Exemple #1
def rossmann_predict():
    test_json = request.get_json()

    if test_json:
        if isinstance(test_json, dict):
            test_row = pd.DataFrame(test_json, index=[0])
            test_row = pd.DataFrame(test_json, columns=test_json[0].keys())

        pipeline = Rossmann()
        # data cleaning
        df1 = pipeline.data_cleaning(test_row)

        # feature engineering
        df2 = pipeline.feature_engineering(df1)

        # data preparation
        df3 = pipeline.data_preparation(df2)

        # prediction
        df_response = pipeline.get_prediction(model, test_row, df3)

        return df_response

        return Response('{}', status=200, mimetype='application/json')
Exemple #2
def rossmann_predict(
):  #function that is executed when an endpoint receives a POST request. This function works on the data received.
    test_json = request.get_json()  # retrieve the json data

    if test_json:  # test whether the data is there or not
        if isinstance(
                dict):  # if data is a dict, then we have only one line of data
            test_raw = pd.DataFrame(test_json, index=[0])
            test_raw = pd.DataFrame(
                test_json, columns=test_json[0].keys()
            )  # if data is not a dict, then it has multiple data. We need to name the columns.

        # Instantiate Rossmann Class ("copy"/call Rossmann class)
        pipeline = Rossmann()
        # run Data Cleaning on raw data
        df1 = pipeline.data_cleaning(test_raw)
        # run feature engineering on df1
        df2 = pipeline.feature_engineering(df1)
        # run data preprocessing on df2
        df3 = pipeline.data_preparation(df2)
        # prediction
        df_response = pipeline.get_prediction(
            model, test_raw, df3
        )  #generate predictions with xgboost model, the data that the user sent, and the data to generate predictions on.

        return df_response

        return Response(
            '{}', status=200, mimetype='application/json'
        )  # if there's no data, return a response answer 200 (request was correct but execution failed)
Exemple #3
def rossmann_predict():
    # input data for prediction
    print('===> getting the data from request')
    test_json = request.get_json()

    if test_json:
        # convert json to DataFrame
        if isinstance(test_json, dict):  # an unique example of test
            test_raw = pd.DataFrame(test_json, index=[0])
        else:  # multiple examples
            test_raw = pd.DataFrame(test_json,

        # class to prediction
        pipeline = Rossmann()

        # pre-process the test data to prediction
        print('===> pre-process test data to prediction')
        test_transformed = pipeline.transform(test_raw.copy())

        # feature engineering
        print('===> feature engineering')
        data = pipeline.feature_engineering(test_transformed)

        # make a prediction
        print('===> prediction')
        response_json = pipeline.get_prediction(model=model_rossmann,

        return response_json

        return Response("{}", status=201, mimetype='application/json')
Exemple #4
def rossmann_predict():
    test_json = request.get_json()
    if test_json: # there is data
        if isinstance(test_json, dict): # unique example
            test_raw = pd.DataFrame(test_json, index=[0])
        else: # multiple example
            test_raw = pd.DataFrame(test_json, columns=test_json[0].keys())
        # Instantiate Rossmann class
        pipeline = Rossmann()
        # data cleaning
        df1 = pipeline.data_cleaning(test_raw)
        # feature engineering
        df2 = pipeline.feature_engineering(df1)
        # data preparation
        df3 = pipeline.data_preparation(df2)
        # prediction
        df_response = pipeline.get_prediction(model, test_raw, df3)
        return df_response
        return Response("{}", status=200, mimetype="application/json")
def rossmann_predict():
        test_json = request.get_json()

        if test_json:  #there is data

            if isinstance(test_json, dict):  #unique Example
                test_raw = pd.DataFrame(test_json, index[0])

            else:  # multiple examples
                test_raw = pd.DataFrame(test_json, columns=test_json[0].keys())

            # Instantiate Rossmann class
            pipeline = Rossmann()

            #data cleaning
            df1 = pipeline.data_cleaning(test_raw)

            #feature engineering
            df2 = pipeline.feature_engineering(df1)

            #data preparation
            df3 = pipeline.data_preparation(df2)

            df_response = pipeline.get_prediction(model, test_raw, df3)

            return df_response

            return Response('{}', status=404, mimetype='application/json')
    except Exception as e:
        print("/rossamann/predict/ error: ", e)
def rossmann_predcit():
    # gets json that comes from API
    test_json = request.get_json()
    # checks if json exists
    if test_json:   
        # unique example
        if isinstance(test_json, dict):
            test_raw = pd.DataFrame(test_json, index=[0])
        #multiple examples
            test_raw = pd.DataFrame(test_json, columns=test_json[0].keys())
        # instantiates Rossmann class
        pipeline = Rossmann()
        # data cleaning
        df1 = pipeline.data_cleaning(test_raw)
        # feature engineering
        df2 = pipeline.feature_engineering(df1)
        # data preparation
        df3 = pipeline.data_preparation(df2)
        # prediction
        df_response = pipeline.get_prediction(model, test_raw, df3)
        return df_response
        return Response('{}', status=200, mimetype='application/json')
Exemple #7
def rossmanPredict():
    test_JSON = request.get_json()

    if test_JSON:  #there is data
        if isinstance(test_JSON, dict):
            teste_raw = pd.DataFrame(test_JSON, index=[0])  #unique example
            teste_raw = pd.DataFrame(
                test_JSON, columns=test_JSON[0].keys())  #multiple examples

        # Instantiate
        pipeline = Rossmann()

        # Data Cleaning
        df1 = pipeline.data_cleaning(teste_raw)
        # Feature Engineering
        df2 = pipeline.feature_engineering(df1)
        # Data Preparation
        df3 = pipeline.data_preparation(df2)
        # Prediction
        df_response = pipeline.get_prediction(model, teste_raw, df3)

        return df_response

        return Response('{}', status=200, mimetype='application/json')
def rossmann_predict():
    json_request = request.get_json()
    if json_request: # there is data
        if isinstance( json_request, dict ): # unique example
            df_raw = pd.DataFrame( json_request, index=[0] )
        else: # multiple example
            df_raw = pd.DataFrame( json_request, columns=json_request[0].keys() )
        pipeline = Rossmann()
        df1 = pipeline.data_cleaning( df_raw )
        df2 = pipeline.feature_engineering( df1 )
        df3 = pipeline.data_preparation( df2 )
        df_response = pipeline.get_prediction( model, df_raw, df3 )
        return df_response
        return Reponse( '{}', status=200, mimetype='application/json' )