Exemple #1
def wtf_check(ctx):
    """Check implementation function for roswtf"""
    from roswtf.rules import warning_rule, error_rule
    for r in warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
Exemple #2
def wtf_check(ctx):
    """Check implementation function for roswtf"""
    from roswtf.rules import warning_rule, error_rule
    for r in warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
Exemple #3
def wtf_check_online(ctx):
    if not ctx.roslaunch_uris:
    for r in online_roslaunch_warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in online_roslaunch_errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
Exemple #4
def wtf_check(ctx):
    # no package in context to verify
    if not ctx.pkgs:

    for r in warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
Exemple #5
def wtf_check(ctx):
    # no package in context to verify
    if not ctx.pkgs:

    for r in warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
Exemple #6
def wtf_check_graph(ctx, names=None):
    master_uri = ctx.ros_master_uri
    #TODO: master rules
    # - check for stale master state

    # TODO: get the type for each topic from each publisher and see if they match up

    master = rosgraph.Master('/roswtf')
    except rospkg.MasterException:
            (True, "Cannot communicate with master, ignoring online checks"),
            True, ctx)

    # fill in ctx info so we only have to compute once
    print("analyzing graph...")
    print("... done analyzing graph")

    if names:
        check_topics = [t for t in names if t in ctx.topics]
        check_services = [t for t in names if t in ctx.services]
        check_nodes = [t for t in names if t in ctx.nodes]
        unknown = [
            t for t in names
            if t not in check_topics + check_services + check_nodes
        if unknown:
            raise WtfException(
                "The following names were not found in the list of nodes, topics, or services:\n%s"
                % (''.join([" * %s\n" % t for t in unknown])))

        for t in check_topics:
            for r in topic_warnings:
                warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx, t), ctx)
            for r in topic_errors:
                error_rule(r, r[0](ctx, t), ctx)
        for s in check_services:
            for r in service_warnings:
                warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx, s), ctx)
            for r in service_errors:
                error_rule(r, r[0](ctx, s), ctx)
        for n in check_nodes:
            for r in node_warnings:
                warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx, n), ctx)
            for r in node_errors:
                error_rule(r, r[0](ctx, n), ctx)

    print("running graph rules...")
    for r in graph_warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in graph_errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    print("... done running graph rules")
Exemple #7
def wtf_check_static(ctx):
    if not ctx.launch_files:

    #NOTE: roslaunch files are already loaded separately into context

    #TODO: check each machine name
    #TODO: bidirectional ping for each machine

    for r in static_roslaunch_warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in static_roslaunch_errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
def wtf_check_graph(ctx, names=None):
    master_uri = ctx.ros_master_uri
    #TODO: master rules
    # - check for stale master state
    # TODO: get the type for each topic from each publisher and see if they match up

    master = rosgraph.Master('/roswtf')
    except rospkg.MasterException:
        warning_rule((True, "Cannot communicate with master, ignoring online checks"), True, ctx)
    # fill in ctx info so we only have to compute once
    print "analyzing graph..."
    print "... done analyzing graph"
    if names:
        check_topics = [t for t in names if t in ctx.topics]
        check_services = [t for t in names if t in ctx.services]
        check_nodes = [t for t in names if t in ctx.nodes]
        unknown = [t for t in names if t not in check_topics + check_services + check_nodes]
        if unknown:
            raise WtfException("The following names were not found in the list of nodes, topics, or services:\n%s"%(''.join([" * %s\n"%t for t in unknown])))

        for t in check_topics:
            for r in topic_warnings:
                warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx, t), ctx)            
            for r in topic_errors:
                error_rule(r, r[0](ctx, t), ctx)            
        for s in check_services:
            for r in service_warnings:
                warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx, s), ctx)            
            for r in service_errors:
                error_rule(r, r[0](ctx, s), ctx)            
        for n in check_nodes:
            for r in node_warnings:
                warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx, n), ctx)            
            for r in node_errors:
                error_rule(r, r[0](ctx, n), ctx)            

    print "running graph rules..."
    for r in graph_warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in graph_errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    print "... done running graph rules"        
Exemple #9
def roswtf_plugin_online(ctx):
    # don't run plugin if tf isn't active as these checks take awhile
    if not is_tf_active():

    print("running tf checks, this will take a second...")
    sub1 = rospy.Subscriber('/tf', tf.msg.tfMessage, _tf_handle)
    print("... tf checks complete")

    for r in tf_warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in tf_errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
def roswtf_plugin_online(ctx):
    # don't run plugin if tf isn't active as these checks take awhile
    if not is_tf_active():
    print "running tf checks, this will take a second..."
    sub1 = rospy.Subscriber('/tf', tf.msg.tfMessage, _tf_handle)
    print "... tf checks complete"    

    for r in tf_warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in tf_errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
Exemple #11
def wtf_check_online(ctx):
    for r in online_roslaunch_warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in online_roslaunch_errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
Exemple #12
def wtf_check_environment(ctx):
    # TODO: check ROS_BOOST_ROOT
    for r in environment_warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in environment_errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
def wtf_check(ctx):
    for r in warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
Exemple #14
def wtf_check(ctx):
    for r in warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
Exemple #15
def roswtf_plugin_static(ctx):
    for r in app_warnings_static:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in app_errors_static:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
Exemple #16
def roswtf_plugin_online(ctx):
    for r in app_warnings_online:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in app_errors_online:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
Exemple #17
def wtf_check_environment(ctx):
    for r in environment_warnings:
        warning_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)
    for r in environment_errors:
        error_rule(r, r[0](ctx), ctx)