Exemple #1
 def _append_instruction(self, obj, qargs=None):
     """Update the current Statevector by applying an instruction."""
     mat = Operator._instruction_to_matrix(obj)
     if mat is not None:
         # Perform the composition and inplace update the current state
         # of the operator
         self._data = self.evolve(mat, qargs=qargs).data
         # If the instruction doesn't have a matrix defined we use its
         # circuit decomposition definition if it exists, otherwise we
         # cannot compose this gate and raise an error.
         if obj.definition is None:
             raise QiskitError('Cannot apply Instruction: {}'.format(
         for instr, qregs, cregs in obj.definition:
             if cregs:
                 raise QiskitError(
                     'Cannot apply instruction with classical registers: {}'
             # Get the integer position of the flat register
             if qargs is None:
                 new_qargs = [tup.index for tup in qregs]
                 new_qargs = [qargs[tup.index] for tup in qregs]
             self._append_instruction(instr, qargs=new_qargs)
Exemple #2
    def _append_instruction(self, other, qargs=None):
        """Update the current Statevector by applying an instruction."""

        # Try evolving by a matrix operator (unitary-like evolution)
        mat = Operator._instruction_to_matrix(other)
        if mat is not None:
            self._data = self._evolve_operator(Operator(mat), qargs=qargs).data
        # Otherwise try evolving by a Superoperator
        chan = SuperOp._instruction_to_superop(other)
        if chan is not None:
            # Evolve current state by the superoperator
            self._data = chan._evolve(self, qargs=qargs).data
        # If the instruction doesn't have a matrix defined we use its
        # circuit decomposition definition if it exists, otherwise we
        # cannot compose this gate and raise an error.
        if other.definition is None:
            raise QiskitError('Cannot apply Instruction: {}'.format(
        for instr, qregs, cregs in other.definition:
            if cregs:
                raise QiskitError(
                    'Cannot apply instruction with classical registers: {}'.
            # Get the integer position of the flat register
            if qargs is None:
                new_qargs = [tup.index for tup in qregs]
                new_qargs = [qargs[tup.index] for tup in qregs]
            self._append_instruction(instr, qargs=new_qargs)
    def _append_instruction(self, other, qargs=None):
        """Update the current Statevector by applying an instruction."""
        from qiskit.circuit.reset import Reset
        from qiskit.circuit.barrier import Barrier

        # Try evolving by a matrix operator (unitary-like evolution)
        mat = Operator._instruction_to_matrix(other)
        if mat is not None:
            self._data = self._evolve_operator(Operator(mat), qargs=qargs).data

        # Special instruction types
        if isinstance(other, Reset):
            self._data = self.reset(qargs)._data
        if isinstance(other, Barrier):

        # Otherwise try evolving by a Superoperator
        chan = SuperOp._instruction_to_superop(other)
        if chan is not None:
            # Evolve current state by the superoperator
            self._data = chan._evolve(self, qargs=qargs).data
        # If the instruction doesn't have a matrix defined we use its
        # circuit decomposition definition if it exists, otherwise we
        # cannot compose this gate and raise an error.
        if other.definition is None:
            raise QiskitError(f"Cannot apply Instruction: {other.name}")
        if not isinstance(other.definition, QuantumCircuit):
            raise QiskitError(
                "{} instruction definition is {}; expected QuantumCircuit".
                format(other.name, type(other.definition)))
        qubit_indices = {
            bit: idx
            for idx, bit in enumerate(other.definition.qubits)
        for instruction in other.definition:
            if instruction.clbits:
                raise QiskitError(
                    f"Cannot apply instruction with classical bits: {instruction.operation.name}"
            # Get the integer position of the flat register
            if qargs is None:
                new_qargs = [qubit_indices[tup] for tup in instruction.qubits]
                new_qargs = [
                    qargs[qubit_indices[tup]] for tup in instruction.qubits
            self._append_instruction(instruction.operation, qargs=new_qargs)
Exemple #4
    def _evolve_instruction(statevec, obj, qargs=None):
        """Update the current Statevector by applying an instruction."""
        from qiskit.circuit.reset import Reset
        from qiskit.circuit.barrier import Barrier

        mat = Operator._instruction_to_matrix(obj)
        if mat is not None:
            # Perform the composition and inplace update the current state
            # of the operator
            return Statevector._evolve_operator(statevec,

        # Special instruction types
        if isinstance(obj, Reset):
            statevec._data = statevec.reset(qargs)._data
            return statevec
        if isinstance(obj, Barrier):
            return statevec

        # If the instruction doesn't have a matrix defined we use its
        # circuit decomposition definition if it exists, otherwise we
        # cannot compose this gate and raise an error.
        if obj.definition is None:
            raise QiskitError(f"Cannot apply Instruction: {obj.name}")
        if not isinstance(obj.definition, QuantumCircuit):
            raise QiskitError(
                "{} instruction definition is {}; expected QuantumCircuit".
                format(obj.name, type(obj.definition)))

        if obj.definition.global_phase:
            statevec._data *= np.exp(1j * float(obj.definition.global_phase))
        qubits = {qubit: i for i, qubit in enumerate(obj.definition.qubits)}
        for instruction in obj.definition:
            if instruction.clbits:
                raise QiskitError(
                    f"Cannot apply instruction with classical bits: {instruction.operation.name}"
            # Get the integer position of the flat register
            if qargs is None:
                new_qargs = [qubits[tup] for tup in instruction.qubits]
                new_qargs = [qargs[qubits[tup]] for tup in instruction.qubits]
        return statevec
Exemple #5
    def _evolve_instruction(statevec, obj, qargs=None):
        """Update the current Statevector by applying an instruction."""
        from qiskit.circuit.reset import Reset
        from qiskit.circuit.barrier import Barrier

        mat = Operator._instruction_to_matrix(obj)
        if mat is not None:
            # Perform the composition and inplace update the current state
            # of the operator
            return Statevector._evolve_operator(statevec,

        # Special instruction types
        if isinstance(obj, Reset):
            statevec._data = statevec.reset(qargs)._data
            return statevec
        if isinstance(obj, Barrier):
            return statevec

        # If the instruction doesn't have a matrix defined we use its
        # circuit decomposition definition if it exists, otherwise we
        # cannot compose this gate and raise an error.
        if obj.definition is None:
            raise QiskitError('Cannot apply Instruction: {}'.format(obj.name))
        if not isinstance(obj.definition, QuantumCircuit):
            raise QiskitError(
                '{0} instruction definition is {1}; expected QuantumCircuit'.
                format(obj.name, type(obj.definition)))
        for instr, qregs, cregs in obj.definition:
            if cregs:
                raise QiskitError(
                    'Cannot apply instruction with classical registers: {}'.
            # Get the integer position of the flat register
            if qargs is None:
                new_qargs = [tup.index for tup in qregs]
                new_qargs = [qargs[tup.index] for tup in qregs]
            Statevector._evolve_instruction(statevec, instr, qargs=new_qargs)
        return statevec