Exemple #1
def request_post(url, payload=None, timeout=16, json=False, jsonify_data=True):
    """For a given url and payload, makes a post request and returns the response. Allows for responses other than 200.

    :param url: The url to send a post request to.
    :type url: str
    :param payload: Dictionary of parameters to pass to the url as url/?key1=value1&key2=value2.
    :type payload: Optional[dict]
    :param timeout: The time for the post to wait for a response. Should be slightly greater than multiples of 3.
    :type timeout: Optional[int]
    :param json: This will set the 'content-type' parameter of the session header to 'application/json'
    :type json: bool
    :param jsonify_data: If this is true, will return requests.post().json(), otherwise will return response from requests.post().
    :type jsonify_data: bool
    :returns: Returns the data from the post request.

    data = None
    res = None
        if json:
            update_session('Content-Type', 'application/json')
            res = SESSION.post(url, json=payload, timeout=timeout)
                           'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8')
            print('HEADERS:\n', SESSION.headers)
            res = SESSION.post(url, data=payload, timeout=timeout)
        data = res.json()
    except Exception as message:
        print("Error in request_post: {0}".format(message))
    # Either return response <200,401,etc.> or the data that is returned from requests.
    if jsonify_data:
        return (data)
        return (res)
Exemple #2
def request_delete(url):
    """For a given url and payload, makes a delete request and returns the response.

    :param url: The url to send a delete request to.
    :type url: str
    :returns: Returns the data from the delete request.

        res = SESSION.delete(url)
    except Exception as message:
        data = None
        print("Error in request_delete: {0}".format(message))

    return (data)
Exemple #3
def request_document(url, payload=None):
    """Using a document url, makes a get request and returnes the session data.

    :param url: The url to send a get request to.
    :type url: str
    :returns: Returns the session.get() data as opppose to session.get().json() data.

        res = SESSION.get(url, params=payload)
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as message:
        return (None)

    return (res)
Exemple #4
def request_get(url, dataType='regular', payload=None, jsonify_data=True):
    """For a given url and payload, makes a get request and returns the data.

    :param url: The url to send a get request to.
    :type url: str
    :param dataType: Determines how to filter the data. 'regular' returns the unfiltered data. \
    'results' will return data['results']. 'pagination' will return data['results'] and append it with any \
    data that is in data['next']. 'indexzero' will return data['results'][0].
    :type dataType: Optional[str]
    :param payload: Dictionary of parameters to pass to the url. Will append the requests url as url/?key1=value1&key2=value2.
    :type payload: Optional[dict]
    :param jsonify_data: If this is true, will return requests.post().json(), otherwise will return response from requests.post().
    :type jsonify_data: bool
    :returns: Returns the data from the get request. If jsonify_data=True and requests returns an http code other than <200> \
    then either '[None]' or 'None' will be returned based on what the dataType parameter was set as.

    if (dataType == 'results' or dataType == 'pagination'):
        data = [None]
        data = None
    res = None
    if jsonify_data:
            res = SESSION.get(url, params=payload)
            data = res.json()
        except (requests.exceptions.HTTPError, AttributeError) as message:
            return (data)
        res = SESSION.get(url, params=payload)
        return (res)
    # Only continue to filter data if jsonify_data=True, and Session.get returned status code <200>.
    if (dataType == 'results'):
            data = data['results']
        except KeyError as message:
            print("{0} is not a key in the dictionary".format(message))
            return ([None])
    elif (dataType == 'pagination'):
        counter = 2
        nextData = data
            data = data['results']
        except KeyError as message:
            print("{0} is not a key in the dictionary".format(message))
            return ([None])

        if nextData['next']:
            print('Found Additional pages.')
        while nextData['next']:
                res = SESSION.get(nextData['next'])
                nextData = res.json()
                print('Additional pages exist but could not be loaded.')
                return (data)
            print('Loading page ' + str(counter) + ' ...')
            counter += 1
            for item in nextData['results']:
    elif (dataType == 'indexzero'):
            data = data['results'][0]
        except KeyError as message:
            print("{0} is not a key in the dictionary".format(message))
            return (None)
        except IndexError as message:
            return (None)

    return (data)