Exemple #1
def encodePDF(key, objectNumber, generationNumber, string, revision=2):
    "Encodes a string or stream"
    #print 'encodePDF (%s, %d, %d, %s)' % (hexText(key), objectNumber, generationNumber, string)
    # extend 3 bytes of the object Number, low byte first
    newkey = key
    n = objectNumber
    for i in range(3):
        newkey += int2Byte(n & 0xff)
        n = n >> 8
    # extend 2 bytes of the generationNumber
    n = generationNumber
    for i in range(2):
        newkey += int2Byte(n & 0xff)
        n = n >> 8
    md5output = md5(newkey).digest()
    if revision == 2:
        key = md5output[:10]
    elif revision == 3:
        key = md5output  #all 16 bytes
    from reportlab.lib.arciv import ArcIV
    encrypted = ArcIV(key).encode(string)
    #print 'encrypted=', hexText(encrypted)
    if DEBUG:
        print('encodePDF(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)==>%s' % tuple([
            hexText(str(x)) for x in (key, objectNumber, generationNumber,
                                      string, revision, encrypted)
    return encrypted
Exemple #2
def encodePDF(key, objectNumber, generationNumber, string, revision=None):
    "Encodes a string or stream"
    revision = checkRevision(revision)
    #print 'encodePDF (%s, %d, %d, %s)' % (hexText(key), objectNumber, generationNumber, string)
    # extend 3 bytes of the object Number, low byte first
    if revision in (2, 3):
        newkey = key
        n = objectNumber
        for i in range(3):
            newkey += int2Byte(n & 0xff)
            n = n >> 8
        # extend 2 bytes of the generationNumber
        n = generationNumber
        for i in range(2):
            newkey += int2Byte(n & 0xff)
            n = n >> 8
        md5output = md5(newkey).digest()
        if revision == 2:
            key = md5output[:10]
        elif revision == 3:
            key = md5output  #all 16 bytes
        from reportlab.lib.arciv import ArcIV
        encrypted = ArcIV(key).encode(string)
        #print 'encrypted=', hexText(encrypted)
    elif revision == 5:
        iv = os_urandom(16)
        encrypter = pyaes.Encrypter(pyaes.AESModeOfOperationCBC(key, iv=iv))

        # pkcs7 style padding so that the size of the encrypted block is multiple of 16
        string_len = len(string)
        padding = ""
        padding_len = (16 -
                       (string_len % 16)) if string_len > 16 else (16 -
        if padding_len > 0:
            padding = chr(padding_len) * padding_len

        if isinstance(string, str):
            string = (string + padding).encode("utf-8")
            string += asBytes(padding)

        encrypted = iv + encrypter.feed(string)
        encrypted += encrypter.feed()

    if DEBUG:
        print('encodePDF(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)==>%s' % tuple([
            hexText(str(x)) for x in (key, objectNumber, generationNumber,
                                      string, revision, encrypted)
    return encrypted
    def makeRow(self, row):
        """Works out the character values for this Big5 row.
        Rows start at 0xA1"""
        cells = []
        if self.encodingName.find('B5') > -1:
            # big 5, different row size
            for y in [4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]:
                for x in range(16):
                    col = y * 16 + x
                    ch = int2Byte(row) + int2Byte(col)

            cells.append([None] * 160)
        return cells
Exemple #4
    def makeRow(self, row):
        """Works out the character values for this Big5 row.
        Rows start at 0xA1"""
        cells = []
        if self.encodingName.find('B5') > -1:
            # big 5, different row size
            for y in [4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13,14,15]:
                for x in range(16):
                    col = y*16+x
                    ch = int2Byte(row) + int2Byte(col)

            cells.append([None] * 160)
        return cells
Exemple #5
    def makeRow(self, row):
        """Works out the character values for this kuten row"""
        cells = []
        if self.encodingName.find('EUC') > -1:
            # it is an EUC family encoding.
            for col in range(1, 95):
                ch = int2Byte(row + 160) + int2Byte(col+160)
##        elif self.encodingName.find('GB') > -1:
##            # it is an EUC family encoding.
##            for col in range(1, 95):
##                ch = int2Byte(row + 160) + int2Byte(col+160)
            cells.append([None] * 94)
        return cells
Exemple #6
    def makeRow(self, row):
        """Works out the character values for this kuten row"""
        cells = []
        if self.encodingName.find('EUC') > -1:
            # it is an EUC family encoding.
            for col in range(1, 95):
                ch = int2Byte(row + 160) + int2Byte(col+160)
##        elif self.encodingName.find('GB') > -1:
##            # it is an EUC family encoding.
##            for col in range(1, 95):
##                ch = int2Byte(row + 160) + int2Byte(col+160)
            cells.append([None] * 94)
        return cells
Exemple #7
def encryptionkey(password, OwnerKey, Permissions, FileId1, revision=2):
    # FileId1 is first string of the fileid array
    # add padding string
    #AR force same as iText example
    #Permissions =  -1836   #int(Permissions - 2**31)
    password = asBytes(password) + PadString
    # truncate to 32 bytes
    password = password[:32]
    # translate permissions to string, low order byte first
    p = Permissions  # + 2**32L
    permissionsString = b""
    for i in range(4):
        byte = (p & 0xff)  # seems to match what iText does
        p = p >> 8
        permissionsString += int2Byte(byte % 256)

    hash = md5(asBytes(password))

    md5output = hash.digest()

    if revision == 2:
        key = md5output[:5]
    elif revision == 3:  #revision 3 algorithm - loop 50 times
        for x in range(50):
            md5output = md5(md5output).digest()
        key = md5output[:16]
    if DEBUG:
        print('encryptionkey(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)==>%s' % tuple([
            for x in (password, OwnerKey, Permissions, FileId1, revision, key)
    return key
Exemple #8
def encryptionkey(password, OwnerKey, Permissions, FileId1, revision=2):
    # FileId1 is first string of the fileid array
    # add padding string
    #AR force same as iText example
    #Permissions =  -1836   #int(Permissions - 2**31)
    password = asBytes(password) + PadString
    # truncate to 32 bytes
    password = password[:32]
    # translate permissions to string, low order byte first
    p = Permissions# + 2**32L
    permissionsString = b""
    for i in range(4):
        byte = (p & 0xff)    # seems to match what iText does
        p = p>>8
        permissionsString += int2Byte(byte % 256)

    hash = md5(asBytes(password))

    md5output = hash.digest()

    if revision==2:
        key = md5output[:5]
    elif revision==3:  #revision 3 algorithm - loop 50 times
        for x in range(50):
            md5output = md5(md5output).digest()
        key = md5output[:16]
    if DEBUG: print('encryptionkey(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)==>%s' % tuple([hexText(str(x)) for x in (password, OwnerKey, Permissions, FileId1, revision, key)]))
    return key
Exemple #9
    def testSplitString(self):
        "Tests TTFont.splitString"
        doc = PDFDocument()
        font = TTFont("Vera", "Vera.ttf")
        text = b"".join(utf8(i) for i in range(511))
        allchars = b"".join(int2Byte(i) for i in range(256))
        nospace = allchars[:32] + allchars[33:]
        chunks = [(0, allchars), (1, nospace)]
        self.assertEquals(font.splitString(text, doc), chunks)
        # Do it twice
        self.assertEquals(font.splitString(text, doc), chunks)

        text = b"".join(utf8(i) for i in range(510, -1, -1))
        allchars = b"".join(int2Byte(i) for i in range(255, -1, -1))
        nospace = allchars[:223] + allchars[224:]
        chunks = [(1, nospace), (0, allchars)]
        self.assertEquals(font.splitString(text, doc), chunks)
    def testSplitString(self):
        "Tests TTFont.splitString"
        doc = PDFDocument()
        font = TTFont("Vera", "Vera.ttf")
        text = b"".join(utf8(i) for i in range(511))
        allchars = b"".join(int2Byte(i) for i in range(256))
        nospace = allchars[:32] + allchars[33:]
        chunks = [(0, allchars), (1, nospace)]
        self.assertEquals(font.splitString(text, doc), chunks)
        # Do it twice
        self.assertEquals(font.splitString(text, doc), chunks)

        text = b"".join(utf8(i) for i in range(510, -1, -1))
        allchars = b"".join(int2Byte(i) for i in range(255, -1, -1))
        nospace = allchars[:223] + allchars[224:]
        chunks = [(1, nospace), (0, allchars)]
        self.assertEquals(font.splitString(text, doc), chunks)
Exemple #11
def unHexText(hexText):
    equalityCheck(hexText[0], '<', 'bad hex text')
    equalityCheck(hexText[-1], '>', 'bad hex text')
    hexText = hexText[1:-1]
    out = b''
    for i in range(int(len(hexText) / 2.0)):
        slice = hexText[i * 2:i * 2 + 2]
        char = int2Byte(eval('0x' + slice))
        out = out + char
    return out
Exemple #12
def unHexText(hexText):
    equalityCheck(hexText[0], '<', 'bad hex text')
    equalityCheck(hexText[-1], '>', 'bad hex text')
    hexText = hexText[1:-1]
    out = b''
    for i in range(int(len(hexText)/2.0)):
        slice = hexText[i*2: i*2+2]
        char = int2Byte(eval('0x'+slice))
        out = out + char
    return out
Exemple #13
 def draw(self):
     dx = self.width / 16.0
     dy = self.height / 16.0
     g = Group()
     g.add(Rect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height,
                fillColor=None, strokeColor=colors.black))
     for x in range(16):
         for y in range(16):
             charValue = y * 16 + x
             if charValue > 32:
                 s = String(self.x + x * dx,
                            self.y + (self.height - y*dy), int2Byte(charValue))
     return g
Exemple #14
 def draw(self):
     dx = self.width / 16.0
     dy = self.height / 16.0
     g = Group()
     g.add(Rect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height,
                fillColor=None, strokeColor=colors.black))
     for x in range(16):
         for y in range(16):
             charValue = y * 16 + x
             if charValue > 32:
                 s = String(self.x + x * dx,
                            self.y + (self.height - y*dy), int2Byte(charValue))
     return g
Exemple #15
def encodePDF(key, objectNumber, generationNumber, string, revision=2):
    "Encodes a string or stream"
    #print 'encodePDF (%s, %d, %d, %s)' % (hexText(key), objectNumber, generationNumber, string)
    # extend 3 bytes of the object Number, low byte first
    newkey = key
    n = objectNumber
    for i in range(3):
        newkey += int2Byte(n & 0xff)
        n = n>>8
    # extend 2 bytes of the generationNumber
    n = generationNumber
    for i in range(2):
        newkey += int2Byte(n & 0xff)
        n = n>>8
    md5output = md5(newkey).digest()
    if revision == 2:
        key = md5output[:10]
    elif revision == 3:
        key = md5output #all 16 bytes
    from reportlab.lib.arciv import ArcIV
    encrypted = ArcIV(key).encode(string)
    #print 'encrypted=', hexText(encrypted)
    if DEBUG: print('encodePDF(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)==>%s' % tuple([hexText(str(x)) for x in (key, objectNumber, generationNumber, string, revision,encrypted)]))
    return encrypted
Exemple #16
    def testSplitString(self):
        "Tests TTFont.splitString"
        doc = PDFDocument()
        font = TTFont("Vera", "Vera.ttf")
        text = b"".join(utf8(i) for i in range(511))
        allchars = b"".join(int2Byte(i) for i in range(256))
        chunks = [(0, allchars[:0xa0] + b' ' + allchars[0xa0:])] + [
             allchars[1:32] + allchars[33:]) if rl_config.reserveTTFNotdef else
            (1, allchars[:32] + allchars[33:-1])
        self.assertEqual(font.splitString(text, doc), chunks)
        # Do it twice
        self.assertEqual(font.splitString(text, doc), chunks)

        text = b"".join(utf8(i) for i in range(510, -1, -1))
        revver = lambda b: map(int2Byte, reversed(b))
        chunks = [(i[0], b"".join(revver(i[1]))) for i in reversed(chunks)]
        self.assertEqual(font.splitString(text, doc), chunks)