Exemple #1
	def _addCacheEntry(self, name, season, episode, tvrid, url, quality):
		myDB = self._getDB()

		tvdbid = 0

		tvrShow = helpers.findCertainTVRageShow(sickbeard.showList, tvrid)

		if tvrShow == None:

			logger.log("No show in our list that already matches the TVRage ID, trying to match names", logger.DEBUG)

			# for each show in our list
			for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
				# get the scene name masks\
				sceneNames = set(helpers.makeSceneShowSearchStrings(curShow))

				# for each scene name mask
				for curSceneName in sceneNames:

					# if it matches
					if name.startswith(curSceneName):
						logger.log("Successful match! Result "+name+" matched to show "+curShow.name, logger.DEBUG)
						# set the tvrid of the show to tvrid
						with curShow.lock:
							curShow.tvrid = tvrid
						# set the tvdbid in the db to the show's tvdbid
						tvdbid = curShow.tvdbid
						# since we found it, break out
				# if we found something in the inner for loop break out of tchis one
				if tvdbid != 0:

			if tvdbid == 0:
				logger.log("Unable to find a match for this show in the cache", logger.DEBUG)
			tvdbid = tvrShow.tvdbid

		# get the current timestamp
		curTimestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.today().timetuple()))
		myDB.action("INSERT INTO tvbinz (name, season, episode, tvrid, tvdbid, url, time, quality) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
					[name, season, episode, tvrid, tvdbid, url, curTimestamp, quality])
Exemple #2
	def _addCacheEntry(self, name, season, episode, url):
		myDB = self._getDB()

		tvdbid = 0

		# for each show in our list
		for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
			# get the scene name masks
			sceneNames = helpers.makeSceneShowSearchStrings(curShow)
			# for each scene name mask
			for curSceneName in sceneNames:
				# if it matches
				if name.lower().startswith(curSceneName.lower()):
					logger.log("Successful match! Result "+name+" matched to show "+curShow.name, logger.DEBUG)
					# set the tvdbid in the db to the show's tvdbid
					tvdbid = curShow.tvdbid
					# since we found it, break out
			# if we found something in the inner for loop break out of this one
			if tvdbid != 0:

		# get the current timestamp
		curTimestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.datetime.today().timetuple()))
		if any(x in name.lower() for x in ("720p", "1080p", "x264")):
			quality = HD
		elif any(x in name.lower() for x in ("xvid", "divx")):
			quality = SD
			logger.log("Unable to figure out the quality of "+name+", assuming SD", logger.DEBUG)
			quality = SD
		myDB.action("INSERT INTO tvnzb (name, season, episode, tvdbid, url, time, quality) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
					[name, season, episode, tvdbid, url, curTimestamp, quality])
Exemple #3
    def _getProperList(self):
        propers = {}
        # for each provider get a list of the propers
        for curProvider in providers.getAllModules():
            if not curProvider.isActive():

            date = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=2)

            logger.log("Searching for any new PROPER releases from "+curProvider.providerName)
            curPropers = curProvider.findPropers(date)
            # if they haven't been added by a different provider than add the proper to the list
            for x in curPropers:
                name = self._genericName(x.name)

                if not name in propers:
                    logger.log("Found new proper: "+x.name, logger.DEBUG)
                    x.provider = curProvider
                    propers[name] = x

        # take the list of unique propers and get it sorted by 
        sortedPropers = sorted(propers.values(), key=operator.attrgetter('date'), reverse=True)
        finalPropers = []

        for curProper in sortedPropers:

                myParser = FileParser(curProper.name)
                epInfo = myParser.parse()
            except tvnamer_exceptions.InvalidFilename:
                logger.log("Unable to parse the filename "+curProper.name+" into a valid episode", logger.ERROR)
            curProper.season = epInfo.seasonnumber
            curProper.episode = epInfo.episodenumbers[0]
            curProper.quality = helpers.guessSceneEpisodeQuality(curProper.name)
            # for each show in our list
            for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
                genericName = self._genericName(epInfo.seriesname)
                # get the scene name masks
                sceneNames = set(helpers.makeSceneShowSearchStrings(curShow))
                # for each scene name mask
                for curSceneName in sceneNames:
                    # if it matches
                    if genericName == self._genericName(curSceneName):
                        logger.log("Successful match! Result "+epInfo.seriesname+" matched to show "+curShow.name, logger.DEBUG)
                        # set the tvdbid in the db to the show's tvdbid
                        curProper.tvdbid = curShow.tvdbid
                        # since we found it, break out
                # if we found something in the inner for loop break out of this one
                if curProper.tvdbid != -1:

            # if the show is in our list and there hasn't been a proper already added for that particular episode then add it to our list of propers
            if curProper.tvdbid != -1 and (curProper.tvdbid, curProper.season, curProper.episode) not in map(operator.attrgetter('tvdbid', 'season', 'episode'), finalPropers):
                logger.log("Found a proper that we need: "+str(curProper.name))
        return finalPropers
Exemple #4
    def _getProperList(self):
        propers = {}
        # for each provider get a list of the propers
        for curProvider in providers.getAllModules():
            if not curProvider.isActive():

            date = datetime.datetime.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=2)

            logger.log("Searching for any new PROPER releases from "+curProvider.providerName)
            curPropers = curProvider.findPropers(date)
            # if they haven't been added by a different provider than add the proper to the list
            for x in curPropers:
                name = self._genericName(x.name)

                if not name in propers:
                    logger.log("Found new proper: "+x.name, logger.DEBUG)
                    x.provider = curProvider
                    propers[name] = x

        # take the list of unique propers and get it sorted by 
        sortedPropers = sorted(propers.values(), key=operator.attrgetter('date'), reverse=True)
        finalPropers = []

        for curProper in sortedPropers:

            # parse the file name
                myParser = FileParser(curProper.name)
                epInfo = myParser.parse()
            except tvnamer_exceptions.InvalidFilename:
                logger.log("Unable to parse the filename "+curProper.name+" into a valid episode", logger.ERROR)
            if not epInfo.episodenumbers:
                logger.log("Ignoring "+curProper.name+" because it's for a full season rather than specific episode", logger.DEBUG)
            # populate our Proper instance
            curProper.season = epInfo.seasonnumber
            curProper.episode = epInfo.episodenumbers[0]
            curProper.quality = Quality.nameQuality(curProper.name)
            # for each show in our list
            for curShow in sickbeard.showList:
                genericName = self._genericName(epInfo.seriesname)
                # get the scene name masks
                sceneNames = set(helpers.makeSceneShowSearchStrings(curShow))
                # for each scene name mask
                for curSceneName in sceneNames:
                    # if it matches
                    if genericName == self._genericName(curSceneName):
                        logger.log("Successful match! Result "+epInfo.seriesname+" matched to show "+curShow.name, logger.DEBUG)
                        # set the tvdbid in the db to the show's tvdbid
                        curProper.tvdbid = curShow.tvdbid
                        # since we found it, break out
                # if we found something in the inner for loop break out of this one
                if curProper.tvdbid != -1:

            # check if we actually want this proper (if it's the right quality)
            sqlResults = db.DBConnection().select("SELECT status FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season = ? AND episode = ?", [curProper.tvdbid, curProper.season, curProper.episode])
            if not sqlResults:
            oldStatus, oldQuality = Quality.splitCompositeStatus(int(sqlResults[0]["status"]))
            # only keep the proper if we have already retrieved the same quality ep (don't get better/worse ones) 
            if oldStatus not in (DOWNLOADED, SNATCHED) or oldQuality != curProper.quality:

            # if the show is in our list and there hasn't been a proper already added for that particular episode then add it to our list of propers
            if curProper.tvdbid != -1 and (curProper.tvdbid, curProper.season, curProper.episode) not in map(operator.attrgetter('tvdbid', 'season', 'episode'), finalPropers):
                logger.log("Found a proper that we need: "+str(curProper.name))
        return finalPropers