Exemple #1
def test_incorrect_numerals():
    """is_roman_numeral should return False for strings that are not roman numerals."""
    for numeral in incorrect_numerals:
        assert Roman.is_roman_numeral(numeral) == False

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Exemple #2
def test_bad_type():
    """is_roman_numeral should raise TypeError for non-string arguments"""
    for numeral in (None, 0, 1, 1.0):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    for obj in (None, 1.0):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Exemple #3
class RomanTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.roman = Roman()

    def test_input_1_should_return_I(self):
        result = self.roman.convert(1)

        self.assertEqual(result, 'I')

    def test_input_2_should_return_II(self):
        result = self.roman.convert(2)

        self.assertEqual(result, 'II')

    def test_input_3_should_return_III(self):
        result = self.roman.convert(3)

        self.assertEqual(result, 'III')

    def test_input_4_should_return_IV(self):
        result = self.roman.convert(4)

        self.assertEqual(result, 'IV')

    def test_input_5_should_return_V(self):
        result = self.roman.convert(5)

        self.assertEqual(result, 'V')

    def test_input_6_should_return_VI(self):
        result = self.roman.convert(6)

        self.assertEqual(result, 'VI')

    def test_input_7_should_return_VII(self):
        result = self.roman.convert(7)

        self.assertEqual(result, 'VII')

    def test_input_8_should_return_VIII(self):
        result = self.roman.convert(8)

        self.assertEqual(result, 'VIII')

    def test_input_9_should_return_IX(self):
        result = self.roman.convert(9)

        self.assertEqual(result, 'IX')

    def test_input_10_should_return_X(self):
        result = self.roman.convert(10)

        self.assertEqual(result, 'X')
Exemple #4
    def test_exceptions(self):

        ancient = 'The ancient Romans did not recognize 0 as a number neither did they include negative numbers'
            _ = Roman.convert_to_roman(0)
            self.fail('Should get an exception for non-positive values')
        except ValueError as ex:
            self.assertEqual(ancient, str(ex))
            _ = Roman.convert_to_roman(-22)
            self.fail('Should get an exception for non-positive values')
        except ValueError as ex:
            self.assertEqual(ancient, str(ex))

            _ = Roman.convert_to_decimal('T')  # T unknown
            self.fail('Should get an exception for unrecognized characters')
        except ValueError as ex:
            self.assertEqual('Not found', str(ex))

            _ = Roman.convert_to_decimal(
                'IIII')  # III is 3 and cannot be followed by anything
            self.fail('Should get an exception for unrecognized characters')
        except ValueError as ex:
            self.assertEqual('Wrong level', str(ex))

            # not following the convention - XX is 20 and cannot be followed by 50
            _ = Roman.convert_to_decimal('XXL')
            self.fail('Should get an exception for unrecognized characters')
        except ValueError as ex:
            self.assertEqual('Wrong level', str(ex))

            _ = Roman.convert_to_decimal(
                'MMCCXXC')  # 2220 cannot be followed by 100
            self.fail('Should get an exception for unrecognized characters')
        except ValueError as ex:
            self.assertEqual('Wrong level', str(ex))

            _ = Roman.convert_to_decimal(
            )  # with the current convention I can never be followed by a ^
            self.fail('Should get an exception for unrecognized characters')
        except ValueError as ex:
            self.assertEqual('Not found', str(ex))

            _ = Roman.convert_to_decimal('V^MMMDCCCLXXXVIIIR')  # R unknown
            self.fail('Should get an exception for unrecognized characters')
        except ValueError as ex:
            self.assertEqual('Not found', str(ex))
Exemple #5
    def test_adding_x_to_x(self):
        """ Test adding 10 + 10 """
        numeral_a = Roman('x')
        numeral_b = Roman('x')

        self.assertEqual('xx', numeral_a.add(numeral_b))
        self.assertEqual('xx', numeral_b.add(numeral_a))
class TestRoman(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.roman = Roman()

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_get_value_by_symbol(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.roman.get_value_by_symbol("I"), 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.roman.get_value_by_symbol("V"), 5)
        self.assertEqual(self.roman.get_value_by_symbol("X"), 10)
        self.assertEqual(self.roman.get_value_by_symbol("L"), 50)
        self.assertEqual(self.roman.get_value_by_symbol("C"), 100)
        self.assertEqual(self.roman.get_value_by_symbol("D"), 500)
        self.assertEqual(self.roman.get_value_by_symbol("M"), 1000)

    def test_roman_to_arabic(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.roman.roman_to_arabic('II'), 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.roman.roman_to_arabic('MCMIII'), 1903)
        with self.assertRaises(InvalidSyntaxException):
Exemple #7
 def test_4000_handled_gracefully(self):
     number = Roman('4000')
     self.assertEquals(number.invalid_reason, '4000 is out of bounds.')
Exemple #8
 def test_number_of_digits_in_9999(self):
     number = Roman(9999)
     self.assertEquals(number.number_of_digits(), 4)
Exemple #9
 def test_equal(self):
     for i in range(1, 2000):
         self.assertEqual(str(Roman(i)), text[i])  # Здесь, по сути,
Exemple #10
 def test_false(self):
     self.assertFalse(Roman(5) == Roman(6))
Exemple #11
def test_incorrect_integers():
    """Zero and negative integers are not supported."""
    for number in incorrect_integers:
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Exemple #12
class TestRomanToArabic(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.r = Roman()


    I   1 (one) (unus)
    V   5 (five) (quinque)
    X   10 (ten) (decem)
    L   50 (fifty) (quinquaginta)
    C   100 (one hundred) (centum)
    D   500 (five hundred) (quingenti)
    M   1000 (one thousand) (mille)

    def test_IVXLCDM(self):
        Test all uppercase digits in one test for brevity.
        for numeral, decimal in [('I', 1), ('V', 5), ('X', 10), ('L', 50), ('C', 100), ('D', 500), ('M', 1000)]:
            number = Roman(numeral)
            self.assertEquals(number.decimal, decimal)

    def test_lowercase_digits(self):
        Test all uppercase digits in one test for brevity.
        for numeral, decimal in [('i', 1), ('v', 5), ('x', 10), ('l', 50), ('c', 100), ('d', 500), ('m', 1000)]:
            number = Roman(numeral)
            self.assertEquals(number.decimal, decimal)
        number = Roman('x')
        self.assertEquals(number.decimal, 10)

    def test_two_ones_make_two(self):
        number = Roman('II')
        self.assertEquals(number.decimal, 2)

    def test_iv_equals_four(self):
        number = Roman('iv')
        self.assertEquals(number.decimal, 4)

    def test_i_before_v_worth_minus_one(self):
        value = self.r.get_roman_value('i', 'v')
        self.assertEquals(value, -1)

    def test_i_on_its_own_worth_one(self):
        value = self.r.get_roman_value('i', None)
        self.assertEquals(value, 1)

    def test_v_before_i_worth_five(self):
        value = self.r.get_roman_value('v', 'i')
        self.assertEquals(value, 5)

    def test_iiii_also_equals_four(self):
        number = Roman('iiii')
        self.assertEquals(number.decimal, 4)

    def test_four_cs_1925(self):
        number = Roman('MDCCCCXXV')
        self.assertEquals(number.decimal, 1925)
    def test_subtractive_1925(self):
        number = Roman('MCMXXV')
        self.assertEquals(number.decimal, 1925)

    def test_ic_violates_subtractive_principle(self):
        "The subtractive principle of the IX, XC, and CM in these examples is
        that a numeral for 10^n may not precede a numeral larger than 10^n+1,
        where n is an integer." --Wikipedia, Roman numerals
        self.assertTrue(self.r.violates_subtractive_principle('I', 'C'))

    def test_ix_does_not_violate_subtractive_principle(self):
        self.assertFalse(self.r.violates_subtractive_principle('I', 'X'))

    def test_m_does_not_violate_subtractive_principle(self):
        self.assertFalse(self.r.violates_subtractive_principle('M', None))

    def test_violation_of_subtractive_principle_raises_exception(self):
        self.assertRaises(Exception, self.r.get_roman_value, 'i', 'm')

    def test_mim_not_valid(self):
        number = Roman('MIM')
            'I before M violates the subtractive principle.')

    def test_MCMXCIX_valid(self):
        number = Roman('MCMXCIX')
        self.assertEquals(number.invalid_reason, None)

    def test_vx_violates_subtractive_principle(self):
        "The numerals 5*10^n (V, L, D) may not precede a larger numeral at all"
                                                     --Wikipedia, Roman numerals 
        self.assertTrue(self.r.violates_subtractive_principle('V', 'X'))

    def test_vv_invalid(self):
        number = Roman('VV')
                'Cannot have two consecutive Vs.')

    def test_no_two_fives(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.r.two_consecutive_fives('L', 'L'))
Exemple #13
def test_from_integer():
    """Roman(integer) makes a correct numeral."""
    for numeral, value in known_numerals:
        assert str(Roman(value)) == numeral
Exemple #14
def test_correct_numerals():
    """is_roman_numeral should return True for correct roman numerals."""
    for numeral in correct_numerals:
        assert numeral == str(Roman(numeral))
Exemple #15
def test_numeric():
    assert 1 == Roman("I").numeric
    assert 2 == Roman("II").numeric
    assert 3 == Roman("III").numeric
    assert 4 == Roman("IV").numeric
    assert 5 == Roman("V").numeric
    assert 6 == Roman("VI").numeric
    assert 7 == Roman("VII").numeric
    assert 8 == Roman("VIII").numeric
    assert 9 == Roman("IX").numeric
    assert 10 == Roman("X").numeric
    assert 11 == Roman("XI").numeric
    assert 12 == Roman("XII").numeric
    assert 13 == Roman("XIII").numeric
    assert 14 == Roman("XIV").numeric
    assert 15 == Roman("XV").numeric
    assert 16 == Roman("XVI").numeric
    assert 17 == Roman("XVII").numeric
    assert 18 == Roman("XVIII").numeric
    assert 19 == Roman("XIX").numeric
    assert 20 == Roman("XX").numeric
    assert 30 == Roman("XXX").numeric
    assert 40 == Roman("XL").numeric
    assert 50 == Roman("L").numeric
    assert 60 == Roman("LX").numeric
    assert 70 == Roman("LXX").numeric
    assert 80 == Roman("LXXX").numeric
    assert 90 == Roman("XC").numeric
    assert 100 == Roman("C").numeric
    assert 101 == Roman("CI").numeric
    assert 105 == Roman("CV").numeric
    assert 110 == Roman("CX").numeric
    assert 150 == Roman("CL").numeric
    assert 200 == Roman("CC").numeric
    assert 300 == Roman("CCC").numeric
    assert 400 == Roman("CD").numeric
    assert 500 == Roman("D").numeric
    assert 600 == Roman("DC").numeric
    assert 700 == Roman("DCC").numeric
    assert 800 == Roman("DCCC").numeric
    assert 900 == Roman("CM").numeric
    assert 1000 == Roman("M").numeric
    assert 2000 == Roman("MM").numeric
    assert 2019 == Roman("MMXIX").numeric
Exemple #16
def test_roman():
    assert Roman(1).roman == "I"
    assert Roman(2).roman == "II"
    assert Roman(3).roman == "III"
    assert Roman(4).roman == "IV"
    assert Roman(5).roman == "V"
    assert Roman(6).roman == "VI"
    assert Roman(7).roman == "VII"
    assert Roman(8).roman == "VIII"
    assert Roman(9).roman == "IX"
    assert Roman(10).roman == "X"
    assert Roman(11).roman == "XI"
    assert Roman(12).roman == "XII"
    assert Roman(13).roman == "XIII"
    assert Roman(14).roman == "XIV"
    assert Roman(15).roman == "XV"
    assert Roman(16).roman == "XVI"
    assert Roman(17).roman == "XVII"
    assert Roman(18).roman == "XVIII"
    assert Roman(19).roman == "XIX"
    assert Roman(20).roman == "XX"
    assert Roman(30).roman == "XXX"
    assert Roman(40).roman == "XL"
    assert Roman(50).roman == "L"
    assert Roman(60).roman == "LX"
    assert Roman(70).roman == "LXX"
    assert Roman(80).roman == "LXXX"
    assert Roman(90).roman == "XC"
    assert Roman(100).roman == "C"
    assert Roman(101).roman == "CI"
    assert Roman(105).roman == "CV"
    assert Roman(110).roman == "CX"
    assert Roman(150).roman == "CL"
    assert Roman(200).roman == "CC"
    assert Roman(300).roman == "CCC"
    assert Roman(400).roman == "CD"
    assert Roman(500).roman == "D"
    assert Roman(600).roman == "DC"
    assert Roman(700).roman == "DCC"
    assert Roman(800).roman == "DCCC"
    assert Roman(900).roman == "CM"
    assert Roman(1000).roman == "M"
    assert Roman(2000).roman == "MM"
    assert Roman(2019).roman == "MMXIX"
Exemple #17
def test_mult():
    assert Roman("I") == Roman("I") * Roman("I")
    assert Roman("IV") == Roman("II") * Roman("II")
    assert Roman("IX") == Roman("III") * Roman("III")
Exemple #18
def test_mult_int():
    assert Roman("I") == Roman("I") * 1
    assert Roman("IV") == Roman("II") * 2
    assert Roman("IV") == 2 * Roman("II")
    assert Roman("IX") == Roman("III") * 3
Exemple #19
 def setUp(self):
     self.roman = Roman()
from roman import Roman

if __name__ == "__main__":

    r1 = Roman("X")
    r2 = Roman(5)

    print("       Числа:", r1, r2, r1.arabic, r2.arabic)
    print("       Сумма:", r1 + r2)
    print("    Разность:", r1 - r2)
    print("Произведение:", r1 * r2)
    print("     Частное:", r1 // r2)

    print("\nПреобразование без создания объекта:")
    print(2016, "=", Roman.to_roman(2016))
    print("MMXVI", "=", Roman.to_arabic("MMXVI"))

# -------------
# Пример вывода:

#        Числа: X V 10 5
#        Сумма: XV
#     Разность: V
# Произведение: L
#      Частное: II
# Преобразование без создания объекта:
# 2016 = MMXVI
# MMXVI = 2016
Exemple #21
def test_inversion():
    for i in range(1, 4000):
        assert int(Roman(i)) == i
def roman():
    return Roman()
Exemple #23
def test_not_eq():
    assert Roman(1) != Roman(2)
Exemple #24
 def test_number_of_digits_in_1(self):
     number = Roman(1)
     self.assertEquals(number.number_of_digits(), 1)
Exemple #25
def test_sub():
    assert Roman(3987) - Roman(18) == Roman(3969)
Exemple #26
def test_add():
    assert Roman("II") == Roman("I") + Roman("I")
    assert Roman("IV") == Roman("II") + Roman("II")
    assert Roman("V") == Roman("III") + Roman("II")
    assert Roman("V") == Roman("II") + Roman("III")
    assert Roman("M") == Roman("D") + Roman("D")
Exemple #27
 def setUp(self):
     self.r = Roman()
Exemple #28
def test_to_integer():
    """Roman(numeral) converts to the right integer."""
    for numeral, value in known_numerals:
        assert int(Roman(numeral)) == value
 def setUp(self):
     self.roman = Roman()
Exemple #30
def test_eq():
    for i in range(1, 4000):
        assert Roman(i) == Roman(i)
    def test_roman(self):
        self.assertEqual(Roman.I, 1)
        self.assertEqual(Roman.III, 3)
        self.assertEqual(Roman.IV, 4)
        self.assertEqual(Roman.V, 5)
        self.assertEqual(Roman.VI, 6)
        self.assertEqual(Roman.IX, 9)
        self.assertEqual(Roman.XXIV, 24)
        self.assertEqual(Roman.XXXI, 31)
        self.assertEqual(Roman.CCCLXIX, 369)
        self.assertEqual(Roman.CD, 400)
        self.assertEqual(Roman.CDXLVIII, 448)

        self.assertEqual(Roman.to_roman(1), 'I')
        self.assertEqual(Roman.to_roman(3), 'III')
        self.assertEqual(Roman.to_roman(4) , 'IV')
        self.assertEqual(Roman.to_roman(5), 'V')
        self.assertEqual(Roman.to_roman(6), 'VI')
        self.assertEqual(Roman.to_roman(9), 'IX')
        self.assertEqual(Roman.to_roman(24), 'XXIV')
        self.assertEqual(Roman.to_roman(31), 'XXXI')
        self.assertEqual(Roman.to_roman(369), 'CCCLXIX')
        self.assertEqual(Roman.to_roman(400), 'CD')
        self.assertEqual(Roman.to_roman(448), 'CDXLVIII')
Exemple #32
def test_add():
    assert Roman(3987) + Roman(12) == Roman(3999)
Exemple #33
def test_roman_init():
    assert Roman(5) == 'V'
    assert Roman('IV') == 'IV'
    assert Roman('MCMXL') + Roman('I') == Roman('MCMXLI')
Exemple #34
def test_mul():
    assert Roman(19) * Roman(12) == Roman(228)
Exemple #35
 def test_adding_xi_to_vi(self):
     """ Test adding 11 + 6 """
     numeral_a = Roman('xi')
     numeral_b = Roman('vi')
     self.assertEqual('xvii', numeral_a.add(numeral_b))
     self.assertEqual('xvii', numeral_b.add(numeral_a))
Exemple #36
 def test_true(self):
     self.assertTrue(Roman(5) == Roman(5))
Exemple #37
 def test_adding_l_to_i(self):
     """ Test adding 50 + 1 """
     numeral_a = Roman('l')
     numeral_b = Roman('i')
     self.assertEqual('li', numeral_a.add(numeral_b))
     self.assertEqual('li', numeral_b.add(numeral_a))
Exemple #38
 def test_errors(self):
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Roman, -1)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         a = Roman(1000) + Roman(1000)
from roman import Roman

sum = 0
with open('p089_roman.txt', 'r') as file:
    for line in file:
        line = line.strip()
        roman = Roman(line)
        print('Decimal: ', roman.to_decimal())
        minimal = Roman(Roman(line).to_decimal()).to_str()
        print('Minimal: ' + minimal)
        saved = len(line) - len(minimal)
        print('Saved: ', saved)
        sum += saved

print('Answer:', sum)