Exemple #1
    def act(self, game):
        all_locs = {(x, y) for x in xrange(19) for y in xrange(19)}
        spawn = {loc for loc in all_locs if 'spawn' in rg.loc_types(loc)}
        obstacle = {loc for loc in all_locs if 'obstacle' in rg.loc_types(loc)}
        team = {loc for loc in game.robots if game.robots[loc].player_id == self.player_id}
        enemy = set(game.robots) - team

        adjacent = set(rg.locs_around(self.location)) - obstacle
        adjacent_enemy = adjacent & enemy
        adjacent_enemy2 = {loc for loc in adjacent if (set(rg.locs_around(loc)) & enemy)} - team
        safe = adjacent - adjacent_enemy - adjacent_enemy2 - spawn - team

        def mindist(bots, loc):
            return min(bots, key=lambda x: rg.dist(x, loc))

            if enemy:
                closest_enemy = mindist(enemy, self.location)
            closest_enemy = rg.CENTER_POINT

            move = ['guard']

            if self.location in spawn:
                if safe:
                    move = ['move', mindist(safe, rg.CENTER_POINT)]
            elif adjacent_enemy:
                if 9 * len(adjacent_enemy) >= self.hp:
                    if safe:
                        move = ['move', mindist(safe, rg.CENTER_POINT)]
                    move = ['attack', adjacent_enemy.pop()]
            elif adjacent_enemy2:
                move = ['attack', adjacent_enemy2.pop()]
            elif safe:
                move = ['move', mindist(safe, closest_enemy)]
Exemple #2
def locs_around_55(loc):
	xc,yc = loc
	for x in xrange(xc-2,xc+3):
		for y in xrange(yc-2,yc+3):
			typ = rg.loc_types((x,y))
			if "invalid" not in typ and "obstacle" not in typ:
				yield (x,y)
Exemple #3
	def sense_environment(self, game):
		xc, yc = self.location
		features = np.zeros((Robot.inputs,1))
		i = 0
		for x in xrange(xc - Robot.halfwidth, xc + Robot.halfwidth + 1):
			for y in xrange(yc - Robot.halfwidth, yc + Robot.halfwidth + 1):
				bot = game.robots.get((x,y))
				if bot == None:
					features[(i, 0)] = 0.0
					features[(i+1, 0)] = 0.0
					features[(i, 0)]   = bot['hp'] / float(rg.settings.robot_hp) if bot['player_id'] == self.player_id else 0.0
					features[(i+1, 0)] = bot['hp'] / float(rg.settings.robot_hp) if bot['player_id'] != self.player_id else 0.0
				features[(i+2, 0)] = 1.0 if 'spawn' in rg.loc_types((x,y)) else 0.0
				features[(i+3, 0)] = 1.0 if 'obstacle' in rg.loc_types((x,y)) else 0.0
				i += 4
		return features
Exemple #4
 def genSafePlace(self):  #, r=True):
     #Metoda losuje pozycję do 'obrony', do której roboty będą się poruszały;
     while True:
         values.safeSpace = (randint(X['min'],
                                     X['max']), randint(Y['min'], Y['max']))
         if 'normal' in rg.loc_types(values.safeSpace):
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self):
     while True:
         x = random.randint(*self.RALLY_RANGE)
         y = random.randint(*self.RALLY_RANGE)
         locations = rg.loc_types((x, y))
         target = set(['normal'])
         if locations != target:
             self.RALLY_POINT = x, y
Exemple #6
 def _spawn_test(location):
     """test input location is at spawn place or not
         location (tuple): location of the map
         bool: True if the place is a spawnplace
               False if not
     spot = rg.loc_types(location)
     if ("spawn") in spot:
         return True
         return False
Exemple #7
 def test_types_spawn(self):
     self.assertEqual(rg.loc_types((3, 4)), set(['normal', 'spawn']))
Exemple #8
 def test_types_invalid(self):
     self.assertEqual(rg.loc_types((-1, 9)), set(['invalid']))
Exemple #9
    def evaluate(self, game, robot, ally_fut, attack_fut):
        """Recursive evaluation of this Node and it's children given game state."""

        result = False
        dir_result = self.direction
        # First handle this node's expression
        if self.type == "SPAWN":
            if self.comp_op == "LT" and self.turns_since_spawn > (
                    game['turn'] % 10):
                result = True
            elif self.comp_op == "GT" and self.turns_since_spawn < (
                    game['turn'] % 10):
                result = True
        elif self.type == "HP":
            if self.comp_op == "LT" and robot.hp < self.hp:
                result = True
            elif self.comp_op == "GT" and robot.hp > self.hp:
                result = True
        elif self.type == "RLOC":
            true_loc = (robot.location[0] + self.rloc[0],
                        robot.location[1] + self.rloc[1])
            bots = game.get('robots')
            check_hp = False
            hp_to_check = 0
            if self.rloc_type == "ENEMY":
                if true_loc in bots.keys():
                    bot = bots[true_loc]
                    if bot.player_id != robot.player_id:
                        check_hp = True
                        hp_to_check = bot.hp
            elif self.rloc_type == "SPAWN":
                if 'spawn' in rg.loc_types(true_loc):
                    result = True
            elif self.rloc_type == "INVALID":
                if any(x in rg.loc_types(true_loc)
                       for x in ['obstacle', 'invalid']):
                    result = True
            elif self.rloc_type == "EMPTY":
                if not any(x in rg.loc_types(true_loc)
                           for x in ['obstacle', 'invalid']):
                    if true_loc not in bots.keys():
                        result = True
            elif self.rloc_type == "ALLY":
                if true_loc in bots.keys():
                    bot = bots[true_loc]
                    if bot.player_id == robot.player_id:
                        check_hp = True
                        hp_to_check = bot.hp
            elif self.rloc_type == "ALLY_FUT":
                if not any(x in rg.loc_types(true_loc)
                           for x in ['obstacle', 'invalid']):
                    hp_to_check = ally_fut[true_loc[0]][true_loc[1]]
                    if hp_to_check > 0:
                        check_hp = True
            elif self.rloc_type == "ATT_FUT":
                if not any(x in rg.loc_types(true_loc)
                           for x in ['obstacle', 'invalid']):
                    result = (attack_fut[true_loc[0]][true_loc[1]] > 0)
            if check_hp:
                if self.comp_op == "LT" and hp_to_check < self.hp:
                    result = True
                elif self.comp_op == "GT" and hp_to_check > self.hp:
                    result = True
        if self.not_op:
            result = not result

        # Now check children Nodes
        # Precedence of True evalutations:
        #    True OR child > True AND children + True self > No AND children + True self
        #    Direction is set by the "lowest in the tree" True node of the highest
        #        precedence condition. For example, a True node with all True AND
        #        children and two True OR children will use the direction of the first True
        #        OR child. Assuming non-contradictory Node expressions, this should allow
        #        every Node to determine the direction in at least one game state.
        and_still_possible = True
        for child in self.children:
            ch_result = child.evaluate(game, robot, ally_fut, attack_fut)
            if result and (child.op == "AND"):
                and_still_possible = (and_still_possible and ch_result[0])
                dir_result = ch_result[1]
            if child.op == "OR" and ch_result[0]:
                return ch_result
        return ((result and and_still_possible), dir_result)
Exemple #10
 def evaluate(self, game, robot, ally_fut, attack_fut):
     """Recursive evaluation of this Node and it's children given game state."""
     result = False
     dir_result = self.direction
     # First handle this node's expression
     if self.type == "SPAWN":
         if self.comp_op == "LT" and self.turns_since_spawn > (game['turn'] % 10):
             result = True
         elif self.comp_op == "GT" and self.turns_since_spawn < (game['turn'] % 10):
             result = True
     elif self.type == "HP":
         if self.comp_op == "LT" and robot.hp < self.hp:
             result = True
         elif self.comp_op == "GT" and robot.hp > self.hp:
             result = True
     elif self.type == "RLOC":
         true_loc = (robot.location[0] + self.rloc[0], robot.location[1] + self.rloc[1])
         bots = game.get('robots')
         check_hp = False
         hp_to_check = 0
         if self.rloc_type == "ENEMY":
             if true_loc in bots.keys():
                 bot = bots[true_loc]
                 if bot.player_id != robot.player_id:
                     check_hp = True
                     hp_to_check = bot.hp
         elif self.rloc_type == "SPAWN":
             if 'spawn' in rg.loc_types(true_loc):
                 result = True
         elif self.rloc_type == "INVALID":
             if any(x in rg.loc_types(true_loc) for x in ['obstacle', 'invalid']):
                 result = True
         elif self.rloc_type == "EMPTY":
             if not any(x in rg.loc_types(true_loc) for x in ['obstacle', 'invalid']):
                 if true_loc not in bots.keys():
                     result = True
         elif self.rloc_type == "ALLY":
             if true_loc in bots.keys():
                 bot = bots[true_loc]
                 if bot.player_id == robot.player_id:
                     check_hp = True
                     hp_to_check = bot.hp
         elif self.rloc_type == "ALLY_FUT":
             if not any(x in rg.loc_types(true_loc) for x in ['obstacle', 'invalid']):
                 hp_to_check = ally_fut[true_loc[0]][true_loc[1]]
                 if hp_to_check > 0:
                     check_hp = True
         elif self.rloc_type == "ATT_FUT":
             if not any(x in rg.loc_types(true_loc) for x in ['obstacle', 'invalid']):
                 result = (attack_fut[true_loc[0]][true_loc[1]] > 0)
         if check_hp:
             if self.comp_op == "LT" and hp_to_check < self.hp:
                 result = True
             elif self.comp_op == "GT" and hp_to_check > self.hp:
                 result = True
     if self.not_op:
         result = not result
     # Now check children Nodes
     # Precedence of True evalutations:
     #    True OR child > True AND children + True self > No AND children + True self
     #    Direction is set by the "lowest in the tree" True node of the highest
     #        precedence condition. For example, a True node with all True AND
     #        children and two True OR children will use the direction of the first True
     #        OR child. Assuming non-contradictory Node expressions, this should allow
     #        every Node to determine the direction in at least one game state.
     and_still_possible = True
     for child in self.children:
         ch_result = child.evaluate(game, robot, ally_fut, attack_fut)
         if result and (child.op == "AND"):
             and_still_possible = (and_still_possible and ch_result[0])
             dir_result = ch_result[1]
         if child.op == "OR" and ch_result[0]:
             return ch_result
     return ((result and and_still_possible), dir_result)
Exemple #11
 def test_types_normal(self):
     self.assertEqual(rg.loc_types((7, 2)), set(['normal']))
Exemple #12
 def test_types_obstacle(self):
     self.assertEqual(rg.loc_types((16, 4)), set(['normal', 'obstacle']))
Exemple #13
 def test_types_spawn(self):
     self.assertEqual(rg.loc_types((3, 4)), set(['normal', 'spawn']))
Exemple #14
 def test_types_invalid(self):
     self.assertEqual(rg.loc_types((-1, 9)), set(['invalid']))
Exemple #15
 def test_types_obstacle(self):
     self.assertEqual(rg.loc_types((16, 4)), set(['normal', 'obstacle']))
Exemple #16
 def test_types_normal(self):
     self.assertEqual(rg.loc_types((7, 2)), set(['normal']))
Exemple #17
def action_is_valid(act):
	if len(act) > 1 and ("invalid" in rg.loc_types(act[1]) or "obstacle" in rg.loc_types(act[1])):
		return False
	return True