def find_snapshots(self, preds, disjunctive=False): """Find snapshots that match to the predicates.""" if not self._mode: raise TarCMS.TarCMSError('not open: %r' % self) sel = Selection(self._indexdb, preds, disjunctive=disjunctive) for x in sel: yield sel.get_snippet(x) return
def _separate(verdict) -> Selection: total_length = verdict[-1][1] + len(verdict[-1][2]) garbage_selection = Selection(universe=slice(0, total_length)) for label, offset, substring in verdict: not_english = label.strip() == label if not_english: garbage_selection.exclude(offset, offset + len(substring)) return garbage_selection
def __init__(self, client, object_type): self.client = client self.object_type = object_type.__name__.lower() + 's' self.selection = { 'devices': Selection(), 'sensors': Selection(), 'rules': Selection() } self.pipeline = [] self.operation = None
def __init__(self, population_size, m, k, d, crossover_type): """ Create the SGA, describing parameters of our fitness function as well as the type of crossover to be used """ self.population_size = population_size if (self.population_size % 2 == 1): print("Error: population size must be multiple of 2") sys.exit() self.fitness_function = FitnessFunction(m, k, d) self.genotype_length = m * k self.variation = Variation(crossover_type) self.selection = Selection() self.population = [] self.peak_fitnesses = []
def __init__(self, parent_genotypes: np.ndarray, possibilites: List[float], population_of_progeny: int, maximum_feature=None, selection: str = "gebv", max_age: int = 1, max_number: int = sys.maxsize): if len(parent_genotypes.shape) != 3 or parent_genotypes.shape[:2] != ( 2, 2) or any(_ <= 0 for _ in parent_genotypes.shape): raise AttributeError( "Массив генотипов особей задан неверно! Размерность должна быть (2 x 2 x N)" ) if max_age <= 0: raise AttributeError( "Максимальный возраст сущнсоти должен быть >= 1") if not Selection.selection_implemented(selection): raise NotImplementedError(f"Селекция {selection} не реализована!") self.generations: List[Generation] = [ Generation(index=0, genotypes=list( Genotype(genotype) for genotype in parent_genotypes), population=parent_genotypes.shape[0]) ] self.possibilities = possibilites self.population_of_progeny = population_of_progeny self._current_generation = 0 self.maximum_feature = ( self.generations[0].genotypes[0].matrix.shape[1] * 2 if maximum_feature is None else maximum_feature) self.selection = selection self.max_age = max_age self.max_number = max_number
def evolve(self): for i in range(0, self.parameters['n.generations']): mating_pool = new_pop = GeneticOperators.crossover(mating_pool) GeneticOperators.mutate_in_place(new_pop) self.environment.decode(new_pop) self.environment.evaluate(new_pop) self.scale_fitness(new_pop) if('elitism' in self.parameters and \ self.parameters['elitism']): if(self.population.parameters['type']== \ 'nsga-ii'): union = Population(self.population.environment,\ self.population.parameters,\ self.population.individuals+new_pop.individuals) new_pop = Selection.pareto_crowded(union) else: new_pop =\ Population(self.population.environment,\ self.population.parameters,\ sorted(self.population.individuals+new_pop.individuals,\ key=lambda,reverse=True)\ [:self.population.size]) self.population = new_pop, self.parameters['n.generations'])
def get_child_generation(self, parent_generation: Generation): selection = Selection(parent_generation, possibilites=self.possibilities) parent1, parent2 = getattr(selection, f"_{self.selection}_selection")() children = self.get_reproduce(parent1, parent2) return Generation(index=parent_generation.index + 1, genotypes=children, population=len(children))
def next_generation(self, population): selection = Selection(deepcopy(population), strategy=SelectionStrategy.TOURNAMENT.value) selection.apply() mating = Mating(selection) mating.apply() crossover = Crossover(mating) crossover.apply() for i, individual in enumerate( crossover.mating.selection.population.individuals): mutation = Mutation(individual) crossover.mating.selection.population.individuals[ i] = mutation.mutate() print(f'Individuals: {len(self.individuals)}') print(f'New generation: {len(crossover.new_generation)}') return crossover.mating.selection.population
class WorldWindow(pyglet.window.Window): def __init__(self, world, **kwargs): = world self.selection = Selection() super(WorldWindow,self).__init__(**kwargs) def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers): location = Vector(x,y) if button == mouse.LEFT: self.selection.start = location def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, button, modifiers): location = Vector(x,y) if button == mouse.LEFT: # select bunnies self.selection.end = location elif button == mouse.RIGHT: # command bunnies destination = tile_coordinate(location) for bunny in self.selection.selected_objects: bunny.current_action = Move(bunny, destination) elif button == mouse.MIDDLE: self.create_grass(location) def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): location = Vector(x,y) if buttons & mouse.LEFT: self.selection.end = location def create_grass(self, location): tile = tile_coordinate(location) cell = if cell.grass: cell.grass = 0 else: cell.grass = cell.grass_max def on_draw(self): self.clear() self.selection.draw()
def __init__(self, id, ai=False, score=0): = id self.isAI = ai if ai: = AI(player=self) self.wall = Wall() self.queue = Queue() self.penalty = Penalty() self.selection = Selection() self.score = score
def __init__(self): super(MainWidget, self).__init__() songpath1 = 'together-we-are.wav' songpath2 = 'lionhearted.wav' self.selection = Selection() song1 = Song(songpath1, song1_structure, self.selection) song2 = Song(songpath2, song2_structure, self.selection) self.beatgen = BeatwiseGenerator() self.beatgen.add_song(song1) self.beatgen.add_song(song2) audio = Audio() audio.add_generator(self.beatgen) self.selection.beatgen = self.beatgen self.clock = ClassClock() self.conductor = Conductor(self.clock) self.scheduler = Scheduler(self.conductor) self.conductor.set_bpm(128) #info = Label(text = "text", pos=(0, 500), text_size=(100,100), valign='top') #self.add_widget(info) # root = ScrollView(size_hint=(None, None), size=(800, 600), # pos_hint={'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}) # self.add_widget(root) #self.rel = AnchorLayout(size_hint=(None, None), width=9000, pos_hint={'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}, # anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top') self.rel = RelativeLayout(size_hint=(None, None), width=9000, pos_hint={'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}) self.add_widget(self.rel) # anchor = AnchorLayout(anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top') # self.rel.add_widget(anchor) layout = GridLayout(cols=1, padding=50, spacing=50, size_hint=(None, None), width=9000, row_force_default=True, row_default_height=100) self.rel.add_widget(layout) for song in self.beatgen.get_songs(): container = RelativeLayout() layout.add_widget(container) container.add_widget(song) self.nowline = Nowline(self.scheduler) self.rel.add_widget(self.nowline) self.beatgen.nowline = self.nowline
class TestSelection(unittest.TestCase): # to be executed prior to running tests def setUp(self): self.cms_selection = Selection() pass # to be executed after running tests, regardless of pass/fail # only called if setUp succeeds def tearDown(self): pass def test_selection_return_code(self): self.assertEqual( self.cms_selection.main(), 0 )
class TestSelection(unittest.TestCase): # to be executed prior to running tests def setUp(self): self.cms_selection = Selection() pass # to be executed after running tests, regardless of pass/fail # only called if setUp succeeds def tearDown(self): pass def test_selection_return_code(self): self.assertEqual(self.cms_selection.main(), 0)
def selectAll(self): self.signals.autoUpdateTool.emit(0) selection = Selection(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), self.context, self) selection.setGeometry(0, 0, self.image().image.width(), self.image().image.height()) selection.originTopLeft = QtCore.QPoint(0, 0) selection.image = QtGui.QImage(self.context.currentQImage()) self.makeSelectionTransparent(self.context.transparentSelection) selection.finished = True self.image().selection = selection painter = QtGui.QPainter(self.context.currentQImage()) painter.setCompositionMode(QtGui.QPainter.CompositionMode_Source) painter.fillRect(self.image().selection.rect, self.image().bgColor) painter.end()
def EvolvePopulation(self): for g in tqdm(range(self.number_of_generations), desc='Generation'): self.best_fitness = 0 self.best_index = 0 self.best_x = np.zeros([1, self.number_of_variables]) self.EvaluatePopulation() temp_population = np.copy(self.population) for itVar in range(0, self.population_size, 2): i1 = Selection(self.population_fitness) i2 = Selection(self.population_fitness) chromosome1 = temp_population[i1, :] chromosome2 = temp_population[i2, :] r = np.random.rand() if r < self.crossover_probability: crossed1, crossed2 = CrossoverMutation(chromosome1, chromosome2, gene_length=1) temp_population[itVar, :] = crossed1 temp_population[itVar + 1, :] = crossed2 else: temp_population[itVar, :] = chromosome1 temp_population[itVar + 1, :] = chromosome2 for itVar in range(self.population_size): original_chromosome = temp_population[itVar, :] mutated_chromosome = GeneticMutation(original_chromosome) temp_population[itVar, :] = mutated_chromosome best_individual = self.population[self.best_index, :] temp_population[0, :] = np.copy(best_individual) self.population = np.copy(temp_population)
def __init__(self, parent_genotypes: np.ndarray, possibilites: List[float], population_of_progeny: int, maximum_feature=None, selection: str = "gebv", max_age: int = 1, max_population: int = sys.maxsize, possibilities_for_selection: List[float] = None, crosses: int = 1, puberty_period=0): if len(parent_genotypes.shape ) != 3 or parent_genotypes.shape[1] != 2 or any( _ <= 0 for _ in parent_genotypes.shape): raise AttributeError( "Массив генотипов особей задан неверно! Размерность должна быть (2 x 2 x N)" ) if max_age <= 0: raise AttributeError( "Максимальный возраст сущности должен быть >= 1") if not Selection.selection_implemented(selection): raise NotImplementedError(f"Селекция {selection} не реализована!") if len(parent_genotypes) // 2 < crosses: raise AttributeError( "Число скрещиваний не должно превышать количество родительских особей" ) if max_age <= puberty_period: raise AttributeError( "Внимание! Ваша особь умирает прежде, чем начинает размножаться!" ) self.generations: List[Generation] = [ Generation(index=0, genotypes=list( Genotype(genotype) for genotype in parent_genotypes), population=parent_genotypes.shape[0]) ] self.possibilities = possibilites self.population_of_progeny = population_of_progeny self._current_generation = 0 self.maximum_feature = ( self.generations[0].genotypes[0].matrix.shape[1] * 2 if maximum_feature is None else maximum_feature) self.selection = selection self.max_age = max_age self.max_population = max_population self.possibilities_for_selection = possibilities_for_selection self.crosses = crosses self.puberty_period = puberty_period
def test4(): print( "Test con input size crescente. Input random(0,{}). Lista di {} elementi.\n" .format(amount, amount)) k = int(amount / 2) for i in range(50, 250, 5): random.seed(i) basel = [randint(0, (1 << 32) - 1) for j in range(1000 * i)] # @UnusedVariable l = list(basel) start = time() res = Selection.sortSelect(l, k) elapsed = time() - start print('{},{}'.format(1000 * i, elapsed))
def test5(): print("Test con k differenti. Input random(0,{}). Lista di {} elementi.\n". format(amount, amount)) basel = [randint(0, 1 << 32) for i in range(amount)] # @UnusedVariable k = int(amount / 2) kNumber = 101 for i in range(1, kNumber): k = int(amount / kNumber) * i - 1 l = list(basel) start = time() res = Selection.quickSelectDet(l, k, 10) elapsed = time() - start print('{},{}'.format(k, elapsed))
def get_child_generation(self, parent_generation: Generation, max_generations: int): if parent_generation.genotypes: selection = Selection( parent_generation, max_generations, possibilities=self.possibilities_for_selection, crosses=self.crosses) parents = getattr(selection, f"_{self.selection}_selection")() childrens = [] for pair in parents: childrens += self.get_reproduce(pair[0], pair[1]) #childrens = [self.get_reproduce(pair[0], pair[1]) for pair in parents] else: childrens = list() return Generation(index=parent_generation.index + 1, genotypes=childrens, population=len(childrens))
class Text(object): def __init__(self): self.stt_engine = STT() self.tts_engine = TTS() self.mic = Mic(self.tts_engine, self.stt_engine, self.stt_engine) self.selection = Selection(self.tts_engine) def handle(self): while True: threshold, translate = self.mic.passiveListen("JARVIS") if not translate or not threshold: continue input = self.mic.activeListen(threshold) print input if input: string = else: self.tts_engine.say("Pardon?")
def setUp(self): self.cms_selection = Selection() pass
def __init__(self, world, **kwargs): = world self.selection = Selection() super(WorldWindow,self).__init__(**kwargs)
from addel import AdDel from selection import Selection from editentry import EditEntry import datetime cannajobs_entry = AdDel() cannajobs_selection = Selection() cannajobs_edit = EditEntry() # job number, receive date, tests, status #cannajobs_selection.select_all_from_table_descending(7, True) #cannajobs_entry.delete_canna_customer_entry((258,)) cannajobs_selection.select_all_from_table_descending(1, True) cannajobs_entry.delete_cannajob_entry((1063, )) cannajobs_selection.select_all_from_table_descending(1, True) #cannajobs_edit = EditEntry() #cannajobs_edit.edit_cannajobs_entry(1, 452, 1) #print('----') #cannajobs_entry.delete_canna_customer_entry((193,))
def selection(self): if self._selection is None: from selection import Selection self._selection = Selection.by_key(self._subject, instance_filter=False) return self._selection
class MainWidget(BaseWidget): def __init__(self): super(MainWidget, self).__init__() songpath1 = 'together-we-are.wav' songpath2 = 'lionhearted.wav' self.selection = Selection() song1 = Song(songpath1, song1_structure, self.selection) song2 = Song(songpath2, song2_structure, self.selection) self.beatgen = BeatwiseGenerator() self.beatgen.add_song(song1) self.beatgen.add_song(song2) audio = Audio() audio.add_generator(self.beatgen) self.selection.beatgen = self.beatgen self.clock = ClassClock() self.conductor = Conductor(self.clock) self.scheduler = Scheduler(self.conductor) self.conductor.set_bpm(128) #info = Label(text = "text", pos=(0, 500), text_size=(100,100), valign='top') #self.add_widget(info) # root = ScrollView(size_hint=(None, None), size=(800, 600), # pos_hint={'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}) # self.add_widget(root) #self.rel = AnchorLayout(size_hint=(None, None), width=9000, pos_hint={'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}, # anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top') self.rel = RelativeLayout(size_hint=(None, None), width=9000, pos_hint={'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5}) self.add_widget(self.rel) # anchor = AnchorLayout(anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top') # self.rel.add_widget(anchor) layout = GridLayout(cols=1, padding=50, spacing=50, size_hint=(None, None), width=9000, row_force_default=True, row_default_height=100) self.rel.add_widget(layout) for song in self.beatgen.get_songs(): container = RelativeLayout() layout.add_widget(container) container.add_widget(song) self.nowline = Nowline(self.scheduler) self.rel.add_widget(self.nowline) self.beatgen.nowline = self.nowline def on_update(self): self.scheduler.on_update() def on_touch_down(self, touch): return super(MainWidget, self).on_touch_down(touch) def on_key_down(self, keycode, modifiers): (idx, char) = keycode if char == 'backspace': self.selection.set_state('NORMAL') elif char == 'c': self.selection.set_state('CUT') elif char == 'l': self.selection.set_state('LINK') elif char == 'g': self.selection.set_state('GO') # elif char == 'q': # pass elif char == 'w': self.beatgen.next_beat -= 32 elif char == 'e': self.beatgen.next_beat += 32 elif char == 'spacebar': #self.clock.toggle() # print self.scheduler.cond.get_tick() self.beatgen.toggle() elif char == 'right': self.rel.x -= 100 elif char == 'left': self.rel.x += 100 elif char == 'up': self.rel.y -= 100 elif char == 'down': self.rel.y += 100
from createtb import CreateTb from dbviews import DbViews from addel import AdDel from selection import Selection Rolodex_entry = AdDel() Rolodex_selection = Selection() #fake_entry = ["6", "a", "b", "1", "abc", "cash", True, "online"] #Rolodex_entry.new_rolodex_entry(fake_entry) Rolodex_selection.select_all_from_table(1, True)
starting_population = population.init_next_gen_population( next_gen_population=next_gen_population) # Reset next gen population list next_gen_population = [] # score chromosomes in the population against fitness goal scored_population = [] for chromosome in starting_population: fitness = Fitness(chromosome=chromosome, fitness_goal=fitness_goal) scored_chromosome = fitness.calculate_fitness() scored_population.append(scored_chromosome) # Select parents for offspring generation for ch in range(0, scored_population.__len__(), 1): # perform parent selection from scored population selection = Selection(population=scored_population) parents = # perform crossover based on 50% probability crossover_prob = random.choice([True, False]) crossover = Crossover(parents, crossover_probability=crossover_prob) offspring = crossover.perform_crossover() # perform mutation based on 50% probability mutation_prob = random.choice([True, False]) mutation = Mutation(offspring, mutation_probability=mutation_prob) final_offspring = mutation.mutate() # add offspring to next generation next_gen_population.append(final_offspring)
def parse_cmd(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-A', default=0, help='Algorithm type: 0 for genetic algorithm, 1 for CSP') parser.add_argument( '-GP', default=0, help= 'Genetic problem: 0 for string search, 1 for N-queens, 2 for 0-1 knapsack' ) parser.add_argument( '-KP', default=1, help='Knapsack problem number. Can be between 1 and 8') parser.add_argument('-QN', default=8, help='Queens number') parser.add_argument( '-QM', default=0, help= 'N-queens mutation type: 0 for exchange mutation, 1 for simple inversion mutation' ) parser.add_argument( '-QC', default=0, help= 'N-queens crossover type: 0 for PMX crossover, 1 for OX crossover') parser.add_argument( '-SF', default=0, help= 'String search fitness function: 0 for ASCII distance from target ' 'string, 1 for bulls and cows.') parser.add_argument( '-SC', default=0, help= 'String search crossover type: 0 for one-point crossover, 1 for two-point crossover.' ) parser.add_argument( '-S', default=0, help='Selection type: 0 for Random from the top half, 1 for RWS, ' '2 for aging, 3 for tournament.') parser.add_argument('-PS', default=2048, help='Population size') args = parser.parse_args() try: algorithm_type = int(args.A) if algorithm_type != 0 and algorithm_type != 1: print("Algorithm can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("Algorithm can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() try: genetic_prob = int(args.GP) if genetic_prob != 0 and genetic_prob != 1 and genetic_prob != 2: print("Genetic problem can only be 0, 1 or 2.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("Genetic problem can only be 0, 1 or 2.") sys.exit() try: knapsack_problem = int(args.KP) if knapsack_problem != 1 and knapsack_problem != 2 and knapsack_problem != 3 and knapsack_problem != 4\ and knapsack_problem != 5 and knapsack_problem != 6 and knapsack_problem != 7\ and knapsack_problem != 8: print( "Knapsack problem number can only be a number between 1 and 8 (including)." ) sys.exit() except ValueError: print( "Knapsack problem number can only be a number between 1 and 8 (including)." ) sys.exit() try: queens_number = int(args.QN) if queens_number < 1 or queens_number > 100: print("Queens number can only be a number between 1 and 100.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("Queens number can only be a number between 1 and 100.") sys.exit() try: mutation_number = int(args.QM) if mutation_number != 0 and mutation_number != 1: print("N-queens mutation number can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("N-queens mutation number can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() try: crossover_number = int(args.QC) if crossover_number != 0 and crossover_number != 1: print("N-queens crossover number can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("N-queens crossover number can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() try: fitness_function = int(args.SF) if fitness_function != 0 and fitness_function != 1: print("String search fitness function can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("String search fitness function can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() try: crossover_type = int(args.SC) if crossover_type != 0 and crossover_type != 1: print("String search crossover type can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("String search crossover type can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() try: selection_type = int(args.S) if selection_type != 0 and selection_type != 1 and selection_type != 2 and selection_type != 3: print("Selection type can only be 0, 1, 2 or 3.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("Selection type can only be 0, 1, 2 or 3.") sys.exit() try: population_size = int(args.PS) if population_size < 10: print("Population size can only be 10 or larger.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("Population size can only be a number, 10 or larger.") sys.exit() # Initialize general values self.algorithm = Algorithm(algorithm_type) self.genetic_problem = GeneticProblem(genetic_prob) self.selection = Selection(selection_type) self.original_selection = self.selection self.ga_popsize = population_size # Initialize string-search values self.string_search_crossover = StringSearchCrossOver(crossover_type) self.string_search_fitness = StringSearchFitness(fitness_function) # Initialize n-queens values self.queens_num = queens_number self.queens_mutation = NQueensMutation(mutation_number) self.queens_crossover = NQueensCrossover(crossover_number) # Initialize knapsack values: self.knapsack_problem = knapsack_problem - 1
from flask import Flask, request, render_template, redirect, url_for, Response from flaskext.mysql import MySQL from tts import TTS from selection import Selection from camera import VideoCamera tts = TTS() s = Selection(tts) mysql = MySQL() app = Flask(__name__) app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_USER'] = '******' app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] = '******' app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_DB'] = 'jarvis' app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_HOST'] = 'localhost' mysql.init_app(app) data = None @app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def auth(): con = mysql.connect() cursor = con.cursor() if request.method == 'POST': email = request.form["email"] passw = request.form["passw"] cursor.execute("select * from users where email='" + email + "' and password='******'") data = cursor.fetchone()
def FinishInit( self ): base.FinishInit() # Create project manager self.project = Project( self ) base.project = self.project self.frame.SetProjectPath( self.frame.cfg.Read( 'projDirPath' ) ) # Create grid self.SetupGrid() # Create frame rate meter self.frameRate = p3d.FrameRate() # Create shading mode keys dsp = p3d.DisplayShading() dsp.accept( '4', dsp.Wireframe ) dsp.accept( '5', dsp.Shade ) dsp.accept( '6', dsp.Texture ) # Set up gizmos self.SetupGizmoManager() # Bind mouse events self.accept( 'mouse1', self.OnMouse1Down ) self.accept( 'shift-mouse1', self.OnMouse1Down, [True] ) self.accept( 'control-mouse1', self.OnMouse1Down ) self.accept( 'mouse2', self.OnMouse2Down ) self.accept( 'mouse1-up', self.OnMouse1Up ) self.accept( 'mouse2-up', self.OnMouse2Up ) # Create selection manager self.selection = Selection( camera=base.edCamera, root2d=base.edRender2d,, mouseWatcherNode=base.edMouseWatcherNode ) base.selection = self.selection # Create our managers. self.assetMgr = AssetManager() self.dDropMgr = DragDropManager() self.actnMgr = actions.Manager() # Bind events self.accept( 'z', self.Undo ) self.accept( 'shift-z', self.Redo ) self.accept( 'f', self.FrameSelection ) self.accept( 'del', lambda fn: cmds.Remove( fn() ), [self.selection.Get] ) self.accept( 'backspace', lambda fn: cmds.Remove( fn() ), [self.selection.Get] ) self.accept( 'control-d', lambda fn: cmds.Duplicate( fn() ), [self.selection.Get] ) self.accept( 'control-g', lambda fn: cmds.Group( fn() ), [self.selection.Get] ) self.accept( 'control-s', self.frame.OnFileSave, [None] ) self.accept( 'arrow_up', lambda fn: cmds.Select( fn() ), [self.selection.SelectParent] ) self.accept( 'arrow_down', lambda fn: cmds.Select( fn() ), [self.selection.SelectChild] ) self.accept( 'arrow_left', lambda fn: cmds.Select( fn() ), [self.selection.SelectPrev] ) self.accept( 'arrow_right', lambda fn: cmds.Select( fn() ), [self.selection.SelectNext] ) self.accept( 'projectFilesModified', self.OnProjectFilesModified ) # Create a "game" = editor.Base() # Start with a new scene self.CreateScene() self.doc.OnRefresh() return True
def __init__(self): """Start the app.""" self.base = ShowBase() self.base.disableMouse() filters = CommonFilters(, filters.setBloom(blend=(0, 0, 0, 1)) self.base.render.setShaderAuto( BitMask32.allOn() & ~BitMask32.bit(Shader.BitAutoShaderGlow)) ts = TextureStage('ts') ts.setMode(TextureStage.MGlow) tex = self.base.loader.loadTexture('models/black.png') self.base.render.setTexture(ts, tex) self.terrain = Terrain(self.base.render, self.base.loader) minimap_size = 200 self.minimap = Minimap( 1 - minimap_size /, 1, 1 - minimap_size /, 1)) self.minimap.node_path.reparentTo(self.base.render) # self.light_nodes = self.set_lights() self.set_fog() self.key_state = dict.fromkeys(Object.values(config.key_map.character), False) self.set_key_state_handler() self.game_state = "pause" self.toggle_pause() self.selection = Selection(self.base.loader, self.terrain.geom_node) self.selection_text = OnscreenText( mayChange=True, scale=0.07, align=TextNode.ALeft, pos=(0.02 - self.base.getAspectRatio(), 1 - 0.07)) self.timer_text = OnscreenText(mayChange=True, scale=0.07, align=TextNode.ALeft, pos=(0.02 - self.base.getAspectRatio(), -1 + 0.02 + 0.07)) self.enemies = set() self.base.accept(config.key_map.utility.pause, self.toggle_pause) self.base.accept( "q", lambda: self.selection.advance_tower(self.base.loader)) self.base.accept("mouse1", self.player_click) self.base.setBackgroundColor(* self.player = Player() self.base.taskMgr.add(lambda task: self.terrain.start_up(), "start up") self.mouse_pos = (0.0, 0.0) self.base.taskMgr.add(self.move_player_task, "move_player_task") self.base.taskMgr.add(self.move_enemies_task, "move_enemies_task") self.base.taskMgr.add(self.player_select_task, "player_select_task") self.base.taskMgr.add(self.tower_task, "tower_task") self.base.taskMgr.add(self.check_end_game, "check_end_game_task") rand = Random() rand.seed(config.map_params.seed) self.base.taskMgr.doMethodLater(1, self.clock_task, 'clock_task', extraArgs=[rand]) self.rounds = 0 self.coin = 40
else: log_level = logging.INFO if args.log: logging.basicConfig(filename=args.log, level=log_level) try: config = json.load(open(args.config, "U")) except IOError: raise EnrichError('Failed to open "%s"' % args.config, _DRIVER_NAME) except ValueError: raise EnrichError("Improperly formatted .json file", _DRIVER_NAME) if config_check.is_experiment(config): obj = Experiment(config) elif config_check.is_selection(config): obj = Selection(config) elif config_check.is_seqlib(config): obj = globals()[config_check.seqlib_type(config)](config) else: raise EnrichError("Unrecognized .json config", _DRIVER_NAME) if obj.output_base is None: raise EnrichError("No output directory set", _DRIVER_NAME) obj.calculate() obj.write_data() if args.plots: pass # obj.make_plots()
def parse_cmd(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-GP', default=4, help='Genetic problem: 0 for string search, 1 for N-queens, 2 for 0-1 knapsack, ' '3 for Baldwin effect, 4 for pareto optima') parser.add_argument('-KP', default=1, help='Knapsack problem number. Can be between 1 and 8') parser.add_argument('-LOS', default=0, help='Local optima signals. 0 for off, 1 for standard deviation, ' '2 for similarity of citizens') parser.add_argument('-ELO', default=0, help='Evade local optima. 0 for hyper mutations, 1 for niching and ' '2 for random immigrants') parser.add_argument('-QN', default=8, help='Queens number') parser.add_argument('-QM', default=0, help='N-queens mutation type: 0 for exchange mutation, 1 for simple inversion mutation') parser.add_argument('-QC', default=0, help='N-queens crossover type: 0 for PMX crossover, 1 for OX crossover') parser.add_argument('-SF', default=0, help='String search fitness function: 0 for ASCII distance from target ' 'string, 1 for bulls and cows.') parser.add_argument('-SC', default=0, help='String search crossover type: 0 for one-point crossover, 1 for two-point crossover.') parser.add_argument('-S', default=0, help='Selection type: 0 for Random from the top half, 1 for RWS, ' '2 for aging, 3 for tournament.') parser.add_argument('-PS', default=2048, help='Population size') args = parser.parse_args() try: genetic_prob = int(args.GP) if genetic_prob != 0 and genetic_prob != 1 and genetic_prob != 2 and genetic_prob != 3 \ and genetic_prob != 4: print("Genetic problem can only be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("Genetic problem can only be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4.") sys.exit() try: knapsack_problem = int(args.KP) if knapsack_problem != 1 and knapsack_problem != 2 and knapsack_problem != 3 and knapsack_problem != 4\ and knapsack_problem != 5 and knapsack_problem != 6 and knapsack_problem != 7\ and knapsack_problem != 8: print("Knapsack problem number can only be a number between 1 and 8 (including).") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("Knapsack problem number can only be a number between 1 and 8 (including).") sys.exit() try: local_optimal_signal = int(args.LOS) if local_optimal_signal != 0 and local_optimal_signal != 1 and local_optimal_signal != 2: print("Local optimal signal number can only be 0 for none, 1 for standard deviation and 2 for " "citizen similarity.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("Local optimal signal number can only be 0 for none, 1 for standard deviation and 2 for " "citizen similarity.") sys.exit() try: evade_local_optima = int(args.ELO) if evade_local_optima != 0 and evade_local_optima != 1 and evade_local_optima != 2: print("Evade local optima number can only be 0 for hyper-mutations, 1 for niching and 2 for " "random immigrants.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("Evade local optima number can only be 0 for hyper-mutations, 1 for niching and 2 for " "random immigrants.") sys.exit() try: queens_number = int(args.QN) if queens_number < 1 or queens_number > 100: print("Queens number can only be a number between 1 and 100.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("Queens number can only be a number between 1 and 100.") sys.exit() try: mutation_number = int(args.QM) if mutation_number != 0 and mutation_number != 1: print("N-queens mutation number can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("N-queens mutation number can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() try: crossover_number = int(args.QC) if crossover_number != 0 and crossover_number != 1: print("N-queens crossover number can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("N-queens crossover number can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() try: fitness_function = int(args.SF) if fitness_function != 0 and fitness_function != 1: print("String search fitness function can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("String search fitness function can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() try: crossover_type = int(args.SC) if crossover_type != 0 and crossover_type != 1: print("String search crossover type can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("String search crossover type can only be 0 or 1.") sys.exit() try: selection_type = int(args.S) if selection_type != 0 and selection_type != 1 and selection_type != 2 and selection_type != 3: print("Selection type can only be 0, 1, 2 or 3.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("Selection type can only be 0, 1, 2 or 3.") sys.exit() try: population_size = int(args.PS) if population_size < 10: print("Population size can only be 10 or larger.") sys.exit() except ValueError: print("Population size can only be a number, 10 or larger.") sys.exit() # Initialize general values if genetic_prob == 3: local_optimal_signal = LocalOptimaSignal.Off print("Baldwin effect turns off local optima signal") selection_type = 1 print("Baldwin effect runs only with roulette wheel selection (RWS)") if genetic_prob == 4: local_optimal_signal = LocalOptimaSignal.Off print("Parito optimal turns off local optima signal") self.genetic_problem = GeneticProblem(genetic_prob) self.selection = Selection(selection_type) self.original_selection = self.selection self.ga_popsize = population_size self.local_optima_signal = LocalOptimaSignal(local_optimal_signal) self.evade_local_optima_method = CombatEarlyConvergence(evade_local_optima) # Initialize string-search values self.string_search_crossover = StringSearchCrossOver(crossover_type) self.string_search_fitness = StringSearchFitness(fitness_function) # Initialize n-queens values self.queens_num = queens_number self.queens_mutation = NQueensMutation(mutation_number) self.queens_crossover = NQueensCrossover(crossover_number) # Initialize knapsack values: self.knapsack_problem = knapsack_problem - 1
class SimpleGeneticAlgorithm: """ Object to wrap the SGA to maximize the fitness function """ def __init__(self, population_size, m, k, d, crossover_type): """ Create the SGA, describing parameters of our fitness function as well as the type of crossover to be used """ self.population_size = population_size if (self.population_size % 2 == 1): print("Error: population size must be multiple of 2") sys.exit() self.fitness_function = FitnessFunction(m, k, d) self.genotype_length = m * k self.variation = Variation(crossover_type) self.selection = Selection() self.population = [] self.peak_fitnesses = [] def checkTerminationCondition(self, generation_limit, evaluations_limit, time_limit): """ function to decide when to stop running the SGA """ # terminate if most fitnesses are equal fitnesses = np.array(list(map(lambda x:, self.population))) if len(np.unique(fitnesses)) == 1: return True # if len(list(filter(lambda x: == max(fitnesses), self.population))) > .9*len(self.population): return True # terminate if the population contains very few unique genotypes # strings = list(map(lambda x: x.__repr__(), self.population)) # if len(set(strings)) < len(self.population) / (self.genotype_length): return True # terminate if the fitness of the elite has stopped increasing if (generation_limit > 0 and self.generation >= generation_limit): return True elif (evaluations_limit > 0 and self.fitness_function.evaluations >= evaluations_limit): return True elapsed_time = time.time() - self.start_time if (time_limit > 0 and elapsed_time >= time_limit): return True return False def run(self, generation_limit, evaluations_limit, time_limit): """ perform the SGA """ # set the starting point of the algorithm self.generation = 0 self.start_time = time.time() # create the iniitial population and evaluate them for i in range(self.population_size): individual = Individual(self.genotype_length) self.fitness_function.evaluate(individual) self.population.append(individual) # evolutionary loop while (not self.checkTerminationCondition( generation_limit, evaluations_limit, time_limit)): # log info # create permutation of indices offspring = [] perm = list(range(self.population_size)) shuffle(perm) # generate offspring for i in range(self.population_size // 2): offspring += self.variation.perform_crossover( self.population[perm[2 * i]], self.population[perm[2 * i + 1]]) # evaluate offspring for o in offspring: self.fitness_function.evaluate(o) # join parents and offspring p_and_o = [] p_and_o += self.population p_and_o += offspring # select out offspring self.population = self.selection.tournamentSelect(p_and_o) self.generation += 1 # update list of peak fitnesses self.peak_fitnesses.append(
functions = get_functions() constants = get_constants(lower=-10, upper=10, bit=True) ppl.createPopulation(functions=functions, constants=constants, n_ind=n_ind, n_gene=n_gene, n_register=n_register) eval_function = lambda x: x[0] ^ x[1] # xor ppl.excute_all(inputs, eval_function) # revolution p = ProgressBar(0, revolution) for i in range(revolution): #print("revolution: ", i) p.update(i + 1) elite = Selection.elite(ppl, elite_size) new_p = copy.deepcopy(elite) for j in range(n_ind - elite_size): parent = Selection.tournament(ppl, tourn_size) elite.append(parent) child = Crossover.randomPoints(elite, cross_rate) child = Mutation.mutation(child, mutate_rate, n_register, functions, constants) new_p.append(child) ppl.setPopulation(new_p) ppl.excute_all(inputs, eval_function) if ((i % 100) == 0): ppl.result() ppl.result() ppl.write_result(path) p.finish()
def __init__(self): self.stt_engine = STT() self.tts_engine = TTS() self.mic = Mic(self.tts_engine, self.stt_engine, self.stt_engine) self.selection = Selection(self.tts_engine)
class MyApp: """The main class.""" def __init__(self): """Start the app.""" self.base = ShowBase() self.base.disableMouse() filters = CommonFilters(, filters.setBloom(blend=(0, 0, 0, 1)) self.base.render.setShaderAuto( BitMask32.allOn() & ~BitMask32.bit(Shader.BitAutoShaderGlow)) ts = TextureStage('ts') ts.setMode(TextureStage.MGlow) tex = self.base.loader.loadTexture('models/black.png') self.base.render.setTexture(ts, tex) self.terrain = Terrain(self.base.render, self.base.loader) minimap_size = 200 self.minimap = Minimap( 1 - minimap_size /, 1, 1 - minimap_size /, 1)) self.minimap.node_path.reparentTo(self.base.render) # self.light_nodes = self.set_lights() self.set_fog() self.key_state = dict.fromkeys(Object.values(config.key_map.character), False) self.set_key_state_handler() self.game_state = "pause" self.toggle_pause() self.selection = Selection(self.base.loader, self.terrain.geom_node) self.selection_text = OnscreenText( mayChange=True, scale=0.07, align=TextNode.ALeft, pos=(0.02 - self.base.getAspectRatio(), 1 - 0.07)) self.timer_text = OnscreenText(mayChange=True, scale=0.07, align=TextNode.ALeft, pos=(0.02 - self.base.getAspectRatio(), -1 + 0.02 + 0.07)) self.enemies = set() self.base.accept(config.key_map.utility.pause, self.toggle_pause) self.base.accept( "q", lambda: self.selection.advance_tower(self.base.loader)) self.base.accept("mouse1", self.player_click) self.base.setBackgroundColor(* self.player = Player() self.base.taskMgr.add(lambda task: self.terrain.start_up(), "start up") self.mouse_pos = (0.0, 0.0) self.base.taskMgr.add(self.move_player_task, "move_player_task") self.base.taskMgr.add(self.move_enemies_task, "move_enemies_task") self.base.taskMgr.add(self.player_select_task, "player_select_task") self.base.taskMgr.add(self.tower_task, "tower_task") self.base.taskMgr.add(self.check_end_game, "check_end_game_task") rand = Random() rand.seed(config.map_params.seed) self.base.taskMgr.doMethodLater(1, self.clock_task, 'clock_task', extraArgs=[rand]) self.rounds = 0 self.coin = 40 # self.base.setFrameRateMeter(True) def set_fog(self): """Set render distance of camera.""" fog = Fog("Scene fog") fog.setColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7) fog.setExpDensity(0.01) # self.terrain.geom_node.setFog(fog) self.base.camLens.setFar(4000.0) return fog def set_lights(self): """Set up the lights.""" light_nodes = [None] * 9 for i, dirs in zip(range(9), [0] + Object.values(directions) * 2): dlight = DirectionalLight(f"directional light {i}") if i <= 4: dlight.setColor((0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8)) else: dlight.setColor((2, 2, 2, 2)) light_nodes[i] = self.base.render.attachNewNode(dlight) if i == 0: light_nodes[i].setPos(0, 0, 1) else: light_nodes[i].setPos(*dirs, 0) light_nodes[i].lookAt(0, 0, 0) if i <= 4: self.base.render.setLight(light_nodes[i]) self.terrain.terrain_node.clearLight(light_nodes[i]) else: # self.terrain.terrain_node.setLight(light_nodes[i]) pass alight = AmbientLight('ambient light') alight.setColor((0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1)) ambient_light_node = self.base.render.attachNewNode(alight) self.base.render.setLight(ambient_light_node) return light_nodes, ambient_light_node def set_key_state_handler(self): """Accept key and records to key_state.""" def set_key_state(key, state): self.key_state[key] = state for key in self.key_state: self.base.accept(key, set_key_state, [key, True]) self.base.accept(key + "-up", set_key_state, [key, False]) def toggle_pause(self): """Toggle pause.""" if self.game_state == "ended": return if self.game_state == "pause": self.game_state = "active" props = WindowProperties() props.setCursorHidden(True) props.setMouseMode(WindowProperties.M_confined) else: self.game_state = "pause" props = WindowProperties() props.setCursorHidden(False) props.setMouseMode(WindowProperties.M_absolute) print("toggled pause") def move_player_task(self, task): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """The task that handles player movement.""" if self.game_state != "active": return Task.cont if not self.base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse(): self.toggle_pause() return Task.cont self.player.update_pos(self.key_state, ClockObject.getGlobalClock().getDt(), lambda pos: self.terrain.get_tile(pos).walkable) self.mouse_pos = ( self.mouse_pos[0] + self.base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouseX(), self.mouse_pos[1] + self.base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouseY(), ) self.player.update_hpr(self.mouse_pos), // 2, // 2) self.minimap.set_pos(self.player.pos, self.player.hpr) self.terrain.update_player_pos(tuple(self.player.pos)) return Task.cont def move_enemies_task(self, task): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """The task that handles enemy movement.""" if self.game_state != "active": return Task.cont for enemy in set(self.enemies): if not enemy.generated: enemy.generate(self.terrain.path_finder, self.base.loader, self.terrain.geom_node, self.terrain.get_tile) if not enemy.check_active(): self.enemies.remove(enemy) continue # enemy.model.setPos(self.player.pos) enemy.move(ClockObject.getGlobalClock().getDt()) return Task.cont def tower_task(self, task): if self.game_state != "active": return Task.cont for tower in set(self.terrain.towers): if not tower.generated: tower.generate(self.base.loader, self.terrain.geom_node, self.terrain.get_tile) if not tower.check_active(): self.terrain.towers.remove(tower) self.terrain[tower.grid_pos] = Floor() continue tower.move(ClockObject.getGlobalClock().getDt(), self.enemies) tower.generate_bullet(self.base.loader, self.terrain.geom_node, self.terrain.get_tile) return Task.cont def player_select_task(self, task): self.selection.set_selection( self.player.view(self.terrain.get_tile, self.enemies)) self.selection_text.setText(self.selection.get_text()) if self.selection.tower_class != Empty: self.selection.set_disable( self.coin < self.selection.tower_class.cost) return Task.cont def player_click(self): if isinstance(, Floor) and \ issubclass(self.selection.tower_class, Tower) and \ self.selection.tower_class.cost <= self.coin: self.coin -= self.selection.tower_class.cost pos = self.selection.model.getPos() coord_pos = (int(pos[0] // config.map_params.unit_size), int(pos[1] // config.map_params.unit_size)) self.terrain[coord_pos] = self.selection.tower_class(coord_pos) def spawn_enemies(self, rand): if self.game_state != "active": return Task.cont dsts = [tower.model.getPos().length() for tower in self.terrain.towers] radius = max(dsts + [0]) + 100 num = (self.rounds + // 2) // for _ in range(num): theta = rand.uniform(0, 2 * pi) enemy = Kikiboss if _ % 5 or num % 5 else Dabi self.enemies.add(enemy(Vec3(cos(theta), sin(theta), 0) * radius)) return Task.again def clock_task(self, rand): if self.game_state != "active": return Task.cont self.rounds += 1 self.coin += 1 ending = "y" if self.coin <= 1 else "ies" self.timer_text.setText( f"You have {self.coin} cherr{ending}\n" + f"{ - self.rounds %}s " + f"until wave {self.rounds // + 1}.") if self.rounds % == 0: return self.spawn_enemies(rand) return Task.again def check_end_game(self, task): if self.terrain[(0, 0)].hp <= 0: if self.game_state == "active": self.toggle_pause() self.game_state = "ended" self.terrain.geom_node.setColorScale(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1) OnscreenText(text="GAME OVER", scale=0.2, fg=(1, 0, 0, 1), align=TextNode.ACenter, pos=(0, 0)) OnscreenText(text=f"score: {self.rounds}", scale=0.07, align=TextNode.ACenter, pos=(0, -.15)) return task.done return task.cont def run(self): """Run."""
action = None for action in actions: keyact[action['name']] = action keyact.update(adds or {}) if not keyact: raise common.message(_('No action defined')) if len(keyact) == 1: key = keyact.keys()[0] if data.get('context'): data['context'].update(rpc.session.context) return execute(keyact[key], **data) else: return Selection().create(keyact, **data) @tools.expose(template="/openerp/controllers/templates/closepopup.mako") def close_popup(reload=True): """ Closes an opened dialog box or popup. :param reload: whether the background view should be reloaded when closing the popup :type reload: bool :return: the rendered popup-closing template :rtype: str """ active_id = False if getattr(cherrypy.request, 'params', []): if getattr(cherrypy.request.params, 'context', {}):
class App( p3d.wx.App ): """Base editor class.""" def OnInit( self ): self.gizmo = False self._xformTask = None # Bind publisher events pub.subscribe( self.OnUpdate, 'Update' ) # Build main frame, start Panda and replace the wx event loop with # Panda's. self.frame = ui.MainFrame( None, size=(800, 600) ) ShowBase( self.frame.pnlViewport ) self.ReplaceEventLoop() self.frame.Show() wx.CallAfter( self.FinishInit ) return True def FinishInit( self ): base.FinishInit() # Create project manager self.project = Project( self ) base.project = self.project self.frame.SetProjectPath( self.frame.cfg.Read( 'projDirPath' ) ) # Create grid self.SetupGrid() # Create frame rate meter self.frameRate = p3d.FrameRate() # Create shading mode keys dsp = p3d.DisplayShading() dsp.accept( '4', dsp.Wireframe ) dsp.accept( '5', dsp.Shade ) dsp.accept( '6', dsp.Texture ) # Set up gizmos self.SetupGizmoManager() # Bind mouse events self.accept( 'mouse1', self.OnMouse1Down ) self.accept( 'shift-mouse1', self.OnMouse1Down, [True] ) self.accept( 'control-mouse1', self.OnMouse1Down ) self.accept( 'mouse2', self.OnMouse2Down ) self.accept( 'mouse1-up', self.OnMouse1Up ) self.accept( 'mouse2-up', self.OnMouse2Up ) # Create selection manager self.selection = Selection( camera=base.edCamera, root2d=base.edRender2d,, mouseWatcherNode=base.edMouseWatcherNode ) base.selection = self.selection # Create our managers. self.assetMgr = AssetManager() self.dDropMgr = DragDropManager() self.actnMgr = actions.Manager() # Bind events self.accept( 'z', self.Undo ) self.accept( 'shift-z', self.Redo ) self.accept( 'f', self.FrameSelection ) self.accept( 'del', lambda fn: cmds.Remove( fn() ), [self.selection.Get] ) self.accept( 'backspace', lambda fn: cmds.Remove( fn() ), [self.selection.Get] ) self.accept( 'control-d', lambda fn: cmds.Duplicate( fn() ), [self.selection.Get] ) self.accept( 'control-g', lambda fn: cmds.Group( fn() ), [self.selection.Get] ) self.accept( 'control-s', self.frame.OnFileSave, [None] ) self.accept( 'arrow_up', lambda fn: cmds.Select( fn() ), [self.selection.SelectParent] ) self.accept( 'arrow_down', lambda fn: cmds.Select( fn() ), [self.selection.SelectChild] ) self.accept( 'arrow_left', lambda fn: cmds.Select( fn() ), [self.selection.SelectPrev] ) self.accept( 'arrow_right', lambda fn: cmds.Select( fn() ), [self.selection.SelectNext] ) self.accept( 'projectFilesModified', self.OnProjectFilesModified ) # Create a "game" = editor.Base() # Start with a new scene self.CreateScene() self.doc.OnRefresh() return True def SetupGrid( self ): """Create the grid and set up its appearance.""" self.grid = DirectGrid( gridSize=20.0, gridSpacing=1.0, planeColor=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0), parent=base.edRender ) self.grid.snapMarker.hide() self.grid.centerLines.setColor( (0, 0, 0, 0) ) self.grid.centerLines.setThickness( 2 ) self.grid.majorLines.setColor( (0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0) ) self.grid.majorLines.setThickness( 1 ) self.grid.minorLines.setColor( (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0) ) self.grid.updateGrid() def SetupGizmoManager( self ): """Create gizmo manager.""" gizmoMgrRootNp = base.edRender.attachNewNode( 'gizmoManager' ) kwargs = { 'camera':base.edCamera, 'rootNp':gizmoMgrRootNp, 'win', 'mouseWatcherNode':base.edMouseWatcherNode } self.gizmoMgr = gizmos.Manager( **kwargs ) self.gizmoMgr.AddGizmo( gizmos.Translation( 'pos', **kwargs ) ) self.gizmoMgr.AddGizmo( gizmos.Rotation( 'rot', **kwargs ) ) self.gizmoMgr.AddGizmo( gizmos.Scale( 'scl', **kwargs ) ) # Bind gizmo manager events self.accept( 'q', self.SetActiveGizmo, [None] ) self.accept( 'w', self.SetActiveGizmo, ['pos'] ) self.accept( 'e', self.SetActiveGizmo, ['rot'] ) self.accept( 'r', self.SetActiveGizmo, ['scl'] ) self.accept( 'space', self.ToggleGizmoLocal ) self.accept( '+', self.gizmoMgr.SetSize, [2] ) self.accept( '-', self.gizmoMgr.SetSize, [0.5] ) def SetActiveGizmo( self, name ): self.gizmoMgr.SetActiveGizmo( name ) self.frame.OnUpdateXform( None ) def SetGizmoLocal( self, val ): self.gizmoMgr.SetLocal( val ) self.frame.OnUpdateXform( None ) def ToggleGizmoLocal( self ): self.gizmoMgr.ToggleLocal() self.frame.OnUpdateXform( None ) def OnMouse1Down( self, shift=False ): """ Handle mouse button 1 down event. Start the drag select operation if a gizmo is not being used and the alt key is not down, otherwise start the transform operation. """ if ( not self.gizmoMgr.IsDragging() and p3d.MOUSE_ALT not in base.edCamera.mouse.modifiers ): self.selection.StartDragSelect( shift ) elif self.gizmoMgr.IsDragging(): self.StartTransform() def OnMouse2Down( self ): """ Handle mouse button 2 down event. Start the transform operation if a gizmo is being used. """ if self.gizmoMgr.IsDragging(): self.StartTransform() def OnMouse1Up( self ): """ Handle mouse button 1 up event. Stop the drag select operation if the marquee is running, otherwise stop the transform operation if a gizmo is being used. """ if self.selection.marquee.IsRunning(): cmds.Select( self.selection.StopDragSelect() ) elif self.gizmoMgr.IsDragging() or self.gizmo: self.StopTransform() def OnMouse2Up( self ): """ Handle mouse button 2 up event. Stop the transform operation if a gizmo is being used. """ if self.gizmoMgr.IsDragging() or self.gizmo: self.StopTransform() def StartTransform( self ): """ Start the transfrom operation by adding a task to constantly send a selection modified message while transfoming. """ self.gizmo = True self._xformTask = taskMgr.add( self.doc.OnSelectionModified, 'SelectionModified' ) def StopTransform( self ): """ Stop the transfrom operation by removing the selection modified message task. Also create a transform action and push it onto the undo queue. """ # Remove the transform task if self._xformTask in taskMgr.getAllTasks(): taskMgr.remove( self._xformTask ) self._xformTask = None actGizmo = self.gizmoMgr.GetActiveGizmo() actns = [] for i, np in enumerate( actGizmo.attachedNps ): actns.append( actions.Transform( np, np.getTransform(), actGizmo.initNpXforms[i] ) ) actn = actions.Composite( actns ) self.actnMgr.Push( actn ) self.gizmo = False # Make sure to mark the NodePath as dirty in case it is a child of a # model root. wrpr = np ) wrpr.SetModified( True ) # Call OnModified next frame. Not sure why but if we call it straight # away it causes a small jitter when xforming... taskMgr.doMethodLater( 0, self.doc.OnModified, 'dragDrop', [actGizmo.attachedNps] ) def FrameSelection( self ): """ Call frame selection on the camera if there are some node paths in the selection. """ nps = self.selection.GetNodePaths() if nps: base.edCamera.Frame( nps ) else: base.edCamera.Frame( [base.scene.rootNp] ) def OnUpdate( self, msg ): """ Subscribed to the update selection message. Make sure that the selected nodes are attached to the managed gizmos, then refresh the active one. """ nps = self.selection.GetNodePaths() self.gizmoMgr.AttachNodePaths( nps ) self.gizmoMgr.RefreshActiveGizmo() self.selection.Update() def CreateScene( self, filePath=None, newDoc=True ): """ Create an empty scene and set its root node to the picker's root node. """ # Reset undo queue if creating a new document if newDoc: self.actnMgr.Reset() # Close the current scene if there is one self.selection.Clear() if hasattr( self, 'scene' ): self.scene.Close() # Create a new scene self.scene = editor.Scene() self.scene.rootNp.reparentTo( base.edRender ) # Set the selection and picker root node to the scene's root node self.selection.rootNp = self.scene.rootNp self.selection.picker.rootNp = self.scene.rootNp self.selection.marquee.rootNp = self.scene.rootNp # Create the document wrapper if creating a new document if newDoc: self.doc = ui.Document( filePath, self.scene ) def AddComponent( self, typeStr, *args, **kwargs ): wrprCls = typeStr ) wrpr = wrprCls.Create( *args, **kwargs ) wrpr.SetDefaultValues() wrpr.SetParent( wrpr.GetDefaultParent() ) # Bit of a hack. Sometimes a wrapper can create multiple components # when Create is called. Make sure to set default values on all the # components that were created. if hasattr( wrpr, 'extraNps' ): for np in wrpr.extraNps: eWrpr = np ) eWrpr.SetDefaultValues() cmds.Add( [] ) return wrpr def OnProjectFilesModified( self, filePaths ): self.assetMgr.OnAssetModified( filePaths ) filePaths ) def Undo( self ): self.actnMgr.Undo() self.doc.OnModified() def Redo( self ): self.actnMgr.Redo() self.doc.OnModified() def Group( self ): nps = self.selection.GetNodePaths() if nps: cmds.Group( nps ) def Ungroup( self ): nps = self.selection.GetNodePaths() if nps: cmds.Ungroup( nps ) def Parent( self ): pass def Unparent( self ): pass