def display_references(self): """ Display pages which links the current page, sorted per namespace. Number of pages to display per namespace is provided by: - self.getOption('isorphan') """ refs = self.current_page.ref_table if refs: total = sum(len(v) for v in refs.values()) pywikibot.warning('There are %d pages who link to %s.' % (total, self.current_page)) else: return show_n_pages = self.getOption('isorphan') width = len(max((ns.canonical_prefix() for ns in refs), key=len)) for ns in sorted(refs): n_pages_in_ns = len(refs[ns]) plural = '' if n_pages_in_ns == 1 else 's' ns_name = ns.canonical_prefix() if ns != ns.MAIN else 'Main:' ns_id = '[{0}]'.format( pywikibot.output( ' {0!s:<{width}} {1:>6} {2:>10} page{pl}'.format( ns_name, ns_id, n_pages_in_ns, width=width, pl=plural)) if show_n_pages: # do not show marker if 0 pages are requested. for page in islice_with_ellipsis(refs[ns], show_n_pages): pywikibot.output(' {0!s}'.format(page.title()))
def run(self): for page in self.generator: if self.getOption('purge'): pywikibot.output(u'Page %s%s purged' % (page.title(asLink=True), "" if page.purge() else " not")) continue try: # get the page, and save it using the unmodified text. # whether or not getting a redirect throws an exception # depends on the variable self.touch_redirects. page.get(get_redirect=self.getOption('redir'))"Pywikibot touch script") except pywikibot.NoPage: pywikibot.error(u"Page %s does not exist." % page.title(asLink=True)) except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: pywikibot.warning(u"Page %s is a redirect; skipping." % page.title(asLink=True)) except pywikibot.LockedPage: pywikibot.error(u"Page %s is locked." % page.title(asLink=True)) except pywikibot.PageNotSaved: pywikibot.error(u"Page %s not saved." % page.title(asLink=True))
def load_values(self, replacements): """ Load the dataset specific replacements into self.variables. Does not accept variables other than those in self.variables. Automatically handles lat_int and lon_int. @param replacements: Dictionary with target variable as key and replacement SQL a value. e.g. {"adm0": "'ad'", "lat": "`lat`"} """ required_fields = ('country', 'lang') if not all(required in replacements for required in required_fields): raise ValueError( "All of the required fields '{}' must be replaced".format( "','".join(required_fields))) if 'lat' not in replacements: self.variables['lat_int'] = None if 'lon' not in replacements: self.variables['lon_int'] = None for variable in self.variables: if variable in replacements: value = replacements[variable] if not isinstance(value, VariableType): raise ValueError( "All variables must be encoded through VariableType, " "'{}' was not".format(variable)) self.variables[variable] = value.format() for target in replacements: if target not in self.variables: pywikibot.warning( "Unrecognized variable in {table}: {variable}".format( table=self.table, variable=target))
def treat_page(self): page = self.current_page text = page.text done_replacements = [] quickly = self.getOption('quick') is True start = time.clock() if self.own_generator: text = self.currentrule.apply(page.text, done_replacements) if page.text == text: if quickly: pywikibot.output('Typo not found, not fixing another typos ' 'in quick mode') return else: self.replaced += 1 for rule in self.typoRules: if self.own_generator and rule == self.currentrule: # __eq__ continue if rule.matches(page.title()): continue if quickly and rule.needsDecision(): continue text = rule.apply(text, done_replacements) stop = time.clock() if quickly and stop - start > 15: pywikibot.warning('Other typos exceeded 15s, skipping') break self.put_current( text, summary='oprava překlepů: %s' % ', '.join(done_replacements))
def main(*args): """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. @param args: command line arguments @type args: list of unicode """ local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) start = None force = False # Parse command line arguments for arg in local_args: if arg.startswith('-start:'): start = arg[7:] elif arg == '-force': force = True else: pywikibot.warning( u'argument "%s" not understood; ignoring.' % arg) bot = StatesRedirectBot(start, force)
def group_missing_commonscat_by_source(commonscats, withoutCommonscat, countryconfig): """Identify all unused images and group them by source page and id.""" missing_commonscat = {} for catSortKey in sorted(commonscats.keys()): try: monumentId = common.get_id_from_sort_key( catSortKey, withoutCommonscat) except ValueError: pywikibot.warning(u'Got value error for {0}'.format(catSortKey)) continue if monumentId in withoutCommonscat: try: source_link = common.get_source_link( withoutCommonscat.get(monumentId), countryconfig.get('type')) if source_link not in missing_commonscat: missing_commonscat[source_link] = [] except ValueError: pywikibot.warning( u'Could not find source page for {0} ({1})'.format( monumentId, withoutCommonscat.get(monumentId))) continue missing_commonscat[source_link].append( (commonscats.get(catSortKey), monumentId)) return missing_commonscat
def testApiMethods(self): """Test generic ApiSite methods""" self.assertType(mysite.logged_in(), bool) self.assertType(mysite.logged_in(True), bool) self.assertType(mysite.userinfo, dict) self.assertType(mysite.is_blocked(), bool) self.assertType(mysite.messages(), bool) self.assertType(mysite.has_right("edit"), bool) self.assertFalse(mysite.has_right("nonexistent_right")) self.assertType(mysite.has_group("bots"), bool) self.assertFalse(mysite.has_group("nonexistent_group")) try: self.assertType(mysite.is_blocked(True), bool) self.assertType(mysite.has_right("edit", True), bool) self.assertFalse(mysite.has_right("nonexistent_right", True)) self.assertType(mysite.has_group("bots", True), bool) self.assertFalse(mysite.has_group("nonexistent_group", True)) except pywikibot.NoUsername: pywikibot.warning( "Cannot test Site methods for sysop; no sysop account configured.") for msg in ("1movedto2", "about", "aboutpage", "aboutsite", "accesskey-n-portal"): self.assertTrue(mysite.has_mediawiki_message(msg)) self.assertType(mysite.mediawiki_message(msg), basestring) self.assertFalse(mysite.has_mediawiki_message("nosuchmessage")) self.assertRaises(KeyError, mysite.mediawiki_message, "nosuchmessage") self.assertType(mysite.getcurrenttimestamp(), basestring) self.assertType(mysite.siteinfo, dict) self.assertType(, basestring) ver = mysite.live_version() self.assertType(ver, tuple) self.assertTrue(all(isinstance(ver[i], int) for i in (0, 1))) self.assertType(ver[2], basestring)
def saveToCache(self, q, data): """ Save data from a query to a cache file, if enabled. No return value. """ if self.cacheMaxAge <= 0: return # we have to use our own query string, as otherwise we may # be able to find the cache file again if there are e.g. # whitespace differences cacheFile = self.getCacheFilename(q) if os.path.exists(cacheFile) and not os.path.isfile(cacheFile): return if not os.path.exists(self.cacheDir): os.makedirs(self.cacheDir) with open(cacheFile, 'wb') as f: try: pickle.dump(data, f) except IOError: pywikibot.warning(u"Failed to write cache file %s" % cacheFile)
def readFromCache(self, queryStr): """ Load the query result from the cache, if possible. Returns None if the data is not there or if it is too old. """ if self.cacheMaxAge <= 0: return None cacheFile = self.getCacheFilename(queryStr) if os.path.isfile(cacheFile): mtime = os.path.getmtime(cacheFile) now = time.time() if ((now - mtime) / 60) < self.cacheMaxAge: with open(cacheFile, 'rb') as f: try: data = pickle.load(f) except pickle.UnpicklingError: pywikibot.warning(u"Couldn't read cached data from %s" % cacheFile) data = None return data return None
def main(*args): """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. @param args: command line arguments @type args: list of unicode """ options = {} for arg in pywikibot.handle_args(args): if arg == '-replacealways': options['replace'] = True options['replacealways'] = True elif arg == '-hash': options['use_hash'] = True elif arg == '-autonomous': pywikibot.warning(u"The '-autonomous' argument is DEPRECATED," u" use '-always' instead.") options['always'] = True elif arg.startswith('-'): if arg[1:] in ('always', 'replace', 'replaceloose', 'replaceonly'): options[arg[1:]] = True bot = NowCommonsDeleteBot(**options)
def getOpenStreetMap(latitude, longitude): """ Get the result from . @rtype: list of tuples """ result = [] gotInfo = False parameters = urlencode({'lat': latitude, 'lon': longitude, 'accept-language': 'en'}) while not gotInfo: try: page = fetch('' % parameters) et = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(page.content) gotInfo = True except IOError: pywikibot.output(u'Got an IOError, let\'s try again') time.sleep(30) except socket.timeout: pywikibot.output(u'Got a timeout, let\'s try again') time.sleep(30) validParts = [u'hamlet', u'village', u'city', u'county', u'country'] invalidParts = [u'path', u'road', u'suburb', u'state', u'country_code'] addressparts = et.find('addressparts') for addresspart in addressparts.getchildren(): if addresspart.tag in validParts: result.append(addresspart.text) elif addresspart.tag in invalidParts: pywikibot.output(u'Dropping %s, %s' % (addresspart.tag, addresspart.text)) else: pywikibot.warning('%s, %s is not in addressparts lists' % (addresspart.tag, addresspart.text)) return result
def site_rc_listener(site, total=None): """Yield changes received from EventStream. @param site: the Pywikibot.Site object to yield live recent changes for @type site: Pywikibot.BaseSite @param total: the maximum number of changes to return @type total: int @return: pywikibot.comms.eventstream.rc_listener configured for given site """ if isinstance(EventSource, Exception): warning('sseclient is required for EventStreams;\n' 'install it with "pip install sseclient"\n') # fallback to old rcstream method # NOTE: this will be deprecated soon from pywikibot.comms.rcstream import rc_listener return rc_listener( wikihost=site.hostname(), rchost=site.rcstream_host(), rcport=site.rcstream_port(), rcpath=site.rcstream_path(), total=total, ) stream = EventStreams(stream='recentchange', site=site) stream.set_maximum_items(total) stream.register_filter(server_name=site.hostname()) return stream
def setLinkDead(self, url, error, page, day): """Add the fact that the link was found dead to the .dat file.""" self.semaphore.acquire() now = time.time() if url in self.historyDict: timeSinceFirstFound = now - self.historyDict[url][0][1] timeSinceLastFound = now - self.historyDict[url][-1][1] # if the last time we found this dead link is less than an hour # ago, we won't save it in the history this time. if timeSinceLastFound > 60 * 60: self.historyDict[url].append((page.title(), now, error)) # if the first time we found this link longer than x day ago # (default is a week), it should probably be fixed or removed. # We'll list it in a file so that it can be removed manually. if timeSinceFirstFound > 60 * 60 * 24 * day: # search for archived page try: archiveURL = get_archive_url(url) except Exception as e: pywikibot.warning( 'get_closest_memento_url({0}) failed: {1}'.format( url, e)) archiveURL = None if archiveURL is None: archiveURL = weblib.getInternetArchiveURL(url) if archiveURL is None: archiveURL = weblib.getWebCitationURL(url) self.log(url, error, page, archiveURL) else: self.historyDict[url] = [(page.title(), now, error)] self.semaphore.release()
def read_file_content(self, file_url=None): """Return name of temp file in which remote file is saved.""" if not file_url: file_url = self.url pywikibot.warning("file_url is not given. " "Set to self.url by default.") pywikibot.output(u'Reading file %s' % file_url) resume = False rlen = 0 _contents = None dt = 15 uo = URLopener() retrieved = False while not retrieved: if resume: pywikibot.output(u"Resume download...") uo.addheader('Range', 'bytes=%s-' % rlen) infile = if 'text/html' in'Content-Type'): pywikibot.output(u"Couldn't download the image: " "the requested URL was not found on server.") return content_len ='Content-Length') accept_ranges ='Accept-Ranges') == 'bytes' if resume: _contents += else: _contents = infile.close() retrieved = True if content_len: rlen = len(_contents) content_len = int(content_len) if rlen < content_len: retrieved = False pywikibot.output( u"Connection closed at byte %s (%s left)" % (rlen, content_len)) if accept_ranges and rlen > 0: resume = True pywikibot.output(u"Sleeping for %d seconds..." % dt) time.sleep(dt) if dt <= 60: dt += 15 elif dt < 360: dt += 60 else: pywikibot.log( u"WARNING: length check of retrieved data not possible.") handle, tempname = tempfile.mkstemp() with os.fdopen(handle, "wb") as t: t.write(_contents) return tempname
def modeletodic(modele): """ Transforme un chaine "modèle" en tableau convention : r[0] est le nom du modèle """ r = {} m = if m: chaine ='\n', '') chaine = RE_Comment.sub(r'', chaine) chaine = RE_Pipe.sub(r'[[\2]]', chaine) #pour le split après pos = 0 for l in chaine.split("|"): if pos == 0: r[0] = l.strip() pos += 1 else: a = l.split("=") b = a[0].strip() if len(a) > 1: r[b] = a[1].strip() else: r[pos] = b pos +=1 else: pywikibot.warning("BeBot.modeletodic() ; il a été impossible de lire le modèle suivant\n%s" % modele) return r
def readFromCache(self, queryStr): """ Check if we have cached this data recently enough, read it if we have. Returns None if the data is not there or if it is too old """ if self.cacheMaxAge <= 0: return None cacheFile = self.getCacheFilename(queryStr) if os.path.isfile(cacheFile): mtime = os.path.getmtime(cacheFile) now = time.time() if ((now - mtime) / 60) < self.cacheMaxAge: try: data = pickle.load(open(cacheFile, 'r')) except pickle.UnpicklingError: pywikibot.warning(u"Couldn't read cached data from %s" % cacheFile) data = None return data return None
def loadTypos(self): pywikibot.output('Loading typo rules') self.typoRules = [] if self.typos_page_name is None: self.typos_page_name = 'Wikipedie:WPCleaner/Typo' typos_page = pywikibot.Page(, self.typos_page_name) if not typos_page.exists(): # todo: feedback return content = typos_page.get() load_all = self.load_all is True for template, fielddict in textlib.extract_templates_and_params( content, remove_disabled_parts=False, strip=False): if template.lower() == 'typo': try: rule = TypoRule.newFromParameters(fielddict, except IncompleteTypoRuleException as exc: pywikibot.warning(exc.message) # pwb.exception? except InvalidExpressionException as exc: if 'fixed-width' not in exc.message: pywikibot.warning('Invalid %s %s: %s' % ( exc.aspect, fielddict['1'], exc.message)) else: = self.top_id self.top_id += 1 if load_all or not rule.needsDecision(): self.typoRules.append(rule) pywikibot.output('%s typo rules loaded' % len(self.typoRules)) return self.typoRules
def __init__(self, url, urlEncoding=None, description=u'', useFilename=None, keepFilename=False, verifyDescription=True, ignoreWarning=False, targetSite=None, uploadByUrl=False, aborts=[], chunk_size=0): """ Constructor. @param url: path to url or local file (deprecated), or list of urls or paths to local files. @type url: string (deprecated) or list @param description: Description of file for its page. If multiple files are uploading the same description is used for every file. @type description: string @param useFilename: Specify title of the file's page. If multiple files are uploading it asks to change the name for second, third, etc. files, otherwise the last file will overwrite the other. @type useFilename: string @param keepFilename: Set to True to keep original names of urls and files, otherwise it will ask to enter a name for each file. @type keepFilename: bool @param verifyDescription: Set to False to not proofread the description. @type verifyDescription: bool @param ignoreWarning: Set this to True to upload even if another file would be overwritten or another mistake would be risked. Set it to an array of warning codes to selectively ignore specific warnings. @type ignoreWarning: bool or list @param targetSite: Set the site to upload to. If target site is not given it's taken from @type targetSite: object @param aborts: List of the warning types to abort upload on. Set to True to abort on any warning. @type aborts: bool or list @param chunk_size: Upload the file in chunks (more overhead, but restartable) specified in bytes. If no value is specified the file will be uploaded as whole. @type chunk_size: integer @deprecated: Using upload_image() is deprecated, use upload_file() with file_url param instead """ self.url = url if isinstance(self.url, basestring): pywikibot.warning("url as string is deprecated. " "Use an iterable instead.") self.urlEncoding = urlEncoding self.description = description self.useFilename = useFilename self.keepFilename = keepFilename self.verifyDescription = verifyDescription self.ignoreWarning = ignoreWarning self.aborts = aborts self.chunk_size = chunk_size if config.upload_to_commons: self.targetSite = targetSite or pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons') else: self.targetSite = targetSite or pywikibot.Site() self.targetSite.login() self.uploadByUrl = uploadByUrl
def get_sd_template(self): """Look for speedy deletion template and return it. @return: A valid speedy deletion template. @rtype: str or None """ if self.getOption('delete') and not sd = self.getOption('sdtemplate') if not sd and i18n.twhas_key(, 'redirect-broken-redirect-template'): sd = i18n.twtranslate(, 'redirect-broken-redirect-template') # TODO: Add bot's signature if needed (Bug: T131517) # check whether template exists for this site title = None if sd: template = extract_templates_and_params_regex_simple(sd) if template: title = template[0][0] page = pywikibot.Page(, title, ns=10) if page.exists(): return sd pywikibot.warning( 'No speedy deletion template {0}available.' ''.format('"{0}" '.format(title) if title else '')) return None
def main(): always = False for arg in pywikibot.handleArgs(): if arg == '-always': always = True mysite = pywikibot.Site() # If anything needs to be prepared, you can do it here template_image = i18n.translate(pywikibot.Site(), template_to_the_image) template_user = i18n.translate(pywikibot.Site(), template_to_the_user) except_text_translated = i18n.translate(pywikibot.Site(), except_text) if not(template_image and template_user and except_text_translated): pywikibot.warning(u'This script is not localized for %s site.' % mysite) return generator = pagegenerators.UnusedFilesGenerator() generator = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(generator) for image in generator: if (except_text_translated.encode('utf-8') not in image.getImagePageHtml() and u'http://' not in image.text): pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<" % image.title()) if template_image in image.text: pywikibot.output(u"%s done already" % image.title(asLink=True)) continue appendtext(image, u"\n\n" + template_image, always) uploader = image.getFileVersionHistory().pop(0)['user'] user = pywikibot.User(mysite, uploader) usertalkpage = user.getUserTalkPage() msg2uploader = template_user % {'title': image.title()} appendtext(usertalkpage, msg2uploader, always)
def add_mbid_claim_to_item(self, item, mbid): """ Adds a claim with pid `pid` with value `mbid` to `item` and call `donefunc` with `mbid` to signal the completion. :type pid: str :type mbid: str :type item: pywikibot.ItemPage """ claim = wp.Claim(const.WIKIDATA_DATASITE, self.property_id) claim.setTarget(mbid) wp.debug(u"Adding property {pid}, value {mbid} to {title}".format (pid=self.property_id, mbid=mbid, title=item.title()), layer="") if wp.config.simulate: wp.output("Simulation, no property has been added") return try: item.addClaim(claim, True) except wp.UserBlocked as e: wp.error("I have been blocked") exit(1) except wp.Error as e: wp.warning(e) return else: wp.debug("Adding the source Claim", layer="") claim.addSources([const.MUSICBRAINZ_CLAIM, const.RETRIEVED_CLAIM], bot=True) self.donefunc(mbid)
def treat_page(self): """Process one page.""" page = self.current_page text = page.get() for url in weblinksIn(text): ignoreUrl = False for ignoreR in ignorelist: if ignoreR.match(url): ignoreUrl = True if not ignoreUrl: # Limit the number of threads started at the same time. Each # thread will check one page, then die. while threading.activeCount() >= config.max_external_links: time.sleep(config.retry_wait) thread = LinkCheckThread(page, url, self.history, self.HTTPignore, # thread dies when program terminates thread.setDaemon(True) try: thread.start() except threading.ThreadError: pywikibot.warning( "Can't start a new thread.\nPlease decrease " "max_external_links in your or use\n" "'-max_external_links:' option with a smaller value. " "Default is 50.") raise
def main(*args): generator = None local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) site = pywikibot.Site() if str(site) != "commons:commons": pywikibot.warning("The script has not been tested on sites other that " "commons:commons.") gen_factory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory(site) for local_arg in local_args: if gen_factory.handleArg(local_arg): continue arg, sep, value = local_arg.partition(':') if arg in ('-showcats',): options[arg[1:]] = True else: raise ValueError('Unknown argument: ' + local_arg) generator = gen_factory.getCombinedGenerator(gen=generator) if not generator: else: pregenerator = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(generator) for i, page in enumerate(pregenerator): if page.exists(): log = handle_page(page) pywikibot.output('\n'.join(log)) pywikibot.output("")
def treat_page(self): commons = pywikibot.Site(code = u'commons', fam = u'commons') today = # fileTemplate = pywikibot.Page(commons, u'Template:Potd filename') # captionTemplate = pywikibot.Page(commons, u'Template:Potd description') # (Potd page, POTD description) filePage = pywikibot.Page(commons, u'Template:Potd/%s' % today.isoformat()) file = get_template_parameter_value(filePage, u'Potd filename', u'1') # TODO: use languages instead of lang captionPage = pywikibot.Page(commons, u'Template:Potd/%s (%s)' % (today.isoformat(), if != u'en' and not captionPage.exists(): pywikibot.warning(u'%s does not exist' % captionPage.title(asLink=True)) # try en instead captionPage = pywikibot.Page(commons, u'Template:Potd/%s (en)' % today.isoformat()) caption = get_template_parameter_value(captionPage, u'Potd description', u'1') # TODO: Complete caption parsing to fix links (if not an interwiki then make it an interwiki to Commons) caption = re.sub(r"\[\[([^:])", r"[[:\1", caption, flags=re.UNICODE) # Force links to start with ':' caption = re.sub(r"\[\[(:Category:)", r"[[:c\1", caption, flags=re.UNICODE | re.IGNORECASE) # Make category links interwiki links # TODO: Use [[d:Q4608595]] to get the local {{Documentation}} doc = u'Documentation' if file != u'': summary = u'Updating Commons picture of the day' if caption != u'': summary = summary + u', [[:c:%s|caption attribution]]' % captionPage.title() else: summary = summary + u', failed to parse caption' pywikibot.error(u'Failed to parse parameter 1 from {{Potd description}} on %s' % captionPage.title(asLink=True)) self.put_current(u'<includeonly>{{#switch:{{{1|}}}|caption=%s|#default=%s}}</includeonly><noinclude>\n{{%s}}</noinclude>' % (caption, file, doc), summary=summary, minor=False) else: pywikibot.error(u'Failed to parse parameter 1 from {{Potd filename}} on %s' % filePage.title(asLink=True))
def __init__(self, site, name, parameters, aliases=None, subst=False): self._name = name if not aliases: aliases = [] elif not subst: aliases = list(aliases) + [name] else: name = 'subst:' + name if parameters: name += '|' + parameters self.template = '{{' + name + '}}' self._names = frozenset(aliases) template_ns = site.namespaces[10] # TODO: Add redirects to self.names too if not pywikibot.Page(site, self._name, raise ValueError('Orphan template "{0}" does not exist on ' '"{1}".'.format(self._name, site)) for name in self._names: if not pywikibot.Page(site, name, pywikibot.warning('Orphan template alias "{0}" does not exist ' 'on "{1}"'.format(name, site)) self.regex = re.compile( r'\{\{(?:' + ':|'.join(template_ns) + '|)(' + '|'.join(re.escape(name) for name in self._names) + r')[\|\}]', re.I)
def check_user_exists(self): """ Check that the username exists on the site. @see: U{} @raises NoUsername: Username doesn't exist in user list. """ # convert any Special:BotPassword usernames to main account equivalent main_username = self.username if '@' in self.username: warn( 'When using BotPasswords it is recommended that you store ' 'your login credentials in a password_file instead. See ' '{}/BotPasswords for instructions and more information.' .format(__url__)) main_username = self.username.partition('@')[0] try: data =, total=1) user = next(iter(data)) except as e: if e.code == 'readapidenied': pywikibot.warning('Could not check user %s exists on %s' % (main_username, return else: raise if user['name'] != main_username: # Report the same error as server error code NotExists raise NoUsername("Username '%s' does not exist on %s" % (main_username,
def testTkdialog(self): """Test Tk dialog.""" try: box = Tkdialog('foo', 'tests/data/MP_sounds.png', 'MP_sounds.png') box.show_dialog() except ImportError as e: pywikibot.warning(e)
def load(self, page): """ Loads the given page, does some changes, and saves it. """ try: # Load the page text = page.get() except pywikibot.NoPage: if self.create: pywikibot.output(u"Page %s doesn't exist yet; creating." % (page.title(asLink=True))) text = '' else: pywikibot.output(u"Page %s does not exist; skipping." % page.title(asLink=True)) except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage as arg: redirTarget = pywikibot.Page(, arg.args[0]) if self.follow_redirects: text = redirTarget.get() else: pywikibot.warning(u"Page %s is a redirect to %s; skipping." % (page.title(asLink=True), redirTarget.title(asLink=True))) else: return text
def status(self): """Return Proofread Page status.""" try: return[self.ql] except KeyError: pywikibot.warning('Not valid status set for {0!s}: quality level = {1!s}'.format(self.title(asLink=True), self.ql)) return None
def treat(self, page): """ Load the given page, make the required changes, and save it. @param page: the page to treat @type page: pywikibot.Page """ self.current_page = page page.get() wikicode = mwparserfromhell.parse(page.text) for el in wikicode.ifilter_tags(): if el.tag in self.getOption('tags'): try: result = self.process_lines(el.contents) except PoemError as e: pywikibot.warning(e) continue if result: lines, numbering, lines_count = result if lines != el.contents: scheme = self.detect_numbering(numbering, lines_count) if scheme: el.contents = lines for attr, val in scheme.items(): el.add(attr, val) if self.getOption('preferred'): # change the tag name to the preferred form el.tag = self.getOption('preferred') else: pywikibot.warning(u'a reliable line numbering scheme could not be obtained') newtext = unicode(wikicode) summary = self.getOption('summary') if not summary: summary = i18n.translate(, self.summary, fallback=True) self.userPut(page, page.text, newtext, comment=summary)
def main(*args): """Process command line arguments and perform task.""" # imagerecat.initLists() photoset = u'' # public (popular photos), full (all photos), user ID number start_id = u'' end_id = u'' addCategory = u'' autonomous = False totalPhotos = 0 uploadedPhotos = 0 # Do we mark the images as reviewed right away? if config.panoramio['review']: panoramioreview = config.panoramio['review'] else: panoramioreview = False # Set the Panoramio reviewer if config.panoramio['reviewer']: reviewer = config.panoramio['reviewer'] elif 'commons' in config.sysopnames['commons']: reviewer = config.sysopnames['commons']['commons'] elif 'commons' in config.usernames['commons']: reviewer = config.usernames['commons']['commons'] else: reviewer = u'' # Should be renamed to overrideLicense or something like that override = u'' local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) for arg in local_args: if arg.startswith('-set'): if len(arg) == 4: photoset = pywikibot.input(u'What is the set?') else: photoset = arg[5:] elif arg.startswith('-start_id'): if len(arg) == 9: start_id = pywikibot.input( u'What is the id of the photo you want to start at?') else: start_id = arg[10:] elif arg.startswith('-end_id'): if len(arg) == 7: end_id = pywikibot.input( u'What is the id of the photo you want to end at?') else: end_id = arg[8:] elif arg == '-panoramioreview': panoramioreview = True elif arg.startswith('-reviewer'): if len(arg) == 9: reviewer = pywikibot.input(u'Who is the reviewer?') else: reviewer = arg[10:] elif arg.startswith('-override'): if len(arg) == 9: override = pywikibot.input(u'What is the override text?') else: override = arg[10:] elif arg.startswith('-addcategory'): if len(arg) == 12: addCategory = pywikibot.input( u'What category do you want to add?') else: addCategory = arg[13:] elif arg == '-autonomous': autonomous = True if photoset: site = pywikibot.Site() if site != pywikibot.Site('commons', 'commons'): pywikibot.warning( 'Using {0} instead of Wikimedia Commons'.format(site)) for photoInfo in getPhotos(photoset, start_id, end_id): photoInfo = getLicense(photoInfo) # time.sleep(10) uploadedPhotos += processPhoto(photoInfo, panoramioreview, reviewer, override, addCategory, autonomous, site=site) totalPhotos += 1 else: usage() pywikibot.output(u'Finished running') pywikibot.output(u'Total photos: ' + str(totalPhotos)) pywikibot.output(u'Uploaded photos: ' + str(uploadedPhotos))
def replace_links(self, text, linkedPage, targetPage): """Replace all source links by target.""" mysite = pywikibot.Site() linktrail = mysite.linktrail() # make a backup of the original text so we can show the changes later linkR = re.compile( r'\[\[(?P<title>[^\]\|#]*)(?P<section>#[^\]\|]*)?' r'(\|(?P<label>[^\]]*))?\]\](?P<linktrail>' + linktrail + ')') curpos = 0 # This loop will run until we have finished the current page while True: m =, pos=curpos) if not m: break # Make sure that next time around we will not find this same hit. curpos = m.start() + 1 # T283403 try: is_interwikilink = mysite.isInterwikiLink('title')) except ValueError: pywikibot.exception() continue # ignore interwiki links, links in the disabled area # and links to sections of the same page if ('title').strip() == '' or is_interwikilink or isDisabled(text, m.start())): continue actualLinkPage = pywikibot.Page(,'title')) # Check whether the link found is to page. try: actualLinkPage.title() except InvalidTitleError: pywikibot.exception() continue if actualLinkPage != linkedPage: continue # The link looks like this: # [[page_title|link_text]]trailing_chars page_title ='title') link_text ='label') if not link_text: # or like this: [[page_title]]trailing_chars link_text = page_title if'section') is None: section = '' else: section ='section') if section and targetPage.section(): pywikibot.warning( 'Source section {} and target section {} found. ' 'Skipping.'.format(section, targetPage)) continue trailing_chars ='linktrail') if trailing_chars: link_text += trailing_chars # remove preleading ":" if link_text[0] == ':': link_text = link_text[1:] if link_text[0].isupper() or link_text[0].isdigit(): new_page_title = targetPage.title() else: new_page_title = first_lower(targetPage.title()) # remove preleading ":" if new_page_title[0] == ':': new_page_title = new_page_title[1:] if ((new_page_title == link_text and not section) or self.opt.overwrite): newlink = '[[{}]]'.format(new_page_title) # check if we can create a link with trailing characters instead of # a pipelink elif (len(new_page_title) <= len(link_text) and (firstcap(link_text[:len(new_page_title)]) == firstcap(new_page_title)) and re.sub(re.compile(linktrail), '', link_text[len(new_page_title):]) == '' and not section): newlink = '[[{}]]{}'.format(link_text[:len(new_page_title)], link_text[len(new_page_title):]) else: newlink = '[[{}{}|{}]]'.format(new_page_title, section, link_text) text = text[:m.start()] + newlink + text[m.end():] continue return text
def fix_1_double_redirect(self): """Treat one double redirect.""" newRedir = redir = self.current_page redirList = [] # bookkeeping to detect loops while True: redirList.append('{0}:{1}' .format(, newRedir.title(with_section=False))) try: targetPage = newRedir.getRedirectTarget() except pywikibot.IsNotRedirectPage: if len(redirList) == 2: pywikibot.output( 'Skipping: Redirect target {0} is not a redirect.' .format(newRedir.title(as_link=True))) break # do nothing except pywikibot.SectionError: pywikibot.warning( "Redirect target section {0} doesn't exist." .format(newRedir.title(as_link=True))) except (pywikibot.CircularRedirect, pywikibot.InterwikiRedirectPage, pywikibot.UnsupportedPage, RuntimeError): pywikibot.exception() pywikibot.output('Skipping {0}.'.format(newRedir)) break except pywikibot.BadTitle as e: # str(e) is in the format 'BadTitle: [[Foo]]' pywikibot.warning( 'Redirect target {0} is not a valid page title.' .format(str(e)[10:])) break except pywikibot.NoPage: if self.getOption('always'): pywikibot.output( "Skipping: Redirect target {} doesn't exist." .format(newRedir.title(as_link=True))) break # skip if automatic else: pywikibot.warning( "Redirect target {} doesn't exist." .format(newRedir.title(as_link=True))) except pywikibot.ServerError: pywikibot.output('Skipping due to server error: ' 'No textarea found') break else: pywikibot.output( ' Links to: {0}.' .format(targetPage.title(as_link=True))) try: mw_msg = 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-redirect-example') except KeyError: pass else: if targetPage.title() == mw_msg: pywikibot.output( 'Skipping toolbar example: Redirect source is ' 'potentially vandalized.') break # watch out for redirect loops if redirList.count('{0}:{1}'.format(, targetPage.title(with_section=False))): pywikibot.warning( 'Redirect target {0} forms a redirect loop.' .format(targetPage.title(as_link=True))) break # FIXME: doesn't work. edits twice! if self.getOption('delete'): # Delete the two redirects # TODO: Check whether pages aren't vandalized # and (maybe) do not have a version history self.delete_redirect(targetPage, 'redirect-remove-loop') self.delete_redirect(redir, 'redirect-remove-loop') break else: # redirect target found if targetPage.isStaticRedirect(): pywikibot.output( ' Redirect target is STATICREDIRECT.') else: newRedir = targetPage continue try: oldText = redir.get(get_redirect=True) except pywikibot.BadTitle: pywikibot.output('Bad Title Error') break if self.is_repo and redir.namespace() == self.repo.item_namespace: redir = pywikibot.ItemPage(self.repo, redir.title()) targetPage = pywikibot.ItemPage(self.repo, targetPage.title()) pywikibot.output('Fixing double item redirect') redir.set_redirect_target(targetPage) break redir.set_redirect_target(targetPage, keep_section=True, save=False) summary = i18n.twtranslate(, 'redirect-fix-double', {'to': targetPage.title(as_link=True)} ) self.userPut(redir, oldText, redir.text, summary=summary, ignore_save_related_errors=True, ignore_server_errors=True) break
def main(*args): """Process command line arguments and invoke PatrolBot.""" # This factory is responsible for processing command line arguments # that are also used by other scripts and that determine on which pages # to work on. usercontribs = None gen = None recentchanges = False newpages = False repeat = False gen_factory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory() options = {} # Parse command line arguments for arg in pywikibot.handle_args(args): if arg.startswith('-ask'): options['ask'] = True elif arg.startswith('-autopatroluserns'): options['autopatroluserns'] = True elif arg.startswith('-repeat'): repeat = True elif arg.startswith('-newpages'): newpages = True elif arg.startswith('-recentchanges'): recentchanges = True elif arg.startswith('-usercontribs:'): usercontribs = arg[14:] elif arg.startswith('-versionchecktime:'): versionchecktime = arg[len('-versionchecktime:'):] options['versionchecktime'] = int(versionchecktime) elif arg.startswith("-whitelist:"): options['whitelist'] = arg[len('-whitelist:'):] else: generator = gen_factory.handleArg(arg) if not generator: if ':' in arg: m = arg.split(':') options[m[0]] = m[1] site = pywikibot.Site() site.login() if usercontribs: user = pywikibot.User(site, usercontribs) if user.isAnonymous() or user.isRegistered(): pywikibot.output('Processing user: {}'.format(usercontribs)) else: pywikibot.warning('User {} does not exist on site {}.'.format( usercontribs, site)) # default behaviour if not any((newpages, recentchanges, usercontribs)): if == 'wikipedia': newpages = True else: recentchanges = True bot = PatrolBot(**options) if newpages or usercontribs: pywikibot.output(u'Newpages:') gen = site.newpages feed = api_feed_repeater(gen, delay=60, repeat=repeat, user=usercontribs, namespaces=gen_factory.namespaces, recent_new_gen=False) if recentchanges or usercontribs: pywikibot.output(u'Recentchanges:') gen = site.recentchanges feed = api_feed_repeater(gen, delay=60, repeat=repeat, namespaces=gen_factory.namespaces, user=usercontribs) pywikibot.output(u'%d/%d patrolled' % (bot.patrol_counter, bot.rc_item_counter))
def main(*args): """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. @param args: command line arguments @type args: list of unicode """ gen = None notitle = False fmt = '1' outputlang = None page_get = False base_dir = None encoding = config.textfile_encoding # Process global args and prepare generator args parser local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) genFactory = GeneratorFactory() for arg in local_args: if arg == '-notitle': notitle = True elif arg.startswith('-format:'): fmt = arg[len('-format:'):] fmt = fmt.replace(u'\\03{{', u'\03{{') elif arg.startswith('-outputlang:'): outputlang = arg[len('-outputlang:'):] elif arg == '-get': page_get = True elif arg.startswith('-save'): base_dir = arg.partition(':')[2] or '.' elif arg.startswith('-encode:'): encoding = arg.partition(':')[2] else: genFactory.handleArg(arg) if base_dir: base_dir = os.path.expanduser(base_dir) if not os.path.isabs(base_dir): base_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), base_dir)) if not os.path.exists(base_dir): pywikibot.output(u'Directory "%s" does not exist.' % base_dir) choice = pywikibot.input_yn( u'Do you want to create it ("No" to continue without saving)?') if choice: os.makedirs(base_dir, mode=0o744) else: base_dir = None elif not os.path.isdir(base_dir): # base_dir is a file. pywikibot.warning(u'Not a directory: "%s"\n' u'Skipping saving ...' % base_dir) base_dir = None gen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator() if gen: i = 0 for i, page in enumerate(gen, start=1): if not notitle: page_fmt = Formatter(page, outputlang) pywikibot.stdout(page_fmt.output(num=i, fmt=fmt)) if page_get: try: pywikibot.output(page.text, toStdout=True) except pywikibot.Error as err: pywikibot.output(err) if base_dir: filename = os.path.join(base_dir, page.title(as_filename=True)) pywikibot.output(u'Saving %s to %s' % (page.title(), filename)) with open(filename, mode='wb') as f: f.write(page.text.encode(encoding)) pywikibot.output(u"%i page(s) found" % i) else: pywikibot.showHelp()
def main(*args) -> None: """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. @param args: command line arguments @type args: str """ password = None logall = False logout = False oauth = False autocreate = False unknown_args = [] for arg in pywikibot.handle_args(args): if arg.startswith('-pass'): if len(arg) == 5: password = pywikibot.input( 'Password for all accounts (no characters will be shown):', password=True) else: password = arg[6:] elif arg == '-all': logall = True elif arg == '-force': pywikibot.output('To force a re-login, please delete the ' "revelant lines from '{0}' (or the entire file) " 'and try again.'.format( join(config.base_dir, 'pywikibot.lwp'))) elif arg == '-logout': logout = True elif arg == '-oauth': oauth = True elif arg == '-autocreate': autocreate = True else: unknown_args += [arg] if return if password is not None: pywikibot.warning('The -pass argument is not implemented yet. See: ' '') if logall: namedict = config.usernames else: site = pywikibot.Site() namedict = { {site.code: None}} for family_name in namedict: for lang in namedict[family_name]: try: site = pywikibot.Site(code=lang, fam=family_name) if oauth: _oauth_login(site) continue if logout: site.logout() else: site.login(autocreate=autocreate) user = site.user() if user: pywikibot.output('Logged in on {0} as {1}.'.format( site, user)) else: if logout: pywikibot.output('Logged out of {0}.'.format(site)) else: pywikibot.output('Not logged in on {0}.'.format(site)) except SiteDefinitionError: pywikibot.output('{0}.{1} is not a valid site, ' 'please remove it from your config'.format( lang, family_name))
def __init__(self, generator, templates, **kwargs): """ Initializer. @param generator: the pages to work on @type generator: iterable @param templates: a dictionary which maps old template names to their replacements. If remove or subst is True, it maps the names of the templates that should be removed/resolved to None. @type templates: dict """ self.availableOptions.update({ 'subst': False, 'remove': False, 'summary': None, 'addedCat': None, }) Bot.__init__(self, generator=generator, **kwargs) self.templates = templates # get edit summary message if it's empty if not self.getOption('summary'): comma ='comma-separator') params = {'list': comma.join(self.templates.keys()), 'num': len(self.templates)} if self.getOption('remove'): self.options['summary'] = i18n.twtranslate(, 'template-removing', params) elif self.getOption('subst'): self.options['summary'] = i18n.twtranslate(, 'template-substituting', params) else: self.options['summary'] = i18n.twtranslate(, 'template-changing', params) replacements = [] exceptions = {} builder = textlib._MultiTemplateMatchBuilder( for old, new in self.templates.items(): template_regex = builder.pattern(old) if self.getOption('subst') and self.getOption('remove'): replacements.append((template_regex, r'{{subst:%s\g<parameters>}}' % new)) exceptions['inside-tags'] = ['ref', 'gallery', 'poem', 'pagelist', ] elif self.getOption('subst'): replacements.append((template_regex, r'{{subst:%s\g<parameters>}}' % old)) exceptions['inside-tags'] = ['ref', 'gallery', 'poem', 'pagelist', ] elif self.getOption('remove'): separate_line_regex = re.compile( r'^[*#:]* *{0} *\n'.format(template_regex.pattern), re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) replacements.append((separate_line_regex, '')) spaced_regex = re.compile( r' +{0} +'.format(template_regex.pattern), re.DOTALL) replacements.append((spaced_regex, ' ')) replacements.append((template_regex, '')) else: template = pywikibot.Page(, new, ns=10) if not template.exists(): pywikibot.warning('Template "{0}" does not exist.' .format(new)) if not pywikibot.input_yn('Do you want to proceed anyway?', default=False, automatic_quit=False): continue replacements.append((template_regex, r'{{%s\g<parameters>}}' % new)) super(TemplateRobot, self).__init__( generator, replacements, exceptions, always=self.getOption('always'), addedCat=self.getOption('addedCat'), summary=self.getOption('summary'))
def handle_args(args): """Process command line arguments. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. @param args: command line arguments @type args: str """ mapping = { # option: (attribute, value), '-break': ('recursive', False), '-nlog': ('makeWelcomeLog', False), '-ask': ('confirm', True), '-filter': ('filtBadName', True), '-savedata': ('saveSignIndex', True), '-random': ('randomSign', True), '-sul': ('welcomeAuto', True), '-quiet': ('quiet', True), } for arg in pywikibot.handle_args(args): arg, _, val = arg.partition(':') if arg == '-edit': globalvar.attachEditCount = int( val if val.isdigit() else pywikibot.input( 'After how many edits would you like to welcome new users?' ' (0 is allowed)')) elif arg == '-timeoffset': globalvar.timeoffset = int( val if val.isdigit() else pywikibot. input('Which time offset (in minutes) for new users would you ' 'like to use?')) elif arg == '-time': globalvar.timeRecur = int( val if val.isdigit() else pywikibot. input('For how many seconds would you like to bot to sleep ' 'before checking again?')) elif arg == '-offset': _handle_offset(val) elif arg == '-file': globalvar.randomSign = True globalvar.signFileName = val or pywikibot.input( 'Where have you saved your signatures?') elif arg == '-sign': globalvar.defaultSign = val or pywikibot.input( 'Which signature to use?') globalvar.defaultSign += timeselected elif arg == '-limit': globalvar.queryLimit = int( val if val.isdigit() else pywikibot. input('How many of the latest new users would you like to ' 'load?')) elif arg == '-numberlog': globalvar.dumpToLog = int( val if val.isdigit() else pywikibot. input('After how many welcomed users would you like to update ' 'the welcome log?')) elif arg in mapping: setattr(globalvar, *mapping[arg]) else: pywikibot.warning('Unknown option "{}"'.format(arg))
def run(self): """Run the bot.""" for page in self.generator: self.current_page = page try: text = page.text except pywikibot.NoPage: pywikibot.warning('Page %s does not exist?!' % page.title(asLink=True)) continue except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: pywikibot.output(u"Page %s is a redirect; skipping." % page.title(asLink=True)) continue except pywikibot.LockedPage: pywikibot.warning('Page %s is locked?!' % page.title(asLink=True)) continue if page.isDisambig(): pywikibot.output(u"Page %s is a disambig; skipping." % page.title(asLink=True)) continue if == 'wikipedia:en' and page.isIpEdit(): pywikibot.warning( u"Page %s is edited by IP. Possible vandalized" % page.title(asLink=True)) continue if self.lacksReferences(text): newText = self.addReferences(text) try: self.userPut(page, page.text, newText, summary=self.comment) except pywikibot.EditConflict: pywikibot.warning('Skipping %s because of edit conflict' % page.title(asLink=True)) except pywikibot.SpamfilterError as e: pywikibot.warning( u'Cannot change %s because of blacklist entry %s' % (page.title(asLink=True), e.url)) except pywikibot.LockedPage: pywikibot.warning('Skipping %s (locked page)' % page.title(asLink=True))
def test_warning(self): pywikibot.warning('warning') self.assertEqual(newstdout.getvalue(), '') self.assertEqual(newstderr.getvalue(), 'WARNING: warning\n')
def process_filename(self, file_url=None): """Return base filename portion of file_url.""" if not file_url: file_url = self.url pywikibot.warning("file_url is not given. " "Set to self.url by default.") always = self.getOption('always') # Isolate the pure name filename = file_url # Filename may be either a URL or a local file path if "://" in filename: # extract the path portion of the URL filename = urlparse(filename).path filename = os.path.basename(filename) if self.useFilename: filename = self.useFilename if not self.keepFilename: pywikibot.output( u"The filename on the target wiki will default to: %s" % filename) assert not always newfn = pywikibot.input( u'Enter a better name, or press enter to accept:') if newfn != "": filename = newfn # FIXME: these 2 belong somewhere else, presumably in family # forbidden characters are handled by pywikibot/ forbidden = ':*?/\\' # to be extended try: allowed_formats = self.targetSite.siteinfo.get('fileextensions', get_default=False) except KeyError: allowed_formats = [] else: allowed_formats = [item['ext'] for item in allowed_formats] # ask until it's valid first_check = True while True: if not first_check: if always: filename = None else: filename = pywikibot.input('Enter a better name, or press ' 'enter to skip the file:') if not filename: return None first_check = False ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower().strip('.') # are any chars in forbidden also in filename? invalid = set(forbidden) & set(filename) if invalid: c = "".join(invalid) pywikibot.output('Invalid character(s): %s. Please try again' % c) continue if allowed_formats and ext not in allowed_formats: if always: pywikibot.output('File format is not one of ' '[{0}]'.format(' '.join(allowed_formats))) continue elif not pywikibot.input_yn( u"File format is not one of [%s], but %s. Continue?" % (u' '.join(allowed_formats), ext), default=False, automatic_quit=False): continue potential_file_page = pywikibot.FilePage(self.targetSite, filename) if potential_file_page.exists(): overwrite = self._handle_warning('exists') if overwrite is False: pywikibot.output( "File exists and you asked to abort. Skipping.") return None if potential_file_page.canBeEdited(): if overwrite is None: overwrite = not pywikibot.input_yn( "File with name %s already exists. " "Would you like to change the name? " "(Otherwise file will be overwritten.)" % filename, default=True, automatic_quit=False) if not overwrite: continue else: break else: pywikibot.output(u"File with name %s already exists and " "cannot be overwritten." % filename) continue else: try: if potential_file_page.fileIsShared(): pywikibot.output( u"File with name %s already exists in shared " "repository and cannot be overwritten." % filename) continue else: break except pywikibot.NoPage: break # A proper description for the submission. # Empty descriptions are not accepted. pywikibot.output(u'The suggested description is:\n%s' % self.description) # Description must be set and verified if not self.description: self.verifyDescription = True while not self.description or self.verifyDescription: if not self.description: pywikibot.output( u'\03{lightred}It is not possible to upload a file ' 'without a summary/description.\03{default}') assert not always # if no description, default is 'yes' if pywikibot.input_yn(u'Do you want to change this description?', default=not self.description): from pywikibot import editor as editarticle editor = editarticle.TextEditor() try: newDescription = editor.edit(self.description) except Exception as e: pywikibot.error(e) continue # if user saved / didn't press Cancel if newDescription: self.description = newDescription self.verifyDescription = False return filename
def __init__(self, url, urlEncoding=None, description=u'', useFilename=None, keepFilename=False, verifyDescription=True, ignoreWarning=False, targetSite=None, uploadByUrl=False, aborts=[], chunk_size=0, **kwargs): """ Constructor. @param url: path to url or local file (deprecated), or list of urls or paths to local files. @type url: string (deprecated) or list @param description: Description of file for its page. If multiple files are uploading the same description is used for every file. @type description: string @param useFilename: Specify title of the file's page. If multiple files are uploading it asks to change the name for second, third, etc. files, otherwise the last file will overwrite the other. @type useFilename: string @param keepFilename: Set to True to keep original names of urls and files, otherwise it will ask to enter a name for each file. @type keepFilename: bool @param verifyDescription: Set to False to not proofread the description. @type verifyDescription: bool @param ignoreWarning: Set this to True to upload even if another file would be overwritten or another mistake would be risked. Set it to an array of warning codes to selectively ignore specific warnings. @type ignoreWarning: bool or list @param targetSite: Set the site to upload to. If target site is not given it's taken from @type targetSite: object @param aborts: List of the warning types to abort upload on. Set to True to abort on any warning. @type aborts: bool or list @param chunk_size: Upload the file in chunks (more overhead, but restartable) specified in bytes. If no value is specified the file will be uploaded as whole. @type chunk_size: integer @param always: Disables any input, requires that either ignoreWarning or aborts are set to True and that the description is also set. It will overwrite verifyDescription to False and keepFilename to True. @type always: bool @deprecated: Using upload_image() is deprecated, use upload_file() with file_url param instead """ super(UploadRobot, self).__init__(**kwargs) always = self.getOption('always') if (always and ignoreWarning is not True and aborts is not True): raise ValueError( 'When always is set to True, either ignoreWarning ' 'or aborts must be set to True.') if always and not description: raise ValueError('When always is set to True the description must ' 'be set.') self.url = url if isinstance(self.url, basestring): pywikibot.warning("url as string is deprecated. " "Use an iterable instead.") self.urlEncoding = urlEncoding self.description = description self.useFilename = useFilename self.keepFilename = keepFilename or always self.verifyDescription = verifyDescription and not always self.ignoreWarning = ignoreWarning self.aborts = aborts self.chunk_size = chunk_size if config.upload_to_commons: self.targetSite = targetSite or pywikibot.Site( 'commons', 'commons') else: self.targetSite = targetSite or pywikibot.Site() self.targetSite.login() self.uploadByUrl = uploadByUrl
def delete_1_broken_redirect(self, redir_name): redir_page = pywikibot.Page(, redir_name) # Show the title of the page we're working on. # Highlight the title in purple. pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<" % redir_page.title()) try: targetPage = redir_page.getRedirectTarget() except pywikibot.IsNotRedirectPage: pywikibot.output(u'%s is not a redirect.' % redir_page.title()) except pywikibot.NoPage: pywikibot.output(u'%s doesn\'t exist.' % redir_page.title()) else: try: targetPage.get() except pywikibot.BadTitle as e: pywikibot.warning( u'Redirect target %s is not a valid page title.' % str(e)[10:]) pass except pywikibot.NoPage: movedTarget = self.moved_page(targetPage) if movedTarget: if not movedTarget.exists(): # FIXME: Test to another move pywikibot.output(u'Target page %s does not exist' % (movedTarget)) elif redir_name == movedTarget.title(): pywikibot.output(u'Target page forms a redirect loop') else: pywikibot.output(u'%s has been moved to %s' % (redir_page, movedTarget)) reason = i18n.twtranslate(, 'redirect-fix-broken-moved', {'to': movedTarget.title( asLink=True)}) content = redir_page.get(get_redirect=True) text = '#%s %s' % (, movedTarget.title(asLink=True, textlink=True)), content) pywikibot.showDiff(content, text) pywikibot.output(u'Summary - %s' % reason) if self.user_confirm( u'Redirect target %s has been moved to %s.\n' u'Do you want to fix %s?' % (targetPage, movedTarget, redir_page)): try: redir_page.text = text except pywikibot.NoUsername: pywikibot.output(u"Page [[%s]] not saved; " u"sysop privileges required." % redir_page.title()) pass except pywikibot.LockedPage: pywikibot.output(u'%s is locked.' % redir_page.title()) pass elif self.getOption('delete') and self.user_confirm( u'Redirect target %s does not exist.\n' u'Do you want to delete %s?' % (targetPage.title(asLink=True), redir_page.title(asLink=True))): reason = i18n.twtranslate(, 'redirect-remove-broken') if redir_page.delete(reason, prompt=False) else: assert ==, ( u'target page is on different site %s' % if (self.has_valid_template( 'redirect-broken-redirect-template') and i18n.twhas_key(, 'redirect-remove-broken')): pywikibot.output(u"No sysop in, " u"put page to speedy deletion.") content = redir_page.get(get_redirect=True) # TODO: Add bot's signature if needed # Not supported via TW yet content = i18n.twtranslate(, 'redirect-broken-redirect-template' ) + "\n" + content redir_page.put(content, reason) else: pywikibot.output( u'No speedy deletion template available') except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: pywikibot.output(u"Redirect target %s is also a redirect! " u"Won't delete anything." % targetPage.title(asLink=True)) else: # we successfully get the target page, meaning that # it exists and is not a redirect: no reason to touch it. pywikibot.output( u'Redirect target %s does exist! Won\'t delete anything.' % targetPage.title(asLink=True)) pywikibot.output(u'')
def fix_1_double_redirect(self, redir_name): redir = pywikibot.Page(, redir_name) # Show the title of the page we're working on. # Highlight the title in purple. pywikibot.output(u"\n\n>>> \03{lightpurple}%s\03{default} <<<" % redir.title()) newRedir = redir redirList = [] # bookkeeping to detect loops while True: redirList.append(u'%s:%s' % (, newRedir.title(withSection=False))) try: targetPage = newRedir.getRedirectTarget() except pywikibot.IsNotRedirectPage: if len(redirList) == 1: pywikibot.output(u'Skipping: Page %s is not a redirect.' % redir.title(asLink=True)) break # do nothing elif len(redirList) == 2: pywikibot.output( u'Skipping: Redirect target %s is not a redirect.' % newRedir.title(asLink=True)) break # do nothing else: pass # target found except pywikibot.SectionError: pywikibot.warning( u"Redirect target section %s doesn't exist." % newRedir.title(asLink=True)) except (pywikibot.CircularRedirect, pywikibot.InterwikiRedirectPage) as e: pywikibot.exception(e) pywikibot.output(u"Skipping %s." % newRedir) break except pywikibot.BadTitle as e: # str(e) is in the format 'BadTitle: [[Foo]]' pywikibot.warning( u'Redirect target %s is not a valid page title.' % str(e)[10:]) break except pywikibot.NoPage: if len(redirList) == 1: pywikibot.output(u'Skipping: Page %s does not exist.' % redir.title(asLink=True)) break else: if self.getOption('always'): pywikibot.output( u"Skipping: Redirect target %s doesn't exist." % newRedir.title(asLink=True)) break # skip if automatic else: pywikibot.warning( u"Redirect target %s doesn't exist." % newRedir.title(asLink=True)) except pywikibot.ServerError: pywikibot.output(u'Skipping due to server error: ' u'No textarea found') break else: pywikibot.output( u' Links to: %s.' % targetPage.title(asLink=True)) try: mw_msg = 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-redirect-example') except KeyError: pass else: if targetPage.title() == mw_msg: pywikibot.output( u"Skipping toolbar example: Redirect source is " u"potentially vandalized.") break # watch out for redirect loops if redirList.count(u'%s:%s' % (, targetPage.title(withSection=False))): pywikibot.warning( u'Redirect target %s forms a redirect loop.' % targetPage.title(asLink=True)) break # FIXME: doesn't work. edits twice! try: content = targetPage.get(get_redirect=True) except pywikibot.SectionError: content_page = pywikibot.Page(, targetPage.title(withSection=False)) content = content_page.get(get_redirect=True) if i18n.twhas_key(, 'redirect-broken-redirect-template') and \ i18n.twhas_key(, 'redirect-remove-loop'): pywikibot.output(u"Tagging redirect for deletion") # Delete the two redirects content = i18n.twtranslate(, 'redirect-broken-redirect-template' ) + "\n" + content summ = i18n.twtranslate(, 'redirect-remove-loop') targetPage.put(content, summ) redir.put(content, summ) break else: # redirect target found if targetPage.isStaticRedirect(): pywikibot.output( u" Redirect target is STATICREDIRECT.") pass else: newRedir = targetPage continue try: oldText = redir.get(get_redirect=True) except pywikibot.BadTitle: pywikibot.output(u"Bad Title Error") break oldlink = if "#" in oldlink and targetPage.section() is None: sectionlink = oldlink[oldlink.index("#"):] targetlink = pywikibot.Page(, targetPage.title() + sectionlink ).title(asLink=True, allow_interwiki=False, textlink=True) else: targetlink = targetPage.title(asLink=True, allow_interwiki=False, textlink=True) text = '#%s %s' % (, targetlink), oldText, 1) if redir.title() == targetPage.title() or text == oldText: pywikibot.output(u"Note: Nothing left to do on %s" % redir.title(asLink=True)) break summary = i18n.twtranslate(, 'redirect-fix-double', {'to': targetPage.title(asLink=True, allow_interwiki=False)} ) pywikibot.showDiff(oldText, text) if self.user_confirm(u'Do you want to accept the changes?'): try: redir.put(text, summary) except pywikibot.LockedPage: pywikibot.output(u'%s is locked.' % redir.title()) except pywikibot.SpamfilterError as error: pywikibot.output( u"Saving page [[%s]] prevented by spam filter: %s" % (redir.title(), error.url)) except pywikibot.PageNotSaved as error: pywikibot.output(u"Saving page [[%s]] failed: %s" % (redir.title(), error)) except pywikibot.NoUsername: pywikibot.output( u"Page [[%s]] not saved; sysop privileges required." % redir.title()) except pywikibot.Error as error: pywikibot.output( u"Unexpected error occurred trying to save [[%s]]: %s" % (redir.title(), error)) break
def run(self): """Run bot.""" def convert_from_bytes(total_bytes): for unit in ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T']: if abs(total_bytes) < 1024: return str(total_bytes) + unit total_bytes = float(format(total_bytes / 1024.0, '.2f')) return str(total_bytes) + 'P' pywikibot.output('Downloading dump from ' + self.opt.wikiname) download_filename = '{wikiname}-{dumpdate}-{filename}'.format_map( self.opt) temp_filename = download_filename + '-' \ + binascii.b2a_hex(urandom(8)).decode('ascii') + '.part' file_final_storepath = os.path.join(self.opt.storepath, download_filename) file_current_storepath = os.path.join(self.opt.storepath, temp_filename) # toolforge_dump_filepath = self.get_dump_name(self.opt.wikiname, self.opt.filename, self.opt.dumpdate) # First iteration for atomic download with temporary file # Second iteration for fallback non-atomic download for non_atomic in range(2): try: if toolforge_dump_filepath: pywikibot.output('Symlinking file from ' + toolforge_dump_filepath) if non_atomic: if os.path.exists(file_final_storepath): remove(file_final_storepath) symlink(toolforge_dump_filepath, file_current_storepath) else: url = '{}/{}/{}'.format( self.opt.wikiname, self.opt.dumpdate, download_filename) pywikibot.output('Downloading file from ' + url) response = fetch(url, stream=True) if response.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK: if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND: pywikibot.output( 'File with name {filename!r}, from dumpdate ' '{dumpdate!r}, and wiki {wikiname!r} ({url}) ' "isn't available in the Wikimedia Dumps". format(url=url, **self.opt)) else: pywikibot.output( HTTPStatus(response.status_code).description) return with open(file_current_storepath, 'wb') as result_file: total = int(response.headers['content-length']) if total == -1: pywikibot.warning("'content-length' missing in " 'response headers') downloaded = 0 parts = 50 display_string = '' pywikibot.output('') for data in response.iter_content(100 * 1024): result_file.write(data) if total <= 0: continue downloaded += len(data) done = int(parts * downloaded / total) display = map(convert_from_bytes, (downloaded, total)) prior_display = display_string display_string = '\r|{}{}|{}{}/{}'.format( '=' * done, '-' * (parts - done), ' ' * 5, *display) # Add whitespace to cover up prior bar display_string += ' ' * ( len(prior_display.rstrip()) - len(display_string.rstrip())) pywikibot.output(display_string, newline=False) pywikibot.output('') # Rename the temporary file to the target file # if the download completes successfully if not non_atomic: replace(file_current_storepath, file_final_storepath) break except OSError: pywikibot.exception() try: remove(file_current_storepath) except OSError: pywikibot.exception() # If the atomic download fails, try without a temporary file # If the non-atomic download also fails, exit the script if non_atomic: return pywikibot.output('Cannot make temporary file, ' 'falling back to non-atomic download') file_current_storepath = file_final_storepath pywikibot.output('Done! File stored as ' + file_final_storepath)
def run(self): """Run the bot.""" # validate L10N try: self.template_list =[] except KeyError: pywikibot.warning(u"No redirect templates defined for %s" % return if not self.get_cat_title(): pywikibot.warning(u"No redirect category found for %s" % return user = # invokes login() newredirs = [] l = time.localtime() today = "%04d-%02d-%02d" % l[:3] edit_request_page = pywikibot.Page(, u"User:%s/category edit requests" % user) datafile = pywikibot.config.datafilepath("%s-catmovebot-data" % try: with open(datafile, "rb") as inp: record = cPickle.load(inp) except IOError: record = {} if record: with open(datafile + ".bak", "wb") as f: cPickle.dump(record, f, protocol=config.pickle_protocol) # regex to match soft category redirects # TODO: enhance and use textlib._MultiTemplateMatchBuilder # note that any templates containing optional "category:" are # incorrect and will be fixed by the bot template_regex = re.compile( r"""{{\s*(?:%(prefix)s\s*:\s*)? # optional "template:" (?:%(template)s)\s*\| # catredir template name (\s*%(catns)s\s*:\s*)? # optional "category:" ([^|}]+) # redirect target cat (?:\|[^|}]*)*}} # optional arguments 2+, ignored """ % { 'prefix':, 'template': "|".join( item.replace(" ", "[ _]+") for item in self.template_list), 'catns': }, re.I | re.X) self.check_hard_redirect() comment = i18n.twtranslate(, self.move_comment) counts = {} nonemptypages = [] redircat = pywikibot.Category(pywikibot.Link(self.cat_title, pywikibot.output(u"\nChecking %d category redirect pages" % redircat.categoryinfo['subcats']) catpages = set() for cat in redircat.subcategories(): catpages.add(cat) cat_title = cat.title(withNamespace=False) if "category redirect" in cat_title: self.log_text.append(u"* Ignoring %s" % cat.title(asLink=True, textlink=True)) continue if hasattr(cat, "_catinfo"): # skip empty categories that don't return a "categoryinfo" key catdata = cat.categoryinfo if "size" in catdata and int(catdata['size']): # save those categories that have contents nonemptypages.append(cat) if cat_title not in record: # make sure every redirect has a record entry record[cat_title] = {today: None} try: newredirs.append("*# %s -> %s" % (cat.title(asLink=True, textlink=True), cat.getCategoryRedirectTarget().title( asLink=True, textlink=True))) except pywikibot.Error: pass # do a null edit on cat try: except: pass # delete record entries for non-existent categories for cat_name in record.keys(): if pywikibot.Category(, self.catprefix + cat_name) not in catpages: del record[cat_name] pywikibot.output(u"\nMoving pages out of %s redirected categories." % len(nonemptypages)) for cat in pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(nonemptypages): try: if not cat.isCategoryRedirect(): self.log_text.append(u"* False positive: %s" % cat.title(asLink=True, textlink=True)) continue except pywikibot.Error: self.log_text.append(u"* Could not load %s; ignoring" % cat.title(asLink=True, textlink=True)) continue cat_title = cat.title(withNamespace=False) if not self.readyToEdit(cat): counts[cat_title] = None self.log_text.append(u"* Skipping %s; in cooldown period." % cat.title(asLink=True, textlink=True)) continue dest = cat.getCategoryRedirectTarget() if not dest.exists(): self.problems.append("# %s redirects to %s" % (cat.title(asLink=True, textlink=True), dest.title(asLink=True, textlink=True))) # do a null edit on cat to update any special redirect # categories this wiki might maintain try: except: pass continue if dest.isCategoryRedirect(): double = dest.getCategoryRedirectTarget() if double == dest or double == cat: self.log_text.append( u"* Redirect loop from %s" % dest.title(asLink=True, textlink=True)) # do a null edit on cat try: except: pass else: self.log_text.append( u"* Fixed double-redirect: %s -> %s -> %s" % (cat.title(asLink=True, textlink=True), dest.title(asLink=True, textlink=True), double.title(asLink=True, textlink=True))) oldtext = cat.text # remove the old redirect from the old text, # leaving behind any non-redirect text oldtext = template_regex.sub("", oldtext) newtext = (u"{{%(redirtemp)s|%(ncat)s}}" % { 'redirtemp': self.template_list[0], 'ncat': double.title(withNamespace=False) }) newtext = newtext + oldtext.strip() try: cat.text = newtext i18n.twtranslate(, self.dbl_redir_comment)) except pywikibot.Error as e: self.log_text.append("** Failed: %s" % e) continue found, moved = self.move_contents(cat_title, dest.title(withNamespace=False), editSummary=comment) if found is None: self.log_text.append(u"* [[:%s%s]]: error in move_contents" % (self.catprefix, cat_title)) elif found: record[cat_title][today] = found self.log_text.append(u"* [[:%s%s]]: %d found, %d moved" % (self.catprefix, cat_title, found, moved)) counts[cat_title] = found # do a null edit on cat try: except: pass with open(datafile, "wb") as f: cPickle.dump(record, f, protocol=config.pickle_protocol) self.log_text.sort() self.problems.sort() newredirs.sort() comment = i18n.twtranslate(, self.maint_comment) self.log_page.text = ( u"\n== %i-%02i-%02iT%02i:%02i:%02iZ ==\n" % time.gmtime()[:6] + u'\n'.join(self.log_text) + u'\n* New redirects since last report:\n' + u'\n'.join(newredirs) + u'\n' + u'\n'.join(self.problems) + u'\n' + self.get_log_text()) if self.edit_requests: edit_request_page.text = (self.edit_request_text % { 'itemlist': u"\n" + u"\n".join((self.edit_request_item % item) for item in self.edit_requests) })
def main(*args): """ Process command line arguments and perform task. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. @param args: command line arguments @type args: str """ # Loading the comments global categoryToCheck, project_inserted # always, define a generator to understand if the user sets one, # defining what's genFactory always = False generator = False show = False moveBlockCheck = False protectedpages = False protectType = 'edit' namespace = 0 # Process global args and prepare generator args parser local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory() # Process local args for arg in local_args: option, sep, value = arg.partition(':') if option == '-always': always = True elif option == '-move': moveBlockCheck = True elif option == '-show': show = True elif option in ('-protectedpages', '-moveprotected'): protectedpages = True if option == '-moveprotected': protectType = 'move' if value: namespace = int(value) else: genFactory.handleArg(arg) if config.mylang not in project_inserted: pywikibot.output('Your project is not supported by this script.\n' 'You have to edit the script and add it!') return site = pywikibot.Site() if protectedpages: generator = site.protectedpages(namespace=namespace, type=protectType) # Take the right templates to use, the category and the comment TSP = i18n.translate(site, templateSemiProtection) TTP = i18n.translate(site, templateTotalProtection) TSMP = i18n.translate(site, templateSemiMoveProtection) TTMP = i18n.translate(site, templateTotalMoveProtection) TNR = i18n.translate(site, templateNoRegex) TU = i18n.translate(site, templateUnique) categories = i18n.translate(site, categoryToCheck) commentUsed = i18n.twtranslate(site, 'blockpageschecker-summary') if not generator: generator = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator() if not generator: generator = [] pywikibot.output('Loading categories...') # Define the category if no other generator has been set for CAT in categories: cat = pywikibot.Category(site, CAT) # Define the generator gen = pagegenerators.CategorizedPageGenerator(cat) for pageCat in gen: generator.append(pageCat) pywikibot.output('Categories loaded, start!') # Main Loop if not genFactory.nopreload: generator = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(generator, groupsize=60) for page in generator: pagename = page.title(as_link=True) pywikibot.output('Loading %s...' % pagename) try: text = page.text except pywikibot.NoPage: pywikibot.output("%s doesn't exist! Skipping..." % pagename) continue except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: pywikibot.output('{} is a redirect! Skipping...'.format(pagename)) if show: showQuest(page) continue # FIXME: This check does not work : # PreloadingGenerator cannot set correctly page.editRestriction # (see bug T57322) # if not page.has_permission(): # pywikibot.output( # "%s is sysop-protected : this account can't edit " # "it! Skipping..." % pagename) # continue restrictions = try: editRestr = restrictions['edit'] except KeyError: editRestr = None if not page.has_permission(): pywikibot.output('%s is protected: ' "this account can't edit it! Skipping..." % pagename) continue # Understand, according to the template in the page, what should be the # protection and compare it with what there really is. TemplateInThePage = understandBlock(text, TTP, TSP, TSMP, TTMP, TU) # Only to see if the text is the same or not... oldtext = text # keep track of the changes for each step (edit then move) changes = -1 if not editRestr: # page is not edit-protected # Deleting the template because the page doesn't need it. if not (TTP or TSP): raise pywikibot.Error( 'This script is not localized to use it on \n{0}. ' 'Missing "templateSemiProtection" or' '"templateTotalProtection"'.format(site.sitename)) if TU: replaceToPerform = '|'.join(TTP + TSP + TU) else: replaceToPerform = '|'.join(TTP + TSP) text, changes = re.subn( '<noinclude>(%s)</noinclude>' % replaceToPerform, '', text) if changes == 0: text, changes = re.subn('(%s)' % replaceToPerform, '', text) msg = 'The page is editable for all' if not moveBlockCheck: msg += ', deleting the template..' pywikibot.output(msg + '.') elif editRestr[0] == 'sysop': # total edit protection if (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'sysop-total' and TTP) or \ (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique' and TU): msg = 'The page is protected to the sysop' if not moveBlockCheck: msg += ', skipping...' pywikibot.output(msg) else: if not TNR or TU and not TNR[4] or not (TU or TNR[1]): raise pywikibot.Error( 'This script is not localized to use it on \n{0}. ' 'Missing "templateNoRegex"'.format(site.sitename)) pywikibot.output('The page is protected to the sysop, but the ' 'template seems not correct. Fixing...') if TU: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text) else: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[1], text) elif TSP or TU: # implicitly editRestr[0] = 'autoconfirmed', edit-Semi-protection if TemplateInThePage[0] == 'autoconfirmed-total' or \ TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique': msg = 'The page is editable only for the autoconfirmed users' if not moveBlockCheck: msg += ', skipping...' pywikibot.output(msg) else: if not TNR or TU and not TNR[4] or not (TU or TNR[1]): raise pywikibot.Error( 'This script is not localized to use it on \n{0}. ' 'Missing "templateNoRegex"'.format(site.sitename)) pywikibot.output('The page is editable only for the ' 'autoconfirmed users, but the template ' 'seems not correct. Fixing...') if TU: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text) else: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[0], text) if changes == 0: # We tried to fix edit-protection templates, but it did not work. pywikibot.warning('No edit-protection template could be found') if moveBlockCheck and changes > -1: # checking move protection now try: moveRestr = restrictions['move'] except KeyError: moveRestr = False changes = -1 if not moveRestr: pywikibot.output('The page is movable for all, deleting the ' 'template...') # Deleting the template because the page doesn't need it. if TU: replaceToPerform = '|'.join(TSMP + TTMP + TU) else: replaceToPerform = '|'.join(TSMP + TTMP) text, changes = re.subn( '<noinclude>(%s)</noinclude>' % replaceToPerform, '', text) if changes == 0: text, changes = re.subn('({})'.format(replaceToPerform), '', text) elif moveRestr[0] == 'sysop': # move-total-protection if (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'sysop-move' and TTMP) or \ (TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique' and TU): pywikibot.output('The page is protected from moving to ' 'the sysop, skipping...') if TU: # no changes needed, better to revert the old text. text = oldtext else: pywikibot.output('The page is protected from moving to ' 'the sysop, but the template seems not ' 'correct. Fixing...') if TU: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text) else: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[3], text) elif TSMP or TU: # implicitly moveRestr[0] = 'autoconfirmed', # move-semi-protection if TemplateInThePage[0] == 'autoconfirmed-move' or \ TemplateInThePage[0] == 'unique': pywikibot.output('The page is movable only for the ' 'autoconfirmed users, skipping...') if TU: # no changes needed, better to revert the old text. text = oldtext else: pywikibot.output('The page is movable only for the ' 'autoconfirmed users, but the template ' 'seems not correct. Fixing...') if TU: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[4], text) else: text, changes = re.subn(TemplateInThePage[1], TNR[2], text) if changes == 0: # We tried to fix move-protection templates but it did not work pywikibot.warning('No move-protection template could be found') if oldtext != text: # Ok, asking if the change has to be performed and do it if yes. pywikibot.output( color_format('\n\n>>> {lightpurple}{0}{default} <<<', page.title())) pywikibot.showDiff(oldtext, text) if not always: choice = pywikibot.input_choice( 'Do you want to accept these ' 'changes?', [('Yes', 'y'), ('No', 'n'), ('All', 'a')], 'n') if choice == 'a': always = True if always or choice == 'y': save_page(page, text, commentUsed)
def main(*args): """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. @param args: command line arguments @type args: str """ local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) # default values for options extra_summary = None for arg in local_args: option, sep, value = arg.partition(':') if option == '-summary': extra_summary = value else: pywikibot.warning("Unrecognized option {}".format(option)) def check_option(option, value): if not value: pywikibot.error("Missing argument for option '{}'".format(option)) return False return True page_number_regex = re.compile('\|([1-9][0-9]*)\}') filename_number_regex = re.compile('([1-9][0-9]*)') templates_ready = ['QC image', 'File information', 'Self'] site = pywikibot.Site() looked_at = set() pages = request_pages() for p in pages: if p['title'] in looked_at: pywikibot.output("Done.") break else: looked_at.add(p['title']) try: page_title = 'File:' + p['title'] page = pywikibot.Page(site, page_title) click_url = ROOT_URL + 'wiki/' + page.title(underscore=True) pywikibot.output("Page '{0}', id={1} | {2}".format(page_title, p['id'], click_url)) ts = page.templatesWithParams() if len(ts) > 0: found_ready = False for t in ts: for r in templates_ready: if r in t[0].title(): pywikibot.output(color_format("Page {lightgreen}{0}{default} has template: {1}", page_title, t[0])) found_ready = True break if found_ready: pywikibot.output("\tSkipping.") continue old_text = page.get() # categories = getCategoryLinks(old_text, site) # categories_text = '\n'.join(map(lambda c:c.aslink(), categories)) (header, body, footer) = extract_sections(old_text, site) summary = None licensing = None description = None for section in body: if 'ummary' in section[0] or 'escription' in section[0]: summary = section[1] if 'icens' in section[0]: licensing = section[1] got_summary_from_header = False if summary is None: got_summary_from_header = True summary = header new_text = None pywikibot.output(color_format("Editing page {lightblue}{0}{default}.", page_title)) if summary is not None and len(summary.strip()) > 0: summary = summary.strip() pywikibot.output("Have \"Summary\":\n\t{}".format(summary)) i = summary.find('{') if i > 0: summary = summary[0:i] i = summary.find(' in ') if i > 0: summary = summary[0:i] summary = summary.strip() if summary[-1] == '.': summary = summary[0:-1] pywikibot.output("Will have \"Summary\":\n\t{}".format(summary)) choice = pywikibot.input_choice("Is it a good summary?", [('Yes', 'y'), ('No', 'n'), ('open in Browser', 'b')], 'n') if choice == 'y': description = summary elif choice == 'n': pass elif choice == 'b': if description is None: pywikibot.output("Type '[s]kip' to skip the image completely.") description = pywikibot.input("Please describe the file:") if description in ['s', 'skip']: continue if licensing is not None: pywikibot.output("Have \"Licensing\":\n\t{}".format(licensing.strip())) comic_num = None m = if m: try: comic_num = int( except: pass if comic_num is None: m = if m: try: comic_num = int( except: pass if comic_num is not None: pywikibot.output("Have comic #:\n\t{}".format(comic_num)) choice = pywikibot.input_choice("Is it a good comic number?", [('Yes', 'y'), ('No', 'n'), ('open in Browser', 'b')], 'n') if choice == 'y': pass else: comic_num = None if choice == 'b': while comic_num is None: try: pywikibot.output("Need comic number. Type 0 to skip") comic_num = int(pywikibot.input("Comic number: ")) except ValueError: pass if comic_num == 0: comic_num = '' new_text = dedent(""" == Summary == {{{{QC image|{0}|{1}}}}} == Licensing == {{{{Fairuse}}}} """.format(description, comic_num)).strip() header = header.strip() if not got_summary_from_header and len(header) > 0: new_text = header + '\n\n' + new_text footer = footer.strip() if len(footer) > 0: new_text += '\n\n' + footer # check if the edit is sensible if old_text == new_text: pywikibot.output("No changes. Nothing to do.") continue # report what will happen pywikibot.showDiff(old_text, new_text, context=3) summary = "add [[Template:QC image]]; mark as fair use " + \ "([[User:AndrybakBot#Image maintenance|Image maintenance bot task]])" if extra_summary: summary = summary + " ({})".format(extra_summary) pywikibot.output(color_format("Summary will be" + "\n\t{lightblue}{0}{default}", summary)) choice = pywikibot.input_choice( "Do you want to accept these changes?", [('Yes', 'y'), ('No', 'n'), ('open in Browser', 'b')], 'n') # if choice == 'y': # pywikibot.output("Test run, doing nothing.") # continue if choice == 'n': pywikibot.output("Okay, doing nothing.") continue elif choice == 'b': elif choice == 'y': error_count = 0 while True: result = put_text(page, new_text, summary, error_count) if result is not None: pywikibot.output("Got result of saving: {}".format(result)) break error_count += 1 continue elif choice == 'q': break except pywikibot.NoPage: pywikibot.error("{} doesn't exist, skipping.".format(page.title())) continue except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: pywikibot.error("{} is a redirect, skipping".format(page.title())) continue except pywikibot.Error as e: continue except QuitKeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit("User quit bot run.") else: pass
def __iter__(self): """Iterator.""" n = 0 event = None while self._total is None or n < self._total: if not hasattr(self, 'source'): self.source = EventSource(**self.sse_kwargs) # sseclient >= 0.0.18 is required for eventstreams (T184713) # we don't have a version string inside but the instance # variable 'chunk_size' was newly introduced with 0.0.18 if not hasattr(self.source, 'chunk_size'): warning( 'You may not have the right sseclient version;\n' 'sseclient >= 0.0.18 is required for eventstreams.\n' "Install it with 'pip install \"sseclient>=0.0.18\"'") try: event = next(self.source) except (ProtocolError, socket.error, httplib.IncompleteRead) as e: warning('Connection error: {0}.\n' 'Try to re-establish connection.'.format(e)) del self.source if event is not None: self.sse_kwargs['last_id'] = continue if event.event == 'message': if try: element = json.loads( except ValueError as e: warning( 'Could not load json data from\n{0}\n{1}'.format( event, e)) else: if self.streamfilter(element): n += 1 yield element else: warning('Empty message found.') elif event.event == 'error': warning('Encountered error: {0}'.format( else: warning('Unknown event {0} occured.'.format(event.event)) else: debug( '{0}: Stopped iterating due to ' 'exceeding item limit.'.format(self.__class__.__name__), _logger) del self.source
def main(*args): """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. @param args: command line arguments @type args: list of unicode """ add_cat = None gen = None # summary message edit_summary = u"" # Array which will collect commandline parameters. # First element is original text, second element is replacement text. commandline_replacements = [] # A list of 2-tuples of original text and replacement text. replacements = [] # Don't edit pages which contain certain texts. exceptions = { 'title': [], 'text-contains': [], 'inside': [], 'inside-tags': [], 'require-title': [], # using a seperate requirements dict needs some } # major refactoring of code. # Should the elements of 'replacements' and 'exceptions' be interpreted # as regular expressions? regex = False # Predefined fixes from dictionary 'fixes' (see above). fixes_set = [] # the dump's path, either absolute or relative, which will be used # if -xml flag is present xmlFilename = None useSql = False # will become True when the user presses a ('yes to all') or uses the # -always flag. acceptall = False # Will become True if the user inputs the commandline parameter -nocase caseInsensitive = False # Will become True if the user inputs the commandline parameter -dotall dotall = False # Will become True if the user inputs the commandline parameter -multiline multiline = False # Do all hits when they overlap allowoverlap = False # Do not recurse replacement recursive = False # Between a regex and another (using -fix) sleep some time (not to waste # too much CPU sleep = None # Request manual replacements even if replacements are already defined manual_input = False # Replacements loaded from a file replacement_file = None replacement_file_arg_misplaced = False # Read commandline parameters. local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory() for arg in local_args: if genFactory.handleArg(arg): continue if arg == '-regex': regex = True elif arg.startswith('-xmlstart'): if len(arg) == 9: xmlStart = pywikibot.input( u'Please enter the dumped article to start with:') else: xmlStart = arg[10:] elif arg.startswith('-xml'): if len(arg) == 4: xmlFilename = i18n.input('pywikibot-enter-xml-filename') else: xmlFilename = arg[5:] elif arg == '-sql': useSql = True elif arg.startswith('-excepttitle:'): exceptions['title'].append(arg[13:]) elif arg.startswith('-requiretitle:'): exceptions['require-title'].append(arg[14:]) elif arg.startswith('-excepttext:'): exceptions['text-contains'].append(arg[12:]) elif arg.startswith('-exceptinside:'): exceptions['inside'].append(arg[14:]) elif arg.startswith('-exceptinsidetag:'): exceptions['inside-tags'].append(arg[17:]) elif arg.startswith('-fix:'): fixes_set += [arg[5:]] elif arg.startswith('-sleep:'): sleep = float(arg[7:]) elif arg == '-always': acceptall = True elif arg == '-recursive': recursive = True elif arg == '-nocase': caseInsensitive = True elif arg == '-dotall': dotall = True elif arg == '-multiline': multiline = True elif arg.startswith('-addcat:'): add_cat = arg[8:] elif arg.startswith('-summary:'): edit_summary = arg[9:] elif arg.startswith('-automaticsummary'): edit_summary = True elif arg.startswith('-allowoverlap'): allowoverlap = True elif arg.startswith('-manualinput'): manual_input = True elif arg.startswith('-replacementfile'): issue_deprecation_warning('-replacementfile', '-pairsfile', 2, ArgumentDeprecationWarning) elif arg.startswith('-pairsfile'): if len(commandline_replacements) % 2: replacement_file_arg_misplaced = True if arg == '-pairsfile': replacement_file = pywikibot.input( u'Please enter the filename to read replacements from:') else: replacement_file = arg[len('-pairsfile:'):] else: commandline_replacements.append(arg) site = pywikibot.Site() if len(commandline_replacements) % 2: pywikibot.error('Incomplete command line pattern replacement pair.') return False if replacement_file_arg_misplaced: pywikibot.error('-pairsfile used between a pattern replacement pair.') return False if replacement_file: try: with, 'r', 'utf-8') as f: # strip newlines, but not other characters file_replacements = except (IOError, OSError) as e: pywikibot.error(u'Error loading {0}: {1}'.format( replacement_file, e)) return False if len(file_replacements) % 2: pywikibot.error( '{0} contains an incomplete pattern replacement pair.'.format( replacement_file)) return False # Strip BOM from first line file_replacements[0].lstrip(u'\uFEFF') commandline_replacements.extend(file_replacements) if not (commandline_replacements or fixes_set) or manual_input: old = pywikibot.input('Please enter the text that should be replaced:') while old: new = pywikibot.input(u'Please enter the new text:') commandline_replacements += [old, new] old = pywikibot.input( 'Please enter another text that should be replaced,' '\nor press Enter to start:') # The summary stored here won't be actually used but is only an example single_summary = None for i in range(0, len(commandline_replacements), 2): replacement = Replacement(commandline_replacements[i], commandline_replacements[i + 1]) if not single_summary: single_summary = i18n.twtranslate(site, 'replace-replacing', { 'description': ' (-%s +%s)' % (replacement.old, }) replacements.append(replacement) # Perform one of the predefined actions. missing_fixes_summaries = [] # which a fixes/replacements miss a summary for fix_name in fixes_set: try: fix = fixes.fixes[fix_name] except KeyError: pywikibot.output(u'Available predefined fixes are: %s' % ', '.join(fixes.fixes.keys())) if not fixes.user_fixes_loaded: pywikibot.output('The user fixes file could not be found: ' '{0}'.format(fixes.filename)) return if not fix['replacements']: pywikibot.warning('No replacements defined for fix ' '"{0}"'.format(fix_name)) continue if "msg" in fix: if isinstance(fix['msg'], basestring): set_summary = i18n.twtranslate(site, str(fix['msg'])) else: set_summary = i18n.translate(site, fix['msg'], fallback=True) else: set_summary = None replacement_set = ReplacementList(fix.get('regex'), fix.get('exceptions'), fix.get('nocase'), set_summary, name=fix_name) # Whether some replacements have a summary, if so only show which # have none, otherwise just mention the complete fix missing_fix_summaries = [] for index, replacement in enumerate(fix['replacements'], start=1): summary = None if len(replacement) < 3 else replacement[2] if not set_summary and not summary: missing_fix_summaries.append('"{0}" (replacement #{1})'.format( fix_name, index)) if chars.contains_invisible(replacement[0]): pywikibot.warning('The old string "{0}" contains formatting ' 'characters like U+200E'.format( chars.replace_invisible(replacement[0]))) if (not callable(replacement[1]) and chars.contains_invisible(replacement[1])): pywikibot.warning('The new string "{0}" contains formatting ' 'characters like U+200E'.format( chars.replace_invisible(replacement[1]))) replacement_set.append( ReplacementListEntry( old=replacement[0], new=replacement[1], fix_set=replacement_set, edit_summary=summary, )) # Exceptions specified via 'fix' shall be merged to those via CLI. if replacement_set: replacements.extend(replacement_set) if replacement_set._exceptions is not None: for k, v in replacement_set._exceptions.items(): if k in exceptions: exceptions[k] = list(set(exceptions[k]) | set(v)) else: exceptions[k] = v if len(fix['replacements']) == len(missing_fix_summaries): missing_fixes_summaries.append( '"{0}" (all replacements)'.format(fix_name)) else: missing_fixes_summaries += missing_fix_summaries if ((not edit_summary or edit_summary is True) and (missing_fixes_summaries or single_summary)): if single_summary: pywikibot.output(u'The summary message for the command line ' 'replacements will be something like: %s' % single_summary) if missing_fixes_summaries: pywikibot.output('The summary will not be used when the fix has ' 'one defined but the following fix(es) do(es) ' 'not have a summary defined: ' '{0}'.format(', '.join(missing_fixes_summaries))) if edit_summary is not True: edit_summary = pywikibot.input( 'Press Enter to use this automatic message, or enter a ' 'description of the\nchanges your bot will make:') else: edit_summary = '' # Set the regular expression flags flags = re.UNICODE if caseInsensitive: flags = flags | re.IGNORECASE if dotall: flags = flags | re.DOTALL if multiline: flags = flags | re.MULTILINE # Pre-compile all regular expressions here to save time later for replacement in replacements: replacement.compile(regex, flags) precompile_exceptions(exceptions, regex, flags) if xmlFilename: try: xmlStart except NameError: xmlStart = None gen = XmlDumpReplacePageGenerator(xmlFilename, xmlStart, replacements, exceptions, site) elif useSql: whereClause = 'WHERE (%s)' % ' OR '.join([ "old_text RLIKE '%s'" % prepareRegexForMySQL(old_regexp.pattern) for (old_regexp, new_text) in replacements ]) if exceptions: exceptClause = 'AND NOT (%s)' % ' OR '.join([ "old_text RLIKE '%s'" % prepareRegexForMySQL(exc.pattern) for exc in exceptions ]) else: exceptClause = '' query = u""" SELECT page_namespace, page_title FROM page JOIN text ON (page_id = old_id) %s %s LIMIT 200""" % (whereClause, exceptClause) gen = pagegenerators.MySQLPageGenerator(query) gen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator(gen, preload=True) if not gen: return False bot = ReplaceRobot(gen, replacements, exceptions, allowoverlap, recursive, add_cat, sleep, edit_summary, always=acceptall, site=site) site.login() # Explicitly call pywikibot.stopme(). It will make sure the callback is # triggered before is unloaded. pywikibot.stopme() pywikibot.output(u'\n%s pages changed.' % bot.changed_pages)
def main(*args): """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. @param args: command line arguments @type args: unicode """ local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) group_id = '' photoset_id = '' user_id = '' start_id = '' end_id = '' tags = '' addCategory = '' removeCategories = False autonomous = False totalPhotos = 0 uploadedPhotos = 0 # Do we mark the images as reviewed right away? if['review']: flickrreview =['review'] else: flickrreview = False # Set the Flickr reviewer if['reviewer']: reviewer =['reviewer'] elif 'commons' in config.sysopnames['commons']: pywikibot.output(config.sysopnames['commons']) reviewer = config.sysopnames['commons']['commons'] elif 'commons' in config.usernames['commons']: reviewer = config.usernames['commons']['commons'] else: reviewer = '' # Should be renamed to overrideLicense or something like that override = '' for arg in local_args: if arg.startswith('-group_id'): if len(arg) == 9: group_id = pywikibot.input('What is the group_id of the pool?') else: group_id = arg[10:] elif arg.startswith('-photoset_id'): if len(arg) == 12: photoset_id = pywikibot.input('What is the photoset_id?') else: photoset_id = arg[13:] elif arg.startswith('-user_id'): if len(arg) == 8: user_id = pywikibot.input( 'What is the user_id of the flickr user?') else: user_id = arg[9:] elif arg.startswith('-start_id'): if len(arg) == 9: start_id = pywikibot.input( 'What is the id of the photo you want to start at?') else: start_id = arg[10:] elif arg.startswith('-end_id'): if len(arg) == 7: end_id = pywikibot.input( 'What is the id of the photo you want to end at?') else: end_id = arg[8:] elif arg.startswith('-tags'): if len(arg) == 5: tags = pywikibot.input( 'What is the tag you want to filter out (currently only ' 'one supported)?') else: tags = arg[6:] elif arg == '-flickrreview': flickrreview = True elif arg.startswith('-reviewer'): if len(arg) == 9: reviewer = pywikibot.input('Who is the reviewer?') else: reviewer = arg[10:] elif arg.startswith('-override'): if len(arg) == 9: override = pywikibot.input('What is the override text?') else: override = arg[10:] elif arg.startswith('-addcategory'): if len(arg) == 12: addCategory = pywikibot.input( 'What category do you want to add?') else: addCategory = arg[13:] elif arg == '-removecategories': removeCategories = True elif arg == '-autonomous': autonomous = True if isinstance(flickrapi, Exception): pywikibot.error('This script requires the python flickrapi module. \n' 'See:') elif not['api_key']: pywikibot.warning('Flickr api key not found! Get yourself an api key\n' 'Any flickr user can get a key at\n' '') elif user_id or group_id or photoset_id: if 'api_secret' in and['api_secret']: flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(['api_key'],['api_secret']) else: pywikibot.output('Accessing public content only') flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(['api_key']) for photo_id in getPhotos(flickr, user_id, group_id, photoset_id, start_id, end_id, tags): uploadedPhotos += processPhoto(flickr, photo_id, flickrreview, reviewer, override, addCategory, removeCategories, autonomous) totalPhotos += 1 pywikibot.output('Finished running') pywikibot.output('Total photos: ' + str(totalPhotos)) pywikibot.output('Uploaded photos: ' + str(uploadedPhotos))
def main(*args): """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. @param args: command line arguments @type args: list of unicode """ oldName = None options = {} fromToPairs = [] # Process global args and prepare generator args parser local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory() for arg in local_args: if arg == '-pairs' or arg.startswith('-pairs:'): issue_deprecation_warning('-pairs', '-pairsfile', 2, ArgumentDeprecationWarning) elif arg.startswith('-pairsfile'): if len(arg) == len('-pairsfile'): filename = pywikibot.input( u'Enter the name of the file containing pairs:') else: filename = arg[len('-pairsfile:'):] oldName1 = None for page in pagegenerators.TextfilePageGenerator(filename): if oldName1: fromToPairs.append([oldName1, page.title()]) oldName1 = None else: oldName1 = page.title() if oldName1: pywikibot.warning(u'file %s contains odd number of links' % filename) elif arg == '-noredirect': options['noredirect'] = True elif arg == '-notalkpage': options['movetalkpage'] = False elif arg == '-always': options['always'] = True elif arg == '-skipredirects': options['skipredirects'] = True elif arg.startswith('-from:'): if oldName: pywikibot.warning(u'-from:%s without -to:' % oldName) oldName = arg[len('-from:'):] elif arg.startswith('-to:'): if oldName: fromToPairs.append([oldName, arg[len('-to:'):]]) oldName = None else: pywikibot.warning(u'%s without -from' % arg) elif arg.startswith('-prefix'): if len(arg) == len('-prefix'): options['prefix'] = pywikibot.input(u'Enter the prefix:') else: options['prefix'] = arg[8:] elif arg.startswith('-summary'): if len(arg) == len('-summary'): options['summary'] = pywikibot.input(u'Enter the summary:') else: options['summary'] = arg[9:] else: genFactory.handleArg(arg) if oldName: pywikibot.warning(u'-from:%s without -to:' % oldName) site = pywikibot.Site() for pair in fromToPairs: page = pywikibot.Page(site, pair[0]) bot = MovePagesBot(None, **options) bot.moveOne(page, pair[1]) gen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator(preload=True) if gen: bot = MovePagesBot(gen, **options) return True if not fromToPairs: return False else: return True
def main(*args): """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. @param args: command line arguments @type args: str """ local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) fromsite = pywikibot.Site() tolang = fromsite.code tofamily = prefix = '' overwrite = False target = False gen_args = [] for arg in local_args: if arg.startswith('-tofamily'): tofamily = arg[len('-tofamily:'):] elif arg.startswith('-tolang'): tolang = arg[len('-tolang:'):] elif arg.startswith('-prefix'): prefix = arg[len('-prefix:'):] elif arg == '-overwrite': overwrite = True elif arg == '-target': target = True else: gen_args.append(arg) tosite = pywikibot.Site(tolang, tofamily) additional_text = ('Target site not different from source site.' if fromsite == tosite else '') gen_factory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory( site=tosite if target else fromsite) unknown_args = [arg for arg in gen_args if not gen_factory.handleArg(arg)] gen = gen_factory.getCombinedGenerator() if suggest_help(missing_generator=not gen, additional_text=additional_text, unknown_parameters=unknown_args): return gen_args = ' '.join(gen_args) pywikibot.output(""" Page transfer configuration --------------------------- Source: {fromsite} Target: {tosite} Generator of pages to transfer: {gen_args} {target} Prefix for transferred pages: {prefix} """.format(fromsite=fromsite, tosite=tosite, gen_args=gen_args, prefix=prefix if prefix else '(none)', target='from target site\n' if target else '')) for page in gen: title = page.namespace().canonical_prefix() + page.title(with_ns=False) if target: # page is at target site, fetch it from source target_title = prefix + page.title() page = pywikibot.Page(fromsite, title) else: target_title = (prefix + title) targetpage = pywikibot.Page(tosite, target_title) edithistpage = pywikibot.Page(tosite, target_title + '/edithistory') if targetpage.exists(): if not overwrite: pywikibot.warning( 'Skipped {0} (target page {1} exists)'.format( page.title(as_link=True, force_interwiki=True), targetpage.title(as_link=True))) continue if not targetpage.botMayEdit(): pywikibot.warning( 'Target page {0} is not editable by bots'.format( targetpage.title(as_link=True))) continue if not page.exists(): pywikibot.warning("Page {0} doesn't exist".format( page.title(as_link=True))) continue pywikibot.output('Moving {0} to {1}...'.format( page.title(as_link=True, force_interwiki=True), targetpage.title(as_link=True))) pywikibot.log('Getting page text.') text = page.get(get_redirect=True) source_link = page.title(as_link=True, text += ( '<noinclude>\n\n<small>This page was moved from {0}. Its ' 'edit history can be viewed at {1}</small></noinclude>'.format( source_link, edithistpage.title(as_link=True, pywikibot.log('Getting edit history.') historytable = page.getVersionHistoryTable() pywikibot.log('Putting edit history.') summary = 'Moved page from {source}'.format(source=source_link) edithistpage.put(historytable, summary=summary) pywikibot.log('Putting page text.') edithist_link = ' ([[{target}/edithistory|history]])'.format( target=targetpage.title( ) if not targetpage.namespace().subpages else '') summary += edithist_link targetpage.put(text, summary=summary)
def processPhoto(flickr, photo_id='', flickrreview=False, reviewer='', override='', addCategory='', removeCategories=False, autonomous=False): """Process a single Flickr photo. For each image: * Check the license * Check if it isn't already on Commons * Build suggested filename * Check for name collision and maybe alter it * Pull description from Flinfo * Show image and description to user * Add a nice hotcat lookalike for the adding of categories * Filter the categories * Upload the image """ if photo_id: pywikibot.output(str(photo_id)) (photoInfo, photoSizes) = getPhoto(flickr, photo_id) if isAllowedLicense(photoInfo) or override: # Get the url of the largest photo photoUrl = getPhotoUrl(photoSizes) # Should download the photo only once photo = downloadPhoto(photoUrl) # Don't upload duplicate images, should add override option duplicates = findDuplicateImages(photo) if duplicates: pywikibot.output('Found duplicate image at {}'.format( duplicates.pop())) else: filename = getFilename(photoInfo) flinfoDescription = getFlinfoDescription(photo_id) photoDescription = buildDescription(flinfoDescription, flickrreview, reviewer, override, addCategory, removeCategories) # pywikibot.output(photoDescription) if not isinstance(Tkdialog, ImportError) and not autonomous: try: (newPhotoDescription, newFilename, skip) = Tkdialog(photoDescription, photo, filename).show_dialog() except ImportError as e: pywikibot.warning(e) pywikibot.warning('Switching to autonomous mode.') autonomous = True elif not autonomous: pywikibot.warning('Switching to autonomous mode because GUI ' 'interface cannot be used') pywikibot.warning(Tkdialog) autonomous = True if autonomous: newPhotoDescription = photoDescription newFilename = filename skip = False # Do the actual upload # Would be nice to check before I upload if the file is already at # Commons. Not that important for this program, but maybe for # derived programs if not skip: bot = UploadRobot(photoUrl, description=newPhotoDescription, useFilename=newFilename, keepFilename=True, verifyDescription=False) bot.upload_image(debug=False) return 1 else: pywikibot.output('Invalid license') return 0
def badNameFilter(self, name, force=False): """Check for bad names.""" if not globalvar.filtBadName: return False # initialize blacklist if not hasattr(self, '_blacklist') or force: elenco = [ ' ano', ' anus', 'anal ', 'babies', 'baldracca', 'balle', 'bastardo', 'bestiali', 'bestiale', 'bastarda', 'b.i.t.c.h.', 'bitch', 'boobie', 'bordello', 'breast', 'cacata', 'cacca', 'cachapera', 'cagata', 'cane', 'cazz', 'cazzo', 'cazzata', 'chiavare', 'chiavata', 'chick', 'christ ', 'cristo', 'clitoride', 'coione', 'cojdioonear', 'cojones', 'cojo', 'coglione', 'coglioni', 'cornuto', 'cula', 'culatone', 'culattone', 'culo', 'deficiente', 'deficente', 'dio', 'die ', 'died ', 'ditalino', 'ejackulate', 'enculer', 'eroticunt', 'fanculo', 'f******o', 'fica ', 'ficken', 'figa', 'sfiga', 'fottere', 'fotter', 'fottuto', 'f**k', 'f.u.c.k.', 'funkyass', 'gay', '', 'horne', 'horney', 'virgin', 'hotties', 'idiot', '', 'incest', 'jesus', 'gesu', 'gesù', 'kazzo', 'kill', 'leccaculo', 'lesbian', 'lesbica', 'lesbo', 'masturbazione', 'masturbare', 'masturbo', 'merda', 'merdata', 'merdoso', 'mignotta', 'minchia', 'minkia', 'minchione', 'mona', 'nudo', 'nuda', 'nudi', 'oral', 'sex', 'orgasmso', 'porc', 'pompa', 'pompino', 'porno', 'puttana', 'puzza', 'puzzone', 'racchia', 'sborone', 'sborrone', 'sborata', 'sborolata', 'sboro', 'scopata', 'scopare', 'scroto', 'scrotum', 'sega', 'sesso', 'shit', 'shiz', 's.h.i.t.', 'sadomaso', 'sodomist', 'stronzata', 'stronzo', 'succhiamelo', 'succhiacazzi', 'testicol', 'troia', '', 'vaffanculo', 'v****a', 'vibrator', 'vacca', 'yiddiot', 'zoccola', ] elenco_others = [ '@', ".com", ".sex", ".org", ".uk", ".en", ".it", "admin", "administrator", "amministratore", '', '', 'amministratrice', 'burocrate', 'checkuser', 'developer', 'http://', 'jimbo', 'mediawiki', 'on wheals', 'on wheal', 'on wheel', 'planante', 'razinger', 'sysop', 'troll', 'vandal', ' v.f. ', 'v. fighter', 'vandal f.', 'vandal fighter', 'wales jimmy', 'wheels', 'wales', 'www.', ] # blacklist from wikipage badword_page = pywikibot.Page(, i18n.translate(, bad_pag)) list_loaded = [] if badword_page.exists(): pywikibot.output(u'\nLoading the bad words list from %s...' % list_loaded = load_word_function(badword_page.get()) else: showStatus(4) pywikibot.output(u'The bad word page doesn\'t exist!') self._blacklist = elenco + elenco_others + list_loaded del elenco, elenco_others, list_loaded if not hasattr(self, '_whitelist') or force: # initialize whitelist whitelist_default = ['emiliano'] wtlpg = i18n.translate(, whitelist_pg) list_white = [] if wtlpg: whitelist_page = pywikibot.Page(, wtlpg) if whitelist_page.exists(): pywikibot.output(u'\nLoading the whitelist from %s...' % list_white = load_word_function(whitelist_page.get()) else: showStatus(4) pywikibot.output(u"The whitelist's page doesn't exist!") else: showStatus(4) pywikibot.warning(u"The whitelist hasn't been setted!") # Join the whitelist words. self._whitelist = list_white + whitelist_default del list_white, whitelist_default try: for wname in self._whitelist: if wname.lower() in str(name).lower(): name = name.lower().replace(wname.lower(), '') for bname in self._blacklist: self.bname[name] = bname return bname.lower() in name.lower() except UnicodeEncodeError: pass try: for bname in self._blacklist: if bname.lower() in str(name).lower(): # bad name positive self.bname[name] = bname return True except UnicodeEncodeError: pass return False
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals import pywikibot # Requires PyMySql as first choice or # MySQLdb <> try: import pymysql as mysqldb except ImportError: try: import MySQLdb as mysqldb # noqa: N813 except ImportError: raise ImportError('No supported MySQL library installed. ' 'Please install PyMySQL.') else: pywikibot.warning("PyMySQL not found. It'll fallback " 'on the deprecated library MySQLdb.') else: mysqldb.install_as_MySQLdb() from pywikibot import config2 as config from import deprecated_args, UnicodeType @deprecated_args(encoding=None) def mysql_query(query, params=None, dbname=None, verbose=None): """Yield rows from a MySQL query. An example query that yields all ns0 pages might look like:: SELECT page_namespace,
def delete_1_broken_redirect(self, redir_name): """Treat one broken redirect.""" if isinstance(redir_name, basestring): redir_page = pywikibot.Page(, redir_name) else: redir_page = redir_name # Show the title of the page we're working on. # Highlight the title in purple. done = not self.getOption('delete') pywikibot.output( color_format('\n\n>>> {lightpurple}{0}{default} <<<', redir_page.title())) try: targetPage = redir_page.getRedirectTarget() except pywikibot.IsNotRedirectPage: pywikibot.output(u'%s is not a redirect.' % redir_page.title()) except pywikibot.CircularRedirect: pywikibot.output('%s is a circular redirect.' % redir_page.title()) except pywikibot.NoPage: pywikibot.output(u'%s doesn\'t exist.' % redir_page.title()) except pywikibot.InvalidTitle: pywikibot.exception() except pywikibot.InterwikiRedirectPage: pywikibot.output('%s is on another site.' % redir_page.title()) else: try: targetPage.get() except pywikibot.BadTitle as e: pywikibot.warning( u'Redirect target %s is not a valid page title.' % str(e)[10:]) except pywikibot.InvalidTitle: pywikibot.exception() except pywikibot.NoPage: movedTarget = None try: movedTarget = targetPage.moved_target() except pywikibot.NoMoveTarget: pass if movedTarget: if not movedTarget.exists(): # FIXME: Test to another move pywikibot.output(u'Target page %s does not exist' % (movedTarget)) elif redir_page == movedTarget: pywikibot.output( 'Redirect to target page forms a redirect loop') else: pywikibot.output(u'%s has been moved to %s' % (redir_page, movedTarget)) reason = i18n.twtranslate(, 'redirect-fix-broken-moved', {'to': movedTarget.title(asLink=True)}) content = redir_page.get(get_redirect=True) redir_page.set_redirect_target(movedTarget, keep_section=True, save=False) pywikibot.showDiff(content, redir_page.text) pywikibot.output(u'Summary - %s' % reason) if self.user_confirm( u'Redirect target %s has been moved to %s.\n' u'Do you want to fix %s?' % (targetPage, movedTarget, redir_page)): try: except pywikibot.NoUsername: pywikibot.output( u"Page [[%s]] not saved; " u"sysop privileges required." % redir_page.title()) except pywikibot.LockedPage: pywikibot.output(u'%s is locked.' % redir_page.title()) except pywikibot.PageSaveRelatedError: pywikibot.exception() else: done = True if not done and self.user_confirm( u'Redirect target %s does not exist.\n' u'Do you want to delete %s?' % (targetPage.title(asLink=True), redir_page.title(asLink=True))): self.delete_redirect(redir_page, 'redirect-remove-broken') elif not (self.getOption('delete') or movedTarget): pywikibot.output( 'Cannot fix or delete the broken redirect') except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: pywikibot.output( "Redirect target {0} is also a redirect! {1}".format( targetPage.title(asLink=True), "Won't delete anything." if self.getOption('delete') else "Skipping.")) else: # we successfully get the target page, meaning that # it exists and is not a redirect: no reason to touch it. pywikibot.output("Redirect target {0} does exist! {1}".format( targetPage.title(asLink=True), "Won't delete anything." if self.getOption('delete') else "Skipping."))
def fix_1_double_redirect(self, redir_name): """Treat one double redirect.""" if isinstance(redir_name, basestring): redir = pywikibot.Page(, redir_name) else: redir = redir_name # Show the title of the page we're working on. # Highlight the title in purple. pywikibot.output( color_format('\n\n>>> {lightpurple}{0}{default} <<<', redir.title())) newRedir = redir redirList = [] # bookkeeping to detect loops while True: redirList.append( u'%s:%s' % (, newRedir.title(withSection=False))) try: targetPage = newRedir.getRedirectTarget() except pywikibot.IsNotRedirectPage: if len(redirList) == 1: pywikibot.output(u'Skipping: Page %s is not a redirect.' % redir.title(asLink=True)) break # do nothing elif len(redirList) == 2: pywikibot.output( u'Skipping: Redirect target %s is not a redirect.' % newRedir.title(asLink=True)) break # do nothing # else target found except pywikibot.SectionError: pywikibot.warning( u"Redirect target section %s doesn't exist." % newRedir.title(asLink=True)) except (pywikibot.CircularRedirect, pywikibot.InterwikiRedirectPage, pywikibot.UnsupportedPage) as e: pywikibot.exception(e) pywikibot.output(u"Skipping %s." % newRedir) break except pywikibot.BadTitle as e: # str(e) is in the format 'BadTitle: [[Foo]]' pywikibot.warning( u'Redirect target %s is not a valid page title.' % str(e)[10:]) break except pywikibot.NoPage: if len(redirList) == 1: pywikibot.output(u'Skipping: Page %s does not exist.' % redir.title(asLink=True)) break else: if self.getOption('always'): pywikibot.output( u"Skipping: Redirect target %s doesn't exist." % newRedir.title(asLink=True)) break # skip if automatic else: pywikibot.warning( u"Redirect target %s doesn't exist." % newRedir.title(asLink=True)) except pywikibot.ServerError: pywikibot.output(u'Skipping due to server error: ' u'No textarea found') break else: pywikibot.output(u' Links to: %s.' % targetPage.title(asLink=True)) try: mw_msg = 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-redirect-example') except KeyError: pass else: if targetPage.title() == mw_msg: pywikibot.output( u"Skipping toolbar example: Redirect source is " u"potentially vandalized.") break # watch out for redirect loops if redirList.count(u'%s:%s' % (, targetPage.title(withSection=False))): pywikibot.warning( u'Redirect target %s forms a redirect loop.' % targetPage.title(asLink=True)) break # FIXME: doesn't work. edits twice! if self.getOption('delete'): # Delete the two redirects # TODO: Check whether pages aren't vandalized # and (maybe) do not have a version history self.delete_redirect(targetPage, 'redirect-remove-loop') self.delete_redirect(redir, 'redirect-remove-loop') break else: # redirect target found if targetPage.isStaticRedirect(): pywikibot.output( u" Redirect target is STATICREDIRECT.") else: newRedir = targetPage continue try: oldText = redir.get(get_redirect=True) except pywikibot.BadTitle: pywikibot.output(u"Bad Title Error") break if self.is_repo and redir.namespace() == self.repo.item_namespace: redir = pywikibot.ItemPage(self.repo, redir.title()) targetPage = pywikibot.ItemPage(self.repo, targetPage.title()) pywikibot.output('Fixing double item redirect') redir.set_redirect_target(targetPage) break redir.set_redirect_target(targetPage, keep_section=True, save=False) summary = i18n.twtranslate(, 'redirect-fix-double', {'to': targetPage.title(asLink=True)}) pywikibot.showDiff(oldText, redir.text) if self.user_confirm(u'Do you want to accept the changes?'): try: except pywikibot.LockedPage: pywikibot.output(u'%s is locked.' % redir.title()) except pywikibot.SpamfilterError as error: pywikibot.output( u"Saving page [[%s]] prevented by spam filter: %s" % (redir.title(), error.url)) except pywikibot.PageNotSaved as error: pywikibot.output(u"Saving page [[%s]] failed: %s" % (redir.title(), error)) except pywikibot.NoUsername: pywikibot.output( u"Page [[%s]] not saved; sysop privileges required." % redir.title()) except pywikibot.Error as error: pywikibot.output( u"Unexpected error occurred trying to save [[%s]]: %s" % (redir.title(), error)) break
def main(*args): """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. @param args: command line arguments @type args: list of unicode """ for arg in pywikibot.handle_args(args): arg, sep, val = arg.partition(':') if arg == '-edit': globalvar.attachEditCount = int(val or pywikibot.input( 'After how many edits would you like to welcome new users? ' '(0 is allowed)')) elif arg == '-timeoffset': globalvar.timeoffset = int(val or pywikibot.input( 'Which time offset (in minutes) for new users would you like ' 'to use?')) elif arg == '-time': globalvar.timeRecur = int(val or pywikibot.input( 'For how many seconds would you like to bot to sleep before ' 'checking again?')) elif arg == '-offset': if not val: val = pywikibot.input( 'Which time offset for new users would you like to use? ' '(yyyymmddhhmmss)') try: globalvar.offset = pywikibot.Timestamp.fromtimestampformat(val) except ValueError: # upon request, we could check for software version here raise ValueError( "Mediawiki has changed, -offset:# is not supported " "anymore, but -offset:TIMESTAMP is, assuming TIMESTAMP " "is yyyymmddhhmmss. -timeoffset is now also supported. " "Please read this script source header for documentation.") elif arg == '-file': globalvar.randomSign = True globalvar.signFileName = val or pywikibot.input( 'Where have you saved your signatures?') elif arg == '-sign': globalvar.defaultSign = val or pywikibot.input( 'Which signature to use?') globalvar.defaultSign += timeselected elif arg == '-break': globalvar.recursive = False elif arg == '-nlog': globalvar.makeWelcomeLog = False elif arg == '-ask': globalvar.confirm = True elif arg == '-filter': globalvar.filtBadName = True elif arg == '-savedata': globalvar.saveSignIndex = True elif arg == '-random': globalvar.randomSign = True elif arg == '-sul': globalvar.welcomeAuto = True elif arg == '-limit': globalvar.queryLimit = int(val or pywikibot.input( u'How many of the latest new users would you like to load?')) elif arg == '-numberlog': globalvar.dumpToLog = int(val or pywikibot.input( 'After how many welcomed users would you like to update the ' 'welcome log?')) elif arg == '-quiet': globalvar.quiet = True elif arg == '-quick': issue_deprecation_warning('The usage of "-quick" option', None, 2, since='20160211') # Filename and Pywikibot path # file where is stored the random signature index filename = pywikibot.config.datafilepath( '' % (pywikibot.Site(), pywikibot.Site().code)) if globalvar.offset and globalvar.timeoffset: pywikibot.warning( 'both -offset and -timeoffset were provided, ignoring -offset') globalvar.offset = 0 try: bot = WelcomeBot() except KeyError as error: # site not managed by return False try: except KeyboardInterrupt: if bot.welcomed_users: showStatus() pywikibot.output("Put welcomed users before quit...") bot.makelogpage(bot.welcomed_users) pywikibot.output("\nQuitting...") finally: # If there is the savedata, the script must save the number_user. if globalvar.randomSign and globalvar.saveSignIndex and \ bot.welcomed_users: if sys.version_info[0] > 2: import pickle as cPickle else: import cPickle with open(filename, 'wb') as f: cPickle.dump(bot.welcomed_users, f, protocol=config.pickle_protocol)
def delete_1_broken_redirect(self): """Treat one broken redirect.""" redir_page = self.current_page done = not self.getOption('delete') try: targetPage = redir_page.getRedirectTarget() except (pywikibot.CircularRedirect, pywikibot.InvalidTitle, RuntimeError): pywikibot.exception() except pywikibot.InterwikiRedirectPage: pywikibot.output('{0} is on another site.' .format(redir_page.title())) else: try: targetPage.get() except pywikibot.BadTitle as e: pywikibot.warning( 'Redirect target {0} is not a valid page title.' .format(str(e)[10:])) except pywikibot.InvalidTitle: pywikibot.exception() except pywikibot.NoPage: movedTarget = None try: movedTarget = targetPage.moved_target() except pywikibot.NoMoveTarget: pass if movedTarget: if not movedTarget.exists(): # FIXME: Test to another move pywikibot.output('Target page {0} does not exist' .format(movedTarget)) elif redir_page == movedTarget: pywikibot.output( 'Redirect to target page forms a redirect loop') else: pywikibot.output('{0} has been moved to {1}' .format(redir_page, movedTarget)) reason = i18n.twtranslate(, 'redirect-fix-broken-moved', {'to': movedTarget.title( as_link=True)}) content = redir_page.get(get_redirect=True) redir_page.set_redirect_target( movedTarget, keep_section=True, save=False) pywikibot.output('Summary - ' + reason) done = self.userPut(redir_page, content, redir_page.text, summary=reason, ignore_save_related_errors=True, ignore_server_errors=True) if not done and self.user_confirm( 'Redirect target {0} does not exist.\n' 'Do you want to delete {1}?' .format(targetPage.title(as_link=True), redir_page.title(as_link=True))): self.delete_redirect(redir_page, 'redirect-remove-broken') elif not (self.getOption('delete') or movedTarget): pywikibot.output( 'Cannot fix or delete the broken redirect') except pywikibot.IsRedirectPage: pywikibot.output( 'Redirect target {0} is also a redirect! {1}'.format( targetPage.title(as_link=True), "Won't delete anything." if self.getOption('delete') else 'Skipping.')) else: # we successfully get the target page, meaning that # it exists and is not a redirect: no reason to touch it. pywikibot.output( 'Redirect target {0} does exist! {1}'.format( targetPage.title(as_link=True), "Won't delete anything." if self.getOption('delete') else 'Skipping.'))