Exemple #1
def test_directive_argument_changes():
    name_arg = schema("""
    directive @somedir(name: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION
    type A {
        a: String
    id_arg = schema("""
    directive @somedir(id: ID) on FIELD_DEFINITION
    type A {
        a: String
    diff = Schema(name_arg, id_arg).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 2
    expected_message = (
        'Removed argument `name: String` from `@somedir` directive'
        "Added argument `id: ID` to `@somedir` directive"
    for change in diff:
        assert change.message in expected_message
        assert change.path == '@somedir'
        assert change.criticality == Criticality.breaking(
            'Removing a directive argument will break existing usages of the argument'
        ) if 'Removed' in change.message else Criticality.safe()
Exemple #2
def test_added_removed_directive():
    no_directive = schema("""
    type A {
        a: String
    one_directive = schema("""
    directive @somedir on FIELD_DEFINITION
    type A {
        a: String
    diff = Schema(no_directive, one_directive).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[0].message == "Directive `@somedir` was added to use on `FIELD_DEFINITION`"
    assert diff[0].path == '@somedir'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()

    diff = Schema(one_directive, no_directive).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[0].message == "Directive `@somedir` was removed"
    assert diff[0].path == '@somedir'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.breaking('Removing a directive may break clients that depend on them.')

    two_locations = schema("""
    directive @somedir on FIELD_DEFINITION | QUERY
    type A {
        a: String
    diff = Schema(no_directive, two_locations).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[0].message == "Directive `@somedir` was added to use on `FIELD_DEFINITION | QUERY`"
    assert diff[0].path == '@somedir'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()
Exemple #3
def test_directive_location_added_and_removed():
    one_location = schema("""
    directive @somedir on FIELD_DEFINITION
    type A {
        a: String
    two_locations = schema("""
    directive @somedir on FIELD_DEFINITION | FIELD
    type A {
        a: String
    diff = Schema(one_location, two_locations).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    expected_message = (
        "Directive locations of `@somedir` changed from `FIELD_DEFINITION` to `FIELD_DEFINITION | FIELD`"
    assert diff[0].message == expected_message
    assert diff[0].path == '@somedir'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()

    diff = Schema(two_locations, one_location).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    expected_message = (
        "Directive locations of `@somedir` changed from `FIELD_DEFINITION | FIELD` to `FIELD_DEFINITION`"
    assert diff[0].message == expected_message
    assert diff[0].path == '@somedir'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.breaking(
        'Removing a directive location will break any instance of its usage. Be sure no one uses it before removing it'
Exemple #4
def test_interface_field_added_and_removed():
    a = schema("""
    interface Person {
      name: String
      age: Int
    b = schema("""
    interface Person {
      name: String
      age: Int
      favorite_number: Float

    diff = Schema(a, b).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[
        0].message == "Field `favorite_number` of type `Float` was added to interface `Person`"
    assert diff[0].path == 'Person.favorite_number'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.dangerous(
        'Adding an interface to an object type may break existing clients '
        'that were not programming defensively against a new possible type.')

    diff = Schema(b, a).diff()
    assert diff[
        0].message == "Field `favorite_number` was removed from interface `Person`"
    assert diff[0].path == 'Person.favorite_number'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.dangerous(
        'Removing an interface field can break existing queries that use this in a fragment spread.'
def test_input_field_added_field():
    a = schema("""
    input Recipe {
        ingredients: [String]
    b = schema("""
    input Recipe {
        ingredients: [String]
        love: Float
    diff = Schema(a, b).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[0].message == (
        "Input Field `love: Float` was added to input type `Recipe`")
    assert diff[0].path == 'Recipe.love'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()

    diff = Schema(b, a).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[0].message == (
        "Input Field `love` removed from input type `Recipe`")
    assert diff[0].path == 'Recipe.love'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.breaking(
        'Removing an input field will break queries that use this input field.'
def test_object_type_added_field():
    a = schema("""
    type MyType{
        a: Int
    b = schema("""
    type MyType{
        a: Int
        b: String!
    diff = Schema(a, b).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[0].message == "Field `b` was added to object type `MyType`"
    assert diff[0].path == 'MyType.b'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()

    diff = Schema(b, a).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[0].message == "Field `b` was removed from object type `MyType`"
    assert diff[0].path == 'MyType.b'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.breaking(
        'Removing a field is a breaking change. It is preferred to deprecate the field before removing it.'
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self, parent_type, field, arg_name, old_arg, new_arg):
     super().__init__(parent_type, field, arg_name, old_arg, new_arg)
     self.criticality = (Criticality.safe(
     ) if is_safe_change_for_input_value(
         old_arg.type, new_arg.type
     ) else Criticality.breaking(
         "Changing the type of a field's argument can break existing queries that use this argument."
 def __init__(self, directive, arg_name, arg_type):
     self.criticality = Criticality.safe(
     ) if not is_non_null_type(arg_type.type) else Criticality.breaking(
         "Adding a non nullable directive argument will break existing usages of the directive"
     self.directive = directive
     self.arg_name = arg_name
     self.arg_type = arg_type
 def __init__(self, directive, old_locations, new_locations):
     self.directive = directive
     self.old_locations = old_locations
     self.new_locations = new_locations
     self.criticality = (Criticality.safe() if self._only_additions(
     ) else Criticality.breaking(
         "Removing a directive location will break any instance of its usage. "
         "Be sure no one uses it before removing it"))
 def __init__(self, type_, field_name, old_field, new_field):
     self.criticality = Criticality.safe()\
                        if is_safe_type_change(old_field.type, new_field.type)\
                        else Criticality.breaking('Changing a field type will break queries that assume its type')
     self.type_ = type_
     self.field_name = field_name
     self.old_field = old_field
     self.new_field = new_field
 def __init__(self, parent, field_name, argument_name, arg_type):
     self.criticality = Criticality.safe('Adding an optional argument is a safe change')\
                        if not is_non_null_type(arg_type.type)\
                        else Criticality.breaking("Adding a required argument to an existing field is a breaking "
                                                "change because it will break existing uses of this field")
     self.parent = parent
     self.field_name = field_name
     self.argument_name = argument_name
     self.arg_type = arg_type
def test_add_type_to_union():
    two_types = schema("""
    type Query {
        c: Int
    type Result {
        message: String
    type Error {
        message: String
        details: String
        type Unknown {
        message: String
        details: String
        traceback: String

    union Outcome = Result | Error

    three_types = schema("""
    type Query {
        c: Int
    type Result {
        message: String
    type Error {
        message: String
        details: String
    type Unknown {
        message: String
        details: String
        traceback: String

    union Outcome = Result | Error | Unknown
    diff = Schema(two_types, three_types).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[
        0].message == "Union member `Unknown` was added to `Outcome` Union type"
    assert diff[0].path == 'Outcome'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.dangerous(
        'Adding a possible type to Unions may break existing clients '
        'that were not programming defensively against a new possible type.')

    diff = Schema(three_types, two_types).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[
        0].message == "Union member `Unknown` was removed from `Outcome` Union type"
    assert diff[0].path == 'Outcome'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.breaking(
        'Removing a union member from a union can break queries that use this union member in a fragment spread'
Exemple #13
def test_directive_argument_description_changed():
    no_desc = schema("""
    directive @limit(
        number: Int

    type A {
        a: String
    a_desc = schema("""
    directive @limit(
        "number limit"
        number: Int

    type A {
        a: String
    other_desc = schema("""
    directive @limit(
        "field limit"
        number: Int

    type A {
        a: String

    diff = Schema(no_desc, a_desc).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    expected_message = (
        "Description for argument `number` on `@limit` directive changed from `None` to `number limit`"
    assert diff[0].message == expected_message
    assert diff[0].path == '@limit'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()

    diff = Schema(a_desc, other_desc).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    expected_message = (
        "Description for argument `number` on `@limit` directive changed from `number limit` to `field limit`"
    assert diff[0].message == expected_message
    assert diff[0].path == '@limit'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()

    diff = Schema(other_desc, no_desc).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    expected_message = (
        "Description for argument `number` on `@limit` directive changed from `field limit` to `None`"
    assert diff[0].message == expected_message
    assert diff[0].path == '@limit'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, input_object, field_name, field):
        self.criticality = (
            if is_non_null_type(field.type) is False
            else Criticality.breaking(self.BREAKING_MSG)

        self.input_object = input_object
        self.field_name = field_name
        self.field = field
 def __init__(self, directive, arg_name, old_type, new_type):
     self.criticality = (Criticality.breaking(
         "Changing the argument type is a breaking change"
     ) if not is_safe_change_for_input_value(
         old_type, new_type
     ) else Criticality.safe(
         "Changing an input field from non-null to null is considered non-breaking"
     self.directive = directive
     self.arg_name = arg_name
     self.old_type = old_type
     self.new_type = new_type
Exemple #16
 def __init__(self, input_, name, new_field, old_field):
     self.criticality = (
         if is_safe_change_for_input_value(old_field.type, new_field.type)
         else Criticality.breaking(
             "Changing the type of an input field can break existing queries that use this field"
     self.input_ = input_
     self.name = name
     self.new_field = new_field
     self.old_field = old_field
Exemple #17
 def __init__(self, parent, field_name, field):
     self.parent = parent
     self.field_name = field_name
     self.field = field
     self.criticality = (
             "Removing deprecated fields without sufficient time for clients "
             "to update their queries may break their code"
         ) if field.deprecation_reason else Criticality.breaking(
             "Removing a field is a breaking change. It is preferred to deprecate the field before removing it."
Exemple #18
def test_schema_removed_type():
    old_schema = schema("""
    schema {
        query: Query

    type Query {
        field: String!

    type ToBeRemovedType {
        added: Int

    new_schema = schema("""
    schema {
        query: Query

    type Query {
        field: String!
    diff = Schema(old_schema, new_schema).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    # Type Int was also removed but it is ignored because it's a primitive.
    assert diff[0].message == "Type `ToBeRemovedType` was removed"
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.breaking(
        'Removing a type is a breaking change. It is preferred to '
        'deprecate and remove all references to this type first.')
Exemple #19
def test_deprecated_reason_changed():
    a = schema("""
    type Query {
        a: Int
    enum Letters {
        B @deprecated(reason: "a reason")
    b = schema("""
    type Query {
        a: Int
    enum Letters {
        B @deprecated(reason: "a new reason")
    diff = Schema(a, b).diff()
    assert len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[0].message == (
        "Deprecation reason for enum value `B` changed from `a reason` to `a new reason`"
    assert diff[0].path == 'Letters.B'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe(
        "A deprecated field can still be used by clients and will give them time to adapt their queries"
Exemple #20
def test_description_changed():
    a = schema('''
    type Query {
        a: Int
    enum Letters {
        """My description"""
    b = schema('''
    type Query {
        a: Int
    enum Letters {
        """My new description"""
    diff = Schema(a, b).diff()
    assert len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[0].message == (
        "Description for enum value `A` changed from `My description` to `My new description`"
    assert diff[0].path == 'Letters.A'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()
Exemple #21
def test_enums_added():
    a = schema("""
    type Query {
        a: String
    enum Letters {
    b = schema("""
    type Query {
        a: String
    enum Letters {
    diff = Schema(a, b).diff()
    assert len(diff) == 2
    expected_diff = {
        "Enum value `C` was added to `Letters` enum",
        "Enum value `D` was added to `Letters` enum",
    expected_paths = {'Letters.C', 'Letters.D'}
    for change in diff:
        assert change.message in expected_diff
        assert change.path in expected_paths
        assert change.criticality == Criticality.dangerous(
            "Adding an enum value may break existing clients that "
            "were not programming defensively against an added case when querying an enum."
Exemple #22
def test_enum_value_removed():
    a = schema("""
    type Query {
        a: String
    enum Letters {
    b = schema("""
    type Query {
        a: String
    enum Letters {
    diff = Schema(a, b).diff()
    assert len(diff) == 1
    change = diff[0]
    assert change.message == "Enum value `B` was removed from `Letters` enum"
    assert change.path == 'Letters'
    assert change.criticality == Criticality.breaking(
        'Removing an enum value will break existing queries that use this enum value'
Exemple #23
def test_directive_default_value_changed():
    default_100 = schema("""
    directive @limit(number: Int=100) on FIELD_DEFINITION
    type A {
        a: String
    default_0 = schema("""
    directive @limit(number: Int=0) on FIELD_DEFINITION
    type A {
        a: String

    diff = Schema(default_100, default_0).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    expected_message = (
        'Default value for argument `number` on `@limit` directive changed from `100` to `0`'
    assert diff[0].message == expected_message
    assert diff[0].path == '@limit'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.dangerous(
        'Changing the default value for an argument may change '
        'the runtime behaviour of a field if it was never provided.'
Exemple #24
def test_deprecated_enum_value():
    a = schema("""
    type Query {
        a: Int
    enum Letters {
    b = schema("""
    type Query {
        a: Int
    enum Letters {
        B @deprecated(reason: "Changed the alphabet")
    diff = Schema(a, b).diff()
    assert len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[
        0].message == "Enum value `B` was deprecated with reason `Changed the alphabet`"
    assert diff[0].path == 'Letters.B'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe(
        "A deprecated field can still be used by clients and will give them time to adapt their queries"
Exemple #25
def test_schema_query_fields_type_has_changes():
    old_schema = schema("""
    schema {
        query: Query

    type Query {
        field: String!
    new_schema = schema("""
    schema {
        query: Query

    type Query {
        field: Int!
    diff = Schema(old_schema, new_schema).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    assert diff[
        0].message == "`Query.field` type changed from `String!` to `Int!`"
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.breaking(
        'Changing a field type will break queries that assume its type')
Exemple #26
def test_schema_added_type():
    old_schema = schema("""
    schema {
        query: Query

    type Query {
        field: String!
    new_schema = schema("""
    schema {
        query: Query

    type Query {
        field: String!

    type AddedType {
        added: Int
    diff = Schema(old_schema, new_schema).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    # Type Int was also added but its ignored because its a primitive.
    assert diff[0].message == "Type `AddedType` was added"
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()
Exemple #27
def test_directive_description_changed():
    no_desc = schema("""
    directive @my_directive on FIELD
    type A {
        a: String
    with_desc = schema('''
    """directive desc"""
    directive @my_directive on FIELD
    type A {
        a: String
    new_desc = schema('''
    """new description"""
    directive @my_directive on FIELD
    type A {
        a: String
    diff = Schema(no_desc, with_desc).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    expected_message = (
        'Description for directive `@my_directive` changed from `None` to `directive desc`'
    assert diff[0].message == expected_message
    assert diff[0].path == '@my_directive'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()

    diff = Schema(with_desc, new_desc).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    expected_message = (
        'Description for directive `@my_directive` changed from `directive desc` to `new description`'
    assert diff[0].message == expected_message
    assert diff[0].path == '@my_directive'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()

    diff = Schema(with_desc, no_desc).diff()
    assert diff and len(diff) == 1
    expected_message = (
        'Description for directive `@my_directive` changed from `directive desc` to `None`'
    assert diff[0].message == expected_message
    assert diff[0].path == '@my_directive'
    assert diff[0].criticality == Criticality.safe()
Exemple #28
    class NonBreakingChange(Change):
        criticality = Criticality.safe('this is a safe change')

        def message(self):
            return 'test message'

        def path(self):
            return 'test path'
Exemple #29
    class DangerousChange(Change):
        criticality = Criticality.dangerous('this is dangerous')

        def message(self):
            return 'test message'

        def path(self):
            return 'test path'
Exemple #30
    class BreakingChange(Change):
        criticality = Criticality.breaking('this is breaking')

        def message(self):
            return 'test message'

        def path(self):
            return 'test path'