def test_encode_decode_large():
    bytestring = ('123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'
    int_result = serialization.convert_bytestring_to_int(bytestring)
    assert serialization.convert_int_to_bytestring(int_result) == bytestring
def get_random_int_in_field(prime):
        prime, specifies the upper bound (exclusive) for the random values
        a cryptographically-secure random integer within the specified field
        ValueError, OS does not provide a source of entropy
        bytelength = _get_byte_length(prime)
        random_int = serialization.convert_bytestring_to_int(os.urandom(bytelength))
        return random_int % prime
    except NotImplementedError:
        raise ValueError("no found implementation for entropy")
def share_secret(num_players, reconstruction_threshold, max_secret_length, secret):
        num_players, the number of shares to be distributed
        reconstruction_threshold, the number of shares needed for reconstruction
            any collection of fewer shares will reveal no information about the secret
        max_secret_length, the maximum length of the secret represented as a bytestring (ie, len(secret))
        secret, a bytestring to be Shamir secret shared
        a list of strings, each representing an integer, that can be passed to reconstruct_secret
        ValueError, the input arguments fail validation
    secret_int = serialization.convert_bytestring_to_int(secret)
    points = _share_secret_int(num_players, reconstruction_threshold, max_secret_length + 1, secret_int)
    return [str(pairing.elegant_pair(*tup)) for tup in points]
def share_authenticated_secret(players, reconstruction_threshold, max_secret_length, secret):
        players, a list of unique string ids for all players
        reconstruction_threshold, the number of shares needed for reconstruction
            any collection of fewer shares will reveal no information about the secret
        max_secret_length, the maximum length of the secret represented as a bytestring (ie, len(secret))
        secret, a bytestring to be Shamir secret shared
        a dictionary of ids (from the players argument) to robust secret shares, which consist of
            a share
            a map of player ids to keys for the shares held by those players
            a map of player ids to vectors for this share
                that can be verified by keys held by those players
        ValueError, the input parameters fail validation (see share_secret of schemes/
    num_players = len(players)
    secret_int = serialization.convert_bytestring_to_int(secret)

    # generate shares of the secret s: ((x_1, s_1), . . . , (x_n, s_n))
    int_shares = [pairing.elegant_pair(*share) for share in
                                        max_secret_length + 1,  # conversion to an integer adds one byte

    # assign shares to players
    shares_map = {player: share for (player, share) in zip(players, int_shares)}

    batch_keys, batch_vectors = defaultdict(dict), defaultdict(dict)
    for player in players:  # generate n MAC keys k_ij and vectors t_ij = MAC(k_ij, s_j) per share s_j
        keys, vectors = authentication.generate_batch(num_players, shares_map[player], max_secret_length + 1)
        for player_id, key, vector in zip(players, keys, vectors):
            batch_keys[player][player_id] = key
            batch_vectors[player][player_id] = vector

    return _make_robust_shares(shares_map, batch_keys, batch_vectors)
def test_large_mutation():
    bytestring = '\x00\x9c\x9e\x16\xe9'
    int_result = serialization.convert_bytestring_to_int(bytestring) + 1000000000000000000  # large relative to bytestring length
def test_encode_decode_trailing_zeros():
    bytestring = 'e\x9c\x9e\x16\xe9\xea\x15+\xbf]\xebx;o\xef\xc9X1c\xaepj\xebj\x12\xe3r\xcd\xeaM\x00\x00'
    int_result = serialization.convert_bytestring_to_int(bytestring)
    assert serialization.convert_int_to_bytestring(int_result) == bytestring
def test_encode_decode_leading_star():
    bytestring = '**e\x9c\x9e\x16\xe9\xea\x15+\xbf]\xebx;o\xef\xc9X1c\xaepj\xebj\x12\xe3r\xcd\xeaM'
    int_result = serialization.convert_bytestring_to_int(bytestring)
    assert serialization.convert_int_to_bytestring(int_result) == bytestring
def test_encode_decode_small():
    bytestring = '123'
    int_result = serialization.convert_bytestring_to_int(bytestring)
    assert serialization.convert_int_to_bytestring(int_result) == bytestring