def get_data(datafile,measure_it=0,show=False): if show: print('# loading file {} ...'.format(datafile)) Nx,Ny,Nz,dt,nom,a_scat,aspect,omega_x,r0,npart,time_tot = read_dftc_info(datafile) a_ho = 1./math.sqrt(omega_x) # get particles type gamma = 1. if 'fermions' in get_particles_type(datafile): gamma = 2. data = np.memmap(datafile,dtype=np.complex128) if (len(data) == nom*Nx*Ny*Nz): """print('# lenght of array consistent.\t\tnom*Nx*Ny*Nz =',nom*Nx*Ny*Nz,'\tarray shape:',data.shape)""" pass else: if (len(data) % (Nx*Ny*Nz) == 0): nom = len(data)/(Nx*Ny*Nz) else: print('# ERROR: lenght of array incosistent.\tnom*Nx*Ny*Nz =',nom*Nx*Ny*Nz,'\tarray shape:',data.shape) data = np.reshape(data,[nom,Nx,Ny,Nz]) density = gamma * np.abs(data[measure_it,:,:,:])**2 * a_ho**3 phase = np.angle(data[measure_it,:,:,:]) return density, phase
def get_currents(datafile,measure_it=0,show=False): if show: print('# loading file {} ...'.format(datafile)) Nx,Ny,Nz,dt,nom,a_scat,aspect,omega_x,r0,npart,time_tot = read_dftc_info(datafile) a_ho = 1./math.sqrt(omega_x) velocities = np.memmap(datafile+'.currents',dtype=np.float64)[measure_it*Nx*Ny*Nz*3:(measure_it+1)*Nx*Ny*Nz*3] if show: print(velocities.shape[0]/3,Nx*Ny*Nz) velocities = np.reshape(velocities,[3,Nx,Ny,Nz]) if show: print(velocities.shape,Nx,Ny,Nz) vx = velocities[0,:,:,:] vy = velocities[1,:,:,:] vz = velocities[2,:,:,:] if show: print(vy) return vx,vy,vz
def get_data(datafile, measure_it=0, show=False): if show: print('# loading file {} ...'.format(datafile)) Nx, Ny, Nz, dt, nom, a_scat, aspect, omega_x, r0, npart, time_tot = read_dftc_info( datafile) a_ho = 1. / math.sqrt(omega_x) # get particles type gamma = 1. if 'fermions' in get_particles_type(datafile): gamma = 2. data = np.memmap(datafile, dtype=np.complex128) if (len(data) == nom * Nx * Ny * Nz): """print('# lenght of array consistent.\t\tnom*Nx*Ny*Nz =',nom*Nx*Ny*Nz,'\tarray shape:',data.shape)""" pass else: if (len(data) % (Nx * Ny * Nz) == 0): nom = len(data) / (Nx * Ny * Nz) else: print('# ERROR: lenght of array incosistent.\tnom*Nx*Ny*Nz =', nom * Nx * Ny * Nz, '\tarray shape:', data.shape) data = np.reshape(data, [nom, Nx, Ny, Nz]) density = gamma * np.abs(data[measure_it, :, :, :])**2 * a_ho**3 phase = np.angle(data[measure_it, :, :, :]) return density, phase
def get_currents(datafile, measure_it=0, show=False): if show: print('# loading file {} ...'.format(datafile)) Nx, Ny, Nz, dt, nom, a_scat, aspect, omega_x, r0, npart, time_tot = read_dftc_info( datafile) a_ho = 1. / math.sqrt(omega_x) velocities = np.memmap(datafile + '.currents', dtype=np.float64)[measure_it * Nx * Ny * Nz * 3:(measure_it + 1) * Nx * Ny * Nz * 3] if show: print(velocities.shape[0] / 3, Nx * Ny * Nz) velocities = np.reshape(velocities, [3, Nx, Ny, Nz]) if show: print(velocities.shape, Nx, Ny, Nz) vx = velocities[0, :, :, :] vy = velocities[1, :, :, :] vz = velocities[2, :, :, :] if show: print(vy) return vx, vy, vz
def get_data_all(datafile): print('# loading file {} ...'.format(datafile)) Nx,Ny,Nz,dt,nom,a_scat,aspect,omega_x,r0,npart,time_tot = read_dftc_info(datafile) a_ho = 1./math.sqrt(omega_x) data = np.memmap(datafile,dtype=np.complex128) if (len(data) == nom*Nx*Ny*Nz): print('# lenght of array consistent.\t\tnom*Nx*Ny*Nz =',nom*Nx*Ny*Nz,'\tarray shape:',data.shape) else: print('# ERROR: lenght of array incosistent.\tnom*Nx*Ny*Nz =',nom*Nx*Ny*Nz,'\tarray shape:',data.shape) data = np.reshape(data,[nom,Nx,Ny,Nz]) density = np.abs(data[:,:,:,:])**2 phase = np.angle(data[:,:,:,:]) print('data shape:',density.shape) return density, phase
def get_data_all(datafile): print('# loading file {} ...'.format(datafile)) Nx, Ny, Nz, dt, nom, a_scat, aspect, omega_x, r0, npart, time_tot = read_dftc_info( datafile) a_ho = 1. / math.sqrt(omega_x) data = np.memmap(datafile, dtype=np.complex128) if (len(data) == nom * Nx * Ny * Nz): print('# lenght of array consistent.\t\tnom*Nx*Ny*Nz =', nom * Nx * Ny * Nz, '\tarray shape:', data.shape) else: print('# ERROR: lenght of array incosistent.\tnom*Nx*Ny*Nz =', nom * Nx * Ny * Nz, '\tarray shape:', data.shape) data = np.reshape(data, [nom, Nx, Ny, Nz]) density = np.abs(data[:, :, :, :])**2 phase = np.angle(data[:, :, :, :]) print('data shape:', density.shape) return density, phase