def match(self, emap): for row in range(len(MAP)): for col in range(len(MAP[row])): if rlfl.has_flag(, (row, col), rlfl.CELL_SEEN): self.assertEqual(emap[row][0][col], 'S') else: self.assertEqual(emap[row][0][col], '-')
def print_map(self, p): fov = [] for row in range(len( for col in range(len([row])): if rlfl.has_flag(self.mapnum, (row, col), rlfl.CELL_SEEN): fov.append((row, col)) super().print_map(fov, p, p)
def render_examine(self, player, map): libtcod.console_clear(self.con_full) _x, _y = self.viewport.look_x, self.viewport.look_y if (_x, _y) == self.viewport.playerxy: #starting point of view libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(self.panel_msg, libtcod.white) libtcod.console_print(self.con_full, 1, 0, 'This is you'.ljust(SCREEN_WIDTH, ' ')) libtcod.console_print(self.con_full, 1, 1, 'Press e to go back to look-around mode'.ljust(SCREEN_WIDTH, ' ')) else: visible = rlfl.has_flag(map.current.fov_map0, (_x, _y), rlfl.CELL_MEMO) if not visible: libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(self.panel_msg, libtcod.white) libtcod.console_print(self.con_full, 1, 0, 'You can\'t see this far'.ljust(SCREEN_WIDTH, ' ')) libtcod.console_print(self.con_full, 1, 1, 'Press e to go back to look-around mode'.ljust(SCREEN_WIDTH, ' ')) return result = '' crit = map.critter_at(_x, _y) if crit: result += getattr(crit, 'description_' + player.time) tile_at = map.tile_at(_x, _y) result += tile_at.get_full_description(player.time) result += '\n\nPress e to go back to look-around mode.' libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(self.panel_msg, libtcod.white) libtcod.console_print(self.con_full, 0, 0, result.ljust(SCREEN_WIDTH, ' ')) libtcod.console_blit(self.con_full, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0) libtcod.console_flush()
def print_map(self, p): fov = [] for row in range(len( for col in range(len([row])): if rlfl.has_flag(self.mapnum, (row, col), rlfl.CELL_SEEN): fov.append((row, col)) super(FOV_example, self).print_map(fov, p, p)
def iterate_fov(self, x, y, range, action): xy = util.iterate_fov(x, y, range, self.current.width - 1, self.current.height - 1) for x,y in xy: # if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(self.current.fov_map, x, y): if rlfl.has_flag(self.current.fov_map0, (x, y), rlfl.CELL_SEEN): tile = self.current._map[y][x] if tile: action(tile, x, y, self.current)
def iterate_fov(self, x, y, range, action): xy = util.iterate_fov(x, y, range, self.current.width - 1, self.current.height - 1) for x, y in xy: # if libtcod.map_is_in_fov(self.current.fov_map, x, y): if rlfl.has_flag(self.current.fov_map0, (x, y), rlfl.CELL_SEEN): tile = self.current._map[y][x] if tile: action(tile, x, y, self.current)
def test_scatter(self): p = ORIGOS[1] x, y = p for i in range(10): px, py = rlfl.scatter(, p, 10, rlfl.CELL_OPEN) self.assertTrue(px < (x + 10)) self.assertTrue(px >= (x - 10)) self.assertTrue(py < (y + 10)) self.assertTrue(py >= (y - 10)) self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(, (px, py), rlfl.CELL_OPEN))
def test_gf(self): m = rlfl.create_map(20, 20) rlfl.set_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_OPEN) self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_OPEN)) rlfl.set_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_WALK) self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_OPEN|rlfl.CELL_WALK)) rlfl.clear_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_WALK) self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_OPEN|rlfl.CELL_WALK)) rlfl.clear_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_OPEN) self.assertFalse(rlfl.has_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_OPEN|rlfl.CELL_WALK)) for i in range(0, 20): self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (0, i), rlfl.CELL_PERM)) self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (19, i), rlfl.CELL_PERM)) self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (i, 0), rlfl.CELL_PERM)) self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (i, 19), rlfl.CELL_PERM))
def test_map(self): m = rlfl.create_map(20, 20) rlfl.fill_map(m, rlfl.CELL_SEEN) for i in range(20): for j in range(20): self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (i, j), rlfl.CELL_SEEN)) rlfl.clear_map(m) for i in range(20): for j in range(20): self.assertFalse(rlfl.has_flag(m, (i, j), rlfl.CELL_SEEN)) test = ( { 'm': -1, 's': 'Map not initialized', 'f': rlfl.CELL_OPEN }, { 'm': 3, 's': 'Map not initialized', 'f': rlfl.CELL_OPEN }, { 'm': m, 's': 'Invalid flag used', 'f': -1 }, ) for func in ['fill_map', 'clear_map']: for i in test: try: getattr(rlfl, func)(i['m'], i['f']) except Exception as e: self.assertEqual(str(e), i['s']) self.assertEqual(str(e.__class__), "<class 'rlfl.Error'>") else:'Expected Exception: func: %s, %s' % (func, i['s']))
def test_gf(self): m = rlfl.create_map(20, 20) rlfl.set_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_OPEN) self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_OPEN)) rlfl.set_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_WALK) self.assertTrue( rlfl.has_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_OPEN | rlfl.CELL_WALK)) rlfl.clear_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_WALK) self.assertTrue( rlfl.has_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_OPEN | rlfl.CELL_WALK)) rlfl.clear_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_OPEN) self.assertFalse( rlfl.has_flag(m, (10, 10), rlfl.CELL_OPEN | rlfl.CELL_WALK)) for i in range(0, 20): self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (0, i), rlfl.CELL_PERM)) self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (19, i), rlfl.CELL_PERM)) self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (i, 0), rlfl.CELL_PERM)) self.assertTrue(rlfl.has_flag(m, (i, 19), rlfl.CELL_PERM))
def render_tile_description(self, map, player): libtcod.console_clear(self.panel_msg) _x, _y = self.viewport.look_x, self.viewport.look_y if (_x, _y) == self.viewport.playerxy: #starting point of view libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(self.panel_msg, libtcod.white) libtcod.console_print(self.panel_msg, 0, 0, 'Look-around mode. Use keys to move cursor'.ljust(SCREEN_WIDTH, ' ')) else: visible = rlfl.has_flag(map.current.fov_map0, (_x, _y), rlfl.CELL_MEMO) if not visible: libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(self.panel_msg, libtcod.white) libtcod.console_print(self.panel_msg, 0, 0, 'You can\'t see this far'.ljust(SCREEN_WIDTH, ' ')) return result = '' crit = map.critter_at(_x, _y) if crit: result += 'You see ' + + '.\n' tile_at = map.tile_at(_x, _y) result += tile_at.get_view_description() result += 'Press e to examine' libtcod.console_set_default_foreground(self.panel_msg, libtcod.white) libtcod.console_print(self.panel_msg, 0, 0, result.ljust(SCREEN_WIDTH, ' '))
def render_map(self, map, player): #todo optimize (see if not self.viewport: self.viewport = Viewport(VIEWPORT_WIDTH, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT, map) if gl.__fov_recompute__: gl.logger.debug('Recomputing fov') gl.__fov_recompute__ = False map.recompute_fov() consolex, consoley, xx = 0,0, 0 self.viewport.update_coords(player.x, player.y) gl.logger.debug('Diplaying viewport from %d:%d to %d:%d' % (self.viewport.x, self.viewport.y, self.viewport.x2, self.viewport.y2)) buffer = libtcod.ConsoleBuffer(VIEWPORT_WIDTH, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT) for y in xrange(self.viewport.y, self.viewport.y2): for x in xrange(self.viewport.x, self.viewport.x2): tile = map.tile_at(x, y) if not tile: consolex += 1 continue xy = (x, y) seen = rlfl.has_flag(map.current.fov_map0, xy, rlfl.CELL_MEMO) | gl.__wizard_mode__ # visible = libtcod.map_is_in_fov(map.current.fov_map, x, y) visible = rlfl.has_flag(map.current.fov_map0, xy, rlfl.CELL_SEEN) del xy #if tile is seen or visible to player - print it char = None if seen or visible: if tile.items and len(tile.items): char = tile.items[-1].char else: char = tile.char # libtcod.console_set_char(self.con, consolex, consoley, char) #if it's not in LOS, but seen - print in dim color else: char = ' ' fc = tile.dim_color bc = None if not visible and not seen: bc = BLACK else: #if it's in LOS - print fc = tile.color if tile.items and len(tile.items) > 1: bc = libtcod.desaturated_yellow else: bc = tile.color_back buffer.set(consolex, consoley, bc[0], bc[1], bc[2], fc[0], fc[1], fc[2], char) consolex += 1 xx = consolex consolex = 0 consoley += 1 gl.logger.debug('Printing critters') for critter in map.critters: if not self.viewport.in_view(critter.x, critter.y): continue if critter.last_seen_at and not self.viewport.in_view(*critter.last_seen_at): continue fc = critter.color x, y = self.viewport.adjust_coords(critter.x, critter.y) if rlfl.has_flag(map.current.fov_map0, (critter.x, critter.y), rlfl.CELL_SEEN) or gl.__wizard_mode__: critter.last_seen_at = critter.x, critter.y buffer.set_fore(x, y, fc[0], fc[1], fc[2], critter.char) elif critter.last_seen_at is not None: color = dim_color(critter.color) fc = color buffer.set_fore(x, y, fc[0], fc[1], fc[2], critter.char) gl.logger.debug('Printing player') x, y = self.viewport.adjust_coords(player.x, player.y) buffer.set_fore(x, y, player.color[0], player.color[1], player.color[2], player.char) tile = map.tile_at(player.x, player.y) if tile.color_back > (200, 200, 200): buffer.set_back(x, y, 200, 200, 200) if gl.__wizard_mode__: libtcod.console_print(self.con, 0, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT - 1, 'WIZ MODE') for x in xrange(0, VIEWPORT_WIDTH): for y in xrange(0, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT): if x >= xx: buffer.set_fore(x, y, 0, 0, 0, ' ') if gl.__lookmode__: buffer.set_back(self.viewport.look_x - self.viewport.x, self.viewport.look_y - self.viewport.y, 255, 255, 255) buffer.blit(self.con) libtcod.console_blit(self.con, 0, 0, VIEWPORT_WIDTH, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0) libtcod.console_flush()