Exemple #1
def CreateVideoBag():
    right = sorted(glob.glob('pics_30-1-17/*.png'), key=numericalSort)
    print "Total Images " + str(len(right))
    bag = rosbag.Bag("monoBag", 'w')
    cb = CvBridge()
    frame_id = 565
    time = 18.333333333
    frame = 0.033333333
    for x in range(len(right)):
        time = time + frame
        print time
        stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(time)

        frame_id += 1
        rightImg = cv2.imread(right[x])

        kernel = np.zeros((9, 9), np.float32)
        kernel[4, 4] = 4.0
        boxFilter = np.ones((9, 9), np.float32) / 81
        kernel = kernel - boxFilter

        customR = cv2.filter2D(rightImg, -1, kernel)

        image2 = cb.cv2_to_imgmsg(rightImg, encoding='bgr8')

        image2.header.stamp = stamp
        image2.header.frame_id = "camera"
        #if frame_id > 175:
        #print frame_id
        #time = time+frame;
        bag.write("camera/image_raw", image2, stamp)

        #	print "Missed"

    print frame_id
Exemple #2
def CreateStereoBag(imgs0, imgs1, odoms, hz, bagname):
    '''Creates a bag file containing stereo image pairs'''
    bag =rosbag.Bag(bagname, 'w')
    bridge = CvBridge()
    t = 100.
    for i in range(len(imgs0)):
        t += 1.0/float(hz)
        stamp = rospy.Time.from_seconds(t)
        img0 = cv2.cvtColor(imgs0[i], cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        img1 = cv2.cvtColor(imgs1[i], cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        odom = Odometry()
        odom.header.stamp = stamp
        odom.header.frame_id = "base_link"
        odom_quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, -(np.pi/2 + odoms[i][2]), 0)
        odom.pose.pose = Pose(Point(-odoms[i][0]/1000., 0., odoms[i][1]/1000.), Quaternion(*odom_quat))
        msg_img0 = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img0, "mono8")
        msg_img0.header.frame_id = "front_camera_link"
        msg_img1 = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img1, "mono8")
        msg_img1.header.frame_id = "front_camera_link"

        bag.write('front/image_raw', msg_img0, stamp)
        bag.write('rear/image_raw', msg_img1, stamp)
        bag.write('odom', odom, stamp)
Exemple #3
def CreateVideoBag(videopath, bagname):
    '''Creates a bag file with a video file'''
    TOPIC = 'camera/image_raw'
    bag = rosbag.Bag(bagname, 'w')
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(videopath)
    cb = CvBridge()
    prop_fps = cap.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)
    if prop_fps != prop_fps or prop_fps <= 1e-2:
        print "Warning: can't get FPS. Assuming 24."
        prop_fps = 24
    ret = True
    frame_id = 0
    while (ret):
        ret, frame = cap.read()
        if not ret:
        stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float(frame_id) / prop_fps)
        frame_id += 1
        image = cb.cv2_to_imgmsg(frame, encoding='bgr8')
        image.header.stamp = stamp
        image.header.frame_id = "camera"
        bag.write(TOPIC, image, stamp)
Exemple #4
    def mat2bag(self, filepath, vid_name, time_name, debug):
        # Write video matrix to ROS topic in .bag file
        self.vid_name = vid_name
        self.time_name = time_name
        self.debug = debug

        print "Converting:", self.file_path

        self.bag = rosbag.Bag(self.bag_path, 'w')
        cb = CvBridge()
        frame_id = 0
        for frame in range(self.n_frame):
            frame = self.vid[frame_id, :, :].T  # get frame

            if self.debug:
                cv2.imshow(self.file_name, frame)
                if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

            stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float(frame_id) / self.fs)
            image = cb.cv2_to_imgmsg(frame, encoding='mono8')
            image.header.stamp = stamp
            frame_id += 1

            image.header.frame_id = "camera"
            self.bag.write(self.topic, image, stamp)



        print "Finished:  ", self.bag_path
        "*****************************starting to make ros bag***********************************"

    #bagname = 'test.bag'
    bagname = args.bagname

    bag_indexlist = list()
    bag_files = os.listdir(args.dpath)
    for bag_f in bag_files:
        s = (bag_f.split('_')[1])[:-4]
    reduced_bag_indexlist = bag_indexlist[0:len(bag_indexlist):4]

    bridge = CvBridge()
    bag = rosbag.Bag(bagname, 'w')

        finish = 0.0
        for bagseq in reduced_bag_indexlist:
            timestamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(time.time())
            time.sleep(1 / 1e2)
            for cam in range(0, 4, 1):
                jpgname = (args.dpath + "cam{:d}_{:s}.jpg").format(cam, bagseq)
                if os.path.isfile(jpgname):
                    imcv = read_image_cv(jpgname)
                    imcv = np.zeros(shape=(720, 1280), dtype=np.uint8)

                simg = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(imcv, encoding="mono8")
                simg.header.frame_id = "cam{:d}".format(cam)
Exemple #6
    f = h5py.File(filepath,'r') # load file
    arrays  = {}
    for k, v in f.items():
        arrays[k] = np.array(v)

    vid     = arrays['vidData']     # video matrix
    vid     = np.squeeze(vid)       # get rid of singleton dimension
    nFrame  = vid.shape[0]          # # of frames
    tt      = arrays['t_v']         # time vector

    Fs      = np.round(1/np.mean(np.diff(tt)),decimals=0,out=None)/4 # frame rate
    print('FRAME RATE:')

    bag = rosbag.Bag(bagpath, 'w')
    cb = CvBridge()
    frame_id = 0
    for kk in range(nFrame):
		frame   = vid[frame_id,:,:].T	# get frame

		if dispFlag:
			if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

		stamp 			= rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float(frame_id) / Fs)
		image              	= cb.cv2_to_imgmsg(frame, encoding='mono8')
		image.header.stamp 	= stamp
		frame_id 			+=1
Exemple #7
def sync2bag():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Convert the synced lidar point cloud to rosbag')
    parser.add_argument('outdir', help='output dir for outputbag')
        "base directory of the dataset, if no directory passed the deafult is current working directory"
                        help="first id of the sequence (between 0 - last).")
                        help="last id of the sequence (between 0 - last).")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    first_id = int(args.first_id)
    last_id = int(args.last_id)

    lidar_front_topic = "/lidar2/points_raw"
    lidar_left_topic = "/lidar1/points_raw"
    lidar_right_topic = "/lidar3/points_raw"
    lidar_back_topic = "/lidar4/points_raw"

    compression = rosbag.Compression.NONE
    bag_filename = args.outdir + "/" + "multi_lidar_calib.bag"

    lidar_front_bin_path = args.dir + "/" + "lidar_front_bin"
    lidar_left_bin_path = args.dir + "/" + "lidar_left_bin"
    lidar_right_bin_path = args.dir + "/" + "lidar_right_bin"
    lidar_back_bin_path = args.dir + "/" + "lidar_back_bin"

    lidar_front_num = len(os.listdir(lidar_front_bin_path))

    if last_id > lidar_front_num:
        print("last id must be smaller then " +

    bag = rosbag.Bag(bag_filename, 'w', compression=compression)

    frame_id = 0
    frame_rate = 10.0

    lidar_fields = [
        PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
        PointField('intensity', 12, PointField.UINT16, 1),

    for index in range(first_id, last_id):
        print("current index: " + "{:0>6d}".format(index) +
              "[{:0>6d}-{:0>6d}]".format(first_id, last_id))
        frame_id = frame_id + 1
        lidar_front_bin_filename = lidar_front_bin_path + "/" + "{:0>6d}".format(
            index) + ".bin"
        lidar_left_bin_filename = lidar_left_bin_path + "/" + "{:0>6d}".format(
            index) + ".bin"
        lidar_right_bin_filename = lidar_right_bin_path + "/" + "{:0>6d}".format(
            index) + ".bin"
        lidar_back_bin_filename = lidar_back_bin_path + "/" + "{:0>6d}".format(
            index) + ".bin"

        stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_seconds(frame_id / frame_rate)

        # read the lidar file bin
        lidar_front_points = np.fromfile(lidar_front_bin_filename,
                                         dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
        lidar_front_header = Header()
        lidar_front_header.frame_id = "ls_front"
        lidar_front_header.stamp = stamp
        lidar_front_pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(lidar_front_header,
        bag.write(lidar_front_topic, lidar_front_pc2, stamp)

        lidar_left_points = np.fromfile(lidar_left_bin_filename,
                                        dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
        lidar_left_header = Header()
        lidar_left_header.frame_id = "ls_left"
        lidar_left_header.stamp = stamp
        lidar_left_pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(lidar_left_header,
        bag.write(lidar_left_topic, lidar_left_pc2, stamp)

        lidar_right_points = np.fromfile(lidar_right_bin_filename,
                                         dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
        lidar_right_header = Header()
        lidar_right_header.frame_id = "ls_right"
        lidar_right_header.stamp = stamp
        lidar_right_pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(lidar_right_header,
        bag.write(lidar_right_topic, lidar_right_pc2, stamp)

        lidar_back_points = np.fromfile(lidar_back_bin_filename,
                                        dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
        lidar_back_header = Header()
        lidar_back_header.frame_id = "ls_back"
        lidar_back_header.stamp = stamp
        lidar_back_pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(lidar_back_header,
        bag.write(lidar_back_topic, lidar_back_pc2, stamp)

import time, sys, os
from ros import rosbag
import roslib
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
from sensor_msgs.msg import CompressedImage
import cv2
from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError
import numpy as np

bag_r = rosbag.Bag('test_image.bag', 'r')
bridge = CvBridge()
# topic, msg = bag_r.read_messages(topics='camera/image')
# print msg
count_total = bag_r.get_message_count()
print count_total
count = 0
# for topic, msg, t in bag_r.read_messages(topics='camera/image'):
for topic, msg, t in bag_r.read_messages(topics='camera1/image'):
    if count == 0:
        cv_height = msg.height
        cv_width = msg.width
        print cv_height
        print cv_width
        # cv_arr = np.zeros([msg.height,msg.width,4,count_total])
        # print np.shape(cv_arr)

    # print msg.format
    # print count
Exemple #9
def CreateVideoBag(videopath_R, videopath_L, bagname, yaml_file_R,
    '''Creates a bag file with a video file'''
    bag = rosbag.Bag(bagname, 'w')
    cap_r = cv2.VideoCapture(videopath_R)
    cap_l = cv2.VideoCapture(videopath_L)
    cb = CvBridge()
    prop_fps = 25
    ret_r = True
    ret_l = True
    frame_id = 0
    count = 0
    # Load data from file
    with open(yaml_file_R, "r") as file_handle:
        calib_data = yaml.load(file_handle)

        camera_info_msg_R = CameraInfo()
        camera_info_msg_R.width = calib_data["image_width"]
        camera_info_msg_R.height = calib_data["image_height"]
        camera_info_msg_R.K = calib_data["camera_matrix"]["data"]
        camera_info_msg_R.D = calib_data["distortion_coefficients"]["data"]
        camera_info_msg_R.R = calib_data["rectification_matrix"]["data"]
        camera_info_msg_R.P = calib_data["projection_matrix"]["data"]
        camera_info_msg_R.distortion_model = calib_data["distortion_model"]

    with open(yaml_file_L, "r") as file_handle:
        calib_data = yaml.load(file_handle)

        camera_info_msg_L = CameraInfo()
        camera_info_msg_L.width = calib_data["image_width"]
        camera_info_msg_L.height = calib_data["image_height"]
        camera_info_msg_L.K = calib_data["camera_matrix"]["data"]
        camera_info_msg_L.D = calib_data["distortion_coefficients"]["data"]
        camera_info_msg_L.R = calib_data["rectification_matrix"]["data"]
        camera_info_msg_L.P = calib_data["projection_matrix"]["data"]
        camera_info_msg_L.distortion_model = calib_data["distortion_model"]

    #max_frame = max(cap_r.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT), cap_l.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
    #print('Bag will record {} samples'.format(max_frame))

    # for loop for right camera images
    while (ret_l and ret_r):
        ret_l, frame_r = cap_r.read()
        ret_r, frame_l = cap_l.read()

        if not (ret_l and ret_r):

        stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float(frame_id) / prop_fps)
        frame_id += 1

        image_r = cb.cv2_to_imgmsg(frame_r, encoding='bgr8')
        image_r.header.stamp = stamp
        image_r.header.frame_id = "camera"

        image_l = cb.cv2_to_imgmsg(frame_l, encoding='bgr8')
        image_l.header.stamp = stamp
        image_l.header.frame_id = "camera"

        bag.write(TOPIC_R, image_r, stamp)
        bag.write(TOPIC_L, image_l, stamp)
        bag.write(YAML_TOPIC_R, camera_info_msg_R, stamp)
        bag.write(YAML_TOPIC_L, camera_info_msg_L, stamp)

def extract_audio(bag_path, topic_name, mp3_path, start=None, stop=None):
    global frames_per_sec
    print 'Opening bag:' + bag_path
    # print 'start: %d, stop: %d'%(start, stop)
    bag = rosbag.Bag(bag_path + ".bag")
    mp3_file = open(bag_path + "/" + bag_path + ".mp3", 'w')
    print 'Reading audio messages and saving to mp3 file'
    audio_msg_count = 0
    video_msg_count = 0
    display_message_1 = "..."
    display_message_2 = "..."
    display_message_3 = "..."
    fingerDown = False

    last_frame_time = float('nan')
    frames_written = 0
    secs_per_frame = 1.0 / frames_per_sec
    print "secs per frame ", secs_per_frame
    zero_frames_cnt = 0
    audio_start_time = float('nan')
    video_start_time = float('nan')

    for topic, msg, stamp in bag.read_messages():
        if (stop != None and stop < stamp.secs):
        if (start != None and start > stamp.secs):

        # if audio topic, write to mp3 file
        if msg._type == 'audio_common_msgs/AudioData':
            if math.isnan(audio_start_time):
                audio_start_time = to_video_time(stamp)
            #if audio_msg_count < 10:
            #	print "audio time stamp",audio_msg_count,": ", to_video_time(stamp)
            audio_msg_count += 1

# if image topic, write as many as are needed to maintain framerate (0-n)
        if topic == image_topic:
            if video_msg_count == 0:
                video_start_time = to_video_time(stamp)
            if math.isnan(last_frame_time):
                #last_frame_time = (audio_start_time-0.1) - secs_per_frame # pretend that one frame back was written to keep logic below simpler
                last_frame_time = to_video_time(stamp) - (
                    secs_per_frame + vid_delay_from_audio
                )  # pretend that one frame back was written to keep logic below simpler
                print "time since audio start at first video msg: ", str(
                    to_video_time(stamp) - audio_start_time)

# find how many frames should be saved of this image
            time_since_last_frame = to_video_time(stamp) - last_frame_time
            frames_to_write = int((time_since_last_frame / secs_per_frame) +
            """if video_msg_count < 20:
				print "video time stamp",video_msg_count,": ", to_video_time(stamp)
				print "time ", to_video_time(stamp)
				print "writing ", frames_to_write, " frames"
				print "time_since_last_frame ", time_since_last_frame, "\n" """
            last_frame_time += frames_to_write * secs_per_frame
            if frames_to_write == 0:
                zero_frames_cnt += 1

            # TODO keep track of max and min frames per sec and report to user

            for i in range(0, frames_to_write):
                img_filename = 'frame%010d.jpg' % (frames_written)
                #if video_msg_count < 20:
                #	print img_filename
                image_file = open(bag_path + "/images/raw/" + img_filename,
                if annotate:
                    image = Image.open(bag_path + "/images/raw/" +
                    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
                    ### font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 20, encoding = "unic")
                    draw.text((10, 10),
                              '%d.%d' % (stamp.secs, stamp.nsecs) + ": " +
                              fill='#ffffff')  #, font=font)
                    draw.text((10, 20), display_message_2, fill='#ffffff')
                    if (fingerDown):
                        draw.text((10, 30), "fingerDown", fill="#ff0000")
                    image.save(bag_path + "/images/annotated/" + img_filename)
                frames_written += 1

            video_msg_count += 1

#print "image"
        if topic == '/intent_to_ros':
            if not 'finger' in msg.data:
                    if 'scene' in msg.data:
                        j = json.loads(msg.data)
                        display_message_1 = j['value']
                        j = json.loads(msg.data)
                        display_message_2 = j['value']
                    display_message_2 = msg.data
            if 'fingerDown' in msg.data:
                fingerDown = True
            if 'fingerUp' in msg.data:
                fingerDown = False
    print 'Done.'
    print '%d audio messages written to %s' % (audio_msg_count, mp3_path)
    print '%d image messages seen' % (video_msg_count)
    print '%d image frames written' % (frames_written)
    print '%d image messages unwritten' % (zero_frames_cnt)
    print '%f first video time stamp: ' % (video_start_time)
    print '%f first audio time stamp: ' % (audio_start_time)
Exemple #11
def CreateStereoBag(left_imgs, right_imgs, bagname, timestamps):
    '''read time stamps'''
    file = open(timestamps, 'r')
    timestampslines = file.readlines()
    '''Creates a bag file containing stereo image pairs'''
    bag = rosbag.Bag(bagname, 'w')

        for i in range(len(left_imgs)):
            print("Adding %s" % left_imgs[i])
            fp_left = open(left_imgs[i], "r")
            p_left = ImageFile.Parser()
            '''read image size'''
            imgpil = ImagePIL.open(left_imgs[0])
            width, height = imgpil.size

            while 1:
                s = fp_left.read(1024)
                if not s:

            im_left = p_left.close()

            fp_right = open(right_imgs[i], "r")
            print("Adding %s" % right_imgs[i])
            p_right = ImageFile.Parser()

            while 1:
                s = fp_right.read(1024)
                if not s:

            im_right = p_right.close()

            # Stamp = roslib.rostime.Time.from_sec(time.time())
            Stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float(timestampslines[i]))

            # left image
            Img_left = Image()
            Img_left.header.stamp = Stamp
            Img_left.width = width
            Img_left.height = height
            Img_left.header.frame_id = "camera/left"

            Img_left.encoding = "mono8"
            Img_left_data = [
                pix for pixdata in [im_left.getdata()] for pix in pixdata
            Img_left.step = Img_left.width
            Img_left.data = Img_left_data

            Img_right = Image()
            Img_right.header.stamp = Stamp
            Img_right.width = width
            Img_right.height = height
            Img_right.header.frame_id = "camera/right"

            Img_right.encoding = "mono8"
            Img_right_data = [
                pix for pixdata in [im_right.getdata()] for pix in pixdata
            Img_right.step = Img_right.width
            Img_right.data = Img_right_data

            bag.write('camera/left/image_raw', Img_left, Stamp)
            bag.write('camera/right/image_raw', Img_right, Stamp)
Exemple #12
def CreateBag(args):  #img,imu, bagname, timestamps
    '''read time stamps'''
    imgs = ReadImages(args[0])
    imagetimestamps = []
    imutimesteps, imudata = ReadIMU(args[1])  #the url of  IMU data
    file = open(args[3], 'r')
    all = file.readlines()
    for f in all:
        imagetimestamps.append(f.rstrip('\n').split(' ')[1])
    '''Creates a bag file with camera images'''
    if not os.path.exists(args[2]):
        os.system(r'touch %s' % args[2])
    bag = rosbag.Bag(args[2], 'w')

        for i in range(len(imudata)):
            imu = Imu()
            angular_v = Vector3()
            linear_a = Vector3()
            angular_v.x = float(imudata[i][0])
            angular_v.y = float(imudata[i][1])
            angular_v.z = float(imudata[i][2])
            linear_a.x = float(imudata[i][3])
            linear_a.y = float(imudata[i][4])
            linear_a.z = float(imudata[i][5])
            imuStamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float(imutimesteps[i]))
            imu.header.stamp = imuStamp
            imu.angular_velocity = angular_v
            imu.linear_acceleration = linear_a

            bag.write("IMU/imu_raw", imu, imuStamp)

        for i in range(len(imgs)):
            print("Adding %s" % imgs[i])
            fp = open(imgs[i], "r")
            p = ImageFile.Parser()
            '''read image size'''
            imgpil = ImagePIL.open(imgs[0])
            width, height = imgpil.size
            # print "size:",width,height

            while 1:
                s = fp.read(1024)
                if not s:

            im = p.close()

            Stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float(imagetimestamps[i]))
            '''set image information '''
            Img = Image()

            Img.header.stamp = Stamp
            Img.height = height
            Img.width = width
            Img.header.frame_id = "camera"
            '''for rgb8'''
            # Img.encoding = "rgb8"
            # Img_data = [pix for pixdata in im.getdata() for pix in pixdata]
            # Img.step = Img.width * 3
            '''for mono8'''
            Img.encoding = "mono8"
            Img_data = [pix for pixdata in [im.getdata()] for pix in pixdata]
            Img.step = Img.width

            Img.data = Img_data
            bag.write('camera/image_raw', Img, Stamp)
Exemple #13
def sync2bag():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert the synced lidar point cloud to rosbag')
    parser.add_argument('outdir', help='output dir for outputbag')
    parser.add_argument("dir", nargs = "?", default = os.getcwd(), help = "base directory of the dataset, if no directory passed the deafult is current working directory")
    parser.add_argument("-f", "--first_id", default=0, help = "first id of the sequence (between 0 - last).")
    parser.add_argument("-l", "--last_id", default=1, help = "last id of the sequence (between 0 - last).")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    first_id = int(args.first_id)
    last_id = int(args.last_id)

    lidar_front_topic = "/lidar2/points_raw"
    lidar_left_topic = "/lidar1/points_raw"
    lidar_right_topic = "/lidar3/points_raw"
    lidar_back_topic = "/lidar4/points_raw"
    gnss_pose_topic = "/gnss_pose"

    lidar_concate_topic = "/concate_points_raw"

    compression = rosbag.Compression.NONE
    bag_filename = args.outdir + "/" + "multi_lidar_calib.bag"

    lidar_front_bin_path = args.dir + "/" + "lidar_front_bin"
    lidar_left_bin_path = args.dir + "/" + "lidar_left_bin"
    lidar_right_bin_path = args.dir + "/" + "lidar_right_bin"
    lidar_back_bin_path = args.dir + "/" + "lidar_back_bin"
    gnss_pose_path = args.dir + "/" + "vehicle_pose"

    lidar_1_to_2_gt_6dof_path = args.dir
    lidar_3_to_2_gt_6dof_path = args.dir
    lidar_4_to_2_gt_6dof_path = args.dir

    # load the extrinsic parameters and form the corresponding transformation matrix
    lidar_1_to_2_gt_6dof_filename = lidar_1_to_2_gt_6dof_path + "/" + "lidar_1_to_2_gt_6dof.txt"
    lidar_3_to_2_gt_6dof_filename = lidar_3_to_2_gt_6dof_path + "/" + "lidar_3_to_2_gt_6dof.txt"
    lidar_4_to_2_gt_6dof_filename = lidar_4_to_2_gt_6dof_path + "/" + "lidar_4_to_2_gt_6dof.txt"
    with open(lidar_1_to_2_gt_6dof_filename) as f:
      lidar_1_to_2_gt_6dof = yaml.load(f)
    with open(lidar_3_to_2_gt_6dof_filename) as f:
      lidar_3_to_2_gt_6dof = yaml.load(f)
    with open(lidar_4_to_2_gt_6dof_filename) as f:
      lidar_4_to_2_gt_6dof = yaml.load(f)

    lidar_1_to_2_T = translation_matrix((float(lidar_1_to_2_gt_6dof['x']), float(lidar_1_to_2_gt_6dof['y']), float(lidar_1_to_2_gt_6dof['z'])))
    lidar_1_to_2_R = euler_matrix(float(lidar_1_to_2_gt_6dof['roll'])*math.pi/180, float(lidar_1_to_2_gt_6dof['pitch'])*math.pi/180, float(lidar_1_to_2_gt_6dof['yaw'])*math.pi/180, 'sxyz')
    lidar_1_to_2_M = concatenate_matrices(lidar_1_to_2_T, lidar_1_to_2_R)

    lidar_3_to_2_T = translation_matrix((float(lidar_3_to_2_gt_6dof['x']), float(lidar_3_to_2_gt_6dof['y']), float(lidar_3_to_2_gt_6dof['z'])))
    lidar_3_to_2_R = euler_matrix(float(lidar_3_to_2_gt_6dof['roll'])*math.pi/180, float(lidar_3_to_2_gt_6dof['pitch'])*math.pi/180, float(lidar_3_to_2_gt_6dof['yaw'])*math.pi/180, 'sxyz')
    lidar_3_to_2_M = concatenate_matrices(lidar_3_to_2_T, lidar_3_to_2_R)

    lidar_4_to_2_T = translation_matrix((float(lidar_4_to_2_gt_6dof['x']), float(lidar_4_to_2_gt_6dof['y']), float(lidar_4_to_2_gt_6dof['z'])))
    lidar_4_to_2_R = euler_matrix(float(lidar_4_to_2_gt_6dof['roll'])*math.pi/180, float(lidar_4_to_2_gt_6dof['pitch'])*math.pi/180, float(lidar_4_to_2_gt_6dof['yaw'])*math.pi/180, 'sxyz')
    lidar_4_to_2_M = concatenate_matrices(lidar_4_to_2_T, lidar_4_to_2_R)


    # print(lidar_1_to_2_M)

    lidar_front_num = len(os.listdir(lidar_front_bin_path))

    if last_id > lidar_front_num:
        print("last id must be smaller then " + "{:0>2d}".format(lidar_front_num))

    bag = rosbag.Bag(bag_filename, 'w', compression=compression)

    frame_id = 0
    frame_rate = 10.0

    # lidar_fields = [  PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
    #             PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
    #             PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
    #             PointField('intensity', 12, PointField.UINT16, 1),
    #         ]
    lidar_fields = [  PointField('x', 0, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
                PointField('y', 4, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
                PointField('z', 8, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),
                PointField('intensity', 12, PointField.FLOAT32, 1),

    # # just for test
    # lidar_left_bin_filename = lidar_left_bin_path + "/" + "{:0>6d}".format(1) + ".bin"
    # lidar_left_points = np.fromfile(lidar_left_bin_filename, dtype = np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
    # lidar_left_points_hom = lidar_left_points.copy()
    # lidar_left_points_hom[..., 3] = 1
    # # print(lidar_left_points)

    # lidar_1_to_2_points_hom = np.dot(lidar_1_to_2_M, lidar_left_points_hom.T)
    # lidar_1_to_2_points = lidar_1_to_2_points_hom.T
    # lidar_1_to_2_points[..., 3] = lidar_left_points[..., 3]
    # print(lidar_1_to_2_points)

    # points = np.concatenate((lidar_1_to_2_points, lidar_left_points),axis=0)
    # print(points)

    for index in range(first_id, last_id):
        print("current index: " + "{:0>6d}".format(index) + "[{:0>6d}-{:0>6d}]".format(first_id, last_id))
        frame_id = frame_id + 1
        lidar_front_bin_filename = lidar_front_bin_path + "/" + "{:0>6d}".format(index) + ".bin"
        lidar_left_bin_filename = lidar_left_bin_path + "/" + "{:0>6d}".format(index) + ".bin"
        lidar_right_bin_filename = lidar_right_bin_path + "/" + "{:0>6d}".format(index) + ".bin"
        lidar_back_bin_filename = lidar_back_bin_path + "/" + "{:0>6d}".format(index) + ".bin"
        gnss_pose_filename = gnss_pose_path + "/" + "{:0>6d}".format(index) + ".txt"

        stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_seconds(frame_id/frame_rate)

        with open(gnss_pose_filename) as f:
          gnss_pose_6dof = yaml.load(f)

        gnss_pose_header = Header()
        gnss_pose_header.frame_id = "gnss"
        gnss_pose_header.stamp = stamp
        gnss_poseStamp = PoseStamped()
        gnss_poseStamp.header = gnss_pose_header
        gnss_poseStamp.pose.position.x = gnss_pose_6dof['x']
        gnss_poseStamp.pose.position.y = gnss_pose_6dof['y']
        gnss_poseStamp.pose.position.z = gnss_pose_6dof['z']
        quat = quaternion_from_euler(float(gnss_pose_6dof['roll'])*math.pi/180, float(gnss_pose_6dof['pitch'])*math.pi/180, float(gnss_pose_6dof['yaw'])*math.pi/180, axes='sxyz')
        gnss_poseStamp.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
        gnss_poseStamp.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
        gnss_poseStamp.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
        gnss_poseStamp.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]

        bag.write(gnss_pose_topic, gnss_poseStamp, stamp)

        # read the lidar file bin
        lidar_front_points = np.fromfile(lidar_front_bin_filename, dtype = np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
        # print(lidar_front_points)
        lidar_front_header = Header()
        lidar_front_header.frame_id = "ls_front"
        lidar_front_header.stamp = stamp
        lidar_front_pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(lidar_front_header, lidar_fields, lidar_front_points)
        bag.write(lidar_front_topic, lidar_front_pc2, stamp)

        lidar_left_points = np.fromfile(lidar_left_bin_filename, dtype = np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
        lidar_left_header = Header()
        lidar_left_header.frame_id = "ls_left"
        lidar_left_header.stamp = stamp
        lidar_left_pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(lidar_left_header, lidar_fields, lidar_left_points)
        bag.write(lidar_left_topic, lidar_left_pc2, stamp)

        lidar_right_points = np.fromfile(lidar_right_bin_filename, dtype = np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
        lidar_right_header = Header()
        lidar_right_header.frame_id = "ls_right"
        lidar_right_header.stamp = stamp
        lidar_right_pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(lidar_right_header, lidar_fields, lidar_right_points)
        bag.write(lidar_right_topic, lidar_right_pc2, stamp)

        lidar_back_points = np.fromfile(lidar_back_bin_filename, dtype = np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)
        lidar_back_header = Header()
        lidar_back_header.frame_id = "ls_back"
        lidar_back_header.stamp = stamp
        lidar_back_pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(lidar_back_header, lidar_fields, lidar_back_points)
        bag.write(lidar_back_topic, lidar_back_pc2, stamp)

        # concate the point cloud from front, left, right and back
        # transform left points to front coordinates
        lidar_left_points_hom = lidar_left_points.copy()
        lidar_left_points_hom[..., 3] = 1
        lidar_1_to_2_points_hom = np.dot(lidar_1_to_2_M, lidar_left_points_hom.T)
        lidar_1_to_2_points = lidar_1_to_2_points_hom.T
        lidar_1_to_2_points[..., 3] = lidar_left_points[..., 3]

        # transform right points to front coordinates
        lidar_right_points_hom = lidar_right_points.copy()
        lidar_right_points_hom[..., 3] = 1
        lidar_3_to_2_points_hom = np.dot(lidar_3_to_2_M, lidar_right_points_hom.T)
        lidar_3_to_2_points = lidar_3_to_2_points_hom.T
        lidar_3_to_2_points[..., 3] = lidar_right_points[..., 3]

        # transform back points to front coordinates
        lidar_back_points_hom = lidar_back_points.copy()
        lidar_back_points_hom[..., 3] = 1
        lidar_4_to_2_points_hom = np.dot(lidar_4_to_2_M, lidar_back_points_hom.T)
        lidar_4_to_2_points = lidar_4_to_2_points_hom.T
        lidar_4_to_2_points[..., 3] = lidar_back_points[..., 3]

        lidar_concate_points = np.concatenate((lidar_front_points, lidar_1_to_2_points),axis=0)
        lidar_concate_points = np.concatenate((lidar_concate_points, lidar_3_to_2_points),axis=0)
        lidar_concate_points = np.concatenate((lidar_concate_points, lidar_4_to_2_points),axis=0)
        lidar_concate_header = Header()
        lidar_concate_header.frame_id = "ls_concate"
        lidar_concate_header.stamp = stamp
        lidar_concate_pc2 = point_cloud2.create_cloud(lidar_concate_header, lidar_fields, lidar_concate_points)
        bag.write(lidar_concate_topic, lidar_concate_pc2, stamp)

Exemple #14
    tst = [int(sys.argv[2])]

print('Creating rosbags for sequences in '+ str(tst))
# Delete first frames

# Loop trough all sequences.
for i in iter(tst):
    # Find folder
    dir =folder+'/advio-'+str(i).zfill(2)+'/iphone'
    # Initialize bag, data and video reader.
    bag =rosbag.Bag(dir+'/'+'iphone.bag', 'w')
    datareader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|')
    # Initialize bridge.
    # Read video and check for number of frames.
    vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(dir+'/'+'frames.mov')
    vlength = int(vidcap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
    # For each row in the data matrix
    for row in datareader:
        # Read data row
def CreateBag(args):  #img,imu, bagname, timestamps
    '''read time stamps'''
    imgs = ReadImages(args[0])
    imagetimestamps = []
    imutimesteps, imudata = ReadIMU(args[1])  #the url of  IMU data
    file = open(args[3], 'r')
    all = file.readlines()
    for f in all:

#    print imagetimestamps
#    print imutimesteps
    '''Creates a bag file with camera images'''
    if not os.path.exists(args[2]):
        os.system(r'touch %s' % args[2])
    bag = rosbag.Bag(args[2], 'w')

        for i in range(len(imudata)):
            imu = Imu()
            angular_v = Vector3()
            linear_a = Vector3()
            angular_v.x = float(imudata[i][3])
            angular_v.y = float(imudata[i][4])
            angular_v.z = float(imudata[i][5])
            linear_a.x = float(imudata[i][0])
            linear_a.y = float(imudata[i][1])
            linear_a.z = float(imudata[i][2])
            imuStamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float(imutimesteps[i]))
            imu.header.stamp = imuStamp
            imu.angular_velocity = angular_v
            imu.linear_acceleration = linear_a

            bag.write("IMU/imu_raw", imu, imuStamp)

        for i in range(len(imgs)):
            print("Adding %s" % imgs[i])
            fp = open(imgs[i], "r")
            Stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float(imagetimestamps[i]))

            frame = cv2.imread(imgs[i], 0)
            cb = CvBridge()
            img_ros = cb.cv2_to_imgmsg(frame, encoding='mono8')
            img_ros.header.stamp = Stamp
            img_ros.header.frame_id = "camera"
            bag.write('camera/image_raw', img_ros, Stamp)
            # cv2.imshow("img",img)
            # cv2.waitKey(0)

            ## python PIL image lib
            # p = ImageFile.Parser()
            # '''read image size'''
            # imgpil = ImagePIL.open(imgs[0])
            # width, height = imgpil.size
            # print "size:", width, height
            # while 1:
            #     s = fp.read(1024)
            #     if not s:
            #         break
            #     p.feed(s)
            # im = p.close()
            # '''set image information '''
            # Img = Image()
            # Img.header.stamp = Stamp
            # Img.height = height
            # Img.width = width
            # Img.header.frame_id = "camera"
            # '''for rgb8'''
            # # Img.encoding = "rgb8"
            # # Img_data = [pix for pixdata in im.getdata() for pix in pixdata]
            # # Img.step = Img.width * 3
            # '''for mono8'''
            # Img.encoding = "mono8"
            # Img_data = [pix for pixdata in [im.getdata()] for pix in pixdata]
            # Img.step = Img.width
            # Img.data = Img_data
            # bag.write('camera/image_raw', Img, Stamp)
Exemple #16
import time, sys, os
from ros import rosbag
import roslib, rospy
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image

from cv_bridge import CvBridge
import cv2

TOPIC = 'camera/image'

bag = rosbag.Bag('test12345.bag', 'w')
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('/home/user/catkin_ws/src/tameshiwari/python/OCP_pendulum_2dof_rr/camera_image.jpeg')
cb = CvBridge()
prop_fps = 1
ret = True
frame_id = 0
    ret, frame = cap.read()
    if not ret:
    stamp = rospy.rostime.Time.from_sec(float(frame_id) / prop_fps)
    frame_id += 1
    image = cb.cv2_to_imgmsg(frame, encoding='bgr8')
    image.header.stamp = stamp
    image.header.frame_id = "camera"
    bag.write(TOPIC, image, stamp)