Exemple #1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        percent = options['percent']
        if percent > 100 or percent < 1:
            raise CommandError('percent should be between 1 and 100')

        if args:
            search_models = get_search_models()
            possible_doctypes = dict((cls._meta.db_table, cls)
                                     for cls in search_models)
            for mem in args:
                if mem not in possible_doctypes:
                    raise CommandError('"%s" is not a valid doctype (%s)' %
                                       (mem, possible_doctypes.keys()))

        # args are the list of doctypes to index.
        es_reindex(args, percent)
Exemple #2
    def setup_indexes(self):
        """(Re-)create ES indexes."""
        from search.es_utils import es_reindex

        if getattr(settings, 'ES_HOSTS', None) is None:
            raise SkipTest

        # TODO: Don't bother scanning through model objects and indexing any
        # that exist. None of our ES tests use any fixtures, so incremental
        # indexing will suffice for them.

        # TODO: This is kind of bad.  If setup_indexes gets called in
        # a setUp and that setUp at some point throws an exception, we
        # could end up in a situation where setUp throws an exception,
        # so tearDown doesn't get called and we never set
        # ES_LIVE_INDEXING to False and thus ES_LIVE_INDEXING is True
        # for a bunch of tests it shouldn't be true for.
        # For settings like this, it's better to mock it in the class
        # because the mock will set it back regardless of whether the
        # test fails.
        settings.ES_LIVE_INDEXING = True
Exemple #3
    def setup_indexes(self):
        """(Re-)create ES indexes."""
        from search.es_utils import es_reindex

        if getattr(settings, 'ES_HOSTS', None) is None:
            raise SkipTest

        # TODO: Don't bother scanning through model objects and indexing any
        # that exist. None of our ES tests use any fixtures, so incremental
        # indexing will suffice for them.

        # TODO: This is kind of bad.  If setup_indexes gets called in
        # a setUp and that setUp at some point throws an exception, we
        # could end up in a situation where setUp throws an exception,
        # so tearDown doesn't get called and we never set
        # ES_LIVE_INDEXING to False and thus ES_LIVE_INDEXING is True
        # for a bunch of tests it shouldn't be true for.
        # For settings like this, it's better to mock it in the class
        # because the mock will set it back regardless of whether the
        # test fails.
        settings.ES_LIVE_INDEXING = True
Exemple #4
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     percent = options['percent']
     if percent > 100 or percent < 1:
         raise CommandError('percent should be between 1 and 100')
Exemple #5
 def handle(self, *args, **options):
     percent = options['percent']
     if not 1 <= percent <= 100:
         raise CommandError('percent should be between 1 and 100')