, cs: %s" % (len(cs), cs,)

                one = cs[0]
                two = cs[1]
                subone, subtwo = one['Card Name'], two['Card Name']
                for thiscard in (one, two,):
                    assert thiscard['Card Name'], thiscard.data
                    thiscard['This Card Name'] = thiscard['Card Name']
                    mo = DOUBLE_CARD_NAME_RE.match(thiscard['Card Name'])
                    if mo is not None:
                        subone, subtwo, thisone = mo.groups()
                        thiscard['This Card Name'] = thisone

                if subone != one['This Card Name']:
                    temp = one
                    one = two
                    two = temp

                newname = one['This Card Name'] + "/" + two['This Card Name']
                assert not self.has_key(newname), "newname: %s" % newname

                newc = Card(one)
                newc["Card Name"] = newname
                for k in ("Mana Cost", "Card Color", "Type & Class", "Artist",):
                    if one.get(k, "") == two.get(k, ""):
                        if one.has_key(k):
                            newc[k] = one[k]
                        newc[k] = one.get(k,'') + "/" + two.get(k,'')

                if one.get("Card Text", "") == two.get("Card Text", ""):
                    if one.has_key("Card Text"):
                        newc["Card Text"] = one["Card Text"]
                    newc["Card Text"] = one['This Card Name'] + " -- " + one.get("Card Text",'') + "\n" + two['This Card Name'] + " -- " + two.get("Card Text",'')

                del self[one['Card Name']]
                    del self[two['Card Name']]
                    print two.data
                    print two
                del newc['This Card Name']
                self[newname] = newc
        print "cardstotal: %s, after merging, we had %s" % (cardstotal, len(self.cards()),)
        if (cardstotal is not None) and (cardstotal != len(self.cards())) and ((cardstotal != namesfound.sum()) or (len(self.cards()) != len(namesfound))):
            print "after merge, cardstotal: %s, namesfound.sum(): %s, len(namesfound): %s, len(self.cards()): %s" % (cardstotal, namesfound.sum(), len(namesfound), len(self.cards()),)