Exemple #1
class test_count_neighbors:

    def setUp(self):
        n = 50
        m = 2
        self.T1 = KDTree(np.random.randn(n,m),leafsize=2)
        self.T2 = KDTree(np.random.randn(n,m),leafsize=2)

    def test_one_radius(self):
        r = 0.2
        assert_equal(self.T1.count_neighbors(self.T2, r),
                np.sum([len(l) for l in self.T1.query_ball_tree(self.T2,r)]))

    def test_large_radius(self):
        r = 1000
        assert_equal(self.T1.count_neighbors(self.T2, r),
                np.sum([len(l) for l in self.T1.query_ball_tree(self.T2,r)]))

    def test_multiple_radius(self):
        rs = np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(0.01),np.log(10),3))
        results = self.T1.count_neighbors(self.T2, rs)
        assert_(np.all(np.diff(results) >= 0))
        for r,result in zip(rs, results):
            assert_equal(self.T1.count_neighbors(self.T2, r), result)
Exemple #2
class test_count_neighbors:

    def setUp(self):
        n = 50
        m = 2
        self.T1 = KDTree(np.random.randn(n,m),leafsize=2)
        self.T2 = KDTree(np.random.randn(n,m),leafsize=2)

    def test_one_radius(self):
        r = 0.2
        assert_equal(self.T1.count_neighbors(self.T2, r),
                np.sum([len(l) for l in self.T1.query_ball_tree(self.T2,r)]))

    def test_large_radius(self):
        r = 1000
        assert_equal(self.T1.count_neighbors(self.T2, r),
                np.sum([len(l) for l in self.T1.query_ball_tree(self.T2,r)]))

    def test_multiple_radius(self):
        rs = np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(0.01),np.log(10),3))
        results = self.T1.count_neighbors(self.T2, rs)
        assert_(np.all(np.diff(results) >= 0))
        for r,result in zip(rs, results):
            assert_equal(self.T1.count_neighbors(self.T2, r), result)
Exemple #3
def match_jets(particle_level_jets: np.ndarray,
               detector_level_jets: np.ndarray,
               matching_distance: float) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
    """ Match particle and detector level jets geometrically.

    Matching is performed via KDTrees. The particle level jet is required to match the
    detector level jet and vice-versa.

        particle_level_jets: Particle level jets.
        detector_level_jets: Detector level jets.
        matching_distance: Maximum matching distance between jets. Default guidance is
            to use 0.6 * R.
        List of pairs of (particle level index, detector level index).
    # Extract the jet locations from the PSeudoJets.
    part_level_positions = np.array([(j.eta, j.phi)
                                     for j in particle_level_jets])
    det_level_positions = np.array([(j.eta, j.phi)
                                    for j in detector_level_jets])

    # Construct the KDTress. They default to using the L^2 norm (ie our expected distance measure).
    part_level_tree = KDTree(part_level_positions)
    det_level_tree = KDTree(det_level_positions)
    # Perform the actual matching.
    part_level_matches = part_level_tree.query_ball_tree(det_level_tree,
    det_level_matches = det_level_tree.query_ball_tree(part_level_tree,

    # Only keep the closest match where the particle level jet points to the detector level
    # jet and vise-versa.
    indices = []
    for i, part_match in enumerate(part_level_matches):
        min_distance = 1000
        min_distance_index = -1
        for det_match in det_level_matches:
            for m in det_match:
                if m in part_match:
                    # Calculate the distance
                    dist = np.sqrt((part_level_positions[i][0] -
                                    det_level_positions[m][0])**2 +
                                   (part_level_positions[i][1] -
                    #logger.debug(f"part_level_index: {i}, Potential match: {m}, distance: {dist}")
                    if dist < min_distance:
                        #logger.debug(f"Found match! Previous min_distance: {min_distance}")
                        min_distance = dist
                        min_distance_index = m

        if min_distance_index != -1:
            indices.append((i, min_distance_index))

    #logger.debug(f"part_level_matches: {part_level_matches}, det_level_matches: {det_level_matches}")
    #logger.debug(f"indices: {indices}")

    return indices
Exemple #4
def clean(
    ra, dec
):  #use two ann search to clean the stationary and non-paired detections
    tree = KDTree(zip(ra, dec))
    pair = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, 30 / 3600.)
    stationary = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, 1.5 / 3600.)
    mask = zeros(len(ra), dtype=bool)
    for n, i in enumerate(pair):
        if len(i) > 2 and len(stationary[n]) == 1:
            mask[n] = 1
            mask[n] = 0
    return mask
Exemple #5
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     parcels = self.get_dataset()
     arr = self.get_dataset().compute_variables(['parcel.aggregate(job.sector_id==%s)' % self.sector_id], dataset_pool=dataset_pool)
     coords = column_stack( (parcels.get_attribute("x_coord_sp"), parcels.get_attribute("y_coord_sp")) )
     kd_tree = KDTree(coords, 100)
     results = kd_tree.query_ball_tree(kd_tree, self.radius)
     return array(map(lambda l: arr[l].sum(), results))
Exemple #6
def _featurize_cells(df,
    anchor_cells = df[df[is_anchor_col]]
    if include_anchors:
        neighborhood_cells = df
        neighborhood_cells = df[~df[is_anchor_col]]

    # Throw an error if there are no cells in neighborhoods
    # For example all cells are anchors and include_anchors == False
    if len(neighborhood_cells.index) == 0:
        raise ValueError("There are no neighbours to compute features from \
(try include_anchors = True)")

    feature_fn = functools.partial(neighborhood_feature_fn, neighborhood_cells)
    coord_cols = [x_col, y_col]
    if z_col is not None:
    anchor_kdTree = KDTree(anchor_cells[coord_cols].values)
    neighborhood_kdTree = KDTree(neighborhood_cells[coord_cols].values)
    neighborhoods = anchor_kdTree.query_ball_tree(neighborhood_kdTree,
    neighborhood_features = pd.concat(map(feature_fn, neighborhoods), axis=1).T
    neighborhood_features.index = anchor_cells.index
    blank_row_mask = neighborhood_features.isnull().all(axis=1)
    return neighborhood_features[~blank_row_mask]
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     parcels = self.get_dataset()
     arr = self.get_dataset().compute_variables(['parcel.aggregate(household.children>0)'], dataset_pool=dataset_pool)
     coords = column_stack( (parcels.get_attribute("x_coord_sp"), parcels.get_attribute("y_coord_sp")) )
     kd_tree = KDTree(coords, 100)
     results = kd_tree.query_ball_tree(kd_tree, self.radius)
     return array(map(lambda l: arr[l].sum(), results))
Exemple #8
    def find_seeds(self, mixing_ratio, patch_length):
        """Find the seeds for the AWoL-MRF patches. We assume that each seed 
        needs a minimum number of high-confidence voxels in its 26-voxel
        neighbourhood, which is determined by the mixing ratio parameter."""

        self.seeds = []
        seed_coord = []
        lflat = self.labels.ravel()
        for lcv in self.lcv:
            for value in self.label_values[1:]:  #for each structural label
                if sum(lflat[self.neighbors_big[lcv]] == value) > mixing_ratio:
                    seed_coord.append(unravel_index(lcv, self.labels.shape))

        del self.neighbors_big

        if len(self.seeds) > 500:  #control for max number of seeds
            self.seeds = self.seeds[:500]
            seed_coord = seed_coord[:500]

        #find the patch for each seed using KDTree
        tree_seeds = KDTree(seed_coord)
        self.patches = tree_seeds.query_ball_tree(self.tree, patch_length)
        for i, elt in enumerate(self.patches):

        del self.tree
Exemple #9
def match(gt_maxima, pred_maxima, voxel_size, distance_threshold=39):
    assert(np.all(np.shape(gt_maxima) == np.shape(pred_maxima)))

    gt_maxima_locations = np.array(np.nonzero(gt_maxima)).T
    pred_maxima_locations = np.array(np.nonzero(pred_maxima)).T

    vertices_gt = {i: gt_maxima_locations[i] for i in range(len(gt_maxima_locations))}
    vertices_pred = {j + len(gt_maxima_locations): pred_maxima_locations[j] for j in range(len(pred_maxima_locations))}
    vertices = vertices_gt.copy()

    G = nx.Graph()
    for v, pos in vertices.items():
        G.add_node(v, position=pos)

    gt_tree = KDTree(gt_maxima_locations * np.array(voxel_size))
    pred_tree = KDTree(pred_maxima_locations * np.array(voxel_size))

    results = gt_tree.query_ball_tree(pred_tree, r=distance_threshold)

    edges = []
    edge_distances = []
    for gt_id in range(len(results)):
        for pred_id in results[gt_id]:
            edges.append((gt_id, pred_id + len(gt_maxima_locations)))
            edge_distances.append(np.linalg.norm(gt_maxima_locations[gt_id] - pred_maxima_locations[pred_id]))

    eps = 10e-6
    for edge, distance in zip(edges, edge_distances):
        G.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1], weight=1./(distance + eps))

    pairs = nx.max_weight_matching(G, maxcardinality=True)

    v_gt = set([v for v in vertices_gt.keys()])
    v_pred = set([w for w in vertices_pred.keys()])
    true_positives = len(pairs)

    for edge in pairs:
        except KeyError:

    false_negatives = len(v_gt)
    false_positives = len(v_pred)

    canvas_fn = np.zeros(np.shape(gt_maxima))
    canvas_fp = np.zeros(np.shape(pred_maxima))
    for fn in v_gt:
        canvas_fn[vertices_gt[fn][0], vertices_gt[fn][1], vertices_gt[fn][2]] = 1
    for fp in v_pred:
        canvas_fp[vertices_pred[fp][0], vertices_pred[fp][1], vertices_pred[fp][2]] = 1

    return true_positives, false_negatives, false_positives, canvas_fn, canvas_fp
Exemple #10
def _kill_duplicates(arr, minimum_distance=10):
    Attempts to eliminate garbage coordinates
    arr is a 2D array of (npeaks)x4 coordinates.
        0:1 is the x and y coordinates.
        2 is the peak height
        3 is the peak width
    import scipy
    from scipy.spatial import KDTree
    tree = KDTree(arr)

    match_list = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, minimum_distance)
    match_list = [list_item for list_item in match_list if len(list_item) > 1]

    chuck_list = []

    for match in match_list:
        # compile the heights from the table
        chuck_list += match

    keepers = range(arr.shape[0])
    [keepers.remove(chuck) for chuck in chuck_list if chuck in keepers]
    return arr[keepers]
Exemple #11
def findAffineTransform(test_srcs, ref_srcs, max_pix_tol = 2., min_matches_fraction = 0.8, invariantMap=None):
    if len(test_srcs) < 3:
        raise Exception("Test sources has less than the minimum value of points (3).")
    if invariantMap is None:
        invMap = InvariantTriangleMapping()
    if len(ref_srcs) < 3:
        raise Exception("Test sources has less than the minimum value of points (3).")
    #generateInvariants should return a list of the invariant tuples for each asterism and 
    # a corresponding list of the indices that make up the asterism 
    ref_invariants, ref_asterisms = invMap.generateInvariants(ref_srcs, nearest_neighbors = 7)
    ref_invariant_tree = KDTree(ref_invariants)

    test_invariants, test_asterisms = invMap.generateInvariants(test_srcs, nearest_neighbors = 5)
    test_invariant_tree = KDTree(test_invariants)

    #0.03 is just an empirical number that returns about the same number of matches than inputs
    matches_list = test_invariant_tree.query_ball_tree(ref_invariant_tree, 0.03)

    matches = []
    #t1 is an asterism in test, t2 in ref
    for t1, t2_list in zip(test_asterisms, matches_list):
        for t2 in np.array(ref_asterisms)[t2_list]:
            matches.append(zip(t2, t1))
    matches = np.array(matches)
    invModel = invMap.matchTransform(ref_srcs, test_srcs)
    nInvariants = len(matches)
    max_iter = nInvariants
    min_matches = min(10, int(nInvariants * min_matches_fraction))
    bestM = ransac.ransac(matches, invModel, 1, max_iter, max_pix_tol, min_matches)
    return bestM
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     with logger.block(name="compute variable persons_within_DDD_of_parcel with DDD=%s" % self.radius, verbose=False):
         results = None
         with logger.block(name="trying to read cache file %s" % self.cache_file_name, verbose=False):
                 results = self._load_results()
             except IOError:
                 logger.log_warning("Cache file could not be loaded")
         with logger.block(name="initialize datasets", verbose=False):
             parcels = self.get_dataset()
             arr = self.get_dataset().sum_dataset_over_ids(dataset_pool.get_dataset('household'), attribute_name="persons")
         if not results:
             with logger.block(name="initialize coords", verbose=False):
                 coords = column_stack( (parcels.get_attribute("x_coord_sp"), parcels.get_attribute("y_coord_sp")) )
             with logger.block(name="build KDTree", verbose=False):
                 kd_tree = KDTree(coords, 100)
             with logger.block(name="compute"):
                 results = kd_tree.query_ball_tree(kd_tree, self.radius)
             with logger.block(name="cache"):
                 if not SimulationState().cache_directory_exists():
                     logger.log_warning("Cache does not exist and is created.")
         with logger.block(name="sum results", verbose=False):
             return_values = array(map(lambda l: arr[l].sum(), results))
     return return_values
Exemple #13
def Near_PRM(V, r_n):

    # Create a KD Tree first
    KDT = KDTree(data=V)

    # Create the KD Tree to search against
    search_against = KDTree(data=V)

    # run query_ball_tree
    results = KDT.query_ball_tree(other=search_against, r=r_n)

    # construct edge set

    #edges = []
    #for i in range(len(V)):
    #    for j in results[i]:
    #        if i == j:
    #            continue
    #        # here, i and j are indices in V
    #        distance = np.linalg.norm(V[i] - V[j], ord=None)
    #        edges.append((i, j, distance))

    edges = defaultdict(list)
    for i in range(len(V)):
        for j in results[i]:
            if i == j:
                edges[i].append((j, np.linalg.norm(V[i] - V[j])))

    return edges
Exemple #14
 def find_seeds(self):
     """Find the seeds for the AWoL-MRF patches. We assume that each seed 
     needs a minimum number of high-confidence voxels in its 26-voxel
     neighbourhood, which is determined by the mixing ratio parameter."""
     self.seeds = []
     confidence_level = []
     lflat = self.labels.ravel()
     for lcv in self.lcv:
         n_hcv = self.mixing_ratio
         for value in self.label_values[1:]: #for each structural label
             if sum(lflat[self.neighbors_big[lcv]] == value) > n_hcv:
                 n_hcv = sum(lflat[self.neighbors_big[lcv]] == value)
         if n_hcv > self.mixing_ratio: #minimum confidence level for seeds
     del self.neighbors_big
     if len(self.seeds) > 0:
         self.seeds = [seed for (c, seed) in sorted(zip(confidence_level, self.seeds))][::-1]
         seed_coord = [np.unravel_index(seed, self.labels.shape) for seed in self.seeds]
         #find the patch for each seed using KDTree
         tree_seeds = KDTree(seed_coord)        
         self.patches = tree_seeds.query_ball_tree(self.tree, self.patch_length)
         for i, elt in enumerate(self.patches):
Exemple #15
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     parcels = self.get_dataset()
     arr = self.get_dataset().sum_dataset_over_ids(dataset_pool.get_dataset('household'), constant=1)
     coords = column_stack( (parcels.get_attribute("x_coord_sp"), parcels.get_attribute("y_coord_sp")) )
     kd_tree = KDTree(coords, 100)
     results = kd_tree.query_ball_tree(kd_tree, self.radius)
     return array(map(lambda l: arr[l].sum(), results))
Exemple #16
def _kill_duplicates(arr, minimum_distance=10):
    Attempts to eliminate garbage coordinates
    arr is a 2D array of (npeaks)x4 coordinates.
        0:1 is the x and y coordinates.
        2 is the peak height
        3 is the peak width
    import scipy
    from scipy.spatial import KDTree
    tree = KDTree(arr)
    match_list = tree.query_ball_tree(tree,minimum_distance)
    match_list=[list_item for list_item in match_list if len(list_item)>1]
    for match in match_list:
        # compile the heights from the table
        chuck_list += match
    keepers = range(arr.shape[0])
    [keepers.remove(chuck) for chuck in chuck_list if chuck in keepers]
    return arr[keepers]
Exemple #17
def inequivalent_iteration(k, sm, thr):
	Find symmetry inequivalent points starting from a set of point,
	a symm_matrix and a precision threshold.
	  - k:   np.ndarray, starting point coordinates
	  - sm:  np.ndarray, symmetry matrix (3x3)
	  - thr: float (def=1e-5), precision threshold for two point being equivalend
    from scipy.spatial import KDTree

    n_pt = k.shape[0]
    res_i = np.arange(n_pt, dtype=int)
    res_p = np.empty((0, 3))

    tree = KDTree(k)
    itree = KDTree(k.dot(sm))
    res = tree.query_ball_tree(itree, thr)

    avoid = []
    n1 = 0
    for n, l in enumerate(res):
        if n in avoid:
        res_p = np.vstack((res_p, tree.data[n]))
        res_i[n] = n1
        for i in l:
            res_i[i] = n1
        n1 += 1

    return res_i, res_p  # np.array(res_p)
def test_find_daily_clusters(plot=True):
    df_dict = dict()
    df_dict['x'] = [
        1, 2, 2, 3, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, .5, .8, 2.5, 2.7, 10, 11, 12, 5,
        5.5, 5, 5.5
    df_dict['y'] = [
        1, .5, 1.5, 1.2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 2, 1.2, .5, .6, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3.3,
    df_dict['dayofyear'] = [
        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3
    df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict)
    print "DataFrame:"
    print df
    if plot:
        plt.scatter(df.x, df.y, c=df.dayofyear)

    kd = KDTree(np.column_stack((df.x, df.y)))
    neighbors_list = kd.query_ball_tree(kd, 1.05)
    neighbors_dict = dict()
    for i, arr in enumerate(neighbors_list):
        neighbors_dict[df.iloc[i].name] = set()
        for j in arr:

    # Get initial clusters on day 1
    day1fires = df[df.dayofyear == 1]
    clust2nodes, nodes2clust, merge_dict = find_daily_clusters(
        day1fires, neighbors_dict)
    print "clust2nodes, day 1:" + str(clust2nodes)
    print "node2clusts, day 1:" + str(nodes2clust)
    print "merge_dict, day 1:" + str(merge_dict)

    day2fires = df[df.dayofyear == 2]
    clust2nodes, node2clusts, merge_dict = find_daily_clusters(
    print "clust2nodes, day 2:" + str(clust2nodes)
    print "node2clusts, day 2:" + str(nodes2clust)
    print "merge_dict, day 2:" + str(merge_dict)

    day3fires = df[df.dayofyear == 3]
    clust2nodes, node2clusts, merge_dict = find_daily_clusters(
    print "clust2nodes, day 3:" + str(clust2nodes)
    print "node2clusts, day 3:" + str(nodes2clust)
    print "merge_dict, day 3:" + str(merge_dict)
Exemple #19
def generate_cubic_grid(structure, centers, distance, dim):
    """Generate a cubic grids centered in `centers` of size `distance` and dimensionality `dim`.

    :param structure: aiida.orm.StructureData node  used to get the cell of the material.
    :param centers: aiida.orm.ArrayData containing an array named `centers`.
                    Each element of `centers` is used to generate a cubic grid around it.
    :param distance: aiida.orm.Float indicating the lateral size of the cubic grid.
    :param dim: aiida.orm.Int determining the dimensionality of the grid.
                e.g.: dim=1 -> 5x1x1   dim = 2 -> 5x5x1   dim = 3 -> 5x5x5

    :return: aiida.orm.KpointsData containing the generated grids.
    if not isinstance(structure, orm.StructureData):
        raise InputValidationError(
            'Invalide type {} for parameter `structure`'.format(
    if not isinstance(centers, orm.ArrayData):
        raise InputValidationError(
            'Invalide type {} for parameter `centers`'.format(type(centers)))
    if not isinstance(distance, orm.Float):
        raise InputValidationError(
            'Invalide type {} for parameter `distance`'.format(type(distance)))

    npoints = 5

    centers = centers.get_array('pinned')
    dist = distance.value / (npoints - 1)
    dim = dim.value

    # yapf: disable
    l    = np.arange(-(npoints-1)//2, (npoints-1)//2 + 1) + ((npoints + 1)%2) * 0.5
    lx   = l
    ly   = l if dim > 1 else [0,]
    lz   = l if dim > 2 else [0,]
    grid = np.array(list(product(lx, ly, lz))) * dist

    res = np.empty((0,3))
    for n,c in enumerate(centers):
        new = c + grid
        if n == 0:
            attach = new
            old_tree = KDTree(res)
            new_tree = KDTree(new)

            query = new_tree.query_ball_tree(old_tree, r=dist*1.74)

            attach = np.array([new[n] for n,q in enumerate(query) if not q])

        if len(attach):
            res = np.vstack((res, attach))

    kpt = orm.KpointsData()
    kpt.set_kpoints(res, cartesian=True)

    return kpt
Exemple #20
def join(net1, net2, L_max=0.99):
    Joins two networks together topologically including new connections

    net1 : dictionary
        A dictionary containing 'vert.coords' and 'edge.conns'.
    net2 : dictionary
        A dictionary containing 'vert.coords' and 'edge.conns'
    L_max : float
        The maximum distance between vertices below which they are called

    network : dict
        A dictionary containing 'vert.coords' vertices from both ``net1`` and
        ``net2``, and ``edge.conns`` with original connections plus new ones
        found during the join process.

    This function uses ``scipy.spatial.KDTree``.

    # Perform neighbor query
    from scipy.spatial import KDTree
    t1 = KDTree(net1['vert.coords'])
    t2 = KDTree(net2['vert.coords'])
    pairs = t1.query_ball_tree(t2, r=0.99)
    # Combine existing network data
    net3 = {}
    Np1 = net1['vert.coords'].shape[0]
    Np2 = net2['vert.coords'].shape[0]
    net3['vert.coords'] = np.vstack((net1.pop('vert.coords'),
    net3['edge.conns'] = np.vstack((net1.pop('edge.conns'),
                                    net2.pop('edge.conns') + Np1))
    # Convert kdtree result into new connections
    nnz = sum([len(row) for row in pairs])
    conns = np.zeros((nnz, 2), dtype=int)
    i = 0
    for j, row in enumerate(pairs):
        for col in row:
            conns[i, :] = j, col + Np1
            i += 1
    # Add new connections to network
    net3['edge.conns'] = np.vstack((net3.pop('edge.conns'), conns))
    # Finally, expand any other data arrays on given networks
    keys = set(net1.keys()).union(net2.keys())
    for item in keys:
        temp1 = net1.pop(item, np.zeros(Np1)*np.nan)
        temp2 = net2.pop(item, np.zeros(Np2)*np.nan)
        net3[item] = np.concatenate((temp1, temp2), axis=0)
    return net3
 def model_tree(self, list_coord1, distpot=6.0, list_coord2=None):
         from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
         coordtree = cKDTree(list_coord1)
         if list_coord2 != None:
             coordtree1 = cKDTree(list_coord2)
     except ImportError:
         from scipy.spatial import KDTree
         coordtree = KDTree(list_coord1)
         if list_coord2 != None: coordtree1 = KDTree(list_coord2)
     if list_coord2 != None:
         neigh_points = coordtree.query_ball_tree(coordtree1, distpot)
         # use count_neighbors if the corresponding indices are not required
         neigh_points = coordtree.query_ball_tree(coordtree, distpot)
     return neigh_points
Exemple #22
def astroalign_optimized_find_transform(source, target_controlp,
    A faster version of astroalign.find_transform considering that we know the
    target control points, invariants tree and asterisms. For details, see

    This allows to compute control points once for reference frame

    source_controlp = astroalign._find_sources(

    # Check for low number of reference points
    if len(source_controlp) < 3:
        raise Exception("Reference stars in source image are less than the "
                        "minimum value (3).")
    if len(target_controlp) < 3:
        raise Exception("Reference stars in target image are less than the "
                        "minimum value (3).")

    source_invariants, source_asterisms = astroalign._generate_invariants(
    source_invariant_tree = KDTree(source_invariants)
    matches_list = source_invariant_tree.query_ball_tree(target_invariant_tree,

    matches = []
    for t1, t2_list in zip(source_asterisms, matches_list):
        for t2 in target_asterisms[t2_list]:
            matches.append(list(zip(t1, t2)))
    matches = np.array(matches)

    inv_model = astroalign._MatchTransform(source_controlp, target_controlp)
    n_invariants = len(matches)
    max_iter = n_invariants
    min_matches = max(
        1, min(10, int(n_invariants * astroalign.MIN_MATCHES_FRACTION)))
    if (len(source_controlp) == 3
            or len(target_controlp) == 3) and len(matches) == 1:
        best_t = inv_model.fit(matches)
        inlier_ind = np.arange(len(matches))  # All of the indices
        best_t, inlier_ind = astroalign._ransac(matches, inv_model, 1,
                                                max_iter, astroalign.PIXEL_TOL,
    triangle_inliers = matches[inlier_ind]
    d1, d2, d3 = triangle_inliers.shape
    inl_arr = triangle_inliers.reshape(d1 * d2, d3)
    inl_unique = set(tuple(pair) for pair in inl_arr)
    inl_arr_unique = np.array(list(list(apair) for apair in inl_unique))
    so, d = inl_arr_unique.T

    return best_t, (source_controlp[so], target_controlp[d])
Exemple #23
def crop_kpoints(structure, kpt_data, centers, radius):
    """Crop a given set of k-points `kpt_data` that are within a spherical radius `r` from a set of centers `centers`.

    :param structure: aiida.orm.StructureData used to get the cell of the material.
    :param kpt_data: aiida.orm.KpointsData to crop.
    :param centers: aiida.orm.ArrayData containing an array named `centers`.
                    Each element of `centers` is used as the center of a spherical cropping.
    :param radius: radius of the sphere cropping.

    :return: aiida.orm.KpointsData node containing the cropped kpoints
    if not isinstance(structure, orm.StructureData):
        raise InputValidationError(
            'Invalide type {} for parameter `structure`'.format(
    if not isinstance(kpt_data, orm.KpointsData):
        raise InputValidationError(
            'Invalide type {} for parameter `kpt_data`'.format(type(kpt_data)))
    if not isinstance(centers, orm.ArrayData):
        raise InputValidationError(
            'Invalide type {} for parameter `centers`'.format(type(centers)))
    if not isinstance(radius, orm.Float):
        raise InputValidationError(
            'Invalide type {} for parameter `radius`'.format(type(radius)))
    centers = centers.get_array('centers')
    if len(centers.shape) != 2 or centers.shape[1] != 3:
        raise InputValidationError(
            'Invalide shape {} for array `centers`. Expected (*,3)'.format(

    r = radius.value
    cell = np.array(structure.cell)
    recipr = recipr_base(cell)

        kpt_cryst = np.array(kpt_data.get_kpoints_mesh(print_list=True))
    except MemoryError:
        return orm.Bool(False)
    kpt_cart = np.dot(kpt_cryst, recipr)

    c_cryst = centers
    c_cart = np.dot(c_cryst, recipr)

    kpt_cart = KDTree(kpt_cart)
    centers = KDTree(c_cart)

    query = kpt_cart.query_ball_tree(centers, r=r)

    where = [n for n, l in enumerate(query) if len(l)]

    new = orm.KpointsData()

    return new
Exemple #24
def find_pairs_within_d(X, r):
    npoints = X.shape[0]
    ntimes = X.shape[1]

    pairs = [set() for _ in range(npoints)]
    for time in range(ntimes):
        tree = KDTree(X[:, time, :])
        for i, js in enumerate(tree.query_ball_tree(tree, r)):
            js = [j for j in js if j != i]
            pairs[i] = pairs[i].union(js)

    return pairs
class KdTreeBlocking(BaseBlocking):
    """ A blocking technique based on KdTree
    def __init__(self, ref_attr_index, target_attr_index, threshold=0.1):
        super(KdTreeBlocking, self).__init__(ref_attr_index, target_attr_index)
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.reftree = None
        self.targettree = None
        self.nb_elements = None

    def _fit(self, refset, targetset):
        """ Fit the blocking
        firstelement = refset[0][self.ref_attr_index]
        self.nb_elements = len(refset)
        idsize = len(firstelement) if isinstance(firstelement, (tuple, list)) else 1
        idelement = (0,) * idsize
        # KDTree is expecting a two-dimensional array
        if idsize == 1:
            self.reftree  = KDTree([(elt[self.ref_attr_index],) or idelement for elt in refset])
            self.targettree = KDTree([(elt[self.target_attr_index],) or idelement for elt in targetset])
            self.reftree = KDTree([elt[self.ref_attr_index] or idelement for elt in refset])
            self.targettree = KDTree([elt[self.target_attr_index] or idelement for elt in targetset])

    def _iter_blocks(self):
        """ Iterator over the different possible blocks.


        (block1, block2): The blocks are always (reference_block, target_block)
                          and containts the indexes of the record in the
                          corresponding dataset.
        extraneighbours = self.reftree.query_ball_tree(self.targettree, self.threshold)
        neighbours = []
        for ind in xrange(self.nb_elements):
            if not extraneighbours[ind]:
            _ref = [self.refids[ind],]
            _target = [self.targetids[v] for v in extraneighbours[ind]]
            neighbours.append((_ref, _target))
        for block1, block2 in neighbours:
            if len(block1) and len(block2):
                yield block1, block2

    def _cleanup(self):
        """ Cleanup blocking for further use (e.g. in pipeline)
        self.reftree = None
        self.targettree = None
        self.nb_elements = None
def remove_duplicates(center_centroids, center_contours, other_centroids, shift):
	picks = []
	if len(other_centroids)>0:
		picks = []
		center_tree = KDTree(center_centroids)
		other_tree  = KDTree(other_centroids-np.ones(other_centroids.shape)*shift)
		q = center_tree.query_ball_tree(other_tree, overlap_distance)
		for (k, neighbour_list) in enumerate(q):
			if len(neighbour_list) < 1:
		return center_centroids[picks], list(np.array(center_contours)[picks])
		return center_centroids, center_contours
def estimate_location(points): #shape_names, distances):
	# finding half as many points which are close to each other to localize
	num_relevant_points = len(points) / 2
	# checking that distance between points is less than length_threshold
	length_threshold = 6
	kd = KDTree(points)

	# find a collection of points less than length_threshold apart
	ball = kd.query_ball_tree(kd, length_threshold)
	# keep shrinking the length_threshold until we have the correct number of points
	for i in range(1,4):
		if len(ball[0]) > num_relevant_points + 1:
			length_threshold = length_threshold - 1
			ball = kd.query_ball_tree(kd, length_threshold)

	# this needs to be generalized
	if len(points) == 6:
		indices = ball[1]
		indices = ball[0]

	all_points = points.tolist()
	relevant_points = []
	[relevant_points.append(all_points[indices[i]]) for i in range(len(indices))]

	#print relevant_points

	# average of relevant points is used as localization estimate
	estimated_point = np.mean(np.array(relevant_points), axis=0)

	return estimated_point
 def compute(self, dataset_pool):
     parcels = self.get_dataset()
     if self.filter is not None:
         index = where(parcels[self.filter] > 0)[0]
         index = arange(parcels.size())
     arr = parcels[self.quantity][index]
     coords = column_stack( (parcels["x_coord_sp"][index], parcels["y_coord_sp"][index]) )
     kd_tree = KDTree(coords, 100)
     KDTresults = kd_tree.query_ball_tree(kd_tree, self.radius)
     result = zeros(parcels.size(), dtype=arr.dtype)
     tmp = array(map(lambda l: arr[l].sum(), KDTresults))
     result[index] = tmp
     return result
Exemple #29
def find_affine_transform(test_srcs,
    Return the 2 by 3 affine transformation M that maps pixel coordinates
    (indices) from the reference image r = (x, y)
    into the test image t = (x, y).
    t = M * r
    if len(test_srcs) < 3:
        raise Exception(
            "Test sources are less than the minimum value of points (3).")

    if invariant_map is None:
        inv_map = InvariantTriangleMapping()

    if len(ref_srcs) < 3:
        raise Exception(
            "Ref sources are less than the minimum value of points (3).")
    # generate_invariants should return a list of the invariant tuples for each
    # asterism and a corresponding list of the indices that make up the astrsm
    ref_invariants, ref_asterisms = \
        inv_map.generate_invariants(ref_srcs, nearest_neighbors=7)
    ref_invariant_tree = KDTree(ref_invariants)

    test_invariants, test_asterisms = \
        inv_map.generate_invariants(test_srcs, nearest_neighbors=5)
    test_invariant_tree = KDTree(test_invariants)

    # 0.03 is just an empirical number that returns about the same number of
    # matches than inputs
    matches_list = \
        test_invariant_tree.query_ball_tree(ref_invariant_tree, 0.03)

    matches = []
    # t1 is an asterism in test, t2 in ref
    for t1, t2_list in zip(test_asterisms, matches_list):
        for t2 in np.array(ref_asterisms)[t2_list]:
            matches.append(zip(t2, t1))
    matches = np.array(matches)

    inv_model = inv_map.MatchTransform(ref_srcs, test_srcs)
    n_invariants = len(matches)
    max_iter = n_invariants
    min_matches = min(10, int(n_invariants * min_matches_fraction))
    best_m = ransac(matches, inv_model, 1, max_iter, max_pix_tol, min_matches)
    return best_m
Exemple #30
 def _greedy_cluster_batch(self, all_tree, index_map, batch_map, batch_points,
                           clusters, clustered_points):
     query_tree = KDTree(np.array(batch_points))
     result = query_tree.query_ball_tree(all_tree, self.radius, eps=0.1)
     for i, pts in enumerate(result):
         index_in_all_points = batch_map[i]
         if index_in_all_points in clustered_points:
         clusters[index_in_all_points] = set([index_in_all_points])
         pts = {index_map[pt] for pt in pts}
         pts -= clustered_points
         clusters[index_in_all_points] |= pts
         clustered_points |= pts
     return clusters, clustered_points
Exemple #31
class test_sparse_distance_matrix:
    def setUp(self):
        n = 50
        m = 4
        self.T1 = KDTree(np.random.randn(n, m), leafsize=2)
        self.T2 = KDTree(np.random.randn(n, m), leafsize=2)
        self.r = 0.3

    def test_consistency_with_neighbors(self):
        M = self.T1.sparse_distance_matrix(self.T2, self.r)
        r = self.T1.query_ball_tree(self.T2, self.r)
        for i, l in enumerate(r):
            for j in l:
                assert_equal(M[i, j], distance(self.T1.data[i], self.T2.data[j]))
        for ((i, j), d) in M.items():
            assert j in r[i]
Exemple #32
def remove_duplicates(center_centroids, center_contours, other_centroids,
                      shift, min_distance):
    """Removes duplicate contours and centroids from center_contours and 

	Uses KDTree to remove duplicates in overlapping regions between two 
	adjacent blocks. The objects in the other block are shifted, This is 
	necessary because all points are relative to their corresponding block.

	center_centroids : (N,2) numpy array
		Array containing points relative to the center block.
	center_contours : list of length N
		List with contours corresponding to points in center block.
	other_centroids : (M,2) numpy array
		Array containing points relative to other block.
	shift : 2-tuple
		Tuple of the form (w, h), such that w is added to the first component 
		of each point in other_centroids, and h is added to the second component.
	min_distance : float
		Minimum distance between to centroids. If their distance is smaller,
		remove the centroid and its corresponding contour from the center block.

	center_centroids : (N*,2) numpy array
		Numpy array containing points which have not been removed, note that
		N* <= N.
	center_contours : list of length N*
		List containing contours corresponding to the points which have not
		been removed.

    picks = []
    if len(other_centroids) > 0:
        picks = []
        center_tree = KDTree(center_centroids)
        other_tree = KDTree(other_centroids -
                            np.ones(other_centroids.shape) * shift)
        q = center_tree.query_ball_tree(other_tree, min_distance)
        for (k, neighbour_list) in enumerate(q):
            if len(neighbour_list) < 1:
        return center_centroids[picks], list(np.array(center_contours)[picks])
        return center_centroids, center_contours
Exemple #33
def find_affine_transform(test_srcs, ref_srcs, max_pix_tol=2.,
                          min_matches_fraction=0.8, invariant_map=None):
    Return the 2 by 3 affine transformation M that maps pixel coordinates
    (indices) from the reference image r = (x, y)
    into the test image t = (x, y).
    t = M * r
    if len(test_srcs) < 3:
        raise Exception(
            "Test sources are less than the minimum value of points (3).")

    if invariant_map is None:
        inv_map = InvariantTriangleMapping()

    if len(ref_srcs) < 3:
        raise Exception(
            "Ref sources are less than the minimum value of points (3).")
    # generate_invariants should return a list of the invariant tuples for each
    # asterism and a corresponding list of the indices that make up the astrsm
    ref_invariants, ref_asterisms = \
        inv_map.generate_invariants(ref_srcs, nearest_neighbors=7)
    ref_invariant_tree = KDTree(ref_invariants)

    test_invariants, test_asterisms = \
        inv_map.generate_invariants(test_srcs, nearest_neighbors=5)
    test_invariant_tree = KDTree(test_invariants)

    # 0.03 is just an empirical number that returns about the same number of
    # matches than inputs
    matches_list = \
        test_invariant_tree.query_ball_tree(ref_invariant_tree, 0.03)

    matches = []
    # t1 is an asterism in test, t2 in ref
    for t1, t2_list in zip(test_asterisms, matches_list):
        for t2 in np.array(ref_asterisms)[t2_list]:
            matches.append(zip(t2, t1))
    matches = np.array(matches)

    inv_model = inv_map.MatchTransform(ref_srcs, test_srcs)
    n_invariants = len(matches)
    max_iter = n_invariants
    min_matches = min(10, int(n_invariants * min_matches_fraction))
    best_m = ransac(matches, inv_model, 1, max_iter, max_pix_tol,
    return best_m
Exemple #34
class test_sparse_distance_matrix:
    def setUp(self):
        n = 50
        m = 4
        self.T1 = KDTree(np.random.randn(n, m), leafsize=2)
        self.T2 = KDTree(np.random.randn(n, m), leafsize=2)
        self.r = 0.3

    def test_consistency_with_neighbors(self):
        M = self.T1.sparse_distance_matrix(self.T2, self.r)
        r = self.T1.query_ball_tree(self.T2, self.r)
        for i, l in enumerate(r):
            for j in l:
                assert_equal(M[i, j], distance(self.T1.data[i],
        for ((i, j), d) in M.items():
            assert j in r[i]
    def compute(self, dataset_pool):
        with logger.block(
            name="compute variable jobs_within_DDD_of_parcel_weighted with DDD=%s" % self.radius, verbose=False
            results = None
            distances = None
            with logger.block(name="trying to read cache files", verbose=False):
                    results = self._load_results()
                except IOError:
                    logger.log_warning("Cache file %s could not be loaded" % self.cache_file_name)
                    distances = self._load_distances()
                except IOError:
                    logger.log_warning("Cache file %s could not be loaded" % self.cache_distances_file_name)

            with logger.block(name="initialize datasets", verbose=False):
                parcels = self.get_dataset()
                arr = parcels.sum_dataset_over_ids(dataset_pool.get_dataset("job"), constant=1)

            if not results or not distances:
                with logger.block(name="initialize coords", verbose=False):
                    coords = column_stack((parcels.get_attribute("x_coord_sp"), parcels.get_attribute("y_coord_sp")))

                with logger.block(name="build KDTree", verbose=False):
                    kd_tree = KDTree(coords, 100)

                with logger.block(name="compute neighbourhoods"):
                    results = kd_tree.query_ball_tree(kd_tree, self.radius)

                with logger.block(name="compute euclidean distances"):
                    distances = kd_tree.sparse_distance_matrix(kd_tree, self.radius)

                with logger.block(name="cache neighbourhoods"):
                    if not SimulationState().cache_directory_exists():
                        logger.log_warning("Cache does not exist and is created.")

            with logger.block(name="Sum weighted jobs in neighbourhood", verbose=False):
                #                return_values = array(map(lambda l: arr[l].sum(), results))
                return_values = array(self.euclidean_accessibility_for_parcel(results, distances, arr))

        return return_values
def remove_duplicates(center_centroids, center_contours, other_centroids,
    """Uses KDTree to remove duplicates in overlapping regions between two adjacent blocks. Shift should be a 
	tuple of the form (w, h), such that w is added to the first component of each point in other_centroids, and h
	is added to the second component. This is necessary because all points are relative to their corresponding block."""
    picks = []
    if len(other_centroids) > 0:
        picks = []
        center_tree = KDTree(center_centroids)
        other_tree = KDTree(other_centroids -
                            np.ones(other_centroids.shape) * shift)
        q = center_tree.query_ball_tree(other_tree, overlap_distance)
        for (k, neighbour_list) in enumerate(q):
            if len(neighbour_list) < 1:
        return center_centroids[picks], list(np.array(center_contours)[picks])
        return center_centroids, center_contours
Exemple #37
def findAffineTransform(test_srcs,
    if len(test_srcs) < 3:
        raise Exception(
            "Test sources has less than the minimum value of points (3).")

    if invariantMap is None:
        invMap = InvariantTriangleMapping()

    if len(ref_srcs) < 3:
        raise Exception(
            "Test sources has less than the minimum value of points (3).")
    #generateInvariants should return a list of the invariant tuples for each asterism and
    # a corresponding list of the indices that make up the asterism
    ref_invariants, ref_asterisms = invMap.generateInvariants(
        ref_srcs, nearest_neighbors=7)
    ref_invariant_tree = KDTree(ref_invariants)

    test_invariants, test_asterisms = invMap.generateInvariants(
        test_srcs, nearest_neighbors=5)
    test_invariant_tree = KDTree(test_invariants)

    #0.03 is just an empirical number that returns about the same number of matches than inputs
    matches_list = test_invariant_tree.query_ball_tree(ref_invariant_tree,

    matches = []
    #t1 is an asterism in test, t2 in ref
    for t1, t2_list in zip(test_asterisms, matches_list):
        for t2 in np.array(ref_asterisms)[t2_list]:
            matches.append(zip(t2, t1))
    matches = np.array(matches)

    invModel = invMap.matchTransform(ref_srcs, test_srcs)
    nInvariants = len(matches)
    max_iter = nInvariants
    min_matches = min(10, int(nInvariants * min_matches_fraction))
    bestM = ransac.ransac(matches, invModel, 1, max_iter, max_pix_tol,
    return bestM
Exemple #38
    def __add_matching_edges(self, distance_threshold, voxel_size):

        assert (len(voxel_size) == 3)
        assert (isinstance(voxel_size, np.ndarray))
        assert (isinstance(distance_threshold, int))

        gt_nodes = {}
        rec_nodes = {}
        for v, data in self.nodes(data=True):
            if data["line_type"] == 'gt':
                gt_nodes[v] = np.array([data["z"], data["y"], data["x"]])
            elif data["line_type"] == 'rec':
                rec_nodes[v] = np.array([data["z"], data["y"], data["x"]])
                raise ValueError("Node with line type {} in db. Abort.".format(

        gt_positions = np.array(list(gt_nodes.values()))
        gt_node_ids = list(gt_nodes.keys())

        rec_positions = np.array(list(rec_nodes.values()))
        rec_node_ids = list(rec_nodes.keys())

        if len(gt_positions) > 0 and len(rec_positions) > 0:
            gt_tree = KDTree(gt_positions * voxel_size)
            rec_tree = KDTree(rec_positions * voxel_size)
            From the docs:
            KDTree.query_ball_tree(other, r, p=2.0, eps=0)
            For each element self.data[i] of this tree,
            results[i] is a list of the indices of its neighbors in other.data.

            results = gt_tree.query_ball_tree(rec_tree, r=distance_threshold)

            for gt_idx in range(len(results)):
                gt_node_id = gt_node_ids[gt_idx]

                for rec_idx in results[gt_idx]:
                    rec_node_id = rec_node_ids[rec_idx]
Exemple #39
def fuse_close_companions(x,d):
    Function: fuse points in x which are closer than d
    x[:,:]: float
        array of points [n_point:n_dim]
    d: float
        fuse points that are closer than this distance
        new version of x with fused points
    # make KDTree object
    # make neighbour list
    # loop through x and make a new list of fused points
    for i in range(x.shape[0]):
        if point_active[i]:
            # fuse neighbours
            # loop over neighbour list and deactivate points
            for j in neib_list[i]:
    return np.array(x_new)
def Near(V, r_n):

    # Create a KD Tree first
    KDT = KDTree(data=V)

    # Create the KD Tree to search against
    search_against = KDTree(data=V)

    # run query_ball_tree; returns list of lists
    results = KDT.query_ball_tree(other=search_against, r=r_n)

    # for vertex indexed by i, results[i] contains all indices j such that dist(v[i],v[j]) < r
    edges = [None] * len(V)
    for i in range(len(V)):
        edges[i] = []
        for j in results[i]:
            if i != j:

    return edges
Exemple #41
    def __add_matching_edges(self, distance_threshold, voxel_size):
        Connect ground truth and reconstruction vertices of the matching
        graph to each other that are below a certain distance threshold.
        Distance threshold should be given in physical coordinates 
        together with the voxel size.

        logger.info("Add matching edges...")

        gt_positions = self.get_positions("gt")
        rec_positions = self.get_positions("rec")

        # tag_positions[i] == matching_graph.get_position[tag_mv_ids[i]]
        gt_mv_ids = self.get_mv_ids("gt")
        rec_mv_ids = self.get_mv_ids("rec")

        logger.info("Initialize KDTrees...")
        gt_tree = KDTree(gt_positions * np.array(voxel_size))
        rec_tree = KDTree(rec_positions * np.array(voxel_size))
        From the docs:
        KDTree.query_ball_tree(other, r, p=2.0, eps=0)
        For each element self.data[i] of this tree, 
        results[i] is a list of the indices of its neighbors in other.data.
        logger.info("Query ball tree...")
        results = gt_tree.query_ball_tree(rec_tree, r=distance_threshold)

        logger.info("Add matching edges to graph...")

        for gt_id in range(len(results)):
            mv_id_source = gt_mv_ids[gt_id]

            for rec_id in results[gt_id]:
                mv_id_target = rec_mv_ids[rec_id]
                edge = self.add_edge(mv_id_source, mv_id_target)
                # Set matching edge property:
                # Add distance:
Exemple #42
    def calculate_point_density(self, 

        sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) # TODO: Check alternatives

        # Set precision for decimal numbers
        getcontext().prec = 4

        tree = KDTree(np.array(list_points))
        neighbors = tree.query_ball_tree(tree, radius)
        frequency = np.array(map(len, neighbors))
        density_list = ((frequency/Decimal(len(list_ids)))*100).tolist()

        density = zip(list_ids, density_list)

        # Remove double id codes 
        res = set()
        res = [item for item in density if item[0] not in res and not res.add(item[0])]

        return res
Exemple #43
class test_sparse_distance_matrix:
    def setUp(self):
        n = 50
        m = 4
        self.T1 = KDTree(np.random.randn(n,m),leafsize=2)
        self.T2 = KDTree(np.random.randn(n,m),leafsize=2)
        self.r = 0.5

    def test_consistency_with_neighbors(self):
        M = self.T1.sparse_distance_matrix(self.T2, self.r)
        r = self.T1.query_ball_tree(self.T2, self.r)
        for i,l in enumerate(r):
            for j in l:
                                    distance(self.T1.data[i], self.T2.data[j]),
        for ((i,j),d) in M.items():
            assert_(j in r[i])

    def test_zero_distance(self):
        # raises an exception for bug 870
        self.T1.sparse_distance_matrix(self.T1, self.r)
Exemple #44
def match_radec( cat1, cat2, offset_ra, offset_dec, dt_ratio, count, imname1, imname2, ax1, ax2 ):

    FILE = open('xy19.reg', 'r')
    dat  = FILE.readlines()

    FILE = open('plant19.txt', 'r')
    dat2  = FILE.readlines()
    RA_plant, DEC_plant, MAG_plant = [],[],[]
    for k in dat:
        k = k.strip().split()
        RA_plant.append( float(k[0]) )
        DEC_plant.append( float(k[1]) )
    for k in dat2:
        k = k.strip().split()
        MAG_plant.append( float(k[6]) )
        #print RA_plant[-1], DEC_plant[-1]
    RA_plant, DEC_plant = numpy.asarray( RA_plant ), numpy.asarray( DEC_plant )
    MAG_plant = numpy.asarray( MAG_plant )
    cRA10, cDEC10 = numpy.asarray(cat1[ 'XWIN_WORLD' ][:]), numpy.asarray(cat1['YWIN_WORLD'][:])
    cRA20, cDEC20 = numpy.asarray(cat2[ 'XWIN_WORLD' ][:]), numpy.asarray(cat2['YWIN_WORLD'][:])

    RA1, DEC1 = 1.0*cat1[ 'XWIN_WORLD' ][:], 1.0*cat1['YWIN_WORLD'][:]
    RA2, DEC2 = 1.0*cat2[ 'XWIN_WORLD' ][:], 1.0*cat2['YWIN_WORLD'][:]

    #print RA1
    #print DEC1
    X1, Y1, X2, Y2 = cat1[ 'XWIN_IMAGE' ], cat1['YWIN_IMAGE'], cat2[ 'XWIN_IMAGE' ], cat2['YWIN_IMAGE']
    MAG1, MAG2 = cat1[ 'MAG_APER' ], cat2[ 'MAG_APER' ]
    SN1, SN2 = cat1[ 'FLUX_APER' ] / cat1[ 'FLUXERR_APER' ], cat2[ 'FLUX_APER' ] / cat2[ 'FLUXERR_APER' ]
    RA1 *= 3600.0 / numpy.cos( DEC1 * math.pi / 180.0 )
    RA2 *= 3600.0 / numpy.cos( DEC2 * math.pi / 180.0 )

    #RA_plant *= 3600.0 / numpy.cos( DEC_plant * math.pi / 180.0 )

    RA1 += offset_ra
    #RA_plant += offset_ra
    DEC1 *= 3600.0
    DEC2 *= 3600.0
    #DEC_plant *= 3600.0
    DEC1 += offset_dec
    #DEC_plant += offset_dec
    tree1 = KDTree( numpy.asarray( [RA1, DEC1] ).T )
    tree2 = KDTree( numpy.asarray( [RA2, DEC2] ).T )    
    #tree3 = KDTree( numpy.asarray( [RA_plant, DEC_plant] ).T )    
    match_pairs = tree1.query_ball_tree( tree2, r=math.ceil( dt_ratio*0.04 ) )
    #plant_pairs = tree1.query_ball_tree( tree3, r=20.0*0.04 )

    #print match_pairs

    FILE1 = open('a.reg', 'a')
    FILE2 = open('b.reg', 'a')

    X_all, Y_all = [],[]
    X_all2, Y_all2 = [],[]
    MAG_ALL1, MAG_ALL2 = [],[]
    SN_ALL1, SN_ALL2 = [],[]
    IS_PLANT = []
    OBJ_info = []
    for i in range(0, len(tree1.data)):
        for j in match_pairs[i]:

                if  abs(MAG1[i] - MAG2[j]) <= 1.0:
                        #print X1[i], Y1[i], X2[j], Y2[j]
                        FILE1.write('circle(%s,%s,5) # text = {%s}\n'%( X1[i], Y1[i], count ) )
                        FILE1.write('circle(%s,%s,5) # text = {%s}\n'%( X2[j], Y2[j], count ) )
                        FILE1.write('line %s %s %s %s\n'%( X1[i], Y1[i], X2[j], Y2[j] ) )
                        FILE2.write('circle(%s,%s,20) # text = {%s}\n'%( X2[j], Y2[j], count ) )
                        #X_all.append( X1[i] )
                        #Y_all.append( Y1[i] )
                        #X_all2.append( X2[i] )
                        #Y_all2.append( Y2[i] )
                        #MAG_ALL1.append( MAG1[i] )
                        #MAG_ALL2.append( MAG2[j] )
                        #SN_ALL1.append( SN1[i] )
                        #SN_ALL2.append( SN2[j] )

                        OBJ_info.append( [ X1[i], Y1[i],
                                           cRA10[i], cDEC10[i],
                                           X2[j], Y2[j],
                                           cRA20[j], cDEC20[j],
                                           MAG2[j], SN1[i], SN2[j] ] )
                        #if len(plant_pairs[i]) != 0:
                        #        print 'PLANT:',X1[i],Y1[i], '%.3f'%(tree3.query([ RA1[i],DEC1[i] ])[0] / 0.04)
                        #        print MAG1[i], MAG_plant[  tree3.query([ RA1[i],DEC1[i] ])[1] ] - MAG1[i], MAG_plant[  tree3.query([ RA1[i],DEC1[i] ])[1] ] - MAG2[i]
                        #        IS_PLANT.append( 1 )
                        #        print 'NOT PLANT:',X1[i],Y1[i], '%.3f'%(tree3.query([ RA1[i],DEC1[i] ])[0] / 0.04)
                        #        IS_PLANT.append( 0 )
                        #retval = topng(imname1,  X1[i], Y1[i], imname2,  X2[j], Y2[j], 'junk1.fits', 'junk2.fits',ax1, ax2)
                        #if retval:
                        #     pylab.savefig('%s_%s_%s_good.png'%(str(count).rjust(3,'0'), int(round(X1[i])), int(round(Y1[i]))), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=120)
                        #    pylab.savefig('%s_%s_%s_bad.png'%(str(count).rjust(3,'0'), int(round(X1[i])), int(round(Y1[i]))), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=120)
                        #if IS_PLANT[-1]:
                        #    ax2.annotate( xy=(10,10), s=MAG_plant[  tree3.query([ RA1[i],DEC1[i] ])[1] ], color='w' ) 
                        #    pylab.savefig('%s_%s_%sP.png'%(str(count).rjust(3,'0'), int(round(X1[i])), int(round(Y1[i]))), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=120)
                        #    pylab.savefig('%s_%s_%sN.png'%(str(count).rjust(3,'0'), int(round(X1[i])), int(round(Y1[i]))), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=120)

    #MAG_ALL1, SN_ALL1, MAG_ALL2, SN_ALL2 = numpy.asarray( MAG_ALL1 ), numpy.asarray( SN_ALL1 ), numpy.asarray( MAG_ALL2 ), numpy.asarray( SN_ALL2 )
    #IS_PLANT = numpy.asarray( IS_PLANT )
    #ok = numpy.where( numpy.asarray( IS_PLANT ) )

    return OBJ_info #X_all, Y_all, X_all2, Y_all2, SN_ALL1, SN_ALL2
Exemple #45
    def run(self, rinput):
        self.logger.info('starting processing for object detection')

        flow = self.init_filters(rinput)

        hdulist = basic_processing_with_combination(rinput, flow=flow)

        hdr = hdulist[0].header

        self.logger.debug('finding point sources')

            filtername = hdr['FILTER']
            readmode = hdr['READMODE']
            rotang = hdr['ROTANG']
            detpa = hdr['DETPA']
            dtupa = hdr['DTUPA']
            dtub, dtur = datamodel.get_dtur_from_header(hdr)
        except KeyError as error:
            raise RecipeError(error)

        data = hdulist[0].data

        # Copy needed in numpy 1.7
        # This seems already bitswapped??
        # FIXME: check this works offline/online
        # ndata = data.byteswap().newbyteorder()
        # data = data.byteswap(inplace=True).newbyteorder()

        snr_detect = 5.0
        fwhm = 4.0
        npixels = 15
        box_shape = [64, 64]
        self.logger.info('point source detection2')
        self.logger.info('using internal mask to remove corners')
        # Corners
        mask = numpy.zeros_like(data, dtype='int32')
        mask[2000:, 0:80] = 1
        mask[2028:, 2000:] = 1
        mask[:50, 1950:] = 1
        mask[:100, :50] = 1
        # Remove corner regions

        self.logger.info('compute background map, %s', box_shape)
        bkg = sep.Background(data)

        self.logger.info('reference fwhm is %5.1f pixels', fwhm)
        self.logger.info('detect threshold, %3.1f over background', snr_detect)
        self.logger.info('convolve with gaussian kernel, FWHM %3.1f pixels', fwhm)
        sigma = fwhm * gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma
        kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(sigma)

        thresh = snr_detect * bkg.globalrms
        data_s = data - bkg.back()
        objects, segmap = sep.extract(data - bkg.back(), thresh, minarea=npixels,
                                      filter_kernel=kernel.array, segmentation_map=True,
        fits.writeto('segmap.fits', segmap)
        self.logger.info('detected %d objects', len(objects))

        # Hardcoded values
        rs2 = 15.0
        fit_rad = 10.0
        flux_min = 1000.0
        flux_max = 30000.0
        self.logger.debug('Flux limit is %6.1f %6.1f', flux_min, flux_max)
        # FIXME: this should be a view, not a copy
        xall = objects['x']
        yall = objects['y']
        mm = numpy.array([xall, yall]).T
        self.logger.info('computing FWHM')
        # Find objects with pairs inside fit_rad
        kdtree = KDTree(mm)
        nearobjs = (kdtree.query_ball_tree(kdtree, r=fit_rad))
        positions = []
        for idx, obj in enumerate(objects):
            x0 = obj['x']
            y0 = obj['y']
            sl = image_box2d(x0, y0, data.shape, (fit_rad, fit_rad))
            # sl_sky = image_box2d(x0, y0, data.shape, (rs2, rs2))
            part_s = data_s[sl]
            # Logical coordinates
            xx0 = x0 - sl[1].start
            yy0 = y0 - sl[0].start

            _, fwhm_x, fwhm_y = compute_fwhm_2d_simple(part_s, xx0, yy0)

            if min(fwhm_x, fwhm_x) < 3:
            if flux_min > obj['peak'] or flux_max < obj['peak']:
            # nobjs is the number of object inside fit_rad
            nobjs = len(nearobjs[idx])

            flag = 0 if nobjs == 1 else 1

            positions.append([idx, x0, y0, obj['peak'], fwhm_x, fwhm_y, flag])

        self.logger.info('saving photometry')
        positions = numpy.array(positions)
        positions_alt = positions
        self.logger.info('end processing for object detection')

        result = self.create_result(frame=hdulist,
        return result
def drift_calb(data_coord,data,calb_coord,calb,interp_method,buff, csv_path):
    Takes four Numpy Arrays
    1 - Data Corrdinates in X, Y, (Z)
    2 - Data
    3 - Calibration line coordinates in X, Y, (Z) - Must be the same format as data coordinates
    4 - Calibration Data - must be the same format as Data
    print "\n"'Calibration started'
    #produces tree of data and calibration coordinates
    dt_tree = KDTree(data_coord)
    cl_tree = KDTree(calb_coord)
    print 'trees created'
    #creates an array containing indexes of calibration point within specified distance of each measured data point
    buff =  float(buff)
    coords = dt_tree.query_ball_tree(cl_tree, buff)
    #print coords
    print len(coords), 'matching coordinates'"\n"
    temp = int(len(coords))
    #creates empty array the same size as data array
    calb_array = np.empty((temp,9))
    #produces temp blank lists 
    for i in range(3,9):
    xp = []
    #creates list of calibration data
    for row in coords:
        if row:
            for i in range(3,9):
                temp_calb = 0
                for k in range(len(row)):
                    temp_calb += calb[row[k],i]
                tempdata = data[(j),(i)]  - temp_calb/len(row)
        j += 1
    Northings = data[:,0]
    Eastings = data[:,1]
    Altitude = data[:,2]
    calb_array = np.column_stack((Northings,Eastings,Altitude))
    #Creates list of interpolated calibration data using chosen method
    for i in range(3,9):
        if interp_method:
            s = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(xp,vars()['temp',i],k=3)
            vars()['c'+str(i)] = s(range(j))
            vars()['c' + str(i)] = np.interp(range(j),xp,vars()['temp',i])
        calb_array = np.column_stack((calb_array,vars()['c'+str(i)]))
    #prints the calibration curves to csv files to check for erroneous results.
        np.savetxt(csv_path + '/' + 'c'+str(i)+'.csv', vars()['c'+str(i)], delimiter=',')
    out_array = np.subtract(data,calb_array)
    out_array[:,0:3] = data_coord
    return out_array
class PolyRigidDiffeomorphism(basis.Model):
    def __init__(self, control_points, smooth, points=None, number_of_steps=1., step=1.):
        self.control_points = control_points.copy()
        self.control_tree = KDTree(self.control_points)
        self.smooth = smooth
        self.parameter = self.identity
        self.points = points
        self.number_of_steps = float(number_of_steps)
        self.step = float(step)
        self.time = self.step / self.number_of_steps
        if points is not None:
            self.tree = KDTree(points)

    def __getstate__(self):
        result = self.__dict__.copy()
        if 'tree' in result:
            del result['tree']
        if 'control_tree' in result:
            del result['control_tree']
        return result

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        for name, value in dict.iteritems():
            setattr(self, name, value)
        self.control_tree = KDTree(self.control_points)
        if 'points' in dict and self.points is not None:
            self.tree = KDTree(self.points)

    def identity(self):
        return numpy.tile(
            numpy.array((0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)),

    def bounds(self):
        return numpy.tile(
                [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi],
                [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi],
                [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi],
                [-numpy.inf, numpy.inf],
                [-numpy.inf, numpy.inf],
                [-numpy.inf, numpy.inf]
            (len(self.control_points), 1)

    def transform_points(self, points):
        if not points is self.points:
            tree = KDTree(points)
            tree = self.tree

        displacements_uw = numpy.zeros_like(points, dtype=float)
        displacements = numpy.zeros_like(points, dtype=float)
        total_weights = numpy.zeros((len(points), 1))

        points_to_each_control = self.control_tree.query_ball_tree(tree, self.smooth * 3)

        for i, point_indices_to_control in enumerate(points_to_each_control):
            if len(point_indices_to_control) == 0:

            points_to_control = points[point_indices_to_control] - self.control_points[i]
            distances2 = (points_to_control ** 2).sum(1)

            weights = self.kernel(distances2)[:, None]
            total_weights[point_indices_to_control] += weights

            matrix = rigid_from_parameters(self.parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6])
            rotations = matrix[:3, :3]
            translation = matrix[:3, -1]
            displacement_matrix = expm(rotations / self.number_of_steps)
            displacement_matrix[(0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2)] -= 1
            displacement = (
                translation / self.number_of_steps +
                numpy.dot(displacement_matrix, (
                    points_to_control - translation * self.time

            displacements_uw[point_indices_to_control] += (

            displacements[point_indices_to_control] += (
                displacement * weights

        total_weights_mask = (total_weights > 0).ravel()
        displacements[total_weights_mask] /= total_weights[total_weights_mask]
        return displacements + points

    def jacobian(self, points):
        if not points is self.points:
            tree = KDTree(points)
            tree = self.tree

        jacobian = numpy.zeros((len(points), 6 * len(self.control_points), 3))
        jacobian_uw = numpy.zeros_like(jacobian, dtype=float)
        total_weights = numpy.zeros((len(points), 1))

        points_to_each_control = self.control_tree.query_ball_tree(tree, self.smooth * 3)

        for i, point_indices_to_control in enumerate(points_to_each_control):
            if len(point_indices_to_control) == 0:

            points_to_control = points[point_indices_to_control] - self.control_points[i]
            distances2 = (points_to_control ** 2).sum(1)

            weights = self.kernel(distances2)[:, None]
            total_weights[point_indices_to_control] += weights
            control_point_jacobian = self.rigid_jacobian(
                self.parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6],

            jacobian_uw[point_indices_to_control, i * 6: (i + 1) * 6, :] += (

            jacobian[point_indices_to_control, i * 6: (i + 1) * 6, :] += (
                control_point_jacobian * weights[:, None]

        total_weights_mask = (total_weights > 0).ravel()
        jacobian[total_weights_mask] /= total_weights[:, None][total_weights_mask]
        return jacobian

    def jacobian_position(self, points):
        if not points is self.points:
            tree = KDTree(points)
            tree = self.tree

        jacobian = numpy.zeros((len(points), 3, 3))
        jacobian_uw = numpy.zeros_like(jacobian, dtype=float)
        total_weights = numpy.zeros((len(points), 1))

        points_to_each_control = self.control_tree.query_ball_tree(tree, self.smooth * 3)

        for i, point_indices_to_control in enumerate(points_to_each_control):
            if len(point_indices_to_control) == 0:

            points_to_control = points[point_indices_to_control] - self.control_points[i]
            distances2 = (points_to_control ** 2).sum(1)

            weights = self.kernel(distances2)[:, None]
            total_weights[point_indices_to_control] += weights
            control_point_parameter = self.parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6].copy()
            control_point_jacobian = rigid_from_parameters(control_point_parameter)[:-1, :-1].T

            jacobian_uw[point_indices_to_control, :, :] += (

            jacobian[point_indices_to_control, :, :] += (
                control_point_jacobian * weights[:, None]

        total_weights_mask = (total_weights > 0).ravel()
        jacobian[total_weights_mask] /= total_weights[:, None][total_weights_mask]
        return jacobian

    def affine_matrices(self):
        affine_matrices = numpy.empty((len(self.control_points), 4, 4))
        for i in xrange(len(self.control_points)):
            affine_matrices[i] = rigid_from_parameters(self.parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6])

        return affine_matrices

    def kernel(self, distances2):
        return  numpy.exp(-distances2 / self.smooth ** 2)

    def log(parameter):
        n_matrices = len(parameter) / 6
        matrices = numpy.empty((n_matrices, 4, 4))
        for i in xrange(n_matrices):
            p = parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6].copy()
            matrices[i, :, :] = logm(
        return matrices

    def rigid_transform_points(affine_parameter, points):
        cos_phi, cos_theta, cos_psi = cos(affine_parameter[0: 3])
        sin_phi, sin_theta, sin_psi = sin(affine_parameter[0: 3])

        displacement = affine_parameter[-3:][None, :]

        x = points[:, 0][:, None]
        y = points[:, 1][:, None]
        z = points[:, 2][:, None]
        return numpy.c_[
            cos_theta * cos_psi * x + (-cos_phi * sin_psi + sin_phi * sin_theta * cos_psi) * y + (sin_phi * sin_psi + cos_phi * sin_theta * cos_psi) * z,
            cos_theta * sin_psi * x + (cos_phi * cos_psi + sin_phi * sin_theta * sin_psi) * y + (-sin_phi * cos_psi + cos_phi * sin_theta * sin_psi) * z,
            -sin_theta * x + sin_phi * cos_theta * y + cos_phi * cos_theta * z
        ] + displacement

    def rigid_transform_vectors(affine_parameter, vectors):
        cos_phi, cos_theta, cos_psi = cos(affine_parameter[0: 3])
        sin_phi, sin_theta, sin_psi = sin(affine_parameter[0: 3])

        x = vectors[:, 0][:, None]
        y = vectors[:, 1][:, None]
        z = vectors[:, 2][:, None]
        return numpy.c_[
            cos_theta * cos_psi * x + (-cos_phi * sin_psi + sin_phi * sin_theta * cos_psi) * y + (sin_phi * sin_psi + cos_phi * sin_theta * cos_psi) * z,
            cos_theta * sin_psi * x + (cos_phi * cos_psi + sin_phi * sin_theta * sin_psi) * y + (-sin_phi * cos_psi + cos_phi * sin_theta * sin_psi) * z,
            -sin_theta * x + sin_phi * cos_theta * y + cos_phi * cos_theta * z

    def rigid_jacobian(affine_parameter, points):
        centered_points = numpy.atleast_2d(points)

        x = centered_points[:, 0][:, None].flatten()
        y = centered_points[:, 1][:, None].flatten()
        z = centered_points[:, 2][:, None].flatten()

        cos_phi, cos_theta, cos_psi = cos(affine_parameter[0: 3])
        sin_phi, sin_theta, sin_psi = sin(affine_parameter[0: 3])

        jacobian = numpy.zeros((len(points), 6, 3))

        jacobian[:, 0, 0] = cos_theta * sin_psi * x
        jacobian[:, 0, 1] = (cos_phi * cos_psi + sin_psi * sin_theta * sin_phi) * y
        jacobian[:, 0, 2] = (-sin_phi * cos_psi + cos_phi * sin_theta * sin_psi) * z
        jacobian[:, 1, 0] = -sin_theta * x
        jacobian[:, 1, 1] = cos_theta * sin_phi * y
        jacobian[:, 1, 2] = cos_phi * cos_theta * z

        linear.jacobian_rotation(affine_parameter[0: 3], points, jacobian[:, 0: 3, :])
        linear.jacobian_translation(affine_parameter[3: 6], points, jacobian[:, 3: 6, :])

        return jacobian

    def compute_rigid_rotation_derivatives(matrix, N):
        rotations = numpy.array([
                [0, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, -1],
                [0, 1, 0]
            ], [
                [0, 0, 1],
                [0, 0, 0],
                [-1, 0, 0]
            ], [
                [0, -1, 0],
                [1, 0, 0],
                [0, 0, 0]

        scaling_matrices = [numpy.eye(3)]
        for i in xrange(N):

        derivative_matrices = rotations * 0.
        for n in xrange(1, N):
            for i in xrange(1, n + 1):
                for k in xrange(3):
                    derivative_matrices += numpy.dot(
                            scaling_matrices[i - 1], rotations[k]
                        ), scaling_matrices[n - i]

        return derivative_matrices
Exemple #48
	import numpy as np                                                                                                                                                                                             
	import scipy.spatial as ss                                                                                                                                                                                     
	from itertools import combinations
	from itertools import permutations
	import time
	d_threshold = 1.5
	points = zip(x, y)
	points2 = zip(x, y)
	start = time.clock()
	# print neighbors #it is a list of lists
	# print distances
	# print points[0]
	# print neighbors #it is a list of lists
	# print distances
	# print neighbors
	# print cneighbors
	#print distances
	# if(neighbors==cneighbors):
		# print "Yes!!!"
class PolyRigid(basis.Model):
    def __init__(self, control_points, smooth, points=None):
        self.control_points = control_points.copy()
        self.control_tree = KDTree(self.control_points)
        self.smooth = smooth
        self.parameter = self.identity
        self.points = points
        if points is not None:
            self.tree = KDTree(points)

    def __getstate__(self):
        result = self.__dict__.copy()
        if 'tree' in result:
            del result['tree']
        if 'control_tree' in result:
            del result['control_tree']
        return result

    def __setstate__(self, dict):
        self.__dict__ = dict
        for name, value in dict.iteritems():
            setattr(self, name, value)
        self.control_tree = KDTree(self.control_points)
        if 'points' in dict and self.points is not None:
            self.tree = KDTree(self.points)

    def identity(self):
        return numpy.tile(
            numpy.array((0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.)),

    def bounds(self):
        return numpy.tile(
                [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi],
                [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi],
                [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi],
                [-numpy.inf, numpy.inf],
                [-numpy.inf, numpy.inf],
                [-numpy.inf, numpy.inf]
            (len(self.control_points), 1)

    def transform_points(self, points):
        if not points is self.points:
            tree = KDTree(points)
            tree = self.tree

        displacements = numpy.zeros_like(points, dtype=float)
        total_weights = numpy.zeros((len(points), 1))

        points_to_each_control = self.control_tree.query_ball_tree(tree, self.smooth * 3)

        for i, point_indices_to_control in enumerate(points_to_each_control):
            if len(point_indices_to_control) == 0:

            points_to_control = points[point_indices_to_control] - self.control_points[i]
            distances2 = (points_to_control ** 2).sum(1)

            weights = self.kernel(distances2)[:, None]
            total_weights[point_indices_to_control] += weights
            displacement = points_to_control - self.rigid_transform_points(
                self.parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6],

            displacements[point_indices_to_control] += (
                displacement * weights

        total_weights_mask = (total_weights > 0).ravel()
        displacements[total_weights_mask] /= total_weights[total_weights_mask]
        return points - displacements

    def transform_vectors(self, points, vectors):
        if not points is self.points:
            tree = KDTree(points)
            tree = self.tree

        displacements_uw = numpy.zeros_like(points, dtype=float)
        displacements = numpy.zeros_like(points, dtype=float)
        total_weights = numpy.zeros((len(points), 1))

        points_to_each_control = self.control_tree.query_ball_tree(tree, self.smooth * 3)

        for i, point_indices_to_control in enumerate(points_to_each_control):
            if len(point_indices_to_control) == 0:

            points_to_control = points[point_indices_to_control] - self.control_points[i]
            vectors_to_control = vectors[point_indices_to_control]
            distances2 = (points_to_control ** 2).sum(1)

            weights = self.kernel(distances2)[:, None]
            total_weights[point_indices_to_control] += weights
            displacement = vectors_to_control - self.rigid_transform_vectors(
                self.parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6],

            displacements_uw[point_indices_to_control] += (

            displacements[point_indices_to_control] += (
                displacement * weights

        total_weights_mask = (total_weights > 0).ravel()
        displacements[total_weights_mask] /= total_weights[total_weights_mask]
        return vectors - displacements

    def jacobian(self, points):
        if not points is self.points:
            tree = KDTree(points)
            tree = self.tree

        jacobian = numpy.zeros((len(points), 6 * len(self.control_points), 3))
        total_weights = numpy.zeros((len(points), 1))

        points_to_each_control = self.control_tree.query_ball_tree(tree, self.smooth * 3)

        for i, point_indices_to_control in enumerate(points_to_each_control):
            if len(point_indices_to_control) == 0:

            points_to_control = points[point_indices_to_control] - self.control_points[i]
            distances2 = (points_to_control ** 2).sum(1)

            weights = self.kernel(distances2)[:, None]
            total_weights[point_indices_to_control] += weights
            control_point_jacobian = self.rigid_jacobian(
                self.parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6],

            jacobian[point_indices_to_control, i * 6: (i + 1) * 6, :] += (
                control_point_jacobian * weights[:, None]

        total_weights_mask = (total_weights > 0).ravel()
        jacobian[total_weights_mask] /= total_weights[:, None][total_weights_mask]
        return jacobian

    def jacobian_position(self, points):
        if not points is self.points:
            tree = KDTree(points)
            tree = self.tree

        jacobian = numpy.zeros((len(points), 3, 3))
        total_weights = numpy.zeros((len(points), 1))

        points_to_each_control = self.control_tree.query_ball_tree(tree, self.smooth * 3)

        for i, point_indices_to_control in enumerate(points_to_each_control):
            if len(point_indices_to_control) == 0:

            points_to_control = points[point_indices_to_control] - self.control_points[i]
            distances2 = (points_to_control ** 2).sum(1)

            weights = self.kernel(distances2)[:, None]
            total_weights[point_indices_to_control] += weights
            control_point_parameter = self.parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6].copy()
            control_point_jacobian = rigid_from_parameters(control_point_parameter)[:-1, :-1].T

            jacobian[point_indices_to_control, :, :] += (
                control_point_jacobian * weights[:, None]

        total_weights_mask = (total_weights > 0).ravel()
        jacobian[total_weights_mask] /= total_weights[:, None][total_weights_mask]
        return jacobian

    def affine_matrices(self):
        affine_matrices = numpy.empty((len(self.control_points), 4, 4))
        for i in xrange(len(self.control_points)):
            affine_matrices[i] = rigid_from_parameters(self.parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6])

        return affine_matrices

    def kernel(self, distances2):
        return  numpy.exp(-distances2 / self.smooth ** 2)

    def log(parameter):
        n_matrices = len(parameter) / 6
        matrices = numpy.empty((n_matrices, 4, 4))
        for i in xrange(n_matrices):
            p = parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6].copy()
            matrices[i, :, :] = logm(
        return matrices

    def gradient_log(parameter):
        n_matrices = len(parameter) / 6
        matrices = numpy.empty((n_matrices, 4, 4))
        for i in xrange(n_matrices):
            p = parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6].copy()
            #In the case that it is the gradient, we
            #take the parameter as a distance from the
            #identity, so we add the non-scale to it
            p[0: 3] += 1
            matrices[i, :, :] = logm(
        return matrices

    def exp(log_parameter):
        parameter = numpy.empty(6 * len(log_parameter))
        for i in xrange(len(log_parameter)):
            parameter[i * 6: (i + 1) * 6] = parameters_from_rigid(

        return parameter

    def rigid_transform_points(affine_parameter, points):
        cos_phi, cos_theta, cos_psi = cos(affine_parameter[0: 3])
        sin_phi, sin_theta, sin_psi = sin(affine_parameter[0: 3])

        displacement = affine_parameter[-3:][None, :]

        x = points[:, 0][:, None]
        y = points[:, 1][:, None]
        z = points[:, 2][:, None]
        return numpy.c_[
            cos_theta * cos_psi * x + (-cos_phi * sin_psi + sin_phi * sin_theta * cos_psi) * y + (sin_phi * sin_psi + cos_phi * sin_theta * cos_psi) * z,
            cos_theta * sin_psi * x + (cos_phi * cos_psi + sin_phi * sin_theta * sin_psi) * y + (-sin_phi * cos_psi + cos_phi * sin_theta * sin_psi) * z,
            -sin_theta * x + sin_phi * cos_theta * y + cos_phi * cos_theta * z
        ] + displacement

    def rigid_transform_vectors(affine_parameter, vectors):
        cos_phi, cos_theta, cos_psi = cos(affine_parameter[0: 3])
        sin_phi, sin_theta, sin_psi = sin(affine_parameter[0: 3])

        x = vectors[:, 0][:, None]
        y = vectors[:, 1][:, None]
        z = vectors[:, 2][:, None]
        return numpy.c_[
            cos_theta * cos_psi * x + (-cos_phi * sin_psi + sin_phi * sin_theta * cos_psi) * y + (sin_phi * sin_psi + cos_phi * sin_theta * cos_psi) * z,
            cos_theta * sin_psi * x + (cos_phi * cos_psi + sin_phi * sin_theta * sin_psi) * y + (-sin_phi * cos_psi + cos_phi * sin_theta * sin_psi) * z,
            -sin_theta * x + sin_phi * cos_theta * y + cos_phi * cos_theta * z

    def rigid_jacobian(affine_parameter, points):
        centered_points = numpy.atleast_2d(points)

        x = centered_points[:, 0][:, None].flatten()
        y = centered_points[:, 1][:, None].flatten()
        z = centered_points[:, 2][:, None].flatten()

        cos_phi, cos_theta, cos_psi = cos(affine_parameter[0: 3])
        sin_phi, sin_theta, sin_psi = sin(affine_parameter[0: 3])

        jacobian = numpy.zeros((len(points), 6, 3))

        jacobian[:, 0, 0] = cos_theta * sin_psi * x
        jacobian[:, 0, 1] = (cos_phi * cos_psi + sin_psi * sin_theta * sin_phi) * y
        jacobian[:, 0, 2] = (-sin_phi * cos_psi + cos_phi * sin_theta * sin_psi) * z
        jacobian[:, 1, 0] = -sin_theta * x
        jacobian[:, 1, 1] = cos_theta * sin_phi * y
        jacobian[:, 1, 2] = cos_phi * cos_theta * z

        linear.jacobian_rotation(affine_parameter[0: 3], points, jacobian[:, 0: 3, :])
        linear.jacobian_translation(affine_parameter[3: 6], points, jacobian[:, 3: 6, :])

        return jacobian
Exemple #50
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
import gc, os, csv, numpy as np, time
from qgis.core import *

from PyQt4 import QtGui

QgsApplication.setPrefixPath("C:/OSGeo4W/apps/qgis", True)
x, y = np.mgrid[0:5, 2:8]
tree = KDTree(zip(x.ravel(), y.ravel()))
pts = np.array([[0, 0], [2.1, 2.9]])
layer = QgsVectorLayer('D:/FragsDissolve.shp','layer','ogr')
feats = [f for f in feats]
Exemple #51
def despike(data_coord,data,radius,threshold):
    despikes a given dataset using the equation
    Z = (datapoint - mean) / standard deviation
        despike.py <coordinates> <data> <radius> <threshold>
    coordinates: should be a numpy array of x, y, (z) coordinates
    data:numpy array with the same number of rows as coordinates but as many columns as required
    radius:a numerical value
    threshold: a numerical value
    a numpy array containing coordinates and data
    Finnegan Pope-Carter
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.spatial import KDTree

#creates a tree from the coordinates to allow tree querys
    data_tree = KDTree(data_coord)

# creates lists of indices of points within 'radius' of point       
    groups = data_tree.query_ball_tree(data_tree,radius, eps=1)
#defines some variables
    row_delete = []
    col_cnt = data.shape[1]
#creates list of rows Z is greater than defined threshold
    for row in groups:           
        if row:
            for i in range(col_cnt):
                vars()['temp',i] = np.array(data[row,i])
                mean = np.mean(vars()['temp',i])
                std = np.std(vars()['temp',i])
                #Avoids issues with division by/of 0
                if mean == 0:
                if std == 0:
                    z = abs(data[j,i] - mean)/std
                    if z > threshold:
        j += 1
#combines coordinate and data arrays
    data = np.column_stack((data_coord,data))
#deletes rows defined in previous list
    data = np.delete(data, row_delete, axis=0)
#returns numpy array
    return data