Exemple #1
def make_fields(PD):
    # Instantiate field data
    fld_data = field_data.field_data(PD['Z'], PD['R'], PD['n_r'], PD['n_z'])

    # Give mode Ps and Qs normalized values of '1'
    fld_data.mode_coords = np.ones((PD['n_r'], PD['n_z'], 2))

    return fld_data
def make_fields(PD, particles):
    '''Create test field array'''
    #Instantiate field data
    fields = field_data.field_data(_PD['R'], _PD['Z'], _PD['n_r'], _PD['n_z'])

    #Give mode Ps and Qs normalized values of '1'
    fields.omega_coords = particles.mc[0] * np.ones((fields.n_modes_z, fields.n_modes_r, 2))
    fields.dc_coords = np.zeros((fields.n_modes_z, fields.n_modes_r, 2))
    return fields
Exemple #3
def vary_rz_modes(mode_pair, PD, ns=1e2):
    Simulate ns number of steps of size ss using npart particles and a number of modes
    specified by mode_pair.

        mode_pair (tuple): [n_r,n_z]
        PD (dict): dictionary of other fixed parameters
        ns (Optional[int]) : number of steps to run. Defaults to 100.

        timing (float): number of seconds/macroparticle/mode

    num_steps = ns
    PD['n_r'] = mode_pair[0]
    PD['n_z'] = mode_pair[1]
    num_modes = mode_pair[0] + mode_pair[1]
    PD['n_macro'] = PD['np_mode'] * num_modes
    num_particles = PD['n_macro']
    PD['weight'] = PD['n_e'] / PD['n_macro']

    # create fields, particles, integrator
    particles = particle_data.particle_data(PD['n_macro'], PD['charge'],
                                            PD['mass'], PD['weight'])
    fields = field_data.field_data(PD['Z'], PD['R'], PD['n_z'], PD['n_r'])
    create_init_conds(particles, fields, PD)

    my_integrator = integrator.integrator(PD['dt'], fields)

    step = 0

    #print "Running {} total modes and {} particles".format(num_modes, num_particles)

    #t0 = time.time()
    while step < num_steps:
        my_integrator.second_order_step(particles, fields)

        step = step + 1

Exemple #4
    'n_z': n_z_modes,  # number of longitudinal modes
    'charge': charge,  # 1 esu
    'mass': mass,  # mass in m_e
    'n_e': n_electrons,  #electron density
    'n_macro': n_macro_ptcls,  #total number of macro particles
    'weight': n_electrons / n_macro_ptcls,  #20,  # macroparticle weighting
    'R': l_r,  #4./(k_p/(2.*np.pi)), #cm 4.,  # maximum R value
    'PR': 0.5,  # maximum PR value
    'Z': l_z,  #2./(k_p/(2.*np.pi)), #cm #10.,  # maximum z value
    'V': np.pi * l_r * l_r * l_z,  #volume
    'num_steps': 100,  # number of steps to perform
    'n_r_max': 64,  # maximum number of radial modes
    'n_z_max': 64

max_fields = field_data.field_data(_PD['Z'], _PD['R'], _PD['n_r_max'],
dt_max = .1 * 2. * np.pi / np.amax(
    max_fields.omega)  #set timestep as 1/10 of period for largest mode
_PD['dt'] = dt_max

#User defined functions

def create_init_conds(particles, fields, PD):
    '''Instantiate particle data'''
    fields.omega_coords = particles.mc[0] * np.ones(
        (fields.n_modes_z, fields.n_modes_r, 2))
    fields.dc_coords = np.zeros((fields.n_modes_z, fields.n_modes_r, 2))
Exemple #5
from rssympim.sympim_rz.data import particle_data, field_data
from rssympim.sympim_rz.integrators import integrator
import numpy as np

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import time

n_ptcls = 1000
n_r = 10
n_z = 10

ptcl_data = particle_data.particle_data(n_ptcls, 1., 1.3, 33.5)
fld_data  = field_data.field_data(5., 2., n_r, n_z)

fld_data.mode_coords = np.ones((n_r, n_z, 2))

ptcl_data.r  = np.ones(n_ptcls)
for idx in range(0, n_ptcls):
    ptcl_data.r[idx] *= idx*(4.)/n_ptcls + .01
ptcl_data.pr = ptcl_data.mc*np.arange(0.,.5,.5/n_ptcls)
ptcl_data.ell = ptcl_data.r*ptcl_data.pr*.1

ptcl_data.z = np.zeros(n_ptcls)
ptcl_data.pz = ptcl_data.mc*np.arange(0.,10.,10./n_ptcls)

dt = .1/np.amax(fld_data.omega)

my_integrator = integrator.integrator(dt, fld_data)
Exemple #6
l_z = plasma_lengths*2.*np.pi/k_p # cm
volume = np.pi*l_r*l_r*l_z

# Domain parameters
n_electrons = n0*volume

# Simulation parameters
n_r_modes = plasma_widths*modes_per_r
n_z_modes = plasma_lengths*modes_per_z

n_macro_ptcls = ppm*n_r_modes*n_z_modes
macro_weight = n_electrons/n_macro_ptcls

# Create simulation objects
ptcl_data = particle_data.particle_data(n_macro_ptcls, charge, mass, macro_weight)
fld_data = field_data.field_data(l_z, l_r, n_z_modes, n_r_modes)

# Ten steps per fastest frequency
dt = 0.1*2*np.pi/np.amax(fld_data.omega)

# run for ten plasma periods
run_time = 50*dt #4.*np.pi/k_p

# Set the diagnostics
compute_energy = False

my_integrator = integrator.integrator(dt, fld_data.omega)

# Initial conditions
for ptcl_idx in range(0, n_macro_ptcls):
    # Uniform distribution in space
Exemple #7
from rssympim.sympim_rz.data import field_data
import numpy as np

# The field data class has a special implementation of J_0. This tests those implementations.

my_field_data = field_data.field_data(1., 2., 10, 10)

x_test = np.arange(0., 10., 1.)
j0_return = my_field_data.my_j0(x_test)

j0_answer = np.array([
    1., 0.76519769, 0.22389078, -0.26005195, -0.39714981, -0.17759677,
    0.15064526, 0.30007927, 0.17165081, -0.09033361

int_j0_return = my_field_data.int_my_j0(x_test)

int_j0_answer = np.array([
    0., 0.91973, 1.42577, 1.38757, 1.02473, 0.715312, 0.706221, 0.95464,
    1.21075, 1.25227

# Test for relative errors greater than a part in 10^2
tol = 1.e-2

test_j0 = np.abs(j0_return - j0_answer)
test_int_j0 = np.abs(int_j0_return - int_j0_answer)

msg = "Test results: \n"

j0_results = test_j0 > tol
Exemple #8
from rssympim.sympim_rz.data import field_data, particle_data
from rssympim.sympim_rz.integrators import integrator

import numpy as np

import timeit

n_ptcls = 40000
n_r = 40
n_z = 100
my_fields = field_data.field_data(1., 1., n_r, n_z)
my_ptcls = particle_data.particle_data(n_ptcls, 1., 1., 1.)

my_ptcls.r = np.ones(n_ptcls)
for idx in range(0, n_ptcls):
    my_ptcls.r[idx] *= idx * (4.) / n_ptcls + .01
my_ptcls.pr = -my_ptcls.mc * np.arange(0., .5, .5 / n_ptcls)
my_ptcls.ell = my_ptcls.r * my_ptcls.pr
my_ptcls.z = np.zeros(n_ptcls)
my_ptcls.pz = my_ptcls.mc * np.arange(0., 10., 10. / n_ptcls)

my_integrator = integrator.integrator(.01, my_fields.omega)

my_time = timeit.timeit('my_integrator.single_step(my_ptcls, my_fields)')

print my_time
Exemple #9
electrons = particle_data.particle_data(n_macro, charge, mass, weight)
electrons.r = r
electrons.z = z

electrons.pr = pr
electrons.pz = pz

electrons.ell = pl

electrons.weight = weight

# field data second
n_modes_z, n_modes_r, L, R, P_omega, Q_omega, P_dc, Q_dc = \

fields = field_data.field_data(L, R, n_modes_z, n_modes_r)

field_data.omega_coords[:, :, 0] = P_omega[:, :]
field_data.omega_coords[:, :, 1] = Q_omega[:, :]

field_data.dc_coords[:, :, 0] = P_dc[:, :]
field_data.dc_coords[:, :, 1] = Q_dc[:, :]

# Create the integrator

# eight steps per fastest frequency
dt = (1. / 8.) * (2. * np.pi / np.max(fields.omega))

my_integrator = integrator.integrator(dt, fields)
Exemple #10
#Construct the indices for the sectioned arrays
inc = 0
end = np.zeros(size)
ind = np.zeros(size)

for i in range(size):
    if i < n_left:
        inc += 1
    end[i] += n_ptcls_per_core * (i + 1)
    end[i] += inc
    if i + 1 < size:
        ind[i + 1] += n_ptcls_per_core * (i + 1)
        ind[i + 1] += inc

fld_data = field_data.field_data(length, radius, n_modes_z, n_modes_r)
ptcl_data = particle_data.particle_data(n_ptcls_per_core,

dtau = 0.1 * 2. * np.pi / np.max(fld_data.omega)

# Initial condition for a plasma wave

fld_data.omega_coords[0, 0,
                      0] = plasma_wave_amplitude * fld_data.mode_mass[0, 0]