def startVideo(url): """ Starts the XBMC player if a valid video URL is found for the given page URL. """ if not url.startswith("/"): url = "/" + url url = svt.BASE_URL + url + svt.JSON_SUFFIX show_obj = helper.resolveShowURL(url) player = xbmc.Player() startTime = time.time() if show_obj["videoUrl"]: xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(PLUGIN_HANDLE, True, xbmcgui.ListItem(path=show_obj["videoUrl"])) if show_obj["subtitleUrl"]: while not player.isPlaying() and time.time() - startTime < 10: time.sleep(1.) player.setSubtitles(show_obj["subtitleUrl"]) if not helper.getSetting(S_SHOW_SUBTITLES): player.showSubtitles(False) else: # No video URL was found dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog.ok("SVT Play", localize(30100))
def addDirectoryItem(title, params, thumbnail=None, folder=True, live=False, info=None): li = xbmcgui.ListItem(title) if thumbnail: li.setThumbnailImage(thumbnail) if live: li.setProperty("IsLive", "true") if not folder: if params["mode"] == MODE_VIDEO: li.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true") # Add context menu item for adding a video to playlist plm_script = "special://home/addons/" plm_action = "add" if not thumbnail: thumbnail = "" li.addContextMenuItems( [(localize(30404), "XBMC.RunScript(" + plm_script + ", " + plm_action + ", " + params["url"] + ", " + title + ", " + thumbnail + ")")], replaceItems=True) if params["mode"] == MODE_PROGRAM: # Add context menu item for adding programs as favorites fm_script = "special://home/addons/" fm_action = "add" li.addContextMenuItems( [(localize(30406), "XBMC.RunScript(" + fm_script + ", " + fm_action + ", " + title + ", " + params["url"] + ")")], replaceItems=True) if info: li.setInfo("Video", info) if "fanart" in info.keys() and helper.getSetting("showfanart"): li.setArt({"fanart": info["fanart"]}) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(PLUGIN_HANDLE, sys.argv[0] + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params), li, folder)
def createDirItem(article, mode): """ Given an article and a mode; create directory item for the article. """ if not helper.getSetting(S_HIDE_SIGN_LANGUAGE) or (article["title"].lower().endswith("teckentolkad") == False and article["title"].lower().find("teckenspråk".decode("utf-8")) == -1): params = {} params["mode"] = mode params["url"] = article["url"] folder = False if mode == MODE_PROGRAM: folder = True info = None if "info" in article.keys(): info = article["info"] addDirectoryItem(article["title"], params, article["thumbnail"], folder, False, info)
def addDirectoryItem(title, params, thumbnail = None, folder = True, live = False, info = None): li = xbmcgui.ListItem(title) if thumbnail: li.setThumbnailImage(thumbnail) if live: li.setProperty("IsLive", "true") if not folder: if params["mode"] == MODE_VIDEO: li.setProperty("IsPlayable", "true") # Add context menu item for adding a video to playlist plm_script = "special://home/addons/" plm_action = "add" if not thumbnail: thumbnail = "" li.addContextMenuItems( [ ( localize(30404), "XBMC.RunScript("+plm_script+", "+plm_action+", "+params["url"]+", "+title+", "+thumbnail+")" ) ], replaceItems=True) if params["mode"] == MODE_PROGRAM: # Add context menu item for adding programs as favorites fm_script = "special://home/addons/" fm_action = "add" li.addContextMenuItems( [ ( localize(30406), "XBMC.RunScript("+fm_script+", "+fm_action+", "+title+", "+params["url"]+")" ) ], replaceItems=True) if info: li.setInfo("Video", info) if "fanart" in info.keys() and helper.getSetting("showfanart"): li.setArt({"fanart": info["fanart"]}) xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem(PLUGIN_HANDLE, sys.argv[0] + '?' + urllib.urlencode(params), li, folder)
def createDirItem(article, mode): """ Given an article and a mode; create directory item for the article. """ if not helper.getSetting(S_HIDE_SIGN_LANGUAGE) or ( article["title"].lower().endswith("teckentolkad") == False and article["title"].lower().find( "teckenspråk".decode("utf-8")) == -1): params = {} params["mode"] = mode params["url"] = article["url"] folder = False if mode == MODE_PROGRAM: folder = True info = None if "info" in article.keys(): info = article["info"] addDirectoryItem(article["title"], params, article["thumbnail"], folder, False, info)
MODE_PLAYLIST_MANAGER = "playlist-manager" MODE_FAVORITES = "favorites" S_DEBUG = "debug" S_HIDE_SIGN_LANGUAGE = "hidesignlanguage" S_SHOW_SUBTITLES = "showsubtitles" S_USE_ALPHA_CATEGORIES = "alpha" PLUGIN_HANDLE = int(sys.argv[1]) addon = xbmcaddon.Addon("") localize = addon.getLocalizedString xbmcplugin.setContent(PLUGIN_HANDLE, "tvshows") common.plugin = addon.getAddonInfo('name') + ' ' + addon.getAddonInfo('version') common.dbg = helper.getSetting(S_DEBUG) def viewStart(): addDirectoryItem(localize(30009), { "mode": MODE_POPULAR }) addDirectoryItem(localize(30003), { "mode": MODE_LATEST }) addDirectoryItem(localize(30010), { "mode": MODE_LAST_CHANCE }) addDirectoryItem(localize(30002), { "mode": MODE_LIVE_PROGRAMS }) addDirectoryItem(localize(30008), { "mode": MODE_CHANNELS }) addDirectoryItem(localize(30000), { "mode": MODE_A_TO_O }) addDirectoryItem(localize(30001), { "mode": MODE_CATEGORIES }) addDirectoryItem(localize(30007), { "mode": MODE_BESTOF_CATEGORIES }) addDirectoryItem(localize(30006), { "mode": MODE_SEARCH }) addDirectoryItem(localize(30405), { "mode": MODE_FAVORITES }) addDirectoryItem(localize(30400), { "mode": MODE_PLAYLIST_MANAGER }, folder=False)
MODE_FAVORITES = "favorites" S_DEBUG = "debug" S_HIDE_SIGN_LANGUAGE = "hidesignlanguage" S_SHOW_SUBTITLES = "showsubtitles" S_USE_ALPHA_CATEGORIES = "alpha" PLUGIN_HANDLE = int(sys.argv[1]) addon = xbmcaddon.Addon("") localize = addon.getLocalizedString xbmcplugin.setContent(PLUGIN_HANDLE, "tvshows") common.plugin = addon.getAddonInfo('name') + ' ' + addon.getAddonInfo( 'version') common.dbg = helper.getSetting(S_DEBUG) def viewStart(): addDirectoryItem(localize(30009), {"mode": MODE_POPULAR}) addDirectoryItem(localize(30003), {"mode": MODE_LATEST}) addDirectoryItem(localize(30010), {"mode": MODE_LAST_CHANCE}) addDirectoryItem(localize(30002), {"mode": MODE_LIVE_PROGRAMS}) addDirectoryItem(localize(30008), {"mode": MODE_CHANNELS}) addDirectoryItem(localize(30000), {"mode": MODE_A_TO_O}) addDirectoryItem(localize(30001), {"mode": MODE_CATEGORIES}) addDirectoryItem(localize(30007), {"mode": MODE_BESTOF_CATEGORIES}) addDirectoryItem(localize(30006), {"mode": MODE_SEARCH}) addDirectoryItem(localize(30405), {"mode": MODE_FAVORITES}) addDirectoryItem(localize(30400), {"mode": MODE_PLAYLIST_MANAGER},