def test_basic(self):
        d1 = dict(a='foo')
        d2 = dict(a='foo')
        self.assertTrue(dict_compare(d1, d2)[0])
        torf, txt = dict_compare(d1, dict(a='bar'))
        self.assertEqual("""--- dict1
+++ dict2

< dict1.a: foo
> dict2.a: bar
""", txt)
    def test_depth(self):
        d1 = dict(a=dict(b=dict(c="c1", d="d1")))
        self.assertEqual("""--- deep1
+++ deep2

+  deep1.a.b.d: d1
""", dict_compare(d1, dict(a=dict(b=dict(c="c1"))), "deep1", "deep2")[1])
    def test_add(self):
        d1 = dict(a='foo', b=1, c=[1, 2, 3])
        self.assertEqual("""--- a and b
+++ empty

+  a and b.a: foo
+  a and b.b: 1
+  a and b.c: [1, 2, 3]
""", dict_compare(d1, dict(), "a and b", "empty")[1])
Exemple #4
def compare_output(opts: argparse.Namespace, dict_schema: dict, outfile: str) -> bool:
    compare_file = os.path.join(opts.comparedir, os.path.split(outfile)[1])
        json_dict = json.loads(open(compare_file, encoding="utf-8").read())
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("**** File not found: %s" % compare_file)
        return False
    dc_result, match_result = dict_compare(
        dict_schema, json_dict, d1name="Input", d2name="Expected", filtr=compare_filter
    if not dc_result:
        print("FILE: %s" % os.path.split(outfile)[1], file=sys.stderr)
        print(match_result, file=sys.stderr)
    return dc_result
    def test_filtr(self):
        d1 = dict(a='foo', b=dict(c=1, d=2), f=dict(c=1, d=17), d=111)
        d2 = dict(a='bar', b=dict(c=0, d=3), f=dict(c=1, d=17), d=43)

        def filtr(kv1, kv2) -> bool:
            return (kv1 and kv1[0].split('.')[-1] == 'd') or (kv2 and kv2[0].split('.')[-1] == 'd')

        self.assertEqual("""--- dict1
+++ dict2

< dict1.a: foo
> dict2.a: bar
< dict1.b.c: 1
> dict2.b.c: 0
""", dict_compare(d1, d2, filtr=filtr)[1])
Exemple #6
def compare_output(opts: argparse.Namespace, dict_schema: dict,
                   outfile: str) -> bool:
    compare_file = os.path.join(opts.comparedir, os.path.split(outfile)[1])
        json_dict = json.loads(open(compare_file, encoding='utf-8').read())
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("**** File not found: %s" % compare_file)
        return False
    dc_result, match_result = dict_compare(dict_schema,
    if not dc_result:
        print("FILE: %s" % os.path.split(outfile)[1], file=sys.stderr)
        print(match_result, file=sys.stderr)
    return dc_result