Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, config):
        The constructor initializes and starts the Call Attendant.
            :param config:
                the application config dict
        # The application-wide configuration
        self.config = config

        # Thread synchonization object
        self._stop_event = threading.Event()

        # Open the database
        if self.config["TESTING"]:
            self.db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
            self.db = sqlite3.connect(self.config['DB_FILE'])

        # Create a synchronized queue for incoming callers from the modem
        self._caller_queue = queue.Queue()

        #  Hardware subsystem
        #  Initialize the visual indicators (LEDs)
        self.approved_indicator = ApprovedIndicator(
            self.config.get("GPIO_LED_APPROVED_BRIGHTNESS", 100))
        self.blocked_indicator = BlockedIndicator(
            self.config.get("GPIO_LED_BLOCKED_BRIGHTNESS", 100))
        #  Create (and open) the modem
        self.modem = Modem(self.config)
            "MODEM_ONLINE"] = self.modem.is_open  # signal the webapp not online

        # Screening subsystem
        self.logger = CallLogger(self.db, self.config)
        self.screener = CallScreener(self.db, self.config)

        # Messaging subsystem
        self.voice_mail = VoiceMail(self.db, self.config, self.modem)

        # Start the User Interface subsystem (Flask)
        # Skip if we're running functional tests, because when testing
        # we use a memory database which can't be shared between threads.
        if not self.config["TESTING"]:
            print("Starting the Flask webapp")
    def __init__(self, config):
        The constructor initializes and starts the Call Attendant.
            :param config: the application config dict
        # The application-wide configuration
        self.config = config

        # Open the database
        db_path = None
        if self.config["TESTING"]:
            self.db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
            self.db = sqlite3.connect(

        # Create a synchronized queue for incoming callers from the modem
        self._caller_queue = queue.Queue()

        # Screening subsystem
        self.logger = CallLogger(self.db, self.config)
        self.screener = CallScreener(self.db, self.config)

        # Hardware subsystem
        # Create the modem with the callback functions that it invokes
        # when incoming calls are received.
        self.modem = Modem(self.config, self.phone_ringing, self.handle_caller)
        # Initialize the visual indicators (LEDs)
        self.approved_indicator = ApprovedIndicator()
        self.blocked_indicator = BlockedIndicator()
        self.ring_indicator = RingIndicator()

        # Start the User Interface subsystem (Flask)
        # Skip if we're running functional tests, because when testing
        # we use a memory database which can't be shared between threads.
        if not self.config["TESTING"]:
            print("Staring the Flask webapp")
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self):
        """The constructor initializes and starts the Call Attendant"""
        self.settings = {}
            "db_name"] = "callattendant.db"  # SQLite3 DB to store incoming call log, whitelist and blacklist
            "screening_mode"] = "whitelist_and_blacklist"  # no_screening, whitelist_only, whitelist_and_blacklist, blacklist_only
        self.settings["bad_cid_patterns"] = ""  # regex name patterns to ignore
        self.settings["ignore_private_numbers"] = False  # Ignore "P" CID names
        self.settings["ignore_unknown_numbers"] = True  # Ignore "O" CID names
        self.settings["block_calls"] = True

        self.db = sqlite3.connect(self.settings["db_name"])

        # The current/last caller id
        self._caller_queue = Queue()

        # Visual indicators (LEDs)
        self.approved_indicator = ApprovedIndicator()
        self.blocked_indicator = BlockedIndicator()
        self.ring_indicator = RingIndicator()

        # Telephony subsystems
        self.logger = CallLogger(self.db)
        self.screener = CallScreener(self.db)
        self.modem = Modem(self)

        # User Interface subsystem

        # Run the app
        while 1:
            """Processes incoming callers with logging and screening."""

            # Wait (blocking) for a caller
            caller = self._caller_queue.get()

            # Perform the call screening
            mode = self.settings["screening_mode"]
            whitelisted = False
            blacklisted = False
            if mode in ["whitelist_only", "whitelist_and_blacklist"]:
                print "Checking whitelist(s)"
                if self.screener.is_whitelisted(caller):
                    whitelisted = True
                    caller["NOTE"] = "Whitelisted"

            if not whitelisted and mode in [
                    "blacklist_only", "whitelist_and_blacklist"
                print "Checking blacklist(s)"
                if self.screener.is_blacklisted(caller):
                    blacklisted = True
                    caller["NOTE"] = "Blacklisted"
                    if self.settings["block_calls"]:
                        #~ self.modem.play_audio("sample.wav")
                        #~ self.modem.hang_up()

            # Log every call to the database