Exemple #1
    def prep(r):
        # Function to call for all Site Instance Types
        from s3db.org import org_site_prep

        return True
Exemple #2
    def prep(r):
        # Function to call for all Site Instance Types
        from s3db.org import org_site_prep

        if r.interactive:
            if r.component:
                component_name = r.component_name
                if component_name in ("asset", "vehicle"):
                    atable = s3db.asset_asset
                    # Stay within Site tab
                    if component_name == "asset":
                        # Default/Hide the Organisation field
                        org_field = atable.organisation_id
                        org_field.default = r.record.organisation_id
                        org_field.readable = org_field.writable = False
                        # Filter out Vehicles
                            component_name, (FS("type") != 1))
                        atable.organisation_id.required = False  # Otherwise needs to be in crud_form & isn't defaulted
                        # Default new to Vehicle
                        atable.type.default = 1
                        # Only select from vehicles
                        ctable = s3db.supply_item_category
                        vehicle_categories = db(
                            ctable.is_vehicle == True).select(ctable.id)
                            filter_opts=[row.id for row in vehicle_categories],
                        # Include Vehicle Details in the form
                        from s3 import S3SQLCustomForm, S3SQLInlineComponent

                        def vehicle_postprocess(form):
                            # Set the organisation_id
                            db(atable.id == form.vars.id).update(

                        crud_form = S3SQLCustomForm(
                            (T("Vehicle Type"), "item_id"),
                            (T("License Plate"), "sn"),
                                fields=[  #"vehicle_type_id",
                        s3.crud_strings["asset_asset"] = Storage(
                            label_create=T("Add Vehicle Details"),
                            title_display=T("Vehicle Details"),
                            title_update=T("Edit Vehicle Details"),
                            label_list_button=T("List Vehicle Details"),
                            label_delete_button=T("Delete Vehicle Details"),
                            msg_record_created=T("Vehicle Details added"),
                            msg_record_modified=T("Vehicle Details updated"),
                            msg_record_deleted=T("Vehicle Details deleted"),
                                "No Vehicle Details currently defined"),
        return True
Exemple #3
    def prep(r):
        # Function to call for all Site Instance Types
        from s3db.org import org_site_prep

        method = r.method
        if method == "create":
            dtable = s3db.cr_shelter_details
            dtable.population_day.readable = False
            dtable.population_night.readable = False

        elif method == "import":
            s3db.cr_shelter.organisation_id.default = None

        elif method == "profile":
            name = r.record.name
            site_id = r.record.site_id

            profile_header = settings.get_ui_profile_header(r)

            map_widget = {
                "label": T("Housing Units"),
                "type": "map",
                "icon": "globe",
                "colspan": 2,
                "height": 500,
                #"bbox": bbox,
            ftable = s3db.gis_layer_feature
            query = (ftable.controller == "cr") & \
                    (ftable.function == "shelter_unit")
            layer = db(query).select(
                limitby=(0, 1),
                layer = {
                    "active": True,
                    "layer_id": layer.layer_id,
                    "filter": "~.site_id=%s" % site_id,
                    "name": T("Housing Units"),
                    "id": "profile-header-%s-%s" % (tablename, site_id),
                # No suitable prepop found
                layer = None

            profile_widgets = [
                profile_layers=(layer, ),
                profile_title="%s : %s" %
                (s3_str(s3.crud_strings["cr_shelter"].title_display), name),

        if r.interactive:
            if r.component:
                component_name = r.component_name
                if component_name == "shelter_registration":
                    if settings.get_cr_shelter_housing_unit_management():
                        # Filter housing units to units of this shelter
                        field = s3db.cr_shelter_registration.shelter_unit_id
                        dbset = db(
                            s3db.cr_shelter_unit.site_id == r.record.site_id)
                        field.requires = IS_EMPTY_OR(
                    s3db.pr_person.pe_label.label = T("Registration Number")
                    s3.crud_strings.cr_shelter_registration = Storage(
                        label_create=T("Register Person"),
                        title_display=T("Registration Details"),
                        title_list=T("Registered People"),
                        title_update=T("Edit Registration"),
                        label_list_button=T("List Registrations"),
                        msg_record_created=T("Registration added"),
                        msg_record_modified=T("Registration updated"),
                        msg_record_deleted=T("Registration entry deleted"),
                            "No people currently registered in this shelter"),

                elif component_name == "shelter_allocation":
                    s3.crud_strings.cr_shelter_allocation = Storage(
                        label_create=T("Allocate Group"),
                        title_display=T("Allocation Details"),
                        title_list=T("Allocated Groups"),
                        title_update=T("Edit Allocation"),
                        label_list_button=T("List Allocations"),
                        msg_record_created=T("Reservation done"),
                        msg_record_modified=T("Reservation updated"),
                        msg_record_deleted=T("Reservation entry deleted"),
                            "No groups currently allocated for this shelter"),

        return True
Exemple #4
    def prep(r):
        # Function to call for all Site Instance Types
        from s3db.org import org_site_prep

        if r.interactive:
            if r.component:
                cname = r.component_name
                if cname == "status":
                    table = db.med_hospital_status
                    table.facility_status.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                        _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Facility Status"),
                                                                            T("Status of the facility."),
                    table.facility_operations.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                            _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Facility Operations"),
                                                                                T("Overall status of the facility operations."),
                    table.clinical_status.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                        _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Clinical Status"),
                                                                            T("Status of the clinical departments."),
                    table.clinical_operations.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                            _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Clinical Operations"),
                                                                                T("Overall status of the clinical operations."),
                    table.ems_status.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                   _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Emergency Medical Services"),
                                                                       T("Status of operations/availability of emergency medical services at this facility."),
                    table.ems_reason.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                   _title = "%s|%s" % (T("EMS Status Reasons"),
                                                                       T("Report the contributing factors for the current EMS status."),
                    table.or_status.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                  _title = "%s|%s" % (T("OR Status"),
                                                                      T("Status of the operating rooms of this facility."),
                    table.or_reason.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                  _title = "%s|%s" % (T("OR Status Reason"),
                                                                      T("Report the contributing factors for the current OR status."),
                    table.morgue_status.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                      _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Morgue Status"),
                                                                          T("Status of morgue capacity."),
                    table.morgue_units.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                     _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Morgue Units Available"),
                                                                         T("Number of vacant/available units to which victims can be transported immediately."),
                    table.security_status.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                        _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Security Status"),
                                                                            T("Status of security procedures/access restrictions for the facility."),
                    table.staffing.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                 _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Staffing Level"),
                                                                     T("Current staffing level at the facility."),
                    table.access_status.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                      _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Road Conditions"),
                                                                          T("Describe the condition of the roads from/to the facility."),

                elif cname == "bed_capacity":
                    table = db.med_bed_capacity
                    table.bed_type.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                 _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Bed Type"),
                                                                     T("Specify the bed type of this unit."),
                    table.beds_baseline.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                      _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Baseline Number of Beds"),
                                                                          T("Baseline number of beds of that type in this unit."),
                    table.beds_available.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                       _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Available Beds"),
                                                                           T("Number of available/vacant beds of that type in this unit at the time of reporting."),
                    table.beds_add24.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                   _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Additional Beds / 24hrs"),
                                                                       T("Number of additional beds of that type expected to become available in this unit within the next 24 hours."),
                elif cname == "activity":
                    table = db.med_hospital_activity
                    table.date.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                             _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Date & Time"),
                                                                 T("Date and time this report relates to."),
                    table.patients.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                 _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Patients"),
                                                                     T("Number of in-patients at the time of reporting."),
                    table.admissions24.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                     _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Admissions/24hrs"),
                                                                         T("Number of newly admitted patients during the past 24 hours."),

                    table.discharges24.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                     _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Discharges/24hrs"),
                                                                         T("Number of discharged patients during the past 24 hours."),
                    table.deaths24.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                 _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Deaths/24hrs"),
                                                                     T("Number of deaths during the past 24 hours."),

                elif cname == "image":
                    table = s3db.doc_image
                    table.location_id.readable = table.location_id.writable = False
                    table.organisation_id.readable = table.organisation_id.writable = False
                    table.person_id.readable = table.person_id.writable = False

                elif cname == "ctc":
                    table = db.med_ctc
                    table.ctc.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                            _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Cholera Treatment Center"),
                                                                T("Does this facility provide a cholera treatment center?"),
                    table.number_of_patients.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                           _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Current number of patients"),
                                                                               T("How many patients with the disease are currently hospitalized at this facility?"),
                    table.cases_24.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                 _title = "%s|%s" % (T("New cases in the past 24h"),
                                                                     T("How many new cases have been admitted to this facility in the past 24h?"),
                    table.deaths_24.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                  _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Deaths in the past 24h"),
                                                                      T("How many of the patients with the disease died in the past 24h at this facility?"),
                    table.icaths_available.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                         _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Infusion catheters available"),
                                                                             T("Specify the number of available sets"),

                    table.icaths_needed_24.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                         _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Infusion catheters need per 24h"),
                                                                             T("Specify the number of sets needed per 24h"),

                    table.infusions_available.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                            _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Infusions available"),
                                                                                T("Specify the number of available units (litres) of Ringer-Lactate or equivalent solutions"),
                    table.infusions_needed_24.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                            _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Infusions needed per 24h"),
                                                                                T("Specify the number of units (litres) of Ringer-Lactate or equivalent solutions needed per 24h"),
                    table.antibiotics_available.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                              _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Antibiotics available"),
                                                                                  T("Specify the number of available units (adult doses)"),
                    table.antibiotics_needed_24.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                              _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Antibiotics needed per 24h"),
                                                                                  T("Specify the number of units (adult doses) needed per 24h"),
                    table.problem_types.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                      _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Current problems, categories"),
                                                                          T("Select all that apply"),
                    table.problem_details.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                        _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Current problems, details"),
                                                                            T("Please specify any problems and obstacles with the proper handling of the disease, in detail (in numbers, where appropriate). You may also add suggestions the situation could be improved."),
                # No Component
                table = r.table

                if settings.get_med_have():
                    # HAVE compliance
                    table.town.label = T("Town")

                    components_get = s3db.resource("med_hospital").components.get

                    # UID assigned by Local Government
                    gov_uuid = components_get("gov_uuid")
                    f = gov_uuid.table.value
                    f.requires = IS_EMPTY_OR([IS_LENGTH(128),
                                              IS_NOT_ONE_OF(db, "org_site_tag.value"),
                    f.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                    _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Government UID"),
                                                        T("The Unique Identifier (UUID) as assigned to this facility by the government."),

                from s3 import S3LocationFilter, S3OptionsFilter, S3RangeFilter, S3TextFilter
                stable = s3db.med_hospital_status
                filter_widgets = [
                                     label = T("Name"),
                                     _class = "filter-search",
                                        label = T("Type"),
                                        #hidden = True,
                                         label = T("Location"),
                                         levels = ("L0", "L1", "L2"),
                                         #hidden = True,
                                        label = T("Status"),
                                        options = stable.facility_status.represent.options,
                                        #represent = "%(name)s",
                                        #hidden = True,
                                        label = T("Power"),
                                        options = stable.power_supply_type.represent.options,
                                        #represent = "%(name)s",
                                        #hidden = True,
                                        label = T("Bed Type"),
                                        options = s3db.med_bed_capacity.bed_type.represent.options,
                                        #represent = "%(name)s",
                                        #hidden = True,
                                      label = T("Total Beds"),
                                      #represent = "%(name)s",
                                      #hidden = True,

                               filter_widgets = filter_widgets,

                s3.formats["have"] = r.url() # .have added by JS
                # Add comments
                table.total_beds.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                               _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Total Beds"),
                                                                   T("Total number of beds in this facility. Automatically updated from daily reports."),
                table.available_beds.comment = DIV(_class = "tooltip",
                                                   _title = "%s|%s" % (T("Available Beds"),
                                                                       T("Number of vacant/available beds in this facility. Automatically updated from daily reports."),

        elif r.representation == "plain":
            # Duplicates info in the other fields
            r.table.location_id.readable = False

        return True