Exemple #1
    async def handle(self, msg, type=None):

        # print(f'%%%%%Instrument.handle: {msg.to_json()}')
        # handle messages from multiple sources. What ID to use?
        if (type == 'FromChild' and msg.type == Interface.class_type):
            id = msg.sender_id
            dt = self.parse(msg)
            print(f'dt = {dt}')
            # print(f'last_entry: {self.last_entry}')
            # if (
            #     'DATETIME' in self.last_entry and
            #     self.last_entry['DATETIME'] == entry['DATA']['DATETIME']
            # ):
            #     print(f'88888888888 skipped entry')
            #     return
            # self.last_entry['DATETIME'] = entry['DATA']['DATETIME']
            # print('entry = \n{}'.format(entry))

            # TODO: how to deal with record that crosses second bound?
            if self.current_read_cnt == len(self.current_poll_cmds):

                # entry['METADATA'] = self.get_metadata()

                entry = self.get_data_entry(dt, add_meta=False)
                # print(f'entry: {entry}')

                data = Message(
                # send data to next step(s)
                # to controller
                # data.update(subject='DATA', body=entry['DATA'])
                data.update(subject='DATA', body=entry)

                # reset read count
                self.current_read_cnt = 0

                # await self.msg_buffer.put(data)
                # await self.to_parent_buf.put(data)
                # print(f'instrument data: {data.to_json()}')
                # await asyncio.sleep(.1)
                await self.message_to_ui(data)
                # await PlotManager.update_data(self.plot_name, data.to_json())
            # print(f'data_json: {data.to_json()}\n')
            # await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
        elif type == 'FromUI':
            if msg.subject == 'STATUS' and msg.body['purpose'] == 'REQUEST':
                print(f'msg: {msg.body}')

            elif msg.subject == 'CONTROLS' and msg.body['purpose'] == 'REQUEST':
                print(f'msg: {msg.body}')
                await self.set_control(msg.body['control'], msg.body['value'])
            elif msg.subject == 'RUNCONTROLS' and msg.body[
                    'purpose'] == 'REQUEST':
                print(f'msg: {msg.body}')
                await self.handle_control_action(msg.body['control'],
Exemple #2
    async def handle(self, msg, type=None):

        # print(f'%%%%%Instrument.handle: {msg.to_json()}')
        # handle messages from multiple sources. What ID to use?
        if (type == 'FromChild' and msg.type == Interface.class_type):
            # print(f'aps scan: {msg.to_json()}')

            # id = msg.sender_id

            dt = self.parse(msg)

            if dt:
                entry = self.get_data_entry(dt)
                # print(f'entry: {entry}')

                data = Message(
                # send data to next step(s)
                # to controller
                data.update(subject='DATA', body=entry)

                # send data to user interface
                await self.message_to_ui(data)
                # send data to controller
                await self.to_parent_buf.put(data)

                # save data
                if self.datafile:
                    await self.datafile.write_message(data)

                # print(f'data_json: {data.to_json()}\n')
                # await asyncio.sleep(0.01)

        # elif type == 'FromUI':
        #     if msg.subject == 'STATUS' and msg.body['purpose'] == 'REQUEST':
        #         # print(f'msg: {msg.body}')
        #         self.send_status()

        #     elif (
        #         msg.subject == 'CONTROLS' and
        #         msg.body['purpose'] == 'REQUEST'
        #     ):
        #         # print(f'msg: {msg.body}')
        #         await self.set_control(msg.body['control'], msg.body['value'])

        #     elif (
        #         msg.subject == 'RUNCONTROLS' and
        #         msg.body['purpose'] == 'REQUEST'
        #     ):
        #         # print(f'msg: {msg.body}')
        #         await self.handle_control_action(
        #             msg.body['control'], msg.body['value']
        #         )

        await super().handle(msg, type)
Exemple #3
    async def handle(self, msg, type=None):
        # print(f'%%%%%Instrument.handle: {msg.to_json()}')
        # handle messages from multiple sources. What ID to use?
        if type == "FromChild" and msg.type == Instrument.class_type:
            # id = msg.sender_id
            # entry = self.parse(msg)
            # self.last_entry = entry
            # print('entry = \n{}'.format(entry))

            entry = self.calculate_data(msg)

            if entry:
                data = Message(
                # send data to next step(s)
                # to controller
                # data.update(subject='DATA', body=entry['DATA'])
                data.update(subject="DATA", body=entry)
                # print(f'instrument data: {data.to_json()}')

                await self.message_to_ui(data)
                if self.datafile:
                    await self.datafile.write_message(data)
                # await asyncio.sleep(.1)
                # await PlotManager.update_data(self.plot_name, data.to_json())

            # print(f'data_json: {data.to_json()}\n')
        # elif type == "FromUI":
        #     if msg.subject == "STATUS" and msg.body["purpose"] == "REQUEST":
        #         # print(f"msg: {msg.body}")
        #         self.send_status()

        #     elif msg.subject == "CONTROLS" and msg.body["purpose"] == "REQUEST":
        #         # print(f"msg: {msg.body}")
        #         await self.set_control(msg.body["control"], msg.body["value"])
        #     elif msg.subject == "RUNCONTROLS" and msg.body["purpose"] == "REQUEST":
        #         # print(f"msg: {msg.body}")
        #         await self.handle_control_action(msg.body["control"], msg.body["value"])
        #         # await self.set_control(msg.body['control'], msg.body['value'])

        #     elif msg.subject == "REGISTRATION":
        #         print(f"reg: {msg.subject}")
        #         if msg.body["purpose"] == "SUCCESS":
        #             self.registration_key = msg.body["regkey"]
        #             # if content["BODY"]["config"]:

        #             # self.config = content["BODY"]["config"]
        #                 # self.save_current_config(json.loads(content["BODY"]["config"]))
        #             self.status2.set_registration_status(Status.REGISTERED)
        #             # if content["BODY"]["ui_reconfig_request"]:
        #             #     await self.resend_config_to_ui()

        await super().handle(msg, type)
Exemple #4
    async def handle(self, msg, type=None):

        # print(f'%%%%%Instrument.handle: {msg.to_json()}')
        # handle messages from multiple sources. What ID to use?
        if (type == 'FromChild' and msg.type == Interface.class_type):
            id = msg.sender_id
            entry = self.parse(msg)
            # print(f'last_entry: {self.last_entry}')
            # if (
            #     'DATETIME' in self.last_entry and
            #     self.last_entry['DATETIME'] == entry['DATA']['DATETIME']
            # ):
            #     print(f'88888888888 skipped entry')
            #     return
            # self.last_entry['DATETIME'] = entry['DATA']['DATETIME']
            # print('entry = \n{}'.format(entry))

            data = Message(
            # send data to next step(s)
            # to controller
            # data.update(subject='DATA', body=entry['DATA'])
            data.update(subject='DATA', body=entry)
            # await self.msg_buffer.put(data)
            # await self.to_parent_buf.put(data)
            # print(f'instrument data: {data.to_json()}')
            await self.message_to_ui(data)
            # await PlotManager.update_data(self.plot_name, data.to_json())
            # print(f'data_json: {data.to_json()}\n')
            # await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
        elif type == 'FromUI':
            if msg.subject == 'STATUS' and msg.body['purpose'] == 'REQUEST':
                print(f'msg: {msg.body}')

            elif msg.subject == 'CONTROLS' and msg.body['purpose'] == 'REQUEST':
                print(f'msg: {msg.body}')
                await self.set_control(msg.body['control'], msg.body['value'])
            elif msg.subject == 'RUNCONTROLS' and msg.body[
                    'purpose'] == 'REQUEST':
                print(f'msg: {msg.body}')
                await self.handle_control_action(msg.body['control'],
Exemple #5
    async def handle(self, msg, type=None):

        # print(f'%%%%% MAGIC210.handle: {msg.to_json()}')
        if type == "FromChild" and msg.type == Interface.class_type:
            dt = self.parse(msg)
            # print(f'dt = {dt}')
            if dt:

                entry = self.get_data_entry(dt)

                data = Message(
                data.update(subject="DATA", body=entry)

                await self.message_to_ui(data)

        await super().handle(msg, type)
Exemple #6
    async def handle(self, msg, type=None):
        # print(f'%%%%%Instrument.handle: {msg.to_json()}')
        # handle messages from multiple sources. What ID to use?
        if type == "FromChild" and msg.type == Instrument.class_type:
            # id = msg.sender_id
            # entry = self.parse(msg)
            # self.last_entry = entry
            # print('entry = \n{}'.format(entry))

            entry = self.calculate_data(msg)

            if entry:

                data = Message(
                # send data to next step(s)
                # to controller
                # data.update(subject='DATA', body=entry['DATA'])
                data.update(subject="DATA", body=entry)
                # print(f'instrument data: {data.to_json()}')

                await self.message_to_ui(data)
                if self.datafile:
                    await self.datafile.write_message(data)
                # await PlotManager.update_data(self.plot_name, data.to_json())

            # print(f'data_json: {data.to_json()}\n')
        elif type == "FromUI":
            if msg.subject == "STATUS" and msg.body["purpose"] == "REQUEST":
                print(f"msg: {msg.body}")

            elif msg.subject == "CONTROLS" and msg.body["purpose"] == "REQUEST":
                print(f"msg: {msg.body}")
                await self.set_control(msg.body["control"], msg.body["value"])
            elif msg.subject == "RUNCONTROLS" and msg.body[
                    "purpose"] == "REQUEST":
                print(f"msg: {msg.body}")
                await self.handle_control_action(msg.body["control"],
Exemple #7
    async def handle(self, msg, type=None):

        # print(f'%%%%%Instrument.handle: {msg.to_json()}')
        # handle messages from multiple sources. What ID to use?
        if type == "FromChild" and msg.type == Interface.class_type:
            # id = msg.sender_id
            dt = self.parse(msg)

            if dt and self.poll_data_ready:

                for control, value in self.current_run_settings.items():
                    # try:
                    # pl = self.controls[control]["parse_label"]
                    # if pl in self.data_record_template:
                    self.update_data_record(dt, {control: value}, value)
                    # except KeyError:
                    #     pass

                entry = self.get_data_entry(dt)
                # print(f'entry: {entry}')
                data = Message(
                # send data to next step(s)
                # to controller
                # data.update(subject='DATA', body=entry['DATA'])
                data.update(subject="DATA", body=entry)

                # # reset read count
                # self.current_read_cnt = 0
                # self.scan_first_found = False
                # self.scan_ready = False

                # await self.msg_buffer.put(data)
                # await self.to_parent_buf.put(data)
                # print(f'999999999999msems data: {data.to_json()}')
                # await asyncio.sleep(.1)
                await self.message_to_ui(data)
                await self.to_parent_buf.put(data)
                # await PlotManager.update_data(self.plot_name, data.to_json())
                if self.datafile:
                    await self.datafile.write_message(data)

            # elif self.msems_mode == "off":
            #     # monitoring the data
            #     # print(f"monitor: {dt}")
            #     pass

            # print(f'data_json: {data.to_json()}\n')
            # await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
        # elif type == "FromUI":
        #     if msg.subject == "STATUS" and msg.body["purpose"] == "REQUEST":
        #         print(f"msg: {msg.body}")
        #         self.send_status()

        #     elif msg.subject == "CONTROLS" and msg.body["purpose"] == "REQUEST":
        #         print(f"msg: {msg.body}")
        #         await self.set_control(msg.body["control"], msg.body["value"])

        #     elif msg.subject == "RUNCONTROLS" and msg.body["purpose"] == "REQUEST":

        #         print(f"msg: {msg.body}")
        #         await self.handle_control_action(msg.body["control"], msg.body["value"])
        await super().handle(msg, type)
Exemple #8
    async def handle(self, msg, type=None):

        # print(f'%%%%%Instrument.handle: {msg.to_json()}')
        # handle messages from multiple sources. What ID to use?
        if (type == 'FromChild' and msg.type == Interface.class_type):
            # print(f'aps scan: {msg.to_json()}')

            id = msg.sender_id

            dt = self.parse(msg)

            if self.scan_ready:

                # calc dp
                dp = []
                for low, hi in zip(self.lower_dp_bnd, self.uppder_dp_bnd):
                    dp.append(round(math.sqrt(low * hi), 4))

                    {'diameter_um': dp},

                # calc bin_conc
                conc = []
                cnts = self.get_data_record_param(dt, 'bin_counts')
                flow = self.get_data_record_param(dt, 'sample_flow')
                if cnts and flow:
                    for n in cnts:
                        conc.append(round(n / flow, 4))

                    {'bin_concentration': conc},

                entry = self.get_data_entry(dt)
                # print(f'entry: {entry}')

                self.scan_ready = False

                data = Message(
                # send data to next step(s)
                # to controller
                # data.update(subject='DATA', body=entry['DATA'])
                data.update(subject='DATA', body=entry)

                # await self.msg_buffer.put(data)
                # await self.to_parent_buf.put(data)
                # print(f'999999999999msems data: {data.to_json()}')
                # await asyncio.sleep(.1)
                await self.message_to_ui(data)
                await self.to_parent_buf.put(data)
                # await PlotManager.update_data(self.plot_name, data.to_json())
                if self.datafile:
                    await self.datafile.write_message(data)
            # print(f'data_json: {data.to_json()}\n')
            # await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
        elif type == 'FromUI':
            if msg.subject == 'STATUS' and msg.body['purpose'] == 'REQUEST':
                # print(f'msg: {msg.body}')

            elif msg.subject == 'CONTROLS' and msg.body['purpose'] == 'REQUEST':
                # print(f'msg: {msg.body}')
                await self.set_control(msg.body['control'], msg.body['value'])
            elif msg.subject == 'RUNCONTROLS' and msg.body[
                    'purpose'] == 'REQUEST':
                # print(f'msg: {msg.body}')
                await self.handle_control_action(msg.body['control'],