Exemple #1
def setTransitionsFork(dimension):
    """ setting transitions in the state space """

    space_size = np.power(2, dimension)
    transition = np.ndarray(shape=(space_size, space_size), dtype=bool)

    state1 = [0 for i in range(dimension)]
    state2 = state1[:]
    for i in range(dimension-1):
        state2[1+i] = 1
        state1[0] = 1
        state2[0] = 1
        transition[st2Ind(state1)][st2Ind(state2)] = True  # forward transition
        transition[st2Ind(state2)][st2Ind(state1)] = True  # backward transition
        state1 = state2[:]

    state1 = [0 for i in range(dimension)]
    state2 = state1[:]
    for i in range(dimension-1):
        state2[dimension-i-1] = 1
        state1[0] = 1
        state2[0] = 1
        transition[st2Ind(state1)][st2Ind(state2)] = True  # forward transition
        transition[st2Ind(state2)][st2Ind(state1)] = True  # backward transition
        state1 = state2[:]

    transition[0][np.power(2, (dimension-1))] = True
    transition[np.power(2, (dimension-1))][0] = True

    print 'Fork transitions'
    printTransitions(transition, dimension)

    return transition
 def DiffFunction(self, x, param):
     Sp, alpha, beta, Ta  = param
     if x < Ta:
         return 0
     x2 = x - Ta
     y = Sp * scipy.power((scipy.e / (alpha*beta)), alpha) * (alpha * scipy.power(x2, alpha - 1) * scipy.exp(-x2/beta) - scipy.power(x2, alpha) * scipy.exp(-x2/beta) / beta)
     return y
 def Function(self, x, param):
     Sp, alpha, beta, Ta  = param
     S0 = self.CalcS0(Ta)
     x2 = (scipy.greater_equal(x, Ta) * (x - Ta))
     #y  = Sp * numpy.abs(scipy.power((scipy.e / (alpha*beta)), alpha)) * numpy.abs(scipy.power(x2, alpha)) * scipy.exp(-x2/beta) + S0
     y  = Sp * numpy.abs(scipy.power((scipy.e / (alpha*beta)), alpha) * scipy.power(x2, alpha) * scipy.exp(-x2/beta)) + S0
     return y
Exemple #4
 def calc_volume(self):
     """calculate the volume over which the compound can move. We have
        Cavg = mass/volume
     return sp.sum((sp.power(self.grid_edge[1:],2) - 
                     ) * sp.pi 
Exemple #5
	def backward_pass(self, a1L, a1R, a2L, a2LR, a2R, a3, z1Lb, z1LRb, z1Rb, z2b, xLb, xRb, t):
		# Third Layer
		if self.k == 2 :
			r3=	-t*self.sigmoid(-t*a3)
		else :
			r3 = a3 - t

		# Second Layer
		r3w3T = sp.dot(self.w3[:,:-1].T, r3)

		grad2L = sp.dot(r2L, z1Lb.T)
		grad2LR = sp.dot(r2LR, z1LRb.T)
		grad2R = sp.dot(r2R, z1Rb.T)
		# First Layer
		r1L = sp.power(1.0/sp.cosh(a1L),2)*(sp.dot(self.w2l[:,:-1].T, r2L)+sp.dot(self.w2lr[:,:self.H1].T, r2LR))
		r1R = sp.power(1.0/sp.cosh(a1R),2)*(sp.dot(self.w2r[:,:-1].T, r2R)+sp.dot(self.w2lr[:,self.H1:-1].T, r2LR))
		grad1L = sp.dot(r1L, xLb.T)
		grad1R = sp.dot(r1R, xRb.T)
		return grad3, grad2L, grad2LR, grad2R, grad1L, grad1R
def r_ion_neutral(s,t,Ni,Nn,Ti,Tn):
    """ This will calculate resonant ion - neutral reactions collision frequencies. See
    table 4.5 in Schunk and Nagy.
    s - Ion name string
    t - neutral name string
    Ni - Ion density cm^-3
    Nn - Neutral density cm^-3
    Ti - Ion tempreture K
    Tn - Neutral tempreture K
    nu_ineu - collision frequency s^-1
    Tr = (Ti+Tn)*0.5
    sp1 = (s,t)
    # from Schunk and Nagy table 4.5
    nudict={('H+','H'):[2.65e-10,0.083],('He+','He'):[8.73e-11,0.093], ('N+','N'):[3.84e-11,0.063],
            ('O+','O'):[3.67e-11,0.064], ('N2+','N'):[5.14e-11,0.069], ('O2+','O2'):[2.59e-11,0.073],
    A = nudict[sp1][0]
    B = nudict[sp1][1]
    if sp1==('O+','H'):

        nu_ineu = A*Nn*sp.power(Ti/16.+Tn,.5)
    elif sp1==('H+','O'):
        nu_ineu = A*Nn*sp.power(Ti,.5)*(1-B*sp.log10(Ti))**2
        nu_ineu = A*Nn*sp.power(Tr,.5)*(1-B*sp.log10(Tr))**2
    return nu_ineu
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     MultiModalFunction.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     self._opts = (rand((self.numPeaks, self.xdim)) - 0.5) * 9.8
     self._opts[0] = (rand(self.xdim) - 0.5) * 8
     alphas = [power(self.maxCond, 2 * i / float(self.numPeaks - 2)) for i in range(self.numPeaks - 1)]
     self._covs = [generateDiags(alpha, self.xdim, shuffled=True) / power(alpha, 0.25) for alpha in [self.optCond] + alphas]
     self._R = orth(rand(self.xdim, self.xdim))
     self._ws = [10] + [1.1 + 8 * i / float(self.numPeaks - 2) for i in range(self.numPeaks - 1)]
def gvf(x, Sp, alpha, beta, Ta, S0):
    global scipy, numpy
    y = (
        * numpy.abs(scipy.power((scipy.e / (alpha * beta)), alpha))
        * numpy.abs(scipy.power((x - Ta), alpha))
        * scipy.exp(-(x - Ta) / beta)
        + S0
    return y
def freqs_b_by_freqs(numFilters, lowFreq, highFreq, c, d, order = 1):
    # Find the center frequencies of the filters from the begin and end frequencies
    EarQ = c
    minBW = d
    vec = scipy.arange(numFilters, 0, -1)
    freqs = -(EarQ*minBW) + scipy.exp(vec*(-scipy.log(highFreq + EarQ*minBW) + scipy.log(lowFreq + EarQ*minBW))/numFilters) * (highFreq + EarQ*minBW);

    ERB = scipy.power((scipy.power((freqs/EarQ), order) + scipy.power(minBW, order)), (1.0 / order))
    B = 1.019 * 2.0 * scipy.pi * ERB

    return (freqs, B)
def plotdata(ionofile_in,ionofile_fit,madfile,time1):

    fig1,axmat =plt.subplots(2,2,facecolor='w',figsize=(10,10))
    axvec = axmat.flatten()
    paramlist = ['ne','te','ti','vo']
    paramlisti = ['Ne','Te','Ti','Vi']
    paramlistiname = ['$N_e$','$T_e$','$T_i$','$V_i$']
    paramunit = ['$m^{-3}$','$^\circ$ K','$^\circ$ K','m/s']
    boundlist = [[0.,7e11],[500.,3200.],[500.,2500.],[-500.,500.]]
    IonoF = IonoContainer.readh5(ionofile_fit)
    IonoI = IonoContainer.readh5(ionofile_in)
    gfit = GeoData(readIono,[IonoF,'spherical'])
    ginp = GeoData(readIono,[IonoI,'spherical'])
    data1 = GeoData(readMad_hdf5,[madfile,['nel','te','ti','vo','dnel','dte','dti','dvo']])
    t1,t2 = data1.timelisting()[340]
    handlist = []
    for inum,iax in enumerate(axvec):
        ploth = rangevsparam(data1,data1.dataloc[0,1:],time1,gkey=paramlist[inum],fig=fig1,ax=iax,it=False)
        ploth = rangevsparam(ginp,ginp.dataloc[0,1:],0,gkey=paramlisti[inum],fig=fig1,ax=iax,it=False)
        ploth = rangevsparam(gfit,gfit.dataloc[0,1:],0,gkey=paramlisti[inum],fig=fig1,ax=iax,it=False)
        iax.set_ylabel('Altitude in km')
        iax.set_xlabel(paramlistiname[inum]+' in '+paramunit[inum])
    # with error bars
    fig1.suptitle('Comparison Without Error Bars\nPFISR Data Times: {0} to {1}'.format(t1,t2))
    plt.figlegend( handlist[:3], ['PFISR', 'SimISR Input','SimISR Fit'], loc = 'lower center', ncol=5, labelspacing=0. )
    fig2,axmat2 =plt.subplots(2,2,facecolor='w',figsize=(10,10))
    axvec2 = axmat2.flatten()
    handlist2 = []
    for inum,iax in enumerate(axvec2):
        ploth = rangevsparam(data1,data1.dataloc[0,1:],time1,gkey=paramlist[inum],gkeyerr='d'+paramlist[inum],fig=fig2,ax=iax,it=False)
        ploth = rangevsparam(ginp,ginp.dataloc[0,1:],0,gkey=paramlisti[inum],fig=fig2,ax=iax,it=False)
        ploth = rangevsparam(gfit,gfit.dataloc[0,1:],0,gkey=paramlisti[inum],gkeyerr='n'+paramlisti[inum],fig=fig2,ax=iax,it=False)
        iax.set_ylabel('Altitude in km')
        iax.set_xlabel(paramlistiname[inum]+' in '+paramunit[inum])
    fig2.suptitle('Comparison With Error Bars\nPFISR Data Times: {0} to {1}'.format(t1,t2))
    plt.figlegend( handlist2[:3], ['PFISR', 'SimISR Input','SimISR Fit'], loc = 'lower center', ncol=5, labelspacing=0. )
    return (fig1,axvec,handlist,fig2,axvec2,handlist2)
Exemple #11
 def calc_mass(self, conc_r, split=0):
     """calculate the mass of component present given value in cell center
     This is given by 2 \pi int_r1^r2 C(r)r dr
     conc_r: concentration in self.grid
     if split == 1:
         grid = self.grid_edge_sp1
     elif split == 2:
         grid = self.grid_edge_sp2
         grid = self.grid_edge
     return sp.sum(conc_r * (sp.power(grid[1:], 2) - 
                             sp.power(grid[:-1], 2)) 
                     ) * sp.pi 
Exemple #12
def f_L(q,a_1,a_2,a_3):
    '''integrand of the static geometrical tensor

    'q' = free variable for the geometrical tensor
    'a_1,a_2,a_3' = three axes of the ellipsoid (in nm)

    'L' = integrand of the static geometrical tensor'''

    L = sp.power(q+a_1**2,-1.5)*sp.power(q+a_2**2,-0.5)*sp.power(q+a_3**2,-0.5)

    return L
Exemple #13
    def likelihood(self, theta):
        X = self.X
        f = self.y
        Theta = 10**theta
        n = np.size(X,0)
        one = np.ones((n,1))

        # build correlation matrix
        R = np.zeros((n, n))
        for i in xrange(n):
            for j in xrange(i+1, n):
                R[i, j] = np.exp( -sum(Theta * sci.power(abs(X[i, :] - X[j, :]), 2)))

        R = R + R.T + np.eye(n) + np.eye(n)*np.finfo(np.float32).eps

        # upper triangular matrix
        U = cholesky(R)

        LnDetPsi = 2 * sum(np.log(abs(np.diag(U))));
        mu = (np.dot(one.T, solve(U, solve(U.T, f)))) / (np.dot(one.T, solve(U, solve(U.T, one))))
        SigmaSqr = (np.dot((f - one*mu).T, solve(U, solve(U.T, f-one*mu))))/n
        NegLnLike = -1*(-(n/2)*np.log(SigmaSqr) - .5*LnDetPsi)

        return NegLnLike, U, mu, SigmaSqr
 def addReward(self):
     """ A filtered mapping towards performAction of the underlying environment. """
     # by default, the cumulative reward is just the sum over the episode
     if self.discount:
         self.cumreward += power(self.discount, self.samples) * self.getReward()
         self.cumreward += self.getReward()
Exemple #15
    def filter(self):

        if self.level > self.max_dec_level():
            clevel = self.max_dec_level()
            clevel = self.level

        # decompose
        coeffs = pywt.wavedec(self.sig, pywt.Wavelet(self.wt), \
                              mode=self.mode, \

        # threshold evaluation
        th = sqrt(2 * log(len(self.sig)) * power(self.sigma, 2))

        # thresholding
        for (i, cAD) in enumerate(coeffs):
            if i == 0:
            coeffs[i] = sign(cAD) * pywt.thresholding.less(abs(cAD), th)

        # reconstruct
        rec_sig = pywt.waverec(coeffs, pywt.Wavelet(self.wt), mode=self.mode)
        if len(rec_sig) == (len(self.sig) + 1):
            self.sig = rec_sig[:-1]
def gauss_legendre(n):
    k = sp.arange(1.0, n)
    a_band = sp.zeros((2, n))
    a_band[1, 0:n - 1] = k / sp.sqrt(4 * k * k - 1)
    x, V = sp.linalg.eig_banded(a_band, lower=True)
    w = 2 * sp.real(sp.power(V[0, :], 2))
    return x, w
Exemple #17
	def setNewScale(self, state):
		Names = ( 'Y_XScale', 'XLogScale', 'YLogScale', 'LogScale' )
		Types = {'c' : 0, 's' : 1, 'r' : 2} 
		senderName = self.sender().objectName()
		t, Type = senderName[0], Types[senderName[0]]
		data = self.getData(Type)
		Scale = data.Scale()
		ui_obj = self.findUi([t + i for i in Names])
		if senderName[1:] == Names[0]:
			#ui_obj = getattr(self.ui, t + "LogScale")
			if state:
				Scale[1] = 2
				data[:,1] = data[:,1] / data[:,0]
				Scale[1] = 0
				data[:,1] = data[:,1] * data[:,0]
			ui_obj[3].setEnabled(not ui_obj[0].isChecked())
			index = bool(senderName[1] != "X")
			#ui_obj = getattr(self.ui, t + Names[0])
			if Scale[index] != state:
				if state == 1:
					data[:,index] = sp.log10(data[:,index])
					data[:,index] = sp.power(10.,data[:,index])
				Scale[index] = int(state)
				ui_obj[0].setEnabled(not (ui_obj[1].isChecked() or ui_obj[2].isChecked()))
		self.updateData(array = Array(data, Type = Type, scale = Scale))
Exemple #18
def asymmetrify(x, beta=0.2):
    res = x.copy()
    dim = len(x)
    for i, xi in enumerate(x):
        if xi > 0:
            res[i] = power(xi, 1+beta*i/(dim-1.)*sqrt(xi))
    return res
Exemple #19
def cosine_alt(h1, h2):  # 17 us @array, 42 us @list \w 100 bins
    Alternative implementation of the cosine distance measure.
    @note under development.
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    return -1 * float(scipy.sum(h1 * h2)) / (scipy.sum(scipy.power(h1, 2)) * scipy.sum(scipy.power(h2, 2)))
Exemple #20
    def filter(self, mode='soft'):

        if self.level > self.max_dec_level():
            clevel = self.max_dec_level()
            clevel = self.level

        # decompose
        coeffs = pywt.wavedec(self.sig, pywt.Wavelet(self.wt), \
                              mode=self.mode, \

        # threshold evaluation
        th = sqrt(2 * log(len(self.sig)) * power(self.sigma, 2))

        # thresholding
        for (i, cAD) in enumerate(coeffs):
            if mode == 'soft':
                coeffs[i] = pywt.thresholding.soft(cAD, th)
            elif mode == 'hard':
                coeffs[i] = pywt.thresholding.hard(cAD, th)

        # reconstruct
        rec_sig = pywt.waverec(coeffs, pywt.Wavelet(self.wt), mode=self.mode)
        if len(rec_sig) == (len(self.sig) + 1):
            self.sig = rec_sig[:-1]
Exemple #21
    def generateNodesAdaptive(self):
        innerDomainSize = self.innerDomainSize
        innerMeshSize   = self.innerMeshSize
        numberElementsInnerDomain = innerDomainSize/innerMeshSize
	assert(numberElementsInnerDomain < self.numberElements)
        domainCenter = (self.domainStart+self.domainEnd)/2
        nodes0 = np.linspace(domainCenter,innerDomainSize/2.0,(numberElementsInnerDomain/2.0)+1.0)
        nodes0 = np.delete(nodes0,-1)
        numberOuterIntervalsFromDomainCenter = (self.numberElements - numberElementsInnerDomain)/2.0
        const = np.log2(innerDomainSize/2.0)/0.5
        exp = np.linspace(const,np.log2(self.domainEnd*self.domainEnd),numberOuterIntervalsFromDomainCenter+1)
        nodes1 = np.power(np.sqrt(2),exp)
        nodesp = np.concatenate((nodes0,nodes1))
        nodesn = -nodesp[::-1]
        nodesn = np.delete(nodesn,-1)
        linNodalCoordinates = np.concatenate((nodesn,nodesp))
        nodalCoordinates = 0

        #Introduce higher order nodes
        if self.elementType == "quadratic" or self.elementType == "cubic":
           if self.elementType == "quadratic":
              numberNodesPerElement = 3 
           elif self.elementType == "cubic":
              numberNodesPerElement = 4

           for i in range(0,len(linNodalCoordinates)-1):
              newnodes = np.linspace(linNodalCoordinates[i],linNodalCoordinates[i+1],numberNodesPerElement)
              nodalCoordinates = np.delete(nodalCoordinates,-1)
              nodalCoordinates = np.concatenate((nodalCoordinates,newnodes))

           nodalCoordinates = linNodalCoordinates
        return nodalCoordinates
Exemple #22
  def generateGaborMotherWavelet(self):
    pitch = 440.0
    sigma = 6.
    NL = 48
    NU = 39
    print 'sampling rate:', self.fs, 'Hz'
    fs = float(self.fs)
    self.sample_duration = 10.
    #asigma = 0.3
    limit_t = 0.1
    #zurashi = 1.

    #NS = NL + NU + 1
    f = sp.array([2**(i/12.) for i in range(NL+NU+1)]) * pitch*2**(-NL/12.)
    f = f[:, sp.newaxis]
    sigmao = sigma*10**(-3)*sp.sqrt(fs/f)
    t = sp.arange(-limit_t, limit_t+1/fs, 1/fs)

    inv_sigmao = sp.power(sigmao, -1)
    inv_sigmao_t = inv_sigmao * t
    t_inv_sigmao2 = sp.multiply(inv_sigmao_t, inv_sigmao_t)
    omega_t = 2*sp.pi*f*t
    gabor = (1/sp.sqrt(2*sp.pi))
    gabor = sp.multiply(gabor, sp.diag(inv_sigmao))
    exps = -0.5*t_inv_sigmao2+sp.sqrt(-1)*omega_t
    self.gabor = gabor*sp.exp(exps)
def multivariateNormalPdf(z, x, sigma):
    """ The pdf of a multivariate normal distribution (not in scipy).
    The sample z and the mean x should be 1-dim-arrays, and sigma a square 2-dim-array. """
    assert len(z.shape) == 1 and len(x.shape) == 1 and len(x) == len(z) and sigma.shape == (len(x), len(z))
    tmp = -0.5 * dot(dot((z - x), inv(sigma)), (z - x))
    res = (1. / power(2.0 * pi, len(z) / 2.)) * (1. / sqrt(det(sigma))) * exp(tmp)
    return res
Exemple #24
def minowski(h1, h2, p = 2): # 46..45..14,11..43..44 / 45 us for p=int(-inf..-24..-1,1..24..inf) / float @array, +20 us @list \w 100 bins
    Minowski distance.
    With :math:`p=2` equal to the Euclidean distance, with :math:`p=1` equal to the Manhattan distance,
    and the Chebyshev distance implementation represents the case of :math:`p=\pm inf`.
    The Minowksi distance between two histograms :math:`H` and :math:`H'` of size :math:`m` is
    defined as:
    .. math::
        d_p(H, H') = \left(\sum_{m=1}^M|H_m - H'_m|^p  

    - a real metric
    *Attributes for normalized histograms:*
    - :math:`d(H, H')\in[0, \sqrt[p]{2}]`
    - :math:`d(H, H) = 0`
    - :math:`d(H, H') = d(H', H)`
    *Attributes for not-normalized histograms:*
    - :math:`d(H, H')\in[0, \infty)`
    - :math:`d(H, H) = 0`
    - :math:`d(H, H') = d(H', H)`
    *Attributes for not-equal histograms:*
    - not applicable
    h1 : sequence
        The first histogram.
    h2 : sequence
        The second histogram.
    p : float
        The :math:`p` value in the Minowksi distance formula.
    minowski : float
        Minowski distance.
        If ``p`` is zero.
    h1, h2 = __prepare_histogram(h1, h2)
    if 0 == p: raise ValueError('p can not be zero')
    elif int == type(p):
        if p > 0 and p < 25: return __minowski_low_positive_integer_p(h1, h2, p)
        elif p < 0 and p > -25: return __minowski_low_negative_integer_p(h1, h2, p)
    return math.pow(scipy.sum(scipy.power(scipy.absolute(h1 - h2), p)), 1./p)
Exemple #25
    def __init__(self, name="gaussian", position=0.5, width=10.0,
                 peak_power=1e-3, offset_nu=0.0, m=1, C=0.0,
                 initial_phase=0.0, channel=0, using_fwhm=False):

        if not (0.0 <= position <= 1.0):
            raise OutOfRangeError(
                "position is out of range. Must be in [0.0, 1.0]")

        if not (1e-3 < width < 1e3):
            raise OutOfRangeError(
                "width is out of range. Must be in (1e-3, 1e3)")

        if not (0.0 <= peak_power < 1e9):
            raise OutOfRangeError(
                "peak_power is out of range. Must be in [0.0, 1e9)")

        if not (-100.0 < offset_nu < 100.0):
            raise OutOfRangeError(
                "offset_nu is out of range. Must be in (-100.0, 100.0)")

        if not (0 < m < 50):
            raise OutOfRangeError(
                "m is out of range. Must be in (0, 50)")

        if not (-1e3 < C < 1e3):
            raise OutOfRangeError(
                "C is out of range. Must be in (-1e3, 1e3)")

        if not (0.0 <= initial_phase < 2.0 * pi):
            raise OutOfRangeError(
                "initial_phase is out of range. Must be in [0.0, 2.0 * pi)")

        if not (0 <= channel < 2):
            raise OutOfRangeError(
                "channel is out of range. Must be in [0, 2)")

        if int(m) != m:
            raise NotIntegerError("m must be an integer")

        if int(channel) != channel:
            raise NotIntegerError("channel must be an integer")

        self.name = name
        self.position = position
        self.width = width  # ps
        self.peak_power = peak_power  # W
        self.offset_nu = offset_nu  # THz
        self.m = m
        self.C = C  # rad
        self.initial_phase = initial_phase  # rad
        self.channel = channel
        self.fwhm = None

        # For a FWHM pulse width, store then convert to a HWIeM pulse width:
        if using_fwhm:
            self.fwhm = width  # store fwhm pulse width
            self.width *= 0.5 / power(log(2.0), 1.0 / (2 * m))

        self.field = None
Exemple #26
 def f(self, x):
     z = x[:]
     for i in range(self.xdim):
         e = i/(self.xdim-1.)/2.
         if x[i] <= 0 or i%2==0:
             e += 1
         z[i] *= power(10, e)
     return dot(z,z) + 10 * self.xdim - 10*sum(cos(2*pi*z))
def magacf(tau,K,C,alpha,Om):
    """ magacf(tau,K,C,alpha,Om)
        by John Swoboda
        This function will create a single particle acf for a particle species with magnetic
        field but no collisions.
        tau: The time vector for the acf.
        K: Bragg scatter vector magnetude.
        C: Thermal speed of the species.
        alpha: Magnetic aspect angle in radians.
        Om: The gyrofrequency of the particle.
        acf - The single particle acf.
    Kpar = sp.sin(alpha)*K
    Kperp = sp.cos(alpha)*K
    return sp.exp(-sp.power(C*Kpar*tau,2.0)/2.0-2.0*sp.power(Kperp*C*sp.sin(Om*tau/2.0)/Om,2.0))
Exemple #28
 def f(self, x): 
     f1 = sum(-10*exp(-0.2*sqrt(x[:-1]**2+x[1:]**2)))        
     f2 = sum(power(abs(x), 0.8)+5*sin(x**3))
     return -array([f1, f2])
Exemple #29
 def boundary_term_power(intensities):
     Implementation of a exponential boundary term computation over an array.
     # apply (1 / (1  + x))^sigma
     intensities = 1. / (intensities + 1)
     intensities = scipy.power(intensities, sigma)
     intensities[intensities <= 0] = sys.float_info.min
     return intensities
def multivariateNormalPdf(z, x, sigma):
    """ The pdf of a multivariate normal distribution (not in scipy).
    The sample z and the mean x should be 1-dim-arrays, and sigma a square 2-dim-array. """
    assert len(z.shape) == 1 and len(
        x.shape) == 1 and len(x) == len(z) and sigma.shape == (len(x), len(z))
    tmp = -0.5 * dot(dot((z - x), inv(sigma)), (z - x))
    res = (1. / power(2.0 * pi,
                      len(z) / 2.)) * (1. / sqrt(det(sigma))) * exp(tmp)
    return res
Exemple #31
    def mannings_n(self, area, hydrad, slope, disch):
        """ Calculates manning's roughness from discharge. 
		'area' - self.handarea (wet area),
		'hydrad' - self.handrad (hydraulic radius),
		'slope' - self.handslope (bed slope), and
		'disch' - any discharge values"""
        res = 1.49 * area * scipy.power(
            hydrad, (2 / 3.0)) * scipy.sqrt(slope) / disch.T
        return res.T
Exemple #32
def vmax(pCentre, pEnv, type="holland", beta=1.3, rho=1.15):
    Calculate the maximum wind speed from the pressure difference.

    :param float pc: central pressure (Pa)
    :param float pe: environmental pressure (Pa)
    :param str type: which Vmax relation to use (Willoughby & Rahn,
                     Holland or Atkinson & Holliday)
    :param float beta: Holland's (1980) beta parameter. Only used for the
                       Holland estimation (type=holland)
    :param float rho: air density (default=1.15 kg/m^3)
    :return: maximum wind speed. For types 1 & 2, this is a
             gradient level wind. The relation used in type 3
             (Atkinson & Holliday) was determined using surface
             wind observations so should be used with caution at
             the gradient level.
    :raises ValueError: if environmental pressure is lower than central pressure
    Note: The pressure should ideally be passed in units of Pa, but the
    function will accept hPa and automatically convert to Pa.
    # Convert from hPa to Pa if necessary:
    if pCentre < 10000:
        pCentre = metutils.convert(pCentre, "hPa", "Pa")

    if pEnv < 10000:
        pEnv = metutils.convert(pEnv, "hPa", "Pa")

    if pEnv < pCentre:
        raise ValueError, "Error in vmax - Environmental pressure is less than central pressure. Check values and/or order of input arguments"

    dP = pEnv - pCentre

    if type == "willoughby":
        # Default: Most advanced estimation technique:
        # Willoughby & Rahn (2004), Parametric Representation of the
        # Primary Hurricane Vortex. Part I: Observations and
        # Evaluation of the Holland (1980) Model.
        # Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 3033-3048
        vMax = 0.6252*sqrt(dP)
    elif type == "holland":
        # Holland (1980), An Analytic Model of the Wind and Pressure
        # Profiles in Hurricanes. Mon. Wea. Rev, 108, 1212-1218
        # Density of air is assumed to be 1.15 kg/m^3.
        # beta is assumed to be 1.3. Other values can be specified.
        # Gradient level wind (assumed maximum).
        vMax = sqrt(beta*dP/(exp(1)*rho))
    elif type == "atkinson":
        # Atkinson and Holliday (1977), Tropical Cyclone Minimum Sea
        # Level Pressure / Maximum Sustained Wind Relationship for
        # the Western North Pacific. Mon. Wea. Rev., 105, 421-427
        # Maximum 10m, 1-minute wind speed. Uses pEnv as 1010 hPa
        vMax = 3.04*power(1010 - metutils.convert(pCentre,"Pa","hPa"), 0.644)
        raise NotImplementedError, "Vmax type " + type + " not implemented"
    return vMax
Exemple #33
 def boundary_term_division(intensities):
     Implementation of a exponential boundary term computation over an array.
     # apply (1 / (1  + x))^sigma
     intensities = 1. / (intensities + 1)
     intensities = scipy.power(intensities, sigma)
     intensities[intensities <= 0] = sys.float_info.min
     return intensities
Exemple #34
def magacf(tau, K, C, alpha, Om):
    """ magacf(tau,K,C,alpha,Om)
        by John Swoboda
        This function will create a single particle acf for a particle species with magnetic
        field but no collisions.
        tau: The time vector for the acf.
        K: Bragg scatter vector magnetude.
        C: Thermal speed of the species.
        alpha: Magnetic aspect angle in radians.
        Om: The gyrofrequency of the particle.
        acf - The single particle acf.
    Kpar = sp.sin(alpha) * K
    Kperp = sp.cos(alpha) * K
    return sp.exp(-sp.power(C * Kpar * tau, 2.0) / 2.0 -
                  2.0 * sp.power(Kperp * C * sp.sin(Om * tau / 2.0) / Om, 2.0))
Exemple #35
    def mannings_q(self, area, hydrad, slope, n):
        """ Calculates manning's discharge from roughness. 
		'area' - self.handarea (wet area),
		'hydrad' - self.handrad (hydraulic radius),
		'slope' - self.handslope (bed slope), and
		'n' - any roughness values"""
        res = 1.49 * area * scipy.power(hydrad,
                                        (2 / 3.0)) * scipy.sqrt(slope) / n.T
        return res.T
Exemple #36
 def _calc_expfit(wptab):
     xdata = np.array(wptab)[:, 0]
     ydata = np.array(wptab)[:, 1]
     optfunc = lambda x: x[0] * np.power(xdata, x[1]) - x[2] - ydata
     xs1 = 5.0
     xs2 = -0.5
     xs3 = 0.0
     x1, x2, x3 = leastsq(optfunc, [xs1, xs2, xs3])[0]
     return [x1, x2, x3]
Exemple #37
def ans_one_model(index, mweights, mmeans, mcovs):
    nummods = mweights.shape[0]
    initgaus = mweights.shape[1]
    finalgaus = 64
    lenvars = mmeans.shape[2]
    weights = numpy.zeros(finalgaus, dtype="float128")
    means = numpy.zeros((finalgaus, lenvars), dtype="float128")
    covs = numpy.zeros((finalgaus, lenvars, lenvars), dtype="float128")
    h = numpy.float128(
        numpy.random.randint(1, 10000, (finalgaus, nummods, initgaus)))
    h = h / h.sum(0)

    for _ in range(80):
        weights = h.sum(1).sum(1) / (nummods * initgaus)
        temp = h * mweights
        temp = temp / temp.sum(1).sum(1).reshape(finalgaus, 1, 1)
        tempcovs = (mmeans.reshape(1, nummods, initgaus, lenvars, 1) -
                    means.reshape(finalgaus, 1, 1, lenvars, 1)).reshape(
                        finalgaus * nummods * initgaus, lenvars, 1)
        tempcovs = numpy.array([tt.dot(tt.transpose()) for tt in tempcovs
                                ]).reshape(finalgaus, nummods, initgaus,
                                           lenvars, lenvars)
        tempcovs = tempcovs + mcovs
        covs = (temp.reshape(finalgaus, nummods, initgaus, 1, 1) *
        means = (temp.reshape(finalgaus, nummods, initgaus, 1) *
                 mmeans.reshape(1, nummods, initgaus, lenvars)).sum(1).sum(1)
        for m in range(finalgaus):
            gaus = mnormal(means[m], covs[m])
            invcovs = numpy.linalg.inv(numpy.float64(covs[m]))
            temp = numpy.zeros((nummods, initgaus), dtype="float128")
            for j in range(nummods):
                for k in range(initgaus):
                    temp[j, k] = -0.5 * invcovs.dot(mcovs[j][k]).trace()
            h[m, :, :] = sc.power(
                gaus.pdf(mmeans) * sc.power(sc.e, temp),
                mweights) * weights[m] + 1e-20
        h = h / h.sum(0)

    with open("final_model/%d.pickle" % (index, ), "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump((weights, means, covs), f)
Exemple #38
def compute_numerical_gradient(cost_func, theta):
    e = sp.power(10, -4)
    numgrad = sp.zeros(theta.shape)
    perturb = sp.zeros(theta.shape)
    for i in range(0, theta.size):
        perturb[i] = e
        numgrad[i] = (cost_func(theta + perturb) -
                      cost_func(theta - perturb)) / (2 * e)
        perturb[i] = 0
    return numgrad
def bband(inwave,airmass=1.,scale=0.85):
	path = spectra.__path__[0]
	file = path+"/data/bband.dat"

	bband = sio.read_array(file)

	wave = scipy.power(10.,bband[:,0])
	data = bband[:,1].astype(scipy.float32)

	return get_correction(inwave,airmass,scale,wave,data)
Exemple #40
def _calculate_RadiusofGyration(Coordinates):
    coords = []
    mass = c_mass * len(Coordinates)
    nAT = len(Coordinates)
    masscenter = np.mean(Coordinates, axis=0)
    result = 0.0
    for i in range(nAT):
        dis = np.linalg.norm(Coordinates[i] - masscenter)
        result = result + c_mass * scipy.power(dis, p=2)
    return round(scipy.sqrt(float(result / mass)), 3)
Exemple #41
    def dNeurons(self, statevec, t):

        # Extract relevant parameters from
        train = training > 0 and t > training and t < training + train_dur

        x_i = statevec[0:Ng]
        w_i = statevec[Ng:2 * Ng]

        # generate noise patterns
        exp_noise_amp = 0.1
        if train:
            zeta = np.random.uniform(-exp_noise_amp, exp_noise_amp, 1)
            zeta = 0.0

        # Compute Firing Rates and feedback signals
        r_i = sp.tanh(x_i) + zeta_state(t)
        z_i = np.dot(w_i, r_i) + zeta

        # Compute next timestep depending on if training or not
        if train:

            dxidt = (-x_i + lambd * np.dot(W_rec, r_i) +
                     np.dot(W_in_left, self.uleft[t]) +
                     np.dot(W_in_right, self.uright[t]) + z_i * W_fb) / tau
            x_new = x_i + dxidt * dt

            P = -1.0 * sp.power(z_i - self.f_target[t], 2)
            M = 1.0 * (P > self.P_avg)

            dwdt = eta(t) * (z_i - self.z_avg) * M * r_i
            w_new = w_i + dwdt * dt

            self.P_avg = (1 - (dt / tau_avg)) * self.P_avg + (dt / tau_avg) * P
            self.z_avg = (1 -
                          (dt / tau_avg)) * self.z_avg + (dt / tau_avg) * z_i


            dxidt = (-x_i + lambd * np.dot(W_rec, r_i) +
                     np.dot(W_in_left, self.uleft[t]) +
                     np.dot(W_in_right, self.uright[t]) + z_i * W_fb) / tau

            x_new = x_i + dxidt * dt
            dwdt = np.zeros(np.shape(w_i))
            w_new = w_i

        #weight change magnitude:
        dwmag = LA.norm(dwdt)
        rmag = LA.norm(r_i)
        if t % 10000 == 0:
            print(str(t) + '    ' + str(z_i) + '   ' + str(train))
        self.zsave[t] = z_i
        self.rsave[t] = rmag
        return np.concatenate((x_new, w_new))
Exemple #42
def time_step(r, t, h):
    def runge_kutta_step(r, t, h):
        :param r: current positions and velocities
        :param t: current t
        :param h: step size
        :return: a vector of the change in positions and velocities to get to t+h
        k1 = h * f(r, t)
        k2 = h * f(r + 0.5 * k1, t + 0.5 * h)
        k3 = h * f(r + 0.5 * k2, t + 0.5 * h)
        k4 = h * f(r + k3, t + h)
        return (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6

    # perform 2 RK steps of step size h
    delta_step_1 = runge_kutta_step(r, t, h)
    delta_step_2 = runge_kutta_step(r + delta_step_1, t + h, h)
    delta_r1 = delta_step_1 + delta_step_2

    # perform 1 RK step with step size 2h
    delta_r2 = runge_kutta_step(r, t, 2 * h)

    # Compute error estimate
    delta_x1 = delta_r1[0]
    delta_x2 = delta_r2[0]
    delta_y1 = delta_r1[2]
    delta_y2 = delta_r2[2]
    error = sqrt((delta_x1 - delta_x2) ** 2 + (delta_y1 - delta_y2) ** 2) / 30

    # Calculate rho
    rho = h * delta / error

    # Calculate factor to multiply h by
    factor = power(rho, 1 / 4)

    # Update h accordingly
    # If target accuracy met, move on to next step
    if  rho >= 1:
        # update t
        t = t + 2 * h

        # Prevent h from getting too large
        if factor > 2:
            h *= 2
            h *= factor

        # Use local extrapolation to better our estimate of the positions
        delta_r1[0] += (delta_x1 - delta_x2) / 15
        delta_r1[2] += (delta_y1 - delta_y2) / 15
        return delta_r1, h, t
    # If target accuracy not met, must redo step with smaller h
        return time_step(r, t, factor * h)
Exemple #43
 def calEquilibriumDisFuncLoc(self, macroDensity, macroVelocity):
     coeff1 = 3.0
     coeff2 = 9. / 2.
     coeff3 = -3. / 2.0
     tmpEquilibrium = np.ones(9, dtype='float64')
     for i in sp.arange(9):
         tmpEquilibrium[i] = self.weightsCoeff[i] * macroDensity * (1. + \
                 coeff1 * (np.dot(self.microVelocity[i], macroVelocity)) + \
                 coeff2 * (sp.power(np.dot(self.microVelocity[i], macroVelocity), \
                 2.0)) + coeff3 * np.dot(macroVelocity, macroVelocity))
     return tmpEquilibrium
Exemple #44
    def transfer_function(self, nu, centre_nu):
        :param Dvector nu: Spectral domain array.
        :param double centre_nu: Centre frequency.
        :return: Array of values.
        :rtype: Dvector

        Generate an array representing the filter power transfer function.
        if len(nu) < 8:
            raise OutOfRangeError(
                "Require spectral array with at least 8 values")

        delta_nu = nu - centre_nu - self.offset_nu
        factor1 = power(delta_nu / self.width_nu1, (2 * self.m))
        factor2 = power(delta_nu / self.width_nu2, (2 * self.m))
        self.shape = self.a1 * exp(-0.5 * factor1) + self.a2 * exp(
            -0.5 * factor2)

        return np.abs(self.shape)**2
Exemple #45
 def boundary_term_exponential(intensities):
     Implementation of a exponential boundary term computation over an array.
     # apply exp-(x**2/sigma**2)
     intensities = scipy.power(intensities, 2)
     intensities /= math.pow(sigma, 2)
     intensities *= -1
     intensities = scipy.exp(intensities)
     intensities[intensities <= 0] = sys.float_info.min
     return intensities
Exemple #46
	def european_option_rho(self):
		"Price of the call option"
		"the vectorized method can compute price of multiple options in array"
		numerator = sp.add(
					self.interest_rate - self.dividend_yield +
		d1 = sp.divide(
		d2 = sp.add(

		j = sp.product(

		c_rho = j * self.bls_erf_value(d2)
		p_rho = -j * self.bls_erf_value(-d2)

		return c_rho, p_rho
Exemple #47
def calc_center(kp, img):
    x_key_point, y_key_point = kp.pt[:2]
    height, weight = img.shape[:2]
    x_center = weight / 2
    y_center = height / 2
    center_img = (x_center, y_center)

    xVector = x_center - x_key_point
    yVector = y_center - y_key_point
    vector = (xVector, yVector)

    module = scipy.sqrt(scipy.power((x_center - x_key_point), 2) + scipy.power((y_center - y_key_point), 2))

    if (y_center - y_key_point) == 0:
        angle = 0
        angle = scipy.arctan((x_center - x_key_point) / (y_center - y_key_point))

    distance_center = (module, vector, angle, center_img)
    return distance_center
Exemple #48
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     MultiModalFunction.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     print(self.numPeaks, self.xdim)
     self._opts = [(rand(self.xdim) - 0.5) * 8]
     self._opts.extend([(rand(self.xdim) - 0.5) * 9.8
                        for _ in range(self.numPeaks - 1)])
     alphas = [
         power(self.maxCond, 2 * i / float(self.numPeaks - 2))
         for i in range(self.numPeaks - 1)
     self._covs = [
         generateDiags(alpha, self.xdim, shuffled=True) /
         power(alpha, 0.25) for alpha in [self.optCond] + alphas
     self._R = orth(rand(self.xdim, self.xdim))
     self._ws = [10] + [
         1.1 + 8 * i / float(self.numPeaks - 2)
         for i in range(self.numPeaks - 1)
Exemple #49
    def addReward(self, r=None):
        """ A filtered mapping towards performAction of the underlying
        r = self.getReward() if r is None else r

        # by default, the cumulative reward is just the sum over the episode
        if self.discount:
            self.cumulativeReward += power(self.discount, self.samples) * r
            self.cumulativeReward += r
    def loss_to_pair(self, pair, atg_a, atg_b, pl_exp=4, gamma=1e2):
        dist = sp.sqrt(
                   sp.add(sp.square(pair.tx_y), sp.square(self.h))))
        phi = sp.multiply(sp.divide(180, sp.pi),
                          sp.arcsin(sp.divide(self.h, dist)))
        pr_LOS = sp.divide(
                    atg_a, sp.exp(sp.multiply(-atg_b, sp.subtract(phi,
        pr_NLOS = sp.subtract(1, pr_LOS)

        total_loss = sp.add(
            sp.multiply(pr_LOS, sp.power(dist, -pl_exp)),
            sp.multiply(sp.multiply(pr_NLOS, gamma), sp.power(dist, -pl_exp)))

        return total_loss
Exemple #51
def GetWHIM12(CoordinateMatrix, AtomLabel, proname='u'):
    WHIM descriptors
    nAtom, kc = CoordinateMatrix.shape

    if proname == 'u':
        weight = scipy.matrix(scipy.eye(nAtom))
        weight = GetPropertyMatrix(AtomLabel, proname)
    S = XPreCenter(CoordinateMatrix)
    u, s, v = scipy.linalg.svd(S.T * weight * S / sum(scipy.diag(weight)))

    res = scipy.power(s[2], 2) * nAtom / sum(scipy.power(S * scipy.matrix(u[:, 2]).T, 4))

    return round(float(res.real), 3)
Exemple #52
def split_forest(nb_part, dll, ll, de, diff, iv, first_pixel):

    ll_limit = [ll[first_pixel]]
    nb_bin = (len(ll) - first_pixel) // nb_part

    m_z_arr = []
    ll_arr = []
    de_arr = []
    diff_arr = []
    iv_arr = []

    ll_c = ll.copy()
    de_c = de.copy()
    diff_c = diff.copy()
    iv_c = iv.copy()

    for p in range(1, nb_part):
        ll_limit.append(ll[nb_bin * p + first_pixel])

    ll_limit.append(ll[len(ll) - 1] + 0.1 * dll)

    for p in range(nb_part):

        selection = (ll_c >= ll_limit[p]) & (ll_c < ll_limit[p + 1])

        ll_part = ll_c[selection]
        de_part = de_c[selection]
        diff_part = diff_c[selection]
        iv_part = iv_c[selection]

        lam_lya = constants.absorber_IGM["LYA"]
        m_z = (sp.power(10., ll_part[len(ll_part) - 1]) +
               sp.power(10., ll_part[0])) / 2. / lam_lya - 1.0


    return m_z_arr, ll_arr, de_arr, diff_arr, iv_arr
Exemple #53
    def eval(self,fill_SED=True,nu=None,get_model=False,loglog=False):
        Evaluates the Template for the current parameters values

        if nu is None:

            nu = np.copy(self.nu_template)
            if loglog == False:
                nu = np.power(10,nu)

        if loglog==False:


        log_model= self.log_func(log_nu)

        if fill_SED==True:
            self.SED.fill(nu=lin_nu, nuFnu=model)
            #print nu.size,nu
        if get_model==True:
            if loglog==False:
                return model
                return log_model

            return None
Exemple #54
def convert_pulse_width(width, to_fwhm=True, shape="gaussian", m=1):
    :param float width: Pulse width
    :param bool to_fwhm: Whether to convert to FWHM measure
    :param string shape: Shape of the pulse
    :param Uint m: Order parameter, used for super-Gaussian pulses

    Helper function to convert pulse widths between FWHM and HWIeM measures.
    if shape.lower() == "gaussian":
        if to_fwhm:
            return width * 2.0 * power(log(2.0), 1.0 / (2 * m))
            return width * 0.5 / power(log(2.0), 1.0 / (2 * m))
    elif shape.lower() == "sech":
        if to_fwhm:
            return width * 2.0 * log(1.0 + sqrt(2.0))
            return width * 0.5 / log(1.0 + sqrt(2.0))
        print("Pulse shape not recognised: %s" % shape)
Exemple #55
def get_q_i(res_nam, pKa, pH): 
    """Calculate the charge of a residue depending on its pKa and pH."""
    # CYS residues forming disulfide bonds are neutral.
    q_i = 0.0
    if pKa == 99.99:
        return q_i
    exponent = power(10, pKa - pH)
    q_i = exponent/(1.0 + exponent) 
    # Boolean algebra requires (...) when using 'OR' operator.
    if res_nam in ['ASP', 'GLU', 'C-' , 'TYR', 'Oco', 'CYS']:
        q_i -= 1.0
    return q_i
    def loss_to_pair(self,
        dist = sp.sqrt(
            sp.add(sp.square(sp.subtract(self.tx_x, pair.rx_x)),
                   sp.square(sp.subtract(self.tx_y, pair.rx_y))))
        loss = sp.multiply(
            gain, sp.multiply(sp.square(exp_factor), sp.power(dist, -pl_exp)))

        return loss
def select_from_galfit(catalog):

        mag_auto = catalog[:, 5]
        a_image = catalog[:, 16]
        mu0 = catalog[:, 20]

        r50 = catalog[:, 21]
        radius_eff = catalog[:, 52]
        magnitude = catalog[:, 49]
        sersic = catalog[:, 55]
        axis_ratio = catalog[:, 58]

    except IndexError:
        return None

    pixelscale = 0.168

    kappa = 2 * sersic - 0.33
    g = scipy.special.gamma(2 * sersic)
    m = magnitude
    f_tot = scipy.power(10., -0.4 * m)
    sig_e = f_tot / (2 * scipy.pi * (radius_eff**2) *
                     ((scipy.e)**kappa) * sersic *
                     (kappa**(-2 * sersic)) * g * axis_ratio)

    sig_0 = sig_e * numpy.exp(kappa)

    #print("sig_e = %s" % sig_e)
    #print("sig_0 = %s" % sig_0)

    surfbrite_0 = -2.5 * numpy.log10(sig_0) + 5 * numpy.log10(pixelscale)


    # udg = (mag_auto < 24) & (a_image > 5) & (mu0 > 24) & (r50 > 6)
    udg = (mag_auto < 24) & (mu0 > 24) & (r50 > 6)
    udg = (surfbrite_0 > 23) & (axis_ratio > 0.5) & (radius_eff > 9)

    # criteria_count = numpy.sum((mag_auto < 24)) + numpy.sum((a_image > 6)) + \
    #                  numpy.sum((mu0 > 24)) + numpy.sum((r50 > 6))
    criteria_count = (mag_auto < 24).astype(numpy.int) + \
                     (a_image > 6).astype(numpy.int) + \
                     (mu0 > 24).astype(numpy.int) + \
                     (r50 > 6).astype(numpy.int)

    # print(criteria_count.shape)
    # udg = (criteria_count >= 3)

    # udg = (numpy.isfinite(surfbrite_0)) & (sersic > 0.8)  & (sersic < 6) & (radius_eff > 8)

    return numpy.append(catalog, surfbrite_0.reshape((-1, 1)), axis=1)[udg]
Exemple #58
def test_optdiv2(delta=0.1, mu=0.5, sigma=1.0, dt=1.0, grid=scipy.linspace(0, 5, 200), useValueIter=True):
	time1 = time.time()
	localvars = {}
	def postVIterCallbackFn(nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls, stoppingResult):		
		global g_iterList
		(stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult
		print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff))
		localvars[0] = nIter		

	def postPIterCallbackFn(nIter, newVArray, currentPolicyArrayList, greedyPolicyList, stoppingResult):				
		(stoppingDecision, diff) = stoppingResult
		print("iter %d, diff %f" % (nIter, diff))
		localvars[0] = nIter		
	initialVArray = grid;								# initial guess for V: a linear fn
	initialPolicyArray = grid;							# initial guess for d: pay out everything	
	utilityFn = lambda x: x;							# linear utility
	beta = scipy.power(scipy.e, -(delta * dt))
	print("beta = exp(- %f * %f) = %f" % (delta, dt, beta))
	zRV = scipy.stats.norm(loc=mu*dt, scale=sigma*scipy.sqrt(dt))
	print("income shock: mean %f, sd %f" % (mu*dt, sigma*dt))
	bstar = calc_opt_b(mu, sigma, delta)
	print("optimal barrier: %f" % bstar)
	params = OptDivParams2(utilityFn, beta, zRV, grid);		# don't use parallel search with this, since it makes a callback to Python			
	if (useValueIter == True):		
		result = bellman.grid_valueIteration([grid], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postVIterCallbackFn, parallel=False)
		(nIter, currentVArray, newVArray, optControls) = result
		result = bellman.grid_policyIteration([grid], [initialPolicyArray], initialVArray, params, postIterCallbackFn=postPIterCallbackFn, parallel=False)
		(nIter, currentVArray, currentPolicyArrayList, greedyPolicyList) = result
		newVArray = currentVArray
		optControls = currentPolicyArrayList
	time2 = time.time()
	nIters = localvars[0]
	print("total time: %f, avg time: %f" % (time2-time1, (time2-time1)/nIters))
	# plot V
	fig = plt.figure()
	ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
	ax.plot(grid, newVArray)
	# plot optimal d
	fig = plt.figure()	
	ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
	ax.plot(grid, optControls[0])	
	ax.axvline(bstar, color='gray')
	ax.set_ylabel("optimal d")	
Exemple #59
def logrebin(spectrum,crval,crpix,cd1):
	from scipy import interpolate
	# First determine the "best" pixel scale
	start = crval+cd1*(1-crpix)
	inwave = scipy.arange(start,start+spectrum.size*cd1,cd1)
	sampwave = scipy.log10(inwave)
	pixscale = (sampwave[-1]-sampwave[0])/sampwave.size
	outwave = scipy.arange(sampwave[0],sampwave[-1],pixscale)
	outwave = scipy.power(10,outwave)

	spline = interpolate.splrep(inwave,spectrum,s=0)
	newspec = interpolate.splev(outwave,spline)
	return outwave,newspec
def all_spline_stuff(xs, ys, density=2000):
    myspline = INTERP.UnivariateSpline(xs, ys)

    dense_xs = S.linspace(xs[0], xs[-1], density)
    dense_ys = myspline(dense_xs)
    dy_dx = myspline.derivative(1)

    dense_dy_dx_samples = dy_dx(dense_xs)
    dl_dx_samples = S.power(1.0 + S.power(dense_dy_dx_samples, 2.0), 0.5)

    dl_spline = INTERP.UnivariateSpline(dense_xs, dl_dx_samples)

    integrated = list()
    for i in dense_xs:
        integrated.append(dl_spline.integral(0.0, i))
    integrated = S.array(integrated)

    x_to_l = INTERP.UnivariateSpline(dense_xs, integrated)
    l_to_x = INTERP.UnivariateSpline(integrated, dense_xs)
    l_to_y = INTERP.UnivariateSpline(integrated, dense_ys)

    return myspline, {"x_to_l": x_to_l, "l_to_x": l_to_x, "l_to_y": l_to_y}